can Kamala Harris LEGALLY RUN FOR PRES?

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024


  • @retiredatforty
    @retiredatforty 2 місяці тому +29

    Is there a part of the Constitution that requires one not to be a vacuous airhead?

    • @geraldtarrant2748
      @geraldtarrant2748 2 місяці тому

      I mean that would eliminate Trump and the woman who they showed in the video using her platform to spread misinformation

    • @Quandale_wrinkle
      @Quandale_wrinkle 2 місяці тому +1

      FR LOL

    • @Aswaggoner
      @Aswaggoner 2 місяці тому +1

      Unfortunately not lol

    • @thecollector6746
      @thecollector6746 Місяць тому

      No. Just as it is not a part of The Constitution that prevents racist mouth breathers like you from pretending that a Black Woman who has accomplished more in Highschool than you have in your entire adult life or ever will is an "airhead"

    • @ImARealHumanPerson
      @ImARealHumanPerson Місяць тому +1

      She's not going to win. Don't worry.

  • @melantre
    @melantre 2 місяці тому +5

    So.... they're just ignoring that Trump's mother was a Scottish immigrant? If it applied to Kamala, it would apply to Trump 😅😅

    • @CrustyUgg
      @CrustyUgg 2 місяці тому

      She was born here. Wtf are you talking about?

    • @melantre
      @melantre 2 місяці тому +1

      @@CrustyUgg Mary Anne MacLeod Trump was born in Scotland.

  • @BullaCrustulum-k1y
    @BullaCrustulum-k1y Місяць тому +1

    Trump 2024!!!!

  • @beaudure01
    @beaudure01 2 місяці тому

    Were George Washington’s parents born in the U.S.?

  • @brandonehinger5385
    @brandonehinger5385 2 місяці тому +1

    I think u should b a born citizen to vote...

  • @jackwriter1908
    @jackwriter1908 2 місяці тому +5

    So could someone who was born in america but has the citizenship of another country (had it and later got a citizenship for ghe US) run for President?
    I heard something about having to live for a certain amount of time in the US to be able to run for it, but I am not sure if that was actually true...
    Actuall that reminds me of the Obama time where people kept claiming that he wasn't from the US and shit like that... I wonder if there is any relation? 😂

    • @teejay6776
      @teejay6776 2 місяці тому +2

      As long as you are born in the US, that's all it takes, period.
      The story you heard is mixing up requirements for citizenship and being naturally born, they are totally different. Even if you're parents are not from the US, it does not matter.
      Which is why many non citizens like to come to the US pregnant and have their baby here. That then gives them rights to the US as their baby is a natural born citizen. So they now stop women from entering the US, if they are heavily pregnant

    • @drmadjdsadjadi
      @drmadjdsadjadi 2 місяці тому

      There are three requirements to be elected to the office of President as listed in the original Constitutional text: be at least 35 years old, be a natural-born citizen, AND live in the U.S. for at least 14 years (does not need to be continuously). There is also a requirement (added later) that you have not previously been twice elected to the office of President (or once elected if you served more than half of another President’s term). Finally, you cannot have, after taking an oath to protect the Constitution, participate in an insurrection or give aid and comfort to our nation’s enemies (that is, don’t commit treason - this was also added later).
      There is nothing in the Constitution that prevents someone with dual citizenship from becoming president - this is actually a good thing because otherwise North Korea or Russia or Iran or some other country could just “bestow” citizenship on various politicians that they did not like to prevent them from running for POTUS (even if you do not want it, other countries can simply “give” you citizenship to mess with you).

  • @amyyoung8669
    @amyyoung8669 2 місяці тому +1

    Well, here’s the great part. Nobody voted for her to be the nominee. They have taken the vote from the Democratic people and just said here’s your nominee Weather you all like it or not I mean that is so disrespectful and concerning and no one seems to care about that. TRUMP 2024

  • @ElectricRose9001
    @ElectricRose9001 2 місяці тому

    Of all the rules we've broken, they want to concern troll about this??
    I already think the 35yo rule is stupid, 30+ should be more than good enough..Because I'd make the cut off point 65yo. 😊 You're old enough for the Early Bird Specials, you're too old to lead anybody. I also think that we should work toward 65 being the retirement age, and my idea to do that is tax everything over 1mil at 99%, make it illegal to become a billionaire (don't care what you do, spend it, gift it, donate, whatever) and do at least a 10 year audit for the top 5% of people. And no more tax havens! Tax haven = jail for life.

  • @brutusmaximus5380
    @brutusmaximus5380 2 місяці тому

    The law is setup to make it easy to become a U.S. citizen. The law is also setup to make it difficult to remove U.S. citizenship. You don't want to be a U.S. citizen.
    14th amendment citizenship was created to incorporate the offspring of freed slaves into the political body of the United States as protected property known as a "citizen", a type of jurudic person. Natural People aren't "persons" but they can be part of a person known as an individual. If you lookup the legal definition in the U.S. codes, a "person" can be made up of more than one individual. So a 14th amendment citizen is a "person" consisting of the United States and the individual beneficial owner. It is a trust [or bailment agreement] created by the mother and the state to ensure the beneficial arrangement of protection for the child. When laws enforcement uses the term, it is a reference to black "persons" who are part United States (the sovereign) and part 14th amendment citizen (negro child). Law enforcement's use of the term is akin to using the N-word as a form of veiled racism especially in the former confederate states.
    How did this happen? It starts with the Birth Certificate not the Certificate of Live Birth. On the Certificate of Live Birth, it has your name in First Initial Caps format. On your Birth Certificate it's in ALL CAPS format. That name on the Birth Certificate is not you. It is a name of an entity fraudulently created by the state because the mother had no clue what she was signing over. She was signing over the name of her child's estate to the care of the federal government.
    The strawman and the ALL CAPS name have actual basis in law. Specifically Uniform Commercial Code. Lay persons call it a strawman but in terms of business code, the name in All Caps is defined under UCC article 9-102(a)(71) as a registered organization. The strawman named on the Birth Certificate in All capital letters is literally a registered organization. The act of registering a birth creates the registered organization. The Birth Certificate is the proof that the organization legally exists. It is not the living child the strawman is named after because their name is written in first initial caps format. Per UCC 1-201(10) and your corresponding state business code, you ought to have known the entity is not you. So when you go to court, the judge is going to assume you know this. Going to court assuming you are that name on the Birth Certificate signals the judge that you don't know the law and are not competent enough in the law to represent the entity. That is the reason why they urge you get a lawyer to competently represent the estate for you. What is funny is that today's lawyers don't know how to explain this reasoning to their clients. When you are acting as one of the parties in court you are actually engaging in a business transaction. When you are acting as one of the parties in court, you are actually engaging in a business transaction that assumes you bear the liability for your estate. These courts aren't really article 3 courts either but that's another rabbit hole we can address later. [Hint: Lower court rules were created by the Supreme Court after the enactment of the rules enabling act of 1934. The rules of court are policies and procedures of an organization where your estate is assumed to be a member.]
    The All Caps name is required for all business entities, trusts, estates and corporations per UCC 1-201 (10) entitled "Conspicuous Format." There is a corresponding state business code that says the same thing. That is why the summons is addressed using the all caps name. It is addressed to the estate, the presumed surety for the cause of action.
    Here's the rub: Birth Certificates were never mentioned in the constitution; therefore, binding your name with the entity/estate/trust/person is unconstitutional. A natural man with no knowledge of English is naturally immune to the machinations of the legal system.

  • @rickgrimes931
    @rickgrimes931 Місяць тому

    Uhm, this is false. Natural born citizens are those of whom at least one of the parents are citizens of our country. It make no difference where you are born, but what country has jurisdiction over the citizenship.

  • @edwardd3897
    @edwardd3897 2 місяці тому +4

    Didn’t we do this the last time with the other guy? Even if she wasn’t, they’re going to hide it like they did with O.

    • @emd476
      @emd476 2 місяці тому +7

      We’ve done this several times. Obama was born in Hawaii to an American mother and Kenyan father. McCain was born on a US naval base in Panama to American parents. Ted Cruz was born in Canada to an American mother and Cuban/Canadian father who were working for an oil company there. All have run for president.

  • @cwmoss5876
    @cwmoss5876 2 місяці тому +1

    Funny how Harris produces a birth certificate so quickly but Obama has never showed one.

  • @donnyboon2896
    @donnyboon2896 2 місяці тому

    The Supreme Court has ruled that if both of your parents are not citizens, you are not a citizen no matter where you are born. Allowing otherwise is a misinterpretation of the law.

    • @Leo-sd3jt
      @Leo-sd3jt 2 місяці тому

      This is blatantly false. If you're born in the US then you're automatically a citizen.

  • @HarperPolo
    @HarperPolo 2 місяці тому +1

    Your parents don't have to be us citizens

  • @NoahErikkson
    @NoahErikkson 2 місяці тому

    Don't get me wrong I don't like Kamala Harris at all but Labeling her mother as “caucasian” is just wrong

  • @keyvinle1
    @keyvinle1 2 місяці тому +14

    Natural citizenship also extends to jus sangunis. You don't have to be born in the US to be a citizen if one of your parents were citizens at the time of your birth.

    • @trevorthesorcerer
      @trevorthesorcerer Місяць тому

      If you were born outside of the US you can’t run for president. Kamala Harris was born in United States so she can run. The real problem with Kamala Harris is people technically didn’t vote for her so that may rub people the wrong way.

  • @billb7583
    @billb7583 2 місяці тому +5

    Where's a State petition for Her to run for President?

  • @emd476
    @emd476 2 місяці тому +3

    The idea of a ‘natural born’ citizen, a more citizen-y citizen because they’re born on US soil, is really so antiquated given how much of today’s international world just didn’t exist back then. The founding fathers could never have conceived of hundreds of military and embassy outposts staffed by tens of thousands of Americans across the world. They never imaged international organizations like NATO, the UN, the IMF or Doctors Without Borders. It wasn’t a time when you could easily study abroad for school or cross an ocean for a week long vacation. The closest thing to global commerce and international corporations were trading ships that took a month to cross the Atlantic. They just didn’t see today’s global world coming, and even if they did, they didn’t think that world would include women, and certainly not pregnant ones.

  • @sap.lawcare
    @sap.lawcare Місяць тому +1

    What about her lack of any primary votes?

  • @drmadjdsadjadi
    @drmadjdsadjadi 2 місяці тому +1

    Natural born does NOT mean you were born in the U.S. It means that you have citizenship at birth. Foreign born children of U.S. citizens (for example, Ted Cruz, George Romney, Lowell Weicker, and John McCain, all of whom ran for president) are still eligible to be president. However, if you are born in the United States to foreign diplomats, you are not eligible because the children of foreign diplomats do not acquire U.S. citizenship at birth even if they are born in the U.S., since they and their parents have diplomatic immunity.

  • @ArgillaSinacori87
    @ArgillaSinacori87 Місяць тому +1

    Gotta watch judge Joe Brown on Kamala harris

  • @Jessica-bf8ss
    @Jessica-bf8ss 2 місяці тому

    She's a terrible person. But, at least she showed her birth certificate, unlike others who previously ran.

  • @joshuaruesch2241
    @joshuaruesch2241 2 місяці тому

    I'm embarrassed for the people making those claims. I strongly dislike Kamala, but I am not going to stoop to the same level as those who have been trying to constantly disqualify Trump in order to ensure that my candidate gets in. That's just stupid. Be better, guys.

  • @donnyboon2896
    @donnyboon2896 2 місяці тому

    The Civil Rights Act of 1866 begins with language from which the 14th Amendment's citizenship clause is derived: "All persons born in the United States, and not subject to any foreign power, excluding Indians not taxed, are hereby declared to be citizens of the United States." (Emphasis added.) The explicit exclusion of Indians from birthright citizenship was not repeated in the 14th Amendment because it was considered unnecessary. Although Indians were at least partially subject to U.S. jurisdiction, they owed allegiance to their tribes, not the United States. This reasoning -- divided allegiance -- applies equally to exclude the children of resident aliens, legal as well as illegal, from birthright citizenship. Indeed, today's regulations issued by the departments of Homeland Security and Justice stipulate:
    "A person born in the United States to a foreign diplomatic officer accredited to the United States, as a matter of international law, is not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States. That person is not a United States citizen under the 14th Amendment."

  • @matthewpepper902
    @matthewpepper902 2 місяці тому

    Is he really tall, or is she really short? Lol or 50/50?

  • @shawnycoffman
    @shawnycoffman 2 місяці тому

    THANK YOU!! They also have to have lived in the United States for at least 14 years. I'm getting ratioed by pointing that out.
    Edit: a word

  • @RavenBlaze
    @RavenBlaze 2 місяці тому +10

    Ted Cruise was born in Calgary Canada...he tried to run...

    • @risitascositas1699
      @risitascositas1699 2 місяці тому +3

      Natural born citizen means citizen at birth. A person can be born outside the country and as long as 1 parent was a US citizen before their birth & had lived in the US for 14 years, they are natural born citizens.

  • @jawnashun777
    @jawnashun777 2 місяці тому

    Heres a question, what if your parents are us citizens, but while they were on vacation/temporary work in a different country and you were born there, would you be eligible to run for president.

    • @jimgarland6231
      @jimgarland6231 2 місяці тому +2

      Yes you can. Look at Ted Cruz in 2016. His parents are US citizens but he was born in Canada.

  • @benitomartinez2106
    @benitomartinez2106 2 місяці тому +2

    The real question should be why didn't democrat voters get a choice in who would run for president.

    • @Leo-sd3jt
      @Leo-sd3jt 2 місяці тому +2

      Huh? The DNC hasn't happened yet

    • @benitomartinez2106
      @benitomartinez2106 2 місяці тому +1

      @@Leo-sd3jt who's all running? Because it looks like the choice has been made

    • @beaudure01
      @beaudure01 2 місяці тому

      We don’t get choices at all these days. The party bosses embrace someone, they hold a couple of primaries and caucuses, and everyone who votes after Super Tuesday is going through the motions.
      We have a movement to dismantle the two-party system. Ranked-choice voting. Open elections. An extremist like Trump would never again win an election. People would actually have to *think* about who to vote for.
      But Trump is telling people there will be no more elections after 2024, so I guess it doesn’t matter. All hail Donald the First, emperor.

    • @aaronho1914
      @aaronho1914 Місяць тому

      I don't know if Ben understands how a representative democracy, especially the wacky one that is the US's, works.

  • @3111windyhollow
    @3111windyhollow 2 місяці тому

    So shouldn't that extend to any office

  • @newjerseylion4804
    @newjerseylion4804 2 місяці тому +1

    This whole birthi thing has obvious racial undertones. She is a natural born citizen.

  • @DrakeTain
    @DrakeTain 2 місяці тому +1

    She can, however birth right citizenship continues to be a massive mistake.

    • @donnyboon2896
      @donnyboon2896 2 місяці тому

      Correct. The Supreme Court ruled that if both parents are not citizens, you are not a citizen no matter the location of your birth. The problem is getting doctors to note it on birth certificates.

    • @Leo-sd3jt
      @Leo-sd3jt 2 місяці тому

      ​@@donnyboon2896the supreme court never ruled that. Otherwise you'd mention the name of the case where their ruling was made except what you said isn't true.