Lord Jonathan Sacks: 'Anti-Zionism is the new anti-Semitism' - BBC Newsnight

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024
  • The former Chief Rabbi, Lord Jonathan Sacks, is the winner of this year's Templeton Prize. For decades he has been lecturing and writing on themes of faith, tolerance and peace. Evan Davis began by asking him a simple question - does religion cause war?
    Newsnight is the BBC's flagship news and current affairs TV programme - with analysis, debate, exclusives, and robust interviews.
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КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,4 тис.

  • @WillScarlet1991
    @WillScarlet1991 8 років тому +820

    So anyone criticising Israeli oppression and brutality against the Palestinians, is being anti-semitic?

    • @WillScarlet1991
      @WillScarlet1991 8 років тому +106

      Israel has a right to exist. What it doesn't have a right to, is to murder and kill innocent Palestinians whenever they feel like it (in Gaza 2008/9, 2012, 2014...).
      I hope you're not calling anyone who exposes Israeli war crimes as being anti-Semitic.

    • @WillScarlet1991
      @WillScarlet1991 8 років тому +89

      You're sick.

    • @WillScarlet1991
      @WillScarlet1991 8 років тому +49

      Attack the perpetrators, not the innocents. Then again, to Israeli extremists/terrorists, I guess every Palestinian (whether man, woman, or child) is a target.

    • @WillScarlet1991
      @WillScarlet1991 8 років тому +42

      Take a look at the number of civilians that were killed in Gaza 2014 by the IDF. Over 2000 Palestinians killed, approx. 500 of them children. And the same again back in 2008/9 (not to mention Lebanon 2006).
      It seems Israel prefers to attack entire civilian neighbourhoods for one sole attacker.
      A disgusting, vile, and murderous act by the so-called democracy in the Middle East.

    • @WillScarlet1991
      @WillScarlet1991 8 років тому +34

      Hospitals, civilians homes, even cemeteries were target by Israel, resulting in hundreds of civilian deaths.
      Doctors killed and injured; the latter absolutely and categorically denied there were militants in the area. There's been many accounts of IDF soldiers saying they were told to shoot and kill anyone they came in contact with, be they men, women, or children.
      And it's funny you call the deaths of innocents as collateral damage. Would someone saying the same thing when Israeli civilians are killed, be ok in your book?

  • @Blech319
    @Blech319 8 років тому +44

    So the argument is: "Denying Israel a blank cheque/carte blanche to realize the dream of Zionism - no matter the cost to the Palestinians - equates to anti-semetism"? Really? Can you see that argument working for any other group of people? How is it that the Beeb can air these views?

    • @francescocecco6264
      @francescocecco6264 6 років тому +6

      ...and you're saying the Jews don't have the right to self determination and self defence in their historical homeland, that's just... political movement?

    • @bible4truth
      @bible4truth 6 років тому +5

      Francesco Cecco you hypocrite. A Jew isn’t a race! And if it’s by genealogy they need to prove it! They can’t. Also, here is a simple thing: Jacob and Esau were TWINS, so the race argument is stupid. Right to exist is dumb. He means the right to be racist and play the victim while hiding behind race identity that was invented. How can you be a “secular” Jew? That is dumb and nonsensical. It was and always be a belief and you have the wrong belief you are not JEW. Logic 101. Plus the point of the CIRCUMCISION was to let them know it wasn’t based on their physical “seed” but by and for ALL WHO ACCEPTED THE spiritual seed (“the word”) of God. And the fact, that the racist are appealing and getting help from “goyim” nations is just proof this is a fraud because God doesn’t work through lobbying, voting, military alliances with other nations which Zionist claim serve a false “god”. It’s called stupidity and not knowing the Bible, and being a HYPOCRITE. That is why the so-called “Jew” has become strangely a race, they do no conversion and don’t even tell others to convert which was the WHOLE PURPOSE of the “Jew”-to bring other nations to the truth by making converts! Why don’t they do this!? Because these Pharisees are fake...they use “race” as a shield but a Jew isn’t a race at all. Only a racist would make it a race. Try not to be gullible. Think circumcision and why God had them do it. If you are a child of God based on the flesh, then MAN IS GOD from Adam onwards. Seem like a bunch of self Idolatry pretending to worship God but just a form of racist colonialism repacked and blaming God to sucker the ignorant

    • @thatoneguy5330
      @thatoneguy5330 2 роки тому

      @@francescocecco6264 so denying jewish nationhood is racist? but you aint got no problem eraising the palestinian people from the face of the world eh? #zionistbullshit

    • @sahara4229
      @sahara4229 Рік тому

      @@francescocecco6264 Yes they shouldnt.

    • @slev6592
      @slev6592 Рік тому +1

      @@sahara4229 ok and that’s antisemitic.

  • @cool7861
    @cool7861 8 років тому +318

    I thought the Arabs were Semites too

    • @googleisillukinati8071
      @googleisillukinati8071 5 років тому +4

      @abukamoon shemite

    • @aati63
      @aati63 5 років тому +22

      Yes we are

    • @عثمانساكو
      @عثمانساكو 4 роки тому +28

      @abukamoon indeed we are. But most of the Jews ain't

    • @chandlersleziak6416
      @chandlersleziak6416 4 роки тому +13

      @manuel hung Israel is theirs dude. The people who live in Israel are the rightful people of Israel. Also, the Jews who live in Israel are just as much Jewish as any other Jew. There is nothing different about Israeli Jews compared to other Jews.

    • @theisraelig5162
      @theisraelig5162 4 роки тому +6

      @abukamoon did you just claim all arabs are semites? Hahaha most Jews are semites 100% like 50 percent of jews are middle eastern anyways.

    @FARTSALOTist 5 років тому +55

    If the British Jewish community spoke up against the racism in the right wing government in Israel they could change public opinion and embrace the injustice that most of the uk believe is happening to the Palestinians. It's not anti Semitic to speak the truth of what's happening but that seems the trend now and the BBC is completely wrong and completely one sided on this issue.

  • @ajdc88
    @ajdc88 8 років тому +24

    what is 'zero tolerance' in the case of anti-Zionism? is believing the state of Israel is illegitimate as it is now essentially anti-Semitism? that's really a bit much. not a helpful stance, sorry.

    • @HeavensGremlin
      @HeavensGremlin 8 років тому

      Wisest...? Cobblers. Richest - oh yes.

    • @Drbaruchmaimon
      @Drbaruchmaimon 8 років тому

      You really do not know what Zionism is do you. Begin there. . .

    • @HeavensGremlin
      @HeavensGremlin 8 років тому +2

      Religions. Look at them - machines for controlling and killing people that fail to toe the line. They are all basically the same. Does 'God' need religions..? No - it's like the EU - people are persuaded that they cannot trade without it, in this case - that they cannot pray without it. It's all BS. God - if he exists - has no need of religions as such. The world would be a much better place without organised religion. Historically, they have murdered, tortured and abused the populace - whilst at the same time extorting money and work from the poor. Are the Jews excluded from this...? Of course not.

    • @Drbaruchmaimon
      @Drbaruchmaimon 8 років тому +2

      Point 1: Everything you stated is an overly generalization and false. It is clear you are not a Torah scholar, a historian let alone what Zionism, anti-Semitism truly is and means. You simply ignored the points the great rabbi Sacks was making. Why, simple because your an anti-Semite and a STUPID one at that.
      Point 2: People of good-will, unbiased individuals want nothing to do with you.
      Therefore, What you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard but typical coming from anti-Semites. At no point to your rambling and incoherent comment were your ever close to anything that could be considered rational thought. Everyone in this forum is now dumber for having to listen to it.
      Anti-Semites have no facts and are not concerned with truths but resort to falsification of history, fabrications and CANARDS in order to support their evil claims and agendas which their objectives is demonize Israel the Jewish people. This is done through willful lies by miseducating and misleading the public with their perverted one-sided, anti-Israel, anti-Semitic views and propaganda.
      We has seen your filthy kind throughout history and your STUPID arguments have been bandied about so much that everyone is sick and tired of them. We people of good-will and a pure-heart will not accept such evils and we shall haunt you and will inflict greater damage by spitting you out and sending you to that place called the abyss of insignificance.
      Anti-Semites have no case whatsoever and may your bones be ground to dust.

    • @HeavensGremlin
      @HeavensGremlin 8 років тому +3

      Well, Mr.Ben, thank for that somewhat illiterate and verbose diatribe. It has served as a timely reminder to me - and no doubt to anyone else reading it, - just what a bunch of nut-jobs you represent. To be an 'anti-semite' I'd have to actually have to care about your stone-age religion, but I merely hold it in the same contempt as I do ALL other religions that have been used to justify repression, hatred, violence and the continued, endless cycles of grief imposed on generations of children in it's name. Even Communism and Nazism have worked in much the same way. I wouldn't wish to single out Judaeism.
      The reality is that, thankfully, good people do not need yours - or any other religion - to be good, behave well, love - and live in peace.
      The reality is, that most people don't give a toss about your backward cults, ANY of them - they really simply are not interested. Only those brought-up and indoctrinated/brainwashed from birth live in that bubble - just as with Islam and Muslims. Both of those religions share the same basic fanaticisms and hatreds. What you simply cannot abide is that anyone DARE have ANY opinion that either differs from yours - or does not actively support it. Ironically, you share many of these traits with the Nazis.
      Israel has ignored UN Resolutions for decades. Having stolen land after the war, by violent means, Israel has displaced most Palestinians - and herded them into small pockets of land. Not exactly the Warsaw Ghetto - but uncomfortably close Mr.Ben....
      My father was in the forces during the war. A lot of people gave their lives to free Europe from Nazism. Many Jews fought bravely alongside them. He was then posted to Palestine after the war to try and keep the peace. However - he and his friends were being attacked and killed every day by the very Jews they had fought to free - some of whom had even fought along-side them. Terrorists like the Stern Gang, no different from the IRA, Al-Queida or ISIS. Yes, that was a great thank-you for those lads - for all their sacrifices.
      Thankfully, I also know that ignorant morons like you do not represent either all Jews - nor all Israelis. I think Israel can have a future - if the moderates can prevail. If the mindless idiots like you prevail - then it will end badly and masses of (Arab) humanity sweep Israel away - as surely as night follows day. If that happens - then 100% of the blame will fall of the brainless fanatics like you. The finger in the dyke is US support - and we all know WHY that support is given. The day that is withdrawn, the whole of the Middle East will descend of Israel. The small bully that hides behind the big guy will get payback - and it won't be pretty. I fervently hope that will not happen, and that peace will prevail, but judging Israel by her actions - it seems almost inevitable. Just because brainless morons like you don't like the TRUTH - doesn't make it 'anti-semitic', it just makes it an unpalatable truth that you have neither the guts not the intelligence to face.

  • @Rigpigontheloose
    @Rigpigontheloose 8 років тому +371

    Anti-zionism is not anti-semitism don't let this racist make you believe any different

    • @francescocecco6264
      @francescocecco6264 6 років тому +26

      So you're saying the Jews don't have the right to self determination and self defence in their historical homeland, that's just... political movement?

    • @Joe-kh5mh
      @Joe-kh5mh 5 років тому +20

      Almost all anti zionism is rooted in anti semitism in some capacity

    • @PC-lu3zf
      @PC-lu3zf 5 років тому

      Francesco Cecco Yep same as all Christians do. Both Christianity and Islam are my enemy as a Jew I say this openly.

    • @AvantNoir
      @AvantNoir 5 років тому +5

      @Phillip Hall No it does not include Arab unless they have Jew included after. The fact is Jews around the world are more discriminated than muslims or arabs and that is a FACT! If you deny the right of the Jews to have their own state, a right that every other ethnic/religious group has then you are undoubtedly a fucking antisemite.

    • @AvantNoir
      @AvantNoir 5 років тому +4

      LMAO says the racist.

  • @justatiger6268
    @justatiger6268 8 років тому +53

    Zionism is the last remaining extreme nationalism. And just like all the extreme nationalisms of the 20th century, this one is also based on racial superisority. Make no mistake, Israel is has become a de factor racist state.
    But allow me to use the some of the same arguments used to fend off accusations of islamophobia; Israel is not a race, judaism is. And the people who oppose Israel are not against Jews per se, they are against Israel because it is *OCCUPYING* with brutal force an indigenous people against their basic human rights.
    BBC, have you no shame?

    • @putzgadol
      @putzgadol 8 років тому +6

      what utter nonsense. Zionism, by definition, means that there should be ONE homeland for the Jewish people. after all, there are approximately 60 Muslim countries and more Christian nations. Zionism, by its definition, is vehemently against racism, religious and ethnic bigotry. when Ben-Gurion declared the new state of MEDINAT YISRAEL , he asked ALL arabs, Christians, and druze to stay in there homes to be full citizens of the new democracy. here not ask them to leave and he did not force them from their homes. you are demonstrating the anti-Semitic double stand. one standard for Jews and one for everyone else. how pitiful

    • @1neAdam12
      @1neAdam12 7 років тому +10

      ben gurion
      no one is buying what you're selling

    • @jakeryan675
      @jakeryan675 7 років тому +4

      Jer Szak LOL...Manure sales are way down this year.

    • @palestinianman2011
      @palestinianman2011 6 років тому +2

      Judaism is a religion never a race

    • @jonasmarecky4187
      @jonasmarecky4187 6 років тому +4

      Ben Gurion: Yes, it should mean it, in essence, but in real it is selfish force to get more lands in the area for Jews, and it is exactly what is happening so Arabs got angry, then they fight back.

  • @gregparigi592
    @gregparigi592 3 роки тому +13

    Oh noooo! Poor Israeli they can't ruin Palestinian's life *sob* *sob*

    • @thealligator918
      @thealligator918 3 роки тому

      Oh no! If you only reject a homeland for jews you will be called out for antisemitism!

  • @yakigesher-zion7289
    @yakigesher-zion7289 5 років тому +19

    Why are all these non Jews telling Jews what is and isn’t antisemitism?

    • @carljohnson2194
      @carljohnson2194 4 роки тому +5

      Bcoz Israel is fucked lol 😂

    • @acetylcoa6540
      @acetylcoa6540 4 роки тому +5

      Because even Arabs are semites and if I stand with Palestine I can't be antisemite

    • @DrRiq
      @DrRiq 3 роки тому +6

      Because definitions are arrived at by consensus, not vested interests

    • @h.a.b.arguille1896
      @h.a.b.arguille1896 3 роки тому +2

      Because these words need constant definitions, ones that can be employed by Jews and non-Jews, and ones whose meaning can’t be arbitrarily altered.

    • @thealligator918
      @thealligator918 3 роки тому

      @@acetylcoa6540 if you stand with Palestine you have a good chance to hate jews

  • @Yitzhakhazak
    @Yitzhakhazak 3 роки тому +22

    Full of bull comments here!

  • @estatuadechozo
    @estatuadechozo 3 роки тому +23

    I typed "zionist bullshit" on the search bar and this came up 😂😂😂😂 Give a try.

    @MENUDENCIAS2 4 роки тому +11

    Anti-zionism is an act of self defense

  • @versioncity1
    @versioncity1 4 роки тому +16

    why does the Uk and many other countries need separate laws/rules on anti-semitism? Why can't any 'hate speech' or violent actions function under the same laws that cover everyone else? It would seem that the Jewish people need special and unique laws in regards to themselves. But to say that they want some sort of special treatment would be considered anti-semitic, yet they obviously do and if you follow the changing in laws over the last 10-15 years for Jewish people there are several prominent groups behind it, all of them with a zionist agenda.
    What is most interesting is not the laws that we now have but the changes in law that these groups asked for. (and luckily didn't get - just) what speaks volumes is when the changes were coming in all the groups pushed for any criticism of Israel as a country, a nation, an ethnic group or a ideology to be banned and considered antisemitic.
    i've always tried to be fair minded about things and look at different sides, but the more I look at Israel and those that support it, the more I dislike it and find it quite facist in it's thinking.

    • @AB-ct3kj
      @AB-ct3kj 3 роки тому

      You are correct that all hate speech should be treated equally. There should not be special laws regarding antisemitic hate speech.
      Criticism of Israel is not inherently antisemitic. Unless it involves calling for Israel's annihilation, demonization of Israel, or criticizing Israel by standards that one does not apply to other nations. All of those are antisemitic.
      This article may be helpful:

    • @zwcdamien
      @zwcdamien 2 роки тому

      Laws and the severity of the punishment must, however, reflect reality. Anti-Semtism is a very special kind of hatred that is not only historically very old, but also widespread in Europe. Indeed, it’s probably the worlds oldest persecuted minority. So if we consider its prevailing feature and the prevalence, it makes sense that anti-Semitism laws are different from general hate laws. Moreover, we are witnessing an increase in anti-Semitism coming from far left, far right and Muslim immigration; clearly, our hate laws are insufficient to protect our Jewish population.

    • @versioncity1
      @versioncity1 2 роки тому +1

      @@zwcdamien And this is the problem, that you see it as others do as "a very special kind of hatred". It isn't, it is bigotry, ignorance and racism just like any other. Nor is the 'worlds oldest persecuted minority'. Stop making a special case for it. If it can't be treated under the laws that apply to any human being then it is those laws that need to change, rather than there needing to be a special law for jews.

    • @zwcdamien
      @zwcdamien 2 роки тому

      @@versioncity1 do you reject the idea that there are additional layers of hatred contained in anti-Semitic ideas? Surely, you cannot lump every kind of hatred into one category? I, for one, believe hatred is much more complicated than that, both in its intensity and how deep it’s rooted. If you believe a certain kind of people eats babies and wants to take over the world to make slaves of everyone, those ideas are extremely pernicious that can help justify all kinds of violence. Believing that another race of people are of lower IQ, etc, might justify a halt to immigration, but not necessarily violence.
      Different ideas give rise to different types of actions. If you believe X there’s a probability that you will do Y, but if you believe A you’ll probably instead do B. So, given that the hatred for Jewish people are based on far (generally) more dangerous ideas than other types of hatred, a different approach might be needed.
      To your last point, it is favourable to write laws that are precise and effective. It could be that changing an already existing law will cause unexpected consequences. Supplementing an already existing law will probably be more effective.

    • @versioncity1
      @versioncity1 2 роки тому

      @@zwcdamien Rather than giving hypotheticals why not give an actual example of a hate crime or racism towards Jews that cannot be dealt with under an existing law. - It would also be helpful to know which countrys law you are citing.

  • @LookzA
    @LookzA 3 роки тому +9

    The word 'zionist' may have once been used to just state that 'Israel should exist', but today people are using that word to describe a movement that wants the expansion of the Israel state through forceful settlement projects. These people include Israelis who self describe themselves as 'zionist' that believe in the biblical state of Israel and support illegal settlement projects to achieve it.
    Neither you or me alone get to decide how a word is used. It is how a word is used by the general public that defines a word in the English language. Unlike other languages, English has no governmental board that decides the use of a word, the people decide, it is truly Democratic.
    The word 'Zionism' today is used to describe a political movement that supports illegal settlements. So if an individual describes themselves as anti-Zionist they are specifically stating they are against the settlement movement and are not automatically anti-Semitic.
    If I state that "I am an anti-zionist and I believe that the state of Israel should exist", there is no confusion in that statement by the general public. It would easily be understood as being for an Israeli state but against the illegal settlement movement.

    • @ilyaandrienko9956
      @ilyaandrienko9956 3 роки тому +1

      what's problem with settlements. they сaptured this land in the war from jordan and this land is not of any state in the world.

    • @AB-ct3kj
      @AB-ct3kj 3 роки тому +3

      There are dictionaries. Use them. If you state "I am an anti-zionist and I believe that the state of Israel should exist" you have contradicted yourself.

    • @XxDIRTYDANxX31
      @XxDIRTYDANxX31 Рік тому

      Thank god. Someone who gets it. Everything is so biased now that they can’t see basic fact

    • @richardgietzen4591
      @richardgietzen4591 Рік тому

      Interest : well written : but does the state of Isreal really have a right to exist.
      Your logic assumes that it does, having an historical claim to that territory : but the jew has not occupied it for 2000 years.
      Does that give the jew the moral right to reclaim that territory from the ones that have been living on it, for those 2000 years.
      Humans as a whole in most corners of the world claim the land they live on as there's, but in actuality they took it from the previous inhabitants.
      That is true of the Jews, that took Isreal from those that where there, before. Using the excuse that ( God) gave it to them.
      Humm: in America as we conquered and killed the occupiers of this land from its inhabitants *. our excuse was ( God) give this land to use ( Christians).
      As an American who's ancestors where Western European I fully understand than we have no moral claim to America and my loyalty to America is centered on the ( constitution). That fact that my country supports Isreal is a betrail to the principles of that constitution.
      If the jew wishes to reclaim Isreal from it's current inhabitants well do so but my country should not be a part of this, it is a betrail to what we stand for.

  • @carljohnson2194
    @carljohnson2194 4 роки тому +2

    Lies upon lies. Saying anti Semitic for condemning war crimes of Israel is just as saying islamophobic for condemning isis war crimes

    • @svolon7832
      @svolon7832 4 роки тому +4

      But remember that Israel is a Jewish state not a state for Jews. Islam, Christians, Kurds and Druze are allowed to come into the state only if they support our country. But I do agree with him that being anti- Zionist is anti-semitic because being against Zionism is being against the idea of Jews to self-determine and being a nationality. But the Palestinian government made it seem that being a Zionist is being anti-Palestinian

    • @carljohnson2194
      @carljohnson2194 4 роки тому

      Svolon fuck zionism

    • @svolon7832
      @svolon7832 4 роки тому

      @@carljohnson2194 Childish

    • @carljohnson2194
      @carljohnson2194 4 роки тому +1

      @@svolon7832 lol

    • @svolon7832
      @svolon7832 4 роки тому

      @@carljohnson2194 lol

  • @chris_topher1984
    @chris_topher1984 4 роки тому +15

    larry silver STEIN and his dermatologist appointment HAHAHAHAHA please tell me another one!

    • @JasonGafar
      @JasonGafar 4 роки тому

      I know! And guess what - he never even was treated or went through with the appointment.

    • @jesuschrist5488
      @jesuschrist5488 2 роки тому


  • @tonyedwards2693
    @tonyedwards2693 3 роки тому +6

    No its not, huge difference!!

    • @Michelle-vi9gx
      @Michelle-vi9gx 3 роки тому +1

      I mean if a Jew living in the diaspora tells you it is, it’s arguable that you know better. But it really depends how you define Zionism, do you refer to settler Zionism or the begging and main idea of the Zionism movement in the 19th century, or even Zionism in the medieval ages? So it’s a matter of what you are referring to.

    • @thealligator918
      @thealligator918 3 роки тому

      Huge difference, like saying you are not anti-Palestinian if you oppose a Palestinian state

  • @viadharmawheel
    @viadharmawheel 2 роки тому +1

    And the Jewish Israeli mistreating the Palestinian (a Semitic people) is not Anti-Semitism?

  • @adlanti-definitionleague8659
    @adlanti-definitionleague8659 6 років тому +10


  • @theoberfaust
    @theoberfaust 8 років тому +7

    When were Jews deemed a race?

    • @SardonicALLY
      @SardonicALLY 8 років тому +1

      Certain large elements of Jewish society are genetically distinctive (not all of them though). They can even be more prone to certain medical conditions than other peoples. That being said, I don't totally agree with the rest of what this guy says, being critical of Israel is not always anti-Semitism in disguise.

    • @theoberfaust
      @theoberfaust 8 років тому +2

      +Philip Dunne I always say, " if you spoke out against actions of the Italian government, would you automatically hate all Catholics?"

    • @Zethonring23
      @Zethonring23 8 років тому +1

      Well Jews are an ethnic group, and race and ethnicity often go hand-in-hand

    • @theoberfaust
      @theoberfaust 8 років тому +1

      No they don't. Greeks and German are ethnically different but are of the same race

    • @Zethonring23
      @Zethonring23 8 років тому

      What I mean is, people often consider them the same thing, e.g. a person that's half British half American, despite being white will sometimes be called Mixed race, even if it's not entirely accurate, Race is about more than just skin colour you know.

  • @Scott-kb5ur
    @Scott-kb5ur 6 років тому +5

    4:15 yeah he failed to mention Britain didn't evict residents and put in a new population, they United and created that government while Israel was created by other countries on land that was already owned. This doesn't excuse terrorism or violence from Palestine but it's not right to say criticizing the creation of Israel is the same as hating Jews.

    • @theklorg305
      @theklorg305 3 роки тому +1

      Britain gave the land to Israel, an even larger version in fact. Israel watered it down.

  • @passionaria
    @passionaria 4 роки тому +2

    Comparing he state of Israel to Britain ?! Seriously ?

    • @ilyaandrienko9956
      @ilyaandrienko9956 3 роки тому +1

      why not?

    • @thealligator918
      @thealligator918 3 роки тому +1

      @@ilyaandrienko9956 because according to antisemitic logic, being only against the only jewish country in the world is not antisemitic

  • @videolad3057
    @videolad3057 4 роки тому +3

    I'm an anti-Zionist Jew and I'm confused.

    • @videolad3057
      @videolad3057 4 роки тому +2

      @Bmw Fi Because I don't believe my people have the right to take land from others by force.

    • @Etno903
      @Etno903 4 роки тому +6

      @Bmw Fi i DONT SAID ANY WORD ABOUT RABBI !!!!!!! I say that RIGHT HERE ON THIS THREAD u're responding to commenter *VideoLad*

    • @carljohnson2194
      @carljohnson2194 4 роки тому +1

      Nice ya FUCK ISRAHELL!!!

    • @ninae6391
      @ninae6391 4 роки тому +1

      @@videolad3057 you are not jew, u wrote me i in pm tht u r gentile

    • @videolad3057
      @videolad3057 4 роки тому +1

      @@ninae6391 No I didn't you absolute fucking nutter.

  • @technicalsupportbhaiscambo305
    @technicalsupportbhaiscambo305 4 роки тому +1

    Israelis are not even semites
    Palestinians are

  • @freshjazz1414
    @freshjazz1414 4 роки тому +9

    The dislike:like ratio is interesting.

    • @AB-ct3kj
      @AB-ct3kj 3 роки тому

      Yes. It indicates how much antisemitism there is in the world.

  • @smeejit
    @smeejit 5 місяців тому

    'Never again' means never for anyone. The old AS trick has worn out now the world has seen Israel's brutality.

  • @AbdAllah-ll4zl
    @AbdAllah-ll4zl 5 років тому +27

    The dislike to like ratio is hilarious

    • @joimes
      @joimes 3 роки тому

      Why is that hilarious?

    • @danielcohen614
      @danielcohen614 3 роки тому +7

      Call it a Muslim to Jews ratio.

    • @danielcohen614
      @danielcohen614 3 роки тому +1

      @Lorem Ipsum I live in Israel and I am not white. I am a Jewish Yemenite who trace back to the first disapora, but sure.

    • @danielcohen614
      @danielcohen614 3 роки тому +1

      @Lorem Ipsum it is way more nuanced and complex.
      The ppl evicted was a court law and not an army invasion. So maybe look into it.

    • @AB-ct3kj
      @AB-ct3kj 3 роки тому

      @@danielcohen614 What do you mean by the "first diaspora"?

  • @YonieZukowsky51
    @YonieZukowsky51 2 місяці тому

    Thus saith the Lord. And of course he is quite right.

  • @movie30000
    @movie30000 10 місяців тому

    Queen died but blood thirsty lords are blessed by her

  • @konyvnyelv.
    @konyvnyelv. Рік тому

    The comments are open.

  • @paideuxvox
    @paideuxvox 5 років тому +7

    Not Religion.
    Guy has his head in his wallet

    • @thealligator918
      @thealligator918 3 роки тому

      Is being opposed to a Palestinian state anti-Palestinian?

    • @AB-ct3kj
      @AB-ct3kj 3 роки тому

      @@thealligator918 Yes. What is your point?

    • @thealligator918
      @thealligator918 3 роки тому

      @@AB-ct3kj my point is being anti zionist is anti semitic

  • @copperdog
    @copperdog 4 роки тому +9

    Hes Right

  • @rihadalif1670
    @rihadalif1670 4 роки тому

    prime examples of backstabbing. Basically israel cant be criticized that's what he means. I know its disrespectful but i am sorry to say as much as i have read most of the countries all around the world kicked them out during the holocaust. Then Palestine was the one who came forward to help. now they are taking all of the Palestine and everytime anyone criticize them its antisemitism.

  • @perspectives2024
    @perspectives2024 5 років тому +9

    I luv this man. Humble and intellectually piercing.

    • @NubiansNapata
      @NubiansNapata 5 років тому

      Carlos Ponce de Leon A dirty Ashkenazi convert... with no connection to the Levant

    • @thesalandarian3314
      @thesalandarian3314 4 роки тому

      Mustafa المحارب النوبي stfu arab

  • @Oo7Hola
    @Oo7Hola 4 роки тому

    That’s just his point of view. Many Orthodox Jews didn’t agree with Zionism and are against it.

  • @skirikarikuri
    @skirikarikuri 3 роки тому +3

    genius lord sachs!

    • @marksimons8861
      @marksimons8861 2 роки тому

      I am not certain there can ever be a Chief Rabbi of the calibre of Lord Sachs, here or in any other nation.

  • @radicalgreek99
    @radicalgreek99 4 роки тому

    Open borders for Israel diversity is your strength. Israel has not learned to be multicultural and European people will be at the forefront of this transformation.

  • @speroskoufis7505
    @speroskoufis7505 5 років тому +1


    • @speroskoufis7505
      @speroskoufis7505 5 років тому

      True cold truth. Just like that cold night in Poland.

    • @speroskoufis7505
      @speroskoufis7505 5 років тому

      Alone. Looking up at that clear night sky in Poland thinking as a child why are you killing me. When your parents are starved and executed. So bad you fuckers. How bad

  • @markrobertson2052
    @markrobertson2052 5 років тому

    Am I drunk or did he equate being British to being Jewish and therefore being anti Jewish is racism consequently making being anti British also racist... Even though neither are a race... Seriously I'm drunk, help me out

  • @d095slv
    @d095slv 3 роки тому

    Zu den Semiten zählen die Araber, Hebräer, Babylonier, Kanaaniter, Sabäer, Aramäer, Assyrer, Amharen, Tigrinya, Hyksos, Malteser, Minäer, Amoriter, Ammoniter, Akkader, Moabiter, Nabatäer, Phönizier und Samaritaner. Also wo ist hier bitte die Rede von Zionisten? 😂

  • @corywilmoth4873
    @corywilmoth4873 2 роки тому


  • @Nigtarr99
    @Nigtarr99 2 роки тому

    I am a hamas supporter and anti zionist not Afraid to add anti semitism to the list if that's what u want

  • @NorfolkCatKickers
    @NorfolkCatKickers 6 років тому +1

    "Which of you believe the Britain has no right to exist?", well if Britain kicked out the people who were living there 60 odd years ago and refused them and there ancestors to return, then yeah they have no right to exist.
    The Law of Return is an Israeli law, which gives Jews the right to come and live in Israel.
    If you have British parents I believe you have the right to live in Britain.
    Israel is a country founded on all Jews being able to live there even if none of there ancestors ever did, while people with Palestine blood aren't allowed to return.
    So if you think a country like this should be able to exist then you are antisemitic.
    For the record Its unlikely but I would support one state solution that would be secular there where both jewish people who live there now and the Palestinians family's that where expelled from there as well as ones living Palestine where citizens, but to Lord Sacks I'm a antisemitic.

  • @peace-now
    @peace-now 6 років тому +2

    Can you criticize England? Yes. Does England have the right to exist? Yes. Can you criticize Israel? No. Does Israel have the right to exist? Yes. Can you criticize Palestine? Yes. Does Palestine have the right to exist? No. THERE you have the problem.

  • @wills242
    @wills242 2 роки тому

    This man is intellectually limited as is evident in the hypocrisy of his philosophies. Unrelated: That little cut of him glancing at the camera at the end was sus like a kid who thinks he may be caught in a lie, but still believes himself.

  • @chamberpot969
    @chamberpot969 Рік тому

    Shouldn't be a lord.

  • @zeidxd6311
    @zeidxd6311 3 роки тому

    who asked ?

  • @rb3438
    @rb3438 3 роки тому

    What an absurd and "particularly misleading" analogy drawn between " criticising the British government and that of Israel". ...etc...ect....

    • @ilyaandrienko9956
      @ilyaandrienko9956 3 роки тому

      you have danning-kruger effect

    • @thealligator918
      @thealligator918 3 роки тому +1

      No one thinks the British nation should be given back to Irish people

  • @Ntwadumela266
    @Ntwadumela266 Рік тому

    Now interview a Palestinian in exactly the same format

    • @HumanProgress
      @HumanProgress Рік тому

      What’s more likely ?(1) that Jews - all of a sudden - become uncaring and evil when they get their own country even though Israel is essentially a modern free liberal democracy, fighting a longstanding war, or (2) Arab supremacy and Islamic Jihad have always been genocidal and antisemitic ?
      Given the thousand year plus history of antisemitism in medieval Christendom and today’s Islam….anyone who knows anything about history is always gonna go with option (2) every time.

  • @nobelheretic8962
    @nobelheretic8962 5 років тому +1

    Dont attack your masters is what the title should say

  • @masseyrose3882
    @masseyrose3882 3 роки тому


  • @garylake1676
    @garylake1676 5 років тому

    Most people that I dare to discuss Israel with, have no idea what the difference between anti Zionism and anti Semitic actually is.
    The main issue with this topic of anti semitism, is like the words ‘racist’, ‘socialist’, or ‘conservative’, in that the vast majority of people have very little idea what the words mean, and then throw them around to suit their argument, akin to forcing their size ten feet into a pair of size three shoes and pretending that they know how to walk their talk, when actually, they have no chance of waking any of their talk.

  • @krileayn
    @krileayn 8 років тому +1

    Absolute nonsense.

  • @philzambo
    @philzambo 8 років тому

    a member of the group of Caucasoid peoples who speak a Semitic language, including the Jews and Arabs as well as the ancient Babylonians, Assyrians, and Phoenicians. 2. another word for a Jew. C19: from New Latin sēmīta descendant of Shem, via Greek Sēm, from Hebrew Shem.

  • @mathew1812
    @mathew1812 5 років тому +1

    this guy needs to brush his teeth...

  • @Gerzzo
    @Gerzzo 5 років тому

    The cowards argument...for shame!

  • @AdeBamforth
    @AdeBamforth 6 років тому

    Though I'm very sympathetic to Jews and Israel, I would argue no countries have a right to exist; what we consider to be the right to exist of Britain and other countries is actually just a consensus with other populations that it's mutually acceptable and practical. Cheap and simpoistic point made to the schoolkids, which just as easily justifies Daesh's right to exist.

  • @Melvorgazh
    @Melvorgazh 5 років тому +2

    Lies, lies and more lies...

  • @simmsr801
    @simmsr801 4 роки тому

    Anti zionism is not anti semitism.

    • @simmsr801
      @simmsr801 4 роки тому

      @Bmw Fi Zionism is not a race.

    • @NubiansNapata
      @NubiansNapata 4 роки тому

      @Bmw Fi Zionism is a European jew concept... European jews are not semetic... They're Yiddish

    • @NubiansNapata
      @NubiansNapata 4 роки тому

      @Bmw Fi Semitic is a language group u melt... It belongs to the afro Asiatic languages... Even the Ethiopian jews are more semetic than u Yiddish 👦

    • @NubiansNapata
      @NubiansNapata 4 роки тому

      @Bmw Fi You're Germanic indo European not semetic... The Palestinian are semetic

  • @alessandrosimas3977
    @alessandrosimas3977 6 місяців тому

    It is not. Cut the crap, rabbi

  • @meaningoflife3263
    @meaningoflife3263 3 роки тому


  • @adamkarasakal8879
    @adamkarasakal8879 5 років тому

    Would love to ask ..Does Palestine have the right to exist?

  • @georgepascal1163
    @georgepascal1163 5 років тому +107

    This guy calmly acting like whatever he is saying is right. Absolutely disagree with this actor/liar/manuplator

    • @RamLakhan-101
      @RamLakhan-101 4 роки тому +6

      Yep...hes a bellend. Dealer in bullshit.

    • @Israelball
      @Israelball 3 роки тому +4

      He is stating his opinion, leave him alone.

    • @AB-ct3kj
      @AB-ct3kj 3 роки тому

      Pot kettle. You are the liar and manipulator here.

    • @panama2468
      @panama2468 2 роки тому

      @@Israelball shut up genocide supporter

    • @darealberrygarcia
      @darealberrygarcia 2 роки тому

      I was thinking the same thing

  • @masseyrose3882
    @masseyrose3882 3 роки тому


  • @therobbieunited
    @therobbieunited 8 років тому +200

    Anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism are two different things,FREE PALESTINE

    • @thebaskill
      @thebaskill 7 років тому +10

      No it ain't. Most of you BDS terrorist symapthizers simply like to utilize the palestinian cause as a vehicle to justify your internalized anti semtism. You people are almost always synonymous with those who believe retarded conspiriacy theories such as their being some secretive, all encompasing, jewish cabal that somehow secretly controls hollywood and the entire world from behind the scenes. I was once one of you, and I know all too well how your lot thinks.

    • @francescocecco6264
      @francescocecco6264 6 років тому +6

      If you're against the self determination of the Jews in their historic homeland and their responsibility towards Jerusalem (=Zionism, and Jerusalem is a HEBREW name of a JEWISH city, as in HEBREW are all the names of streets, mountains, villages used even by the arabs before the '48) then you're against the self determination and self defence of EACH SINGLE JEW ON EARTH, do you really think this is not the same thing of antisemitism? SERIOUSLY?

    • @ohno7552
      @ohno7552 6 років тому +15

      7/11 Truther.
      If criticising Isreal is anti-Semitic and defending palestinians is terrorist sympathizing, then call me an anti semitic terrorism sympathizer, feels good to be I'm quite proud actually

    • @ohno7552
      @ohno7552 6 років тому +5

      Storm Rider
      There's no DNA analysis that proved that they're Arabs however there's proof that they're the descendants of the canaanites just like everyone in the levant, the palestinians syrians lebanese and jordanians share a haplogroup J2 that doesn't exist in arabs

    • @ohno7552
      @ohno7552 6 років тому +7

      Storm Rider
      Also Palestine acknowledged the existence of Israel twice in two different occasions, it's only fair that Israel does the same

  • @Algolxxxxxx
    @Algolxxxxxx 5 років тому +81

    Not giving Israel glowing reviews is obviously "antisemitic". Or giving Israel neutral reviews is "antisemitic". Or giving Israel decent reviews but not outstanding reviews is also "antisemitic".

    • @ilyaandrienko9956
      @ilyaandrienko9956 3 роки тому

      Anti Semite is only about to kill jews or to treat them differently. if you do the same with others - this is normal

    • @samm2637
      @samm2637 2 роки тому +7

      No one said that

    • @oceanwaves83
      @oceanwaves83 2 роки тому

      Kool aid

    • @Algolxxxxxx
      @Algolxxxxxx 2 роки тому

      In fact, giving Israel anything but positive reviews is "antisemitic". If you give Israel 99% positive on something you're "antisemitic." Why not 100% you bigoted anti-semite?

    • @Algolxxxxxx
      @Algolxxxxxx 2 роки тому

      Anti semites are in good company though. Steven Spielberg (Jewish) director of Schindler's List was smeared by Israel as being "antisemitic" once. Judge Goldstone, a Jewish South African, who prosecuted war criminals around the world for human rights violations became "anti-semitic" after he listed evidence of Israel’s brutality against the Palestinians of Gaza (around 1,300 dead, most of them civilians), and of Hamas’ numerically fewer crimes (13 Israeli dead, three of them civilians).

  • @tanzeel6387
    @tanzeel6387 6 років тому +82

    Ohhhh look who is showing us this? BBC.....
    Not surprised.

    • @cindigonzalez7350
      @cindigonzalez7350 5 років тому +3

      That's why the thumbs down ratio is bigger. It's the channel.

    • @carljohnson2194
      @carljohnson2194 4 роки тому +2

      Yup the people who created Israel

    • @oleggorky906
      @oleggorky906 3 роки тому

      Spot on! Then again, haven't the BBC and western media in general got a 🐕 in this fight? Oh dear! They will say that that is a dog whistle! 😂😂

    • @thealligator918
      @thealligator918 3 роки тому

      @@cindigonzalez7350 no, this is because there are more antisemites than jews

  • @kc5402
    @kc5402 8 років тому +160

    I would love to hear Sacks' definition of the term "Zionism". Does his definition include stealing land which doesn't belong to you to establish your own homeland? Does it include evicting indigenous residents from their homes and turning the land over to settlers of a different race? Does it include attacking unarmed fishing boats when the Palestinian people are trying to feed themselves? If his definition DOES include those things, then I would like him to justify those actions. If his definition does NOT include those things, then his position puts him at odds with the state of Israel and the Israeli government, and I would like him to comment on Israel's actions. Does he support the way that the Israeli government behaves, or not?

    • @peterophile6838
      @peterophile6838 8 років тому +11

      very sadly he seems to be defining "zionism" as jews entitlement to act just like every other kind of raging ass hole patriot..
      one would hope that a rabbi of his age would be rather wiser and more grown up.. wish he could recognise that all mindless nationalism is idolatry..

    • @ATtravel666
      @ATtravel666 8 років тому +17

      When a politician says that, and I am paraphrasing 'we have a duty to ensure that Israel is kept Jewish and white 'then any person with an ounce of human dignity should have a problem with that. When a state uses the law to deny a section of its people equal right before the law then I have a problem with that. Israeli Arabs and Bedoiun Arabs are denied ownership of land and property through rigged laws and racist courts. When a state forces birth control onto a black ethnic group then I have a problem with that. It was discovered that under the guise of State provided medical aid the Ethiopian Jews, and especially the women subjected to both sterilisation and birth control. The recent inclusion of the hard right wing extremists into the Israeli government is worrying. If these right wing extremists were in a state other than Israel they could be called neo-nazis. When politicians who call for the expulsion of Arabs and even talking of gassing them are then included within the Israeli government then you can talk of the similarities with the Nazis.
      A foundation legend of Israel is that it was founded on the deaths of millions in the Holocaust. By following policies of apartheid from South Africa and legalised discrimination against non white and non Jewish citizens it is urinating the memory of the dead. Nazi Germany did not start with gas chambers they started with legalised discrimination and exclusion of Jewish Germans from society. The rhetoric of the Israeli right wing and settler movement is following the path of the Nazis. Never forget the nazis went from the Nuremburg laws to Treblinka.
      Anti-semitism is evil. It has no place in our world. We have a duty to combat and stand up to evil where ever we see and find it. Currently the politicians of Israel's hard right are embarking on a dark, dangerous and evil path that echoes Germany of the 1930's.

    • @gregari7614
      @gregari7614 8 років тому +5

      The land is Jewish in the first place fakestinians are the arabs who came from surrounding arabs countries to grab Jewish land since the saw once uninhabited land now flourish thanks to Jews. The muhamedians declared many times war against Jewish state and lost the fakestinians are still there and still dreaming annihilate Israel without success. "indigenous" residents evicted because of illegal construction or terror activity in the family, "fishing boats" with terrorists is to kill the big fish - the Jews. You can still believe in your own bullshit but it does not make it truer

    • @ATtravel666
      @ATtravel666 8 років тому +8

      Nice bit of bigotry there. In Palestine Jews, Muslims and Christians live side by side for hundreds of years. You are the sort of of bigot who makes things so much easier for anti semites around the world. There is no difference between you and a Nazi from the SS. In fact,, I think that in the 1940's you would have been happy working as an administrator in Aktion Rheinart.

    • @peterophile6838
      @peterophile6838 8 років тому +6

      Greg ari
      there is no cosmic law that says that the members of any ethnic group are immune to becoming ass holes..
      so once things have turned as ugly as they have in palestine - it is not surprising that many from both sides have added to the misery...

  • @anahowana
    @anahowana 8 років тому +184

    Anti zionism is a natural duty, it's a moral stand against the terrorism, elitism and self righteousness of Israel

    • @catalantdi
      @catalantdi 7 років тому +1


    • @nichoudha
      @nichoudha 7 років тому +9

      Enjoy killing each other over the same God and equivocating on the murder and torture of children in Palestine for the same God they believe in. Yahweh, God of child rape, genocide, and racism.

    • @centriacentria9100
      @centriacentria9100 7 років тому +4

      anahowana anti Islam is the duty of all humans,Allah pigbar

    • @francescocecco6264
      @francescocecco6264 6 років тому +8

      Terrorism is the use of violence in order to make an ideological point, therefore the terrorist is anyone who attack Israel trying to destroy it, it's not terrorism the act of Israel to defend its people from those terrorist. Worrying that an adult person is able to twist even the simple and clear meaning of terrorism. If you're looking for terrorism just look at the palestinian CV: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Palestinian_suicide_attacks

    • @g.pmoore4293
      @g.pmoore4293 6 років тому


  • @DipakBose-bq1vv
    @DipakBose-bq1vv 6 років тому +5

    A large number of Muslims and Pakistanis make the Labour Party and The Guardian anti-Jews, anti-Hindu, anti-Indian.

    • @carljohnson2194
      @carljohnson2194 4 роки тому +2

      Shut up you cow worshiper

    • @sylviaxavier4221
      @sylviaxavier4221 3 місяці тому

      Indians Hindu when anything: MAZLEMSSSSSS!!!!! 😡😡😡😡😡😡👿👿👿👿👿👿👿

  • @steinadleradler3431
    @steinadleradler3431 3 роки тому +51

    Yeah the correct question in school would have been " who thinks British had the right to colonialize and occupy". Then you could compare. Israel is occupying not just existing.

    • @thealligator918
      @thealligator918 3 роки тому +2

      Palestine is an Arab colony intended to destroy Israel

    • @JudeanWarrior7
      @JudeanWarrior7 3 роки тому +3

      Indigenous people cant occupy their own land.

    • @steinadleradler3431
      @steinadleradler3431 3 роки тому +5

      @@JudeanWarrior7 So Italians can annex much of the Europe without occupying it? Forgot the roman empire?

    • @JudeanWarrior7
      @JudeanWarrior7 3 роки тому +4

      @@steinadleradler3431 no, because the italians are only indigenous to italy.

    • @steinadleradler3431
      @steinadleradler3431 3 роки тому +1

      @@JudeanWarrior7 Romans/pagans homeland of 2000 years ago was not modern Italy only. Other pagans were living in holy land much before your supposed ancestors so following your logic the pagans should take it.

  • @rmt1594
    @rmt1594 4 роки тому +14

    If I am against the state of Saudi Arabia, does that mean I'm Islamophobic?

    • @theklorg305
      @theklorg305 3 роки тому +8

      No, but if you oppose the right of Saudi Arabians to exist, you're probably against Saudi Arabians. Same thing with Anti-Zionism.

    • @thesomaliman5396
      @thesomaliman5396 3 роки тому +7

      @@theklorg305 saudi arbian don't came from poland and ethiopia in 1945 do they?

    • @thealligator918
      @thealligator918 3 роки тому

      If I think all muslim nations don't have the right to exist, does that mean I am an islamophobe?

    • @AB-ct3kj
      @AB-ct3kj 3 роки тому

      @@thesomaliman5396 Neither did Jews. Jews are from Judea. which is now Israel.

  • @trytwicelikemice7516
    @trytwicelikemice7516 8 років тому +14

    I'm sorry but there's a massive difference between discriminating against a race/religion, which you are born into and don't have much choice in (i know that's theoretically the case for religion but in practicality it effectively is, certainly in the middle ages), and being being against a state which imposes racist systematic oppression.
    Now i know the Isreal-Palestine/Arab conflict is complicated, I personally find my sympathy leaning towards the Palestinians but they and their backers are by no means perfect and I do understand why Israel does some of what it does. But trying to compare anti-Zionism to anti-Semitism just makes you sound like either a liar or a fool, and errodes what respect I have for the Israeli perspective.

    • @gregari7614
      @gregari7614 8 років тому +1

      The Jews are still hated by many so they are natural victims of antisemitism

    • @trytwicelikemice7516
      @trytwicelikemice7516 8 років тому

      And Muslims... and tbh all major religions, I think they feel assaulted both by other religions and modern secularism. Hence they all play the victim card while getting increasingly aggressive in their stance, as they don't want to fall without a fight :/
      I am convinced we are heading towards a more enlightened secular world, but to quote that wise old head Harvey Dent: "The night is darkest just before the dawn. And I promise you, the dawn is coming".

    • @trytwicelikemice7516
      @trytwicelikemice7516 8 років тому

      for sure religion is not the entire problem, people have always fought and always will fight, whether there is religion or not. But it is still a part of the problem, and it currently divides people more than it unites us (not that division is always bad... I'm all for diversity, but not when it turns violent).
      Even if it is only a vehicle for stupidity (which is debatable: suppression of contraceptives is the first example that comes to mind when i think of badness to have come purely from religion. That alone has contributed to mass suffering in the form of the spread of STDs/STIs, overpopulation and all the misery that comes with that) does that make it ok? even as just a vehicle, it can still amplify our problems (womens rights, homophobia, suppressing freedom of thought and speech, acceptance of other cultures are all problems not unique to religion but certainly aggravated by it). and even aside from that, the vehicle for a problem is still a part of that problem, and one way to solve a problem is to eliminate all the vehicles through which it spreads itself.
      (sorry for the long comment)
      (no i'm not Canadian but i am British, so i still have to apologize for everything ;))

    • @trytwicelikemice7516
      @trytwicelikemice7516 8 років тому

      yes i do get your point a bit better now. I guess the thing is, religions are such massive institutions that you are bound to have many good and many bad people within any major religion. And yes, there are examples of good, understanding people overcoming the barriers placed in front of them by religion to collaborate (i think the SESAME project is a nice example of this), but even here they are having to overcome barriers that are at least partially there because of religion, and it is rationality that is helping them to overcome these barriers (i know that was a specific example but you can use it as a general formula for intelligent, sensitive religious people who are having to overcome the barriers set in place by their own religion).
      My point was more that, while it certainly has the power to conjure some good out of nothing, religion also very definitely has the power to create much evil out of nothing. I guess our difference in view lies on how these two factors balance out?

    • @trytwicelikemice7516
      @trytwicelikemice7516 8 років тому

      (sorry for the long comment, but you have interesting points so i'd like to return as good as i can... and there's a treat for you if you make it to the end!) but then we get to the problem that, as an atheist, i see religion as nothing but a power structure constructed to let those at the top abuse the masses... As I sincerely believe none of the major prophets ever actually spoke to God or any angels (as they don't exist) that gives a few options:
      a) Jesus, Muhammed, Moses (if he existed, i'm fairly sure the others did at least) were plain barking mad, to the point of hallucinations and talking to things that didn't exist. I doubt this is the truth, as they were all coherent enough to create a major religion.
      b) They were benign and wished to tell white lies to help the world, but incredibly naive with little understanding of human nature and how their prophecies could be abused. Even if this is the truth, this is not a particularly desireable foundation for the moral guiding of the majority of people in the world today
      c) They were malicious, cyncial and power hungry, and created the religions precisely because of the power structures and subordination that could lead on from this. I honestly wish it were not this way, but a few things lead me towards this. Firstly, all these religions were created back in the mists of distant past, where scientific knowledge was at a low and ease of deception was at a high. But there are a few younger "religions", which have grown since the ages of enlightenment. Namely Scientology and Mormonism. Now i know this is not a massive sample, but given that these are the only two religions that we've really been able to study the rise of, and they both clearly call into category c, that is already a hint at the true nature of what religion is.
      Then we go searching in the books for clues. Take the most popular book in the world (the Bible) and go right to the very beginning, the opening Genesis, one of the most famous stories to man, and a foundation of Christianity. Even if many Christians no longer believe it as literal truth, many love it for it's moral message. and that message? That we should live in blissful ignorance underneath an untouchable dictatorship, and that the original sin was to gain knowledge and leave the state of blissful ignorant submission under said dictator.
      Does that, one of the very founding moral stories of Judeo-Christian philosophy (I don't know Islam's genesis story but i suspect it is similar) not scream "Population control" to you?
      Hence I feel there actually is something wrong with the philosophy of religion, as it seems clear to me that, at their core (for the major monotheistic religions at least), they were created cynically and specifically to allow for oppression and dictatorship, whilst tricking people into being content with their "spirituality" and feeling good about themselves as subordinates so they dont rebel.
      P.S. If you read this far, go get yourself a cookie as you fucking deserve it ;) again, sorry for the long comment

  • @cemeterywind6082
    @cemeterywind6082 5 років тому +50

    7/11 was a part-time job.

  • @BeverleyPriceJewellery
    @BeverleyPriceJewellery 8 років тому +2

    Count the hateful responses below ... each verifies his response.

  • @brianoflondon
    @brianoflondon 8 років тому +46

    Well that’s rather clear. Thank you.

  • @m.d.5293
    @m.d.5293 5 років тому +28

    -when people speak against zionism: *media hella woke*
    -when jew extremists try to burn down churches and mosques in israel: *media sleep*
    epic bruh moment

    • @chandlersleziak6416
      @chandlersleziak6416 5 років тому +4

      @m. d. There are no "Jew extremists" doing any of the things that you mentioned. You are just an anti-semitic bastard who is jealous of the Jewish people.

    • @chandlersleziak6416
      @chandlersleziak6416 4 роки тому +4

      @Bmw Fi Thank you. Finally someone gets the idea. 👍

    • @theisraelig5162
      @theisraelig5162 4 роки тому +2

      Can you give me the ratio on Jews burning mosques vs Muslims burning synagogues? Im curious.

    • @chandlersleziak6416
      @chandlersleziak6416 4 роки тому +1

      @Where did I leave my shekels? Not a single bit of what I am saying is sarcasm. If you think that what I'm saying is sarcasm, well that's your problem.

    • @chandlersleziak6416
      @chandlersleziak6416 4 роки тому +2

      @Where did I leave my shekels? I'm not brainwashed by anyone. It really is anti-Semitism if you are against Zionism. It's part of Jewish culture, if they want to go to Israel, then let them go to Israel. You are not part of their culture, so you don't get to decide what they can or can't do. Zionism doesn't hurt you, me, or anyone else. It is just Jewish people going back to their cultural home.

  • @valtontony826
    @valtontony826 2 роки тому +2

    then I'm a proud anti semite

  • @MsAhm
    @MsAhm 4 роки тому +25

    Antizionism is new fascism

  • @KardinalCypherTEMPLE
    @KardinalCypherTEMPLE 6 років тому +5

    From the day when the Lord brought our ancestors out of Egypt until today we have been disobedient to the Lord our God, we have been disloyal, refusing to listen to his voice.
    And we are not free even today of the disasters and the curse which the Lord pronounced through his servant Moses the day he brought our ancestors out of Egypt to give us a land flowing with milk and honey.
    We have not listened to the voice of the Lord our God in all the words of those prophets he sent us;
    but, each following the dictates of our evil heart, we have taken to serving alien gods, and doing what is displeasing to the Lord our God.

  • @stantheman5657
    @stantheman5657 4 роки тому +16

    Has anyone ever seen him and
    Gerry Adams in the same room

  • @taulantiillyrian5619
    @taulantiillyrian5619 6 років тому +5

    The comparison between the right to criticise the British government and Britain's right to exist is faulty at least and does not stand. Britain has existed as an independent state in its own territory for thousands of years without interruption. The territories they conquered through colonialism and imperialism they don't own anymore, and those are more similar to the story of the establishment of the modern state of Israel, if you will, as people living in the area for centuries were deprived of self-determination. I understand Rome acted very bad in expelling them from the land in AD 70, but that means for almost 2,000 years there was no political Jewish presence in the land to claim or fight for independence while living and suffering in their motherland. My country Albania gained independence from the ottoman empire after 500 years of an occupation that was not only brutal but almost destroyed our identity through forced assimilation and conversion into ilsam. However, Albanians lived in the land all the time, always constituting at least 90% of the population. So, you can see, we held the right to claim independence after all those years and to remove occupants from the land we always owned and always had the right to claim rule over. In Israel's case, you celebrate independence against whom exactly, the people who, after Rome brutally dislocated you, lived there for generations? The state of Israel now being a fact, I do not oppose its existence, but as to it being right... I am not sure. Remember, religious Jews never agreed with Herzl's vision of a Jewish state without the arrival of the Messiah. And no, anti-zionism is not, in principle, the same as antisemitism. Being critical of the way a state came to be is not the same as hating each and everyone who is Jewish.

  • @chaiyah108
    @chaiyah108 8 років тому +12

    it's totally ok to criticise the politics of a country-Israel included. What it's NOT ok to do is to spread lies about what is going on, to assume that all Jews are Israelis and so are legitimate targets for attack or to start denying a people's right to exist or holding one nations to standards that others aren't. America,Australia,New Zealand and South Africa are all countries created by invasion and genocide. If Israel has no right to exist based on its supposed "occupation" then neither do these countries. BUT when you start to say things like Israel should exist while living in a country formed by occupation yourself and if you deny the right of a people to exist under the guise of political opinipn then THAT is anti semtic.. The Jewish people have a right to our homeland that we have occupied continously for over 3000 years. Disagree with the ISRAELI government if you want- deny our right to exist as a nation and you are an anti semitism whether you like it or not! !

  • @jihansabrina9868
    @jihansabrina9868 3 роки тому +15

    Suchh a hugee differencee!! Even some rabbis and orthodox jewish are anti zionist. Being a jew is your RIGHT. But oppressing and killing others are your irresponsible choice based on ego.

  • @simsimshci
    @simsimshci 4 роки тому +3

    critiquing israel is NOT anti semitic

    • @Dk-ns3ge
      @Dk-ns3ge 3 роки тому

      We know. Denying Jewish self-determination is though.

  • @basedmoment9857
    @basedmoment9857 3 роки тому +10

    BBC as always very strategically picking up clowns for their content

    • @JangoUnchained98
      @JangoUnchained98 3 роки тому

      Show some respect for the dead.

    • @basedmoment9857
      @basedmoment9857 3 роки тому

      @@JangoUnchained98 try to find a better responce, clown

    • @JangoUnchained98
      @JangoUnchained98 3 роки тому

      @@basedmoment9857 When you show some respect for a Rabbi who passed away.

  • @ezgoing4260
    @ezgoing4260 3 роки тому +23

    I’m anti-Zionist and proud of it. As a practicing Christian, I love the Jewish faith just as I love the Islamic faith.

    • @thealligator918
      @thealligator918 3 роки тому +1

      You are supporting anti-semitism

    • @JangoUnchained98
      @JangoUnchained98 3 роки тому +1

      There are 1,948 years between Adam and Avraham. Israel was re-established in 1948. Which was on the second day, as prophesied.
      You, as a Christian, should only love the Christian faith.

    • @Nigtarr99
      @Nigtarr99 2 роки тому +2

      @@thealligator918 don't care didn't ask Hamas>zionism

    • @thealligator918
      @thealligator918 2 роки тому +1

      @@Nigtarr99 A terroristic police regime is better than the democratic free regime of Israel?
      Ok. but how come we hear of the Gaza protests but never hear of Gazans protesting Hamas?

    • @Nigtarr99
      @Nigtarr99 2 роки тому +1

      @@thealligator918 i somewhat don't care what the ppl of gaza think tbh wheather they like it or not we won't let zionists take our land "terrorists" Yeah for fighting back💀

  • @chervineamouie3146
    @chervineamouie3146 3 роки тому +4

    I stand with Israel as I always have and always will for I'm a proud Zionist therefore Israel will always have my support and love God Bless Israel ❤️❤️❤️🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @stevesteward9988
    @stevesteward9988 8 років тому +2

    genius..fuck racism.of course but true

  • @chaiyah108
    @chaiyah108 8 років тому +9

    it's totally ok to criticise the politics of a country-Israel included. What it's NOT ok to do is to spread lies about what is going on, to assume that all Jews are Israelis and so are legitimate targets for attack or to start denying a people's right to exist or holding one nations to standards that others aren't. America,Australia,New Zealand and South Africa are all countries created by invasion and genocide. If Israel has no right to exist based on its supposed "occupation" then neither do these countries. BUT when you start to say things like Israel should exist while living in a country formed by occupation yourself and if you deny the right of a people to exist under the guise of political opinipn then THAT is anti semtic.. The Jewish people have a right to our homeland that we have occupied continously for over 3000 years. Disagree with the ISRAELI government if you want- deny our right to exist as a nation and you are an anti semitism whether you like it or not! !

    • @FL3XW3
      @FL3XW3 Рік тому

      I am not Anti-Semitic because I am Semitic. Still (you the individual Jew) your comment justifies the genocide of people. It appears that you are okay with denying the existence of the Palestinian state and the evil done to those people is somehow justified. Your words have defiled you. But you have NEVER continuously occupied Israel! According to your and your Government's Mitochondrial (maternal) DNA, the Ashkenazi Jew only ever originated in Europe. Your maternal line leads back to four European women and before 1948 the Ashkenazi had never even set foot in Israel. The proof is in the science. So how the heck has that been your home for 3000 years? Please do not think that we, descendants of the Original Hebrews, want to go to Israel. Many of us don't! We have no desire for it. We just find it interesting how crude you victims of the Holocaust have become. Has this always been your core fabric? Even in Germany and throughout Europe? I'm beginning to wonder if your people's plight and persecution have very little if anything to do with ours.

    • @FL3XW3
      @FL3XW3 Рік тому

      But historical documents tell a slightly different tale. Based on accounts such as those of Jewish historian Flavius Josephus, by the time of the destruction of the Second Temple in A.D. 70, as many as 6 million Jews were living in the Roman Empire, but outside Israel, mainly in Italy and Southern Europe. In contrast, only about 500,000 lived in Judea, said Ostrer, who was not involved in the new study. (Where Oh Where could they be?)

    • @FL3XW3
      @FL3XW3 Рік тому

      Wait sooooo where did these people actually originate??? Are they aliens or something???

  • @ribtickleooaaa
    @ribtickleooaaa 8 років тому +8

    The manufacture of the nation of Israel in 1948 was a crime, this was no different from the Europeans going enmase to North America and determining that this land, lived on already by native Indians, was now theirs, or like the British going to Australia and making that land theirs, even though the land was already inhabited and owned by the native Aborigines or South Africa or Rhodesia/Zimbabwe or the many other land grabs.

    • @ribtickleooaaa
      @ribtickleooaaa 8 років тому

      +Yama Kazoo Them people didn't no they were doing wrong ?

    • @Ronenlahat
      @Ronenlahat 8 років тому

      You seem to ignore that jews lived there for thousands of years, including Abraham, King David and Jesus. And that Arabs also came enmase to palestine.

    • @ribtickleooaaa
      @ribtickleooaaa 8 років тому +1

      Yeah i think Jews lived in the land of Palestine thousands of years ago but they, moved intermarried with Europeans of different faiths, died out it was dangerous times back then and or intermarried with the Arab Palestinians, the Semites that are still left in Palestine/Israel today are not the Jewish diaspora that have forcibly resettled in Palestine against the wishes of the locals but the local Arab Palestinians themselves that the Illegal state of Israel (the colonised Palestine) has deemed the enemy and have them locked in modern day concentration camps like GAZA and the West Bank not to mention all the Palestinians the Israeli despots deported to all the surrounding lands.

    • @francescocecco6264
      @francescocecco6264 6 років тому

      The manufacture of a nation is what's going on with the palestinian propaganda. Israel has already existed twice in History to it was just re-born. Jerusalem is a HEBREW NAME of the city that's been their capital. ua-cam.com/video/12KJa4a0d64/v-deo.html

    • @francescocecco6264
      @francescocecco6264 6 років тому

      TELL ME ABOUT COLONIALISM en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Early_Muslim_conquests

  • @reaper2579
    @reaper2579 4 роки тому +11

    Plot twist: he’s not a actual jew

  • @simonpantermuller6997
    @simonpantermuller6997 4 роки тому +5

    Israel doesn't represent all of the jews and not every jew supports Israel so you can't equate Israel and Judaism.
    Semits are are people who are speaking Semitic languages which arised in the oriental region while Zionism is an ideology born in Europe which is about putting all of the jews in a single country to separate jews from non-jews so that the conflicts between them end.
    So you neither can equate Israel with Judaism, nor can you equate anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism.

  • @ronburke9425
    @ronburke9425 3 роки тому +14

    I just don't like International financiers interfering with our politics.

  • @ridasz7954
    @ridasz7954 Рік тому +4

    תודה רבה

  • @yacovlevi
    @yacovlevi 3 роки тому +1

    The majorly of Jews will defend Israel. The majority of Palestinians will defend Palestine. To listen to A Jew speak about Israel is a monumental activity in futility. To listen to A Palestinian speak about Palestine is equally futile.

  • @ajnobaptiste2010
    @ajnobaptiste2010 4 роки тому +15

    ANTI-ZIONISM IS NOT ANTI-SEMTISM.....look in all the comments section of these types of videos....

  • @failedindonesianpainter6539
    @failedindonesianpainter6539 4 роки тому +5

    Okey, proud to be antisemitic

  • @Sedurnas
    @Sedurnas 6 років тому +21

    I completely agree with him!

  • @VideoGrabaciones2010
    @VideoGrabaciones2010 4 роки тому +15

    Anti-Zionism is not antisemitism; however, too often anti-zionism is a cover up for antisemitism.

    • @Sunsets-nr6lv
      @Sunsets-nr6lv 4 роки тому +1

      EducationalVideoRecordings anti Zionism IS anti Semitism

    • @acetylcoa6540
      @acetylcoa6540 4 роки тому +3

      @@Sunsets-nr6lv No. Arabs are semite and I am with Palestine.

    • @Sunsets-nr6lv
      @Sunsets-nr6lv 4 роки тому +1

      acetylcoa u are anti-JEWISH

    • @acetylcoa6540
      @acetylcoa6540 4 роки тому +2

      @@Sunsets-nr6lv Yeah, that's a good thing :)

    • @nitsannishri5038
      @nitsannishri5038 4 роки тому

      acetylcoa If you say THAT then don’t expect us to be nice to you