Amazing video, I always wanted to see a naval battle MMD! Though I think if the abyssals uses *normal* WW2 ships, they aren't going to defeat a modern fleet. Unless a battleship is present, there won't be much trouble. Even then depending on mission load-out of the fleet, battleships will be missioned killed or sunk before it can do too much damage. Modern 5" guns have equal to if not 4x the reload speed(depends on gun) of WW2 era destroyer guns while having battleship range. Though I can't seem to find any source that these are armed with AP rounds, theorectically, they can go through battleship armor at close range. So they should be able to go through anything from a crusier and below at any rnage, but that's assuming it has AP rounds. Though even with HE rounds, it can sink destroyers and Japanese light cruisers with ease. Japanese cruisers don't have much armor so even HE rounds can disable the ships. Though heavy cruisers is a bit too armored but it can get missioned kill. Missiles is enough to sink or disable anything from a crusier and below. Missiles under USN and JMSDF aresenal might be able to sink even the Takao depending where it hits though hitting anywhere would be enough disable it pretty quickly. And let's not forget the ASROC. The missile has 22 km range. The dropped torpedo has 10km additional operational range. 32km total. That's already battleship range and enough to sink the ships with 1 or 2 guided torpedoes with speeds that WW2 ships have no way of avoiding. The Aegis ships has over 90 missiles and uses a 8 cell VLS module. Aegis can track over 120 targets and more than 4 missiles can be launched simultaneously per ship. that type of damage output and range out class anything WW2 ships can take. Yes even battleships as they would be at least disabled from such attacks. Modern warships is also highly maneueverable and can dodge while maintaining firing solution for it's guns and track it's targets. They can also jam WW2 radars if required. It would be a very difficult target for WW2 ships to hit. Also modern warships would of detected the submerged abyssals way before they can engage via sonar, hydrophones, wake detections and magnetic anomaly detectors. What's more is the Seahawk would of provided early warning of submarines and enable attacks upon them. Also modern warships would never head straight towards world war II ships. they would take advantage of their range by using their superior speed to create distance. Furthermore, a hit on the bridge would not sink a modern ship in one hit. Disabled, yes. Sunk, no.
Neurofied Yamato Modern warships trade armor for speed and maneuverability and do not perform well in gun-combat. They are built with more redundancies and compartmentalization than civilian ships, but still less than WWII era warships. This makes sense since modern naval combat focuses on a one shot-one effective kill strategy. In addition, modern 5" guns aren't intended for engaging other large ships like this, that is why although they have much faster fire rate than WWII era guns, they aren't much better than old 5" guns at armor penetration even with designated AP rounds and have very low explosive yields. They are considerably worse than higher caliber guns, like those found on battleships, at armor penetration, if only because of the shell weight. Most ships are also only armed with one single-barrel mount, while most WWII ships mount multiple single or double barrel mountings, making up for slower fire rate. Their real advantage is gun accuracy. By the way, modern 5" guns also fall short of true battleship range, where even old 14" guns can reach out to 30+km, and its pretty meaningless anyway since out at their max range, 5" guns aren't going to be truly hurting any armored cruiser or better. For everything else, in-universe circumstances negate most advantages of modern ships. In most kancolle works, abyssal ships ambush human ships at close range, do not have the accuracy weaknesses of their origin design, and are also considered much tougher and have more firepower than is expected of WWII-era ships. Or some would say they are simply immune to conventional attack, given their ghostly origin. There's no real speed advantage to be able to pull away from ambushing ships either, excepting slow battleships, most WWII frontline ships approached or surpassed 30knots at full. Modern warships fall on the higher side of 30 knots at full. So yeah, the primer on modern weapons was nice, but unnecessary, as I illustrated above when placed in a contextual situation, also a little starry-eyed even when taken without context.
RevanUltimate I know modern warship lack protection, but a hit on the bridge wouldn't cause the ship to be sunk. It would of limped away, there has been cases when a modern ship was struck at a much more "sinkable" area and survived. The Atago destroyer have a 62cal mark 45 gun which have an effective range of 38km which is slightly farther than Bismarck. I take back on penetration of battleship armor after taking a look on the muzzle velocity of the guns. Normal 5"/54 can fire at a range of 24km which is slightly short of what most battleship engagements took place. My assumptions were based similarily on penetration of weapons with similar barrel length, powder charge and caliber but I forgot to take in mind the different ammunition and barrel design. As for the speed, most warship today can reach high 30s flank. But the same can be said about WW2, with about 3 classes as exceptions. Each respective class is from French, italy and Japan respectively. Most obvious one for kancolle fans will be Shimakaze. Shimakaze is 40 knots which is actually a very small difference compared to modern ships. However italy have a ship capable of 43(36 in wartime) while France has the Fantasque(45 knots, 37 after refit) but these ships would of been primary targets if modern warships were to take advantage of distance. Only difference today is that modern ships can maintain flank speed MUCH longer even if it's not nuclear powered along with superior acceleration and start up with the use of gas turbines. I still don't get how abyssals would ambush humans, they just materialize somewhere? Doesn't mather if they move under-water, by surface or sky, modern radar would of detected it.
You're basically presenting a stacked argument. You are very carefully picking out details which support your desired outcome, "Abyssals as WWII ships don't present a threat". Just as an example, you state that gun damage to superstructure wouldn't sink a modern destroyer, yet conveniently sidestep the fact that the same is true of any modern 5" gun striking the superstructure of a WWII warship. If we are comparing waterline protection instead, there is no way a 5" gun made in any century will hole a WWII armored cruiser or heavier through the belt armor. You state that modern ships are "better" in terms of speed, by saying they can last longer at flank, which is true, but then leave out the previous context, which is in an immediate combat scenario where endurance doesn't matter. Fact of the matter is, modern warships are intended for different purposes than WWII ships, and are as ill-suited to fighting the latter as the reverse case. There is a reason why the US kept three battleships in working condition without any plans to remove their armor, which they do not require for their supposed naval support role and would drastically increase their speed, maneuverability and endurance. At the same time, the continual advancement of expensive advanced missile technology over cheaper ballistics has as much to do with politics and lucrative contracting as with actual combat relevance, something that is only slowly changing today due to military cut-backs in the US. And of course the world tags after the US. But forget all that, because there's a more fundamental problem. Even after I present the idea that Abyssals and Kanmusu are in most works presented as probably being different from conventional understanding, you still can't get around the idea that that could mean normal radar, not to mention weaponry, doesn't work on them. Also, modern radar works (effectively) underwater? That's funny. I'll throw you a bone and assume you meant sonar for that. In the end the problem here is really simple. Nobody can really apply any of these arguments in a fictitious universe where the background lore is intentionally vague, not to mention since in most works the characters are presented as-is without any actual ship hull. But you still do so, while also cherry-picking on a subject you clearly only have wiki-level knowledge about. So this isn't about how feasible the Abyssals would be as combatants, this is about showing off how you have "figured out" kancolle and its Abyssals, because people love to undermine fictional works for some reason.
RevanUltimate I already took back the capability of the 5" capability against heavy cruisers and up. Light cruiser don't have much waterline belt. The only ship that will prove a problem is the Takao class which I said can be mission-kill meaning it can limp away but no longer fight like how I said a modern warship when struck at the bridge(in the video)would.. Even when endurance is not a factor, that speed is at best 10-20 km/h faster. Naval engagements have range difference much greater that it would take much longer to close the distance. And yes I understand that also applies to running away, but when you detect the target much earlier, you can eliminate them before they close in which in naval engagement takes quiet a bit of time. And I did mention Sonar in my original post but forgot to do so on the later post. And I was applying based on scenario. In the case that abyssal were without actual ship hull, they would win as my original post as they would be very difficult to hit and detect. And if you are wondering when I mentioned this, when I typed "normal WW2 ship," which excludes adaptions without ship hull. Went back to highlight it just in case, not that I think you missed it. It's the case that they do have actual ship hull that makes them vulnerable. There's also just as much reason why armor is no longer used. Missiles can be made with a AP warhead giving it penetration of a BB. So armor was no longer deemed useful. And with no armor, AP warhead were not made for missiles. But if they were to appear again, AP warhead will be in use once again. Of course, I'm not saying the missiles in this case will have AP, it's just a point why BBs are impractical in general. And 1-2 torpedo from a LAMPS helicopter will be more than enough to take down any WW2 vessel with the exception of capital ships. I was simply assessing the scenario. And the game never display any sort of method they fought in. I was referring strictly to the scenario presented which was this video. The current scenario presented is less "abyssals" fighting modern warships as WW2 VS modern. -Which the outcome should be obvious. right now what is shown on the video is more like blue steel but without the advanced tech which equates to normal WW2 ships.. I'm not going to continue any further than this since I get the feeling you are getting frustrated.
Frustrated? Of course I would if someone basically bombed a video with their wiki-knowledge theorycrafting, particularly about military matters. Perhaps you should read your very first comment, look at the length and content of it and think about why you felt it necessary to do such a thing in the first place? Basically it was a poorly informed lecture on military technology nobody asked for.
4 years on and Suzukaze not only does not have a K2 but I completely forgot she was in this animation. _sigh_ Looks like I will have to hunt for 1/700 Shiratsuyu model now.
50%謎 の戦車オタク( 砲を使うとは言っていない )
@@phantomrider9584 それな
7:25 魚雷の自動装填のやり方、初めて知った
@@一万千百十一の字 横からで恐縮ですが、人力装填は特型までです
いや それが艦これの世界観の設定やでって
Convoy can't sprint to open gunnery range, so escorts are forced to commit to battle while the auxiliaries escape.
Why this is a million times better than any of the action scenes in the anime
第三次世界大戦の生き残り改都 それな!
日本海軍のDDがtier4 kumaもどき相手にバイタル抜きまくってましたねw
アイシャ様だーー!!末代までの語り草だぜ‥ 的な
佐藤俊 艦娘と現代艦艇の混成、ロマンがありますね
hayabusa yuki
まやのMk.45 mod.4だと高雄クラスの装甲ならHEは貫通しないだろうがAPなら貫通する。
特にまや型の装備するMk.45 mod.4は、対空戦闘は副次任務で対地対艦戦闘が主目的だから、APを積んでる可能性はもっと高くなる。
@@eiji_kuma フラリの装甲が高雄型と同じ程度かはわからないがね。
@@kamikazeJELF 俺が言ったのは、装甲に守られていない「砲身」や砲側の「測距装置」、艦橋上部の「射撃指揮所」をピンポイント射撃で破壊や損傷させることができ、戦闘能力を喪失させることが出来るという意味。
From this video i know the torpedos can be reloaded without go back to base
Amazing video, I always wanted to see a naval battle MMD!
Though I think if the abyssals uses *normal* WW2 ships, they aren't going to defeat a modern fleet. Unless a battleship is present, there won't be much trouble. Even then depending on mission load-out of the fleet, battleships will be missioned killed or sunk before it can do too much damage.
Modern 5" guns have equal to if not 4x the reload speed(depends on gun) of WW2 era destroyer guns while having battleship range.
Though I can't seem to find any source that these are armed with AP rounds, theorectically, they can go through battleship armor at close range. So they should be able to go through anything from a crusier and below at any rnage, but that's assuming it has AP rounds.
Though even with HE rounds, it can sink destroyers and Japanese light cruisers with ease. Japanese cruisers don't have much armor so even HE rounds can disable the ships. Though heavy cruisers is a bit too armored but it can get missioned kill.
Missiles is enough to sink or disable anything from a crusier and below. Missiles under USN and JMSDF aresenal might be able to sink even the Takao depending where it hits though hitting anywhere would be enough disable it pretty quickly.
And let's not forget the ASROC. The missile has 22 km range. The dropped torpedo has 10km additional operational range. 32km total. That's already battleship range and enough to sink the ships with 1 or 2 guided torpedoes with speeds that WW2 ships have no way of avoiding. The Aegis ships has over 90 missiles and uses a 8 cell VLS module. Aegis can track over 120 targets and more than 4 missiles can be launched simultaneously per ship. that type of damage output and range out class anything WW2 ships can take. Yes even battleships as they would be at least disabled from such attacks.
Modern warships is also highly maneueverable and can dodge while maintaining firing solution for it's guns and track it's targets. They can also jam WW2 radars if required. It would be a very difficult target for WW2 ships to hit.
Also modern warships would of detected the submerged abyssals way before they can engage via sonar, hydrophones, wake detections and magnetic anomaly detectors. What's more is the Seahawk would of provided early warning of submarines and enable attacks upon them.
Also modern warships would never head straight towards world war II ships. they would take advantage of their range by using their superior speed to create distance. Furthermore, a hit on the bridge would not sink a modern ship in one hit. Disabled, yes. Sunk, no.
Neurofied Yamato Modern warships trade armor for speed and maneuverability and do not perform well in gun-combat. They are built with more redundancies and compartmentalization than civilian ships, but still less than WWII era warships. This makes sense since modern naval combat focuses on a one shot-one effective kill strategy. In addition, modern 5" guns aren't intended for engaging other large ships like this, that is why although they have much faster fire rate than WWII era guns, they aren't much better than old 5" guns at armor penetration even with designated AP rounds and have very low explosive yields. They are considerably worse than higher caliber guns, like those found on battleships, at armor penetration, if only because of the shell weight. Most ships are also only armed with one single-barrel mount, while most WWII ships mount multiple single or double barrel mountings, making up for slower fire rate. Their real advantage is gun accuracy. By the way, modern 5" guns also fall short of true battleship range, where even old 14" guns can reach out to 30+km, and its pretty meaningless anyway since out at their max range, 5" guns aren't going to be truly hurting any armored cruiser or better.
For everything else, in-universe circumstances negate most advantages of modern ships. In most kancolle works, abyssal ships ambush human ships at close range, do not have the accuracy weaknesses of their origin design, and are also considered much tougher and have more firepower than is expected of WWII-era ships. Or some would say they are simply immune to conventional attack, given their ghostly origin. There's no real speed advantage to be able to pull away from ambushing ships either, excepting slow battleships, most WWII frontline ships approached or surpassed 30knots at full. Modern warships fall on the higher side of 30 knots at full. So yeah, the primer on modern weapons was nice, but unnecessary, as I illustrated above when placed in a contextual situation, also a little starry-eyed even when taken without context.
RevanUltimate I know modern warship lack protection, but a hit on the bridge wouldn't cause the ship to be sunk. It would of limped away, there has been cases when a modern ship was struck at a much more "sinkable" area and survived.
The Atago destroyer have a 62cal mark 45 gun which have an effective range of 38km which is slightly farther than Bismarck. I take back on penetration of battleship armor after taking a look on the muzzle velocity of the guns.
Normal 5"/54 can fire at a range of 24km which is slightly short of what most battleship engagements took place.
My assumptions were based similarily on penetration of weapons with similar barrel length, powder charge and caliber but I forgot to take in mind the different ammunition and barrel design.
As for the speed, most warship today can reach high 30s flank. But the same can be said about WW2, with about 3 classes as exceptions. Each respective class is from French, italy and Japan respectively. Most obvious one for kancolle fans will be Shimakaze. Shimakaze is 40 knots which is actually a very small difference compared to modern ships. However italy have a ship capable of 43(36 in wartime) while France has the Fantasque(45 knots, 37 after refit) but these ships would of been primary targets if modern warships were to take advantage of distance.
Only difference today is that modern ships can maintain flank speed MUCH longer even if it's not nuclear powered along with superior acceleration and start up with the use of gas turbines.
I still don't get how abyssals would ambush humans, they just materialize somewhere? Doesn't mather if they move under-water, by surface or sky, modern radar would of detected it.
You're basically presenting a stacked argument. You are very carefully picking out details which support your desired outcome, "Abyssals as WWII ships don't present a threat".
Just as an example, you state that gun damage to superstructure wouldn't sink a modern destroyer, yet conveniently sidestep the fact that the same is true of any modern 5" gun striking the superstructure of a WWII warship. If we are comparing waterline protection instead, there is no way a 5" gun made in any century will hole a WWII armored cruiser or heavier through the belt armor.
You state that modern ships are "better" in terms of speed, by saying they can last longer at flank, which is true, but then leave out the previous context, which is in an immediate combat scenario where endurance doesn't matter.
Fact of the matter is, modern warships are intended for different purposes than WWII ships, and are as ill-suited to fighting the latter as the reverse case. There is a reason why the US kept three battleships in working condition without any plans to remove their armor, which they do not require for their supposed naval support role and would drastically increase their speed, maneuverability and endurance. At the same time, the continual advancement of expensive advanced missile technology over cheaper ballistics has as much to do with politics and lucrative contracting as with actual combat relevance, something that is only slowly changing today due to military cut-backs in the US. And of course the world tags after the US.
But forget all that, because there's a more fundamental problem. Even after I present the idea that Abyssals and Kanmusu are in most works presented as probably being different from conventional understanding, you still can't get around the idea that that could mean normal radar, not to mention weaponry, doesn't work on them. Also, modern radar works (effectively) underwater? That's funny. I'll throw you a bone and assume you meant sonar for that.
In the end the problem here is really simple. Nobody can really apply any of these arguments in a fictitious universe where the background lore is intentionally vague, not to mention since in most works the characters are presented as-is without any actual ship hull. But you still do so, while also cherry-picking on a subject you clearly only have wiki-level knowledge about. So this isn't about how feasible the Abyssals would be as combatants, this is about showing off how you have "figured out" kancolle and its Abyssals, because people love to undermine fictional works for some reason.
RevanUltimate I already took back the capability of the 5" capability against heavy cruisers and up. Light cruiser don't have much waterline belt. The only ship that will prove a problem is the Takao class which I said can be mission-kill meaning it can limp away but no longer fight like how I said a modern warship when struck at the bridge(in the video)would..
Even when endurance is not a factor, that speed is at best 10-20 km/h faster. Naval engagements have range difference much greater that it would take much longer to close the distance. And yes I understand that also applies to running away, but when you detect the target much earlier, you can eliminate them before they close in which in naval engagement takes quiet a bit of time.
And I did mention Sonar in my original post but forgot to do so on the later post.
And I was applying based on scenario. In the case that abyssal were without actual ship hull, they would win as my original post as they would be very difficult to hit and detect. And if you are wondering when I mentioned this, when I typed "normal WW2 ship," which excludes adaptions without ship hull. Went back to highlight it just in case, not that I think you missed it.
It's the case that they do have actual ship hull that makes them vulnerable. There's also just as much reason why armor is no longer used. Missiles can be made with a AP warhead giving it penetration of a BB. So armor was no longer deemed useful. And with no armor, AP warhead were not made for missiles. But if they were to appear again, AP warhead will be in use once again. Of course, I'm not saying the missiles in this case will have AP, it's just a point why BBs are impractical in general. And 1-2 torpedo from a LAMPS helicopter will be more than enough to take down any WW2 vessel with the exception of capital ships.
I was simply assessing the scenario. And the game never display any sort of method they fought in. I was referring strictly to the scenario presented which was this video. The current scenario presented is less "abyssals" fighting modern warships as WW2 VS modern. -Which the outcome should be obvious. right now what is shown on the video is more like blue steel but without the advanced tech which equates to normal WW2 ships..
I'm not going to continue any further than this since I get the feeling you are getting frustrated.
Frustrated? Of course I would if someone basically bombed a video with their wiki-knowledge theorycrafting, particularly about military matters. Perhaps you should read your very first comment, look at the length and content of it and think about why you felt it necessary to do such a thing in the first place? Basically it was a poorly informed lecture on military technology nobody asked for.
What is the ORBAT... uh...
Conventional combat ships:
CG-67 (Ticonderoga guided missile cruiser);
a Freedom-class LCS;
DDG-179 (Flight II Atago-class guided missile destroyer).
Friendly kanmusu:
Naganami (flagship; Yugumo/Flight III Asashio-class destroyer);
Kagerou (Kagerou/Flight II Asashio-class destroyer);
Kuroshio (Kagerou/Flight II Asashio-class destroyer);
Suzukaze (Shiratsuyu-class destroyer)
Atago-class heavy cruiser (flagship, yellow light);
Kuma-class light cruiser (red light);
3x Asashio-class destroyers, Flight I-III (aqua light);
1x Mutsuki-class destroyer (aqua light)
A great video! But I think that Abyssal cruiser (Takao class?) would have eaten a couple of those destroyers for breakfast.
Porque no has subido mas en videos en 5 años?⚓🚢🇯🇵🇩🇪🇺🇸🇬🇧🇫🇷🇷🇺🇮🇹
3:23 シャイロー被弾!
3:33 なみ型護衛艦被弾!
Пётр Великий
So, who was who there? I vaguely recognised the blue haired girl as either Samidare or her sister, but I'm drawing a blank on the others.
Naganami, Kagero, Kuroshio, and Suzukaze.
Out of all of them, only Suzukaze still doesn't have a K2.
4 years on and Suzukaze not only does not have a K2 but I completely forgot she was in this animation.
Looks like I will have to hunt for 1/700 Shiratsuyu model now.
橋本響指令 ア、アルペジオン…
矢崎雅之 そこは、あれだ、たまたま燃えたんだよ
矢崎雅之 三式弾だった可能性が微レ存。
キヨシーいつやれたんだ思たがドロップしたんか やられたんわ黒潮のケツか・・・
セレナ クロシホで合ってると思うよ
セレナ ハヒフヘホ→アイウエオな
最後の日本兵 あー
バイタルは抜けないけど前部 後部甲板は抜けるらしい ロシアのグラニートとかならバイタル抜けるらしいゾ
今の戦闘艦艇の戦い方は「撃たれる前に撃つ」なので、装甲は米軍巡洋艦(動画のシャイローがそれ)ですら紙同然(ロシア海軍アドミラル・ウシャコフ級重原子力ミサイル巡洋艦はそれなりに装甲が厚い) 。
自衛艦コレ 良いかも
@@動く点P誰か 多分2年前の僕、ハープーンと間違ったっぽいです。
@@ch-cx4rd なるほど
Wuih ,,
takashi tu アルペジオ見たことないの?