The British Prime Minister Tier List

  • Опубліковано 23 гру 2021
  • Who Was The Best British Prime Minister? Watch as Riley completes the British Prime Minister tier list for the Riley Hall Show Christmas special.
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  • @ProsecutorZekrom
    @ProsecutorZekrom Рік тому +6

    Blair’s government also introduced child trust funds which gave parents of a kid born on or after 1st September 2002 a £250 voucher to put into the fund and an extra £250 voucher when the child turns 7 (an extra £250 was given each time to low-income families). Of course, this was ended in 2010 when the tories got back in and any child that didn’t turn 7 by 2010 didn’t get the second top up

  • @Prince_Luci
    @Prince_Luci 4 місяці тому +7

    I like how no matter how far away from Britain you get people still know how awful Thatcher was.

    • @howardmurphy743
      @howardmurphy743 3 місяці тому


    • @Prince_Luci
      @Prince_Luci 3 місяці тому +2

      @@howardmurphy743 it’s universal how terrible she was. People in third world countries know she was a witch. Very common knowledge. She’s the British Reagan.

    • @howardmurphy743
      @howardmurphy743 3 місяці тому +2

      @@Prince_Luci there was bad things and mistakes. But where was the country heading? She caused many issues, but the alternative without her is beyond awful. Deindustrialisation was happening anyway, Thatcher saved the economy with the growth of the service sector.
      Do you really think a One-Nation, Labour or Social Democrat government would do any better? Say what you want, this country is lucky to have had such a prime minister with such character to stop stagflation and economic trials and tribulations.

    • @Prince_Luci
      @Prince_Luci 3 місяці тому

      @@howardmurphy743 i do think they’d have done a better job. And according to polls so do the majority of people voting age.
      Only old racists like milk snatcher thatcher

  • @jamesxenophon9505
    @jamesxenophon9505 2 роки тому +19

    I disagree that it's crap. It's his opinion. It's better than vanilla, mealy-mouthed rankings that put Thatcher at 3rd or 4th to acknowledge how significant she was. Being significant doesn't mean you're a good PM. Being influential is different to being good.

    • @bterty5743
      @bterty5743 2 роки тому +4

      She was a horrendous MP and her legacy was economic ruin and division.

    • @pangerlenis4569
      @pangerlenis4569 2 роки тому

      @@bterty5743, economic ruin? She literally saved your country from becoming a socialist third-world shithole, where inflation was rampant and ridiculous progressive taxes led to all the talented, smartest people to leave the country in masses.

    • @bterty5743
      @bterty5743 2 роки тому

      @@pangerlenis4569 saved our country ?!?! She destroyed industry and left communities in ruins that have never recovered. Her deregulation of the financial sector created & encouraged conditions that led to the absolute disastrous consequences of 2008 FC. Poll tax!!! Her right to buy created a fucking housing crisis because they didn’t build enough homes to replace what was being sold off. Let’s not forget how close she was to Jimmy savile. She was a brutal, evil woman who’s legacy is division, financial ruin and inequality. DING DONG 🧙

    • @georgeiii2998
      @georgeiii2998 2 місяці тому

      Well said

    • @MrAgers
      @MrAgers Місяць тому

      Being influential carries with it the ability to have longevity and do some good things. Thatcher hasn't just been a "cesspool of shit", and her policies, similar to Reagan's, are only viewed at this negatively due to the longterm effects. For her time, it was what people wanted.
      This is the same reason Americans don't shit on James K. Polk. His Mexican aggression is viewed today as unjustified, but was quite possibly the reason Polk was elected in 1844.

  • @GrantGordon-zb3qy
    @GrantGordon-zb3qy 2 місяці тому +2

    You seem to have overlooked a very important Blair government achievement, Northern Ireland peace process.

  • @johnmorris1009
    @johnmorris1009 2 роки тому +28

    You're obviously left wing, and I laughed at the typical "kill maggie" reaction as soon as it started, but on the whole, I think this is a pretty good list. Thatcher was decisive in what she did and modernised the country. She cared little for old industry and the common people, but was not a bad PM overall. Johnson is a terrible PM and arguably the worst. You spoke about Tony Blair costing lives in Iraq - Johnson has killed tens of thousands with his negligence and poor handling of the pandemic.

    • @LegoDonut18
      @LegoDonut18 2 роки тому +4

      Blair killed more

    • @johnmorris1009
      @johnmorris1009 2 роки тому +2

      @@LegoDonut18 He didn't kill as many brits. Yes, killed Iraqis and terrorists. Not saying its right, but generally wasn't killing his own people, unlike Johnson.

    • @samlittle8378
      @samlittle8378 2 роки тому

      @@johnmorris1009 I don’t like boris at all but to say that he’s responsible for thousands of deaths is ridiculous. Britain dealt with the pandemic better than the vast majority of countries. Sure, nations like New Zealand had less deaths but that was because they were locked in their houses the entire time and small businesses suffered tremendously as well as overall quality of life. And we were the First Nation to roll out a vaccine, which allowed us to re-open much faster than other countries such as France, Finland and Germany. We were inevitably going to have more deaths than some, as we have a large and dense population with a lot of elderly folk. Regardless, i don’t know what your basing this off so I respectfully disagree. By all means try and change my mind👍🏻

    • @therealignotus7549
      @therealignotus7549 2 роки тому +3

      @@johnmorris1009 1million children and you say ''Terrorists'' bruh

    • @johnmorris1009
      @johnmorris1009 2 роки тому

      @@therealignotus7549 There were a few terrorists in Iraq at the time and suicide bombers, I'm not talking about their population in general.

  • @theopinionator6313
    @theopinionator6313 Рік тому +2

    Very good list, I think Baldwin is criminally underrated though - he was really good at sorta being a unifying figure for the country at a time where we desperately needed it, what with erm...the moustache guys running around - he helped us remilitarise and did a lot of good stuff in terms of housing. He also helped forced the abdication of Edward VIII which in hindsight was an amazing call. Sure he broke the 1926 General Strike but on the whole he's probably near my top 5 - not that the standards are too high!

  • @connorberry6377
    @connorberry6377 Місяць тому +1

    “Tony Blair was a war criminal BUT…”

  • @MrAgers
    @MrAgers Місяць тому +1

    It wouldnt affect British conservatives if Britain was invaded? Tf?

  • @RedfordWho
    @RedfordWho 2 роки тому +17

    You mentioned something about Churchill causing the Bengal Famine. That is just flat out ahistorical. The Bengal Famine was caused by a number of factors including: the local rice harvest being devastated by a cyclone that hit the area, incompetence and corruption on the part of the Raj government, resources being stretched to the absolute breaking point by the Second World War which was in full swing at this point, and the Japanese streaming rolling over half of asia and threatening Raj directly. To blame Churchill for this is just ridiculous. It is true that Churchill held abhorrent views on race, which basically everyone at this point in history did, but that doesn't change that fact that the Bengal Famine had nothing to do with him.
    All of the other stuff I mostly agree with. Especially in terms of Thatcher. She can burn in hell.

    • @saptarshisengupta8235
      @saptarshisengupta8235 2 роки тому +8

      I come from Bengal myself. And although I know Churchill didn't "cause" the Bengal Famine so to speak, but denied crucial food aid and help because he felt feeding "Sturdy greeks" was more worth it than sending food to starving Indians (Who, in his eyes, were "anyway underfed").
      To be honest he handled the situation in Bengal with extreme callousness and disdain for the victims. As when he was told that people were starving, he infamously retorted by saying "Why isn't Gandhi dead yet?".
      Many would argue that the Bengal famine may have been the result of the British govt pursuing a scorched earth policy under the looming threat of a Japanese invasion. Where I live there are also undocumented stories we heard from our grandparents about British Raj soldiers dumping truckloads of grain into the Ganges.
      Churchill was very much aware of what was going on and still refused to do anything to alleviate the situation, willingly abating the deaths of millions of Indians under his watch just because in his eyes, we were an inferior race compared to the "white man".

    • @JB-if5or
      @JB-if5or 2 роки тому +2

      @@saptarshisengupta8235 he refused because it was a waste of resources as all food that was being sent to Bengal was being sunk. Japan sank 150,000 tons alone Even the us president refused and they had resources to spare

    • @saptarshisengupta8235
      @saptarshisengupta8235 2 роки тому

      @@JB-if5or Jeez! You brits will defend and make up excuses for Churchill more vehemently than Neo Nazis defend Hitler. 🤣
      I don't think you, a third party, have to make up excuses for Churchill when the man himself admitted that he did not value the lives of Bengalis whom he blamed for their own starvation because according to him we were "breeding worse than rabbits". He himself has been quoted as saying He preferred feeding "sturdy tommies" to "Anyway underfed Bengalis". Even if we ignore his racist views and statements, and focus just on his policies, Churchill knew very well that the British Raj was following a scorched earth policy in Bengal at the time under the fear of a Japanese invasion, in his own mind, it made sense to abate the Raj's policies at the time.
      Don't get me wrong. I still think Churchill was instrumental in defeating the Nazis and will forever be remembered for his bravery in standing up to Hitler, especially during the London bombings. But that does not mean you completely whitewash the darker side of his history, especially his role in the Bengal Famine.

    • @xxora6568
      @xxora6568 6 місяців тому

      Tbf some of churchills counterparts were even shocked about how abhorrent his racial views were

  • @millennialfalcon8958
    @millennialfalcon8958 2 дні тому

    Do you think Truss outranks Thatcher on your list now?
    Maggie at least accomplished her agenda, love it or hate it.
    Boris is bottom tier for many reasons, the most disgraceful thing he did as an individual was having a party at #10 on the evening of Prince Phillip’s funeral - for which the Queen abided by his government’s rules, and did not have the full service for him she wanted.

  • @Watercolors250
    @Watercolors250 10 місяців тому +1

    The grocer's daughter does not deserve to be bottom tier. I get she's unpopular in the UK, but consider her accomplishments. She was a self-made woman who climbed the political ladder in a time when it was unheard of, she saved the UK from economic ruin, and she helped bring down the Iron Curtain.

    • @ahoy4301
      @ahoy4301 2 місяці тому

      we don't care how impressive she is, she still sucked as a pm

    • @constantinegeorgiles931
      @constantinegeorgiles931 2 місяці тому

      If she's unpopular in the UK why did she win 3 elections in a row?

    • @kingpig8732
      @kingpig8732 2 місяці тому

      'Self made' yeah she married into money

    • @georgeiii2998
      @georgeiii2998 2 місяці тому

      Identity politics over substance. That she was poor and a woman doesn't improve my view of her.

  • @fot6771
    @fot6771 Місяць тому

    Totally disagree with the Neville chamberlain take. Your view is based on a myth that he was lovie-dovie with Hitler and naively thought that Hitler could do no wrong and that's completely untrue. I'm sure he wanted to keep peace if possible but by the point that Hitler was getting bold, Germany had secretly been mobilising for years.
    Pre-emptively attacking Germany in say, the Sudeten crisis was thought to lead to disaster. It seemed like a much better strategy to wait for Britain, France and Poland to mobilise more, and the numbers seemed to support that. Chamberlain's delaying tactics allowed the RAF to get sufficient Hurricane production to win the Battle of Britain, as well as the point that the military disasters in 1940 were hardly only Britain's fault alone and even less so Chamberlain's.
    Chamberlain was willing to give Germany concessions up to a point that Britain and France could no longer ignore (as part of the delaying tactic), and he was in fact, the first leader in the world to declare war on Germany.
    Edit: It's also worth mentioning that after Anchluss (and increasing rhetoric from Berlin against Poland) it was clear that Germany was going to go further. However even if the peace documents weren't going to stop war, it was an important step in allowing the world to see Germany as a truce breaker and a threat. If there were no peace treaties to break, governments wouldn't have taken Germany as seriously as they eventually did (particularly in the U.S.).

  • @FilmNerdy
    @FilmNerdy 9 місяців тому

    I think its always going to be hard to make a tier list and not base your political leanings or what you think is factual or morally wrong. I would acknowledge Thatcher did achieve a lot of things but that also counterweights my own viewpoint that i think of what she did has been detrimental for social cohension and equality. Yes, she got growth but at what cost, i actually did this with my friend (hes on the centre right and i am on the centre left) and broadly how i went about it was A for leadership, getting her own way, the economy but i also gived her a F because of leadership then becoming inflexible and stubborn, tearing communities apart, and yes my own political viewpoints so i ended up giving her a D or it became a bit of a cop out list. I found this to be interesting, daring and more principaled. I was ready to go to my keyboard but then it helped throw a new perspective on my thinking of...well...was she actually good or have we jusr been taught to believe that. So no, dont change, i liked this. Was more daring and who knows, bit like how modern historians have reevaluate Henry VIII as going from being a great king to possibly a below average to bad King, political historians in the future might one day say the same for Maggie, but what do i know.

  • @thecuriousguy1473
    @thecuriousguy1473 7 місяців тому +1

    I agree on a lot of things here
    Finally someone who will admit Thatcher was a terrible PM

  • @badcarlos551
    @badcarlos551 Місяць тому

    Good list, I agree with most of it but I'd put Johnson in the bottom tier due to his personal deficits

  • @thecuriousguy1473
    @thecuriousguy1473 7 місяців тому +1

    I think James Callaghan was a good guy but not necessarily the best prime minister

  • @thomasboyd755
    @thomasboyd755 2 роки тому

    Do stay with George from Ireland yes. He got information we need him Thomas if Labour party government win. He help you and us politically for he craves to be British.

  • @klskapslock8179
    @klskapslock8179 Місяць тому

    offtopic but you have a model face

  • @thomasboyd1184
    @thomasboyd1184 2 роки тому

    Art did he do this Politically in Britain yes Thomas. Sturgeon politically Thomas good for Scotland and SNP we work with her if Labour party government win England politically Thomas.

  • @tobywankenobi103
    @tobywankenobi103 17 днів тому

    Blair should be s or a tier

    • @tobywankenobi103
      @tobywankenobi103 17 днів тому

      Never mind not s but Blair deserves a or b

    • @tobywankenobi103
      @tobywankenobi103 17 днів тому

      Never mind Blair doesn’t belong in s teir but deserved.

  • @thomasboyd9861
    @thomasboyd9861 2 роки тому

    You got laptop computer Thomas your nephew set up you give him £60. You thank Art Bezrukavenko he help you and opposition Labour Party win England and Glasgow city council for Unionsts.

    • @daniel6009
      @daniel6009 2 роки тому

      I nearly got a stroke reading that bullshit.

  • @thomasboyd1184
    @thomasboyd1184 2 роки тому

    George from Ireland Eton college do like him being your English No. He Anglo Irish Thomas he not English. He ultra conservative party. We increase Unemployment Benefits to £100 per week you seen Labour party manifesto Thomas politically.

  • @FilmNerdy
    @FilmNerdy 9 місяців тому +3

    Also Attlee is king 🤴

  • @yeetyeet2846
    @yeetyeet2846 Рік тому +2

    I know it’s your opinion but Margaret thatcher as an F tier is a joke

  • @thomasboyd1184
    @thomasboyd1184 2 роки тому +1

    I do not like him Thomas politically I am English.

  • @ken-ip4ih
    @ken-ip4ih 3 місяці тому

    Mogs me

  • @cletusawreetus-awrightus2799
    @cletusawreetus-awrightus2799 7 місяців тому

    Zero nunance floppy haired teenager

    • @kingpig8732
      @kingpig8732 2 місяці тому

      Waaaa he doesn't put self serving pieces of human trash in S tier, waaaaa

  • @thomasboyd1184
    @thomasboyd1184 2 роки тому

    Keith woods is he my friend yes Thomas. You need him more so politically Thomas.

  • @Clin45
    @Clin45 Рік тому +4

    Thatcher should’ve been A Tier. She was the Best Peactime PM since Churchill

  • @Bellissimovolere
    @Bellissimovolere 2 роки тому +10

    Biggest load of crap I’ve ever heard

    • @onekie5787
      @onekie5787 2 роки тому +13

      oh god forbid someone has a different opinion than you!

    • @Bellissimovolere
      @Bellissimovolere 2 роки тому +3

      @@onekie5787 uninformed opinion…not different

    • @onekie5787
      @onekie5787 2 роки тому +7

      @@Bellissimovolere its still his opinion , extremely bias yes , uninformed ... ig , hes not exactly an expert by any means but he has above average knowledge. most british people dont even know who most of those people are.

  • @theimpossiblesomething6773
    @theimpossiblesomething6773 Рік тому +2

    I recommend turning down the sensitivity on your microphone. The swallowing and lip smacking is just far too intense with headphones. It’s making my skin crawl. I can’t focus on anything you’re saying.