EastWest Hollywood Strings Walkthrough

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @bcutter0.515
    @bcutter0.515 3 роки тому +54

    Here is a tip for everyone: Add your EW library folders to the Win10 anti-virus exclusions, it will divide your load times by 10!

  • @augierivera3290
    @augierivera3290 7 років тому +67

    I've got 24:41-25:16 stuck in my head. The score is absolutely wonderful. I literally subscribed to Composer Cloud Plus after listening to this. Thank you!

  • @MiloPaulus
    @MiloPaulus 4 роки тому +9

    This is such a great and complex library. I've composed multiple pieces with it so far, and I am very happy with it. Still so much to discover and learn.

  • @nikitapisek2901
    @nikitapisek2901 Рік тому +3

    Amazing score 👏

  • @sushilpendhari4229
    @sushilpendhari4229 6 років тому +9

    No words for the end music, hatts off to the creator....

  • @mouthpiece200
    @mouthpiece200 6 років тому +14

    I think the music at the end has me sold.

  • @Pianistec
    @Pianistec 4 роки тому +3

    I'm using this library since few days, it's veryyy good

  • @demolishbeatz3796
    @demolishbeatz3796 Рік тому

    just got it. This is amazingly good!

  • @g2k25d94
    @g2k25d94 7 років тому +18

    Amazing score at the end. Didn't see that coming...

  • @markmcnameemusic5446
    @markmcnameemusic5446 4 роки тому +2

    Amazing sounding string library!! Epic piece at the end!

  • @gabrield.cstoica1832
    @gabrield.cstoica1832 3 роки тому

    The best Library Strings,thanks Eastwest sound.

  • @chrismeyers7487
    @chrismeyers7487 7 років тому +34

    Thank you so much for these! I've been having such a hard time trying to figure out how to get my EW libraries to sound as good as everyone else that uses them.. it seems when I write with any of the libraries, they seem lifeless and kinda static.
    I saw this in the documentation- was hoping someone could elaborate or provide an example or tutorial on how to execute this effectively. Thanks!
    The next stage is crucial and highly subjective. EWQLSO responds to two different volume
    controllers: CC7 (volume) and CC11 (expression). It is highly recommended you
    record a CC7 message at the beginning of every track. Spend some time to set the initial
    volume of every track at a level in natural balance with the rest of the orchestra. This
    is tricky and will never be perfect, but the more time you spend the less hair you’ll lose
    later. If you will be using Hollywood Strings exclusively, the balance of section is easier
    than if you’re bringing in other, non-string instruments. If, for example, you’re using the
    winds and percussion of EWQLSO, then start by playing the timpani, horns, and big
    string ensemble really loud and at the same time; that will give you a reference of what
    the loudest passages will be like. Together, they should be at least 3 db below 0. Then
    adjust the other instruments to blend with these loudest instruments.
    It’s recommended you not use MIDI volume (CC7) for any other purpose than this initial
    volume setting. Use CC11 to change volume and breathe life into your compositions.
    This way, CC7 acts as a limiter and keeps everything from getting out of whack. Also, you
    can easily change the prominence of an entire track in the mix by adjusting this single
    CC7 level at the start of the track.

  • @petermarshall4888
    @petermarshall4888 4 роки тому +1

    Amazing score ....incredible

  • @c.b.twenty9127
    @c.b.twenty9127 4 роки тому +8

    30:53 sounds like Star Wars

  • @erikfox8471
    @erikfox8471 2 роки тому

    omg ,this sounds amazing...iv got chills

  • @Pianistec
    @Pianistec 4 роки тому +1

    How can change the expression without a midi controller?

  • @Avner-Avdav-Inner-Light
    @Avner-Avdav-Inner-Light 4 роки тому +20

    returned third time to listen to music at the end, who composed it? where can i listen to it? please EastWest make a course on composing with your program at that level, i will gladly pay for it, because the music is incredible.

    • @EWQLTutorials
      @EWQLTutorials  4 роки тому +25

      Adventures of Jules Verne by Antongiulio Frulio

  • @richieweeks1067
    @richieweeks1067 5 років тому +1

    THE SCORE NEAR 24:41-.......TO THE END....... IS IMMENSE!!!!!!!

  • @Ben-rz9cf
    @Ben-rz9cf 5 років тому +8

    Dude no wonder it sounds great if they got one of the guys behind two steps from hell on this... Some of the best trailer music ever

    • @davidbrussard-composer7372
      @davidbrussard-composer7372 5 років тому

      And Nick Phoenix helps produce the EastWest products too. I was so excited when I found that out.

  • @emanuelbarkoczi5347
    @emanuelbarkoczi5347 5 років тому +1

    During this beautiful orchestra play, I want to leave my body and fly away to the end of the world... I wish I could get people feel the same with my songs!

  • @aaronbarber6238
    @aaronbarber6238 6 років тому +7

    That music theory in that composition tho.
    Top notch. 👌

  • @AFStudiosMedia
    @AFStudiosMedia 4 роки тому

    Im a cloud member now and I will not be turning back. This library has seriously cleaned up some of my tracks.

  • @JonathanRegier
    @JonathanRegier 4 роки тому +3

    The music at the end DOES sound great! But I'm guessing it is the full symphonic EastWest package and not just the Hollywood Strings. Which software specifically was used to compose the end music? I'm trying to compare and see which is better to buy. Also, would this work well for solo string instruments accompanying rock or folk singer-songwriter/indie music? Thanks!!

  • @viiseasproductions
    @viiseasproductions 5 років тому

    thats absolutely insane, I have to purchase these sometime!

  • @seayleighstewart2345
    @seayleighstewart2345 4 роки тому +2

    great job guys! been a happy CC+ user for many years. i'm wondering: is there any way to get the stems for the end score? (even for the balance of the entire video would be terrific!). talk about an incredibly useful tool, when studying concert music arrangement... omidog! it would help tremendously (for those who may have tons of varied experience, but often work with more 'popular' forms).
    and if not...
    does anyone here know of anything similar? would LOVE to get my hands on stems that could be broken down & studied, and especially something with such variety (as This piece). it would be invaluable.
    thanks all!
    again, EXCELLENT work as always, EastWest (on the end music as well).
    wherever you are out there, please keep safe & healthy, friends!

  • @Metalpazallteway
    @Metalpazallteway 4 роки тому +1

    Were all the Instrumentation (Brass, Strings, Winds, Percussion, and compressors etc) part of EAST WEST Diamond series or from external sources as well? Sounds lovely I like the violins glissandi effects I didn't see these in the review but sounds pretty good.

  • @jaymcaaa
    @jaymcaaa Рік тому

    Can you just by the strings library

  • @kaede_jing
    @kaede_jing 4 роки тому +1

    Does this contain solo violin and solo cello? Or are they just ensemble because I saw they have separate product for solo violin and solo cello...

    • @EWQLTutorials
      @EWQLTutorials  4 роки тому +2

      Hollywood Solo Violin and Hollywood Solo Cell are separate products, as is Hollywood Harp

    • @kaede_jing
      @kaede_jing 4 роки тому


  • @prithviraj6529
    @prithviraj6529 6 років тому +2

    sounds dope my man

  • @DidierEuzetComposer
    @DidierEuzetComposer 5 років тому +1

    wonderfull... best than my Strings Composer Platinum...

  • @jjj7119
    @jjj7119 4 роки тому

    is it only EW Hollywood Sound? not mixed other vsti?

  • @_inspiritandintruth
    @_inspiritandintruth 4 роки тому +2

    This is incredible. Does anyone know what brass and other orchestration sounds were used?

    • @leanspo
      @leanspo 4 роки тому +1

      At the beginning of the video he says that used basically every other product from EastWest. Hollywood Strings, Hollywood Brass, Hollywood Percussion, Storm Drum and Hollywood Woodwinds

  • @FaRoss232
    @FaRoss232 5 років тому

    This is what I'm going to say about this video here, damn you for putting that score in there lol now I'm gonna buy it; remarkable.

  • @wolfhawk1999
    @wolfhawk1999 4 роки тому

    I'm working on a bare bones computer. I legit only have 4 gigs of RAM and an i3. That being said, I'm not planning on running a million Instruments at once. Is it worth me even considering this or any other Composer Cloud instruments?

  • @Gusrikh1
    @Gusrikh1 5 років тому

    Very interesting

  • @buho_producciones
    @buho_producciones 5 років тому +1

    Great job!!! Is possible read those scores?

  • @larrycom
    @larrycom 4 роки тому

    Thank you

  • @theholydonkey3527
    @theholydonkey3527 3 роки тому


  • @jonathanzimmer8143
    @jonathanzimmer8143 3 роки тому

    And if you don't bend to the Ring, that's a Bil-bow.

  • @christinebrenneisen6937
    @christinebrenneisen6937 2 роки тому

    Crazy sheet name

  • @xsinna1
    @xsinna1 6 років тому


  • @gubzs
    @gubzs 5 років тому

    25:01 NUTT

  • @ANTTU24
    @ANTTU24 7 років тому +2

    Why are you uploading these all the time?

  • @prodbybigbiel3830
    @prodbybigbiel3830 Рік тому

    380gb 😐 😐😐😐