It is now understood that the Brazilian Central Plateau belonged to a large mountain range in the middle of Godwanna, and even at that time still maintained high altitudes and did not change much over the years.
It is not geography that you might think . While surrounded by the oceanic water , this is what you should have been taught in the beginning. Just so you two understand that there's no such thing as tectonic plates , it is the body's of gigantuous creatures that died during the flooding of the planet and now they are petrified and you live on top if them. You have been taught to call their body's "land". Truth that most can't handle and it is for this reason , you are kept in the dark !
@@NOTTHASAME Bruh I swear I had a stroke while reading that.. Also if you really think that’s true, then 1, why are they “swimming” away. Also, you are so stupid that you think dunkin doughnuts is a basketball team
I enjoyed this very much but I only found this because I'm bored with the usual stuff, are there no detailed documentaries about the formation of the South American continent?
This isn't detailed enough ? What details are you looking for ? This shows when mountain ranges formed as well as the Amazon basin, etc. It doesn't show the exact location of the plate boundaries and directional movement, but you can look it up. Mountains formed where plates collided. The plate of concern to South America is the Pacific crustal plate, being very thin, which experienced subduction beneath the west coast and raised the Andes mountains, as well as the coastline cliffs.
@@yvettekosta7994 It's been two years now and I've just gotten a response, not a snarky answer but instead a well thought out reply, people some times do listen to me yes.
@@robertf.kuszewski4150 : Well I don't know if it helped, did you get the answers you were looking for in the past two years, what details were you wondering about ?
150 Ma why would there be mountain ranges spanning across the middle of Africa-South America continent? Why would there be subduction in the middle of a plate before it splits in two?
What you're looking at isn't subduction. Subduction is when one plate is pushed beneath another as the Farallon plate has been pushed under the N. American continent along the Pacific coast. What you're seeing there is the creation of a rift valley similar to what is happening in the eastern part of the African continent today. The land is pulled apart. Lakes form. Eventually, they connect and open to the ocean. Where there is a weakness in the crust, magna from the mantle pushes up and a ridge forms where new rock is created (as we have in the mid-Atlantic ridge currently). The mountain ranges you're seeing along the African-South American border at 150Mya are the result of the collision of those two continents millions of years before during the formation of Pangaea. Dr. Scotese has a full world animation that goes far enough back to show the various supercontinents that we have evidence of over time.
Just so you two understand that there's no such thing as tectonic plates , it is the body's of gigantuous creatures that died during the flooding of the planet and now they are petrified and you live on top if them. You have been taught to call their body's "land". Truth that most can't handle and it is for this reason , you are kept in the dark !
I was always under the impression that Africa and South America were joined together much later than that, judging from the Leopards and Jaguar similarities. I guess I was death wrong, maybe a Leopard-Jaguar ancestor followed the humans across Bering land bridge, I need to search into that
DNA studies do indicate a Beringia route isolation and divergence of Panthera (mountain lion and jaguar) in the Americas and Neofelis (leopard) in Asia from a common Felidae ancestor. Eizirik, E.; Kim, J. H.; Menotti-Raymond, M.; Crawshaw P. G. Jr.; O'Brien, S. J.; Johnson, W. E. (2001). "Phylogeography, population history and conservation genetics of jaguars (Panthera onca, Mammalia, Felidae)". Molecular Ecology. 10 (1): 65-79
The cat family evolved from South East Asia. They crossed the Bering land bridge long before the Humans. The wolf (and I suppose fox and other species of the dog family) evolved in America and migrated the opposite way.
The ancestor of lions, leopards, and jaguars was a spotted cat, but who is more closely related to whom is still debated by the molecule counters. It appears leopards and jaguars were distinguishable by the Pleistocene. Hybrid offspring can be fertile as females, but to my knowledge, no fertile males were produced.
@@ysteinfjr7529 The ancestor of modern members of Canis, Cuon, and Lycaon appears to have been a Pliocene coyote. Currently, they think the ancestor of modern wolves evolved in Asia, as the niche of large canine predators was then taken in North America by Aenocyon ( current genus assignment of the dire wolf). Of course, any day, someone may find another molecule.
I was just reading “the fingerprint of the gods” by Graham Hancock and in page 709-710 he speaks about how Antarctica was once a tropical kinda of place, it wasn’t always frozen. Imagine what’s frozen underneath that thick ice cap that we still haven’t uncovered. 🤯🤯🤫
You can have this piece of the puzzle that is very crucial to understanding thst which you would never know. Just so you two understand that there's no such thing as tectonic plates , it is the body's of gigantuous creatures that died during the flooding of the planet and now they are petrified and you live on top if them. You have been taught to call their body's "land". Truth that most can't handle and it is for this reason , you are kept in the dark !
Interesting the Patagonian ice sheet extended up into the Andes of southern Peru. It may shed light on the archaeological sites there. Tiwanaku & others. Its a mystery what those sites show, if they are not Holocene then they go back to Pleistocene but that last glacial period would have ground them to sediment. So either Pumu Punku is prior to last glacial period of the last ice age and were covered by something or they're Holocene, no?
I'm curious to see how and when the Andes were created. What landmass pushed itself against South America's Pacific coast to create them and when did it occur? I mean, the mountains of the Andes are higher today than before 160 million ago because the continent had split and then merged back together. But what about before 160 million ago?
I hope this helps you out Just so you two understand that there's no such thing as tectonic plates , it is the body's of gigantuous creatures that died during the flooding of the planet and now they are petrified and you live on top if them. You have been taught to call their body's "land". Truth that most can't handle and it is for this reason , you are kept in the dark !
You are so wrong as academia is lying to the mass about this planet. You couldn't handle much more than this , you have no room for the truth in your head as too much indoctrinated cells. Just so you two understand that there's no such thing as tectonic plates , it is the body's of gigantuous creatures that died during the flooding of the planet and now they are petrified and you live on top if them. You have been taught to call their body's "land". Truth that most can't handle and it is for this reason , you are kept in the dark !
Not really, there is a difference between being submerged and being tectonically separate. Europe is a complicated landmass with its core being the old microplate Baltica. Asia's core is in China, but since then much has been added on or stolen from other landmasses such as the British Isles. Claiming Europe isn't part of Eurasia is akin to the UK claiming to not being part of Europe Geologically.
@@twotone3471 "Claiming Europe isn't part of Eurasia is akin to the UK claiming to not being part of Europe Geologically." But you have just denied that existence of Europe. You just claimed that Europe is Eurasia and not its own continent. Then you talk about UK being part of Europe when you just denied that Europe exists. You have massively contradicted your self. You contradicted your self because you can't admit the existence of Europe for political reasons.
@@TomTom-rh5gk Europe is a political entity. Eurasia is a Geological one. Its possible to be both or neither. Just be glad I didn't include Africa in Eurasia, it has a independent motion in relation to Eurasia, so I count it separate. Europe on the other hand doesn't have any independent movement in relation to Asia, so without a active fault separating what's essentially the same landmass, its the same.
@@twotone3471 You are playing word games. Europe is made up of a series of islands that broke away from North America and moved toward Asia. Europe moved East and Asia didn’t. The Urals rise like a long and narrow spine across western Russia, forming a natural divide between Europe and Asia. This statement proves that geologists recognize a difference between Europe and Asia. Europe is still moving east but too slow to be detected. Plate tectonics means that landmasses move over time. It means that Europe and Asia will separate again. Gondwana was an ancient supercontinent that broke up about 180 million years ago. The continent eventually split into landmasses we recognize today: Africa, South America, Australia, Antarctica, the Indian subcontinent, and the Arabian Peninsula. In the past, none of the continents moved independently of each other but that doesn’t mean they didn’t exist.
@@TomTom-rh5gk The Urals don't even mark the Seashore of the Siberian Craton (the one that collided with Baltica and created the Urals. The Seashore/junction was to the east some ways. The Eastern Urals are a Island Chain that got sandwiched in the creation of Eurasia. And this was in the Triassic era, making the claim of independence from Asia rather dubious.
That's what I would expect, especially after the west coast of the continent fully subducts the Nazca Plate. But most standard projections have the North Atlantic Ocean drawing back together, and South America being pulled toward Africa with the formation of a "new Pangaea". Who is going to be around to find out?
What do you think about this? You think everything in this video needs to be all perfectly correct? No. Its only just that geologists find clues and study our planet to get the most accurate representation of the past.
I know this is a two year old comment, but I'll reply because this point bears making. This animation is the culmination of decades of dedicated study of geology from all over the world. Each 10M year time point requires intensely detailed research of rock layers, core samples, the identification of fault lines, ridges, subduction zones. Some of that evidence is simply gone. The rock has been destroyed. Some of the evidence is exceedingly sparse and comes from a wide variety of sources, so educated guesses must be made, particularly the farther back in time you go. While the animation is a slow fade between these maps set to music and relatively easy for a video editor to do, the maps themselves are beautifully rendered original work that Dr. Scotese has dedicated talent, tenacity, and an incredible amount of time to create. While I know you meant no offense, I think it is vital to at least attempt to understand just how difficult preparing something like this is. It is a magnum opus. It should not be taken lightly.
Just so you two understand that there's no such thing as tectonic plates , it is the body's of gigantuous creatures that died during the flooding of the planet and now they are petrified and you live on top if them. You have been taught to call their body's "land". Truth that most can't handle and it is for this reason , you are kept in the dark !
Who says Australia and India were connected to Antarctica ??? So just like that, India moved up like a surf board half a world away and crashed into the Himalayan range? Lol Bollocks Truth is Australia was once in between Eastern Africa and India; this is rather simple to verify in more ways than one. ("Spot on" by JP Codnia Copyright 2004)
India is on it's own plate. How do you think the Himalayas were formed? They were pushed up when India hit Asia. Have you not learned anything? Watch a couple more of this guys videos and you might start to comprehend. "Crash into the Himalayas...' 🤣🤣🤣
Falling, moving, flowing, deviding, occupying, covering, soil erosion, like these words may belongs to water not land . nowadays also we can see the above words of water in simple will not move because earth is already moving, in that earth liquids will move . & also our body moves but not organs .then the inside of the body blood flows not lungs , kidneys etc.
You should explain it better... Why it is fake? I saw a problem there, but its problem of the scale of the maps, but, besides that... Do you study this area?
It is now understood that the Brazilian Central Plateau belonged to a large mountain range in the middle of Godwanna, and even at that time still maintained high altitudes and did not change much over the years.
GREAT! finally with sea level changes! been waiting for this kind of video to have them for ages. thanks
greenshadedthing cool!
Hello Dr. Scotese, Would be possible to add the marine ingression of Salta Group in the northwestern of Argentina? Best regards.
It's so interesting how Geography has change trough time!
It is not geography that you might think .
While surrounded by the oceanic water , this is what you should have been taught in the beginning.
Just so you two understand that there's no such thing as tectonic plates , it is the body's of gigantuous creatures that died during the flooding of the planet and now they are petrified and you live on top if them.
You have been taught to call their body's "land".
Truth that most can't handle and it is for this reason , you are kept in the dark !
@NOTTHASAME f___ off with you and ur smol little peanut brain you "smart" rat
@@NOTTHASAME what.......?
@@NOTTHASAME Bruh I swear I had a stroke while reading that..
Also if you really think that’s true, then 1, why are they “swimming” away. Also, you are so stupid that you think dunkin doughnuts is a basketball team
I really like that waltz that played during the animation!
nm... that's 3/4 time. it must be a tango
1:52 NoOOOoOoOoOoOo thats sad :[
Super didactical !!! Thanks for sharing, oscar, brazil;
I enjoyed this very much but I only found this because I'm bored with the usual stuff, are there no detailed documentaries about the formation of the South American continent?
This isn't detailed enough ? What details are you looking for ? This shows when mountain ranges formed as well as the Amazon basin, etc. It doesn't show the exact location of the plate boundaries and directional movement, but you can look it up. Mountains formed where plates collided. The plate of concern to South America is the Pacific crustal plate, being very thin, which experienced subduction beneath the west coast and raised the Andes mountains, as well as the coastline cliffs.
@@yvettekosta7994 It's been two years now and I've just gotten a response, not a snarky answer but instead a well thought out reply, people some times do listen to me yes.
@@robertf.kuszewski4150 : Well I don't know if it helped, did you get the answers you were looking for in the past two years, what details were you wondering about ?
Good music!!!
Very nice !
150 Ma why would there be mountain ranges spanning across the middle of Africa-South America continent? Why would there be subduction in the middle of a plate before it splits in two?
What you're looking at isn't subduction. Subduction is when one plate is pushed beneath another as the Farallon plate has been pushed under the N. American continent along the Pacific coast. What you're seeing there is the creation of a rift valley similar to what is happening in the eastern part of the African continent today. The land is pulled apart. Lakes form. Eventually, they connect and open to the ocean. Where there is a weakness in the crust, magna from the mantle pushes up and a ridge forms where new rock is created (as we have in the mid-Atlantic ridge currently).
The mountain ranges you're seeing along the African-South American border at 150Mya are the result of the collision of those two continents millions of years before during the formation of Pangaea. Dr. Scotese has a full world animation that goes far enough back to show the various supercontinents that we have evidence of over time.
Just so you two understand that there's no such thing as tectonic plates , it is the body's of gigantuous creatures that died during the flooding of the planet and now they are petrified and you live on top if them.
You have been taught to call their body's "land".
Truth that most can't handle and it is for this reason , you are kept in the dark !
@@NOTTHASAME can you please just FUCK OFF!!!! you shouldn’t be spreading this kind of stuff because it doesn’t make sense. Organisms made of dirt? Ew.
@@NOTTHASAME ok granda, time to go back to the nursing home and take your meds
@@NOTTHASAMEshut up you ignorant fool
what do you call that gigantic hyperlake forming and disappearing throughout the ages in the northern part of brazil and venezuela ?
Venezuelan oil wealth that leads to dictatorships. Thats what you call it.
maybe, amazon sea?
I was always under the impression that Africa and South America were joined together much later than that, judging from the Leopards and Jaguar similarities. I guess I was death wrong, maybe a Leopard-Jaguar ancestor followed the humans across Bering land bridge, I need to search into that
DNA studies do indicate a Beringia route isolation and divergence of Panthera (mountain lion and jaguar) in the Americas and Neofelis (leopard) in Asia from a common Felidae ancestor.
Eizirik, E.; Kim, J. H.; Menotti-Raymond, M.; Crawshaw P. G. Jr.; O'Brien, S. J.; Johnson, W. E. (2001). "Phylogeography, population history and conservation genetics of jaguars (Panthera onca, Mammalia, Felidae)". Molecular Ecology. 10 (1): 65-79
The cat family evolved from South East Asia. They crossed the Bering land bridge long before the Humans. The wolf (and I suppose fox and other species of the dog family) evolved in America and migrated the opposite way.
Africa and America was like: NOOO Touch my han- Aaa
The ancestor of lions, leopards, and jaguars was a spotted cat, but who is more closely related to whom is still debated by the molecule counters. It appears leopards and jaguars were distinguishable by the Pleistocene. Hybrid offspring can be fertile as females, but to my knowledge, no fertile males were produced.
@@ysteinfjr7529 The ancestor of modern members of Canis, Cuon, and Lycaon appears to have been a Pliocene coyote. Currently, they think the ancestor of modern wolves evolved in Asia, as the niche of large canine predators was then taken in North America by Aenocyon ( current genus assignment of the dire wolf). Of course, any day, someone may find another molecule.
2:00 wow a america with four legs! Impressive
4 legs?
I was just reading “the fingerprint of the gods” by Graham Hancock and in page 709-710 he speaks about how Antarctica was once a tropical kinda of place, it wasn’t always frozen.
Imagine what’s frozen underneath that thick ice cap that we still haven’t uncovered. 🤯🤯🤫
You can have this piece of the puzzle that is very crucial to understanding thst which you would never know.
Just so you two understand that there's no such thing as tectonic plates , it is the body's of gigantuous creatures that died during the flooding of the planet and now they are petrified and you live on top if them.
You have been taught to call their body's "land".
Truth that most can't handle and it is for this reason , you are kept in the dark !
@@NOTTHASAME time for your meds.
@@NOTTHASAME Who directed? James Cameron?
@@NOTTHASAME or maybe, you're just dumb?
Brasil curtiu
Parabéns pelo seu trabalho professor! mesmo sem falar inglês eu aprecio muito seus vídeos!
Good job. Parabens!
Can I use the files that you used in the video? I really like it.
What tango is this?
3:56 years ago was present day South America
Interesting the Patagonian ice sheet extended up into the Andes of southern Peru. It may shed light on the archaeological sites there. Tiwanaku & others. Its a mystery what those sites show, if they are not Holocene then they go back to Pleistocene but that last glacial period would have ground them to sediment. So either Pumu Punku is prior to last glacial period of the last ice age and were covered by something or they're Holocene, no?
I'm curious to see how and when the Andes were created. What landmass pushed itself against South America's Pacific coast to create them and when did it occur? I mean, the mountains of the Andes are higher today than before 160 million ago because the continent had split and then merged back together. But what about before 160 million ago?
I think they might have been created by a subducting plate along the Pacific Coast
I hope this helps you out
Just so you two understand that there's no such thing as tectonic plates , it is the body's of gigantuous creatures that died during the flooding of the planet and now they are petrified and you live on top if them.
You have been taught to call their body's "land".
Truth that most can't handle and it is for this reason , you are kept in the dark !
The things you are calling mountains are the petrified body's of dragon's.
Killed during the flood
You are so wrong as academia is lying to the mass about this planet.
You couldn't handle much more than this , you have no room for the truth in your head as too much indoctrinated cells.
Just so you two understand that there's no such thing as tectonic plates , it is the body's of gigantuous creatures that died during the flooding of the planet and now they are petrified and you live on top if them.
You have been taught to call their body's "land".
Truth that most can't handle and it is for this reason , you are kept in the dark !
@@NOTTHASAME boi wtf-
wow that's cool
SA and Africa, a love story a billion years in the making...
The Sahara fertilizes the Amazon
You can see right here that Europe was separate from Asia. People do not want to admit it.
Not really, there is a difference between being submerged and being tectonically separate. Europe is a complicated landmass with its core being the old microplate Baltica. Asia's core is in China, but since then much has been added on or stolen from other landmasses such as the British Isles. Claiming Europe isn't part of Eurasia is akin to the UK claiming to not being part of Europe Geologically.
@@twotone3471 "Claiming Europe isn't part of Eurasia is akin to the UK claiming to not being part of Europe Geologically." But you have just denied that existence of Europe. You just claimed that Europe is Eurasia and not its own continent. Then you talk about UK being part of Europe when you just denied that Europe exists. You have massively contradicted your self. You contradicted your self because you can't admit the existence of Europe for political reasons.
@@TomTom-rh5gk Europe is a political entity. Eurasia is a Geological one. Its possible to be both or neither. Just be glad I didn't include Africa in Eurasia, it has a independent motion in relation to Eurasia, so I count it separate. Europe on the other hand doesn't have any independent movement in relation to Asia, so without a active fault separating what's essentially the same landmass, its the same.
@@twotone3471 You are playing word games. Europe is made up of a series of islands that broke away from North America and moved toward Asia. Europe moved East and Asia didn’t. The Urals rise like a long and narrow spine across western Russia, forming a natural divide between Europe and Asia. This statement proves that geologists recognize a difference between Europe and Asia. Europe is still moving east but too slow to be detected.
Plate tectonics means that landmasses move over time. It means that Europe and Asia will separate again. Gondwana was an ancient supercontinent that broke up about 180 million years ago. The continent eventually split into landmasses we recognize today: Africa, South America, Australia, Antarctica, the Indian subcontinent, and the Arabian Peninsula. In the past, none of the continents moved independently of each other but that doesn’t mean they didn’t exist.
@@TomTom-rh5gk The Urals don't even mark the Seashore of the Siberian Craton (the one that collided with Baltica and created the Urals. The Seashore/junction was to the east some ways. The Eastern Urals are a Island Chain that got sandwiched in the creation of Eurasia. And this was in the Triassic era, making the claim of independence from Asia rather dubious.
200 millones más estaremos en Japón emocionante
wrong model. South America actually moved from left to wards right. Not the other way around.
South America: "Lotta black guys over there."
Can you do an evolution of Antarctica, please/
I came from family guy. South america left Africa and this is africa coming to get lying south america
South America divorced Africa.
The music!
And the geological future? S. America will keep moving west?
That's what I would expect, especially after the west coast of the continent fully subducts the Nazca Plate. But most standard projections have the North Atlantic Ocean drawing back together, and South America being pulled toward Africa with the formation of a "new Pangaea".
Who is going to be around to find out?
I wonder if the narrow, shallow Atlantic sea had good swimming temperature
You start your map out wrong right out of the gate. I have the correct map
Tumukhumuk mountain chain
Wilhelmina table mountain
Ish-tahr= star (meteorite) (falling star)
Why backwards?
No, it’s forward.
According to your animation the Andes were pretty much in place 40 million years ago, where did you get that from? They weren't.
What do you think about this? You think everything in this video needs to be all perfectly correct? No. Its only just that geologists find clues and study our planet to get the most accurate representation of the past.
@@yelloman_ Sorry, Miss Scotese. Didn't mean to humiliate your son, just worrying for those who may believe him.
@@dantolino1093 Uh im not his son, i’m not a girl or anything im just a random commenter :/
O Brasil nao teria mar ;-;
It seems the earth has expanded in diameter - the pacific has shrunk from that to today
It's African America
Pin me plsssssssss
C.r scotese u should think outside the box a bit more and do something different because everything is kind of the same. (No affence)
sobre todo el sector de Los Andes, no muestra su evolución
I know this is a two year old comment, but I'll reply because this point bears making. This animation is the culmination of decades of dedicated study of geology from all over the world. Each 10M year time point requires intensely detailed research of rock layers, core samples, the identification of fault lines, ridges, subduction zones. Some of that evidence is simply gone. The rock has been destroyed. Some of the evidence is exceedingly sparse and comes from a wide variety of sources, so educated guesses must be made, particularly the farther back in time you go. While the animation is a slow fade between these maps set to music and relatively easy for a video editor to do, the maps themselves are beautifully rendered original work that Dr. Scotese has dedicated talent, tenacity, and an incredible amount of time to create. While I know you meant no offense, I think it is vital to at least attempt to understand just how difficult preparing something like this is. It is a magnum opus. It should not be taken lightly.
Just so you two understand that there's no such thing as tectonic plates , it is the body's of gigantuous creatures that died during the flooding of the planet and now they are petrified and you live on top if them.
You have been taught to call their body's "land".
Truth that most can't handle and it is for this reason , you are kept in the dark !
This is evidence that south America was connect to Africa and south America is a black continent.
Who says Australia and India were connected to Antarctica ???
So just like that, India moved up like a surf board half a world away and crashed into the Himalayan range? Lol
Truth is Australia was once in between Eastern Africa and India; this is rather simple to verify in more ways than one.
("Spot on" by JP Codnia Copyright 2004)
India is on it's own plate. How do you think the Himalayas were formed? They were pushed up when India hit Asia. Have you not learned anything? Watch a couple more of this guys videos and you might start to comprehend. "Crash into the Himalayas...' 🤣🤣🤣
@@deathbycheese850 India never moved much at all and was part of Eurasia. Earth is expanding.
Spot on? I cant find a video
@@bluellamaslearnbeyondthele2456 if earth is expanding then where does rocks and stuff come from
@@excelvalentino6972 it could be only or mostly just decompression.
100% false.(plate tectonic).
and your evidence?
Falling, moving, flowing, deviding, occupying, covering, soil erosion, like these words may belongs to water not land . nowadays also we can see the above words of water in simple will not move because earth is already moving, in that earth liquids will move . & also our body moves but not organs .then the inside of the body blood flows not lungs , kidneys etc.
You should explain it better... Why it is fake? I saw a problem there, but its problem of the scale of the maps, but, besides that... Do you study this area?
Plate tectonics is what keeps the continents moving, but very very slowly.
Prasannakumar S Crazy bastard.