The people in China are in our prayers. I hope the devastation in some way will unite people around the world. After all, we are citizens of the world.
i belive they are strong, just as anarchydemon1337 said. they will recover. they are smart and sneaky, but i mean it good. they will do theyr best and live further.
please do not use that kind of word to Taiwanese. do not be agitated by some individuals who think otherwise. Don't you see helps, supports and love from Taiwan?
heartbreaking.Good Luck finding survivors and recovering.
飛彈方向可以轉變的, 就算不是因台灣, 飛彈也是會存在. 一個國家在周邊佈置weapon根本很正常.
The people in China are in our prayers. I hope the devastation in some way will unite people around the world. After all, we are citizens of the world.
GOD IS WITH YOU, CHINA. Not with "Murica"
i hope tat things are goin better now....(CRYING
i belive they are strong, just as anarchydemon1337 said. they will recover. they are smart and sneaky, but i mean it good. they will do theyr best and live further.
唔知幾時到 臺灣地震呢 :)
God is love
Soldier of christ arise.........Christ the son of God saves and realind and leads to heaven.......
你這個人真好笑, 四川發生災難, 你卻四處留言踐踏中國, 只懂去數別人不是, 而不是去同情死難者.
身為香港人, 中國的一份子, 我也看不過眼, 你的行為令人費解, 一點同情心也沒有.
please do not use that kind of word to Taiwanese. do not be agitated by some individuals who think otherwise. Don't you see helps, supports and love from Taiwan?