Started playing SS again 2 days ago and forget like 75% of the movement and this vid rlly helped and I am still trying to get my master the kagumra step but I had 3 people trying to charge at me and I weaved them with it so it is 100% worth to learn and I been watching you a lot recently so keep up the good work and you malo uchiha and erinburns are rlly helpful to new players and the returning players carry on with this please
That movement was beautiful at 1:04 was flawless. Hate that I took a break from it cuz I’m here tryna get right again, I remember when I was so much better at movement playing daily n I use a healer too so the movement vital vital💯
Hey man great video!! Could you tell me what things (attack dash or whatever) I need to do for the last thing showed in the video. Because I’m a pc player so when you said press r1 and all that idk what to do Thanks man!
Honestly thats how i got better but i also got ptsd cuz i started moving like there was 2 people behind me in a way it some how help me get better movement 😂
Maybe this will help it's make Shure you have one of the selected Ninjustu for the movement then hold chakra jump then hold block hold both down and when you use Ninjustu cancel hand signals with a dodge if you hold you can do this 💪💪
Make sure your lock on is a dark red then go to work also it helps to hold block then light attack (charge) cancel charge with chakra jump the faster the better
Look up what advanced means first… this isn’t regular walking or dodging as the game teaches.. so yea.. it is advanced. It’s definitely faster so idk why you’re talking as if it’s nothing at all 😂
Nigga actin like them 2 buttons the easiest thing to pull off when u got all typa jutsus locked on to your location waiting to take your Shinobi strikers life 😂 I'd say being precise with those "2 buttons" in a competitive game like this is pretty epic
Thanks boss 💯💪 I tried to make the movement unique to jumping I don't lie ke running but I don't like not being hit so I made a way for me to stay in the fight
Lmao ok this definitely gonna help me in survival exercises when I get third party the most, but that wall running is what had me laughing 🤣🤣
That boi cracked
Thanks boss 💯
I got some mean dodges off with this one. I went from newbie to pro REAL quick!!!
First pit clip OMG 🔥 I’m locked in
Been watching this over n over
Thanks boss 💯💪
No bs I’m doing so much with this it’s opening up my game play in so many ways
Started playing SS again 2 days ago and forget like 75% of the movement and this vid rlly helped and I am still trying to get my master the kagumra step but I had 3 people trying to charge at me and I weaved them with it so it is 100% worth to learn and I been watching you a lot recently so keep up the good work and you malo uchiha and erinburns are rlly helpful to new players and the returning players carry on with this please
@@Turkish_barber thanks boss 💯💪
I am enjoying the content as long as you keep posting ima be watching gang you have love from the uk bro
I just learned some crazy shit yesterday similar to this
You most definitely earned my sub ! With this banger
Thanks boss 💯💪
Finna get right with this bro thank you
Super useful. Thank you!
As a beginner, this video really helped me out. Thank you very much
Glad it helped!
OMG, So useful thx!
Welp time to practice
Go crazy boss
W vid bro ur movement is literally on par with an otsutsuki
Thanks boss 💯💪
Thank you raikage, now i can finaly melt my friends
Go crazy boss 💯💪
That movement was beautiful at 1:04 was flawless. Hate that I took a break from it cuz I’m here tryna get right again, I remember when I was so much better at movement playing daily n I use a healer too so the movement vital vital💯
Yea it's different taking breaks frfr these Shinobi have no mercy
U a goat nga fr
Thanks ngl this hep full
6:15 golpea con el círculo? qué configuración usas? 😅 no puedo hacerlo:( con la que viene por defecto en ps4
a demas se defiende con L1?
I dominated this too💪
Hey man great video!!
Could you tell me what things (attack dash or whatever) I need to do for the last thing showed in the video. Because I’m a pc player so when you said press r1 and all that idk what to do
Thanks man!
Oh sorry on PC hold shift ( chakra jump) the hold Ctrl ( dodge) r 1 was the hold Ninjustu and you can tap in 1and Ctrl with a direction
@@The6thyuske Thanks man I appreciate it +1
@henryyalla4863 thanks boss 💯💪
@@The6thyuskewhat are the ninjitsu for attack
In the beginning how did to keep the movement going dodging the drones?
The kumora kage step it's more towards the end of you want to skip but I recommend you watch the full video boss 💯💪
So it’s like playing 2k17 as a sharpshooter lol
To be 💯 never played 2k17 but if that helps you understand all the better boss 💪
see i would try to learn this but i jet jumped in pit anyway
Yra keep the practice up boss when the custom match drops and you have movement down 1v1s will be EZ
Honestly thats how i got better but i also got ptsd cuz i started moving like there was 2 people behind me in a way it some how help me get better movement 😂
WHERE U GO AT TO TRIAN like u did in the video
I chose the basic training missions
The last step got me stuck. I’ll do it for like two seconds then accidentally summon katsuyu
@@843Lyric you got it boss try only using the dodge and Ninjustu at the same time
@@The6thyuske preciate the help bro!
Yo can you personally show me how to do the kumorra kage step because I’m really confused on how to master it
@@Keenen21 yea I'll go live in a second I got you big dog
@ thank you brother🙏🏻🔥❤️
@Keenen21 we chilling boss 💯
What is chakra jump the one you have to charge?
@@R0ntuff17 chakra jump is the one that allows you to do the big jump I'm sure it's a r2 or r1 boss
@ double jump?
@poohfanboy no sir it's the same button you use to wire kunai
Im confused cause for me its l2, left stick, square, no r2. You are showing the l1 button, when i try using it just casts the jutsu
Maybe this will help it's make Shure you have one of the selected Ninjustu for the movement then hold chakra jump then hold block hold both down and when you use Ninjustu cancel hand signals with a dodge if you hold you can do this 💪💪
How to you setup your controlller
Set-up how you like it's gotta be comfortable to you I use back buttons so I don't have to change much
u got custom binds right?
Yup hopefully the controller helped
Not rly getting the charge cancel, might js be me tho 😂
Make sure your lock on is a dark red then go to work also it helps to hold block then light attack (charge) cancel charge with chakra jump the faster the better
@@The6thyuske yea I js had to practice a little more, found I wasn’t pressing attack long enough 😂
Yo, how do you get the shikadai outfit
@@TheQuestioner69 it was an old item boss years ago the drop stuff like this all the time I event's scroll lines and it can just drop
How u do it without jutsu mine jus be charging while it’s out
Yea that's the game boss gotta keep the charge cancel up after you use Ninjustu
Time to flex on these bread sticks💪🏾🗣️
Go crazy boss 💪
for some reason when i try advance jump cancle it just trows my wall grab?
@@Tylerr27ztv wait until you land it's something you have to get use too
@@The6thyuskefs, appreciate you!
@@The6thyuske one more thing what mission do you do to practice this no timer?
@@Tylerr27ztv the basic training mission
I don’t understand it bru it just uses my jutsu when I try the kage step
Only certain justsu work boss it's in the video the full list for each class
@ ohh true thank you g
what’re binds?
@@imyangism I use my movement ninjutsu on my r1 and I have back buttons for jump and chakra jump I use l1 for block and l2 for other nin
First off why y’all acting like pressing two buttons at once is advanced lmao you gotta be teaching this to 6-13 year olds I feel it
Look up what advanced means first… this isn’t regular walking or dodging as the game teaches.. so yea.. it is advanced. It’s definitely faster so idk why you’re talking as if it’s nothing at all 😂
Nigga actin like them 2 buttons the easiest thing to pull off when u got all typa jutsus locked on to your location waiting to take your Shinobi strikers life 😂 I'd say being precise with those "2 buttons" in a competitive game like this is pretty epic
Thanks boss 💯💪 I tried to make the movement unique to jumping I don't lie ke running but I don't like not being hit so I made a way for me to stay in the fight enjoy the movement
Too difficult
This stuff is basic knowledge since season 1
@@jidgang2676 new players join all the time trying to be helpful
Did you forget your not the only one that plays this game?
@SageOfDecay thanks boss 💯💪
You call it basic knowledge, but not everyone plays like this in the game.
corniest intro in a while and i actually loved it and im mad about that
Thanks boss 💯💪
Ego on this guy. Yikes.
Wym boss 💯