Love this...OMG Ariana is such a gem...and Deepika please bring more such PPL Selena Mell Ribbons...Something on social media burnout job stress ....Sending positivity all your way....God Bless
Wow! Its amazing to see the conversations between strong, productive and professional women! How wonderfully they spoke! Kudos to you Deepi🎉❤ and Mrs Ariana. Spectacular teachings!
I'm overwhelmed from the 2024 edition of - The Live Love Laugh Foundation lecture series . Founder : Deepika Padukone in conversation with the inspiring Arianna Huffington as they discuss , " The Journey to Well Being ". Deepika Padukone is my personal favourite . From this conversation I've learned so many valuable lessons that I'll keep with me forever . Huffington's passion for mental health is contagious and has made learning it truly enjoyable . The way she explain complex topic is clear , concise , and engaging . I appreciate the way you explain us . I love the way you said ; " Sometimes The Things That Go Wrong Open Doors For The Things That Go Spectacularly Right ". " Life Is A Dance Between Making It Happen And Letting It Happen " . Thanking you both for this inspirational lecture series of 2024 . Huffington's , you'll have my heart forever . God bless you both ❤️❤️
Lots of lots of love Deepika Ma'am to u and ur daughter and congratulations to the whole family. And thanks for ur and to the live love laugh foundation for the phenomenal work in removing the stigma attached with mental health. ❤
Deepika s lecture series are so thoughtfully curated, that box breathing is taught in UK patient for shortness of breath for palliative care patients as well as.. Her work for mental health is commendable.. sharing her platform with millions of followers around the world.. Thank you .. Hope INDIANs value her efforts .. ❤❤❤
Thankyou Araiana, and special thanks to DP. I get tears in my eyes whenever you talk about mental health cause i know how much it affects a human. Ive been dealing with anxiety from last 2 years and on every special day, there's a sense of anxiousness in me.. last month was super tough, but here i am writing it all, smiling that if you can ,then i can and all of us can. Thankyou.❤ Ps- Hanuman Chalisa helps me a lot.🙏🏽
Thank you mam for this wonderful lecture. I listed down few key points- 1. Down time is feature not a bug for human being 2. Schedule one meeting to discuss negative 3.just think about 3 things for which you are greatfull for while brushing your teeth 4.binge watch series when you ate pn trade mill 5.anxiety and greatfull ness never stay together
Learnt so many new ways to deal with life in a better way. New ideas like doing treadmill while watching TV and 60 seconds meditation etc. are superb ideas. Thank you Deepika and Ariana . And thanks to Anisha and LLL❤ ❤❤❤❤
Deepika padukone one day she will receive the nobel prize for peace.. she will be the first and THE ONLY actress in the history who will have it .. remember my name ... fadila from Algeria 🇩🇿.. today is the 14 October 2024 .. 4pm12min
Whenever we talk about removing the stigma around Mental Health in India, Deepika's name will one of the foremost names. Her contribution in this aspect will always be revered.
Why does the media bring Deepika padukon for mental health awareness programs as if she is the only one who is suffering from depression........ Every one might have forgotten the death of bollywood Actor Susanth and the investigation brought out the involvement of his girlfriend and bollywood drug mafia...... Deepika 's chat was prominent those days...... This laday was a chronic drug abuser and developed depression later on. In front of the camera she mimics like she got severe depression all of a sudden.... How sad. 😢😢😢😢 and people shead tears 💧💧💧in sympathy....... Bring a woman or a man who went through a tragedy in life which leads to depression for the awareness program... Not a drug abuser like her......
I love the way Madam Ariana always mention Deepika's name...she so smooth and this lecture❤
Love this...OMG Ariana is such a gem...and Deepika please bring more such PPL Selena Mell Ribbons...Something on social media burnout job stress ....Sending positivity all your way....God Bless
Keep the good work going. It is so empowering to have such conversations for people suffering from mental health issues.
Sending so much love to you deepika and the new babygirl ❤
Wow! Its amazing to see the conversations between strong, productive and professional women! How wonderfully they spoke! Kudos to you Deepi🎉❤ and Mrs Ariana. Spectacular teachings!
I'm overwhelmed from the 2024 edition of -
The Live Love Laugh Foundation lecture series .
Founder : Deepika Padukone in conversation with the inspiring Arianna Huffington as they discuss , " The Journey to Well Being ".
Deepika Padukone is my personal favourite .
From this conversation I've learned so many valuable lessons that I'll keep with me forever .
Huffington's passion for mental health is contagious and has made learning it truly enjoyable . The way she explain complex topic is clear , concise , and engaging . I appreciate the way you explain us . I love the way you said ;
" Sometimes The Things That Go Wrong Open Doors For The Things That Go Spectacularly Right ".
" Life Is A Dance Between Making It Happen And Letting It Happen " .
Thanking you both for this inspirational lecture series of 2024 .
Huffington's , you'll have my heart forever .
God bless you both ❤️❤️
Lots of lots of love Deepika Ma'am to u and ur daughter and congratulations to the whole family.
And thanks for ur and to the live love laugh foundation for the phenomenal work in removing the stigma attached with mental health. ❤
Such an insightful interview ❤thank you for the mental health awareness and destigmatization growing up n understanding it more thanks to Deepika
Lots of love ❤ Deepika... Doing the best job in nurturing so many lives 🥰
Deepika s lecture series are so thoughtfully curated, that box breathing is taught in UK patient for shortness of breath for palliative care patients as well as.. Her work for mental health is commendable.. sharing her platform with millions of followers around the world.. Thank you .. Hope INDIANs value her efforts .. ❤❤❤
What a wonderful and interesting interview. Great that Deepika made it about listening to Arianna and not making it about herself.
Thankyou Araiana, and special thanks to DP. I get tears in my eyes whenever you talk about mental health cause i know how much it affects a human. Ive been dealing with anxiety from last 2 years and on every special day, there's a sense of anxiousness in me.. last month was super tough, but here i am writing it all, smiling that if you can ,then i can and all of us can.
Ps- Hanuman Chalisa helps me a lot.🙏🏽
You can ..and YOU WILL SURVIVE 😊😊 .. I went to this journey and God was with me 😊... I know and I am SURE that God is BY YOURSIDE 😇
@@shl0000 thank-you🌺
Both these women embody resilience, intelligence and patience. Thanks for this beautiful conversation
Lots of love Deepika Padukone ❤
We love you Dp ❤
Thank you mam for this wonderful lecture.
I listed down few key points-
1. Down time is feature not a bug for human being
2. Schedule one meeting to discuss negative
3.just think about 3 things for which you are greatfull for while brushing your teeth
4.binge watch series when you ate pn trade mill
5.anxiety and greatfull ness never stay together
Deepika normalized the mental health landscape in India. I hope she deserves the recognition from our Govt
She would never get that from govt , bjp doesn't like her
Thanks Deepika for talking about your own struggles and normalising and breaking the stigma. You are an inspiration to many 😍🥰keep up the good work
Amazing conversation..peace in their mind reflecting and passing through this ❤️
Love this conversation ❤
So proud mam, all the respect for talking about mental health and continuing with these kind of efforts.all respect..
Learnt so many new ways to deal with life in a better way. New ideas like doing treadmill while watching TV and 60 seconds meditation etc. are superb ideas. Thank you Deepika and Ariana . And thanks to Anisha and LLL❤ ❤❤❤❤
Great pls do more lecture series ..
She's beautiful! : )
Amazing interview ❤
loved it!
This was great . I felt soo good watching this ❤
Enjoyed watching this thank you both ❤❤
Deepika padukone one day she will receive the nobel prize for peace.. she will be the first and THE ONLY actress in the history who will have it .. remember my name ... fadila from Algeria 🇩🇿.. today is the 14 October 2024 .. 4pm12min
Great one
I hugely respect Deepika for that interview she did with Barkha about her depression.Its must not have been easy for her.My love to her ❤
Great 🌹
Loved this🥹💕💕
Whenever we talk about removing the stigma around Mental Health in India, Deepika's name will one of the foremost names. Her contribution in this aspect will always be revered.
Хороша тема. Дипике и ее девочки желаю здоровья и любви мужа.❤❤❤ теперь троя их.
Very empowering 🫶🏼
Sending this with love to Narayan Murthy😂 …
14:00 to17:00 ( Deepika u need to do that again )
Thrive reset is unfortunately not available to individuals. Seems to be a business offering 😢
i lost respect to deepika once she rode the vin diesel gear box !!!
Why does the media bring Deepika padukon for mental health awareness programs as if she is the only one who is suffering from depression........ Every one might have forgotten the death of bollywood Actor Susanth and the investigation brought out the involvement of his girlfriend and bollywood drug mafia...... Deepika 's chat was prominent those days...... This laday was a chronic drug abuser and developed depression later on. In front of the camera she mimics like she got severe depression all of a sudden.... How sad. 😢😢😢😢 and people shead tears 💧💧💧in sympathy....... Bring a woman or a man who went through a tragedy in life which leads to depression for the awareness program... Not a drug abuser like her......