CorelDraw is the program this elevated was designed in. Its also available in N scale , Ho, S and O scale. This is an ImagineThat Laser Art Product. Give them a call Great Product easy to work with.
Ben Rjmodels MDF is 'Medium Density Fiber'. You can buy it in several thicknesses (1mm - 10mm and more). Look here:
This should be the sett for a doll animation series nairated by John Hurt. Beutiful
very nice ! good job
Beats the NYC transit museum display 10X fold!
CorelDraw is the program this elevated was designed in. Its also available in N scale , Ho, S and O scale. This is an ImagineThat Laser Art Product. Give them a call Great Product easy to work with.
Thats Just Plain Nuts! I want one!
they did a very nice job on it...did you get to see the bridge almost at the look like the one in Boston?
wow!! real nice
Yep. Very nice, but I didn't get any pix of it.
anything available in N scale?
incredibly beautiful. I am speechless. with which software you've drawn this design?
what is the brand of the product?
who can i contact to get more info on this product
How did you learn?
I can scratch build my own elevated lines.
This is not made with balsa wood, it's MDF.
What's MDF is it ABS just similar to plastic?
Ben Rjmodels
MDF is 'Medium Density Fiber'. You can buy it in several thicknesses (1mm - 10mm and more). Look here: