Grab a coffee and let’s have a catch up.( Giveaway now closed)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @craftycleggscreations
    @craftycleggscreations  2 роки тому

    Wow guys…. Thank you so much for all you lovely lovely comments. I’m so pleased that so many of you want to enter the 2K giveaway. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart.
    Unfortunately as I’ve been so busy these past couple of days, birthdays in the house, Father’s Day and today preparing for travelling down to the south to house sit / dog sit for our daughter I just haven’t has the spare time to sit and answer everyone’s comments, but please know I’ve read everyone of them and if you have asked me a question as soon as I’m settled in Frome I’ll answer them all.
    Thank you again, you lot are brilliant.💕💕💕💕

  • @Charlie-cz3jh
    @Charlie-cz3jh 2 роки тому +4

    We want to watch you because you've got a certain magic that we all adore. You're a STAR like it or not.😉😊

  • @carolinerea7165
    @carolinerea7165 2 роки тому

    How lovely that you have passed two thousand subscribers. 2K giveaway. Love catching up with you. Thank you for your time. 😃

  • @martinaday6311
    @martinaday6311 2 роки тому

    2K GIVEAWAY. Dear Jeanette. Thank you for another lovely podcast. As always- I love all your projects and I always feel I am sitting down with a dear friend. You always inspire me. 😊

  • @margaret4980
    @margaret4980 2 роки тому +1

    2k Giveaway - Thank you 😊

  • @grannyjax3955
    @grannyjax3955 2 роки тому

    Hi Jeanette, I do look forward to your podcasts. You bring a bit of sunshine on these dark days. Good luck to everyone with your 2K Giveaway. Well done Jeanette and keep up the good work.

  • @daphneburgess8642
    @daphneburgess8642 Рік тому +1

    What a beautiful collection of projects! I would just leave the bears case open. I love looking at the little things on your shelves too. Looking forward to watching more videos.

  • @lorrieworth8796
    @lorrieworth8796 2 роки тому

    It’s always lovely to watch you and see all your lovely makes. Congratulations 🎉 on your 2k viewers and 2k giveaway.

  • @ericallerton809
    @ericallerton809 2 роки тому

    Congratulations to u Jeanette!,,!you deserve it !!!
    Love all UR beautiful makes,,,,!!!and UR crochet figures are amazing ,,,,
    Take care,,
    Elaine 😍😍🏡🏡🏡🏡

  • @suedavies8565
    @suedavies8565 2 роки тому

    Congratulations Jeanette, I always enjoy your videos, lovely and chatty and such interesting makes. Thank you so much and for the 2k giveaway.

  • @beamiller6188
    @beamiller6188 2 роки тому +1

    You get more done in an afternoon than I get done in a week ! And the things you choose to make are always fun and useful too. Thank you for taking time to be with us .

    • @craftycleggscreations
      @craftycleggscreations  2 роки тому

      Thank you so much Bea for spending you time with me. It doesn’t matter how long the journey takes as long as you arrive where you want to be. Crafting is all a lot enjoying your time. Xxxxxx

  • @sblain8093
    @sblain8093 2 роки тому

    Jeanette, you really brighten my day. I love your chatter and rabbit holes. Congratulations for the 2k giveaway.

  • @Charlie-cz3jh
    @Charlie-cz3jh 2 роки тому +1

    PERIDOT= lime green colored semi precious gem stone. Sounds like " pear eh dough"😉 Liz II Gnome is ADORABLE! Great job you! You are not daft. Your just right! I just found you today and subscribed. Your HRH and all your work is fabulous!!!

  • @sarahlloyd4069
    @sarahlloyd4069 2 роки тому

    Hello Jeanette you do brighten everyone’s day with your cheery podcasts! Congratulations well done you 2K giveaway xx

  • @traceybeale1761
    @traceybeale1761 2 роки тому

    Congratulations 🥳 2k giveaway
    Hi Jeanette thanks for sharing your beautiful crafting with us it’s always lovely watching what you are getting up to.

  • @catherinebothwell8437
    @catherinebothwell8437 2 роки тому

    2K Giveaway. Love all your makes. You do a great job, keep podcasting , I look forward to every one of them.

  • @LizBethA63
    @LizBethA63 2 роки тому

    2K Giveaway. Loved your podcast. Loved the Gnome! Congrats on receiving 2,130+ subscribers!

  • @epiphany8276
    @epiphany8276 2 роки тому

    Loved your crocheted queens especially the Queen Gnome. Very deserving of 2k subs! A 2k giveaway is a lovely way to celebrate, well done!

  • @sarahhicks877
    @sarahhicks877 2 роки тому

    2k giveaway. Love your easy watching podcasts. Love to see what you’ve been making and what you’ve been up to.

  • @1sassyspunky
    @1sassyspunky 2 роки тому

    It was so cute to see your gnome Queen. 2k giveaway sounds wonderful. You have been missed. Good luck with all your projects. You inspire me to try new things.

  • @brandysmith4361
    @brandysmith4361 2 роки тому

    Congratulations on your subscriber milestone!!🎉 You are a pleasure to watch😊💕 2K Giveaway

  • @sylviamccormick9510
    @sylviamccormick9510 2 роки тому

    2k Giveaway. Hi Janette, congratulations on reaching over 2k subscribers, and wishing you much more success with your channel.
    I love seeing all your crochet toys, and Her Majesty are both gorgeous. I have tried many many times to learn to crochet and I just can't get the hang of it at all so I just stick to my knitting with some sewing when the mood takes me.
    Could you place card on the sides of your wee case and cover with a blanket or how about a good spray of starch, it's so cute and personally I would leave it open so you can see the doll inside.
    Have a lovely weekend house and dog sitting for your daughter.

  • @dawnscraftycreations2776
    @dawnscraftycreations2776 2 роки тому

    Hi Jeanette, great podcast. Loved all your makes, you’ve been busy. Enjoyed the paper crafting at the end too, thanks for sharing.
    2K Giveaway

  • @sharonbowers1843
    @sharonbowers1843 2 роки тому

    2k giveaway. Congratulations on reaching this milestone. I always enjoy watching your videos. Keep Crafting 😀

  • @ericallerton809
    @ericallerton809 2 роки тому

    Congratulations on UR 2K Give way,,,,Jeanette,,,,
    Elaine 🏡🏡🏡🏡

  • @margaretgerry565
    @margaretgerry565 2 роки тому

    My list of things I want to crochet gets longer and longer every time I watch one of your podcasts. Congratulations on the 2k subscribers. 2k giveaway

  • @elainebryceland5520
    @elainebryceland5520 2 роки тому

    2K Giveaway. You are so inspiring, love it. Beautiful makes, look forward to the next one x

  • @belleboo928
    @belleboo928 2 роки тому

    2k giveaway…..lovely makes. Have a couple of your bags and very tempted again…..xx

  • @robynshalfwayupthehill9518
    @robynshalfwayupthehill9518 2 роки тому

    Lovely spending 1hr 10 mins with you Jeanette. Thank you I enjoyed our time. I’d love to be in the draw for 2k giveaway. Ta ta for now

  • @joysmith6013
    @joysmith6013 2 роки тому

    2K GIVEAWAY. Loved seeing all your crochet makes. I have tried many times to learn to crochet but I just can’t get the hang of it. You make such cute things. You have spurred me on to try again. X

  • @rowanwatts7377
    @rowanwatts7377 2 роки тому

    2K Giveaway - lovely podcast as always and very down to earth as so few of us can afford the kind of prices in upmarket yarn shops. Glad your trip to Dawn’s was such fun.

  • @alisonbarrow5711
    @alisonbarrow5711 2 роки тому

    2K giveaway Congratulations Jeanette for reaching so many followers.! I love to make a brew and simply knit or crochet and see what you have been up to. We travelled to Jersey via Liverpool airport for our holiday, was as calm and quiet as can be! Would highly recommend.

  • @kumudininathaniel9092
    @kumudininathaniel9092 2 роки тому

    The best solution to stiffen the suitcase is to use a cardboard just of the size of your suitcase, then you can glue it with a beautiful wrapping around the cardboard. Hope your problem will be resolved. I liked all of your projects very much.

  • @jacquicauldwell1117
    @jacquicauldwell1117 2 роки тому

    2k giveaway. Congratulations Jeanette xxx you asked why people watch you! I cant speak for everyone but for me it feels like an hour or how ever long with a friend. I get a coffee and find some me time with you. Steve has dementia and you ,dawn and some of the other ladies are my company. I love what u make and i have also been influenced once or twice ;-)) lol xxx

  • @wendyallen136
    @wendyallen136 2 роки тому

    2k giveaway I love the bag with caravans on,so cute.Enjoy your break in Frome.x

  • @junemiddlehurst7886
    @junemiddlehurst7886 2 роки тому

    Hi Jeanette , I really enjoyed your podcast , good luck to everyone with your 2k Giveaway , thanks again on your lovely podcasts . June x

  • @lynseyh101
    @lynseyh101 2 роки тому

    A 2k giveaway is an awesome way to celebrate, i have only just found your channel recently and i am really enjoying your videos. Loving your project bags especially the caravan one.

  • @janiceallan2981
    @janiceallan2981 2 роки тому

    2K Giveaway.
    So enjoy your videos. Your crafts are so beautiful. X

  • @teresa275
    @teresa275 2 роки тому

    Congratulations on reaching 2k subscribers 🎊 lovely to see you back with a podcast.🥰 So many lovely projects and love your bag just the thing for Frome. Enjoy. you are one busy lady!🥰 2k Giveaway🥰xx

  • @judys6646
    @judys6646 2 роки тому

    2K Giveaway
    Love the summery fabrics on your bags, especially as it’s winter here.

  • @nicci_knitter1557
    @nicci_knitter1557 2 роки тому

    Fab podcast as always. Congrats on the 2K subscribers! We watch you because you're lovely, warm, interesting, kind, funny... I could go on! For your little suitcase, you could crochet a strip with mesh and then fix it on to the inside of the case either with hot glue or by sewing? Thanks for the lovely 2K giveaway xxx

  • @Charlie-cz3jh
    @Charlie-cz3jh 2 роки тому +1

    That bag is GORGEOUS❣❣❣

  • @mariangelafiddaman6244
    @mariangelafiddaman6244 2 роки тому

    Beautiful Makes love your Queen. Great Video as always. 2K Giveaway 💕

  • @hazelfletcher2235
    @hazelfletcher2235 2 роки тому

    Another lovely podcast, all your projects are lovely.2k Giveaway. X

  • @RitaCwise
    @RitaCwise Рік тому

    I discovered your channel about a month ago. Since then I have been watching your older videos. Thank you, you bring such joy to your viewers!

    • @craftycleggscreations
      @craftycleggscreations  Рік тому

      Welcome Christine. Thank you so much for your kind words, I really do appreciate each and everyone of my viewers. Xxxx

  • @suzanwild3548
    @suzanwild3548 2 роки тому

    2K Giveaway. Enjoyed the podcast and what you’ve been up to.

  • @heathertucker7056
    @heathertucker7056 2 роки тому

    Always love to see your wonderful amigurumi! The Queen figures are just wonderful and the hen and geese are just so cute! Hope your house sitting in Frome goes well. 2k Giveaway. Thank you for doing this and congratulations on your subscriber numbers which are much deserved! Take care x

  • @elisab8096
    @elisab8096 2 роки тому

    Congratulations on 2k subscribers, and thanks for the 2k giveaway too!
    I always enjoy visiting with you 😁

  • @caroldaley7187
    @caroldaley7187 2 роки тому

    2K GIVEAWAY, Hi Jeanette, I love watching you,love your bags too. I did one of the Queen gnomes in purple,didn't turn out very well,but hey, she's mine. Anyway, I will try again. You, Tim, and Zac take care of yourselves and enjoy your summer,bye.

  • @christinemarsden2157
    @christinemarsden2157 2 роки тому

    2K Giveaway. I loved the Queen Elizabeth gnome, Jeanette. And I've also watched your Frome videos and enjoyed them immensely x

  • @suziefab9532
    @suziefab9532 2 роки тому

    2k giveaway ,love the pod cast you Amigurumi are very nice ,I love the teddy in the case ,I think it was a lot of work .❤️

  • @emilywembleycrochet7500
    @emilywembleycrochet7500 2 роки тому

    Hi Jeanette, it’s lovely to see your podcasts doing so well! Congratulations on passing the 2000 mark! I’d love to be part of the 2k giveaway. 😊

  • @1crochet
    @1crochet 2 роки тому

    You make such lovely things. I love watching your video's. I especially like your Queen Elizabeth Doll. 2K Giveway. x

  • @tinajeneson2111
    @tinajeneson2111 2 роки тому

    2K GIVEAWAY xx Thanks for another great podcast and congratulations xx

  • @katross4
    @katross4 2 роки тому

    I wonder if spray starch would help your suitcase edges be a bit sturdier? Definitely a super sweet little bear that goes inside it! Love listening to you chat.
    2k giveaway

  • @jaynepointon8547
    @jaynepointon8547 2 роки тому

    Some beautiful makes and I can understand why people want to follow, such a lovely friendly vlog, I feel like you are already a friend. Well done on your 2k giveaway , Jayne

  • @kimhammond7606
    @kimhammond7606 2 роки тому

    I always enjoy your videos. So down to earth and its lovely to see you crocheting with commercial yarn 2k giveaway xx

  • @suzannekaster4462
    @suzannekaster4462 2 роки тому

    Lovely to see you again Jeannette. I would love to be in your 2K GIVEAWAY!

  • @dorothy2030
    @dorothy2030 2 роки тому

    Hi Jeanette
    Lovely podcast and I disagree, I think you make very interesting vlogs.
    Very generous of you to make the donation to the Red Cross, I love my gnome, he's very well made and lovely.
    Congratulations on the 2k milestone, you deserve it. Thank you for doing the 2k giveaway, that's so kind of you
    Hope you enjoy yourself in Frome, lovely part of England.

  • @sharon-eh6zx
    @sharon-eh6zx 2 роки тому

    Hooray, you got your thumbnail ❤️. Thanks for keeping me entertained last night when I watched this. Fabulous makes as always. X

  • @pixieb8952
    @pixieb8952 2 роки тому

    Thoroughly enjoyed your video Jeanette full of friendly chatter and interesting makes loved the embroidery on the cover you are making for the journal something that l am just getting into the little bees and the French knots looked beautiful have a good time away and enjoy some me time as they say while you are dog 🐕 sitting please enter me in the 2K GIVE AWAY lots of love ❤️❤️❤️

  • @seasaltsandra.00
    @seasaltsandra.00 2 роки тому

    Oh Jeanette! You and me with the flowers on the basket from the magazine. My friend passes on her magazines and when I saw the pattern I fell in love and then tried to catch myself on by saying 'would I really use it' but I just love them so much I'm going to do them anyway! 😍 2K giveaway x

  • @debbiestuckey6599
    @debbiestuckey6599 2 роки тому

    Hi Jeanette! 2K give away! For your suitcase sides you could try some Fabric Stiffener. I saw it at Hobby Lobby today. Not sure how well it would work, but may be worth a try. I love all your makes!! 🥰

  • @dianecroker6376
    @dianecroker6376 2 роки тому

    Another lovely podcast I have followed you from day one really enjoy them . 2K giveaway xxx

  • @craftyali1570
    @craftyali1570 2 роки тому

    Really enjoy your videos. Congratulations on reaching your 2k giveaway. Ax

  • @karaoverman7818
    @karaoverman7818 2 роки тому

    Loved visiting with. The bags are adorable. Congrats on the subscribers.

  • @janei1100
    @janei1100 2 роки тому

    2 k giveaway. Really enjoyed this video. Look forward to them.

  • @barbaragwynne2903
    @barbaragwynne2903 2 роки тому

    Love your crochet projects, I’m more of a knitter but think l may have to give crochet ago especially the geese. Thank you for you lovey podcast and congratulations on you 2k give away. 🎉

  • @carolejoyce7767
    @carolejoyce7767 2 роки тому

    2k giveaway. Always enjoy your podcast. Great job x

  • @annehayward3506
    @annehayward3506 2 роки тому

    2K Giveaway. Love all your amigurumi so cute especially the teddy bear in the suitcase which I’ve just purchased. I’m loving your queen gnome she is adorable. Thank you for sharing you journal making as well. I hope to get back into that soon when I’ve finished decorating my craft room and sorted the furniture in here. Have a lovely time dog sitting at your daughters house, stay safe love and hugs xx

  • @corallynch4825
    @corallynch4825 2 роки тому

    Love your podcast the crochet is Beautiful, love your bags 2k giveaway

  • @jennylow2598
    @jennylow2598 2 роки тому

    Loved the podcast lovely to see you back 2K giveaway xx

  • @alisoncooper7227
    @alisoncooper7227 2 роки тому

    I love your Queens🤩. 2k Giveaway. 🤞

  • @CarinaDeanDaisy
    @CarinaDeanDaisy 2 роки тому

    I love watching your videos and see all your beautiful makes. I would love to enter your 2k giveaway 😍 💕

  • @debrubach9399
    @debrubach9399 2 роки тому

    2K Giveaway! I watch because I love listening to UK accents. Being Canadian of Scots and Irish decent I tend to follow UK podcasters instead of North American. I find the style of UK ones enjoyable.

  • @susanrichard3879
    @susanrichard3879 2 роки тому

    Hi jeanette congratulations on reaching 2k subscribers, well deserved your podcasts are so entertaining as are all your makes. 2K giveaway

  • @linda11640
    @linda11640 2 роки тому

    You always make the prettiest things. Love the bag and your color choices. Congratulations on 2000 subscribers and how fun you are having a 2k giveaway . Or should I write it 2kgiveaway. I would love to win one of your sweet project bags.

  • @glendabathgate4036
    @glendabathgate4036 2 роки тому

    2 k giveaway I loved the caravan bag hopped over and it was gone lovely to see you

  • @jeaninecoe5012
    @jeaninecoe5012 2 роки тому

    2k giveaway you have been busy so many beautiful makes 😍 my darling husband gave me his bronchitis so have been really poorly. It’s going into it’s second week and it won’t go away 😢 but hopefully soon. Happy crafting and looking forward to seeing you again soon. Oh enjoy your stay at your daughters sometimes it’s nice to have alone time. 🤗

  • @hattysamuel6328
    @hattysamuel6328 2 роки тому

    2K give away. Sounds like you had a wonderful visit to the Netherlands! I can offer much advice on your teddy box. Could you use some fabric covered card foe the edges as suitcases are lined?

  • @traceybee640
    @traceybee640 2 роки тому

    Well done reaching such a high number of subscribers 😊 2K giveaway

  • @helenogorman9467
    @helenogorman9467 2 роки тому

    Hi jennette. Would love to be included in 2k giveaway. Love your channel. Good luck with scan and your little teddy basket was very cute. Helen

  • @lauraanderson9910
    @lauraanderson9910 2 роки тому

    As always such a perfect podcast. So lovely to spend some time with you. I love every single thing you make, they are all amazing. I really want one of those attic 24 bags. It’s so pretty! Would you be able to use starch spray or some pva glue to make the sides of the suitcase more sturdy? I do love it though so cute! Huge congratulations on 2k subscribers! So so well deserved you always show such beautiful makes and patterns and ideas. I’d love to be entered in to the 2k giveaway! How lucky to get one of your special bags 🥰 xxx

  • @marlenefaull248
    @marlenefaull248 2 роки тому

    Think I’ve watched you from the start. Always like how you talk through and show us your makes. Wish I could crochet as neat as you. Yes please to the 2k giveaway.

  • @maureenflitcroft8430
    @maureenflitcroft8430 2 роки тому

    Another great informative video Janette. I love all your projects, you are tempting me to has a go at amigurumi. I’ve just received a Toft kit as a birthday gift and can’t wait to get started. Congratulations on having over 2 thousand subscribers. 2K giveaway. Xx

  • @craftablyeverafter
    @craftablyeverafter 2 роки тому

    I am always very excited when I see you post a new podcast as you always have such awesome makes! The bag is beautiful and I love those little geese (I want to try and make a little geese bunting/banner as decoration for Christmas). The Queen Elizabeth doll is amazing. I always look at those toft doll kits but they seem extremely intense to make. I'll need to pluck up a lot more courage to one day make one. Thanks for always having such fun and lovely videos 🥰 2k giveaway

  • @beatehyde2437
    @beatehyde2437 2 роки тому

    Dear Jeanette , I enjoy watching your videos all the time and they are inspiring me to start new projects . I like the jolly chunky bag and the hexagon flower scissor case . I would like to enter the 2k giveaway. Kind regards Beate .

  • @melissataylor5247
    @melissataylor5247 2 роки тому

    2k giveaway - Congrats on reaching 2k! I love watching your videos, you make the cutest stuff. I remember the first time I watched your video and I was blown away by how many different things you manage to make, very inspirational! :)

  • @pameladungar482
    @pameladungar482 2 роки тому

    I absolutely have to decorate one of my baskets and have already printed off the chunky bag pattern. I am not as proficient at crochet as you but can manage an Attic 24 pattern. I looked at the Toft Birds but they are above my pay grade. 2K Giveaway is very generous as was your sale to raise money for the Red Cross. Have a lovely visit to Frome

  • @ashfieldguild
    @ashfieldguild 2 роки тому

    Wow! 2k giveaway 🥳 Fab news and you deserve it, I love seeing your videos in my feed 😁 I think queenie gnome was my fave this time 🤩 I was 🤣 at pedirot! Think they meant peridot? What a typo!

  • @julielines3281
    @julielines3281 2 роки тому

    Hi so lovely to see you x it’s so nice to see all your beautiful makes x

  • @nancyfischer9931
    @nancyfischer9931 2 роки тому

    Congratulations on reaching 2k giveaway. Why wouldn’t people want to watch you, you are so inspiring and fun to watch. Love your crochet and paper crafting!!!

  • @marciam3094
    @marciam3094 2 роки тому

    Your trip was wonderful(I’m glad that I saw more of it on the vlog)! How much fun is it to get away and have fun with just a girlfriend or two? I get so overwhelmed when I am visiting shops (even nearby here) that I never end up buying much. I’m a better shopper when I go to a familiar store with a list..or at least and idea of what I’m going to make. That goes double for yarn or fabric shops! You did come back with some wonderful remembrances though! Loved this episode..I watched it on a beautiful Sunday morning here in NY while I made brownies to bring to my grandkids later today and just relaxed! Congratulations on your 2K Giveaway and subscribers! Such a milestone💖👏🎊

  • @wendydouce1870
    @wendydouce1870 2 роки тому

    Nice to see you again. I enjoy your waffle and going off topic. Make it like a normal conversation. If only you could hear us back! I did the toft queen for the jubilee but still not finished the mantel !
    2k giveaway

  • @melindabarnes1760
    @melindabarnes1760 2 роки тому

    Just to say I love watching your videos & the may vlogs. I’m also a yarn crafter but getting into junk journals & gluebooking. (This is my first ever comment!). 2K giveaway

  • @georginabird9354
    @georginabird9354 2 роки тому

    It looks like an antique suitcase xx

  • @conniegroves86
    @conniegroves86 2 роки тому

    I love all your makes 😊for the bear in the suitcase could you cover some cardboard and glue it on the edges maybe … I love the bags you have made well done on reaching 2k 😁 2k giveaway

  • @libbybowyer157
    @libbybowyer157 2 роки тому

    Hello my lovely this is the first time I have visited your channel and I must say I love how you show us all what you have made regardless of what you think of it. I love the teddy in a suitcase and if I may offer a couple of suggestions for teddy's suitcase before teddy's suitcase gets unpicked to make it a bit more sturdy. 1) make a clear varnish with a mixture of PVA glue and water or 2) spray starch. I appreciate they may not leave the suitcase really strong but I hope they will make it more suitable. Your work is lovely and I love the variety of things you make as well.

  • @sandraeggett2326
    @sandraeggett2326 2 роки тому

    Congratulations on all your subscribers, would love to take part in the 2k giveaway 😊

  • @ElaineP49
    @ElaineP49 2 роки тому

    Another great podcast Jeanette. Loved the ‘royal gnome’. Love all your makes….the birds are great. I’m down a rabbit hole now, making teddy’s and art dolls. Keeps us pensioners out of mischief!!! 😜😂😅🤣❤️2k giveaway xxx