Hey Daniel I am not 100% sure but your stalker might have bug your house he may have put Little cameras looks like microphones around your house and he has gotten in a couple times before so don’t worry too much but this could be a possibility. Love your video keep up the great work.
9:18 the letters look like they spell ‘reveal her’ and because you were talking about your mom maybe the stalker sent them telling you to reveal her since you revealed kimberlee and then u got a note about regina it would make sense right??
DANIEL THE WORDS SPELL OUT "REVEAL HER", it is maybe talking about regina or your mom. THE LETTER IS FROM THE STALKER, be careful the stalker is dangerous❤
7:42 YT in like late 2019 rounded out the subscriber numbers, so it's harder to get an exact number. I heard only the creator himself can check the exact sub count on his own channel, but can't confirm if that's true or not.
Daniel I just figured it out. The stalker gave you a heater for your fish tank. The heater in the fish tank is recording you Daniel that’s why he knows about your mother
Be Careful Daniel, On Melvins latest video you and Regina were one of the people that are going after you so you have to keep an eye on them especially Regina and Daniela to make sure their okay
Well Daniel your mom does have a channel right I remember your mother had a channel that I watched but it was a while ago I do not really remember this is all the information I got Daniel I hope this helps you find your mother soon God bless you and have a good rest of your day🙂
WOAH! WHAT?! We're gonna finally see your mom?!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know you've been trying to find her for years, ever since you were still part of the spy ninjas! If you're gonna find her, I propose you go with your sister, since she's HER mom too! I really hope we finally see mrs. ferri soon, and hopefully the stalker doesn't get in the way of it!
I have a feeling there may be some sort of microphone installed in the fishes heater cause it sticks out of the water and has constant supply of energy
You guys are awesome and amazing and I love you guys so much and I love watching your guys UA-cam videos and I’m subscribe to your guys UA-cam channel and post notifications bell are on
daniel im the biggest spy ninjas fan and want to help out so much so im telling u theres a microphone in the water heater u can tell by the bubbles at 16:54
This video is too good i am watching it for the second time!! Your videos make my day and always have me laughing so hard! I love how your always happy even when there are some stuff that make you sad but im sure you will find your mom really soon!That ducky night light is the cutest thing ever!!! Love your videos❤
Daniel did the stalker gev you anything that you kept like and object he might have a camra that can hear and see you😲 Stay safe i hope you find your mom Love your videos 😆 And i hope you get rid of that stalker.. He scares me and he really does scare you. Ican tell in the vids. bye❤
Hi guys 🩵 Use code DANIELFERRI50 to get 50% OFF your first Factor box plus 20% off your next month of orders at bit.ly/4bEPrLx (bit.ly/4bEPrLx)
Hi daniel
Omg I’m first to reply❤
Daniel don't listen to anyone keep making weird thumbnails. I love your videos ❤
9:01 - 9:02 it says Reveal Her! Hope that helps Daniel!
Scattered skulls project zorgo back UA-cam end spyNinjas team old friend back big
@@user-vi4sg7fi project zorgo is already defeated. it’s now scattered skull now.
Maybe reveal if he as a gf?
@@projectzorgo1111bro its about his mum 💀
He already reavled what it say
C’mon Daniel! You were a spy ninja! U can figure this whole stalker situation with Regina, Melvin, Dane, and Daniela! I believe in u guys!
No he dose not live with them only Regina
@@Brittany-x8eI don’t understand
I'll always love your videos❤❤
16:54 there's a microphone in the aquarium heater that was left for you. You can tell from the bubbling sound
all that matters is that LIL PUFF is ok now! lil puff get better from freezing ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Don’t worry Daniel you will find ur mother soon u need to reunite with spy ninjas so u can defeat the stalker once and for all ! 💙
YEAH 🎉 !!!
daniel was with his mom when i meet him out here in les vegas
@@Alexben11O7U sure?
I feel so sorry for you daniel
0:12 HECK YEA HUNNY 😂😂😂😂
Daniel i think it says reveal her!!! And u definitely need the whole spy ninjas back to defeat the stalker and the scatterd skull
Yes we need Chad and Vy
Daniel is so cool for leaving his Daniel gizmo channel still up and made a new one so Chad and V still had their Daniel videos❤
I really hope you get rid of this stalker!! Don’t worry im sure you’ll find your mother soon and I Love all of your videos Daniel❤
What happens if you are stalker?
Danielle, the way you said ahh it’s cold I just laugh until you use the phone thing from keeping your phone to get wet and broken and yeah yeah yeah
14:28 the iconic ‘destiny (or Daniel) rising’ song we all know and love
Hey Daniel I am not 100% sure but your stalker might have bug your house he may have put Little cameras looks like microphones around your house and he has gotten in a couple times before so don’t worry too much but this could be a possibility. Love your video keep up the great work.
IM SO HAPPY YOU POSTEDDD also just curious did you change your posting time to Saturday?
*HECK YER HONEY* *might as well burn ur money* Got me dying😂😂
9:18 the letters look like they spell ‘reveal her’ and because you were talking about your mom maybe the stalker sent them telling you to reveal her since you revealed kimberlee and then u got a note about regina it would make sense right??
He figured that out
The stalker was walking in your house 12:10
DANIEL THE WORDS SPELL OUT "REVEAL HER", it is maybe talking about regina or your mom. THE LETTER IS FROM THE STALKER, be careful the stalker is dangerous❤
@@kenzieis2cute4u Duh
@kenzieis2cute4u you don't have to be so rude she/he is just trying to help
Aww I feel so bad I have been watching the spy nijas sence the begining and you haven't found mom sences I hope you get see her ❤❤❤
Yeah no shit
5:20 I feel bad for Danny boy but keep ur head up boy we love u&ur videos ❤️
Your fishes are so cute
The frog device is actually pretty cute and cool 😂
Daniel, the spy ninjas need your help. They’re dealing with scattered school right now.
I am, I told Melvin in the comments
Scatterd SKULL
Your wierd
The Spyninjas can deal w/ them
@@lizandreels7182be nice
I love your videos they always make me laugh :D and I really hope the stalker gets taken down
Daniel Ferri, This is awesome! I subscribed because I want to see more!
13:26 the fact he said HmH mY BUtt iS DeLigHTEd😂😂😂😂😂
Hey Daniel maybe the stalker put some listening devices around you house like how they did for chad and vy a long time go!
daniel dancing when he gets food is so me
i love you’re videos so so so so much
OMG!! Danny boi got his first sponsor.. congrats Daniel ❤❤🎉
OMG!! Danny boi got his first sponsor..congrats Daniel ❤❤ 🎉
@@DanTheMan-l5zwhy did you copy?
@@DanTheMan-l5z😂😂😂 copy
@@themadartistgamer2013prob to get a like
@@DanTheMan-l5zhe or she prob want likes
10:44 off topic but i literally have that light stand next to my bed 🤣
7:42 YT in like late 2019 rounded out the subscriber numbers, so it's harder to get an exact number. I heard only the creator himself can check the exact sub count on his own channel, but can't confirm if that's true or not.
Daniel I just figured it out. The stalker gave you a heater for your fish tank. The heater in the fish tank is recording you Daniel that’s why he knows about your mother
The way he jumped at 5:51 😂😂😂😂
Actually 😂😂😂
Your videos are so fun 🤩 😆to watch
I’ve been a huge fan since the very beginning I love your videos so much it makes me happy every time
Hey Daniel I’ve been a fan to the Spy Ninjas for 3 to 4 years ❤❤
I hope the stalker gets taken down soon because he is so annoying love you Daniel 💙
Daniel is the funniest UA-camr ever 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Omg Daniel got his first sponsor ❤❤
11:09 the way he jumped lol 😂
Be Careful Daniel, On Melvins latest video you and Regina were one of the people that are going after you so you have to keep an eye on them especially Regina and Daniela to make sure their okay
People who love Daniel really really❤❤❤
You're timing as usual is simply IMPECCABLE.
Daniel the camera on the heater
You’re awesome Daniel! I’m such a big fan of you. Take care
2:30 Daniel made me cry😢😢😢
Well Daniel your mom does have a channel right I remember your mother had a channel
that I watched but it was a while ago I do not really remember this is all the information I got Daniel I hope this helps you find your mother soon God bless you and have a good rest of your day🙂
the words say reveal her! Whoa! Stay safe out there Danny!
WOAH! WHAT?! We're gonna finally see your mom?!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know you've been trying to find her for years, ever since you were still part of the spy ninjas! If you're gonna find her, I propose you go with your sister, since she's HER mom too! I really hope we finally see mrs. ferri soon, and hopefully the stalker doesn't get in the way of it!
Well all this is staged Chad and vy have even said it in an interview before it’s all for entertainment and they all already know their parents
@@Yuhh22123 what? That doesnt make any sense.
Hii Daniel Your Next Vid Should Be Finding My Mom!!!
❤ AND Daniel U Should Definitly Turn On Ur Camera Check The Footage From
Hi Daniel im a huge fan of Raniel I’ve watched you ever since the spy ninjas i hope everything’s ok and i hope you had a great 2024 so far ❤😊
I love your videos Daniel.
When everything starts falling apart 😂 4:27
It sounds scary to have a stocker just roaming around your house and I don't think you should reveal her because that stocker is up to something
Hmm maybe I could teach my friends a lesson with the iPhone taser to scare em
I was joking alright
We need a video where you find your mom and where you finnaly meet her after 5years❤❤❤
Mom I'm gonna mail my friends
You do that Chucky
Got me XD
9:26 I saw the stalker
Yeah where?
Love ur videos i always wait every week for u to uploud
7:07 I like that thing
Great video Daniel! ❤
The " heck yeah honey "😂😂😂😂😂😂
I have a feeling there may be some sort of microphone installed in the fishes heater cause it sticks out of the water and has constant supply of energy
Like this comment so Daniel can meet his mom
@@Gamers-504 ok ok I'll do it now
You’re just mad you’ve been on UA-cam for three years but you have three subscribers you’re just jealous
Like begger
I love your videos.💙🤩💙✨💖 I get so excited.🔥🐸💙✨ Please go live.😊😇😍💅🏾
9:00 reveal her
it might mean reveal your mom 🧐
Daniel is amazing
You guys are awesome and amazing and I love you guys so much and I love watching your guys UA-cam videos and I’m subscribe to your guys UA-cam channel and post notifications bell are on
Love you videos make sure your Safe❤😊
5:50 good moves 😂
hey Daniel, your video's are 🔥 ❤
daniel im the biggest spy ninjas fan and want to help out so much so im telling u theres a microphone in the water heater u can tell by the bubbles at 16:54
Don’t worry Daniel you’ll meet your mom and reunite with the spy ninjas
that the most beautiful product ever 6:57
“have one reer..i have reer😁.”
I love your videos I miss the old spy ninjas ❤
Everyone, let’s help Daniel find his mom
Wheres the plant😢😢😮😮
Keep up the good work
Dani boy is so funny I swear he made me laugh in the ground...
This video is too good i am watching it for the second time!! Your videos make my day and always have me laughing so hard! I love how your always happy even when there are some stuff that make you sad but im sure you will find your mom really soon!That ducky night light is the cutest thing ever!!! Love your videos❤
Daniel showing The food makes me hungry ✌🏻
what if his mom was the STALKER! like the comment if you agree with me
You know when the stalker gave Daniel a fish tank gadget for his fish tank. The fish tank heater has a mic...... make so much sense??!!!
It's not
We love you Daniel ❤❤❤❤💕
The stalker might be your mom!😮😮😮
Yeah I think so too
But I think the stalker is a dude but idk
Bro wt...
His video where his sister found his mom all the pufferfish his stalker gave him could have recorded him when he said his mom's address 😳
Son is that you😂 17:01 17:01 17:01 17:01 17:01 17:01
Ur awesome Daniel ur so funny and cool
DANIEL IT SPELLS REVEAL HER! And I’m new to the channel but I love ur videos
Why don't you lay a trap for the guy for the stalker then call the cops
I'm more interested with the stalker journey, MAKE MORE STALKER VIDEOS
So like are you gay or are you not gay or is it just a joke?😅 4:20
4:31 oops (well that gave me unnecessary memories)
Love you're videos on. Good luck on the stalker problem 💗🥰
thanks :) 😊
@@danieltoads hii daniel please reply to my comment its my dream!
@@danieltoads please be Careful but you need Chad and Vy help you all with evil Stalker okay 😢
5:51 Mr Daniel did the mister crab dance...
4:13 why is Daniel in a bikini
Daniel did the stalker gev you anything that you kept like and object he might have a camra that can hear and see you😲
Stay safe i hope you find your mom
Love your videos 😆
And i hope you get rid of that stalker.. He scares me and he really does scare you. Ican tell in the vids. bye❤
Daniel’s mom reveal coming soon…?
4:30 oof (well that gave me unnecessary memories 😂)