Qun 8 , "SAML assertions are sent to the Service Provider (SP) during the initial user login" .. This statement is correct but incomplete. SAML assertions contain information about the user’s identity, authentication, and attributes. These assertions are sent to the Service Provider (SP) by the Identity Provider (IdP) after the user authenticates with the IdP. This process allows the SP to grant the user access to its resources based on the received assertion
Qun 8 , "SAML assertions are sent to the Service Provider (SP) during the initial user login" .. This statement is correct but incomplete. SAML assertions contain information about the user’s identity, authentication, and attributes. These assertions are sent to the Service Provider (SP) by the Identity Provider (IdP) after the user authenticates with the IdP. This process allows the SP to grant the user access to its resources based on the received assertion
Are all the questions in final cissp exam, scenario-based like these? Or will be there technical questions too?
There will be very few direct questions as well. But they will less weightage.