nintendo should really remove the level 10 requirement for ranked. I know a lot of people who are scared to play ranked, and if i had to guess why i would say its because being forced to play turf for hours sends a very strong message to them that ranked is for sweaty people, and that they are not good enough for it.
As someone who used gold aerospray in splatfests a lot, I had a lot of teammates in tri-color that would use aerospray and not even get 3 booyah bombs the whole match while I get 5-6 *with full QR and not a single sub of special charge up.* Like c'mon can you at least do your job and paint? If someone picks a fight use your mobility to either run away or close the gap when they over extend or are in a bad position, *stop feeding.*
I still stand by my claim that buffing Gold Aerospray’s PFS to 190 was the single worst balance change this game did. It was the EXACT OPPOSITE of what they should have done.
I love how casuals think that junior is a trash noob weapon and aerospray is an absolute top tier, even though both are the same braindead turf weapons with junior having better damage and a bigger ink tank. And lets not forget sploosh wich is the same thing, but for feeders. Spray shooters are noob weapons that makes casuals feel powerful without needing any skill. And it does that by teaching them bad playstyles (paint bot, bomb spam, feeding).
@@giganticmoon Most people who complain about "X weapon being broken" are just short-range shooter mains, who are incapable of using their brains to use another class. That's why a lot of people complain when something that isn't a shooter/splatling/dualie is top tier, BUT when one of those classes are on top of the meta, no one complains and they claim that "the meta is perfect". HHHMMMM I wonder why 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
@@Makerkiddo Rollers, especially the normal one, are the IQ chart meme; They're a threat at noob level where people think rolling is broken, It's mid at mid level where people know to shoot it and abuse their speed, And it's a top tier at high level where roller players learned to shark, attack under ledges and uses Ninja squid and Quick superjump.
this is FACTS. Alot of the time when i play splatfest with others. They panick when they see more than 1 gold aerospray on the enemy team and i sigh and say this for the 200th time. "its a gold aerospray with ink saver main, the weapon can't fight and there a high chance the player relies on someone not standing in mid to watch flanks. Just push tf up and we win" Me maining neo splash and eliter. i have made mutiple golden aerosprays dq, espically in the final fest. good vid champ.
The best aerospray was pg back in splatoon 1 because of splat bombs and krakon, it was a perfect balance of aerospray but op so i understand why they took it off
As someone who’s always had terrible aim with shooters since Splat 1, I’ve always had a secret love for Sploosh and Aerospray. It’s just one of those weapons where you can turn your Brain off and just paint. Especially in turf where as long as you paint the floor, you’re still contributing towards the end goal However, i do understand that it’s absolutely DOG water in ranked 💀 (zones niche ig if the opponents don’t have an IQ above a cucumber) But i will never bring that shi to X rank where people actually try and care about their rank ya know ?
....Huh, I just use it because it's the only weapon I got that has booyah bomb. I'm more of brush guy because this weapon isn't exactly good for killing
As someone who 5 starred gold aerospray, I've learned the sprinkler shield and booyah bomb positioning skills from the skill tree. Sometimes I used it for splat zones too and did pretty good. Then again it's another painting mode and I usually get 2k turf points with it
I will never understand why Nintendo made a perfect Aerospray kit that was both healthy for casual and competitive use, and then threw it out for GU-HYUK, PAINT BOT!
i found that aerospray was great for A+ and S- ranked when using it as a skirmisher, but anywhere else it honestly sucks. you just need to know where and how to use it.
Amazingly well put video !!!!!! tho i do wanna highlight an experience i had with the weapon as well i've never played aerospray but last splatfest i decided to try it for once and i picked the gold one it was one of the LEAST fun splatoon matches i ever played , it was so boring, i get actively punished for engaging in fun fights bc you can't hit anyone with that rng shots and it takes 5 shots to kill anybody so getting close to anyone is literally unwanted and is basically a death sentence I just kept painting the floor that's rly the best i can do at that point lol i kept dying constantly and still managed to get FIVE, yes FIVE boyaah bombs in that match worst part is that's what ppl expect of you, to paint and farm special The way they play around you isn't helpful for fighting with you no they just leave you the starting area to paint and depend on your boyaah bombs for fight and paint (i mean i don't blame them what else could i do lol) Worst part is you really do outpaint everyone anyways so you're not punished by the end result so the average new player will be like wow i should keep doing this lol and so i feel like if i picked this weapon early it would as you said really not teach me how to play the game (granted i main brush/splattershot and i'm still ass at the game but that's besides the point) also one thing you don't mention in the video it the weapon isnt fun to play against either lol back in the last tricolour in a match i played the enemy had 3 aerospray there was constant boyaah bombs back to back to back all sent to the signal like okay ??? and they don't even engage in fights so it's not really fun ? so it's a loss loss for everybody :/ sorry for long text but my hatred for this weapon cannot be contained
U are not alone in this anger. When I see blobber? Aerospray, and big Swiss in solo queue I just accept the result. I'm glad I'm getting confirmation that alot of the worst players use this gun.
@Psycho0Noob for short range shooters in general they need either more range or reduced spread. They simply suck at fighting, which I'd what are supposed to be gud at. Splash is the best but the sploosh has extra speed. (Sploosh is my preferred shooter in general) Bloober I'd fine, it's just the players that's bad. It'll never be a slayer but it creates kill zones and straight up denies entrances in certain spots. If big swig was a 2 shot for say, carbon range itd be fine. But 3 flicks to kill just doesn't work on a roller. But it's vert flick I'd the best, so I'd take off that 1 shot past say, 1.5 carbon range. But custom kits in general would be NY qst step... but everytimr I bring it uo I get a million "but balance" excuses like a pro Chara is in every lobby.
I agree! I went through the gold aerospray + booyah bomb spam phase when I was a noob. It worked in lower levels, not so much when I started getting matched against more advanced players that knew how to counterplay. Now when I have a gold aerospray on my team I just sigh.
It's just a good thing that the aerospray rg and pg are unlocked after ranked mode is though splat 1 mg has a curling bomb with even less zoning power, but at least it doesn't seem great for farming [THING AT TOP RIGHT OF YOUR SCREEN] sprinkler and even burst bomb aren't too great with aerospray, which has the zone control of your own burst bomb at your feet
Yo, I main Gold Spray. I only play Turf War (Ranked isn't my thing, not a big fan of the comp for Splatoon), but you make good points in this video. 10/10 would reccommend this video
The silver Aerospray was the weapon that got me into Splatoon after playing the demo of Splat2, and it's been my main ever since(I use N-Zap 85 for ranked tho). I've never considered Gold until recently with the Grand Festival and, man, it felt like ass 😭 especially against people who knew what they were doing. Never thought I'd miss reefslider...
Gold aerospray was my first main in the game when I only played Turf Wars. I remember feeling like I was at a plateau skill wise until the moment I 5 starred it and moved onto different weapons and eventually Anarchy. Now my view and appreciation of the game has changed so much, it's like I can't even go back to the weapon even for fun anymore. I think your video sums up the problems with it perfectly. Silver aero can be cool sometimes tho, definitely a good splatfest weapon still imo
You know, I noticed you hearted my comment and I just wanna say one thing, Hydra splatling is kinda the opposite of Gold Aerospray, it teaches positioning and how to work as a team. As a Hydra main the biggest struggle I'll face with it is flankers, aka not paying attention to my surroundings or positioning myself well enough where my team will handle said flankers. All I wanted to say
As someone who is a charger main (mostly E-liter and Scope) i HATE players like this lol. Like I'm tryna snipe em and they move CRAZY FAST, just like Sploosh mains, except they have Reefslider or Booyah Bomb 😭😭😭
as a roller/splatana main I love these guys, they never watch their surroundings and sometimes walk straight into your path, if they're not special charged they tend to freak out and move in mysterious, easily melee'd ways
Decided to come back to this video to leave a comment. Its funny how this weapons pick rate increases to insane degree during a fest. But it also just so happens to have even worse win rate during fest as well. This weapon is actually terrible.
It’s pretty ass in Salmon Run outside painting, but I’d rather be the one using it than someone else in that mode (unless they’re a booyah spammer in battle modes) because my gods, it hurts more than some think. I don’t know why the devs thought it was a good idea to tweak Aero to be a special spammer. I managed to superfresh the silver Aero and…. Don’t do it.
@@StormySenpai Well, the reason I picked it up in the first place WAS for missile spam, but I've begun to appreciate it on its own, as an actual weapon
I like to think of myself as a decent player i can get things done and sometimes i like using the gold aerospray as a fun one off weapon or when i just don't have enough energy to use a weapon that requires more skill i mostly like playing casual turf war anyway
Tbh I used to be a brush and roller main in splat 2 but I use this weapon in turf war in splat 3 because it’s the best kit for painting I found and painting is key. As you could have guessed, I am terrible at aiming. So I use this in turf war, explosher in zones, and I have a range blaster (idk the name) I use in rainmaker sometimes. I do get some kills with golden aerospray but it has terrible precision so I should definitely start learning another weapon but I have little to no time to play so I can’t train myself long enough to get good at something else. This is the easy option and I admit it.
atleast you admit it, i mean i dont have a problem with people playing spray to begin with, you do what you want, i'm just sharing my thoughts of what i think and know from experience and observation
@@lucywoomy I see you already use aoe weapons in other modes… maybe try using slosher or clash blaster if your aim is bad for kills. Clash blaster doesn’t paint well, but as stormy said, an increase in skill and kills is the best way to win a turf war game. Dead opponents can’t paint.
Im not a comp olayer but i use weapons most people consider to be bad, and i agree the weapons i use nost effectively are low teir. Undercover brella shines when your actively supporting other players by literally standing next to them or infront of them while firing, using a trapper style, and oicking yhe best moment to slide. But geres the catch, your not using undercover in comp unless your absolutely trying to make out your skill using the most underwhelming weapon in the game or just showing off. With earospray rg i olay it because my team prioritizes kills and painting smaller areas even after the enemy team is wiped. Maybe we wouldn't lose if my team actually painting tye extra 10 feet into the enemy base??? It's like the game tells me im going to matxhed with ko players and have to take the support painter. What undercover needs is Durability and some mobility data buffs and it'll be good, but earospray rg needs a batter sub to encourage movement and give it more offensive power, because thats what silver earospray has in spades.
@@redacted606 I used to use undercover in s2 but switched off of it due to it having reefslider and reefslider being too weak of a special. But I will point out there are weapons that arguably paint better than aerospray with favored kits like reeflux so there are better options for paint as well that aren’t too hard to switch to like. Dousers or a splatling
@@sasukeissocoollike I also play for feel and having weapons I don't feel right playing is a big factor. Like I said, I'm usually good with weapons people say are low tier; likely because they feel right. I see people use those weapons but using themselves myself doesn't seem like something I'll feel good doing, and like I'm playing for power rather than my own enjoyment.
i honestly prefer the silver original aerospray anyway, gold isn't bad but the original has such a better kit as I like both reefslider and it's bomb is ACTUALLY useful. (in turf war, but ranked Im a range blaster main through and through)
It's no longer fun even going up against RGs anymore in the third game. Every single match there's gotta be at least one person that has it. It's honestly angered me. I swear people only got the weapon just to spam booyah bomb ffs. I'm not sure if it's just me struggling with it, but imo I feel like it shouldn't be used even in ranked with how people can easily still spam the booyah bomb, even without special charge up abilitie. I just don't like this weapon at all
I love booyah bomb! It's my favorite special, but I don't use aerospray at all. I main Glooga Dualies, a more fun weapon imo Nice video! Edit: I pretty much like all booyah bomb weapons except hydra, but I will NEVER use aerospray
Say what you will about Splattershot Nova but I firmly believe it does all that (Gold) Aerospray wants to with its paint and actively teaches you how to use stall, support and defense tactics with the range it has (while also having specials that contribute more than a random and easily avoidable Booyah Bomb). Moreso Annaki Nova than vNova, but if you really want to keep tabs on everyone for others to follow up on vNova is still good at that.
nova is definitely a shit weapon, but it definitely improves game sense and other things way more compared to gold aerospray, cause it has so much range, you can't helo but take fights even though its kill time is abysmal, it teaches a lot
The gold aerospray is my go to funny splatfest pick, its practically Become a tradition for me lol. also, i disagree with the idea that you should spawn camp in turf, as turf war doesnt affect any sort of rank so there is no real incentive to win, so i try to let the other team have fun.
There's also not an incentive to let other people win lmao, if the other team can't prevent me from spawn camping them in turf, you're screwed, I don't need a incentive, I'm just playing the game to the best of my ability
Wins in turf affect your weapon’s freshness rating and count towards your team’s performance in splatfest. Every game with a win condition has an incentive to be won, spawn camping is only okay in turf because there literally isn’t a way to end the game early. If your team is good enough that you’ve bullied the other team into their spawn, you basically have to stay there until the 3 minutes ends… if you’re strong enough to get them stuck in their own spawn, throwing and backing up or whatever the stronger team is ‘supposed’ to do in that situation won’t stop it from happening again a few seconds later and idk how being babied and giving ground just to lose it again immediately s supposed to be fun for the other team either. Spawn camping in rank is unnecessary, just finish the objective and the game. But in turf you just have to kind of hold that L for 3 minutes and gg go next.
if a team's too into spawncamping you can just shift focus to painting behind them, had a ton of wins through this, they'll think they're leagues ahead and won't even notice the danger up top
I also use splatling for it, I’m not only an Aerospray main, and I agree that beginners shouldn’t play the weapon cuz it def makes you bad at ranked, happened to me with splat 1
Video's so good that it's also retroactively correct about how the weapon plays in Splatoon 1 and 2 as well, and will most likely be correct about how the weapon plays in 4. Amazing.
Im sorry areospray mains but this is the truth you wont get better at the game using this weapon no range and ive seen weapons that can kill and also paint like this.
personally(i know right im about to say something positive about this pice of trash😀) it CAN be usable in zones (manly waho world) and on tower control(sometimes but at that point dude just just pick something else like a blaster or brush)
Yeah I realize that kit was made for you to never get better at the game…..I thinks is just to cripple newer players into to lowering the skill ceiling… Also what’s the song you played at 1:38 and after? (I’ve been looking for months lol)
all aerospray mains just have reverse character development, those noobs wouldn’t know how to throw a clam if they tried >:] Anyway when are you making a video on how undercover is the best and skilled weapon in the game ☺️
1:48 I don't hate it:I don't want to shout at my teammates after not listening to the team. I get triggered easily. And when i do play ranked, i go full in Leroy Jenkins going for kills while most of my teammates focus on objective. But again, i am in C so i cant expect much out of them
@@StormySenpai 100% this, if you get good you'll immediately have an advantage over the other C rank players because they don't have a sense of team synergy either
nintendo should really remove the level 10 requirement for ranked.
I know a lot of people who are scared to play ranked, and if i had to guess why i would say its because being forced to play turf for hours sends a very strong message to them that ranked is for sweaty people, and that they are not good enough for it.
As someone who used gold aerospray in splatfests a lot, I had a lot of teammates in tri-color that would use aerospray and not even get 3 booyah bombs the whole match while I get 5-6 *with full QR and not a single sub of special charge up.* Like c'mon can you at least do your job and paint? If someone picks a fight use your mobility to either run away or close the gap when they over extend or are in a bad position, *stop feeding.*
It hurts so much when that happens 😭
coughing baby gold aero vs hydrogen bomb reeflux 450
Throughout heaven and earth, I alone am the aerospray main.
i pray for you buddy, but as long as you're having fun
what the hell ru doin in a stormy senpai video man 😭
I throw the Booyah Bomb and run into it, charging at unsuspecting enemies
I main the silver Aerospray in splatoon 2 and 3,. If you know what your doing your a force to be reckoned with.
@@theplaguegamer6216 🤥
I still stand by my claim that buffing Gold Aerospray’s PFS to 190 was the single worst balance change this game did. It was the EXACT OPPOSITE of what they should have done.
they treated it like it’s not a painting weapon
Sometimes the things that hurt the most is the truth.
Good video dude!
I love how casuals think that junior is a trash noob weapon and aerospray is an absolute top tier, even though both are the same braindead turf weapons with junior having better damage and a bigger ink tank.
And lets not forget sploosh wich is the same thing, but for feeders.
Spray shooters are noob weapons that makes casuals feel powerful without needing any skill.
And it does that by teaching them bad playstyles (paint bot, bomb spam, feeding).
speak 🗣️
@@giganticmoon Most people who complain about "X weapon being broken" are just short-range shooter mains, who are incapable of using their brains to use another class.
That's why a lot of people complain when something that isn't a shooter/splatling/dualie is top tier, BUT when one of those classes are on top of the meta, no one complains and they claim that "the meta is perfect".
HHHMMMM I wonder why 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
would rollers count
@@Luxius_8 i kind of agree. those people get all whiny when a weapon that takes skill is really good, and it’s annoying
@@Makerkiddo Rollers, especially the normal one, are the IQ chart meme;
They're a threat at noob level where people think rolling is broken,
It's mid at mid level where people know to shoot it and abuse their speed,
And it's a top tier at high level where roller players learned to shark, attack under ledges and uses Ninja squid and Quick superjump.
Bro over here spitting HELLA facts
Fool's gold
this is FACTS. Alot of the time when i play splatfest with others. They panick when they see more than 1 gold aerospray on the enemy team and i sigh and say this for the 200th time. "its a gold aerospray with ink saver main, the weapon can't fight and there a high chance the player relies on someone not standing in mid to watch flanks. Just push tf up and we win"
Me maining neo splash and eliter. i have made mutiple golden aerosprays dq, espically in the final fest.
good vid champ.
nah bro foreal, and you can tell when they deadass have 0 experience too
The best aerospray was pg back in splatoon 1 because of splat bombs and krakon, it was a perfect balance of aerospray but op so i understand why they took it off
As someone who’s always had terrible aim with shooters since Splat 1, I’ve always had a secret love for Sploosh and Aerospray. It’s just one of those weapons where you can turn your Brain off and just paint. Especially in turf where as long as you paint the floor, you’re still contributing towards the end goal
However, i do understand that it’s absolutely DOG water in ranked 💀 (zones niche ig if the opponents don’t have an IQ above a cucumber) But i will never bring that shi to X rank where people actually try and care about their rank ya know ?
Aerospray aka the weapon you play to spam booyah bombs and to avoid learning skill.
no i play because i like gold badges and i need the rg badge to match my gold dynamo so i get gold covered badges yeah 100%
....Huh, I just use it because it's the only weapon I got that has booyah bomb. I'm more of brush guy because this weapon isn't exactly good for killing
all of the other weapons are bad good thing i spend a gold ticket on that weapon cuz its goated
does skill even matter? no
are we gonna stop booyah bombs? no
@@annaliynn (LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER) undercover brella my beloved is better
As someone who 5 starred gold aerospray, I've learned the sprinkler shield and booyah bomb positioning skills from the skill tree. Sometimes I used it for splat zones too and did pretty good. Then again it's another painting mode and I usually get 2k turf points with it
Gold aerospray is based in ranked cause I get my special quicker
If Aerospray bad why am i seeing it EVERYWHERE
i explained the reason in the video, cause inexperienced players who just play turf like its high painting ability, so they pick it just for that
@@StormySenpaicuz its made for painting obviously stop acting like players should play other cringy weapons
@@StormySenpaisay one weapon who can paint better
I will never understand why Nintendo made a perfect Aerospray kit that was both healthy for casual and competitive use, and then threw it out for GU-HYUK, PAINT BOT!
Yesterday i played against a 4 Golden aerospray team on turf war. Worst match of my life
i found that aerospray was great for A+ and S- ranked when using it as a skirmisher, but anywhere else it honestly sucks. you just need to know where and how to use it.
It’s good for turf and zones. I was top 500 this season several times until crap teammates happened
I see the thumbnail for this Video and i am like "damn, at least give the Silver One some Turf War Credit..."
Amazingly well put video !!!!!! tho i do wanna highlight an experience i had with the weapon as well
i've never played aerospray but last splatfest i decided to try it for once and i picked the gold one
it was one of the LEAST fun splatoon matches i ever played , it was so boring, i get actively punished for engaging in fun fights bc you can't hit anyone with that rng shots and it takes 5 shots to kill anybody so getting close to anyone is literally unwanted and is basically a death sentence
I just kept painting the floor that's rly the best i can do at that point lol
i kept dying constantly and still managed to get FIVE, yes FIVE boyaah bombs in that match
worst part is that's what ppl expect of you, to paint and farm special
The way they play around you isn't helpful for fighting with you no they just leave you the starting area to paint and depend on your boyaah bombs for fight and paint (i mean i don't blame them what else could i do lol)
Worst part is you really do outpaint everyone anyways so you're not punished by the end result so the average new player will be like wow i should keep doing this lol
and so i feel like if i picked this weapon early it would as you said really not teach me how to play the game (granted i main brush/splattershot and i'm still ass at the game but that's besides the point)
also one thing you don't mention in the video it the weapon isnt fun to play against either lol back in the last tricolour in a match i played the enemy had 3 aerospray there was constant boyaah bombs back to back to back all sent to the signal like okay ??? and they don't even engage in fights so it's not really fun ? so it's a loss loss for everybody :/
sorry for long text but my hatred for this weapon cannot be contained
U are not alone in this anger. When I see blobber? Aerospray, and big Swiss in solo queue I just accept the result.
I'm glad I'm getting confirmation that alot of the worst players use this gun.
@KNGDDDE fr for all those weapons
it's not fun to play with it's not fun to play against
Honestly idk what they can do to fix them in splatoon 4 lol
@Psycho0Noob for short range shooters in general they need either more range or reduced spread. They simply suck at fighting, which I'd what are supposed to be gud at. Splash is the best but the sploosh has extra speed. (Sploosh is my preferred shooter in general)
Bloober I'd fine, it's just the players that's bad. It'll never be a slayer but it creates kill zones and straight up denies entrances in certain spots.
If big swig was a 2 shot for say, carbon range itd be fine. But 3 flicks to kill just doesn't work on a roller. But it's vert flick I'd the best, so I'd take off that 1 shot past say, 1.5 carbon range.
But custom kits in general would be NY qst step... but everytimr I bring it uo I get a million "but balance" excuses like a pro Chara is in every lobby.
I agree! I went through the gold aerospray + booyah bomb spam phase when I was a noob. It worked in lower levels, not so much when I started getting matched against more advanced players that knew how to counterplay. Now when I have a gold aerospray on my team I just sigh.
Me too, haha, except it was the silver one for me. ranked mode made me change my main weapon real quick. 😂
It's just a good thing that the aerospray rg and pg are unlocked after ranked mode is
though splat 1 mg has a curling bomb with even less zoning power, but at least it doesn't seem great for farming [THING AT TOP RIGHT OF YOUR SCREEN]
sprinkler and even burst bomb aren't too great with aerospray, which has the zone control of your own burst bomb at your feet
i unlocked it early with a gold ticket lololololololol
Coughs in golden aerospray main
dont let the casual side of splat yt find this video
Nah let them, I want them to
people who use the aerospray rg are the splatoon equivalent of Halo’s Grunts
also bloblobber:
Blob is weird, idk how to describe it, I just know I hate that weapons guts
Bloblobber is the one weapon where im convinced not a single kill is made on purpose
Blobber is the bane of my existence along with 52
The bubbles are just everywhere and paired with 52, now that's a nightmare imo
blob is annoying
are you trying to support or throw? it’s stupid.
@@Spice2Spicy52 is a dumb idea for a shooter. the fire rate is the drawback yeah, but without counting that, it’s kind of broken
Yo, I main Gold Spray. I only play Turf War (Ranked isn't my thing, not a big fan of the comp for Splatoon), but you make good points in this video. 10/10 would reccommend this video
This video should’ve existed for at least a year now because those quad gold spray teams in Fest were annoying as fuck
cry harder
The silver Aerospray was the weapon that got me into Splatoon after playing the demo of Splat2, and it's been my main ever since(I use N-Zap 85 for ranked tho). I've never considered Gold until recently with the Grand Festival and, man, it felt like ass 😭 especially against people who knew what they were doing. Never thought I'd miss reefslider...
Gold aerospray was my first main in the game when I only played Turf Wars. I remember feeling like I was at a plateau skill wise until the moment I 5 starred it and moved onto different weapons and eventually Anarchy. Now my view and appreciation of the game has changed so much, it's like I can't even go back to the weapon even for fun anymore. I think your video sums up the problems with it perfectly. Silver aero can be cool sometimes tho, definitely a good splatfest weapon still imo
No bc the only time i use goldspray is when im in a meme team with other people during splatfest
You know, I noticed you hearted my comment and I just wanna say one thing, Hydra splatling is kinda the opposite of Gold Aerospray, it teaches positioning and how to work as a team. As a Hydra main the biggest struggle I'll face with it is flankers, aka not paying attention to my surroundings or positioning myself well enough where my team will handle said flankers. All I wanted to say
I suddenly regret modding my S4 and giving gold aero torpedo strikes…
As someone who is a charger main (mostly E-liter and Scope) i HATE players like this lol. Like I'm tryna snipe em and they move CRAZY FAST, just like Sploosh mains, except they have Reefslider or Booyah Bomb 😭😭😭
thats only if they know what they're doing haha
They main reefslider and booyah bomb
as a roller/splatana main I love these guys, they never watch their surroundings and sometimes walk straight into your path, if they're not special charged they tend to freak out and move in mysterious, easily melee'd ways
Decided to come back to this video to leave a comment. Its funny how this weapons pick rate increases to insane degree during a fest. But it also just so happens to have even worse win rate during fest as well.
This weapon is actually terrible.
Spawn camping is a good way to get splated.
I wonder who thought of bringing that weapon back into the game 😭
its literally an og weapon fym😂
@ As I said, I wonder who thought of bringing this weapon back into the game. More specifically the kit.
@@Your-favorite-splatoon-player why wouldnt it come back thats the real thing lol
*That didn’t stop me* 🗿
It’s pretty ass in Salmon Run outside painting, but I’d rather be the one using it than someone else in that mode (unless they’re a booyah spammer in battle modes) because my gods, it hurts more than some think. I don’t know why the devs thought it was a good idea to tweak Aero to be a special spammer.
I managed to superfresh the silver Aero and…. Don’t do it.
Silver areospray main and I have never felt so powerful and more frustrated than when I've been on a team full of all gold areos
Fizzybomb my hero
Im really glad I man Reef-lux in turf war, I genuinely think it helps me improve at the game
as long as your using it to actually fight and not just spam missiles then yeah it will
@@StormySenpai Well, the reason I picked it up in the first place WAS for missile spam, but I've begun to appreciate it on its own, as an actual weapon
Try arc shots over cover it's so fun >:D
I like to think of myself as a decent player i can get things done and sometimes i like using the gold aerospray as a fun one off weapon or when i just don't have enough energy to use a weapon that requires more skill i mostly like playing casual turf war anyway
Tbh I used to be a brush and roller main in splat 2 but I use this weapon in turf war in splat 3 because it’s the best kit for painting I found and painting is key. As you could have guessed, I am terrible at aiming. So I use this in turf war, explosher in zones, and I have a range blaster (idk the name) I use in rainmaker sometimes. I do get some kills with golden aerospray but it has terrible precision so I should definitely start learning another weapon but I have little to no time to play so I can’t train myself long enough to get good at something else. This is the easy option and I admit it.
atleast you admit it, i mean i dont have a problem with people playing spray to begin with, you do what you want, i'm just sharing my thoughts of what i think and know from experience and observation
@@lucywoomy I see you already use aoe weapons in other modes… maybe try using slosher or clash blaster if your aim is bad for kills. Clash blaster doesn’t paint well, but as stormy said, an increase in skill and kills is the best way to win a turf war game. Dead opponents can’t paint.
Im not a comp olayer but i use weapons most people consider to be bad, and i agree the weapons i use nost effectively are low teir.
Undercover brella shines when your actively supporting other players by literally standing next to them or infront of them while firing, using a trapper style, and oicking yhe best moment to slide.
But geres the catch, your not using undercover in comp unless your absolutely trying to make out your skill using the most underwhelming weapon in the game or just showing off.
With earospray rg i olay it because my team prioritizes kills and painting smaller areas even after the enemy team is wiped. Maybe we wouldn't lose if my team actually painting tye extra 10 feet into the enemy base??? It's like the game tells me im going to matxhed with ko players and have to take the support painter.
What undercover needs is Durability and some mobility data buffs and it'll be good, but earospray rg needs a batter sub to encourage movement and give it more offensive power, because thats what silver earospray has in spades.
@@redacted606 I used to use undercover in s2 but switched off of it due to it having reefslider and reefslider being too weak of a special. But I will point out there are weapons that arguably paint better than aerospray with favored kits like reeflux so there are better options for paint as well that aren’t too hard to switch to like. Dousers or a splatling
@@sasukeissocoollike I also play for feel and having weapons I don't feel right playing is a big factor. Like I said, I'm usually good with weapons people say are low tier; likely because they feel right.
I see people use those weapons but using themselves myself doesn't seem like something I'll feel good doing, and like I'm playing for power rather than my own enjoyment.
i honestly prefer the silver original aerospray anyway, gold isn't bad but the original has such a better kit as I like both reefslider and it's bomb is ACTUALLY useful. (in turf war, but ranked Im a range blaster main through and through)
You might not break into people's houses to stop them but I will
u prolly play with dualies
It's no longer fun even going up against RGs anymore in the third game. Every single match there's gotta be at least one person that has it. It's honestly angered me. I swear people only got the weapon just to spam booyah bomb ffs. I'm not sure if it's just me struggling with it, but imo I feel like it shouldn't be used even in ranked with how people can easily still spam the booyah bomb, even without special charge up abilitie.
I just don't like this weapon at all
I love booyah bomb! It's my favorite special, but I don't use aerospray at all.
I main Glooga Dualies, a more fun weapon imo
Nice video!
Edit: I pretty much like all booyah bomb weapons except hydra, but I will NEVER use aerospray
Say what you will about Splattershot Nova but I firmly believe it does all that (Gold) Aerospray wants to with its paint and actively teaches you how to use stall, support and defense tactics with the range it has (while also having specials that contribute more than a random and easily avoidable Booyah Bomb). Moreso Annaki Nova than vNova, but if you really want to keep tabs on everyone for others to follow up on vNova is still good at that.
nova is definitely a shit weapon, but it definitely improves game sense and other things way more compared to gold aerospray, cause it has so much range, you can't helo but take fights even though its kill time is abysmal, it teaches a lot
as a golden aerospray main, yeah its bad
but i have fun while i play it, and thats all that really matters does it not
Bro just let it rest
The silver aerospray is better because you can combo with the fizzy bomb.
That’s why I only use MG!
I main golden aerospray and I even have the 5 starbadge 😭
Thank you for explaining why i hate gold aerospray more and why i main Aerospray MG
Thank you so freaking much🎉
u play splatoon and ur black🥹💜🙏🏾🩷
Hell yeah ❤
The gold aerospray is my go to funny splatfest pick, its practically Become a tradition for me lol. also, i disagree with the idea that you should spawn camp in turf, as turf war doesnt affect any sort of rank so there is no real incentive to win, so i try to let the other team have fun.
There's also not an incentive to let other people win lmao, if the other team can't prevent me from spawn camping them in turf, you're screwed, I don't need a incentive, I'm just playing the game to the best of my ability
Wins in turf affect your weapon’s freshness rating and count towards your team’s performance in splatfest. Every game with a win condition has an incentive to be won, spawn camping is only okay in turf because there literally isn’t a way to end the game early. If your team is good enough that you’ve bullied the other team into their spawn, you basically have to stay there until the 3 minutes ends… if you’re strong enough to get them stuck in their own spawn, throwing and backing up or whatever the stronger team is ‘supposed’ to do in that situation won’t stop it from happening again a few seconds later and idk how being babied and giving ground just to lose it again immediately s supposed to be fun for the other team either. Spawn camping in rank is unnecessary, just finish the objective and the game. But in turf you just have to kind of hold that L for 3 minutes and gg go next.
@@StormySenpaiyour playing to win lol
always use stuff to your advantage
if a team's too into spawncamping you can just shift focus to painting behind them, had a ton of wins through this, they'll think they're leagues ahead and won't even notice the danger up top
Booyah spam with gold aerospray is funny though, it’s also funny when you do it in comp. especially when you can get 20 kills
To clarify I’m not a casual, I do comp and have won comp with gold aerospray
@@jester_blackmage nah, what tournaments have you won with this garbage
Texas Highschool State Championship
The plan is too win three more this year, one for fall two for spring
I also use splatling for it, I’m not only an Aerospray main, and I agree that beginners shouldn’t play the weapon cuz it def makes you bad at ranked, happened to me with splat 1
Damn i literally picked it up yesterday 😭
Put that shit BACK DOWN BUDDY 😂
I can get decent kills and special use out of the aero spray rg. I thought it is kind of hard to push unless I could sneak up on people.
They have to be blissfully unaware for that to happen (which it does)
@@StormySenpai Happens more than you think.. Surprisingly....
This video is actually true
Free for for my chainsaw
Video's so good that it's also retroactively correct about how the weapon plays in Splatoon 1 and 2 as well, and will most likely be correct about how the weapon plays in 4. Amazing.
Sploosh is hella underrated.
Im sorry areospray mains but this is the truth you wont get better at the game using this weapon no range and ive seen weapons that can kill and also paint like this.
personally(i know right im about to say something positive about this pice of trash😀)
it CAN be usable in zones (manly waho world) and on tower control(sometimes but at that point dude just just pick something else like a blaster or brush)
i can put a weapon in front of you to counteract that arguement in both modes....Neo splash, Tri strikes
@@StormySenpai dude i said its not horrible NOT THAT ITS GOOD🤣🤣🤣
i play in x do you think i don’t know this thing sucs?
@@aveage-brush-playernah I know lmao, I'm just saying even the one positive thing about it is overshadowed like crazy 💀
Yeah I realize that kit was made for you to never get better at the game…..I thinks is just to cripple newer players into to lowering the skill ceiling…
Also what’s the song you played at 1:38 and after? (I’ve been looking for months lol)
Bowser Jr blvd (mario sports mix)
No, aerospray is shit at painting.
no. dualies, guns, and inkbrushes are shit are painting. aerospray is better
1:12 the 2nd kit for big swig paints more
but no one talks about that weapon since no one plays it :p
The gold aerospray is the only weapon I've 5 stared and I'm proud
Imma send you a get well soon card
@@StormySenpaiand what weapon is he supposed to have 5 stars on? some stupid dualies?
Putz12 🤬
i literally only use it for booyah spam and being annoying
the base kit is great
W video
Shooters in general have the trait of spam without positioning
Nah they should straight up remove both aerosprays
cry harder
aerospray is a beginner weapon
nah you should straight up remove yourself from this game and get well soon bud
@marketableplushye good luck when the cops show up at your door, pathetic excuse of a human.
all aerospray mains just have reverse character development, those noobs wouldn’t know how to throw a clam if they tried >:]
Anyway when are you making a video on how undercover is the best and skilled weapon in the game ☺️
I'll make a video roasting how garbage it is, how about that?
@@StormySenpai :(
Did you really have to drop the racial slur?
Sick of mfs like you
@@Dethneko did you have to leave this headass comment? 💀
Bro just don't know how to play and spray
My gameplay in the video says otherwise
I onlu use this item beceause of the jolizator ! With my full special équipements i can do 8 jolizator easy in one gamz
1:36 what's this song?!
bowser jr blvd (mario sports mix)
1:48 I don't hate it:I don't want to shout at my teammates after not listening to the team. I get triggered easily. And when i do play ranked, i go full in Leroy Jenkins going for kills while most of my teammates focus on objective. But again, i am in C so i cant expect much out of them
Keep it a buck with you, if you're in c rank, focus on yourself and not your team, you got work to do towards your improvement
@@StormySenpai 100% this, if you get good you'll immediately have an advantage over the other C rank players because they don't have a sense of team synergy either
I just started playing it more recently. I used to avoid it like the plague. I don't wanna be the one who handicaps the team. 😭😭