I warned you all, I TOLD YOU I was gonna be SUPER casual, you STILL HAVE TIME TO LEAVE, BE FREE MY CHILDREN! RUN AWAY FROM THE YAPPING AUSTRALIAN MAN! Jokes aside, only had one chance to record before bed, so this kinda has to do, sorry it's so long! Still working on Mic audio, lighting etc, will do more on days off but yeah, it was this or nothing sorry LOL might even change the title or thumbnail tomorrow after work, idk, Xeno sleep now it's 5:30am, I'll catch you all tomorrow on break, MUAH! KISSES! Xeno
As someone who just got into Wuwa when it released on PS5 it's nice to see someone who has such a casual and chill approach to it, just having fun talking about the game. So many ccs on yt thrive off drama and negativity and sure it can be entertaining but I think there's definetely some demand for the style of content you're going for. You got my sub man bonus points for liking Changli too I will be getting her as soon as she reruns
@@horizon2733 gotta be honest I’m really surprised to hear people want casual stuff like this, I’m just doing it cause I find it fun and I want a creative outlet in my spare time. To see so many people echo your sentiment is very humbling atm 😂 let’s see how I go for another few weeks to months and if the community still responds to it. Thanks tho, it really makes a difference seeing comments like these, truly
Couple of things I learned throughout playing since its launch: 1. Be smart with your echo materials - echos are the hardest to level and farm including the exp tube and tuning. So don’t just Russian roulette your way to leveling echos if you want to get the best stats without wasting so much. 2. Do dailies - dailies is your bread and butter for astrites especially if you’re a f2p, and I mean f2p not a single dollar spent. Takes less than 5 mins to do them. 3. Waveplate management - don’t just use wave plates(daily energy) just coz you need materials. Coz part of the dailies is to use 160 wave plates so you can save your crystal solvent for when you really need to grind like leveling your new resonator. 4. Finish events - WuWa has been very generous with astrites, radiant and lustrous tides through events so don’t miss those opportunities. TOA maybe hard for some but try to obtain as much crest as you can coz this also gives you astrites. 5. You can’t get all 5 stars - unless you’re a whale, make sure you choose the right resonators you enjoy playing not just for when it comes out but also for long term. Like I don’t have Jhinshi even though almost everyone rolled for her. I just personally don’t enjoy her play style. 6. Do not ignore the 4 stars - another reason I play WuWa coz unlike other gacha games, WuWa made sure that 4 stars has their spot in the limelight. I personally still use Mortefi, Sanhua, Taoqi, Baizhi and Danjin all at maxed level (a bit crappy with echos still since echos are hard to level with the right stats) 7. Support the game - unless you’re f2p hardcore if you have extra get the Lunite Subscription. Not only it gives you so much astrites for a minimal cost but you are also supporting the developers. And make sure to do the surveys, WuWa developers are known for listening to their community and as a player since day 1, I can vouch that they do listen and read the surveys. 8. Some people are just better - don’t be disappointed if you’re not doing massive damage compared to people that showcases Jinshi with her 200k resonance or doing a Danjin solo on holograms or TOA. Some people are just better. The beauty of it is it means you’re not going to run out of things to do. Like right now 2.0 is almost at the end, so I am trying to get better echo stats for Yinlin and some of my 4 stars. Hope yall enjoy WuWa like I do. All I can say is it’s by far the best gacha I’ve played. I’m not disrespecting the other gacha but WuWa is just on top of their game. Cheers!
What do you mean by 'better Jinhsi' with only 200k nuke dmg? 😂. Standard Jinhsi should be able to do 300k-400k nuke with just Yuanwu and Verina, dmg vary according to ToA buffs.
Don't worry, once people realise the type of CC I'm actually gonna be, it'll die down SUPER fast haha which I'm kinda hoping so I can build a little organically and see what works and doesn't! Thank you tho! Kinda freakin crazy for a channel with no videos etc
It’s great that you’re taking chance of wuwa, and I think you should say that acronym instead, much more easier. And it’s nice to have someone who has non scripted but open opinion, helps me view on the state of wuwa. Also don’t feel stress or worried about the numbers you get in the channel, you just resonated with many people. So don’t be afraid to be yourself. I’ll support you 👍
Thanks xxfoursevennin… uh, thanks four LOL Yeah, my channel plans haven’t changed, just happened to get a starting boost which is scary 😂 it’s ok, I’ll do what I find fun, on the games I do, and if people wanna stop by sometimes they are more than welcome
As someone who’s played at launch, got burned out and took a break just to come back for 2.0. Take your time with the game, don’t go crazy over Echo substats and have fun. Ignore all of the toxicity don’t fall into the drama farms. Hope all goes well.
You mean my next video can't be going to war with the community?? ahhh man... lol Thanks! I'll enjoy the game however I can, and take it slow. I have played too many of these big gachas now to get burnt out again by going 110% from the start, I want to love this as long as I can
IMO casual is the best way to approach the game. I don't even fully complete Tower every reset. I go as far as I can on one go and then take what I get. Obviously I'm working on building characters and teams, but it's not a major priority for me. I'm very picky with what characters I pull for (I'm completely f2p) and I put no thought into pulling characters for teams or roles (I just pull for who I like. I also look at character leaks). I want Zani too lol. A tip for character name pronunciation. If you go into their voicelines and look for "Self-Introduction". They'll say their names. Changli is also my wife (But Shorekeeper is Rover's wife). I also beg Kuro every survey for region-specific outfits for Rover. Rover is hot, but they can be even more hot, and hot in various ways. I genuinely think people overexaggerate "1.x" being bad. It's really just 1.0 that's a slog. 1.1 introduced Hongzhen, 1.2 was Moonlight, 1.3 was Black Shores and 1.4 was Somnoire. 1.4 felt like it overstayed its welcome but in reality it was just a couple days longer than a normal patch cycle. But I don't deny that 2.0 was a monumental leap in quality.
Just keep making vids. man, majority of the playerbase are just casuals too, who some happened to be relatable as you, so do get overwhelmed and hope to watch some of ur future vids. cheers.
@@araara6673 thanks, yeah I guess why that’s resonating with people, casuals make up 95% of the entire player base which is us, you and me lol so maybe it’ll be fun. Thanks!
Well.. The majority of the players are casual anyway, so don't get overwhelmed by that. And sometimes there's too much drama in both communities, so it's good to watch chill videos like this once in a while. Glad ur enjoying the game so far. hope you keep making vids. 👍 oh yeah, and congrats for 2k subs
Yeah I'm just gonna be the chill guy sitting in the back with a small group of people doing our own things haha Thanks Zack! based name, Zack is one of the best FF characters, outside my boi Cloud ofc
Nice chill vid! Great change of pace from all the usual videos in the gacha space. If you don't mind me sharing a tip since you're planning to get Changli's weapon on her rerun - building Spectro Rover with the Eternal Radiance set would be a great option as she can make great use of Changli's weapon as well. Even more so as you're aiming for Shorekeeper too. Grats on the sub count and looking forward to the next report!
Thanks, I'm glad people somehow enjoyed it lol I want to definitely but, if she reuns with Brant, after Phoebe, while SK might reruns soon .. and Zani ... oof haha I think I wanna actually build Spec Rover now, they look a great from the buffs I am seeing, Is that the new dps spectro set on frazzle? I think farming for carlotta I farm both so it's efficient farm tbh
1. Welcome to WuWa 2. Some weapon recommendations are: Changli's signature weapon (best stat stick sword for all sword users), Jinshi or Jiyan's weapon (Both are pretty good stat stick weapons for broadblade users but i prefer Jinshi's), Yinlin's weapon (best rectifier and weapon in the game for dps and sub-dps units), Xiangli Yao's weapon and Camellya's weapon are pretty strong on them if you decide to main them. Shorekeeper and Zhezhi's weapons are luxury pulls since not only are they not as flexible as other weapons, they also get outclassed by a few 4 star weapons for Shorekeeper and Yinlin's weapon for Zhezhi but you can still pull them since they are good on them. 3. For the Battlepass weapons (and any free resources in boxes), they get sent to your inventory for later use and for the BP weapons specifically, any of the crit rate ones are a decent choice if you don't have a 5 star crit weapon already.
@doommaker4000 Changli's weapon gives out a lot of crit damage and it's passive is just usable on all sword characters to an extent. It's just as viable as Emerald depending on your echo stats and trace talents
Oh wow! Heya! Thanks, it’s been SO long since bbs, and I’ve done YT again properly, so so many years now. I’ll give it another random shot and see what happens in my spare time!
Yooooo, I remember you from back in the brave souls days! Glad to see you still making content, and playing wuwa at that. Keep it up, your characters are looking damn good for where you’re at rn, the good echo rolls will come in time
Yooo, that was SO long ago! Like we're talking upwards of maybe 8 years LOL I feel so old now when that gets brought up even tho I was young (I might die soon) Yeah I decided randomly last week to give it another crack, I'm rusty it's been FAR too long!
i love these yapping videos, and they gave me the idea of indoctrinating my friends into this game, which i now have, so i can yap to them about it. currently saving up for phoebe, brant and their sigs(I need to pray for good rng) also changli is peak in every way, i love her
a nice video! Some echo tips. For Changli(yes u say it as it is written) for 3 cost echo's get Fusion damage% ones, same for every other character and crit rate from the Boss echo's. Get the Nightmare echo's for all characters u use, they give a 10% increased damage bonus of their element(same for all Rinacita bosses) on top of the set bonuses. so use that to your advantage. Echo xp materials is something of a hassle to get but just do sidequests(lots of hidden ones) or just hunt for chests. 1 character i can recommend u should try out is Lumi, she has a very unique attack style switching by attacking while sprinting and melee so fun to build if u got the rest done. The BP weapon is in a box, check your inventory, u probably picked up alot of echo boxes as well so use them for what u need.
Critrate on (4) echoes are only rly good if the weapon equipped is critdmg or att% - if you can't pull 50% critchance then it's a good start out, but later you always want to swap to critdmg in the above scenarios
It's great that you've picked WuWa and ZZZ - because gorgeous characters beating the brakes off monsters is truly the substance of life itself! Also, until Ananta, NTA and DNA come out, they are the only gachas I'm playing right now. * It's pronounced "Chung-Lee" EDIT: Grab the rectifier on the standard weapon banner - Encore and Verina both can use it.
Those two are the best in the market rn looking forward to new releases and we' ve definetly entered a new gacha gaming era and depending on compagnies and developpers it could lose some of the deserved and not deserved bad rep it held for long now in the general public eyes. its looking quite promising since 2024 at least !
Love your vibe and energy!! I'm a week one player, completed and 100% everything. I'm currently prefarming for Brant and will save for Zani!! But since Brant is still fairly far away, I am building Lumi, she's a very fun character who is mainly a sub dps and buffer, but I'm trying her out as a main dps HAHA Also Havoc Rover is VERY OP especially for your account!! She carries me in tower XD I personally would say save your weapon pulls for now. Static Mist is really good on Mortefi as a buffer but only if you have a dps to benefit from it! I'm an avid fan of WuWa and I'm very glad you're enjoying your time! ps. Changli main here, she is the love of my life
Thanks! I heard Lumi was fun but, her buff doesn't last long enough to benefit Carlotta Ult or something? maybe I'm thinking another unit not sure. Havoc and Spectro both look so good tbh, I'm so happy they're useful
@@TXB_Gaming Not sure what you could be referring to but if it's to buff Carlotta ult, Lumi & Taoqi's outro is perfect since you don't have Zhezhi! You will just have to Carlotta ult quickly after switching. Build Taoqi for faster rotation but Lumi for extra damage! I feel the same, Rover is SO powerful, I can't wait to see their future Resonant types!
I'm glad to see you're still having fun! When it comes to your strategy on the standard weapon banner, I think it really just depends on the characters you're planning to use currently and in the near future. If you think you might use more than one pistol character in a team, then grab the gun as your second pick. If not, then I'd suggest just getting copies of the Emerald of Genesis sword to amp up its effect since there's already a lot of sword characters. The other weapon types aren't that great aside from the sword and gun since they lack any crit stats. They're totally fine for a sub-DPS of course, but generally aren't weapons you'll use much in the long term. They certainly have a place for an early-game account, but if you're willing to hold off until you get a limited 5-star of each weapon type you can just focus on beefing up your Emerald of Genesis (especially since you have Carlotta's weapon already). That's what I personally chose to do, but obviously that's hardly an objective correct decision. My Emerald of Genesis is already rank 3 as a result and feels quite nice with room to grow yet. Looking forward to seeing more of your future content!
@TXB_Gaming Exactly! The Remake!Awesome content from you btw Wholesome, drama-free content. Just a casual player who enjoys the game without paying too much attention to toxic people. You have a new subscriber!
I came back to the game on January 2nd of this year and have had some much fun. its been around 32 days and I've gotten Carlotta and her weapon and zhezhi and now I am saving for shore keeper I cant wait to see the future of my account and yours!
A little flying tip incase you didn't know. I saw in your previous video that you used grapple hook switching in to flying gadget. There's a much more convenient method: Jump - attack - dash(air flip) - attack -> fly How this works: "when you do a drop down attack (attack mid air), your character gain a little height before dropping down. Cancel the drop with another input will let you keep on climbing higher." (doesn't work with changli because her air attack doesn't raise height, on the final attack you need to do full air combo until the phoenix rise then you can fly)
One thing about Encore: She goes decently well with Changli in a double DPS setup, which is something you might be interested in since you like both the characters
A tip tegarding your carlotta. While most of her damage does come from her liberation, it is actually considered as resonance skill damage, so you should ho for resonance skill damage bonus substats on your echos if possible
Yup slowly being humbled in the comments on how my mid Carlotta is even worse than I thought LOL ahhh man, if they were all skill damage they would be been ok started pieces!
LOL those days were SO long ago! maybe even upwards of 6-8 years! Yeah I haven't *really* don't YT since, but, I've been playing these gacha for a long while and idk man, just wanted to give it another crack and see what happened, can't hurt!
verina or healers in general dont really need that much investment other than er so yours will work perfectly fine. I really enjoyed how chill the video was
Definitely much much prefer your more chill casual content compared to other CCs, no hate to them, ill def sub to this channel, also one tip as a carlotta main, you want skill dmg not liberation dmg, she scales off skill dmg, even her liberation scales off skill dmg
Thanks Rose, that's really nice of you to say honestly! I'll keep trying my best and see what happens, and yeah, my comments are educating me on how those mid piece are even worse than I thought LOL
Of all the regions in Wuwa, Mt Firmament is the region I always go back to everyday after doing dailies and will stay there probably 20-30mins just to lurk around. Still my favorite region of all of them.
True encore is fun, try her in quickswap team, changli+encore+verina is really fun to play. Also have you finished encore's story quest? You don't need to fully build Verina, she only used to buff the team through her outro skill, and her healing doesn't really matter. Basically how people use her is quickly max her concerto for outro skills with basic attack 3 4 5, skill, and liberations then swap to dps/sub dps. Her best weapon is 4* weapon "variation". Also, I suggest you to fully build both spectro and havoc Rover, she is cracked.
I have not done the companion quests nearly at all yet tbh, I have a LOT to do! Yeah I wish I had that variation weapon, sadly can't do much about it if I don't get it yet, sad. I think I wanna build spectro first now ngl, they got mega buffed from my little understanding and they look SO good and might pair really well with Phoebe etc
For an 30+ day progress acc looking pretty good progress. Nothing wrong with enjoying Wuwa casually ^_^ Been chilling these days slowly 100% 2.0 map. That Carlota looking pretty well build ngl my is close to the same build got her 2200ish att% 76% crit and 280 crit dmg with her weapon being a day one player. Only upgrade for me is the 4 cost to roll better to get a double crit stats to getting more crit dmg and liberation rolls. For Changli hope you can farm up the Nighmare Inferno Rider from the 2.0 map its her bis 4 cost with crit dmg main stat and the double crit sub stats. GL in the future rolls.
Some points you might not be aware of: For Verina there is a quest in Rinascita called "Shadow of Towers" that give you a very decent 4* weapon with ER and healing bounus and you can craft the refinement if you want. Carlotta scales of resonance skill not resonance liberation. It takes some getting used to but where the damage comes from has no relation to what type of dmg they do. E.g. Encore in her ult deals basic attack dmg which is why Sanhua works so well for hypercarry Encore. Once you have your main dps built it's well worth to invest into characters like Sanhua and even the supports for a little more comfort. Jinhsi is Carlotta level broken dps. If you want a second broken DPS she's a great choice but there will be more of those too so your choice. You will want a second support for endgame. Shorekeeper is an excelent pick and her signature weapon makes building her really trivial. To be well set up for endgame you want 3 teams (two can share a support). But you also don't have to rush to get there. Mortefi is great for Jiyan, Yuanwu works well for Jinhsi, Danjin can also be played more sane in a Danjin/Havoc Rover quick swap team, Yangyang is not super good but always a semi viable option as she gets her outro pretty fast. Sanhua is probably the most versitile 4*. For Carlotta you can use someone like Sanhua, Yangyang or even Lumi/Taoqi though non of them are super good options compared to the premium option. For Changli Brant might be the missing piece for her team so keep that in mind when desciding if you should pull on Phoebe or not. The 4* weapon from the Battlepass are all kind of meh especially since you end up with more 5* weapons compared to other games. I'd just leave them sitting there unless you activly need a weapon for someone you know you wont be getting a 5* for. There are some cases (e.g. Roccia) that have crit rate breakpoints so those are cases where a crit 4* might be more valuable than a non-crit 5* weapon. Hope some of this is helpful :)
I really like this content cause its how i approach the game. Im casual in terms of the amount of time i put into the game, but im not casual in terms of actually learning how to play. Im new and i will play only with Danjin and maybe Sanhua too when i reach UL45. Not like for a challenge thing, i just enjoy her playstyle so much more than the other characters. Only 5 stars i really really like are Jinhsi and Changli because their designs are crazy good, but in terms of raw gameplay Danjin and Sanhua are just much more fun to me. Oh for Verina you should probably use Variation which is a 4 star weapon you may have. I think its her bis weapon. Someone correct me if im wrong.
@@sagansagan5395 appreciate that Sagan! Another up and coming Danjin main haha oh no 😂 Yeah I don’t have variation, I did just get a good 4* weapon from a quest in Rinacita which will be great for now, so it’ll have to do
Just 1 note for build Carlotta Resonance Liberation dmg bonus don't work on her, she only need Resonance Skill dmg bonus but Chang Li and Jing Si can use Resonance Liberation and Resonance Skill dmg bonus
You should prioritize upgrading 3 main dps for your accounts. Spending resource on Rover is super valuable in this game. For your support, they don't even need upgraded echoes. Just put on them the correct set and they'd do just fine For the next month, you should prioritize upgrading spectro rover and use them as a healer/ buffer until you can get Shorekeeper. You might also want to consider rolling Jinhsi. She's basically the same importance as an Archon, both in lore & power level
Yeah I think I wanna do spec Rover tbh, especially cause I'm gonna go for Phoebe now, and that'll be a decent team with those two, hopefully by end of month I can have them slightly up and running!
Especially if you are wanting to play encore 2 things: Get cosmic ripples because the 5 star weapons are leagues ahead of 4 star weapons. Build and run her with Brant and sanhua for her best team. Also verina really wants to have the rectifier(catalyst) that gives concerto energy. The entire goal for team play is using concerto effects to buff the incoming characters. That is also why sanhua is so strong. She can skill>burst>heavy>echo cast and be out in like 2-4 seconds with a massive basic attack buff which encore really likes. Edit: The battle pass weapon drops as a box you can open to select it. It will be in your backpack. They are better than most 4 star weapons for DPSs but 5 stars have such a massive base attack difference that it they just can't compete. For Zani we just need to wait. Supposedly she is going to use an echo set we don't even have access to yet. Phoebe probably won't be necessary for her but we just don't know yet.
Thanks for the tips! I will probably hold off the weapon for now tbh, just until I actually NEED it on the day for someone and don't have many options, altho Ripples is looking like the best option for my current Verina cause she has no other option, and maybe future Encore etc or even Phoebe maybe!
You thought the yapping would scare people off, but being an Aussie creator means I'm sticking around for sure. In response to a couple of your questions and thoughts throughout the report: 1. How to pronounce Changli? If you go by EN VA's you're right on the Street Fighter call. Jinshi has a line about Changli and she goes the SF route. 2. Regarding your question about the standard weapon banner. Given you have Carlotta's gun there may not be as much of a need for for the 5* gun. If you also weren't sold on getting the 5* rectifier from the standard weapon banner, Encore can absolutely get away with using the 4* Battle Pass rectifier, and the battle pass weapon can be easily gotten to R5. Shorekeeper wants her own weapon for sure. And unless you wanted to build a gauntlet or broadblade character, you could choose to ignore the other weapons. 3. It's interesting to consider the jump in map quality between Huanlong (1.0 area) to Mount Firmament (1.1) and the Black Shores (1.3). While the 1.X areas are smaller, the jump in theme and consistency for each new area is great to enjoy. Either way, hope to see you yapping at your own pace.
Thanks bro! Glad to see people semi enjoying things so far, let's see who still is in a month lol yeah the map quality is staggering, especially considering I did it all back to back in a month. Appreciate the tips!
Your Verina is built perfectly. All you need is to use the healing set and give her energy regen. If you ever come across a weapon named Variation, give it to her.
Ah i see, a fellow changli enjoyer. without spoiling anything i would recommend saving your guarantee for brant, they might or might not be very good with her :) 26:10 Oh lmao 😂
My rule has always been not to pull reruns for dps. Especially for a character like changli who requires quickswap and heavy inbestment. But shes so cool and hot at the same time im probly gonna pull her. Her moveset us the coolest in the game next to elctro k-pop man and carlotta. Probably gonna have fun learning quickswap rotations with her and carlotta
Dude i got an idea you can do for your next video, why not do a community tips video where since you do check our comments, compile the tips they have given you and try them out to demonstrate if the tip works or if it doesn't so that in that next video it can be corrected, helping you and future players out I think you are doing well and its awesome that you are a breath of fresh air in this!!
Thanks for the cool idea! If only I had the time, at the moment haha I will def make a list of tips from this videos and follow up on them next report, and see what I did and didn't do. Appreciate the kindness, thanks Bryan
Also, Cosmic Ripples is probably the best weapon if you wanna play Encore, 2 swords is good as well since it’s very likely you may be using 2 sword characters in the same team. And the upcoming character Brant is Changli’s new best partner.
you get the battle pass weapon CHEST, which you can just open at a later date depending on what you need, the chest doesnt expire too, so you can keep 5 chests or more until you need a character for a R5 4star weapon
Just in case you're not aware, Encore is not just fun - she's actually really strong and on par with most of the limited dps characters when built! In fact, considering the current state of the game, there might even be an argument to be made about her being stronger than Changli in the fusion DPS department. Just gotta get used to her playstyle but man, that little girl can kick some serious ass and I love her to bits too!
Congrats on the subs budd and if i have to give an advice for the weapon it would be not to pull a 5star yet. If you get your hands on the Variation give it to Verina she can use it a lot. As for the characters if u see yourself in short of dmg in the tower you can pull jinhsi she has one of the most damages in the game with the help of the shore keeper u just have to build her. As for the battle pass weapon u can save it. It's in your inventory as the form of a loot box. I'd recommend not to build mortefi yet cause you'll need Jiyan with him to work properly and hes not going to come back very soon cause he had a rerun recently. As for other things I'm sure u can handle them very well cause u played genshin a lot. Once again, welcome to the community and keep on growing on those subs👍👍👌
I played on release and stopped on Jinshi banner (and won the 5050 for her) and came back for Roccia's banner and im loving it. I just 100% the entire map and started grinding for Brant's echo set, pulled 3 double crit er pieces today on set too 🙏
Playing casually since launch, i almost have every echo set built after planning and farming a lot in coop. In the last 30 days, I have built Carlotta's echoes, the new spectro echo set, and 3 nightmare echoes. I have 100% the map of rinascita. Looking forward to the next update, planning to build every echo set slowly while getting a good nightmare echo. P.S. 7:47 Just say every name the way you could, lol. If you want to know how to pronounce some word, maybe take a look at the character voiceline. A voice line from Phoebe in the main story when saying 'wuthering waves' sound so good.
Damn you’re cooking! I hope in the following months I can easily build more. Yeah I didn’t realise I could just look at that to see how it’s pronounced that’ll make me dumb life so much easier lol I’ll do that tonight cheers!
So Changli encore is a pretty good team, as is Changli Carlotta. Since you don't have Jiyan, investing in mortefi isn't really worth it at present. Since you already have Verina, going for a standard weapon would be best, likely the catalyst, though the pistol is a good long term investment for any other pistol users that may come out. Looking good so far though 🙂 also just hit 30* on the ToA for the first time so that was pretty exciting
I recommend pulling on Jinhsi’s weapon banner, we don’t have many good broadblade characters besides her but a crit rate weapon with high attack is always good and the main reason to pull is to get Variation, the 4 star which is rated up on that banner and is also insanely good and second BIS for all the healers right now even at r1 (Baizhi, Verina, Shorekeeper)
if I had spare gems to justify rolling a weapon for future units I 100% would, but gotta focus on the now just incase, don't wanna miss a unit or their weapon in the now. Sucks variation is on it tho, might not be back for a while then!
@TXB_Gaming I like both WuWa and ZZZ. This is great time to play decent gacha games. I play many other gacha games (eg. Blue Archive, Nikke, Reverse1999, PrincessConnect, HeavenBurnsRed, HSR, etc.) But drop many games as well. WuWa I spend money a bit such as BP and monthly subscription. Got every characters and limited weapons from 1.0~2.0 except Roccia+her limited weapon due to losing 50/50.
HELL YAH ,AS SOMEONE who loves gaming but barely gets time to cause YK (WORKLIFE) i found another mate who likes the same games too.cause both ZZZ AND WUWA, these games dont take toomuch of my time.✋️😊🤚 and is breath of fresh air more rewarding and less dragged down than otheers .😊😊😊❤
Hahah LETS GO NO WORK LIFE BROTHERS! yeah luckily on days where I’m busy in 15-20 mins both are done and I’m out. Thanks for checking the video out bro!
Sanhua doesn't need almost anything, she just needs the ATK buff echo, you don't even need to lvl it up, maybe just lvl her up just so she doesn't get 1 shot in the Towers, her ult gets fully recharged by the time you switch back to her and use her skill.
some advice for future. when u get bad echoes lvled dont use them as fodder for other echoes. destroy them u get more mats back. sanhua and yang yang are good sub dps units for all round. if you get a dps and have no sub dps then one of them can fill the slot. lvl baizhi just cuz ur gunna want three healers eventually and theres no info on a new healer coming anytime soon. you dont have to prioritize it though until you are building teams for toa. i commented on your lil post as well. look forward to seeing your account grow. also looking forward to a discord.
@@TheEmeraldKing1988 for me was an accidental discovery, tbh. I just wanted to start chewing on ToA and Baizhi for now is the only third healer in the game. Ofc the team buff is not comparable to neither Verina or Shorekeeper, but given that Baizhi scales off HP, is easy asf to build.
The gun is definitely the next best weapon, get sword & gun then whatever you like, I choose to spend in characters after the 2 weapons. Verina s2 is a game changer
for the standard weapons, the 1hand sword and gun for me are the only ones worth picking up but since you already have a 5* sword and carlotta's gun, just hold off on it for now, maybe down the line you'll get a new character that'll need a weapon and you'll have something to pick then
Hello Xeno, great content btw. But just to let you know that the resonance liberation damage bonus on your Carlotta’s echos are not giving you anything at all. They are completely dead substats to her. This is because her resonance liberation does purely resonance skill damage. Carlotta actually has no way of doing any resonance liberation damage throughout her entire kit. This is also true for other characters such as jiyan and roccia as they also have no way of doing resonance liberation damage throughout their kit, because for them their resonance liberation does purely heavy attack damage. Hope this helps and continue to make content
I would say if you're ready to spend lightly, getting the battle pass is good. The bp weapons are good and have crit rate main stat which allow you to be flexible in building chars. (Everybody likes more pulls, so that's a small bonus too)
Sooo I bought the Jinshi skin, I don't regret it for sure cuz shes amazing with it but hot daaamnn Sanhua's f2p skin totally beats it xD, the colours and the aesthetics used is pretty as heck.
@@TXB_Gaming Yeah, love the small stuff that they included on it too like sigils and nameplates which is pretty nice, I one day hope to get one for Shorekeeper.
At the time of her release Jinhsi was my account savior. I was already getting a bit tired of difficulty (at the time) and Yinlin was simply not cutting it to kill fast, lazy and casually (heh). Jinhsi made it all go away for a long time... not sure about now, but back then she had her high skill ceiling (like everything in WuWa) but her skill floor was right at my level and lower. So easy, so beautiful... and she was the first character with very chaotic moveset baked into combos and that saved me from oneshot bs so many times it's not even funny. Account savior she were. Zani though... ohhh... she have shield in story cutscenes, which in WuWa combat may not mean anything specifically, but... anyway... I'm waiting too :). (I don't think Kuro is blind to her reception, no way)
It terms of build, Mortefi is a solid coordinated attack sub dps( damage of field with his ulti) and he buffs heavy attacks on outro + team atk at R6. Atm you dont have characters that need him. But Static Mist is a good weapon overall(both crit rate, atk buff and energy regen). Idt you'll regret to have a copy of it long term in case there's any future gun support in the game. And perhaps copy of emerald genesis after that. Tho not sure you'd need it that much if you are planning to get Changli weapon. Its generally better than standard sword. I wouldn't stress over standard weapons now tbh. Just save pulls for when you feel you need them. You'll get plenty of standards from events and map exploration rewards to decide later. Standard Rectifier is not recommended for Verina. Energy regen 3* would do fine for now. Her best weapon atm is 4* Variation if you manage to get it on some weapon banner. It's energy regen + concerto energy(builds her outro skill faster). Thats basically her only purpose as she buffs on her Outro skill. For her healing lvl6 skill/forte/ulti is more than enough with Rejuvenating set. Don't bother with her other skills. I personally recommend to build spectro rover. It's even better now than Havoc Rover. She's busted with new Eternal Radinace set. I did holograms 6 with her and my echo rolls are bad lol Danjin is actually really good character. Even poorly built she can solo 1-3 levels of ToA. Same with Chixia. Those 3 alongside Sanhua are best 4* in the game that still hold their ground. But Sanhua doesn't really need building unless you want to play her as dps. What is needless as you alread have Carlotta. Sanhua is switch-in/switch-out girl. Unless you want to,that is. We'll have to see what new end game is gonna be like, but atm for ToA you generally want 2 fully built teams + 1 subpar dps to clear lower levels(1-3), hence Danjin and Chixia.
For my progress report, I've neglected doing my holograms for a very long time. I've only finished the original group last week, and beat Sentinel a couple days ago. Only Crownless and Rider left to do. Besides that, I'm just doing dailies and minor farming for Phoebe until 2.1. ChangLi is pronounced with an "ah" sound like in "charge". This goes for anything in mandarin or japanese. "A" sounds are pronounced the same way, with an "ah".
@@TXB_Gaming They're the hardest content in the game by far, even more so underleveled. But they are very much doable. The fights are fun though (except Sentinel. Hate that fight lol)
I started at the same time as you which is neat. I've got s0r1 Carlotta and Jinhsi as well as a Verina and sadly s1 iceboy and I managed to 24 star ToA this rota. I used Carlotta Verina and Yangyang/Sanhua on both floor 4s. For Verina her bis is a 4star gacha weapon called Variation. Otherwise I'm pretty sure the 3star ER weapon is still good. I'd say get the Encore weapon if you plan to use her and otherwise either save it for a character you plan to get in the future and don't want a signature or get another sword. Game has too many good sword users. Carlotta ult is skill damage as I'm sure others have noted. BP does give a weapon but i personally don't see much use for the 4star crit weapons in this game unlike in Genshin so I haven't claimed it yet. IDK what to get from it either.
Havoc Rover still at S5 max don't worry. Get Verina a Variation, this weapon passive is like overture you equipped on Sanhua which makes you do your rotation faster. Syntonize (upgrade) these weapons Shorekeeper is a must have for every account Yes Phoebe uses the new spectro echo set
Thessaleo falls exploration quest gives you a great verina weapon - you get 1 piece, and the recipe to craft more with blacksmith using fools gold. A easy grind and a good f2p option
18:36 Static Mist is pretty good, but mostly [not as a slapstick] a support/sub dps weapon (20% atk boost), so it's rather limited in uses for now, especially compared to Emerald. But still, atk boost from sonata effect + imp. heron echo skill + Static Mist (+ Morteffi's heavy atk. boost for heavy atk users) is noticable. I really appreciate the casual video style. I'm kind of bored of "essay" youtube meta.
with verina you park her at level 50 or 60 because you only care about getting all of her forte nodes unlocked. level her skill and ult if you want but nothing else. get her some attack, fallacy 4 cost with healing bonus main stat for main echo, and some ER and call it a day. also: her BIS weapon is a 4 star with 5 copies which you’ll get from pulling anyway
Yeah I could easily skip but I really love her, would like her to be the best I can make her! Have to see when her rerun comes, but I have a feeling its gonna be with brant
Hi and sorry for my poor English. Verina ‘s bis is “variation” 4 star rectifier it gives concerto upon skill cast and luckily it is rate up on current banner but going for 4 stars feels bad as usual😊. If you decide to get at least try on Jinhsi’s weapon banner because this one at least universal than Roccia’s (currently only she able to use). And in long run 2 copy needed because sometimes 2 team need for events and one healer buffer for each side cannot able to share weapon like ToA, I made a mistake i syntonize my second copy Variation to other then when i pull Shorekeeper i regret that, luckily i get in this banner one copy again.For standart weapon, second sword good but you say you get Changli ‘s weapon in future so choices up to you, i have 2 standart sword but i pull Camellya ‘s too, more sword not hurt. All sub dps sword users Sanhua, yangyang, etc appreciate 5 star swords. One other weapon worth to pull is gun because crit rate weapon, Mortefi and Chixia are possible users. JulleeusToo always do beginner free character team ToA runs each reset you can able to see Chixia’s performance in his videos, she output very respectable damage and she’s dodge counters hit like a truck.For Encore Yinlin’s weapon good but she rerun lately so next rerun takes time i guess.
You can get all of Rovers sequences now. have you collected the windchimes in mt Firmament or the resonance caskets in Huanglong? The last one might be there.
Autumtrace and Augment are pretty good weapons just to have from the battlepass, Augment especially for Encore is really solid at R5 and a solid substitute for Yinlin's sig which is Encore BIS 👍
Best to save up the asterites and see the official kit for Brant whether he is indeed a great unit for Changli or not. That would be my suggestion. Unless you want to diversify your roster and aim for Pheobe.
He will be good for her, but by how much and what capacity I didn't actually look into in the *dreams* lol I want Phoebe too, she looks great. Ahhhh there's so many units ;__;
Found about you cause of Tectone doing a reaction to that video that blew up, I'm a day 1 player that have Changli, Camellya and Shorekeeper and now waiting for Phoebe to come home lol, Best 4 star weapon for Verina is the Variation weapon it has good ER, I need another for my Verina cause i use Shorekeeper more.
Phoebe looks really good I want them all ahhhhhhhh! Is Variation just an off banner weapon etc? So I just gotta pray or wait till a weapon banner comes around that has it?
@@TXB_Gaming I think it's on limited character weapons cause in the video i see the Variation weapon on Roccia and Jinshi weapon banners, I'm new to this type of gacha way cause i never played Genshin or open world before WuWa so idk that well sorry.
Seventeenths... Seventeenthss... F it, my comment is #17. Great video! It's really refreshing seeing unscripted opinion on something. And it's really pleasing to listen. Overall quality is top. 11/10. Great job!
@TXB_Gaming the only standard banner weapon that can outperform the limited is the Gun as it will give ATK on the outro, the problem is atm this is only good on two characters and they both only really buff Jiyan, so if you are planing a long game investment get the gun if your want to play it more by ear just get a weapon you need for a DD once you fail to pull there weapon (or chose not to) and save the pull till then
For Verina just take the Fallacy of No Return as her cost 4. If you want her to heal... Reach about 1.2~1.3k ATK 230% or above Energy Regen Her weapon should be the 4 star weapon Variation (it is her best weapon) You're good.
@TXB_Gaming np! For now you can make do with any weapon that has ER% (even the three star one) for Verina However, Variation just upgrades the Verina experience (I'm using Verina myself at a moderately low investment) and she rotates at less than 4 seconds while healing 2.2k per stack of her forte. Goodluck building your characters! Also you can just slap any moonlit clouds on Sanhua and any ER% weapon (even the 3 star one counts, I'm using it myself) that isn't Brant's (his is ER and he is coming soon)
Hmmmm.... interesting.... In the last 30 days I pulled Roccia and leveled her to 90. She stole Rover's Echoes because I have no tunners. I also got the ToA to 27. Also technically "finished" Rinascita (story and exploration), so I have been hunting Achievements. Thanks for the video.
oh nice one! hope you're enjoying Roccia, she was so fun, I love her, but I can't get them all sadly. Plus as a sub dps havoc buffer, she doesn't do much for me for now. I hope when I have some more time soon I can start finishing the maps, especially with 2.1 around the corner
Jokes aside, only had one chance to record before bed, so this kinda has to do, sorry it's so long! Still working on Mic audio, lighting etc, will do more on days off but yeah, it was this or nothing sorry LOL might even change the title or thumbnail tomorrow after work, idk, Xeno sleep now it's 5:30am, I'll catch you all tomorrow on break, MUAH! KISSES!
Bro, I play Wuwa from 1.0 and never didn't complete TOA yet. 😂
I don't want a war, just make a wuwa video ok? And I finished the fucking tower at 30
bruh cannot help but yap
subbed! enjoyed your video thank you!
@@ИгорьКарпеев-т5т this is weirdly aggressive hahah you ok bro 😂
As someone who just got into Wuwa when it released on PS5 it's nice to see someone who has such a casual and chill approach to it, just having fun talking about the game. So many ccs on yt thrive off drama and negativity and sure it can be entertaining but I think there's definetely some demand for the style of content you're going for. You got my sub man bonus points for liking Changli too I will be getting her as soon as she reruns
@@horizon2733 gotta be honest I’m really surprised to hear people want casual stuff like this, I’m just doing it cause I find it fun and I want a creative outlet in my spare time. To see so many people echo your sentiment is very humbling atm 😂 let’s see how I go for another few weeks to months and if the community still responds to it.
Thanks tho, it really makes a difference seeing comments like these, truly
@@TXB_Gaming This is the kind of content I'm looking for. 95% of the playerbase can relate to your content.
@@cbes13 95% of the player base can relate cause I am the 95% haha I just happen to have the mic ect
Couple of things I learned throughout playing since its launch:
1. Be smart with your echo materials - echos are the hardest to level and farm including the exp tube and tuning. So don’t just Russian roulette your way to leveling echos if you want to get the best stats without wasting so much.
2. Do dailies - dailies is your bread and butter for astrites especially if you’re a f2p, and I mean f2p not a single dollar spent. Takes less than 5 mins to do them.
3. Waveplate management - don’t just use wave plates(daily energy) just coz you need materials. Coz part of the dailies is to use 160 wave plates so you can save your crystal solvent for when you really need to grind like leveling your new resonator.
4. Finish events - WuWa has been very generous with astrites, radiant and lustrous tides through events so don’t miss those opportunities. TOA maybe hard for some but try to obtain as much crest as you can coz this also gives you astrites.
5. You can’t get all 5 stars - unless you’re a whale, make sure you choose the right resonators you enjoy playing not just for when it comes out but also for long term. Like I don’t have Jhinshi even though almost everyone rolled for her. I just personally don’t enjoy her play style.
6. Do not ignore the 4 stars - another reason I play WuWa coz unlike other gacha games, WuWa made sure that 4 stars has their spot in the limelight. I personally still use Mortefi, Sanhua, Taoqi, Baizhi and Danjin all at maxed level (a bit crappy with echos still since echos are hard to level with the right stats)
7. Support the game - unless you’re f2p hardcore if you have extra get the Lunite Subscription. Not only it gives you so much astrites for a minimal cost but you are also supporting the developers. And make sure to do the surveys, WuWa developers are known for listening to their community and as a player since day 1, I can vouch that they do listen and read the surveys.
8. Some people are just better - don’t be disappointed if you’re not doing massive damage compared to people that showcases Jinshi with her 200k resonance or doing a Danjin solo on holograms or TOA. Some people are just better. The beauty of it is it means you’re not going to run out of things to do. Like right now 2.0 is almost at the end, so I am trying to get better echo stats for Yinlin and some of my 4 stars.
Hope yall enjoy WuWa like I do. All I can say is it’s by far the best gacha I’ve played. I’m not disrespecting the other gacha but WuWa is just on top of their game. Cheers!
I learnt about echos the hard way. Wasnt carfeul when upgrading and quickly ran out T-T
What do you mean by 'better Jinhsi' with only 200k nuke dmg? 😂. Standard Jinhsi should be able to do 300k-400k nuke with just Yuanwu and Verina, dmg vary according to ToA buffs.
@@naeangold and you just proved my point of "some are just better". Good for you for doing your standard nuke "300k - 400k".
@@DinoInATux yeah same here. They gave us so mucj freebies during launch. I neglected the idea of farming materials.
Nice flex? Mine does 150k because I can't be bothered to farm echoes. @@naeangold
I stand with you on Changli, I love her play style and can’t wait for the Brant pair up
Yes sirrrrrr
This is like a podcast for me. I can listen to ur videos while I do work
That's actually so humbling haha tbh I watch videos like these myself in the background while I grind games, maybe that's why I prefer casual things
2k subscribers in like 1 week that’s insane! Congrats
Don't worry, once people realise the type of CC I'm actually gonna be, it'll die down SUPER fast haha which I'm kinda hoping so I can build a little organically and see what works and doesn't!
Thank you tho! Kinda freakin crazy for a channel with no videos etc
It’s great that you’re taking chance of wuwa, and I think you should say that acronym instead, much more easier. And it’s nice to have someone who has non scripted but open opinion, helps me view on the state of wuwa. Also don’t feel stress or worried about the numbers you get in the channel, you just resonated with many people. So don’t be afraid to be yourself. I’ll support you 👍
Thanks xxfoursevennin… uh, thanks four LOL
Yeah, my channel plans haven’t changed, just happened to get a starting boost which is scary 😂 it’s ok, I’ll do what I find fun, on the games I do, and if people wanna stop by sometimes they are more than welcome
@@TXB_Gaming great 👍 😊
“you just resonated” hehe WuWa arbitrary reference joke
16:12 Understandable. They're next level. They're playing Danjin Souls xD
And congrats on 2k!
I literally just saw somebody playing Danjin on a damn electric guitar, I feel like I've wasted my life in comparison LOL
The yapping is nice, it’s nice to just put the video on whilst playing and having it feel like it’s not all scripted
Glad ur enjoying the game!
@@av_kay5059 best way to enjoy my talking is grind alongside while it plays 100%
As someone who’s played at launch, got burned out and took a break just to come back for 2.0. Take your time with the game, don’t go crazy over Echo substats and have fun. Ignore all of the toxicity don’t fall into the drama farms. Hope all goes well.
You mean my next video can't be going to war with the community?? ahhh man... lol
Thanks! I'll enjoy the game however I can, and take it slow. I have played too many of these big gachas now to get burnt out again by going 110% from the start, I want to love this as long as I can
IMO casual is the best way to approach the game. I don't even fully complete Tower every reset. I go as far as I can on one go and then take what I get. Obviously I'm working on building characters and teams, but it's not a major priority for me. I'm very picky with what characters I pull for (I'm completely f2p) and I put no thought into pulling characters for teams or roles (I just pull for who I like. I also look at character leaks). I want Zani too lol.
A tip for character name pronunciation. If you go into their voicelines and look for "Self-Introduction". They'll say their names.
Changli is also my wife (But Shorekeeper is Rover's wife). I also beg Kuro every survey for region-specific outfits for Rover. Rover is hot, but they can be even more hot, and hot in various ways.
I genuinely think people overexaggerate "1.x" being bad. It's really just 1.0 that's a slog. 1.1 introduced Hongzhen, 1.2 was Moonlight, 1.3 was Black Shores and 1.4 was Somnoire. 1.4 felt like it overstayed its welcome but in reality it was just a couple days longer than a normal patch cycle. But I don't deny that 2.0 was a monumental leap in quality.
Im just glad we have another aussie CC representing us from down under! Also, ngl, kinda jealous. Keep up the great work mate!
@@Rpcj-151 haha thanks man! We need more Australians with high ping and bad takes lmao
Always nice to have a casual talk with the community
@@KagaLK7T2 I hope so!
Just keep making vids. man, majority of the playerbase are just casuals too, who some happened to be relatable as you, so do get overwhelmed and hope to watch some of ur future vids. cheers.
@@araara6673 thanks, yeah I guess why that’s resonating with people, casuals make up 95% of the entire player base which is us, you and me lol so maybe it’ll be fun.
@@TXB_Gaminggood video, and your voice is calming
@dzulaimanbaihaqqi6728 Thanks boss!
I am with you from day 1 on this channel and will be with you till the end keep making good and honest content.
Well thank you man! That means a lot, I'm just like all of you, normal players, I just happen to have a mic.
Well.. The majority of the players are casual anyway, so don't get overwhelmed by that.
And sometimes there's too much drama in both communities, so it's good to watch chill videos like this once in a while.
Glad ur enjoying the game so far. hope you keep making vids. 👍
oh yeah, and congrats for 2k subs
Yeah I'm just gonna be the chill guy sitting in the back with a small group of people doing our own things haha
Thanks Zack! based name, Zack is one of the best FF characters, outside my boi Cloud ofc
your vids are great man, keep it up. i'm always on the lookout for commentary videos to listen to while drawing!
Thanks a lot Amy! I'll do my best to annoy you all with my rambling lol
Nice chill vid! Great change of pace from all the usual videos in the gacha space. If you don't mind me sharing a tip since you're planning to get Changli's weapon on her rerun - building Spectro Rover with the Eternal Radiance set would be a great option as she can make great use of Changli's weapon as well. Even more so as you're aiming for Shorekeeper too.
Grats on the sub count and looking forward to the next report!
Thanks, I'm glad people somehow enjoyed it lol I want to definitely but, if she reuns with Brant, after Phoebe, while SK might reruns soon .. and Zani ... oof haha
I think I wanna actually build Spec Rover now, they look a great from the buffs I am seeing, Is that the new dps spectro set on frazzle? I think farming for carlotta I farm both so it's efficient farm tbh
600 to 2k is crazy bro, youll be on the top soon if this keeps up fr
haha thanks, I don't want to be on top I just want to have a small community of people to have fun with, we'll see what happens!
1. Welcome to WuWa
2. Some weapon recommendations are: Changli's signature weapon (best stat stick sword for all sword users), Jinshi or Jiyan's weapon (Both are pretty good stat stick weapons for broadblade users but i prefer Jinshi's), Yinlin's weapon (best rectifier and weapon in the game for dps and sub-dps units), Xiangli Yao's weapon and Camellya's weapon are pretty strong on them if you decide to main them. Shorekeeper and Zhezhi's weapons are luxury pulls since not only are they not as flexible as other weapons, they also get outclassed by a few 4 star weapons for Shorekeeper and Yinlin's weapon for Zhezhi but you can still pull them since they are good on them.
3. For the Battlepass weapons (and any free resources in boxes), they get sent to your inventory for later use and for the BP weapons specifically, any of the crit rate ones are a decent choice if you don't have a 5 star crit weapon already.
I call BS on Changli. I mean, maybe, but everyone should have Emerald of Genesis. Hard agree on Stringmaster, it's too usefull
@doommaker4000 Changli's weapon gives out a lot of crit damage and it's passive is just usable on all sword characters to an extent. It's just as viable as Emerald depending on your echo stats and trace talents
I remember you from BBS dude. Glad to see you’re on a new path and doing well.
Oh wow! Heya! Thanks, it’s been SO long since bbs, and I’ve done YT again properly, so so many years now. I’ll give it another random shot and see what happens in my spare time!
Yooooo, I remember you from back in the brave souls days! Glad to see you still making content, and playing wuwa at that. Keep it up, your characters are looking damn good for where you’re at rn, the good echo rolls will come in time
Yooo, that was SO long ago! Like we're talking upwards of maybe 8 years LOL I feel so old now when that gets brought up even tho I was young (I might die soon)
Yeah I decided randomly last week to give it another crack, I'm rusty it's been FAR too long!
i love these yapping videos, and they gave me the idea of indoctrinating my friends into this game, which i now have, so i can yap to them about it. currently saving up for phoebe, brant and their sigs(I need to pray for good rng)
also changli is peak in every way, i love her
haha thanks man, let's pray we can win more summons soon, I want all the stuff you do basically
@@TXB_Gaming we will win, trust 🙏
a nice video!
Some echo tips.
For Changli(yes u say it as it is written) for 3 cost echo's get Fusion damage% ones, same for every other character and crit rate from the Boss echo's.
Get the Nightmare echo's for all characters u use, they give a 10% increased damage bonus of their element(same for all Rinacita bosses) on top of the set bonuses. so use that to your advantage.
Echo xp materials is something of a hassle to get but just do sidequests(lots of hidden ones) or just hunt for chests.
1 character i can recommend u should try out is Lumi, she has a very unique attack style switching by attacking while sprinting and melee so fun to build if u got the rest done.
The BP weapon is in a box, check your inventory, u probably picked up alot of echo boxes as well so use them for what u need.
Critrate on (4) echoes are only rly good if the weapon equipped is critdmg or att% - if you can't pull 50% critchance then it's a good start out, but later you always want to swap to critdmg in the above scenarios
@@SmokersTars Isn't max CR roll 10%?
It's great that you've picked WuWa and ZZZ - because gorgeous characters beating the brakes off monsters is truly the substance of life itself!
Also, until Ananta, NTA and DNA come out, they are the only gachas I'm playing right now.
* It's pronounced "Chung-Lee"
EDIT: Grab the rectifier on the standard weapon banner - Encore and Verina both can use it.
Those two are the best in the market rn looking forward to new releases and we' ve definetly entered a new gacha gaming era and depending on compagnies and developpers it could lose some of the deserved and not deserved bad rep it held for long now in the general public eyes. its looking quite promising since 2024 at least !
beating things up with cool animations, hot characters, sick music, honestly could live get any better? haha
Love your vibe and energy!! I'm a week one player, completed and 100% everything. I'm currently prefarming for Brant and will save for Zani!! But since Brant is still fairly far away, I am building Lumi, she's a very fun character who is mainly a sub dps and buffer, but I'm trying her out as a main dps HAHA
Also Havoc Rover is VERY OP especially for your account!! She carries me in tower XD I personally would say save your weapon pulls for now. Static Mist is really good on Mortefi as a buffer but only if you have a dps to benefit from it!
I'm an avid fan of WuWa and I'm very glad you're enjoying your time!
ps. Changli main here, she is the love of my life
Thanks! I heard Lumi was fun but, her buff doesn't last long enough to benefit Carlotta Ult or something? maybe I'm thinking another unit not sure.
Havoc and Spectro both look so good tbh, I'm so happy they're useful
@@TXB_Gaming Not sure what you could be referring to but if it's to buff Carlotta ult, Lumi & Taoqi's outro is perfect since you don't have Zhezhi! You will just have to Carlotta ult quickly after switching. Build Taoqi for faster rotation but Lumi for extra damage!
I feel the same, Rover is SO powerful, I can't wait to see their future Resonant types!
i am very exited, it's hard to believe that you are new to content creation, i love your style, very exited 🔥🔥🔥
That's so nice of you, thank you!
Wuwa community is growing day by day 🍀
You guys have been so nice, it's so refreshing !
let's goo good to see you re enjoying it
I am very much thank you!
I'm glad to see you're still having fun! When it comes to your strategy on the standard weapon banner, I think it really just depends on the characters you're planning to use currently and in the near future. If you think you might use more than one pistol character in a team, then grab the gun as your second pick. If not, then I'd suggest just getting copies of the Emerald of Genesis sword to amp up its effect since there's already a lot of sword characters. The other weapon types aren't that great aside from the sword and gun since they lack any crit stats. They're totally fine for a sub-DPS of course, but generally aren't weapons you'll use much in the long term. They certainly have a place for an early-game account, but if you're willing to hold off until you get a limited 5-star of each weapon type you can just focus on beefing up your Emerald of Genesis (especially since you have Carlotta's weapon already). That's what I personally chose to do, but obviously that's hardly an objective correct decision. My Emerald of Genesis is already rank 3 as a result and feels quite nice with room to grow yet.
Looking forward to seeing more of your future content!
Thanks for the tips Phantom!
Your growth is impressive! And well deserved too!
Ah thank you again Aron!
Carlotta does NOT do any liberation damage, her liberation is considered resonance skill damage, not sure if you knew that.
the comments are humbling me and now my echos are even worse than I thought they already were LOL dammit
I like this very off-script content. You have me listening in the background while I play Resident Evil 4. Which is very fun.
tysm! also, Remake yeah?? CAUSE THE REMAKE IS SO GOOD!
@TXB_Gaming Exactly! The Remake!Awesome content from you btw Wholesome, drama-free content. Just a casual player who enjoys the game without paying too much attention to toxic people. You have a new subscriber!
I came back to the game on January 2nd of this year and have had some much fun. its been around 32 days and I've gotten Carlotta and her weapon and zhezhi and now I am saving for shore keeper I cant wait to see the future of my account and yours!
Dude let's gooo!! Zhezhi too that's awesome, I can't wait to see what another 30 days holds for us, glad to see others having fun!
Looking forward for your content in a future also Im glad that your trying out wuwa
Thanks Fire, having so much fun!
A little flying tip incase you didn't know.
I saw in your previous video that you used grapple hook switching in to flying gadget.
There's a much more convenient method:
Jump - attack - dash(air flip) - attack -> fly
How this works: "when you do a drop down attack (attack mid air), your character gain a little height before dropping down. Cancel the drop with another input will let you keep on climbing higher."
(doesn't work with changli because her air attack doesn't raise height, on the final attack you need to do full air combo until the phoenix rise then you can fly)
I will def give that a go, thanks for the tips!
wow 2.4k subs already. slowly, dont need to rush to build up.
I really wish I was growing so much slower, I feel kinda awful lol
Congratulations on 2k in such a short time
I hope one day I can say I've earned it first, it's been a bit much lol
One thing about Encore: She goes decently well with Changli in a double DPS setup, which is something you might be interested in since you like both the characters
Cheers, I def wanna build her one day!
A tip tegarding your carlotta. While most of her damage does come from her liberation, it is actually considered as resonance skill damage, so you should ho for resonance skill damage bonus substats on your echos if possible
Yup slowly being humbled in the comments on how my mid Carlotta is even worse than I thought LOL ahhh man, if they were all skill damage they would be been ok started pieces!
Just letting you know, great video bro.
Keep it up.
Really kind of you, thanks Daiki!
@@TXB_Gaming np bro! loved your 2.1 preview reaction btw!
@ ❤
This game is so pretty
I wish you could play it Snow! Looks even better in person on a system that can actually run it lol
@@TXB_Gaming honestly I think I’ll just play it on mobile at this point
@ mobile is bad quality
omg I haven't seen u since the bbs days glad to see ur vids again
LOL those days were SO long ago! maybe even upwards of 6-8 years! Yeah I haven't *really* don't YT since, but, I've been playing these gacha for a long while and idk man, just wanted to give it another crack and see what happened, can't hurt!
verina or healers in general dont really need that much investment other than er so yours will work perfectly fine. I really enjoyed how chill the video was
ah thank you so much, glad some people don't mind it
I'm glad to see a new player to wuwa, I welcome you with open arms, even tho I'm a nobody xd
Thank you lemon-senpai for welcoming me haha I appreciate it!
Definitely much much prefer your more chill casual content compared to other CCs, no hate to them, ill def sub to this channel, also one tip as a carlotta main, you want skill dmg not liberation dmg, she scales off skill dmg, even her liberation scales off skill dmg
Thanks Rose, that's really nice of you to say honestly! I'll keep trying my best and see what happens, and yeah, my comments are educating me on how those mid piece are even worse than I thought LOL
Of all the regions in Wuwa, Mt Firmament is the region I always go back to everyday after doing dailies and will stay there probably 20-30mins just to lurk around. Still my favorite region of all of them.
It's so pretty, I was blown away the difference in quality once I got there.
True encore is fun, try her in quickswap team, changli+encore+verina is really fun to play. Also have you finished encore's story quest?
You don't need to fully build Verina, she only used to buff the team through her outro skill, and her healing doesn't really matter. Basically how people use her is quickly max her concerto for outro skills with basic attack 3 4 5, skill, and liberations then swap to dps/sub dps. Her best weapon is 4* weapon "variation".
Also, I suggest you to fully build both spectro and havoc Rover, she is cracked.
I have not done the companion quests nearly at all yet tbh, I have a LOT to do! Yeah I wish I had that variation weapon, sadly can't do much about it if I don't get it yet, sad.
I think I wanna build spectro first now ngl, they got mega buffed from my little understanding and they look SO good and might pair really well with Phoebe etc
For an 30+ day progress acc looking pretty good progress. Nothing wrong with enjoying Wuwa casually ^_^ Been chilling these days slowly 100% 2.0 map.
That Carlota looking pretty well build ngl my is close to the same build got her 2200ish att% 76% crit and 280 crit dmg with her weapon being a day one player. Only upgrade for me is the 4 cost to roll better to get a double crit stats to getting more crit dmg and liberation rolls. For Changli hope you can farm up the Nighmare Inferno Rider from the 2.0 map its her bis 4 cost with crit dmg main stat and the double crit sub stats. GL in the future rolls.
Thanks Tigrion! I'm having fun ngl, I hope some characters will look better in a months time but, I'm focusing too much on maps and quests haha
@@TXB_Gaming Awesome play it at your own pace having fun is the most important thing in a game at the end of the day 😆
Some points you might not be aware of:
For Verina there is a quest in Rinascita called "Shadow of Towers" that give you a very decent 4* weapon with ER and healing bounus and you can craft the refinement if you want.
Carlotta scales of resonance skill not resonance liberation. It takes some getting used to but where the damage comes from has no relation to what type of dmg they do. E.g. Encore in her ult deals basic attack dmg which is why Sanhua works so well for hypercarry Encore.
Once you have your main dps built it's well worth to invest into characters like Sanhua and even the supports for a little more comfort.
Jinhsi is Carlotta level broken dps. If you want a second broken DPS she's a great choice but there will be more of those too so your choice.
You will want a second support for endgame. Shorekeeper is an excelent pick and her signature weapon makes building her really trivial.
To be well set up for endgame you want 3 teams (two can share a support). But you also don't have to rush to get there.
Mortefi is great for Jiyan, Yuanwu works well for Jinhsi, Danjin can also be played more sane in a Danjin/Havoc Rover quick swap team, Yangyang is not super good but always a semi viable option as she gets her outro pretty fast. Sanhua is probably the most versitile 4*.
For Carlotta you can use someone like Sanhua, Yangyang or even Lumi/Taoqi though non of them are super good options compared to the premium option.
For Changli Brant might be the missing piece for her team so keep that in mind when desciding if you should pull on Phoebe or not.
The 4* weapon from the Battlepass are all kind of meh especially since you end up with more 5* weapons compared to other games. I'd just leave them sitting there unless you activly need a weapon for someone you know you wont be getting a 5* for. There are some cases (e.g. Roccia) that have crit rate breakpoints so those are cases where a crit 4* might be more valuable than a non-crit 5* weapon.
Hope some of this is helpful :)
These are some really good tips thank you! Gonna write them down actually somewhere to keep an eye on things, much appreciated friend.
Look forward on your future content 😎
I really like this content cause its how i approach the game. Im casual in terms of the amount of time i put into the game, but im not casual in terms of actually learning how to play. Im new and i will play only with Danjin and maybe Sanhua too when i reach UL45. Not like for a challenge thing, i just enjoy her playstyle so much more than the other characters. Only 5 stars i really really like are Jinhsi and Changli because their designs are crazy good, but in terms of raw gameplay Danjin and Sanhua are just much more fun to me.
Oh for Verina you should probably use Variation which is a 4 star weapon you may have. I think its her bis weapon. Someone correct me if im wrong.
@@sagansagan5395 appreciate that Sagan! Another up and coming Danjin main haha oh no 😂
Yeah I don’t have variation, I did just get a good 4* weapon from a quest in Rinacita which will be great for now, so it’ll have to do
Just 1 note for build Carlotta Resonance Liberation dmg bonus don't work on her, she only need Resonance Skill dmg bonus but Chang Li and Jing Si can use Resonance Liberation and Resonance Skill dmg bonus
Yeah, comments are humbling me hah and now she sucks more than I thought lol
You should prioritize upgrading 3 main dps for your accounts. Spending resource on Rover is super valuable in this game. For your support, they don't even need upgraded echoes. Just put on them the correct set and they'd do just fine
For the next month, you should prioritize upgrading spectro rover and use them as a healer/ buffer until you can get Shorekeeper.
You might also want to consider rolling Jinhsi. She's basically the same importance as an Archon, both in lore & power level
Yeah I think I wanna do spec Rover tbh, especially cause I'm gonna go for Phoebe now, and that'll be a decent team with those two, hopefully by end of month I can have them slightly up and running!
Especially if you are wanting to play encore 2 things: Get cosmic ripples because the 5 star weapons are leagues ahead of 4 star weapons. Build and run her with Brant and sanhua for her best team.
Also verina really wants to have the rectifier(catalyst) that gives concerto energy. The entire goal for team play is using concerto effects to buff the incoming characters.
That is also why sanhua is so strong. She can skill>burst>heavy>echo cast and be out in like 2-4 seconds with a massive basic attack buff which encore really likes.
Edit: The battle pass weapon drops as a box you can open to select it. It will be in your backpack. They are better than most 4 star weapons for DPSs but 5 stars have such a massive base attack difference that it they just can't compete.
For Zani we just need to wait. Supposedly she is going to use an echo set we don't even have access to yet. Phoebe probably won't be necessary for her but we just don't know yet.
Thanks for the tips! I will probably hold off the weapon for now tbh, just until I actually NEED it on the day for someone and don't have many options, altho Ripples is looking like the best option for my current Verina cause she has no other option, and maybe future Encore etc or even Phoebe maybe!
You thought the yapping would scare people off, but being an Aussie creator means I'm sticking around for sure.
In response to a couple of your questions and thoughts throughout the report:
1. How to pronounce Changli? If you go by EN VA's you're right on the Street Fighter call. Jinshi has a line about Changli and she goes the SF route.
2. Regarding your question about the standard weapon banner. Given you have Carlotta's gun there may not be as much of a need for for the 5* gun. If you also weren't sold on getting the 5* rectifier from the standard weapon banner, Encore can absolutely get away with using the 4* Battle Pass rectifier, and the battle pass weapon can be easily gotten to R5. Shorekeeper wants her own weapon for sure. And unless you wanted to build a gauntlet or broadblade character, you could choose to ignore the other weapons.
3. It's interesting to consider the jump in map quality between Huanlong (1.0 area) to Mount Firmament (1.1) and the Black Shores (1.3). While the 1.X areas are smaller, the jump in theme and consistency for each new area is great to enjoy.
Either way, hope to see you yapping at your own pace.
Thanks bro! Glad to see people semi enjoying things so far, let's see who still is in a month lol
yeah the map quality is staggering, especially considering I did it all back to back in a month.
Appreciate the tips!
Your Verina is built perfectly. All you need is to use the healing set and give her energy regen.
If you ever come across a weapon named Variation, give it to her.
100% wish I had variation! Seems an absolute must for Verina
Ah i see, a fellow changli enjoyer. without spoiling anything i would recommend saving your guarantee for brant, they might or might not be very good with her :)
26:10 Oh lmao 😂
My rule has always been not to pull reruns for dps. Especially for a character like changli who requires quickswap and heavy inbestment.
But shes so cool and hot at the same time im probly gonna pull her.
Her moveset us the coolest in the game next to elctro k-pop man and carlotta.
Probably gonna have fun learning quickswap rotations with her and carlotta
Dude i got an idea you can do for your next video, why not do a community tips video where since you do check our comments, compile the tips they have given you and try them out to demonstrate if the tip works or if it doesn't so that in that next video it can be corrected, helping you and future players out
I think you are doing well and its awesome that you are a breath of fresh air in this!!
Thanks for the cool idea! If only I had the time, at the moment haha I will def make a list of tips from this videos and follow up on them next report, and see what I did and didn't do.
Appreciate the kindness, thanks Bryan
Also, Cosmic Ripples is probably the best weapon if you wanna play Encore, 2 swords is good as well since it’s very likely you may be using 2 sword characters in the same team. And the upcoming character Brant is Changli’s new best partner.
you get the battle pass weapon CHEST, which you can just open at a later date depending on what you need, the chest doesnt expire too, so you can keep 5 chests or more until you need a character for a R5 4star weapon
Thank god it doesn't expire, I will keep it there for a rainy day then!
Just in case you're not aware, Encore is not just fun - she's actually really strong and on par with most of the limited dps characters when built! In fact, considering the current state of the game, there might even be an argument to be made about her being stronger than Changli in the fusion DPS department.
Just gotta get used to her playstyle but man, that little girl can kick some serious ass and I love her to bits too!
Hopefully when things calm down I can invest into her more, she’s so adorable I want beat the crap out of things with her lol
Congrats on the subs budd and if i have to give an advice for the weapon it would be not to pull a 5star yet. If you get your hands on the Variation give it to Verina she can use it a lot. As for the characters if u see yourself in short of dmg in the tower you can pull jinhsi she has one of the most damages in the game with the help of the shore keeper u just have to build her. As for the battle pass weapon u can save it. It's in your inventory as the form of a loot box. I'd recommend not to build mortefi yet cause you'll need Jiyan with him to work properly and hes not going to come back very soon cause he had a rerun recently. As for other things I'm sure u can handle them very well cause u played genshin a lot. Once again, welcome to the community and keep on growing on those subs👍👍👌
Thanks for the advice!
I played on release and stopped on Jinshi banner (and won the 5050 for her) and came back for Roccia's banner and im loving it. I just 100% the entire map and started grinding for Brant's echo set, pulled 3 double crit er pieces today on set too 🙏
Heck yeah! I don't even know which is his set yet, I haven't looked into him in weeks, I hope I get good rng rolls eventually too haha
@@TXB_Gaming its tidebreaking courage, the only set without a tacet field 😔
Playing casually since launch, i almost have every echo set built after planning and farming a lot in coop.
In the last 30 days, I have built Carlotta's echoes, the new spectro echo set, and 3 nightmare echoes. I have 100% the map of rinascita. Looking forward to the next update, planning to build every echo set slowly while getting a good nightmare echo.
P.S. 7:47 Just say every name the way you could, lol. If you want to know how to pronounce some word, maybe take a look at the character voiceline. A voice line from Phoebe in the main story when saying 'wuthering waves' sound so good.
Damn you’re cooking! I hope in the following months I can easily build more.
Yeah I didn’t realise I could just look at that to see how it’s pronounced that’ll make me dumb life so much easier lol I’ll do that tonight cheers!
So Changli encore is a pretty good team, as is Changli Carlotta. Since you don't have Jiyan, investing in mortefi isn't really worth it at present. Since you already have Verina, going for a standard weapon would be best, likely the catalyst, though the pistol is a good long term investment for any other pistol users that may come out. Looking good so far though 🙂 also just hit 30* on the ToA for the first time so that was pretty exciting
Thanks for the info! and DUDE LET'S GO! Always hype to see people clear end game in any game for the first time, very rewarding feeling.
I recommend pulling on Jinhsi’s weapon banner, we don’t have many good broadblade characters besides her but a crit rate weapon with high attack is always good and the main reason to pull is to get Variation, the 4 star which is rated up on that banner and is also insanely good and second BIS for all the healers right now even at r1 (Baizhi, Verina, Shorekeeper)
if I had spare gems to justify rolling a weapon for future units I 100% would, but gotta focus on the now just incase, don't wanna miss a unit or their weapon in the now. Sucks variation is on it tho, might not be back for a while then!
Good video. Also my main is Changli as well.
Why thanks for watching this casual yap! and YES! I'm so happy to see so much Changli love
@TXB_Gaming I like both WuWa and ZZZ. This is great time to play decent gacha games. I play many other gacha games (eg. Blue Archive, Nikke, Reverse1999, PrincessConnect, HeavenBurnsRed, HSR, etc.) But drop many games as well. WuWa I spend money a bit such as BP and monthly subscription. Got every characters and limited weapons from 1.0~2.0 except Roccia+her limited weapon due to losing 50/50.
HELL YAH ,AS SOMEONE who loves gaming but barely gets time to cause YK (WORKLIFE) i found another mate who likes the same games too.cause both ZZZ AND WUWA, these games dont take toomuch of my time.✋️😊🤚 and is breath of fresh air more rewarding and less dragged down than otheers .😊😊😊❤
Hahah LETS GO NO WORK LIFE BROTHERS! yeah luckily on days where I’m busy in 15-20 mins both are done and I’m out.
Thanks for checking the video out bro!
Sanhua doesn't need almost anything, she just needs the ATK buff echo, you don't even need to lvl it up, maybe just lvl her up just so she doesn't get 1 shot in the Towers, her ult gets fully recharged by the time you switch back to her and use her skill.
some advice for future. when u get bad echoes lvled dont use them as fodder for other echoes. destroy them u get more mats back. sanhua and yang yang are good sub dps units for all round. if you get a dps and have no sub dps then one of them can fill the slot. lvl baizhi just cuz ur gunna want three healers eventually and theres no info on a new healer coming anytime soon. you dont have to prioritize it though until you are building teams for toa. i commented on your lil post as well. look forward to seeing your account grow. also looking forward to a discord.
im also a changli main btw. s6r1.
Baizhi turned out to work very well with Carlotta having a glacio DMG bonus integrated in her kit, deffo a very solid option, and she's free.
@@RejectedInch good point. i didnt even think about her synergizing with carlotta.
@@TheEmeraldKing1988 for me was an accidental discovery, tbh. I just wanted to start chewing on ToA and Baizhi for now is the only third healer in the game. Ofc the team buff is not comparable to neither Verina or Shorekeeper, but given that Baizhi scales off HP, is easy asf to build.
@@RejectedInch true. hopefully the next healer is hp based as well nd we can just switch over the echoes.
The gun is definitely the next best weapon, get sword & gun then whatever you like, I choose to spend in characters after the 2 weapons. Verina s2 is a game changer
for the standard weapons, the 1hand sword and gun for me are the only ones worth picking up but since you already have a 5* sword and carlotta's gun, just hold off on it for now, maybe down the line you'll get a new character that'll need a weapon and you'll have something to pick then
Yeah I think I'm gonna just hold onto them, and see what I may or may not need in the future tbh! Cheers!
Hello Xeno, great content btw. But just to let you know that the resonance liberation damage bonus on your Carlotta’s echos are not giving you anything at all. They are completely dead substats to her. This is because her resonance liberation does purely resonance skill damage. Carlotta actually has no way of doing any resonance liberation damage throughout her entire kit. This is also true for other characters such as jiyan and roccia as they also have no way of doing resonance liberation damage throughout their kit, because for them their resonance liberation does purely heavy attack damage. Hope this helps and continue to make content
Yup, comments are humbling me atm, which means my echos suck even more than I thought haha
Thanks for listening to me ramble, appreciate it!
I would say if you're ready to spend lightly, getting the battle pass is good.
The bp weapons are good and have crit rate main stat which allow you to be flexible in building chars.
(Everybody likes more pulls, so that's a small bonus too)
Yeah def have the BP as well since week 1, def worth it, and I'm happy to support the games that do well and give me fun.
Sooo I bought the Jinshi skin, I don't regret it for sure cuz shes amazing with it but hot daaamnn Sanhua's f2p skin totally beats it xD, the colours and the aesthetics used is pretty as heck.
It’s SO good for a f2p skin!! Jinhsi is great cause it also gets you a weapon gloss, really excited to see what other skins they start making
@@TXB_Gaming Yeah, love the small stuff that they included on it too like sigils and nameplates which is pretty nice, I one day hope to get one for Shorekeeper.
At the time of her release Jinhsi was my account savior. I was already getting a bit tired of difficulty (at the time) and Yinlin was simply not cutting it to kill fast, lazy and casually (heh). Jinhsi made it all go away for a long time... not sure about now, but back then she had her high skill ceiling (like everything in WuWa) but her skill floor was right at my level and lower. So easy, so beautiful... and she was the first character with very chaotic moveset baked into combos and that saved me from oneshot bs so many times it's not even funny. Account savior she were.
Zani though... ohhh... she have shield in story cutscenes, which in WuWa combat may not mean anything specifically, but... anyway... I'm waiting too :). (I don't think Kuro is blind to her reception, no way)
Jihnsi looks like the perfect, easy to use, big damage blow stuff up with flashy gameplay haha
It terms of build, Mortefi is a solid coordinated attack sub dps( damage of field with his ulti) and he buffs heavy attacks on outro + team atk at R6. Atm you dont have characters that need him. But Static Mist is a good weapon overall(both crit rate, atk buff and energy regen). Idt you'll regret to have a copy of it long term in case there's any future gun support in the game. And perhaps copy of emerald genesis after that. Tho not sure you'd need it that much if you are planning to get Changli weapon. Its generally better than standard sword. I wouldn't stress over standard weapons now tbh. Just save pulls for when you feel you need them. You'll get plenty of standards from events and map exploration rewards to decide later.
Standard Rectifier is not recommended for Verina. Energy regen 3* would do fine for now. Her best weapon atm is 4* Variation if you manage to get it on some weapon banner. It's energy regen + concerto energy(builds her outro skill faster). Thats basically her only purpose as she buffs on her Outro skill. For her healing lvl6 skill/forte/ulti is more than enough with Rejuvenating set. Don't bother with her other skills.
I personally recommend to build spectro rover. It's even better now than Havoc Rover. She's busted with new Eternal Radinace set. I did holograms 6 with her and my echo rolls are bad lol
Danjin is actually really good character. Even poorly built she can solo 1-3 levels of ToA. Same with Chixia. Those 3 alongside Sanhua are best 4* in the game that still hold their ground. But Sanhua doesn't really need building unless you want to play her as dps. What is needless as you alread have Carlotta. Sanhua is switch-in/switch-out girl. Unless you want to,that is.
We'll have to see what new end game is gonna be like, but atm for ToA you generally want 2 fully built teams + 1 subpar dps to clear lower levels(1-3), hence Danjin and Chixia.
Very solid advice! Thanks so much for helping me out!
For my progress report, I've neglected doing my holograms for a very long time. I've only finished the original group last week, and beat Sentinel a couple days ago. Only Crownless and Rider left to do. Besides that, I'm just doing dailies and minor farming for Phoebe until 2.1.
ChangLi is pronounced with an "ah" sound like in "charge". This goes for anything in mandarin or japanese. "A" sounds are pronounced the same way, with an "ah".
Are the holograms that tough in general or? Obviously it’s hard to tell for me being not max level yet.
And got it! I’ll try next time lol
@@TXB_Gaming They're the hardest content in the game by far, even more so underleveled. But they are very much doable. The fights are fun though (except Sentinel. Hate that fight lol)
I started at the same time as you which is neat. I've got s0r1 Carlotta and Jinhsi as well as a Verina and sadly s1 iceboy and I managed to 24 star ToA this rota. I used Carlotta Verina and Yangyang/Sanhua on both floor 4s.
For Verina her bis is a 4star gacha weapon called Variation. Otherwise I'm pretty sure the 3star ER weapon is still good. I'd say get the Encore weapon if you plan to use her and otherwise either save it for a character you plan to get in the future and don't want a signature or get another sword. Game has too many good sword users.
Carlotta ult is skill damage as I'm sure others have noted.
BP does give a weapon but i personally don't see much use for the 4star crit weapons in this game unlike in Genshin so I haven't claimed it yet. IDK what to get from it either.
Havoc Rover still at S5 max don't worry.
Get Verina a Variation, this weapon passive is like overture you equipped on Sanhua which makes you do your rotation faster. Syntonize (upgrade) these weapons
Shorekeeper is a must have for every account
Yes Phoebe uses the new spectro echo set
Can't wait for 2.1 🎉
Thessaleo falls exploration quest gives you a great verina weapon - you get 1 piece, and the recipe to craft more with blacksmith using fools gold. A easy grind and a good f2p option
Excellent, until I get variation I might do this!
I’ll tune in for casual WuWa/ZZZ yap 👍
Thanks Sophie haha glad it wasn't so bad
18:36 Static Mist is pretty good, but mostly [not as a slapstick] a support/sub dps weapon (20% atk boost), so it's rather limited in uses for now, especially compared to Emerald. But still, atk boost from sonata effect + imp. heron echo skill + Static Mist (+ Morteffi's heavy atk. boost for heavy atk users) is noticable.
I really appreciate the casual video style. I'm kind of bored of "essay" youtube meta.
with verina you park her at level 50 or 60 because you only care about getting all of her forte nodes unlocked. level her skill and ult if you want but nothing else. get her some attack, fallacy 4 cost with healing bonus main stat for main echo, and some ER and call it a day.
also: her BIS weapon is a 4 star with 5 copies which you’ll get from pulling anyway
TOA is fairly easy to complete once you have 3 dps built, subs and supports are optional to build as long as you have variation and overture.
tip- changli doesnt really need her sword, since the free 5 star is great for her, and there isnt much of a damage difference
Yeah I could easily skip but I really love her, would like her to be the best I can make her! Have to see when her rerun comes, but I have a feeling its gonna be with brant
@@TXB_Gaming honestly its worth it just because it looks good with her. Sadly im broke on pulls and wont be able to get it
Hi and sorry for my poor English. Verina ‘s bis is “variation” 4 star rectifier it gives concerto upon skill cast and luckily it is rate up on current banner but going for 4 stars feels bad as usual😊. If you decide to get at least try on Jinhsi’s weapon banner because this one at least universal than Roccia’s (currently only she able to use). And in long run 2 copy needed because sometimes 2 team need for events and one healer buffer for each side cannot able to share weapon like ToA, I made a mistake i syntonize my second copy Variation to other then when i pull Shorekeeper i regret that, luckily i get in this banner one copy again.For standart weapon, second sword good but you say you get Changli ‘s weapon in future so choices up to you, i have 2 standart sword but i pull Camellya ‘s too, more sword not hurt. All sub dps sword users Sanhua, yangyang, etc appreciate 5 star swords. One other weapon worth to pull is gun because crit rate weapon, Mortefi and Chixia are possible users. JulleeusToo always do beginner free character team ToA runs each reset you can able to see Chixia’s performance in his videos, she output very respectable damage and she’s dodge counters hit like a truck.For Encore Yinlin’s weapon good but she rerun lately so next rerun takes time i guess.
Thanks for the tips Relx! Much appreciated friend
You can get all of Rovers sequences now. have you collected the windchimes in mt Firmament or the resonance caskets in Huanglong? The last one might be there.
ah I meant for Havoc Rover, the next one is in 2.1, just saw it on stream, I have all the spectro yup!
If you plan to pull Pheobe aim for cosmic ripples since you can also double dip with Encore (Encore is also a great quick swap pair with Changli)
Yeah decided after stream I'm gonna get her tbh, she looks so fun, and yeah maybe if I don't have another f2p option I'll grab Ripples!
Autumtrace and Augment are pretty good weapons just to have from the battlepass, Augment especially for Encore is really solid at R5 and a solid substitute for Yinlin's sig which is Encore BIS 👍
Best to save up the asterites and see the official kit for Brant whether he is indeed a great unit for Changli or not. That would be my suggestion. Unless you want to diversify your roster and aim for Pheobe.
He will be good for her, but by how much and what capacity I didn't actually look into in the *dreams* lol I want Phoebe too, she looks great. Ahhhh there's so many units ;__;
Found about you cause of Tectone doing a reaction to that video that blew up, I'm a day 1 player that have Changli, Camellya and Shorekeeper and now waiting for Phoebe to come home lol, Best 4 star weapon for Verina is the Variation weapon it has good ER, I need another for my Verina cause i use Shorekeeper more.
Phoebe looks really good I want them all ahhhhhhhh! Is Variation just an off banner weapon etc? So I just gotta pray or wait till a weapon banner comes around that has it?
@@TXB_Gaming I think it's on limited character weapons cause in the video i see the Variation weapon on Roccia and Jinshi weapon banners, I'm new to this type of gacha way cause i never played Genshin or open world before WuWa so idk that well sorry.
Seventeenths... Seventeenthss...
F it, my comment is #17.
Great video! It's really refreshing seeing unscripted opinion on something. And it's really pleasing to listen. Overall quality is top. 11/10. Great job!
Really appreciate the feedback Bard, thanks a lot man
@TXB_Gaming the only standard banner weapon that can outperform the limited is the Gun as it will give ATK on the outro, the problem is atm this is only good on two characters and they both only really buff Jiyan, so if you are planing a long game investment get the gun if your want to play it more by ear just get a weapon you need for a DD once you fail to pull there weapon (or chose not to) and save the pull till then
For Verina just take the Fallacy of No Return as her cost 4.
If you want her to heal...
Reach about 1.2~1.3k ATK
230% or above Energy Regen
Her weapon should be the 4 star weapon Variation (it is her best weapon)
You're good.
Good tips thank you! Sadly don't have variation but hopefully sooner than later
@TXB_Gaming np! For now you can make do with any weapon that has ER% (even the three star one) for Verina
However, Variation just upgrades the Verina experience (I'm using Verina myself at a moderately low investment) and she rotates at less than 4 seconds while healing 2.2k per stack of her forte.
Goodluck building your characters!
Also you can just slap any moonlit clouds on Sanhua and any ER% weapon (even the 3 star one counts, I'm using it myself) that isn't Brant's (his is ER and he is coming soon)
Hmmmm.... interesting....
In the last 30 days I pulled Roccia and leveled her to 90. She stole Rover's Echoes because I have no tunners.
I also got the ToA to 27.
Also technically "finished" Rinascita (story and exploration), so I have been hunting Achievements.
Thanks for the video.
oh nice one! hope you're enjoying Roccia, she was so fun, I love her, but I can't get them all sadly. Plus as a sub dps havoc buffer, she doesn't do much for me for now.
I hope when I have some more time soon I can start finishing the maps, especially with 2.1 around the corner