If you could give a relaxation in fees would be great. Many people around the globe may be using US currency but Indians should have the Purchasing Power Parity. So please make ur courses a lil bit affordable to students. Either by giving them coupons or specific discount during off seasons
Keeping fees 40 to 50k is kind of first two monthly stipends of any Master or PhD student. If u believe ur courses are exhaustive and have some good quality that is fine but alteast student perspective must be kept in mind. 25 to 30k is perfect no matter how great is the course. Many international exam tutors also donot charge such exorbitantly as u r doing
If you could give a relaxation in fees would be great.
Many people around the globe may be using US currency but Indians should have the Purchasing Power Parity. So please make ur courses a lil bit affordable to students. Either by giving them coupons or specific discount during off seasons
Keeping fees 40 to 50k is kind of first two monthly stipends of any Master or PhD student. If u believe ur courses are exhaustive and have some good quality that is fine but alteast student perspective must be kept in mind. 25 to 30k is perfect no matter how great is the course. Many international exam tutors also donot charge such exorbitantly as u r doing