  • Опубліковано 26 гру 2024


  • @simonlevene8466
    @simonlevene8466 7 років тому +16

    Those of us who have put in the laps at Jerez know what a great video that is and easy you're making it look, Simon. Great video, cheers!

  • @sanxi34
    @sanxi34 9 місяців тому +1

    Hoooooly crap!! This video was awesome!! I'm going to Jerez for the first time in a couple of weeks and this made sooo much sense!!

  • @backmarker44
    @backmarker44 2 роки тому +1

    That was fantastic. So much detail, and you could see the bike's attitude change reflecting the control inputs described. I want to go apply it right now... Thank you!

  • @CarloPiana
    @CarloPiana Рік тому

    Thank you, sir, for the most complete guide I've found anywhere. Despite I couldn't follow all the advice due to technical shortcomings, I've been able to raise from the top of the bottom third of the pack to a comfortable half in my first two days ever on that incredibly rewarding track. Having a clear visual and meaningful explanation, I was able to mentally repeat most of it when I was doing -- improving session by session sometimes more than one second. I was some 3 seconds faster than people who usually outperform me by nearly the same gap.

  • @СергейКуриленко-е2щ

    The best video guide available! Thank you for what you do!!!

  • @shaggybx
    @shaggybx 3 роки тому +2

    Smooth as glass
    Awesome riding
    Thank you Simon 😊

  • @CarloPiana
    @CarloPiana Рік тому

    Pretty technical and requiring clean riding. Thanks for all the insight!

  • @anthonyscott16
    @anthonyscott16 5 років тому +3

    This is priceless. Thanks Simon!

  • @RichardQuintyne
    @RichardQuintyne 7 років тому +1

    Thanks Simon.....I will put these tips into practice when I'm back at Jerez in March. It'll be good to see you again. Bully.

  • @dustpuppy031
    @dustpuppy031 7 років тому +1

    Excellent, as always, thanks Simon! Will surely come in handy when we visit Jerez someday!

  • @auscurrymaster
    @auscurrymaster 5 років тому +2

    The master at work - what a class act.

  • @rebelbase3006
    @rebelbase3006 4 роки тому +1

    Good video sir, outstanding job. Thanks for all the good important information. Good detailed intelligence that I will use. Thanks again

  • @MrAranhaman
    @MrAranhaman 7 років тому

    One of your best clips so program our mind and make it seem're "tha boss"

  • @El_turco82
    @El_turco82 2 роки тому +1

    Great video would be so nice if do this more also on other tracks.👍✊

  • @colonelclaw
    @colonelclaw 7 років тому +1

    Incredible. And on top of all of that in a race you have 23 other riders to contend with! Makes my mind boggle.
    Quite shocking to see the state of turn 1 and the patches of resin, surely it will need resurfacing yet again? Bradley Smith's description of it was spot-on.

  • @honzasoukup2959
    @honzasoukup2959 6 років тому +5

    Sir, you are a TEACHER. Best regards

  • @CrisURace
    @CrisURace 7 років тому +1

    Awesome, thank you for sharing you thought process when you ride like this, it changes my perspective and makes me improve! Maybe will you do Motorpark Romania guide sometime? Cristina Udrescu here, we met in Spain 2013 and around other EU racetracks.

  • @joseespinoza6582
    @joseespinoza6582 7 років тому +2

    When u use the brakes u use the front or rear or boths . Greats class I wish I was able to afford your classes u r a great teacher Sr. ☺ Big thanks from Colorado

    • @motovudu
      @motovudu  7 років тому +4

      I use the front brake and engine brake by going down through the gears keeping the RPM high. Some riders use the rear brake and less engine brake, it's personal preference.

  • @lolatejado4667
    @lolatejado4667 5 років тому +1


  • @randyfarouk1386
    @randyfarouk1386 6 років тому +1

    WOW ! ! . . your video rocks man .......I0I

  • @pedroferrari1
    @pedroferrari1 5 років тому

    Great one! When do you provide a guide for Estoril and Portimão? :)

    • @motovudu
      @motovudu  5 років тому +1

      I am not sure Pedro, we want to put up some more guides, hopefully over winter we will have time

  • @neiljohn7493
    @neiljohn7493 6 років тому

    Such a helpful video, thanks Simon! Is there a big risk of tucking the front going in on a closed throttle though or no?

  • @VMorghulisreal
    @VMorghulisreal 11 місяців тому


  • @TheDestroyer8065
    @TheDestroyer8065 5 років тому

    Thank you so much!

  • @qingyuzhao4490
    @qingyuzhao4490 7 років тому +1


  • @blip98
    @blip98 7 років тому +1

    Congratulations on the MotoGP gig for 2018

    • @motovudu
      @motovudu  7 років тому

      Thank you blip98

  • @vasslehel7453
    @vasslehel7453 Рік тому

    The UFOs grabbed the guys in front of you at 11:52

  • @liljamesjames1884
    @liljamesjames1884 7 років тому

    Simon full brakes as braking hard as you can and are you trailing to the apex.or letting off well before here I always here trail to the apex then get on the throttle.

    • @lonpfrb
      @lonpfrb 2 роки тому

      Suggest you look at the MotoVudu videos where Simon explains the Lean Angle / Brake dynamic and the motivation for that..

  • @alejandromedina-ix5yx
    @alejandromedina-ix5yx 6 років тому

    Are you really at full brakes while leaning? I know you are not in the edge of the tire, but it is to my understanding that as soon as you start to lean you decrease brake pressure.

    • @lonpfrb
      @lonpfrb 2 роки тому

      Suggest you look at the MotoVudu videos where Simon explains the Lean Angle / Brake dynamic and the motivation for that..