Lots of BS in these comments. I was in Grenada in 1992. Spoke with dozens of people. They were thrilled the marines went in and loved Reagan for it. There’s a plaque to the US at the airport. And that runway wasn’t for tourist planes; it was LONG, and it was for Soviet backfire bombers.
Don't bother arguing with those idiots. All they care about is finding ways to make America look bad, even when America does something good. The *liberation* of Grenada was totally justified and restored democracy to Grenada, which has remained democratic since. Furthermore, there are still socialist and communist parties within Grenada today, that enjoy the same rights as any other political party. That just further proves that the US was solely invested in protecting its citizens and restoring democratic order, NOT removing the communists from the island as some people proclaim.
@@buttbuttson737 You are really naive, the America invaded Grenada for profit, and it was precisely because the America wanted to invade Grenada that it led to the split of the Grenada government and the death of Bishop
@@buttbuttson737 You still don't know why bishop died. Bishop's death originated from his friends' doubts about his diplomacy. America already had signs of wanting to invade Granada before Bishop's death. America just needed an excuse, and at this time Bishop thinks Granada can't stand up to the America, his friends scold him for being weak at the meeting they thought he was going to surrender, finally the coup takes place It is very stupid to take the result to think that the America is not for interest. Apparently it wasn't right for bishop's friends to execute bishop But,first, the essence of this war is that the America is fighting for military purposes. Second, the America itself is the reason for the division of the government of Granada.
The whole thing was a giant clusterfuck. Bad intel, poor planning, terrible communications, lousy maps, lack of coordination between the services. Flying into Calivigny Barracks on chalk 4 and watching the first three helicopters crash and burn was horrifying.
I was 13 when this happened and what drove me to join when I turned 18!! Sorry to those that you all lost in this Op and thank you for serving our country with Honor!!
Reagan apologised to Thatcher over this, because of fears of a US mole. “Incidentally, let me tell you that we were being so careful here that we didn’t even give a firm answer to the Caribbean states. We told them that we were planning, but we were so afraid of this source and what it would do; it could almost abort a mission, with the lives that could have endangered. When word came of your concerns - by the time I got it - the zero hour had passed, and our forces were on their way … I want you to know it was no feeling on our part of lack of confidence at your end. It’s at our end.” Smells like bullshit to me.
@Bud Strickert A British Territory invaded and occupied by Argentina. The Argentinians placed 10,000 troops on the Island. The British sailed 8,000 miles, landed 3,000 troops and won. Your suggested comparison to Grenada, is beyond nonsensical.
I was 11 growing up in the Philippines when Grenada was invaded. I remember this as a kid. Then we immigrated to the US the following year. I’m 1996 I attended the US Army Airborne School at Fort Benning, GA. My commanding officer was a Grenada veteran. He jumped into The island as a Ranger.
Praise God no man,it was God that caused the deliverance, fo Grenada, in 1983 God used the American army, to deliver, the Grenadian people, just as he used Moses the deliver, Israel out of Egypt, so all praise glory and honor must be to God, amen 🙏
Do you know what the people of Grenada call the anniversary of the invasion? I saw it some years ago, so who knows it might've changed, but I read somewhere that they call it Thanksgiving Day. Yeah a bit different from the usual reaction we get in foreign lands these days.
You do realize it was the Marines who asked that H-Hour be pushed back to day break because they didn't have the night vision army pilots and Rangers had, right?
My friend from HS wanted me to join the Marines with him in 81, but I choose the Navy instead because it offered more travel. I didn't find out till on home leave in 84 that he died earlier in the barracks bombing in Beirut Lebanon.
@westheking14 Really? I don't remember being on the brink of WW3 between 2016 and 2020. I remember cheap gas and groceries and interest rates near zero. I remember the security at our southern border was the best in years. Look at the regime now. Letting a man with dementia run the show. Disgraceful.
This was really interesting. I was 17 at the time and I had no idea this was so bloody. I think a lot of it was the result of Viet Nam. Throughout the 70s and into the 80s I believe moral and discipline within the military were at all time lows with the disaster in Iran being the height of the incompetence.
Not really incompetence so much as today we take alot of things for granted that did not exist back then. One problem that began actually during WWII and was never really fixed until after Grenada. Special Operations was not seperate from the regular military chain of command all during that time and their was no joint command,full spectrum capability as there is today. Each service kind of did there own thing. We have spent the last two decades trying to get our ally in places like Africa and the Middle East to be able to coordinate and all play from the same sheet of music. Before that we had to do the same with NATO and our own military. Part of that was pulling out special operations and making them their own seperate branch with their own people running them who understood their needs and could make sure their needs were met and they were being properly utilized for their missions not just simply being pimped out to what ever conventional command needed their services which is how it was during WWII, Korea and Vietnam. There was no USSOCOM until 1987. JSOC was begun in 1980. Army Special Forces became a branch of its own in 1983. Before 1983 there was no Special Forces Tab or 18 Seriers MOS, there was no QCourse. Special Forces was created in 1952 during all that time from 1952-1983 If you were a Green Beret you were what ever your origonal MOS was like 11B with an S Identifier. Special Operations didn't have stuff like 160th Special Operations Avaition Regiment so they very often had to use pilots that were not trained to do the job they were needed to do It was Operations Eagle Claw in Iran and the problems with Urgent Fury in Greneda that led to the Special Operations Command that we have today. Take Delta for example and SEAL Team Six. They are under JSOC which is itself a subordinate command of USSOCOM the are also inside the chain of command of USASOC if you see them in Uniform which is rare they have a USASOC patch and Beret flash and crest. In reality they don't actually report to and are not tasked by any of these. USASOC. Takes care of Delta for pay purposes and handles personnel issues, USSOCOM is the combatant command that Coordinates everything. JSOC is strictly a logistics command they handle all of Delta, SEAL Team Six etc supply and logistics and just generally keep all the above out of their hair. The operators them selves are tasked and work direct for POTUS and SECDEF thats why if you see them kind of just do what they feel like in movies like Blackhawk Down and others it's because once on mission they are very much outside regular military chains of command. In Blackhawk Down General Garrison was Specificly Deltas commander as well as in charge of the overall mission so they did actually work for him but not any of the others. When Greneda happened none of this had taken place yet it was all still very unorganized. Operation Eagle Claw and all the problems that led to that mess were only three years prior to this so all those same problems still existed. Today a Green Beret gets qualified they get on and ODA and they may stay there and entire career leaving only here and there during their later career to check career Blacks like doing time as a Platoon Sgt or Company first Sgt so they can advance better. In SF you make E7 very quickly but E8 and beyond are very competitive so some time spent on the Conventional side of the house can help put one ahead of the others. Back during the Vietnam days all the way to 1980s Special Forces Soldiers might get qualified and get that S Identifier but they were still assigned needs of the Army. So a qualified Green Beret officer could easily find himself commanding grunts at the 101st or 82nd. Today that only happens when they choose to leave seeking career advancement. For example SF rarely if ever does Expert Infantry Badge Qualification because they are not an Infantry Unit. Their guys can earn and wear the EIB and it's worth the huge promotion points needed to help get E8 and 9. Sometimes you can just go do EIB with another unit and sometimes it's better just to spend an enlistment with a regular unit getting some of this stuff done. One of my Battallion Commanders in Germany had been in Delta and had a serious eye injury in Tora Bora and so was not able to stay in Delta any longer so he ended his career commanding us. The SEALS unlike some of the other units involved in Grenada had not done any real world combat Ops since Vietnam. SEAL Team 4 was a brand new SEAL Team beginning in 1983 It had not long before been a UDT Team. For this reason it did much of the pre landing Recon along with the Army's 7th Special Forces Group. Contrary to that stupid Heartbreak Ridge movie that was actually the Army Rangers that did all that stuff. The 8th Marine Regiment did indeed fight in Greneda but there were no Recon Marines involved in the operation at all. This is because there are three Recon Battalions, 1 organic to each Marine Division HQ. Two are on the Pacific one in California and the other in Hawaii. Urgent Fury was a last minute thing rushed very quickly there was no time to bring units from the Pacific. 8th Marine Regiment is part of 2nd Marine Division. 2nd Recon Battallion was in Beruit and was part of the Marines killed in the Barraks bombing and thats why they had no Recon Marines. SEAL Team Six was also brand new and had only been formed in 1980 so that JSOC Autonomy had not yet really been established and Greneda was their first mission. The SEAL Team Six guys that drowed did so because they were overloaded carrying more than 100lbs each and swam out in a storm off the coast and overestimated their ability to manage the task. There is a great many things that exist today that help us coordinate command and control efforts that did not yet exist. Computer networks are maybe the biggest example. Coordination using communications networks became a thing in the 1990s. I can remember being on a ship and using E-mail for the first time.
I knew a couple guys who were in during the carter years, and they said they basically just sat around the barracks and smoked dope all day, and that was 82d infantry, Lord knows what the rest of the Army was up to. With the Reagan admin new funding and new blood were starting to pick things up. We went from steel pots to kevlar, C-rats to MREs, M16A1 to A2, Hueys to Blackhawks, and so on. Grenada triggered a renaissance in the way things got done on the big picture scale.
Had a friend (German American Immigrant - proudest patriot/citizen I ever knew) who was a mountain climbing instructor for SEALS. When they came back from Grenada they gave him a never fired, Russian made (not China or Bulgarian)AK-47 with matching accessories, red Bakelite clips, belt and pouches with Red Star buckle. I was so amazed I begged Karl Heinz (who wasn't really into guns) to sell it to me but he didn't think it would be right - it WAS an honor gift to him personally. Later he was killed in a fall during a training mission (a total mystery - he was the most obsessively safety conscious climber/instructor I ever met). A few days after the funeral I asked his widow (a rather fluffy French girl) about the AK. "OOh, zat old gun stuff - I do not want eet zo I give it to some man who lives down the street. I don't know hees name but he says he likes guns so he can have it" Still pisses me off to this day 35 years later.
Oh no! It was an incredible shock for someone our age. I still miss Charley 40 years later and think of him regularly. I was just pissed that she gave that rare weapon set to a stranger before I thought to ask for it. I know he would have wanted me to have it (I was the only one of his friends who was into guns) and she would have gladly given it to me had I asked.
Raleigh Simmons coached by Fred Tex Winter, I was there the whole time on USS CV-62 VA-176 Thunderbolts Boomer Squadron NAS. Oceana Vergina, Vergina Beach, VA. That Aircraft carrier what a WAR MACHINE and we ALL worked well together. If the Navy asked me at over 60 to come back I would come out of retirement and get the job done. We are still trained to be trained again real quick. China, Russia, etc can't say that about their ELDERLY.
One correction 75th Ranger Regiment was not a thing then. It was only 1st and 2nd Ranger Battalions. As one of those that jumped on salinas point with Bco 1/75 it was a cluster fuck. Between leaving Savannah, GA ready to jump then D-rigging in flight preparing to air land then end up having to Re-rig in flight. Then just exit the door and do what Rangers do best accomplish the mission. We lost 5 great Rangers with 1/75 in my platoon, 3rd platoon we had two wounded. Though it was a cluster fuck on the upper brass those of us in the trenches those first 3-4 days did what the mission called for. RLTW!!!!
just consider yourself lucky the soviet union didn't have a presence there otherwise you would have been thrown right back into the ocean... communism will win china is on the cusp of overtaking the us deal with it
@@phillipwombacher9635 AC-130Ss and Cobra gunships are a great equalizer. Also keep in mind they had to deal with to fronts. Without. Any consideration that the U.S. would intervene and so.e little island in the middle of K ow where. I am very proud and even if it was wore. Stu worth it. Cause the mass killings seen on TV was crazy. And every time I see a Sandals commercial I smile and realize myself and many other allowed that to become. If not probably another Cuba. So your point is pointless. As for China I guess the according to all this the upcoming administration will be the savior. Im just glad then had a Commander in Chief that made the decision let go of the leashes and not the our hands with BS. Restriction. As some have.
The Regiment was founded in 1974 so nice try. They were formed from the Vietnam era LRRP and LRP companies Yes the 3rd Battallion was created later so you are at least partially correct. USSOCOM wasn't a thing and the fuck ups of both Grenada and Eagle claw helped create it in 1987.
I was with 2nd battalion 8th marines and ended up with a medevac unit and with all the confusion the Cubans didn’t stand a chance. We were there for a week then we had to go to Beirut Lebanon and we had no idea what we were getting into. It was a nightmare
i knew a guy who was in one of the medical schools... he gave up being a penthouse photographer. he was dating my friends mother. she was a real beauty
@@glhmedic lol Threatening foe? A population of 110,000. You revisionist empty heads do make me laugh. "the whole Caribbean area is a free and democratic region thanks to the USA" LMFAO Your empty cranium ignored Cuba.
@Salvador Vizcarra Too fucking bad, amigo. What were Cuba soldiers doing on Grenada, asshole? I love how they were begging Castro to let them surrender, but he wanted them to fight on for the revolution, lol. My only regret is that we didn't invade Cuba and take-out Castro once and for all.
Yes comments are correct I was with the 82nd Airborne division at the time not a very good performance for to many reasons to list just remember it was the 1st battle action after Vietnam and a American public not ready for any military conflict
That mission was actually carried out by the Rangers there were no Recon Marines in Greneda or at least none of the histories don't reflect that they were there the Reconissanse for that mission was done by the SEALS and 7th Special Forces Group and this is likely due to the fact that the 2nd Reconissanse Battallion was in Lebanon already.
Back when America was a real country ruled by laws and morals, and had a real president, not a......well i dont even know how to explain the last 3 year's of dystopia weve seen
Parachutes in 500 ft off the deck. Holy shit good thing their giant balls where there to cushion they’re landing. I want to learn more about Granada. Anyone reference good books or documentary’s.
"It Doesn't Take a Hero". The Autobiography of General H. Norman Schwarzkopf. It is not exactly only about Granada operation. But you can read corrects and wrongs of the operation. Also it is a good book about vietnam and gulf war
My dad was with 1/75 rangers in the 2nd plane which ended up being the first stick to jump which was also the command stick, he was the Company commanders RTO as a SGT.... Hit the run way pretty hard and ordered a AC-130 gun ship to drop a 105 on BTR located next to the Radio tower. Funny thing few years back he got to land on the same runway, it was very trippy for him since it felt like yesterday for him.
@@ianbarry6146 My dad also was there as a ranger, he explained how he happened to land right in the middle of the runway. His description of it his feelings were, "my butthole has never been so tight in my life".
Were force recon marines involved in this? Kenneth Charles lovett master gunnery sergeant. Might have been a sergeant at the time. I have his stuff from the gulf war. During fighting near Kuwait City gunny Lovett was leading a 13 man recon team when it came under fire from approximately 50 enemy fighters during the fighting 3 marines were wounded gunny Lovett moved about the fire swept area adjusting fire zones hurling Grenada and shouting encouragement to his men it was by his courage something something upheld the highest traditions of the marine corps. He is still alive I can use my e benefits account to request his records if he gives me his info he says he was here. He never talked about war but I asked a lot the most I ever got was about this fight he says he went through a window he got a Purple Heart from being shot in his arm I saw the Purple Heart and shot a Cuban soldier.
I thought Grenada was defeated by Clint Eastwood and Mario Van Peebles, or at least it was in Heartbreak Ridge. I do remember pictures of fully armed Americans storming the beaches, which were filled with tourists in swimming costumes and sipping pina coladas. It did not look like D Day…
The runway had to be lengthened because there was one Russian bomber with nuclear capabilities that need the longest runway of any aircraft. Funny thing was, 15 years earlier my LT asked me what Russian bomber needed the longest runway. I didn't have a clue. So he told me. I didn't remember that conversation until Grenada.
Does anyone here like Star Wars (anti-imperialist propaganda) that also likes this video (pro-imperialist propaganda)? If so, how do you all make sense of that? Do you root for the empire’s strong military might in Star Wars too?
Well Lucas was inspired by the American Empire, the largest and strongest that's ever existed, but yes of course there have been other empires as well. ua-cam.com/video/1vCoiXoVtOY/v-deo.html
I always wondered whatever happened to them Cuban soldiers we sent back to Cuba I can only imagine that Castro had most of them shot executed even is there anybody that can actually tell me if I'm right or wrong about that just something I've always wondered thought I would ask
These operations should remind folks that special forces AREN'T invincible or superhumans. Mistakes and even enemies do take many of them out. So when I hear heroic sagas by some story teller half drunk bastard at a bar claiming to have survived impossible odds, I call bs right away.
Lots of BS in these comments. I was in Grenada in 1992. Spoke with dozens of people. They were thrilled the marines went in and loved Reagan for it. There’s a plaque to the US at the airport. And that runway wasn’t for tourist planes; it was LONG, and it was for Soviet backfire bombers.
Don't bother arguing with those idiots. All they care about is finding ways to make America look bad, even when America does something good. The *liberation* of Grenada was totally justified and restored democracy to Grenada, which has remained democratic since. Furthermore, there are still socialist and communist parties within Grenada today, that enjoy the same rights as any other political party. That just further proves that the US was solely invested in protecting its citizens and restoring democratic order, NOT removing the communists from the island as some people proclaim.
@@buttbuttson737 You are really naive, the America invaded Grenada for profit, and it was precisely because the America wanted to invade Grenada that it led to the split of the Grenada government and the death of Bishop
@@李泓緯-h9p Lmao, what? The government split and Bishop died *before* the invasion.
You still don't know why bishop died. Bishop's death originated from his friends' doubts about his diplomacy. America already had signs of wanting to invade Granada before Bishop's death.
America just needed an excuse, and at this time Bishop thinks Granada can't stand up to the America, his friends scold him for being weak at the meeting
they thought he was going to surrender, finally the coup takes place
It is very stupid to take the result to think that the America is not for interest.
Apparently it wasn't right for bishop's friends to execute bishop
But,first, the essence of this war is that the America is fighting for military purposes.
Second, the America itself is the reason for the division of the government of Granada.
That pure bullshit am a grenadain so I know america make the situation worst
The whole thing was a giant clusterfuck. Bad intel, poor planning, terrible communications, lousy maps, lack of coordination between the services. Flying into Calivigny Barracks on chalk 4 and watching the first three helicopters crash and burn was horrifying.
Affirmative. 4 navy seals died from part of the clusterf@#k ...Too many screw ups in that operation. Thank god we got the people out
I was 13 when this happened and what drove me to join when I turned 18!! Sorry to those that you all lost in this Op and thank you for serving our country with Honor!!
Reagan apologised to Thatcher over this, because of fears of a US mole. “Incidentally, let me tell you that we were being so careful here that we didn’t even give a firm answer to the Caribbean states. We told them that we were planning, but we were so afraid of this source and what it would do; it could almost abort a mission, with the lives that could have endangered. When word came of your concerns - by the time I got it - the zero hour had passed, and our forces were on their way … I want you to know it was no feeling on our part of lack of confidence at your end. It’s at our end.” Smells like bullshit to me.
@Bud Strickert lol Population of 110,000. Blinkered.
@Bud Strickert A British Territory invaded and occupied by Argentina. The Argentinians placed 10,000 troops on the Island. The British sailed 8,000 miles, landed 3,000 troops and won. Your suggested comparison to Grenada, is beyond nonsensical.
I was 11 growing up in the Philippines when Grenada was invaded. I remember this as a kid. Then we immigrated to the US the following year.
I’m 1996 I attended the US Army Airborne School at Fort Benning, GA. My commanding officer was a Grenada veteran. He jumped into The island as a Ranger.
With would join empire
I was Airborne too and my platoon sergeant had a mustard star from Grenada
I went in 97
Damn, I didn't know you were the year 1996. Nice to meet you '96, I'm '05.
Keep to stock footage of the event. Don't mix more modern images just to enhance your visual.
Shut up
@@nana-booboostickyourheadin4169 stop being rude
Praise God no man,it was God that caused the deliverance, fo Grenada, in 1983 God used the American army, to deliver, the Grenadian people, just as he used Moses the deliver, Israel out of Egypt, so all praise glory and honor must be to God, amen 🙏
I always heard about Grenada growing up but never knew anything about it
I was with 2/8 Marines in Beirut and Grenada. When we went into Grenada the people loved us.
Do you know what the people of Grenada call the anniversary of the invasion? I saw it some years ago, so who knows it might've changed, but I read somewhere that they call it Thanksgiving Day. Yeah a bit different from the usual reaction we get in foreign lands these days.
@@faryldaryl3975 I heard it was Thanksgiving
You do realize it was the Marines who asked that H-Hour be pushed back to day break because they didn't have the night vision army pilots and Rangers had, right?
My friend from HS wanted me to join the Marines with him in 81, but I choose the Navy instead because it offered more travel. I didn't find out till on home leave in 84 that he died earlier in the barracks bombing in Beirut Lebanon.
Sorry about your friend. I lost a few good friends in the 80s as well. Peace is good. I wish it for all person's of earth
It is 10/31/21. I look and listen to President Regan and compare him to what we have now
Ronald Reagan is a criminal
Even worse today.
Was more worse with the one we had from year 2016 to 20. Lol
@westheking14 Really? I don't remember being on the brink of WW3 between 2016 and 2020. I remember cheap gas and groceries and interest rates near zero. I remember the security at our southern border was the best in years. Look at the regime now. Letting a man with dementia run the show. Disgraceful.
This was really interesting. I was 17 at the time and I had no idea this was so bloody. I think a lot of it was the result of Viet Nam. Throughout the 70s and into the 80s I believe moral and discipline within the military were at all time lows with the disaster in Iran being the height of the incompetence.
Not really incompetence so much as today we take alot of things for granted that did not exist back then. One problem that began actually during WWII and was never really fixed until after Grenada. Special Operations was not seperate from the regular military chain of command all during that time and their was no joint command,full spectrum capability as there is today. Each service kind of did there own thing. We have spent the last two decades trying to get our ally in places like Africa and the Middle East to be able to coordinate and all play from the same sheet of music. Before that we had to do the same with NATO and our own military. Part of that was pulling out special operations and making them their own seperate branch with their own people running them who understood their needs and could make sure their needs were met and they were being properly utilized for their missions not just simply being pimped out to what ever conventional command needed their services which is how it was during WWII, Korea and Vietnam. There was no USSOCOM until 1987. JSOC was begun in 1980. Army Special Forces became a branch of its own in 1983. Before 1983 there was no Special Forces Tab or 18 Seriers MOS, there was no QCourse. Special Forces was created in 1952 during all that time from 1952-1983 If you were a Green Beret you were what ever your origonal MOS was like 11B with an S Identifier. Special Operations didn't have stuff like 160th Special Operations Avaition Regiment so they very often had to use pilots that were not trained to do the job they were needed to do It was Operations Eagle Claw in Iran and the problems with Urgent Fury in Greneda that led to the Special Operations Command that we have today. Take Delta for example and SEAL Team Six. They are under JSOC which is itself a subordinate command of USSOCOM the are also inside the chain of command of USASOC if you see them in Uniform which is rare they have a USASOC patch and Beret flash and crest. In reality they don't actually report to and are not tasked by any of these. USASOC. Takes care of Delta for pay purposes and handles personnel issues, USSOCOM is the combatant command that Coordinates everything. JSOC is strictly a logistics command they handle all of Delta, SEAL Team Six etc supply and logistics and just generally keep all the above out of their hair. The operators them selves are tasked and work direct for POTUS and SECDEF thats why if you see them kind of just do what they feel like in movies like Blackhawk Down and others it's because once on mission they are very much outside regular military chains of command. In Blackhawk Down General Garrison was Specificly Deltas commander as well as in charge of the overall mission so they did actually work for him but not any of the others. When Greneda happened none of this had taken place yet it was all still very unorganized. Operation Eagle Claw and all the problems that led to that mess were only three years prior to this so all those same problems still existed. Today a Green Beret gets qualified they get on and ODA and they may stay there and entire career leaving only here and there during their later career to check career Blacks like doing time as a Platoon Sgt or Company first Sgt so they can advance better. In SF you make E7 very quickly but E8 and beyond are very competitive so some time spent on the Conventional side of the house can help put one ahead of the others. Back during the Vietnam days all the way to 1980s Special Forces Soldiers might get qualified and get that S Identifier but they were still assigned needs of the Army. So a qualified Green Beret officer could easily find himself commanding grunts at the 101st or 82nd. Today that only happens when they choose to leave seeking career advancement. For example SF rarely if ever does Expert Infantry Badge Qualification because they are not an Infantry Unit. Their guys can earn and wear the EIB and it's worth the huge promotion points needed to help get E8 and 9. Sometimes you can just go do EIB with another unit and sometimes it's better just to spend an enlistment with a regular unit getting some of this stuff done. One of my Battallion Commanders in Germany had been in Delta and had a serious eye injury in Tora Bora and so was not able to stay in Delta any longer so he ended his career commanding us. The SEALS unlike some of the other units involved in Grenada had not done any real world combat Ops since Vietnam. SEAL Team 4 was a brand new SEAL Team beginning in 1983 It had not long before been a UDT Team. For this reason it did much of the pre landing Recon along with the Army's 7th Special Forces Group. Contrary to that stupid Heartbreak Ridge movie that was actually the Army Rangers that did all that stuff. The 8th Marine Regiment did indeed fight in Greneda but there were no Recon Marines involved in the operation at all. This is because there are three Recon Battalions, 1 organic to each Marine Division HQ. Two are on the Pacific one in California and the other in Hawaii. Urgent Fury was a last minute thing rushed very quickly there was no time to bring units from the Pacific. 8th Marine Regiment is part of 2nd Marine Division. 2nd Recon Battallion was in Beruit and was part of the Marines killed in the Barraks bombing and thats why they had no Recon Marines. SEAL Team Six was also brand new and had only been formed in 1980 so that JSOC Autonomy had not yet really been established and Greneda was their first mission. The SEAL Team Six guys that drowed did so because they were overloaded carrying more than 100lbs each and swam out in a storm off the coast and overestimated their ability to manage the task. There is a great many things that exist today that help us coordinate command and control efforts that did not yet exist. Computer networks are maybe the biggest example. Coordination using communications networks became a thing in the 1990s. I can remember being on a ship and using E-mail for the first time.
I knew a couple guys who were in during the carter years, and they said they basically just sat around the barracks and smoked dope all day, and that was 82d infantry, Lord knows what the rest of the Army was up to. With the Reagan admin new funding and new blood were starting to pick things up. We went from steel pots to kevlar, C-rats to MREs, M16A1 to A2, Hueys to Blackhawks, and so on. Grenada triggered a renaissance in the way things got done on the big picture scale.
I was on the USS Guam flight deck during Urgent Fury
Had a friend (German American Immigrant - proudest patriot/citizen I ever knew) who was a mountain climbing instructor for SEALS. When they came back from Grenada they gave him a never fired, Russian made (not China or Bulgarian)AK-47 with matching accessories, red Bakelite clips, belt and pouches with Red Star buckle. I was so amazed I begged Karl Heinz (who wasn't really into guns) to sell it to me but he didn't think it would be right - it WAS an honor gift to him personally.
Later he was killed in a fall during a training mission (a total mystery - he was the most obsessively safety conscious climber/instructor I ever met). A few days after the funeral I asked his widow (a rather fluffy French girl) about the AK. "OOh, zat old gun stuff - I do not want eet zo I give it to some man who lives down the street. I don't know hees name but he says he likes guns so he can have it"
Still pisses me off to this day 35 years later.
So essentially u were more pissed about not getting the gun than your friend dying
Oh no! It was an incredible shock for someone our age. I still miss Charley 40 years later and think of him regularly. I was just pissed that she gave that rare weapon set to a stranger before I thought to ask for it. I know he would have wanted me to have it (I was the only one of his friends who was into guns) and she would have gladly given it to me had I asked.
@@trimule o sorry lol, I misunderstood
That's pretty cool, I participated in Urgent Fury and all I brought home was a Czech made SKS 47 but It's mine.
Raleigh Simmons coached by Fred Tex Winter, I was there the whole time on USS CV-62 VA-176 Thunderbolts Boomer Squadron NAS. Oceana Vergina, Vergina Beach, VA. That Aircraft carrier what a WAR MACHINE and we ALL worked well together. If the Navy asked me at over 60 to come back I would come out of retirement and get the job done. We are still trained to be trained again real quick. China, Russia, etc can't say that about their ELDERLY.
Hi, I was wondering if it's possible to get a copy of the thumbnail photo? My dad is in it!
Can someone tell me why they took down their “Lee’s Surrender at Appomattox” video?
One correction 75th Ranger Regiment was not a thing then. It was only 1st and 2nd Ranger Battalions. As one of those that jumped on salinas point with Bco 1/75 it was a cluster fuck. Between leaving Savannah, GA ready to jump then D-rigging in flight preparing to air land then end up having to Re-rig in flight. Then just exit the door and do what Rangers do best accomplish the mission. We lost 5 great Rangers with 1/75 in my platoon, 3rd platoon we had two wounded. Though it was a cluster fuck on the upper brass those of us in the trenches those first 3-4 days did what the mission called for. RLTW!!!!
just consider yourself lucky the soviet union didn't have a presence there otherwise you would have been thrown right back into the ocean... communism will win china is on the cusp of overtaking the us deal with it
@@phillipwombacher9635 AC-130Ss and Cobra gunships are a great equalizer. Also keep in mind they had to deal with to fronts. Without. Any consideration that the U.S. would intervene and so.e little island in the middle of K ow where. I am very proud and even if it was wore. Stu worth it. Cause the mass killings seen on TV was crazy. And every time I see a Sandals commercial I smile and realize myself and many other allowed that to become. If not probably another Cuba. So your point is pointless.
As for China I guess the according to all this the upcoming administration will be the savior. Im just glad then had a Commander in Chief that made the decision let go of the leashes and not the our hands with BS. Restriction. As some have.
@@phillipwombacher9635 Russia had people there. Read up on the "fat white guy" and educate yourself.
The Regiment was founded in 1974 so nice try. They were formed from the Vietnam era LRRP and LRP companies Yes the 3rd Battallion was created later so you are at least partially correct. USSOCOM wasn't a thing and the fuck ups of both Grenada and Eagle claw helped create it in 1987.
Thanks for what you did Ranger Boston. I was serving in Italy in the 509th. Wish I had been there with you!
I was in Fox Co. 2/8 i was in Grenada. We went in in 1983. The people their loved us.
I was with 2nd battalion 8th marines and ended up with a medevac unit and with all the confusion the Cubans didn’t stand a chance. We were there for a week then we had to go to Beirut Lebanon and we had no idea what we were getting into. It was a nightmare
Those 4 Seals were from Team 2. My dad was on the team and we go to Fort Pierce SEAL reunion every year. 4 of his teammates died. Definitely team 2.
22nd MAU
Semper Fidelis🇺🇸
were u happy there?
"parachute from MC-130s? I thought that was a plane, not a chopper... am I wrong?
Hmm...It seems the operations on Caille and Ronde islands are forgotten. I was there.
i knew a guy who was in one of the medical schools... he gave up being a penthouse photographer. he was dating my friends mother. she was a real beauty
Yet another mighty foe was beaten...
He defeated the biggest foe to America.... Jimmy Carter.
Yes another threatening foe dealt with. The whole Caribbean area is a free and democratic region thanks to the USA. Murica
@@glhmedic lol Threatening foe? A population of 110,000. You revisionist empty heads do make me laugh. "the whole Caribbean area is a free and democratic region thanks to the USA" LMFAO Your empty cranium ignored Cuba.
@@Griffster_A lol ok
@Salvador Vizcarra Too fucking bad, amigo. What were Cuba soldiers doing on Grenada, asshole? I love how they were begging Castro to let them surrender, but he wanted them to fight on for the revolution, lol. My only regret is that we didn't invade Cuba and take-out Castro once and for all.
No mention of Gunny Highway?!?!
@@joshualittle877 sarcasm isn’t your strong suit, is it?
Good ol' Reagan, can't knock him
The Hell you can't.
Yes comments are correct I was with the 82nd Airborne division at the time not a very good performance for to many reasons to list just remember it was the 1st battle action after Vietnam and a American public not ready for any military conflict
Were you in Grenada in 83? My uncle Russell Robinson was killed in Urgent Fury.
Just saw this comment sorry I didn't know your Uncle my unit suffered no casualties
I was in the u.s.army in alaska during Grenada. we went to the field for a month!!! 80's!!!
i thought it was clint eatwood that single handedly siezed the island.
That mission was actually carried out by the Rangers there were no Recon Marines in Greneda or at least none of the histories don't reflect that they were there the Reconissanse for that mission was done by the SEALS and 7th Special Forces Group and this is likely due to the fact that the 2nd Reconissanse Battallion was in Lebanon already.
@@joshualittle877 if you were responding to my clint eastwood comment i was joking you know
@@andrewfischer8564 No I understand I just took the opertunity to point out the Recon Marines were not in fact involved at all in Genada.
Back when America was a real country ruled by laws and morals, and had a real president, not a......well i dont even know how to explain the last 3 year's of dystopia weve seen
Those men served gallanty with what they had were you there or criticing .
They mentioned every unit but the 160th
How did they decide which 10,000 men to arm?
Trinidad and tobago miltary when in after to do peacekeeping missions.
An old Army buddy jumped in with the 82nd.
Did the 82nd do a combat jump? Thought it was just the rangers a d the 82nd just landed normally
The good old " we are going to deliver Freedom" excuse being used for like the n time.
St. Ronnie's, Gulf of Tonkin.
Well Maggie Thatcher had The Falklands so he needed a lil something to see how they operate and try out some new tech while they were at it.
Parachutes in 500 ft off the deck. Holy shit good thing their giant balls where there to cushion they’re landing. I want to learn more about Granada. Anyone reference good books or documentary’s.
"It Doesn't Take a Hero". The Autobiography of General H. Norman Schwarzkopf. It is not exactly only about Granada operation. But you can read corrects and wrongs of the operation. Also it is a good book about vietnam and gulf war
My dad was with 1/75 rangers in the 2nd plane which ended up being the first stick to jump which was also the command stick, he was the Company commanders RTO as a SGT.... Hit the run way pretty hard and ordered a AC-130 gun ship to drop a 105 on BTR located next to the Radio tower. Funny thing few years back he got to land on the same runway, it was very trippy for him since it felt like yesterday for him.
@@ianbarry6146 My dad also was there as a ranger, he explained how he happened to land right in the middle of the runway. His description of it his feelings were, "my butthole has never been so tight in my life".
DELTA kicked ass!!!!!
Were force recon marines involved in this? Kenneth Charles lovett master gunnery sergeant. Might have been a sergeant at the time. I have his stuff from the gulf war. During fighting near Kuwait City gunny Lovett was leading a 13 man recon team when it came under fire from approximately 50 enemy fighters during the fighting 3 marines were wounded gunny Lovett moved about the fire swept area adjusting fire zones hurling Grenada and shouting encouragement to his men it was by his courage something something upheld the highest traditions of the marine corps. He is still alive I can use my e benefits account to request his records if he gives me his info he says he was here. He never talked about war but I asked a lot the most I ever got was about this fight he says he went through a window he got a Purple Heart from being shot in his arm I saw the Purple Heart and shot a Cuban soldier.
82/2/325 love my unit
Bro plz stop calling them special operations if they are not green berets they are special operations
Why you are not doing the same in Venezuela?
Because after 20+ years of conflict the American public has had enough of flag draped coffins.
People who did not live through this forget that the U.S. was the hope of the world and widely loved before Bush and his murderous wars.
Not all accurate
I thought Grenada was defeated by Clint Eastwood and Mario Van Peebles, or at least it was in Heartbreak Ridge. I do remember pictures of fully armed Americans storming the beaches, which were filled with tourists in swimming costumes and sipping pina coladas. It did not look like D Day…
i was there
It's time some system bring ''URGENT FURY'' TO AMERICA.
Y'all just come clear up u dirty work for killing our best leader
The army helicopters crashed into each other. That whole operation was a fubar.
Nah, just another Obligatory Military Action to add to the Resume, for all the Red White and Blue Snow cone Eaters, at the County Fair.
Mr Reagan was a true Patriot
Sir this is a Wendy's
And passed the worst gun laws in history as wel as slowed big pharmaceutical to run rampant
What´s happen with United State? Why United State not help to Venezuela and other countries with commnist´s model today?
I was in basic training in 1983. Lol
Y'all just kill grenada
Rapido presisoyefectivo hua
The runway had to be lengthened because there was one Russian bomber with nuclear capabilities that need the longest runway of any aircraft. Funny thing was, 15 years earlier my LT asked me what Russian bomber needed the longest runway. I didn't have a clue. So he told me. I didn't remember that conversation until Grenada.
Do Americans really believe this stuff?
The West not good
The communists did not have AC130s.
You would think the USA would have much better and had used a lot more fire power
Does anyone here like Star Wars (anti-imperialist propaganda) that also likes this video (pro-imperialist propaganda)? If so, how do you all make sense of that? Do you root for the empire’s strong military might in Star Wars too?
You talk about imperialism yet you conveniently ignore the communist imperialist expansions that this was part of, Cuba and the USSR are imperialist
Well Lucas was inspired by the American Empire, the largest and strongest that's ever existed, but yes of course there have been other empires as well.
I will never forget that day but you know what God is God
I'm crying right now God is our creator and heaven and earth
We kicked the $hit out of grenada!!! USA USA USA !!!! Chant with me....
@Salvador Vizcarra there were some cubans who fought aswell
@Salvador Vizcarra where you there?
@Salvador Vizcarra 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡stfu goof
@Salvador Vizcarra good explanation friend ......US not belong to white ....but to red indians .
I always wondered whatever happened to them Cuban soldiers we sent back to Cuba I can only imagine that Castro had most of them shot executed even is there anybody that can actually tell me if I'm right or wrong about that just something I've always wondered thought I would ask
That’s ridiculous. Why would they be executed. They were hugely outmanned.
The Grenadian treasury was left with $46.00ecd@ usx.37¢
These operations should remind folks that special forces AREN'T invincible or superhumans. Mistakes and even enemies do take many of them out. So when I hear heroic sagas by some story teller half drunk bastard at a bar claiming to have survived impossible odds, I call bs right away.
The people saying that are always liars