Dave Taylor In conversation with Campaigner Jack Monroe | ThinkIn Clip

  • Опубліковано 19 тра 2022
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    Event description:
    Monroe rose to prominence writing about their struggles to feed their young son with a food budget of £10 a week on their blog ‘Cooking on a Bootstrap’. Since then, Monroe has published cookbooks filled with “austerity recipes” and has given evidence in Parliament highlighting the impact of the rising cost of basic food items on people living in poverty. In response to George Eustice’s suggestion that shoppers could “manage their household budget” by changing the brands they buy, they responded that “somebody who claims £196,000 in expenses in a single year is in no position to tell other people to get cheaper biscuits”.
    David Taylor: Editor, Tortoise Media
    Jack Monroe


  • @linedwell
    @linedwell Рік тому +19

    It's been one year since she threatened to Sue Lee Anderson.
    She asked for money to do so.
    She got money to do so.
    She hasn't sued Lee Anderson.
    She hasn't shown or proved where the donated funds went.

    • @krob2327
      @krob2327 Рік тому

      She’s quite evil. She lives in an expensive part of Southend yet claims that because she’s a ‘third generation immigrant’ it’s allowed yet others should consider why they are doing so. I’m suing my words carefully. She’s actually evil.

  • @magdalenerose924
    @magdalenerose924 2 роки тому +23

    I was working with young single mothers (who were actually single mothers, whereas Monroe has said from the start she & the father were co-parents) - at the time she was apparently living on £10/week with no fridge, electricity or lights (for 2 years!) despite having a two-year-old child living with her.
    At the time, there were multiple schemes to support those young women.
    Most were unemployed but they didn’t live without heating or lighting or a fridge.
    Because that wasn’t necessary.
    There was always help available.

    • @jennifernash9117
      @jennifernash9117 Місяць тому +1

      Most of the words coming out of her mouth are self serving lies.

  • @Commissar1898
    @Commissar1898 Рік тому +10

    Where’s the money, Jack, you liar?

  • @lpanayi6954
    @lpanayi6954 Рік тому +27

    Aside from all the lies she tells, I find her really difficult to listen to due to her continuously morphing accent, and faux humbleness. It's painful and embarrassing.

  • @minomushi9392
    @minomushi9392 2 роки тому +29

    Horrible woman. I used to be a supporter of hers until I did some digging online when the things she was saying raised some red flags. Now I wouldn't trust her as far as I could throw her!

    • @JudgeMazza
      @JudgeMazza 2 роки тому +1

      go on...? Impress us with your e-archaeological findings.

    • @minomushi9392
      @minomushi9392 2 роки тому +28

      @@JudgeMazza Her entire backstory has been twisted to suit her narrative. She claims that she was unscrewing lightbulbs, missing meals and selling her sons toys to make ends meet; yet one tweet later she states that her parents and ex were very supportive during that time. Her parents are well off with reasonably high paying jobs, they own multiple properties and yet were willing to see her and their grandson living in a freezing cold mouldy flat with nothing to eat?
      She also acts as though she has always been an impoverished, working class survivor. In actuality, she had a very privileged upbringing in a stable, two income household. She took karate/piano lessons as a child, went to a grammar school and very easily found a decent paying job as a call handler for the fire service early on in her career (yes a call handler, she went through a period of time online implying that she was an active firefighter).
      She has stated quite recently that she only has £34 in her bank account and is struggling to make ends meet; however she has her book sales, does tv appearances and gets donations through patreon a platform on which she has previously scammed many supporters, (including myself) by never delivering on promised goods and refusing to answer emails relating to the issue. Are you honestly trying to tell me she has no money? That she's living on the breadline and hasn't got two coins to rub together? Give me a break.
      The lies I could honestly forgive if she genuinely seemed to be helping people; however she spends most of her time online fishing for sympathy, complaining about the tories and doxxing people who disagree with her. She claims to care about people who are struggling, yet she hasn't paid her taxes for years and never shares any useful resources online or comments on events relating to her supposed line of work.
      There are so many small, pointless lies that can be found online if you do a little research. I've highlighted the ones that I find the most aggregious here but there are many more to be dug up with your own 'e-archaeology' if you so choose.

    • @magdalenerose924
      @magdalenerose924 2 роки тому +16

      She’s gone 3 years without paying taxes.
      She still hasn’t given the Trussell Trust the money she raised through Teemill.
      She hasn’t given her supporters anything in exchange for her Patreon money for years, if she ever did.
      The Vimes Boots Index still doesn’t exist and probably never will.
      The inconsistencies just go on and on- she claimed recently to have only £34, but she has television appearances, royalties from books, speaks at festivals & events all over the country, has Patreon, website, and recently failed to show up to Glastonbury for a talk on the cost of living.
      This is all well-documented. All the evidence is a simple Google search away.

    • @krob2327
      @krob2327 Рік тому +9


    • @krob2327
      @krob2327 Рік тому +8

      @@minomushi9392 she wants to live in Thorpe bay. I worry for those residents. As she also supports a ‘revolution ‘ that I believe would see them harmed.

  • @coughcoughimsick6385
    @coughcoughimsick6385 Рік тому +15

    what a charlatan

    • @krob2327
      @krob2327 Рік тому +2

      She’s a parasite

  • @chrissierouch9685
    @chrissierouch9685 Рік тому +11

    From what I have read she is mean and charmless which is why Jamie O gets food programmes and she doesn’t

  • @cameronforester8413
    @cameronforester8413 2 роки тому +4

    We could save thousands on our food bills by simply eating these politicans

    • @krob2327
      @krob2327 Рік тому +2

      And grifters like jack

  • @adha2913
    @adha2913 2 роки тому +2

    Love Jack. She's my hero.

    • @linedwell
      @linedwell Рік тому +1

      Then you hate kittens and have no morals.

    • @readreceipt
      @readreceipt 7 місяців тому +4

      Are you mental lol