American Psycho - London Cast Recording: A Girl Before

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @aerisriddle9258
    @aerisriddle9258 8 років тому +76

    falling in love with a psychopath is the saddest thing

  • @ryanrenn4815
    @ryanrenn4815 2 роки тому +24

    I honestly like this song as it fits into the narrative of the show. it kind of feels like jean is singing a song from a whole different musical - like she has no idea of the horrifying story she's really in.

    • @sourdrop
      @sourdrop Рік тому +4

      I thinks that's kinda the point of the song. Jean is not like the other characters, she's not materialistic, vain, or a murderous psychopath. She's supposed to be more human than the rest of them

  • @angharadr862
    @angharadr862 6 років тому +38

    He doesn't sound alright
    His voice a little thin
    Does he need someone
    The way that I need him?
    Does every he has
    Amount to enough?
    Does he need someone
    To hold when it gets rough?
    Am I someone he could linger on?
    Or would he simply move along?
    Am I someone he would love more?
    Would I be just a girl before?
    A girl before
    A girl before
    He looks at me sometimes
    In a certain way
    All the fears I have
    Seem to fade away
    I know that I'm a fool
    To think that this is real
    I'm breaking every rule
    Because this is how I feel
    Am I someone he could linger on?
    Or would he simply move along?
    Am I someone he could love more?
    Would I be just a girl before?
    A girl before
    A girl before

  • @HorrorBorealis
    @HorrorBorealis 4 роки тому +6

    this love interest plot is kinda boring and her songs aren't as good as the rest

    • @ViveLRoi
      @ViveLRoi 3 роки тому +12

      Sounds like someone hasn't read the book or seen the movie...

    • @HorrorBorealis
      @HorrorBorealis 3 роки тому +20

      @@ViveLRoi you're right how could I forget her songs in the movie and book

    • @PianoDisneygal10
      @PianoDisneygal10 2 роки тому +13

      I personally like her role. She grounds the character of Patrick Bateman. She also is the grounding force for the audience too. The show would be rather too fantastical without a character who is more or less “normal”. Every other character in this show is either a psychopath or a 1 dimensional caricature meant to be satire of American greed and superficiality. Jean is the only person who is neither of those things, and who shows much of any real emotion in the show (and gets other characters to feel too).

    • @ohboy-zi1yf
      @ohboy-zi1yf Рік тому +2

      ​​@@PianoDisneygal10nah she served that role perfectly fine without being a love interest. she was a better audience insert/grounding character, being just a secretary who was the only one really actually witnessing her boss lose his grip on reality, before they added the love interest plot for no reason

    • @sve5271
      @sve5271 11 місяців тому +1

      I like it. Most of the other characters are egotistical idiots who never suffer from Patrick in any way but physically. We see another point of view in her and I think it’s important to the show