I love book lists! Thanks for doing this, it has given me the incentive to read the books that I have that are still unread. I have read 41 on this list. Considering that I am a lot older than you, your reading is more impressive!
I’ve read 39, but around 10 of them I read a translation or a simplified version while I was learning english! I was convinced that classics is the way to do it 😂
I got 39! This is kind of a random list, but as far as the true classics on here, I think it definitely leans more to US required reading. Most of the classics on the list I read in high school honors English classes or in college as an English lit major - and my high school and university days were spent in the States.
I think you would love Thomas Hardy books. He is one of my most favourite authors and if you get the opportunity read The Woodlanders too by him. Some very good books on this list. Ive read 39 on this list 😍
I've read 39. And I am so pleased that this list list includes "All Quiet On The Western Front". It' s one of my favourite book of all time. It's so touching. The last sentence of this book is unforgettable. Very impactful and terribly sad. I remember I cried a lot.
I am 20 and Iv'e got 20 books which I am pretty proud ouf considering I am French and was introduce to English literature not so long ago !! But still have so many books to read, even though this list does not represent the magnificence of the literature all around the world and is quite euro-centric
Well you definitely scored a lot more than me! I've read only 13 😱 guess I'm adding the rest to my reading list 😂 You should definitely read Anne of green gables soon! One of my favourite books I've ever read, it's so comforting and wholesome, I think you'd like it very much 😊
I've read 10. I'm quite pleased about that. I really want to read Frankenstein around October. It's been on my list for ages! I highly recommend Anne of Green Gables. Such a cheerful book.
Crime and Punishment i read twice... It takes a bit to get into but is worth it. James Joyce is great. Pearl S. Buck ..The Good Earth is a really good book if you like history and follows family and a few generations. The same with Alex Haleys ... Roots. From Africa to the Slave ship ride across the Atlantic and struggles on a plantation.
I also only read 27! They were different books, but still a funny coincidence. I honestly expected going into this that I would have only read 20, so that was a nice surprise. HIGHLY recommend The Count of Monte Cristo! It's my favorite book!
You mentioned a Disney Treasure Island. There is a really old one from like the 60s. But you’re probably thinking of the Muppets Treasure Island. The petite dangly ear rings are really pretty ok you. Do you enjoy American novels? There was a couple on there that weren’t read but I’d highly recommend.
38 and when I finish my current book, 39. But so many on my shelf are on this list and on my TBR. I will say several of these were read in American HS-god knows I would never read the Jungle on my own, something to keep in mind lo
I have read exactly fifty, and i started three more of them. I'm dreading a few more of Dickens as he's absolutely not the writer for me, and of some books I'd never heard before. I am trying to get the BBC list done, and I'm not halfway there yet.
I am excited to hear your Jane Austen readalong plans. I read Jane Austen (P&P) for the first time in Spring and loved it. I definitely want to read her other books! I definitely wouldn't have done as well as you on this quiz 🙈
I got 65, but some of these I have never heard of! I agree with some of the comments below that it's a pretty random list, and does seem a little skewed towards the US. Still, always happy to add more classics to my TBR!
I‘ve read 31 but I find the list quite anglo-american centered. There aren’t many Asian or Latin American books on this list and I think I was only able to tick off quite a few because I studied English and Spanish literature in uni.
I'm very surprised since reading 19 of these books is compulsory in our schools (Poland). Besides nearly 10 more books like that are probably on the reading list as well, although they are not compulsory. You can tick those off the list after the completion of an average high school. I myself have read 37 of them including the set books.
30, not bad😅 read them mostly in high school. although these lists are more like a place to find inspiration on what to read then checking if you're well read
So I’ve read 35/ 100. I just finished Les Miserables which I was able to check off. Just starting The Graoes of Wrath so couldn’t count that one.Les Mis took me 2 months…was 1666 pgs on my kindle but so worth it… 5⭐️. I had a reading plan for that one.
I did the quiz and I've read 48/100 but I do plan on tackling The Count of Monte Cristo and Anne of Green Gables this summer - 50 is on the horizon! :)
I've read at least 45 of them, plus half a dozen probables. I know I've read a Hemingway novel, but can't remember which. Was assigned Gulliver's Travels and several by Dickens for my English degree, but I don't recall much about them. 37 on that list could still make my TBR. Doubt I'd read further kid lit books at this point. Dan Brown and Harry Potter are a hard pass.
I checked a little bit more, but I'm older, and read many of those in recent years, not at school. The list (as a Buzzfeed list, I'm not suprised) is kinda weird tough - it has two HP books, 3 Tolkiens, while there is no Jungle Book, and possibly many others I can't think of right now.
Really loved the video! I would say tho, take your time. Really enjoyed going thru the list with u, but it felt like u were super rushed. And sometimes I had to rewind a bit to catch what was said. Don’t feel like u need to rush thru so fast.
I haven't done an English degree or had to read any of these for school, but I think I have read 23 of them so far which is pretty good, I think. German classics almost never make it onto these lists. :D
@@ciarascorner The obvious answer is Faust by Goethe, but I really liked the Reader by Schlink, the Physicists by Dürrenmatt (actually Swiss but we read it in school) and the Sandman by ETA Hoffmann (gothic horror).
Moby-Dick is my favorite book of all time!! You definitely have to approach it with an open mind and some cetological curiosity, as it takes many a twist and goes on MANY a tangent about whales (none too tedious, in my opinion), but the prose is unfathomably brilliant, and more than the whale hunt that many believe it to be, it’s a meditation on life, independence, isolation, and leaving a legacy, covering-as scholars and critics have offered-more facets of the human experience than most other works of literature could ever dream of. Melville worked on a whaling vessel, and his asides about the mechanisms and inner workings of the industry/act of whaling serve to chronicle his findings and provide context for the circumstances (although I understand why they turn some people off, lol). Anyway, I hope, if you read this comment, that it sparks your curiosity even a little because reading Melville changed my life!!!
I was able to check off 56 and apparently that’s better than 96% of quiz takers. These lists are super arbitrary though, and I think we’ve established that the concept of a “canon” that one “must read” is obsolete. I’m a former English major, but don’t consider myself “well read” by any stretch of the imagination.
This is really random haha but I've been really considering majoring in english but wondering if its worth it. If you have any advice that could help me out id really appreciate it!
@@kathy4873 Depends, really. If you want a degree that’s directly useful for employment, English may not be it - you need to acquire other qualifications or experience. But if you want a degree that’s going to make your inner life more interesting for the rest of your life, then go for English, it is definitely worth it. I learned to think, read and write at uni, and do not regret studying English and Philosophy - but my actual career is in a different field entirely. (I got my first job in the field thanks to my writing skill though, so in that sense I guess it was of use!)
I’ve read 3. I read Red Badge of Courage in high school and hated it so intensely that I didn’t read anything until I was in my 20s and finally picked up Harry Potter. And then I remembered that reading can be enjoyable.
Yay a new video‼️📚 ☕️ ‼️ I got 31 out of 100 which equals; 77%‼️ Don’t feel bad, there some on this list I dnf because they just weren’t for me. Sometimes the story was too dry. Other times the characters were unlikable and not redeemable! Ps: I finished A Sky Without Stars, which was so good! Then I read The Paris Library, and finished surprisingly quickly it was bittersweet. Now I’m currently reading:, 1. Between Burning Worlds (which is so far is is good, no action yet but we’ll see) 2. Katherine Parr The Sixth Wife (right now I like Kate enjoys learning!) 3. Book of a Thousand Days (which I’m starting tonight‼️)
Now that I remember Disney has three versions of Treasure 🏝. There’s one made in 1950, (which I haven’t seen) then in 1996 there’s Muppet Treasure Island, (a personal favorite because it has The Muppets, Tim Curry, and musical numbers) and last but not least Treasure Planet (which I need to rewatch!)
G Rodriguez, have you read any more Six Tudor Queen series? I've got the Katheryn Howard one on my shelf. Looking forward to reading it. I was wondering what your thoughts were on the books.
The first one Katherine of Aragon is amazing; it makes me wish that life would have been kinder to her! As for Anne Boleyn I did admire her intelligence, and I felt she was misjudged by others for having a temper. Then I liked how Anne of Cleve’s became friends with Henry. Kathryn Howard; I wished had better influences, yes she did make some of her own choices, but a lot time people took advantage of her! As for Katherine Parr so far I like how smart she is and her ideas on church reform!
@@ciarascorner well, i had to read some of these books at university and also i am 41 years old haha. I really liked this list so i decided to print it. In this way i can see clearly some books that i really want to read. Thanks for sharing it :)
I've read 20 of them and am slowly working my way through another 7 of them currently, and I think a couple of them I read when I was younger but I'm not 100% sure whether or not I ever finished them
“If you believe it’ll work out, you’ll see opportunities. If you don’t believe it’ll work out, you’ll see obstacles.” - Wayne Dyer Sharing some love with ya all, have a delightful day
You are from England with a English degree and never heard of Pilgrim's Process??? 😳 is very well known and important in English Literature. But that list is a bit odd, can't believe Middlemarch is not included but the Harry Potter rubbish is there.
I love book lists! Thanks for doing this, it has given me the incentive to read the books that I have that are still unread. I have read 41 on this list. Considering that I am a lot older than you, your reading is more impressive!
The pilgrim's Progress is the one mentioned quite a lot in Little Women, I think
Ahhh, interesting!!
Please read the Count of Monte Cristo!
It’s definitely on my list!
@@ciarascorner I would love to hear your thoughts.😄
Masterpiece!! ❤️❤️🥳🥳💗
I’ve read 39, but around 10 of them I read a translation or a simplified version while I was learning english! I was convinced that classics is the way to do it 😂
I got 39! This is kind of a random list, but as far as the true classics on here, I think it definitely leans more to US required reading. Most of the classics on the list I read in high school honors English classes or in college as an English lit major - and my high school and university days were spent in the States.
39 is a lot! It’s definitely quite a random list ahah!
I think you would love Thomas Hardy books. He is one of my most favourite authors and if you get the opportunity read The Woodlanders too by him. Some very good books on this list. Ive read 39 on this list 😍
I've read 39. And I am so pleased that this list list includes "All Quiet On The Western Front". It' s one of my favourite book of all time. It's so touching. The last sentence of this book is unforgettable. Very impactful and terribly sad. I remember I cried a lot.
Wow 39 is amazing!!
I am 20 and Iv'e got 20 books which I am pretty proud ouf considering I am French and was introduce to English literature not so long ago !! But still have so many books to read, even though this list does not represent the magnificence of the literature all around the world and is quite euro-centric
That is amazing!! I totally agree, this is just a small snippet of all of the world’s amazing books!
Well you definitely scored a lot more than me! I've read only 13 😱 guess I'm adding the rest to my reading list 😂
You should definitely read Anne of green gables soon! One of my favourite books I've ever read, it's so comforting and wholesome, I think you'd like it very much 😊
Definitely going to read Anne of Green Gables soon!
I've read 10. I'm quite pleased about that. I really want to read Frankenstein around October. It's been on my list for ages! I highly recommend Anne of Green Gables. Such a cheerful book.
Frankenstein is such a good october read!!
42/100 read at 26 years old isn't that bad I guess haha and 8 on my TBR. Great video as always, brings a bit of happiness to a rainy Sunday morning x
That amazing! And thank you so much for watching!
The Disney version of Treasure Island is Treasure Planet. It’s freaking bizarre 😂 Would have loved to be a fly on the wall in that writing room…
Hahahah it’s been so long since I saw that film!
I did the quiz and I have read 30 of them, but also a lot are already on my TBR. Thank you for this great video! I want to read a lot more now! :)
30 is amazing!!
Crime and Punishment i read twice... It takes a bit to get into but is worth it. James Joyce is great. Pearl S. Buck ..The Good Earth is a really good book if you like history and follows family and a few generations. The same with Alex Haleys ... Roots. From Africa to the Slave ship ride across the Atlantic and struggles on a plantation.
I devoted my life to music so I haven't read as many of these as I should have.Thank you for sharing!❤
Music is incredible too! Also there’s definitely no amount you should have read - just as many as you want to!☺️
I also only read 27! They were different books, but still a funny coincidence. I honestly expected going into this that I would have only read 20, so that was a nice surprise.
HIGHLY recommend The Count of Monte Cristo! It's my favorite book!
Hahah snap! The Count of Monte Cristo is definitely on my list!
You mentioned a Disney Treasure Island. There is a really old one from like the 60s. But you’re probably thinking of the Muppets Treasure Island.
The petite dangly ear rings are really pretty ok you.
Do you enjoy American novels? There was a couple on there that weren’t read but I’d highly recommend.
I've seen both. The movie version is pretty good. I wanted to count it in my total but I agree watching the movie doesn't count.
Hmm maybe, I can’t really remember anything about it, just that I haven’t read it ahah! I definitely have enjoyed lots of American novels!
@@ciarascorner Good to know about the American novels lol.
38 and when I finish my current book, 39. But so many on my shelf are on this list and on my TBR. I will say several of these were read in American HS-god knows I would never read the Jungle on my own, something to keep in mind lo
I have read exactly fifty, and i started three more of them. I'm dreading a few more of Dickens as he's absolutely not the writer for me, and of some books I'd never heard before. I am trying to get the BBC list done, and I'm not halfway there yet.
I am excited to hear your Jane Austen readalong plans. I read Jane Austen (P&P) for the first time in Spring and loved it. I definitely want to read her other books!
I definitely wouldn't have done as well as you on this quiz 🙈
I've checked off 20 so far which is better than I was expecting
I got 65, but some of these I have never heard of! I agree with some of the comments below that it's a pretty random list, and does seem a little skewed towards the US. Still, always happy to add more classics to my TBR!
Definitely a random list, I’d be interested to know how they pulled it together!
I‘ve read 31 but I find the list quite anglo-american centered. There aren’t many Asian or Latin American books on this list and I think I was only able to tick off quite a few because I studied English and Spanish literature in uni.
I agree, it’s definitely a very specific list, lots of great books not on there!
Fun video! I've read 16 but I do own many of them. I just need to find time to get to the rest! :)
Same here - lots on my shelves, just need to get around to reading them!
I was so ready to see Middlemarch there and feel proud for reading it and then...... 😅
can't wait for your Jane Austen plans 💛
Hahaha, I can’t believe it wasn’t there! 👀
Still should feel proud! I’ve been a life long Middllemarch devotee!
I'm very surprised since reading 19 of these books is compulsory in our schools (Poland). Besides nearly 10 more books like that are probably on the reading list as well, although they are not compulsory. You can tick those off the list after the completion of an average high school. I myself have read 37 of them including the set books.
These books are all worth reading, thanks so much for sharing! 💫 Keep rising to be who you want to be! 💫 #keeprising #risingtobe #aswerise #riser
Thank you!!
I've read 33 but there's less than 10 i haven't read on this list i intend to read in the future so i'm pretty happy with it!
That’s amazing!!
I've read 42 but this seems like a very odd list 😂
That’s impressive hahah! But I agree, it is a bit of a random list!
Please read to kill a mockingbird soon its very cosy and as snug as a bug on a rug😍😍😍. Its probably the simplest and beautiful story I have ever read.
I definitely want to read it soon!
30, not bad😅 read them mostly in high school. although these lists are more like a place to find inspiration on what to read then checking if you're well read
That’s impressive!!
So I’ve read 35/ 100. I just finished Les Miserables which I was able to check off. Just starting The Graoes of Wrath so couldn’t count that one.Les Mis took me 2 months…was 1666 pgs on my kindle but so worth it… 5⭐️. I had a reading plan for that one.
Wow, 35 is amazing!!
Love the vibes your videos give off, they make me feel nostalgic and safe for some reason :-) maybe it’s because you kind of look like Rory Gilmore
I had 20 books🤷♀️ i have so many of this classics on my tbr🤣
Hahah, same here - so many classics left to read!
I did the quiz and I've read 48/100 but I do plan on tackling The Count of Monte Cristo and Anne of Green Gables this summer - 50 is on the horizon! :)
Ooof 13 😖. Also, Gatsby cameo! 🐰💙
We love a Gatsby cameo ahhaha!
I've read at least 45 of them, plus half a dozen probables. I know I've read a Hemingway novel, but can't remember which. Was assigned Gulliver's Travels and several by Dickens for my English degree, but I don't recall much about them. 37 on that list could still make my TBR. Doubt I'd read further kid lit books at this point. Dan Brown and Harry Potter are a hard pass.
I love this video idea so so much!
Thank you so much!
It was so fun to go through the list with you and see what I've read! I did only get 19 though 😢
Hahah aw thanks for watching! That’s just means you have loads of great books ahead of you!
I checked a little bit more, but I'm older, and read many of those in recent years, not at school.
The list (as a Buzzfeed list, I'm not suprised) is kinda weird tough - it has two HP books, 3 Tolkiens, while there is no Jungle Book, and possibly many others I can't think of right now.
Yeah it’s definitely a bit of a random list!!
I’ve read 22 which isn’t terrible I am currently reading Jane Eyre though! My favorite book though is To Kill a Mockingbird!
That’s a good amount!! I definitely need to read To Kill A Mockingbird!
I love how Ciara is in a jumper where i'm literally sweating through my one tank top and no bottoms x)
Hahahah, I definitely was overdressed!
Really loved the video!
I would say tho, take your time.
Really enjoyed going thru the list with u, but it felt like u were super rushed. And sometimes I had to rewind a bit to catch what was said. Don’t feel like u need to rush thru so fast.
94! Buzzfeed told me to go outside...
Hahha oh my god, that’s so impressive!!!
I've read 13 😂 I miss more latin books on that list
Hahah, 13 is amazing still!!
I've read 9, but I'm only 18 so I think that's pretty good.
I’ve read 18 …. The only one of the 100 you NEED to read is count of Monte cristo. Edmond dantes for life.
Hahahah noted😂
Definitely read fathers and sons by turgenev
I’ll add it to my list!
Aw thank you so much!!
I haven't done an English degree or had to read any of these for school, but I think I have read 23 of them so far which is pretty good, I think. German classics almost never make it onto these lists. :D
That’s amazing! I’d definitely like to read some German classics if you have any recommendations?☺️
@@ciarascorner The obvious answer is Faust by Goethe, but I really liked the Reader by Schlink, the Physicists by Dürrenmatt (actually Swiss but we read it in school) and the Sandman by ETA Hoffmann (gothic horror).
Moby-Dick is my favorite book of all time!! You definitely have to approach it with an open mind and some cetological curiosity, as it takes many a twist and goes on MANY a tangent about whales (none too tedious, in my opinion), but the prose is unfathomably brilliant, and more than the whale hunt that many believe it to be, it’s a meditation on life, independence, isolation, and leaving a legacy, covering-as scholars and critics have offered-more facets of the human experience than most other works of literature could ever dream of. Melville worked on a whaling vessel, and his asides about the mechanisms and inner workings of the industry/act of whaling serve to chronicle his findings and provide context for the circumstances (although I understand why they turn some people off, lol). Anyway, I hope, if you read this comment, that it sparks your curiosity even a little because reading Melville changed my life!!!
You did so well! I only got 11 out of 100, and I'm majoring in english 😂 it's a tough one for sure.
It’s so tough, there’s just so many books out there to read!
@@ciarascorner yes, that’s true!
I have 27 too!
Ugh I just love your videos so much!! 💕
Thank you so much!!💕
19, I can’t believe Middlemarch wasn’t on the list!
Omg right?!
But The Da Vinci Code was...?! I think maybe the BBC Top 100 books list is better than the Buzzfeed one. :)
I was able to check off 56 and apparently that’s better than 96% of quiz takers. These lists are super arbitrary though, and I think we’ve established that the concept of a “canon” that one “must read” is obsolete. I’m a former English major, but don’t consider myself “well read” by any stretch of the imagination.
This is really random haha but I've been really considering majoring in english but wondering if its worth it. If you have any advice that could help me out id really appreciate it!
@@kathy4873 Depends, really. If you want a degree that’s directly useful for employment, English may not be it - you need to acquire other qualifications or experience. But if you want a degree that’s going to make your inner life more interesting for the rest of your life, then go for English, it is definitely worth it. I learned to think, read and write at uni, and do not regret studying English and Philosophy - but my actual career is in a different field entirely. (I got my first job in the field thanks to my writing skill though, so in that sense I guess it was of use!)
I'd read 27 as well, although not the same ones as you!
Yay for 27!
I've read 38 from this list and have about 20 on my summer TRB.
Wow, that’s incredible haha! Happy summer reading!
This video popped up in my feed and I just have to say, I miss your videos Ciara! I hope all is well
I've read 33. I don't want to read all of them, but there are some to go.
I’ve read 3. I read Red Badge of Courage in high school and hated it so intensely that I didn’t read anything until I was in my 20s and finally picked up Harry Potter. And then I remembered that reading can be enjoyable.
I’m glad you’re finding the enjoyment in reading again!
I didn't count in my total Red Badge, Great Expectations or anything else I was supposed to read but only listened to the class discussions.
i did dr jekyll and mr hyde at GCSE not of mice and men! its incredible how many classics you read but the list is still forever ongoing haha
Hahah you’re so right, the list goes on forever!
I think I’ve read 4 on here (two being the Harry Potter Books) so that’s saying something 😂
So surprised The Alchemist wasn’t on this list!
You remind me of Ziva David on Ncis. It is my favorite show.
That was quite a large range 🙃 I’ve read a lot in my 62 years and I have read probably the same as you 😀 I also haven’t heard of a few of them 😲
It was an interesting range ahah - lots I hadn’t heard of!
Love this!! Btw, it might be possible that you have heard of a pilgrim progress before, because I think it comes up in little women!
Thank you! And ooh yes!
@@ciarascorner 😊😊
A Tale of Two Cities is my all-time favorite book, I would highly recommend it!
I've read 31 lol
I filled in my list as you were going through it and it seemed like I was checking so many but I only read 24! 😔
24 is still great!!
Bahaha I have read all of these. Eighter I have no life and was bored or I love reading.
I’ve read 55, but it seems like they were missing some books, I was expecting a few other classics to be on there. 😂
Wow that’s amazing!! But yeah lots of great books missing!
I read 24.....I would say there are about 20 more on this list that I plan to read
Plenty of time to read loads more (including all the amazing books not on this list)!
I read 33, not counting books I started and didn't finish. I like taking these quizzes but there are always books on them that I have no interest in
33 is amazing! I agree, there are definitely quite a few I don’t have interest in!
I've read 14 of the books
Also a note for ppl, don’t feel u have to read every classic or every book ever, it doesn’t make u less intellectual if u haven’t read them
I have read 73 out of 100 witch is a amazing surprise to me
That’s amazing!!
@@ciarascorner I am 48 years old so when you are my age I believe that you would have read more than me
Yay a new video‼️📚 ☕️ ‼️ I got 31 out of 100 which equals; 77%‼️
Don’t feel bad, there some on this list I dnf because they just weren’t for me. Sometimes the story was too dry. Other times the characters were unlikable and not redeemable!
Ps: I finished A Sky Without Stars, which was so good! Then I read The Paris Library, and finished surprisingly quickly it was bittersweet. Now I’m currently reading:,
1. Between Burning Worlds (which is so far is is good, no action yet but we’ll see)
2. Katherine Parr The Sixth Wife (right now I like Kate enjoys learning!)
3. Book of a Thousand Days (which I’m starting tonight‼️)
Oooh yay, 33 is amazing!!
Now that I remember Disney has three versions of Treasure 🏝. There’s one made in 1950, (which I haven’t seen) then in 1996 there’s Muppet Treasure Island, (a personal favorite because it has The Muppets, Tim Curry, and musical numbers) and last but not least Treasure Planet (which I need to rewatch!)
I think it’s Treasure Planet that I was remembering!
G Rodriguez, have you read any more Six Tudor Queen series? I've got the Katheryn Howard one on my shelf. Looking forward to reading it. I was wondering what your thoughts were on the books.
The first one Katherine of Aragon is amazing; it makes me wish that life would have been kinder to her! As for Anne Boleyn I did admire her intelligence, and I felt she was misjudged by others for having a temper. Then I liked how Anne of Cleve’s became friends with Henry. Kathryn Howard; I wished had better influences, yes she did make some of her own choices, but a lot time people took advantage of her! As for Katherine Parr so far I like how smart she is and her ideas on church reform!
I have only read 11.
i'm 13 and i've read 13 lol. i'm currently reading two of them, so i guess i could say 15 soon?
30 for me, I need to read more
Hahah, I think I will always need to read more, the list of books is never ending!
17 for me😊.
I've read 41, but I think some books are missing from this list. :)
Definitely lots of great books not on this list!
I read 15
37 out of 100 read!
I have read 30 books! ^^
@@ciarascorner well, i had to read some of these books at university and also i am 41 years old haha. I really liked this list so i decided to print it. In this way i can see clearly some books that i really want to read. Thanks for sharing it :)
I’ve only read 3 of these😭I own 26 of them however, so I will get round to them!
You got some reading to do then 😀
@@kaoc799 Yes indeed! But I’m still a teenager so I have plenty of time. I’m very excited about all the bookish adventures I’m gonna have XD
@@thenamescara64 Happy reading!!! 😁
41, but some of these choices were interesting 😂
41 is amazing!!
I've read 20 of them and am slowly working my way through another 7 of them currently, and I think a couple of them I read when I was younger but I'm not 100% sure whether or not I ever finished them
Wow, 7 all at once, now that’s impressive!
@@ciarascorner I'm indecisive and very much a mood reader so I have many books on the go haha
16.😬😳 I was an English major, and I’m a college English instructor. This is an odd list.
It is a slightly odd selection!
“If you believe it’ll work out, you’ll see opportunities. If you don’t believe it’ll work out, you’ll see obstacles.” - Wayne Dyer
Sharing some love with ya all, have a delightful day
@@ciarascorner much love Ciara
I got 24.
i’ve read 15, but DNF’d maybe like 9 more lol!
Omg you’ve read the exact same number as me 😂
Hahha yay!😂
I've read 69 of them
22 🥸
14 😝
8 out of 100 13%
I've read 58 books on the list! Apparently better than 97% lol
Also you should read Les Mis!
I got to 49.
That’s amazing!!
Check that, there's some glitch. I did make it to 50, but I'm not happy that it so important for me to get there. Thx : )
You are from England with a English degree and never heard of Pilgrim's Process??? 😳 is very well known and important in English Literature. But that list is a bit odd, can't believe Middlemarch is not included but the Harry Potter rubbish is there.
Yeah, I’ve genuinely never heard of it - it didn’t come up at all in school or uni!