JustKiddingNews LOL Moments 11



  • @seansoku67
    @seansoku67 6 років тому +253

    I dont lie, never lie, jesus tell me why

  • @tommyortiz6114
    @tommyortiz6114 6 років тому +89

    The thumbnail 😂

    • @ana-ov3fd
      @ana-ov3fd 6 років тому

      Is the thumbnail in the vid

  • @SmartyPants-ly6zl
    @SmartyPants-ly6zl 6 років тому +48

    I believe this guy should be paid for his videos, he is truly a hard worker

  • @krisppy7175
    @krisppy7175 6 років тому +5

    That thumbnail is golden 😂👏👏

  • @henrylee5013
    @henrylee5013 6 років тому

    I’ve been looking for that stabbanos clip for so long but I forgot the original video, thank you🙏🏻

  • @nataliepalacios2124
    @nataliepalacios2124 6 років тому +21

    Hey James you think we can get a compilation of Joe’s drug experiences. Thanks!

    • @KC-jo7dp
      @KC-jo7dp 6 років тому +1

      Yes please

  • @arihantjain5882
    @arihantjain5882 5 років тому +1

    We change the floor everyday lmao xD

  • @abdikhan9351
    @abdikhan9351 6 років тому +33

    What vid is the thumbnail from?

    • @jamesrodolfo8068
      @jamesrodolfo8068  6 років тому +7

      ua-cam.com/video/XT1qAbL63Vo/v-deo.html (Man Shoots Wife In The Butt For Refusing Intercourse! ft. DavidSoComedy) 8:54

    • @shadmanrahman1272
      @shadmanrahman1272 6 років тому

      James Rodolfo how the hell you find these videos man?? 😂😂

  • @toniechos
    @toniechos 5 років тому


  • @yannachen3231
    @yannachen3231 6 років тому

    Lovely work

  • @JQxSunshine
    @JQxSunshine 6 років тому +1

    Damn it I didn’t know the nail salon was in Tennessee xDDD YAAAAAY

  • @ptcool12
    @ptcool12 6 років тому +5

    I don't lie, never lie, jesus tell me why

  • @Ishmael.c.k
    @Ishmael.c.k 5 років тому

    2:10 got me😂😆😆

  • @scottanderson9887
    @scottanderson9887 6 років тому

    The fucking thumbnail man 😂😂😂

  • @judekiv
    @judekiv 6 років тому +1

    Hey bro :)

  • @armykid0000
    @armykid0000 6 років тому +4

    stg I thought there was a bobble head edit on Gina at 7:28

  • @tao4841
    @tao4841 6 років тому +3

    thumbnail vid plz

  • @urgodfather4457
    @urgodfather4457 6 років тому +1

    Tiff says I don't know a lot

  • @katrinakrystal5922
    @katrinakrystal5922 6 років тому

    OMFG I know that teacher she taught at my highschool :o

    • @katrinakrystal5922
      @katrinakrystal5922 6 років тому

      now I need to watch that episode she was so nice when I was in highschool

    @UPLAYTHATGAME 6 років тому +1

    Could've cut out first two min

  • @Doroku
    @Doroku 6 років тому +2


  • @MegaBrandon808
    @MegaBrandon808 6 років тому +2

    The nail salon should just make the door really tiny so fat people just can't come in

  • @PDXadrenaline
    @PDXadrenaline 6 років тому +13

    Dude just watching these old videos makes me see how bad Julia was at presenting news, glad that tiffany is the only one that presents them now

    • @joonhojun7430
      @joonhojun7430 6 років тому +2

      Reasons why Julia is not as good as tiff:
      1. Listicles
      2. Sometimes feels like she doesn’t know what she’s talking about
      3. Listicles
      4. Feels like she stutters a lot which also makes it seem like she doesn’t know what she’s talking about
      5. Listicles
      6. I hate listicles

    • @joonhojun7430
      @joonhojun7430 6 років тому +2

      Well in the end, seems like she was never good at presenting. Some are just not as good as others when presenting info and Julia is one of them.

    • @joonhojun7430
      @joonhojun7430 6 років тому +1

      and i said "reasons why Julia is NOT AS GOOD AS Tiff", because she is NOT AS GOOD AS Tiff

  • @maxjefferison1654
    @maxjefferison1654 6 років тому +3


  • @JimTopdog
    @JimTopdog 5 років тому

    O fuuuuuuuuu

  • @AngelHernandez-ps7ji
    @AngelHernandez-ps7ji 6 років тому
