“In a world, parallel to ours, In a world where many things aren’t the same, In a world..... . . . Where Chandler finally wins a game” Edit: Ok so Chandler just won an island, I should have timed this comment better..
Id honestly love to do the challenges all the time even if I never won lmao. everything they do in general is worth more than what most people do or even think of doing with all the money in the world
Subscribe plz
Omg first
I love your vids
New subscriber and love your videos
Let’s appreciate how Chandler gives everyone a chance to win
It's grateful that Chandler doesn't want the money.
Maybe if he could get food if he won he would try
BABY CHOPPA no, morgz
For real
@@mofrmda612 no
why is chandler such a mood, hes honestly the best
*Chandler in jail*
Cameraman: how does it feel?
Chandler: it feels great honestly!
*Contest hasn’t even started yet*
Chandler: *aight imma head out*
Karina Cat 🙄
@Karina Cat begone B O T
Chandler: Make memes about me winning
CHRIS: okay
Also Chris: makes meme about Chandler losing
You are using the *aight imma head out* too much
Nothing better than rewatching mrbeast vids
How did u know we would be here🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
My dad would easily win this. I still haven’t found him from the game we started 9 years ago
Lol I think he went to get milk and never came back
Don’t worry my dad came back once I became a multimillionaire 😂😂😂
Edit:thx for the likes most I’ve ever had
Darnell Anderson oOf
Ty: hear that, it’s the sound of me winning
*caught literally 5 seconds later*
Fuck u
The power of editing 😁
*_*_** GO AWAYYY!!
*_*_** lmao finish the lyric
This is literally what everyone wanted
And didn’t even know we wanted it
Samira Jniyeh stop copying comments
?? Lol I didn’t
Nice 👏👍👌💋❤️
Samira Jniyeh yeah
So correct
Jimmy needs to bring back some "me and the boys" style videos. This one is so simple yet so entertaining
Ty: “I think I hear something. Oh sorry it’s me winning 50,000.”
Next person out: Ty
He jinxed himself.
@Dana May liar their is no nudes :(
Nice name
bro his hiding place was amazing though
I just love how on Chandler's figure it says he has an "exeptional ability at losing challenges"
Active abilities: *Repetitive pooping*
Mr.Nuggets i thought your a poop
Are u my dad
Am I a joke to you?
@@GummyBears27 yes
Ty: that’s the sound of me _winning_
*gets found 10 seconds later*
Actually 12.5 seconds
@@elizabethann42 who cares about you
@@siddhantgupta5454 no 12.6
Fox lol
5 Years And It’s Still a Masterpiece
O ya
agreed 👍
it's only been 4... still a masterpiece but it's only been 4 yearss
"I hear something, yeah it's just me winning."
*Then he was found*
Ty foreshadowed him getting found
That was funny
@@mxlody8458 you shouldn't be in the comments w/o watching the vid
@@KristiClephane ok
Ty: “I’m a student here so I know all the spots. The good ones that is”
Also Ty: *second person found*
MULTIplayerRK Media that was a good spot tho
Shut the fuck up this format is so bad
MULTIplayerRK Media xD
Chris: *Screams*
Jimmy: *Screams louder to establish dominance*
solo leveling?
Anime heaven Yes UwU
@@sasakikun9748 ayyy A man of culture, i freaking love solo leveling too
Anime heaven Me tooooo! I really love Solo Leveling, and I wish there was an anime.
0:28 Chan Chan in every challenge 😂😂
Everyone: c'mon Chandler
Chandler: gets caught first
I subbed
Sub 46 boii
Me: >:(
“I’m a student here so i know all the hiding spots”
Who said that?
@@lexisalerno3196 Ty said it
Huhuhuhuhuh huhuhuhuhuh huhuhuhuhuh huhuhuhuhuh huhuhuhuhuh huhuhuhuhuh huhuhuhuhuh
I laughed-
Oh bru-
imagine you did somehow tape yourself to the ceiling and then you get told to go to another floor lol
The Husky Family haha 😂
jasper van mierlo mission*
Person: *crys*
I mean, you wouldn't be on a floor to begin with.
Índole Ya aaa
9:07 the way that jimmy said noooo was historical
Tyler: orders food in the middle of the game
Now THATS ma boy
“This would be such a great hiding spot”
Literally the first place they look
Ksi commented on my latest y
DILONDO ok boomer
P0W3R4UL ikr😂
Ty: *I’m A Student Here, So I Know All Of The Hiding Spots, The Good Ones*
Also Ty: *Gets Found Early*
bruh 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
1:40 his eyes tho😳
Benjamin Frutchey Was he high or what?
5 years and it’s still a masterpiece
i want to see Mr. Beast do the challenge and Chandler is the host
That would be very interesting
He is already full of money
Mr beast will have a chance to lose
Mr beast is the one giving the money so it’s unlikely to happen
“Chris is such a loud boy” weddle
Alina Way can u shut up? It isn’t funny
RANDOM MATTERS it’s a quote
I love how he says “Oh that’s me winning 50,000 bucks!” As he gets found
Thats My brother
@@KoiDayz No he didn’t mean that’s his actual brother
@@macaroni2259 ohhhh
This is so nostalgic the og mr.beast was and still awesome 😂
“ hiding in plain sight doesn’t work”
Vat 19 is disappointed
Karina Cat no
"I'm hungry"
Vat 19
@Karina Cat no
Everyone: finds an actually good hiding spot
Chandler: hides in toilet...
Jimmy: move floors now!
Why didn’t he lock the door??
@@Amy-uf3oj 0:40
KawaiiPatootOwO use a different bathroom?
Kiana Thomas 😝
"how's prison guys?"
"oh its great honestly"
this is why chandler is my favourite
He is mine too
Mine too
my favorite is karl
Me to
Petition to bring these back
most payed jobs.
*mrbeasts friends.*
Simple facts
“We’re spending millions of dollars, I wanna feed Chandler.”
“I’m hungry”
Illtakeyourtoes I want your whole entire stock. And take my money. Lol
DreamKiller 33 gold digger .-.
Best comment
Ralph Lotus thanks
Ty: “Do you hear that? That’s me winning 50,000 dollars.” 5 seconds later he’s been found😂😂😂
Joe DeGrazia,It’s hear though
Anyone in 2024
Your mom
@@pulkitagarwal174 your mom also bonus diya🖕🗿
No here
Your dad with your mom
Imagine chandler taping himself at the ceiling and then Mr beast told them to move to another floor🤣🤣
I know
That would be so funny
*...or another roof*
That would be hilarious
Chandler doesn’t want the money in any challenges I swear
Yes true mr beast need to find his motivation.
@@propelchakma2052 it's probably a sinister one.
ikr he's so awesome tho
I think if he keeps winning hell be in less videos so he purposely doesnt win.
He wants money but he mostly wants to have fun
Who was disappointed thar chandler didnt actually tape himself to the roof
Idk maybe me
do u think he would really put that much effort into a challenge
Jimmy never disappoints
Never disappoints!
No year why are you disappointed nathinhk ills
Tyler: what’s that sound, oh wait it’s just me winning
Literally 0.0000001 second later
Mr Beast: finds Tyler
@jack8609 ik
It’s ty
It’s actually Tyler
Or it’s ty because there is another person which is Tyler
Marcus: *farts*
Chris: "it came from the air vent"
*doesnt go to the air vent*
@AlienZGamer you little scumbag
xd jacob stop
@@wianvanwyk9722 is jy afr
Me the whole time: He got Jimmy Johns delivered right to him without being caught, he’s gonna win
Anny May um no thanks. REPORTED
Riley Hanlon reported?
@@thereckoner30 but why
@@tonish727 they prolly did it because they a furry...
Everybody listen! It’s that dumb spammer on dantdm, jacksepticeye and so on who says c h e c k m y n # d 3 s
This was my first Mr Beast video
ty: what’s that sound? that’s the sound of me winning
*also gets found 3 seconds later*
That's painful XDDD
thats depressing
Imagine he forgot someone and they are still here till this day
Because it’s funny
ya it funny
that would just be sad...:(
@@lilashaw1576 yet funny
Bruh who would do that
“Oh its just me winning”
*gets found later*
That was so funny😂😂😂
Karina Cat can u shut up?
@Karina Cat No
Karina Cat do you know me/Casey arnold
Jimmy's videos are always entertaining and never disappoint!!!
I was disappointed when chandler didn’t actually tape himself to the ceilings
forgot I even wrote this comment tf
How would he poop if he taped himself to the ceiling....
i would literally drop out of college to chill with these people
@@UC9V63SPx4x6oymFkWWJvasw education for a better life
@UCkShmOJbirNz5Km2Ya97jrw Bro, get the freak out of here
Nik LITE college is hard but it pays off
imagine living over someone else's money on purpose
@@UC9V63SPx4x6oymFkWWJvasw people that want a future?
This is literally what everyone wanted and didn’t even know we wanted it
lost-_- player I was thinking the same thing
@Alyssa Way bruh
Alyssa Way dirty bitch
Steve Jobs 2.0
Alyssa Way
❤Thank you, Mr. Best, for this amazing support ❤
Mr. Beast: i have to feed chandler
Chandler:I'm hungry
Victaaaaaaaor Soto Flores
He’s so funny 😂
MrBeast:Here's Ty for you.
The heck with Chandler. He so deserve an award for always being kicked out of the game first 😅😂
being to soon
Emma AM if they tried to give it to him he would die before they could hand it to him
That’s just feeling sry for him
Cameraman: I saw somebody walk across
Me: Snitch
Wyatt Devantier it’s a joke if you can’t tell
@@tree_imo8719 r/woooooooooooosh
@@lamarkP22 Mate, can't you tell that he's being sarcastic.
Jimmy:I wonder Who has the dumbest hiding spot
Weddle:Im hIdinG iN a TheAtRe
Mrbeast: How 's it feel, guys?
Chandler: It feels great, honestly
I mean really
Everyone : spends 10 years hiding
Chandler : sits in an empty bathroom staring at his watch
@@kousados8183 ninja legends
have to poop
Crafty Crep ninja legens
you can hear quietly at 12:50 Chris checking on Chandler, who was asleep. the friendship 😭
Oh so cute 🥺🥺🥺
I just noticed and so adorable😭😭😭💘
So wholesome ❤️❤️🥺🥺
Old is gold
Mr Beast: “Whoever poops first wins 10,000”
Chandler: **Constipation**
He's good at challenges now
Preston Garvey but do you know whats original?, that anotha settlement needs our help
"I wonder where Chandler is hiding.."
Chandler: " I got to poop. "
Chandler is hiding in the bathroom
thats funny
Chandler: “So anyways, i started pooping.
“In a world, parallel to ours,
In a world where many things aren’t the same,
In a world.....
Where Chandler finally wins a game”
Ok so Chandler just won an island, I should have timed this comment better..
Ruptured and I got to
There is a pararell universe where mrbeast is the copy of morgz...
@@Jequetepeq XD
podrias haser mas videos en español😕😍😕😕🤩🥰
Chandler: I didn't lose, I merely failed to win.
EDIT:Thank you all for 1k, my dudes.
well yes but actully no.
Hahahhahhahahahhahah hahahehahehahehehajhshahahahahahahahahahahahahagahahajaha hahahehe hahahhahhahahahhahah hehahaheheaaaaaahahahahhahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahah.
RainbowYo2357 Ello- o.O o.O o.O o.O
Mrbeast will have the coolest stories to tell when he is a grandfather
“In 2020 I cleaned the ocean”
Unknown User “Grandpa what’s the ocean?” I can hear that now
Avxfps kinda cursed comment
He literally called a delivery service and ordered food😂
Well what else do you do? Starve?
I would probably do that too tbh I’m always hungry 🤫🤭🤗🤤🤤
I agree with what head
Can’t blame him I’d do it too.. ; - ;
It happened again in the new one
I am not getting found. I am winning that money. Great motto chant. 😂
Jimmy : I don't care who wins.
*Deep down we all want Chandler to win*
Edit:Thanks for all the replies and likes
Get caught at first
666 likes....6 comments....its a sign
"thats just me winning 50,000 dollars."
*gets found 5 seconds later*
Kelly actually had an advantage.
*just go to the girls toilet*
Omg true
Lol nice
I think there where only uni toilets
Beast: we are running out of time
Also Beast: sits at office table talking to camera
I bet everyone wants to be mr. beasts friend
So, basically to get money
And to be on youtube
Pretty much famous
fax, cool challenges and free money
Id honestly love to do the challenges all the time even if I never won lmao. everything they do in general is worth more than what most people do or even think of doing with all the money in the world
2019: Bermuda triangle
2020: Mount Everest
2023: Mars
2050 time travel
20:70 "*death*"
4000: "Mr.beast was my great great great great grandfather😱😨😨"
Karina Cat no.
@Karina Cat no
The fact that jimmy was bearfoot
James: The odd ones out
Chandler: the first one out
@Marcus Gao me toooooooooooooo
I love the odd ones out lol
“It’s just the sound of me winning 50,000 dollars”
Gets found seconds later
@AlienZGamer f u
AlienZGamer go away
AlienZGamer stfu
“Be careful soldier, there’s a lot of self promotions down there”
Take cover!
Thank you sir.
I'll do my best.
Thanks Capt.candis
Omg the food order! 3:19
I legit died when Marcus farted and Chris said "It came from the air vent"
Same lol
Where was it
FR 😂😂
Why is chandler literally just sitting in a frickin corner
Why are you susprised? It's Chandler.
That’s why he was the first one out.
*He’s Chandler*
Rowan Swatling he had to poop
he had to poo
who else had the strongest gut feeling that chandler would be found first
Sadly and kinds funny me lol
I honestly think everyone did XD
I’m pretty sure everyone did xD
toppmodeLL me 😂
Jimmy’s eyes are better then his feet
“ hiding in plains sight doesn't work"
@Alina Rin no
@Alina Rin no
Alina Rin no
Alina Rin no
@Alina Rin no
Ty: It’s just me winning
30 seconds later
Ty: *gets found*
"They are really good at hiding"
There are literally 10 floors...
3 floors
4 floors
6 floors
7 floors
8 floors
Pls.. Bring back this kind of contest in ur nxt video, I miss this content
Tyler is always ordering food and chandler is always going to the bathroom 😂✋🏻😭
How generous Chandler is, lets everybody win. Doesn’t ever admit that he doesn’t know how to win
I have no idea what you did with those emojis but okay
props to the guy that successfully ordered JJ's in the middle of the challenge
how dont you know tyler-
tyler is a legend
Tyler tends to order food during these challenges.
Everyone: we wear shoes
Weddle: screw you shoes
Jimmy: damn these shoes
😂 0:29 😂pop
Ty: Wait I hear something, oh it’s just me winning $50,000 dollars.
12 seconds later he gets found
I was gonna comment that
I'm so happy... He was so over confident
I legit counted 12 seconds and he appeared
spider flash9 me too lol
haha me Lmaooo
I love how Jake is never referred to by his name. Always just "Viking"
So I'm just gonna be the first normal response to this comment
Who's jake, his name is viking
@Karina Cat Stop it, Get some help.
Finnally a comment instead of "cleaning the ocean help spam" or something
Anyone else rewatching all his vids while bored in quarantine
same here @TNT
me lol
One day quarantine will be over...
..and I’ll still keep rewatching these
Ty: Do you guys hear that oh it’s me winning
**5 Seconds Later**
That was funny
KARMA KARMA KARMA KARMA lmao thats was such bad karma lmao
Just got too cocky.
😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 I can’t breath
If u watching this now u r a legend
jimmy: "I believe in us!!"
Chris: " *i dont.* "
Me and my friends in a nutshell and I'm the Jimmy in the situation
I read that as soon as it came up 😂