GBO2 RX-78XX Gundam Pixy (LA): Insane scythe downswings!

  • Опубліковано 20 вер 2024
  • This video contains two recent matches I had with the Gundam Pixy LA on Gundam Battle Operation 2. It is a 500 cost raid with very high mobility, solid stun accumulation, two dodge rolls, an easy to use double sabers moveset and a powerful scythe weapon that can either perform heavy staggering normal attacks or a highly damaging downswing. Its major weakness would be that it lacks any significant midrange presence, it is a little squishy as well. This suit is really fun to mess around with. It feels like it has some of the highest burst damage at 500 cost apart from heavy attacks, so it can do some insanely damaging combos if you get the chance. I hope that you enjoy watching!
    Its primary ranged weapon is a bazooka with 1400 power, 8 ammo, 6 seconds cooldown, 18 seconds reload, 1.5 seconds swap time, 350m range and 30% stagger value. This is a pretty standard bazooka, with decently short cooldown time and a lot of ammo. The stagger value is lower than normal, but it can still break LV2 MA with a bazooka shot plus two beam gun shots.
    Its primary melee weapon is a beam scythe with 2000 power, 5 seconds cooldown, 2 seconds swap time and 250% downswing modifier. The cooldown and swap time is long, but this weapon heavy staggers on normal swings and has good range. The downswing is where it really gets crazy though, this is slow and relatively short ranged but has insane damage potential. You will most often be comboing into this after a knockdown or when ganking with allies.
    Its first sub weapon is a beam gun with 830 power, 0.8 seconds cooldown, 0.5 seconds swap time, 300m range, 50% heat, 10 seconds overheat time and 50% stagger value. This staggers in just two shots and doesn't penalize you much for overheating, so it is a pretty effective maneuever armor break tool or just to stun regular enemies with.
    Its second sub weapon weapon is a pair of beam sabers with 2400 power, 2.5 seconds cooldown, 0.5 seconds swap time and 60% side swing modifier. The side swing modifier is poor so going for three hit combos is not optimal for damage, but it shares the same amazing moveset as the Prototype Gundam. It can confirm your powerful scythe downswing after a knockdown.
    It also has a head vulcan gun but these are pretty useless due to having awful stun value and DPS, so I won't be mentioning them much here. They are fine for finishing off low enemies though.
    The Pixy LA has 16500 HP, 14 ballistic/beam resist and 26 melee resist. It has kinda low ranged defences and HP isn't too high either, so the suit is fairly squishy and easy to delete if caught out. It has LV2 Maneuver Armor as is standard for 500 cost raids, but it has the very rare LV2 Emergency Evasion for two dodge rolls. There is some potential to outplay enemies with this skill, but you will often have used that thrust with the Maneuver Armor skill instead.
    It also has 130 (133 including ground affinity) walk speed, 225 boost speed, 75 thrust and 66 (72 including ground affinity) turning speed. This is some of the highest mobility available for 500 cost raids, made even better by having LV2 Forced Injector. It lacks Flight Control though, which can be a little bit annoying.
    Overall I think that the Gundam Pixy LA is a pretty powerful raid if used on the right maps. It suffers on maps which require decent shooting ability to harass camping supports, but on close range maps it can just go wild. It is hard to beat a 250% downswing modifier, it is a little like the lower cost Dwadge but without any of the associated headaches with awkward melee patterns and hovering. You need to play Code Fairy to get this suit in GBO2, but I can certainly recommend it for fans of melee raid units. Thanks for watching, and I hope that you enjoyed it!
    Music used:
    Judge Eyes, Random Fire
    Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2, A Good Thing Is Possible