Indie/Pop/Folk Compilation - October 2020 (1½-Hour Playlist)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @alexrainbirdMusic
    @alexrainbirdMusic  4 роки тому +174

    Looking for the coziest vibes to accompany your relaxed autumn days? You're in the right place! The October playlists are always some of our favourites and we hope this new selection, designed for sweater weather and warm nights by the fire, provides you the perfect soundtrack for the month ahead! Much love to you all! 🎃
    *Stream on Spotify* :
    *Apple Music, iTunes, Deezer and more* :
    *Find on SoundCloud* :

    • @whitneyp8191
      @whitneyp8191 4 роки тому +5

      Thank you. You guys do amazing work. Serving the world with amazing Playlists what a blessing thank you 😊.

    • @juliauczak8180
      @juliauczak8180 4 роки тому

      @@whitneyp8191 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppp

    • @BlueHorses_
      @BlueHorses_ 4 роки тому +5

      This is providing much comfort when I am studying in first year uni, during these times it is very hard to concentrate and stay positive/relax... your music has always uplifted me! I was wondering if you would create another playlist for staying positive/feeling good/relaxing specifically for studying ..? BIG LOVE to you both

    • @aminakhasanova4114
      @aminakhasanova4114 4 роки тому +1

      I think you gonna like Axel Flóvent's, Ed Patrick and Roo Panes songs, I do recommend them, just try it

    • @FlyAsAPenguin
      @FlyAsAPenguin 4 роки тому


  • @aquadevida3797
    @aquadevida3797 4 роки тому +544

    I'm listening to this playlist early in the morning, laying by an open window. As I sip at my steaming coffee, a crisp autumn breeze stirs my hair, making my pumpkin spice candles flicker beside me. Through the raindrops on my window, in the forest that edges my backyard, I see leaves falling, scattering to the ground. In my room, the fairy lights let off a dim and cozy light as I snuggle with my cat, a book in hand. This is not a story, but what I'm actually doing right now. That's why I love autumn... it's the season where magic comes alive

    • @Itsnadiashah
      @Itsnadiashah 4 роки тому +20

      you are living my dream........

    • @etothepie2704
      @etothepie2704 4 роки тому +15

      What is your cat doing, holding that book?

    • @funkypupanimallover5
      @funkypupanimallover5 4 роки тому +14

      I’m doing the opposite.
      I’ve got my freshly brewed sleepy time tea, this playlist in the background, a book I’m reading and snuggled up in bed with my fairylights as my reading light.
      2020 may have been a pretty shit year but it’s the little things like these moments that I look forward to which really cheer me up.

    • @VinylsforHalo
      @VinylsforHalo 4 роки тому +8

      that was so nicely put

    • @katywhiteley6518
      @katywhiteley6518 4 роки тому +11

      Interesting that you have raindrops on your open window.

  • @mariana5257
    @mariana5257 4 роки тому +205

    this is such a crazy year, but your playlists always makes me feel safe. They remind me that everything will be okay in the end.

  • @Allie_About
    @Allie_About 4 роки тому +32

    Drinking chai tea, cozy blanket on me, my sister next to me vibing to this playlist, finally resting after a challenging week .... life is good when it's autumn :D

    • @samcavanagh4186
      @samcavanagh4186 4 роки тому

    • @dreamyy.crystal8348
      @dreamyy.crystal8348 4 роки тому +1

      That sounds so peaceful :3
      Enjoy it, every moment

    • @jewellove1262
      @jewellove1262 4 роки тому

      😍 Missing my sisters now too, lol. That sounds wonderful, to be able to share the troubles and comfort each other. ✨✨✨✨✨

  • @HarrisonStormmusic
    @HarrisonStormmusic 4 роки тому +91

    We’ve been in full lockdown here for months here in Melbourne, it’s been tough, lots of ups and downs. So today I’m going to settle into this playlist, eat lots of snacks and get taken away by all the beautiful songs. Thanks for the continued support of my music Alex and Beth, it really does mean so much to me, especially during times like this. Hope the Alexrainbird community is doing okay ❤️

    • @lelo8244
      @lelo8244 4 роки тому +4


    • @amyolson9254
      @amyolson9254 4 роки тому +5

      love your music, and love your name. Hugs from Vancouver, BC, we are all in this together!

    • @sandraheart4041
      @sandraheart4041 4 роки тому +2

      I first discovered you, Harrison, on Alexrainbird with your lovely song, "Feeling You.
      One of my favorite songs. Your music is amazing!

    • @arletnahomy
      @arletnahomy 4 роки тому +2

      harrison! i love your music so much!! be slow is my fav. much lov efrom the netherlands

    • @priscilalala4577
      @priscilalala4577 4 роки тому +1

      I'm in Melbourne too! Stay strong we'll get out of this soon. Thank god for music!!!

  • @smoovehomie
    @smoovehomie 4 роки тому +9

    You know this playlist is gonna be good when it starts off with Harrison Storm!

  • @Missym918
    @Missym918 4 роки тому +43

    I can't thank you enough for your compilations. I love your October - December or Autumn to Winter playlists the most. Your playlists are on loop at my house 24/7. So many of my memories have your music lineups etched into the laughter and tears. I've carried, birthed, and raised my toddler to these tunes. Thank you.. Thank you so much!

    • @annahappen7036
      @annahappen7036 4 роки тому +9

      The most beautiful review I've ever read. Cheers🥂

    • @jewellove1262
      @jewellove1262 4 роки тому +1

      That is so beautiful! ✨✨✨

  • @pqjbrhdj
    @pqjbrhdj 4 роки тому +183

    It's already October? Time flys omg..2020 is a tough year and this playlist makes me feel better.

    • @irfanraza-lz3ye
      @irfanraza-lz3ye 4 роки тому +9

      It’s still September though...

    • @flamingusvlogz4705
      @flamingusvlogz4705 4 роки тому +7

      It’s still September lol

    • @myron2242
      @myron2242 4 роки тому +7

      still 5 days to go, are you living in another planet or what?

    • @pqjbrhdj
      @pqjbrhdj 4 роки тому

      @@irfanraza-lz3ye yes i know so what? You don't have to teach me

    • @purplethenumber6185
      @purplethenumber6185 4 роки тому

      Just a few more days than all but three months counting october left in this year

  • @carlaiasmin4671
    @carlaiasmin4671 4 роки тому +27

    can't describe how much i like your playlists

  • @loobylouboti
    @loobylouboti 4 роки тому +33

    Me just now, *streeeeetch* "Bluuuurgh" *as I look outside at grey, windy, wet day in Newcastle* "Yet another Groundhog Day" *sighhh*.... Clicks on YT, sees upload from alexrainbird 33 mins ago.. Me now: "Oooh! Oooh!!" *clicks as fast as I can to have my spirits lifted*
    Thanks as ever guys, ya wee stars!! :)

  • @XyloLuke
    @XyloLuke 4 роки тому +22

    I could listen to these playlists for days. Always gets me in the mood for leaves changing color, cool wind, and snuggling up with a good book🤍

  • @simonalukscheiderova4089
    @simonalukscheiderova4089 4 роки тому +16

    Thank you for bringing the coziness and warmth into these grey and cold days ❤

  • @healingmelody112
    @healingmelody112 4 роки тому +3

    Whoever is reading this now, remember:
    You are the light! You are unique and worth it! You are blessed to be in your body and experience all that is!
    Feel your endless power within your heart!
    Blessings to all beings!
    Love and Light!

  • @MatheusHenrique-ji7im
    @MatheusHenrique-ji7im 4 роки тому +4

    Here I am, writing my third book and listening to this wonderful playlist feeling all the inspiration flowing through my body.

  • @Anarielle-r5p
    @Anarielle-r5p 4 роки тому +7

    Those playlists always are making me feel nostalgic. As If I missed something I never have..

  • @hi-jf8yy
    @hi-jf8yy 4 роки тому +71

    this month was pretty tough so this is helping me thank you so much

    • @wendypeters6084
      @wendypeters6084 4 роки тому +5

      Hope your next month is brighter 💖

    • @morgane2338
      @morgane2338 4 роки тому +5

      September was hard for me too. This playlist helps me create a cozy ambiance to read before going to sleep and I can finally relax. I hope we all can live happy moments this October

    • @janaprtrs
      @janaprtrs 4 роки тому +1

      Same here. 👍🤗

    • @eve_lou
      @eve_lou 4 роки тому

      @Alexis Veltman I'm so sorry, keeping you in my prayers.

    • @socialtv6402
      @socialtv6402 4 роки тому


  • @keeoriginals
    @keeoriginals 4 роки тому +2

    Turning 18 this October but still lost and broken. This playlist gave me comfort, thank you.

  • @amyolson9254
    @amyolson9254 4 роки тому +8

    Your music has seen me through two years of grad school, an international move from Rwanda to Canada, and now at the end of the writing of my thesis, I am still pushing through my writing with your playlists as my soundtrack. Thank you for putting this playlist together, I keep finding new ones (and new music and artists!) to love.

  • @JackoHooperMusic
    @JackoHooperMusic 4 роки тому +149

    Such a privilege to be on ARB playlist! ( 1:15:05 ) - Thanks so much for having me guys, this is an awesome collection of artists. Happy to be here :-) Jacko x

    • @sunwukong3108
      @sunwukong3108 4 роки тому +3

      Nice, Good job on the song

    • @JackoHooperMusic
      @JackoHooperMusic 4 роки тому +1

      @@sunwukong3108 Thankyou! 🖤

      @LASTEPER 4 роки тому +1

      Like your voice

    • @JackoHooperMusic
      @JackoHooperMusic 4 роки тому

      @@LASTEPER Thank you very much! Hope you'll subscribe to my channel and check out my other tracks too. The official music video to this track is also available on my channel. Thanks again! J x

    • @jewellove1262
      @jewellove1262 4 роки тому +1

      I enjoyed dancing around my room, doing random shit to this song! Thank you very much!! I love your instrumentation and vibe!!

  • @heyitsg9278
    @heyitsg9278 3 роки тому +1

    I keep coming back to this one.

  • @pattyrdz09
    @pattyrdz09 3 роки тому +2

    When I graduate you are graduating with me... I always have your playlists in the background while I study and I love it! ❤️

  • @charliegrant6937
    @charliegrant6937 4 роки тому +20

    Massive thanks for including my song "Whatever Your Heart Desires" on this playlist! It's an honour to be among such great artists. Happy Autumn everyone, it's actually my favourite time of year. x

  • @eve_lou
    @eve_lou 4 роки тому +1

    "I love you more" Such simple words that make you feel like you're on top of the world!

  • @MichaelBarrowTheTourists
    @MichaelBarrowTheTourists 4 роки тому +2

    This one is truly magical. We love that we’re right next to our boy Dylan Dunlap! Such a great dude. We got to perform with him at a Lantern Festival a few years back, and we was traveling out to Provo to do a show with us in March when all the COVID lockdowns happened. :/ here’s to hoping next year we can meet up again!

  • @Jana87854
    @Jana87854 4 роки тому +5

    Coming home after a beautiful day of hiking through the mountains, with the beautiful changing colours of the trees grounding me. I sit at my desk, light my pumpkin spice candle, and put on some music. I take out my textbook as I get ready to study, and put on some fuzzy socks. I get up to get a blanket, and as I glance up at my calendar I realize that there is less than a week left until October, and can't believe how fast September came and went. I am calm, it's cold out, all is good.

  • @eve_lou
    @eve_lou 4 роки тому +2

    This year has been just a huge explosion in our faces. Your videos make just one moment feel like the world is actually normal again. Thank you!

  • @reesh2546
    @reesh2546 4 роки тому +6

    I have been waiting for this season the whole year.. And it's finally there..

  • @emilymurry
    @emilymurry 4 роки тому +6

    These playlists are always exactly what I need. Thank you, thank you, Beth and Alex. 🍂☺️🍁

  • @andrewmitchell7007
    @andrewmitchell7007 4 роки тому +8

    The "Indie / Pop / Folk Compilation" from October has something special. They relax my heart and increase my focus at any time in my life. Thank you very much Alex & Bety for these amazing collections, have a great October and keep sending! I LOVE YOUR JOB!

  • @Sasuke-pz2rl
    @Sasuke-pz2rl 4 роки тому +4

    I could relax all day to these songs

  • @mdunn725
    @mdunn725 4 роки тому +5

    I wait for the Autumn compilations every year, thank you for carrying on creating them, they are appreciated

  • @Fallwitch7635
    @Fallwitch7635 4 роки тому +12

    Feeling soo cozy 🍁🍂🍁🍂

  • @NearlyYork
    @NearlyYork 4 роки тому +40

    Another amazing playlist guys. As always, we appreciate being included (All That I'm Not, 1:00:53) but we also find so much inspiration from the other bands you feature. Keep being awesome.

    • @shakibnishat5139
      @shakibnishat5139 4 роки тому +1

      Your song is awesome mate!! Keep this up!!

    • @NearlyYork
      @NearlyYork 4 роки тому

      @@shakibnishat5139 Thanks so much! 🙏

  • @arizonaaz2828
    @arizonaaz2828 4 роки тому

    Our farmer market in this area will be reopening and will be a drive thru one so now I am working on some of crafts while I listen to this music ... relaxing and helps me forget what is outside my door and concentrate on my work ... stay safe

  • @gals1006
    @gals1006 4 роки тому +19

    Can't believe 2020 is about to be done...unless we're gonna get stuck in a time loop cause it's 2020 and why the hell not 😂
    We also need a Summer-October mix for our sunny Middle East countries

  • @iamdylandunlap
    @iamdylandunlap 4 роки тому +5

    can’t even begin to thank you for the constant support. i’m so honored to be on here!!

    • @emilyslater7945
      @emilyslater7945 4 роки тому

      So glad your creation was shared with all of us. Love it!

    • @iamdylandunlap
      @iamdylandunlap 4 роки тому

      Emily Slater thanks emily!! going live at 6PM PST if you’d like to hear it live.

  • @stephsebastian6500
    @stephsebastian6500 4 роки тому +6

    I've been a long time listener of your playlists, and loved everyone of them. But with everything going on, (I live in America so racial topics are among the highest) I'm surrounded by fighting on both sides. But I put my headphones in and instantly feel peace and joy. Thank you Alex and Beth, now more than ever! Everyone stay safe and sane!

  • @yelyahfan88x94
    @yelyahfan88x94 2 роки тому

    Wow, Freeway hit hard. I didn't see that coming. Almost cried.

  • @souljourney60
    @souljourney60 4 роки тому +1

    Rainy fall day today. Nothing like being cozy with a blanket, hot tea, and this awesome playlist. Totally made my day!! Blissful to listen to. Closing my eyes, and snuggling up in my blanket in a minute, after I hit replay!!!

  • @marshah9585
    @marshah9585 4 роки тому +2

    Trying to study while listening to this perfect compilation and sipping on my tea. Greetings from Freiburg. ✨

  • @zahrakahdooei6406
    @zahrakahdooei6406 2 роки тому +1

    Oh my goodness 😳 😍
    Whenever I listen to this my heart feels like going home!
    Looking forward October 20222

  • @seolajun3653
    @seolajun3653 4 роки тому

    I remember listening to this as I walked in the rain, building up the courage to tell him I love him and I want to be with him. It didn’t work out but that period often life is a nice memory when I listened to your playlists

  • @dorob.9050
    @dorob.9050 4 роки тому +4

    Thank you for all your playlists! I am so so glad I found that channel ♥ Struggling with anxiety and trying to find myself again after some very hard years, your playlists somehow help me either by lifting my mood or by being able to unblock emotions...thank you for that ♥

  • @andrelrvieira7619
    @andrelrvieira7619 4 роки тому +1

    Thankyou Alex for your job! My wife and me love your songs.

  • @deandranicolevalencia7591
    @deandranicolevalencia7591 4 роки тому +2

    Good Morning Friends World Wide 💛 How Time flies By So Quickly, Through So Much That Has Been Going On Now. Alexrainbird Music Never Failed Me Always Putting a Smile & Warming My Heart Up w Good Music. Especially During Fall Times Always got Something To Look Forward to. & Especially My Sons First Birthday 💛🎃🍂 Thank You Alexrainbird Music 💛 For Putting on Good Music & Helping Each & Every One of Us To Get Through Tough Times & Through This Darkness of Pandemic... Stay Safe Stay Positive & Smile On 💛😊 God Bless You All & Families 💛

  • @Vertigobluesss
    @Vertigobluesss 4 роки тому +1

    The first song instantly made me feel some type of way. I feel nostalgic. I feel like I'm longing for the beginning stages of a happy relationship with someone who used to mean the world to me. Now we're just friends and sometimes I wish I could go back in time and feel those magical moments again. T_T

  • @mila2719
    @mila2719 4 роки тому +1

    Je crois que je suis la seule française à te suivre depuis 2ans ❤️c'est super bien continue comme sa

  • @jonahlagua5545
    @jonahlagua5545 4 роки тому +1

    My birthday is October 1.. I will consider this as an early birthday present 🎁.. Thank you :)

  • @solonvaflor8308
    @solonvaflor8308 4 роки тому +3

    Almost a week before Octo and has a new great compilation, wow! this is amazing! kiitos!

  • @LeviAckerman-ms7oc
    @LeviAckerman-ms7oc 4 роки тому +3

    October has always been special for me since I was born in this month. I hope everything will be okay very soon. Stay strong. 💛

  • @avossonges
    @avossonges 4 роки тому +3

    I love the picture ! (and the music of course !)

  • @bujormt_4657
    @bujormt_4657 4 роки тому +4

    It's finally here! Another playlist to listen! Thank you for this AlexrainbirdMusic 😊

  • @TinyDolphinMusic
    @TinyDolphinMusic 4 роки тому +6

    Thanks for including Shellfire 🤩

  • @SJKStudiosphotography
    @SJKStudiosphotography 3 роки тому

    I'm sitting in a greenhouse in d garden at quarter to 8 in the morning w a coffee n spliff so chill

  • @1from31
    @1from31 4 роки тому +3

    Yes Alex, you and Mrs. Rainbird have made another collection of masterpieces. Thank God for the talent!

  • @cristianogoncalvessouza8230
    @cristianogoncalvessouza8230 4 роки тому +1

    This playlist is a gift for my birthday on October! Thanks from Brazil!!!

  • @sleepyheadcottage
    @sleepyheadcottage 4 роки тому +2

    Another soul lifting playlist, thank you guy's for putting so much hard work into creating these for us. Cheers to a good season!

  • @acousticrock6916
    @acousticrock6916 3 роки тому

    My life is full of music, very much relaxing in my mind every time I always listen the music love it❤️

  • @fatimaines161287
    @fatimaines161287 3 роки тому +1

    It's Autumn in Chile, so I'm listening to this wonderful playlist.
    Keep giving us these amazing gifts that are your playlist, Alex!

  • @johnlennonnotusingchannela5866
    @johnlennonnotusingchannela5866 4 роки тому

    Happy October! It just turned 12:00 here..

  • @jonathandeserres3491
    @jonathandeserres3491 4 роки тому +7

    Hey everyone,
    I hope everyone is having a good Friday today. Once again another great playlist from Alex and Beth. I left a long paragraph review from his fall playlist and I decided to leave another review. I won't be reviewing every track but just the ones that stand out. "Sea and Fire" by Harrison Storm is a great powerful opening track about forgiveness and longing to move on from the past for a better tomorrow. "I Love You More", by Ade Mai, was already featured as a single on Alex's channel and now it is part of this playlist. I really love "Freeway" by Daniel Blake. It feels like you are driving down a freeway while looking at all the fall colours. I already follow Dylan Dunlap on Instagram. His song "Seriously" is a powerful song about being hard on yourself when you only need to just be yourself. "Statue" by Riley Pearce is a great song that you can dance to in your room or with someone you really like at a party. "Cemetary" by Run River North is a good song to listen to when you are just chilling at home. It's also a song that you could jam too while you are in your room, drinking your favourite beverage. "Waiting For You" by Wayley is a great song of longing for someone and that we are still waiting for that special person to show up in our lives. "Carry" by Dhruv Visvanath is a great song for fall and for October as it feels like you are sipping coco by the fire at your mountain cabin. Stephen Babcock's song "Notting Hill" is a great song that you can dance to in your living room or chill to in your room while hanging out with your favourite pet. I can relate to Nearly York's song "All That I've Got" as I feel like I have all that I've got but I still compare myself to others from time to time. I just need to be myself and believe in myself. "Intricated" by Kahone Concept is a very rich song that speaks to all of us who are alone and need someone especially during this time. "Talk It Over" by Tina Boonstra is a great song that you can jam too and clap your hands too while singing with a large group of people. This song is one that brings us all together. "Whatever Your Heart Desires" by Charlie Grant is a great fall song that is great to chill too. It feels like you are out for a walk in the woods, checking out all the amazing fall colours. I love that rich acoustic guitar as well. Finally, Volunteer's song "Don't Feel Much Like Me (Without You)" is a song that makes you reminisce about the old days when people got together. Even though we are all miles apart, we long to be with others again. This is a great song to end the playlist on and why I continue to listen to Alex and Beth's monthly, and seasonal, playlists. I am looking forward to Monday's Indie/Alternative/Rock playlist. If you don't want me to continue writing reviews on your videos, like this, Alex just please let me know. I just, as a music fan, love to express my feedback and what I like about the songs that you feature here. I know it's a long comment though. Anyways, have a great rest of your Friday everyone and have a good long weekend. Take care for now.

    • @alexrainbirdMusic
      @alexrainbirdMusic  4 роки тому +5

      We always love reading your thoughts friend! It helps us to see the songs through a new perspective which we love. Have a great weekend and take care too!

    • @jonathandeserres3491
      @jonathandeserres3491 4 роки тому +3

      @@alexrainbirdMusic Thank you so much Alex. I love giving my thoughts. Have a great weekend as well. Take care for now.

  • @cintiarodriguez7015
    @cintiarodriguez7015 4 роки тому +1

    Hi from Argentina! It's Spring here, but these songs are great for this season as well 🤣 thanks for the lovely music ❤️

  • @aholan78
    @aholan78 4 роки тому +1

    This playlist has been on repeat since it came out, my favorite so far 🍁🍂🌾

  • @wndr_wx
    @wndr_wx 4 роки тому +1

    You have a playlist for each of my million moods. Thank you!

  • @sportingwithstaffords
    @sportingwithstaffords 4 роки тому +2

    So excited for autumn cosiness! This playlist will help for sure. Thanks!

  • @justinegrace8606
    @justinegrace8606 4 роки тому

    Happy October everyone! Hope you are all doing great amidst this pandemic. Smile and be brave!! HEADS UP! You are worthy

  • @Phh3n
    @Phh3n 4 роки тому +2

    Thank you very much for sharing all these magnificent playlists, I like the way you manage to capture each vibe of the month with these songs, you help me with my inspiration, to write, to not feel alone at night and certainly, to me anxiety. Best of all, you don't beg for subscriptions, which shows that you do it out of sheer passion, and that's why I subscribed and I'm attentive to each new playlist. Good job, and good luck in your life :)

  • @Xijifi
    @Xijifi 4 роки тому +2

    I feel so collected and calm listening to this type of song, I don't why but they make me feel like I'm more matured and kind of ready to die tonight vibe, it sounds stupid it's just it feels like I'm so calm and satisfied nothing can faze me at this moment.

  • @Leticia-cj2nl
    @Leticia-cj2nl 4 роки тому +2

    08:52 bela manhã, acompanhada de café, passarinhos cantando e estudando❤️😊

  • @R4MXS
    @R4MXS 4 роки тому +2

    Perfect songs!!! I love this channel! ❤️

    • @samcavanagh4186
      @samcavanagh4186 4 роки тому +1

    • @R4MXS
      @R4MXS 4 роки тому

      @@samcavanagh4186 👍🏼

    • @samcavanagh4186
      @samcavanagh4186 4 роки тому

      Dan Lucas 👍👍👍

  • @angelrie8601
    @angelrie8601 4 роки тому

    wow Thin Mints was a really good surprise in this mix. love this group of songs!!

  • @celyia6633
    @celyia6633 4 роки тому

    Let's think about all the other people listening this playlist and feeling the same sensation as you are. Amazing

  • @jimoran5265
    @jimoran5265 4 роки тому

    Been binging months worth of playlists this month. Must be the change in season..

  • @corym.m.3084
    @corym.m.3084 4 роки тому +1

    Love October and fall. Especially when dating

  • @Goat312
    @Goat312 4 роки тому

    For some random reason the third song reminded me of all those wonderful moments I had with my family like the road trip I me,my aunt and uncle went on or the day my family surprised me with my own dog.My dog is now in India and I am far away from my dog.I remember hugging my dog and reading a book.I remember the wonderful family trips we went on and the time I played with all my cousins.The happiness during a wedding.I remember listening to wonderful stories my great grandparents told me.I remember making my grandmother chase behind me or going on a lovely walk,standing in between beautiful nature.Hope this pandemic ends soon.

  • @zibabird
    @zibabird 4 роки тому +2

    Thank you for posting and as always, shared!

  • @lelo8244
    @lelo8244 4 роки тому

    Wow, who is this Luca guy? Come through Luca I see you 😍

  • @clarkmiller493
    @clarkmiller493 4 роки тому

    My TOP 3
    1. 23:44 Dylan Dunlap - ‘Seriously
    2. 42:17 WAYLEY - ‘Waiting For You
    3. 0:00 Harrison Storm - ‘Sea and Fire
    Truly thankful for this channel!! Relaxes me every time I'm stressed.

  • @monica1991
    @monica1991 4 роки тому

    This music complication creates a safe and warm atmosphere in my home every year💖

  • @meow_o1
    @meow_o1 3 роки тому

    Wow. That music is so nice and relaxing, thanks for it!

  • @mcppmycutiepiephotos4680
    @mcppmycutiepiephotos4680 4 роки тому +3

    When your love tells you he doesn't want you anymore in his life, THE Love of your life, everything fells apart, suddenly, and you just can't understand. My life was perfect, and somehow, everything is broken. May the God above, or whatever It is, helps him to find his love back for me, for our life, for my kids, just helps him to see the light again in his heart. I love you Damien. It has always been you, from the beginning. I love you for ever mon amour. #forlife

    • @dreamyy.crystal8348
      @dreamyy.crystal8348 4 роки тому +1

      Pray. You can do anything through God. He is here for you.

  • @everydaysounds-amazingeart9977
    @everydaysounds-amazingeart9977 3 роки тому

    Truly amazing! Inner peace for the weekend

  • @Jshere823
    @Jshere823 4 роки тому

    Always look forward to enjoying these seasonal recipes of beautiful songs!!

  • @Wander1508
    @Wander1508 4 роки тому +1

    Definitely what i needed after work today, thanks for the upload

  • @Wera69
    @Wera69 4 роки тому +2

    I love this playlist. By the way my birthday in October, so i will listen ❤

  • @FabulousCooki
    @FabulousCooki 4 роки тому +5

    All the teachers listening to this say woo! 😄🙌

  • @micheleviola717
    @micheleviola717 2 роки тому +1

    Simplesmente amooo ouvir essas playlists,😌 é mto eu...

  • @JSFrost-vr3bs
    @JSFrost-vr3bs 4 роки тому

    I have a cup of thea, its raining outside, I'm just myself and this great music, it can't get better!😁❤ have a great day🥰 bye

  • @plutee
    @plutee 4 роки тому +3

    Beautiful playlist 💙✨

  • @gottalovepiano5682
    @gottalovepiano5682 4 роки тому

    Happy October! ☕️

  • @robert5848
    @robert5848 4 роки тому +2

    love Riley Pearce's music his song Statue is unreal :D :D :D

  • @joshwilliams6517
    @joshwilliams6517 4 роки тому +4


  • @IndieVibes.
    @IndieVibes. 4 роки тому +2

    Great playlist!

  • @angeladonovan2883
    @angeladonovan2883 4 роки тому +3


  • @yuunubu
    @yuunubu 4 роки тому

    discovered this because my teacher was playing this! absolutely love this playlist

  • @252525jimmyy
    @252525jimmyy 4 роки тому

    thank you always Alexrainbird!

  • @lenasneverdown22
    @lenasneverdown22 2 роки тому

    Best cozy playlist. 🌨️

  • @thaisoliveira.06
    @thaisoliveira.06 4 роки тому +3

    como o tempo tá passando rápido... já é quase outubro!
    essa playlist tá tão maravilhosa. acho que é a minha preferida até agora! 🍁🍂🧡

  • @Raiden_Amani
    @Raiden_Amani 4 роки тому

    I've been patiently dying inside to listen to this. Its 1st October 00:00 and I can finally dip myself into October vibes. 🤗

  • @SHADEKING2542
    @SHADEKING2542 4 роки тому

    Cool playlist! Love you guys have Harrison Storm, and his newest song nonetheless!