I cannot believe how much love went into making this video. I wanted to find just a random guide to find out stuff i didn't figure out yet and I was just stunned by the quality of this. I really appreciate your work ty! This video is really special.
This is probably the most creative and fun Character guide I’ve ever seen for any fighting game character ever. Incredible work. Truly a triumph of a video.
Bro is a youtuber, producer, audio/visual tech, informer, and the list goes on... kudos my boy... smashed it... im pretty sure evenone is in the steven train after this... not only was it informational, and visually stunning, but the song was just so much icing on the cake... we all got diabetes after this one... lol loved it
I was once a Garnet main from the beta version but recently Ive become a Steven main and he helped me rise to #1 on the Top Dog Challenge. Hopefully I get to use the neutral air attack more because this looks helpful.
great videa i picked op steven today and all redy have 40 wins under my belt. this guide is so helpfull but i want to lern combos so pls make a sequel with combos to use.oh and the song is so good :) thanks!
thinking of getting morty or steven but you might have converted me into getting him first. the combos with the shield and the tether ability look soo satisfying. idk if id be able to pull them off though q.q
The ones featured in the vid are the main ones I've found success with so far. Still experimenting with perks overall, but collateral damage/bounce bubble is my favorite combo
@@Gordypow Wish there were stats displayed on perks! Recently dropped Collateral Damage to experiment with Last Stand and I havent felt too big of a difference. Have you labbed with and without Collateral?
I've had collateral on since back in the beta, just because bouncing enemies is such a fundamental part of my playstyle. The extra damage adds up nicely and pairs so well with bounce bubble's stun extension
Let me know if you'd like another video talking more Steven tech/strategy, I've got a few other things I think could be helpful to focus on!
Please and thank you, good sir!
Yes, please
I vid explaining combos would be nice
This was amazing. Thx. I’ve learned so much
I don't thing Nair counts as a projectile anymore, but still this guide was absolutely stellar! I'm blown away by the production value!
Yes this was pre steven-nerf so a lot has changed now. Thanks for watching though!! Glad you enjoyed
I cannot believe how much love went into making this video. I wanted to find just a random guide to find out stuff i didn't figure out yet and I was just stunned by the quality of this. I really appreciate your work ty! This video is really special.
The creative process of the song was 🤣🔥🔥🔥
I dont even have steven, but this guide is so well done it encouraged me to buy him and play. AND THAT JAZZY INTRO IS SOMETHING
Thank you!! 🙇♂️ if I can convert even one person to the ways of Steven, then I'll consider it a successful guide
As a current Steven main, this was sooo satisfying to watch ☺️
Glad to hear it, thanks for checking it out!!
Hands down this is one of the best UA-camrs
❤️❤️ too kind
Why tf is the intro so good???? bro was cooking
He seems to me to most SSB like character in Multiversus
The intro is crazy lmao
This is probably the most creative and fun Character guide I’ve ever seen for any fighting game character ever. Incredible work. Truly a triumph of a video.
wow thank you! Glad you enjoyed!! Stick around for the next one too, it's a doozy lol
Holy shit. So glad this popped up on my feed. Good stuff dude. And people were downplaying steven so much
Just wanted to search up some tips to improve my steven and i didnt expect to get them in a bopping jazz song 😭 awesome vid
Bro is a youtuber, producer, audio/visual tech, informer, and the list goes on... kudos my boy... smashed it... im pretty sure evenone is in the steven train after this... not only was it informational, and visually stunning, but the song was just so much icing on the cake... we all got diabetes after this one... lol loved it
The song at the beginning was super fun! I tried Steven last night and he and amazing
Awesome vid for a sick character
3:48 the fact this sweetspots is ridiculous
Subscribed cuz I didn't realize the lyrics were the guide itself
Yooooo so ur telling me I’ve been cooking fellas without knowing even half of the shi he can do👀👀
Gonna pick him up next just because of that 🔥 song 😂
This is hands down the best character guide on UA-cam
I was once a Garnet main from the beta version but recently Ive become a Steven main and he helped me rise to #1 on the Top Dog Challenge. Hopefully I get to use the neutral air attack more because this looks helpful.
This, along with the other Steven video really makes me wanna play Steven more! These videos both made me wanna make Steven my main character.
Join the Steven army today! 💪🏻
great videa i picked op steven today and all redy have 40 wins under my belt. this guide is so helpfull but i want to lern combos so pls make a sequel with combos to use.oh and the song is so good :) thanks!
Great video!
Thank you!! Thanks for checking it out
That song fits steven so well I'm a fellow steven main gave a like and sub for such a well polished video.
Much appreciated 🙏🙏🙏
Definitely earned my like a sub!
Steven goat
I would add this song to my playlist it's that good
i bought steven Yesterday,this video was so useful and funny good job my g
Quality vid man. Good job
I mean I would love more. Any Batman? This is amazing!!!!!!
thinking of getting morty or steven but you might have converted me into getting him first. the combos with the shield and the tether ability look soo satisfying. idk if id be able to pull them off though q.q
yea this is the best video on the platform
doing the up special up neutral ive realized the enemy can predict me after a kill or two so these combos will help a lot thank you!!
The song though 💕
This song is so fire
The crying child team 😎🤙
great video! what is the best setup for steven for you?
Wow the music?? 😯
what are the best perks for him? i got him as new main but idk what perks to buy
The ones featured in the vid are the main ones I've found success with so far. Still experimenting with perks overall, but collateral damage/bounce bubble is my favorite combo
i’m trying to figure out how to use his crystal bubble in air.. i can’t figure it out 😭
This was hard 😂🔥
Do they have any options against neutral dodge
What’s the best perks for him please lmk
Where did you find this music??? Lol did you commission this?
I just wrote the lyrics and used an ai music program to generate the song, and then tinkered around to edit it a bit
I noticed u barely use Steven’s spike so should I not use it as well nvm I saw u use it more at the end
I need to use it more actually - there's a lot of combo potential that I dont really utilize it for in this vid.
@@Gordypow ohh I suck w steven😭
Which Build do you recommend to use on the character?
Do you sound like steven or did you use ai I can't tell
It's voice-to-voice instead of text-to-voice, kind of like an a.i. voicechanger.
That's flammable, doc
Collateral Damage
Bounce Bubble
@@Gordypow i prefer snowball effect over flammable but both are good
Also a good option!
@@Gordypow Wish there were stats displayed on perks! Recently dropped Collateral Damage to experiment with Last Stand and I havent felt too big of a difference. Have you labbed with and without Collateral?
I've had collateral on since back in the beta, just because bouncing enemies is such a fundamental part of my playstyle. The extra damage adds up nicely and pairs so well with bounce bubble's stun extension
That thumbnail looks a bit AI