心經 The Heart Sutra | Lo-Fi+流行樂 | 中譯經文 | 21遍 |

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  • 心經 The Heart Sutra | Lo-Fi+流行樂 | 中譯經文 | 21遍 | #現代 #療癒 #放鬆 #平靜 #Buddhamusic #Chillmusic #relaxmusic #lofimusic
    👉 關於心經
    《心經》(The Heart Sutra)的全名為《佛說摩訶般若波羅蜜多心經》(The Maha Prajna Paramita Hrdaya Sutra),完整經名的概略意思是「透過心量廣大的通達智慧,而超脫世俗困苦的根本途徑」,是一部大乘佛教表達空性智慧觀點的經典。此經是六百部《大般若經》的心髓,故名為《心經》;它是所有佛經中翻譯次數最多的經典。目前漢傳佛教常見的心經版本為玄奘譯本,共260字。是大乘佛教出家及在家佛教徒日常背誦的佛經之一。
    👉 心經的功德利益
    👉 心經的內容全文
    ▶ About the Heart Sutra ◀
    The full name of the Heart Sutra (心經) is "The Maha Prajna Paramita Hrdaya Sutra" (佛說摩訶般若波羅蜜多心經), a classic text in Mahayana Buddhism expressing the concept of emptiness (空性智慧). It is also known simply as the Prajna Heart Sutra (般若心經). The Heart Sutra is the most frequently translated Buddhist scripture. The most commonly seen version in Chinese Buddhism is the translation by Xuanzang, which contains 260 characters. It is one of the Buddhist scriptures that both monastic and lay Buddhists recite daily. The general meaning of the full title is "the fundamental way to transcend worldly suffering through expansive wisdom." This sutra is the essence of the six hundred volumes of the "Great Prajna Sutra" (大般若經), hence it is named the "Heart Sutra" (心經).
    ▶ Merits and Benefits of the Heart Sutra ◀
    The Heart Sutra is the essence of the six hundred volumes of the "Great Prajna Sutra" (大般若經). Historically, it is recorded that reciting the Heart Sutra brings merits equal to reciting the entire six hundred volumes of the Great Prajna Sutra. Through the incredible power of the wisdom of emptiness, it can remove various obstacles. Master Xuanzang, during his perilous journey to India to retrieve scriptures, faced numerous life-threatening situations, but he always managed to turn danger into safety by relying on the recitation of this sutra. Practicing the Heart Sutra can bring blessings from the Buddha's teachings, provide a profound understanding of worldly matters, resolve inner conflicts and contradictions, and attain inner peace.
    ▶ Full Text of the Heart Sutra ◀
    Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, While deeply immersed in prajna paramita, Clearly perceived the empty nature of the five skandhas, And transcended all suffering. Shariputra! Form is not different from emptiness, Emptiness is not different from form. Form is emptiness, emptiness is form. So it is with feeling, conception, volition, and consciousness. Shariputra! All dharmas are empty in character; Neither arising nor ceasing, Neither impure nor pure, Neither increasing nor decreasing. Therefore, in emptiness, there is no form; There is no feeling, conception, volition, or consciousness; No eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, or mind; No form, sound, smell, taste, touch, or dharmas; No realm of vision, and so forth, Up to no realm of mind-consciousness; No ignorance or ending of ignorance, and so forth, Up to no aging and death or ending of aging and death. There is no suffering, no cause, no extinction, no path. There is no wisdom and no attainment. There is nothing to be attained. By way of prajna paramita, The bodhisattva’s mind is free from hindrances. With no hindrances, there is no fear; Freed from all distortion and delusion, Ultimate nirvana is reached. By way of prajna paramita, Buddhas of the past, present, and future Attain anuttara-samyak-sambodhi. Therefore, prajna paramita Is the great powerful mantra, The great enlightening mantra, The supreme and peerless mantra. It can remove all suffering. This is the truth beyond all doubt. And the prajna paramita mantra is spoken thus: Gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha.
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    @limkhuan5102 29 днів тому +2

    祈请, 持頌 , < 心經 > 功德迴向 : 1)無始劫來, 一切眾生, 累世冤亲债主 ; 2) 十法界眾生 ; 3) 地獄眾生; 4) 盡虛空 遍法界眾生 ; 5) 眾生 累世父母 ; 6) 眾生 历代祖先 ; 7) 輪回中的眾生. 成就菩提離苦得樂 , 救護加持, 業障消除, 福慧增長,佛力加持, 順利往生佛國淨土