Yes, it is a stupid debate. Thanks to KJ for pointing out the obvious. While the politicians, bureaucrats, and student union (UiTM) debate this issue, thousands of heart patients suffer and have to wait for an unnecessarily long period for their surgery. I am one of those patients. Those who have the power to help us (patients waiting for surgery) are more interested in other agenda rather than saving lives. There's something very wrong here.
@@xinxinliu1339 simpler and faster solution. better bring in experts from other countries then trained these half bake doctors from unrecognised degree. You think register with uitm today tomorrow got certificates ahh?
Betul Tuan KJ. Saya setuju. Semua ni sementara je. Think about the country. Rasis betul. Panic tak tentu pasal. Saya juga tak setuju vernacular school dibubarkan. Saya dulu sekolah cina...tak ada pun perasaan racist or tak ada memupuk anti-patriotic. I'm a Malay and a Muslim and yet the chinese school administrator welcome me. Yang menjadi isu ialah orang kita sendiri. Kita yang menyebabkan perpecahan. MPP UiTM wake up...bila masuk alam bekerja, kita akan berkawan dgn bangsa bangsa lain juga akhirnya. So open your eyes. Even student UiTM tak setuju MPP. Bear in mind I'm also an ITM gradute.
assalamualikum.. hak orang melayu dan bumiputera, bila raja dan sultan nak macam tu, akur je lah, sama macam tanah rizab melayu, rejimen askar melayu diraja??perlu di pertikai kah?
vernacular tu buat apa ja... sedangkan sekolah kebangsaan tu national identity, kenapa nak juga racial identity?siapa yang rasis.... malaysia bahasa kebangsaan bahasa melayu, menjadikan MELAYU tu rasict kah?
Both of you, to me, a non-Malay Malaysian, represent the future of Malaysian politics. We want leaders like you; educated, progressive, proficient in the major lingua franca & say like what it actually is.
its easy and convenient to comment and BS when one holds no power in the government. Did he champion the same when he was in various Ministries? 'missing' RM100m yet to be found, locally produced Covid vaccine yet to be seen, contract doctors issue back in limbo, awarded mysejahtera app to foreign company over locals, vaccines purchases shrouded in mystery and scandals. If he is that 'good', I am convinced that Sungai buloh voters would have voted for him, fortunately, the majority finds him otherwise. Thanks God. I hope he accepts the India Pharmacy post and never return.
Aku bumiputra org asli. Aku sokong kenyataan KJ. Benda kecik nak besarkan2 jd isu besar. Tak matang. Islam tak ajar umatnya bersikap PERKAUMAN. NANTI JUMPA ALLAH, BOLEH CLAIM SYURGA KE DGN BERBANGSA MELAYU? Uitm tu dibayar dgn cukai dibayar SEMUA KAUM. Apalah sgt nak buka kursus perubatan itu utk non bumiputra. Manfaatnya utk masa depan negara jugak. Org luar negara boleh masuk, tapi rakyat negara sendiri lain kaum yg sesama bayar cukai tak boleh pulak. Mmg rasis.
@@Aaroniy-gk6tn bukan psl uni lain x iktiraf student2 degree. Tp hanya uitm satu2 nya ada kursus master itu dgn perjanjian UK. ko yg tak phm isu bodoh . Rasis
@@Aaroniy-gk6tn bukan degree tak diiktiraf. Tapi hanya UITM ada kursus master tu sebab ada perjanjian dgn UK. Uni lain tak ada sedia course tu selain uitm. Msia hanya recognized UiTM doctorate in cardiothoracic surgery.
@@Nuraznida @Nuraznida habis tu knp tak sambung di uk saja atau edinburgh? Takkan seluruh dunia UITM je yg ada?..hebat betul uitm. LOL. UITM buat bumiputera je.. maknanya budak2 cina dan india tu tak laku lah di universiti lain.
@@Nuraznida habis tu pergilah buat di uk. Uitm utk Melayu je. Knp nak kacau? Sape suruh ambil bidang yg takde di Malaysia? Habis tu cina india boleh uitm sebab tkde universiti lain? Cina negeri besar bnyak universiti.
Fellow of Royal College of Surgery (Edinburgh) in Cardiothoracic Surgery is recognised worldwide but not recognised in Malaysia. Malaysia only recognise Uitm Doctorate in Cardiothoracic Surgery. What a professional Malaysia Government, only recognise it own standard.
@@shuhminkok3265 My orthopedic surgeon is holding Master of Medicine Surgery National University of Singapore and Fellow of Royal College of Surgery Edinburgh both from Singapore, I see it with my own eye, only you who act blind
@@tanzihan My Gastroenterologist is from Nottingham, England, United Kingdom which currently working as visiting lecturer in Public University, Senior Consultant of the State Hospital and most popular Gastroenterologist among Indonesian Patient who visit my city to gain treatment. Another act blind person.
A U based on merit only as an entry criteria will be considered as a threat to the Malay power in this racially divided country. As long as we still have a race based policy in our constitution and politics, you can dream on till eternity that it can become a reality.
how about org asli and other bumis ethnic in sarawak/sabah that is unfortunate?? if not because of uitm for the bumis how are they supposed to get in ipta?? have u considered that?? hello??
This is not just about Malay..this is about the indigenous people as well..a lot of them still unfortunate compared to the people that live in the city which is not indigenous to this land..their ancestor is the original people of the land?why cant they have their special right on this country? As long as they didnt take the freedom of other race it shouldnt be an issue..
Hanya kat Malaysia perkara yg asalnya tak berkaitan langsung dgn kaum, iaitu kekurangan pakar doktor, boleh bergolek sampai jadi isu kaum. Kita ni lebih gemar main isu kaum drpd menyelamatkan nyawa.
kerana kaum lain xmahu mngakui hak bumiputra...pendatang pun mahu mngaku ini tanah mereka...ini tanah melayu..mesti lah org2 melayu bumi pertahan kan..kerana pemimpin melayu sendiri sudah xleh dipercayai....buka 1 minta 2..dpt 2mahu 4 5 ...bkn xtahu perangai manusia...ini bukan soal kaum..tetapi soal hak...
Xpayah nk bengapkan org...uitm utk bumi..knape nk buka utk bkn bumi...bile dh buka akan ada alasan utk trus dibuka..keturunan akan dtg menuntut lagi dan lagi...cukup la dh bg betis nk paha...bongok
Yang hairan Uitm boleh buka kepada pelajar luar negara tapi tak boleh buka kepada pelajar non bumi. By the way I'm Bumiputera. Tapi saya tak suka ketidakadilan berlaku.
eh eh diaorang non bumi kan ada banyak uni ko budak kecik tau apa? tau lukis entah apa apa., sedangkan nak kerja sekarang majority kena cakap mandarin preference non jgn kacau uitm lah 😡
To both KS speaker. Sebernar saya tidak ingin ungkit hal ni lagi. But once a Pandora box is open. It will relate to alot of thing. Jangan cakap srjkc & srjkt lagi adalah punca rakyat kita tidak bersatu. Sebenarnya adalah korang punca negara ni tidak dapat bersatu. Ask us to abolish our own edu. But you not willing to open the education sector to all race. 😢😢😢😢
Tapi mmg betul pun. SJK mmg punca Malaysia x bersatu pun. Ye saya setuju NEP mmg x bagus, patut kita buang je. Tapi kalau nk buang NEP, SJK pun kena buang jugak. Saya sokong. Saya ada kawan yg x pernah ade classmate Cina sepanjang membesar. Die benci Cina tapi bila dah bekerja bergaul dgn orang Cina dia yg kata sebenarnye ok je, manusia ni ade beza sini sikit situ sikit tapi pusing2 blk manusia ni sama je. Tu sbb kita kena campur kan anak2 kita masuk satu sekolah. Jgn diasing asingkan. Bila diasingkan dorang x bergaul sesama kaum lain, ini la result dia.
buang je SJKC dan SJKT, mengarut... di Thailand, cina yang menetap turun temurun di sana semua dah jadi BANGSA THAI... semua satu sekolah yang sama dengan orang asal Thailand.... kenapa di Malaysia, cina masih jadi cina??... sepatutnya cina di Malaysia ni bersatu dengan orang melayu.. apa lah susah sangat nak bersatu??.... ego tak habis-habis org cina malaysia ni..
Other races who are enrolled in Srjkc are not the issue. The issue is Srjkc Chinese students are cina Bukit enhanced....only know chinesey stuff from food to language to music to neighbourhood to media to work...spik Malay oso kenot, spik english like good good only
@@JunLYeap ...sekolah SK biasa pun LANGSUNG TAK halang juga bangsa dan kaum lain masuk sekolah SK biasa, tapi cina dan india tak mahu... dia nak juga masuk SJK.... sebab apa? sebab dia tak nak bergaul dengan orang Melayu... ego, sombong, tak nak bersatu ... itu lah masalahnya... tak pernah dengar ke orang Cina atau orang India yang bersekolah di SK biasa? tak pernah dengar? kamu ni orang Malaysia ke tak ni?
Why short, because gaji kecik kerja hospital gov.. student medic bertahun di hantar ke luar negara.. mana pegi.. lepas tuh salah uitm sbb tak open kepada non bumi.. pundekk..
For those non bumi, please consider moving your skills else where. In Malaysia, the majority population will not appreciate your effort in the future so at least find a place where your future is more secure and safe for yourself and your family. No point arguing, racial segregation have been happening all along and by the history of the Malaysian economy vs the neighbours I think there’s no doubt that Malaysia is dropping in performance and going backwards in culture.
I don’t know how to react when I found out the university accept international student, accept native student but not the minority of Malaysia citizen who are born here study here
Going to University did not make them smarter. Something that do not even need to be debated if they are thinking it is beneficial to the country. Why did they study medicine in the first place? Is it not for helping those who are sick? Total respect to KJ. On the other hand Akmal said'Jangan ganggu UiTM' this guy is not even fit to serve the country
Uitm utk bumi saja...tapi org asing boleh belajar pula...aish Cakap uitm utk B40, tapi pihak UITM pula yg akui T20 pelajar lebih 20% Skrg nak open buat sementara demi negara pun nak bantah, IPTA yg funded guna duit tax payer, tapi IPTA dan pelajar yg dibantu oleh duit awam pula tak mahu bantu masyarakat yg funded IPTA ni.
Knpa KJ tak terus terang hentam PN sebab mereka yg timbulkan benda ni jadi isu politik? Oh ya.. KJ ni pun antara proksi kuat Muhyidin dan Hisamudin Husien hehe
At the end, doktor2 pelatih ni bila dah habis course nanti akan serve jgk pada org2 melayu jgk, what if doktor non-bumi ni decide taknak serve pd org melayu satu hari nnti, sbb dlu dioarg pernah di-reject sbb bkn alasan non-bumi
Mengapa tak daftar di sekolah perubatan di UM , UPM atau UKM ... jadi isu kemaskan non- bumi ke UiTM tak timbul .. Perkara mudah mengapa nak disulitkan ... Ada banyak lagi Universiti di Malaysia yang terbuka kepada umum dalam ilmu perubatan ... Mengapa nak tumpu ke UiTM
Isu simple. Lambat settle jadi chronic issue. Isu besarnya. Kita nak jadikan malaysian malaysia. Org melayu x fhm ke? Mari sokong kami. Bagi kami hak. Asyik2 hak melayu jer... Kami x cukup betis. Nak peha.
@@luks24452 sbb ada kau pendatang yg mahu mnguasai tanah melayu..memandang rendah tuan tanah...xmahu blajar budaya setempat..suruh belajar jawi 4muka surat pun macam mahu hukum mati....tiba2 persoalkan hak tuan tanah...lupa diri...faham x???nampak xsombong rasa diri hebat..negara maju tp dikuasai pendatang apa guna..bongok
Really?then why the non-bumi media interested to heat up the issue? Why bother comment?you might not but others do..both side of polictics are taking advantages to heat up this issue..
@jhtam6768 FYI its UITM..produce high quality Engineers..Architects and so on with best multi race intelligent Lecturers ..ranking is NOT an issue here, perhaps you should move to New Zealand while watching the Indonesia Tobacco story.. so mangkuk and like a "katak bawah tempurung"
Just curious,I don't follow this issue closely but I mean why must UITM? if it decides not to accept then why don't they give this responsibility to other local universities where this will not become an issue... This is not the UITM's fault at the first place..
Buka aje dah dan yang terbaik sepatut boleh bantu perubatan pendidikan agar negara maju kehadapan. Kalau tajaan swasta, tak apelah. Tapi ni sumbangan duit rakyat dan cukai hasil semua kaum. Tapi uitm hanya bagi bumi. Apalak minda gila mundur dan terus mundur...
Kau pergi belajar dulu, apa maksud UITM untuk bumiputera! itu termasuk sabah sarawak la bodoh..masalah sekarang ni isu non bumiputera seperti banglades nepal myanmar pakistan nak masuk belajar kat UITM..kau faham ke tidak???
Khas untuk bumiputra Saja?yg pelajar overseas tu bumiputra ke?..lgpun INI Masalah education and we need our own specialist.. malaysiaan.. please open your minds..think positive
I have moved to Singapore back in 2018. Now I am a proud PR there. What I can say is Singapore gives me more opportunity to shine and make my dreams come true.
Says while lives in a tiny flat that even if you buy is still owned by the gov, and can't afford a car, which even if you can afford is oh yeah also owned by the gov, l0l
Mudah..pakar diutm tu boleh dilantik interim dipark ke universiti lain..mudah..uitm for bumi and not non bumi..menteri dan puak yg pertikai stupid bullshit go to hell
@@ReefearEapear sebenarnya masalahnya ialah University di UK yang ada perjanjian dengan UITM tu sudah ditamatkan kelayakannya. Sepatutnya UITM juga batalkan perjanjian dengan University tersebut. Apakah penyebab pembatalan sepatutnya dikaji sebelum mereka boleh di terima ke dalam UITM. Dan UM dan UKM sepatutnya juga ada khusus tersebut, tapi mereka tidak mahu menerima graduan dari University UK tersebut sebagai specialist. Maka persoalan sekarang adalah kelayakan pengiktirafan ijazah University UK tersebut, tetapi segolongan ahli politik menjadikan isu ni isu bangsa adalah sangat menyedihkan. Lagi-lagi pun pelajar University UITM pula tidak boleh berpikir baik baik masalah ini, pula main dengan isu bangsa, adakah sekian hari doktor doktor dari UITM hanya boleh ubati pesakit bumiputra. Pikir lah betul betul, mengapa Malaysia yang paling kuat di rantau ini masa 60 dan 70an, dengan berbagai sumba semulajadi, boleh dikalah teruk oleh negara negara jiran. Ahli politik yang mainkan sentimen perkauman sepatutnya ditolak terus demi masa depan kita semua.
Oleh kerana UM adalah Universiti yang agak lama, saya sgt harap UM mula tawarkan kursus ini mengikut meritoksrasi. Boleh kekalkan UITM utk pelajar yg sempit pemikiran nya. KJ thank God for your intelligence, wisdom n bravery for speaking up. We need more open minded leaders like you. Keep it up!
@@nurhanaibrahim162 ya, lepas tu baru tulis report tak cukup doktor pakar di malaysia. Guna gaji tinggi ambil doktor negara luar yg lahir di malaysia. Okla tu, byk ahli politik , t20 pun guna pakar luar negara je. Terbaik la, majula malaysia.
Fuhhhh, banyak syok Singapore farming talent dr Malaysia. Malaysia's greatest export is talented non bumis. Non bumi layak diterima kerja di Spura sbb non bumi faham meritocracy. Bumi memang terciduk lah kalau bab merit.
@@nurhanaibrahim162Looks like you don't really care about the fact that Malaysia severely lacks specialist surgeons of this area. You only care about your special rights, and you're so worried about losing it. KJ already said that ís not the issue. If you can't contribute to the solution, that means you're part of the problem.
@@wai-sunchia6190 Yes call us whatever you want.U guys and KJ are the problem.Okay lack of specialists u can go bk to UK or US or Singapore or other private 7niv in Msia.Whats the problem.Of course we care for our rights as dominant people we are suppressed more and more by this DAP PH all for non Malays rascist secular tyrant govt.If you dont care for yr people which I doubt that's u. Yes why are u afraid go to those countries and other univ.Why UITM in particular ..Ask Tambry yr HE Minister traitor to ask UM to do special deal for u guys. We dont non Muslim specialists or Malay traitors.We need God fearing specialists physicians to tk care of rakyat w devotion and competence .Not more doctors specialist all out to kill rakyat for more money.
Whether we all like it or not, non-bumis already part of this nation called Malaysia. Many non-bumis has contributed in many areas bringing the name of Malaysia to the stage of this world. For example, Lee Chong Wei in badminton. We all need to now accept each other and start move forward as a society as one nation. We need to stop all these seriously!.
@@mohdnajib-eh5gy ..betul ...sebab Malaysia tak menindas sesiapa pun... semua orang boleh berjaya dan kaya di Malaysia... cuma kau perlu usaha je, dan kau kaya... bangla pun ramai dh yg kaya di Malaysia ni..
Terbaik KJ. Jelas sekali. Tolong buka minda buka hati buka telinga dan buka mata. Jangan jadi katak di bawah tempurong. Faham dulu issue ini jangan terus bantah.
Well said brother, U are true leader, we miss U, I always told my Malay friend U are the best candidate for PM based on ur leadership.Hope to meet U one day
yaa bagus bila mnguntungkan kamu dan kaum2 pendatang..mula buka 1 lps tu minta 2 lps tu??malaysian malaysia itu mahu...cukup lah raykat mnguasai UM...xperlu raykat di uitm
Till this day after 60 plus years of independence....still debating about race and religion... in Malaysia, obviously life takes a second place when it comes to race and religion...that's why Malaysia still lags behind other nations... always back to race and religion...not merit
Masaalah UITM adalah pihak yg bertanggongjawab tidak mahu ambik tanggongjawab kerana takut di kritik oleh segolongan pihak. Pelajar2 berbaju hitam tidak sepatutnya melibatkan diri pelajar2 wajar tumpukan pengajaran biar pihak UITM dan menteri2 menyelesaikan masaalah.
Tak perlu salahkan UITM. Dasar yg lama dipersetujui demi keharmonian kaum dan keseimbangan kemajuan ekonomi antara kaum. Di saat isu3r yg panas, tak wajar pertikaikan dulu dasar2 berkaitan bumiputra. Kerajaan kena pilih alternatif lain dulu. Party2 dan dan pelbagai kaum yg menang jadi kerajaan sekarang perlu humble dgn kuasa, cara bertindak, cara bersuara, cara bawa perubahan, reformasi. In Syaa Allah kita akan lebih baik dan damai. Tidak semestinya semua yg lama itu buruk, lapuk. Kita masih negara yg termaju, membangun di kalangan negara2 yg dijajah di dunia 60,70 years ago. Meaning kerajaan sebelum ini juga berjaya walaupun it could be better. 3,4 tahun bukanlah kayu ukur kejayaan negara.😅
1) Dasar UiTM untuk bumiputra, so just respect. Jgn disentuh, itu sensitive. 2) Isu kekurangan pelatih. Wahai pemimpin. Dah bertahun hantar student pergi luar negara belajar medic, why still kekurangan lagi. Itu persoalan. 3) Isu toleransi jgn di ambil pakai, walaupun itu sementara katanya, takut di kemudian hari di minta minta lagi. Kalau dibagi betis nak peha pulak. 4) As bumi, we defend our right. For those non bumi, why korg dengan lancang mengatakan student2 uitm takde kualiti. Siap mencadangkan supaya Company2 blacklisted student uitm. Itu provoke.
We need to teach our children should love all... people need to stop separating our children from a young the real world there are many races, we need to teach our children to mix
Pada saya from your explaination saya berpendapat mmc is bulying uitm. Kat sekolah kita anti buli. Here they are bulying uitm. We hate kaki buli Temporary openning to me is evidence of bulying. Ask all malaysians, we want pakar or we want mmc politics. Please minister (although you are not doctor) take necessary action, you have power over mmc.
I'm shock by the news, I didn't know this will happen in Malaysia? From what I know no universities in Malaysia has practised single ethnic group registration, I'm not sure bila masa UiTM has made bumiputera only demand? This is an open discrimination at all levels! For the record, Maju Institute of Educational Development (MIED), Tafe College in Seremban and the Asian Institute of Medicine, Science and Technology or AIMST University in Bedong, Kedah with the initiation of the late Dato Samy Velu were founded on Malaysian Indians' donations. I remembered Dato Samy literally begged each Indian house-hold to support this course which we did. The contributions were meant for deprived Indians (victims of quota system), and yet we Indians were gracious enough to open the doors to all Malaysia students up till now.
Some nasty dump turn the Solution to safe lives into racist issues, but, the biggest joke is international student are allowed, I wonder are they non Muslim? If you are so honourable, please tell the government, we don't want money from non Malays tax to be spent on all the exclusive set up Anyway, focus on solution, please,
Semakin kurang yakin anda, semakin anda mahukan "keistimewaan". Semakin kurang keberanian anda, semakin anda takut kehilangan "keistimewaan" anda. Sedar-sedar faham dan faham apa kepentingan awam masyarakat! Tidakkah memalukan untuk menjadi rasis dan beragama sepanjang hari? 越是缺乏自信,越是希望得到“特权”。越是缺乏勇气,越是害怕失去“特权”。清醒的明白,了解,什么是社会公共利益吧!一天到晚种族主义,宗教主义,不羞耻吗?The less confident you are, the more you want “privileges”. The less courage you have, the more you fear losing your “privilege.” Soberly understand and understand what is the public interest of society! Isn’t it shameful to be racist and religious all day long?
Dah tiba masa Malaysia melangkah ke hadapan. Tinggalkan politik perkauman. Buka UiTM dan Mara untuk semua. Tutup sekolah vernakular. Haramkan bahasa Cina/Tamil sebagai bahasa perantara di sekolah. Buka sekolah integrasi dengan jadual dwisesi. Sesi pagi, pelajar belajar subjek teras yang wajib dipelajari semua pelajar. Sesi petang, pelajar belajar subjek elektif seperti mandarin, tamil, agama etc. Bukan susah sangat pon.
Simplified explanation of this issue ‘bodoh’ : Program kardiotorasik UITM tu bukan program paralel. Program paralel kardiotorasik tu dah dibuka lama dah. Bukan di bawah universiti ni. Memang dah ada graduan multiracial pun. Tapi, orang yang buka program kardiotorasik UITM ni baru balik Malaysia dan dibawa masuk ke UITM sebab itu sahaja universiti yang terima individu muflis untuk bekerja. Kenapa muflis? Ini melibatkan isu universiti perubatan Allianze yang bangkrap beberapa tahun lalu mengakibatkan ramai pelajar dan staf terkesan. Individu ni tidak sefahaman dengan ramai geng kardiotorasik dan dia nak buka program dia sendiri yang dikatakan ada akredetasi dari MQA. Jadi dia dan beberapa individu dikenali trio UITM pun buka program master dan phd pembedahan kardiotorasik di UITM. Tapi baru ambil satu intake pelajar. Paling awal pun, 2026 atau 2028 baru ada graduan. Itupun diragui samada betul-betul berkualiti atau tak. Mungkin boleh audit proses pengambilan pelajar kot. Bila dia buka program master, mereka nak jatuhkan program paralel kardiotorasik dan kemukakan alasan program paralel adalah haram atau tidak diiktiraf (rujuk kenyataan dalam CodeBlue). Tapi mereka ada masalah untuk jadikan program ini sebagai sebuah program nasional kerana dasar UITM tak kan ambil pelajar bukan bumiputera. Kenyataan seorang penggerak program kepakaran kardiotorasik ini bercanggah dengan hasrat universiti dan kenyataan umum dikeluarkan bahawa tiada perbincangan dijalankan untuk buka slot kepada bukan bumiputera. Jadi, siapa sebenarnya yang menipu dalam bab ni? Jadi alasan bahawa tidak ada program untuk menambah pakar bedah kardiotorasik di Malaysia adalah salah dan cubaan memanipulasi keadaan. Ada komplot jahat untuk hapuskan program ni dengan guna alasan program paralel haram dan tak diiktiraf. Syukur ia telah dijawab oleh Menteri Kesihatan, College of Surgeons Academy of Medicine Malaysia dan British High Commisioner. Oleh itu, Akta Perubatan perlu dipinda bagi membenamkan agenda jahat orang yang nak hapuskan program paralel dan membolehkan pakar bedah kardiotorasik laluan paralel didaftar di bawah National Specialist Register. Credit: FB Dr Muhamad Na’im Abd Razak
Hanya di Malaysia isu kemasukan ke university tertakluk kepada syarat kaum dan kuota, negara sedang mengalami masalah kekurangan doctor, menteri kesihatan haruslah mengambil lebih serius tentang isu keselamatan kesihatan umum.
Tuan KJ. You have wisely point out the Stupidity of mind set. The country is facing shortage of specialist in heart and lung surgeons.For the sake of Rakyat Malaysia life depend on this specialist. Well said Tuan KJ.
Apala nak jadi. Katanya perkara ini dah lama berlarutan. Tak boleh ke buat kat universiti2 lain. Atau orang2 kaya Malaysia terutama cina, buka IPTS khas untuk program ini dan yang berkaitan degannya?
pakar2 jantung oversea yg nak berkhidmat ke malaysia pun terkandas nak masuk UITM tak diterima..di sabah hanya sorang pakar jantung je..mengakibat 1 orang pesakit mati baru2 ini kerna menunggu giliran sorang doktor selesai menjalani pembedahan.
Tuan KJ...this issue is good for politics. You should know well from experience that this is the traditional way to secure the support of "THE MAJORITY". Giving them the impression that the minority is taking away with their special rights.....Which we don't want or ever needed!!! The minorities have always worked things out on our own and never stole anything from The Majority. Why can't they see that they are being tricked into believing something that does not exist!!! For those who think the Non Bumis are attacking you, wake up coz you've got a threat called "B&R". These people are going to roll over you. They are the real threat!!!
Benda ini tdk perlu d bahas dan tdk perlu d debate lagi oleh mana mana pihak... Say NO saja sudah... Sbb nya Ada bnyk university lain d dalam Malaysia, boleh saja pilih... Kenapa perlu kacau Hak Bumiputra d Malaysia. Just say NO.. finished.
Isu Pelatih keSihatan sekadar nak tumpang Premis je kan MSU pun boleh buat tumpangan Sementara tetapi Isu yang lebih menarik adalah Pelajar bukan Bumiputra Sabah Sarawak diBoikot daripada menDaftar walaupun Institusi tersebut menggunakan Dana Rakyat pelbagai Bangsa🤔🤔🤔
Sebab itu jika kerja company Type C dia tengok kita belajar dekat UITM mereka macam tak respect je..syukur aku boleh cakap Mandarin mereka lebih hormat kita ..
Well said KJ. The level of stupidity is astounding. Reminds me a story I came across when young. Once upon a time, two people set out to find the silliest people in the forest. They came across a house and heard wailing. Upon entering, they saw a woman, her husband and her daughter crying. Their gaze was fixed upon an axe lodged in the ceiling. When asked why they were crying, the woman replied-"We are scared that one day that axe is going to fall on our daughter or grand kids and cause them harm." And they continued crying.
end of the day, if 1 course also make such a big issue of non bumi, then no one should speak anymore of closing vernicular schools since the objective of sjkc is promoting better education for all. So long as there are quota nonsense in education, then the vernicular school discussion is a non topic.
Suatu yg melibatkan nyawa, setiap saat menunggu menyebabkan nyawa seseorang Dan masih debat utk perkara ini. We need open minded person like KJ who knows his responsibilities
Buat ler kat university lain kan boleh..dah tahu rakyat tak mahu ia akan jadi kebiasan pulak...uitm tetap utk bumiputera full stop..banyak je option lain..come lah kj...
Benda ni (kekurangan pakar jantung & paru²) bukan isu baru. Dah lama dah.. Jangkamasa menunggu di IJN pun memang lama untuk pembedahan sebab kurang pakar. Dia dulu masa jadi Menteri Kesihatan, apa dia buat? Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi, buat apa sebelum ni?
Sama seperti isu doktor kontrak. Macam susah nak selesaikan isu2 ini. Masing2 dgn alasan itu lah, ini lah. Mungkin masing2 nak jaga periuk nasi masing2. Ada juga yg ingin ambil kesempatan. Begini lah budaya kita daripada pemimpin hingga ke rakyat jelata. Rasanya tiada penawar bagi merawat budaya ini. Negara kita pun dah jauh ketinggalan dlm semua aspek. Lol.
Yes, it is a stupid debate. Thanks to KJ for pointing out the obvious. While the politicians, bureaucrats, and student union (UiTM) debate this issue, thousands of heart patients suffer and have to wait for an unnecessarily long period for their surgery. I am one of those patients. Those who have the power to help us (patients waiting for surgery) are more interested in other agenda rather than saving lives. There's something very wrong here.
Dojt lie these indian, chinese students are migrating to for hgher pay.
Baik KJ. KJ patut balik jadi Menteri Kesihatan. Kita perlu pemimpin yg berfikiran logik dan berkebolehan menganalisis keadaan.
@@xinxinliu1339 simpler and faster solution. better bring in experts from other countries then trained these half bake doctors from unrecognised degree. You think register with uitm today tomorrow got certificates ahh?
@@xinxinliu1339 yang bodoh kj 😂😂😂
@@xinxinliu1339 kj baruah cina dan india
Betul Tuan KJ. Saya setuju. Semua ni sementara je. Think about the country. Rasis betul. Panic tak tentu pasal. Saya juga tak setuju vernacular school dibubarkan. Saya dulu sekolah cina...tak ada pun perasaan racist or tak ada memupuk anti-patriotic. I'm a Malay and a Muslim and yet the chinese school administrator welcome me. Yang menjadi isu ialah orang kita sendiri. Kita yang menyebabkan perpecahan. MPP UiTM wake up...bila masuk alam bekerja, kita akan berkawan dgn bangsa bangsa lain juga akhirnya. So open your eyes. Even student UiTM tak setuju MPP. Bear in mind I'm also an ITM gradute.
Too bad..most malay are not like you. "Us vs them" mentality are going to hold this country stagnant and that's the truth.
Wow! 👍
bg jari mahu betis mahu paha..biasa dengar x???..sbb bodoh la iHR pun korang ikut je..sign je apa WHO suruh...27.5.24 lastday utk bantah...
assalamualikum.. hak orang melayu dan bumiputera, bila raja dan sultan nak macam tu, akur je lah, sama macam tanah rizab melayu, rejimen askar melayu diraja??perlu di pertikai kah?
vernacular tu buat apa ja... sedangkan sekolah kebangsaan tu national identity, kenapa nak juga racial identity?siapa yang rasis.... malaysia bahasa kebangsaan bahasa melayu, menjadikan MELAYU tu rasict kah?
Sia-sia dilantik Jadi Menteri kalau isu sekecil inipun tak boleh Nak selesai.
Both of you, to me, a non-Malay Malaysian, represent the future of Malaysian politics. We want leaders like you; educated, progressive, proficient in the major lingua franca & say like what it actually is.
Kj tu ular, jgn percaya sgt, dia masih ada mentaliti ketuanan. Tunggu masa sesuai, keluar balik belang dia.
its easy and convenient to comment and BS when one holds no power in the government. Did he champion the same when he was in various Ministries? 'missing' RM100m yet to be found, locally produced Covid vaccine yet to be seen, contract doctors issue back in limbo, awarded mysejahtera app to foreign company over locals, vaccines purchases shrouded in mystery and scandals. If he is that 'good', I am convinced that Sungai buloh voters would have voted for him, fortunately, the majority finds him otherwise. Thanks God. I hope he accepts the India Pharmacy post and never return.
Then,,support the smart people who can work..
he can say whatever he wants because he’s not in the government of the day.
U believe politician?ha2
Aku bumiputra org asli. Aku sokong kenyataan KJ. Benda kecik nak besarkan2 jd isu besar. Tak matang. Islam tak ajar umatnya bersikap PERKAUMAN. NANTI JUMPA ALLAH, BOLEH CLAIM SYURGA KE DGN BERBANGSA MELAYU? Uitm tu dibayar dgn cukai dibayar SEMUA KAUM. Apalah sgt nak buka kursus perubatan itu utk non bumiputra. Manfaatnya utk masa depan negara jugak. Org luar negara boleh masuk, tapi rakyat negara sendiri lain kaum yg sesama bayar cukai tak boleh pulak. Mmg rasis.
Ko tk faham. Degeree tu tk diiktiraf. Sebab tu semua universiti tk nak student2 tu..ada fahm bingai?
@@Aaroniy-gk6tn bukan psl uni lain x iktiraf student2 degree. Tp hanya uitm satu2 nya ada kursus master itu dgn perjanjian UK. ko yg tak phm isu bodoh . Rasis
@@Aaroniy-gk6tn bukan degree tak diiktiraf. Tapi hanya UITM ada kursus master tu sebab ada perjanjian dgn UK. Uni lain tak ada sedia course tu selain uitm. Msia hanya recognized UiTM doctorate in cardiothoracic surgery.
@@Nuraznida @Nuraznida habis tu knp tak sambung di uk saja atau edinburgh? Takkan seluruh dunia UITM je yg ada?..hebat betul uitm. LOL. UITM buat bumiputera je.. maknanya budak2 cina dan india tu tak laku lah di universiti lain.
@@Nuraznida habis tu pergilah buat di uk. Uitm utk Melayu je. Knp nak kacau? Sape suruh ambil bidang yg takde di Malaysia? Habis tu cina india boleh uitm sebab tkde universiti lain? Cina negeri besar bnyak universiti.
Fellow of Royal College of Surgery (Edinburgh) in Cardiothoracic Surgery is recognised worldwide but not recognised in Malaysia. Malaysia only recognise Uitm Doctorate in Cardiothoracic Surgery. What a professional Malaysia Government, only recognise it own standard.
who tell you is worldwide?
Yes, its mind boggling. I thought the same.
FYI, Singapore x recognize FRCS Edin. please and it is not worldwide!!!
@@shuhminkok3265 My orthopedic surgeon is holding Master of Medicine Surgery National University of Singapore and Fellow of Royal College of Surgery Edinburgh both from Singapore, I see it with my own eye, only you who act blind
@@tanzihan My Gastroenterologist is from Nottingham, England, United Kingdom which currently working as visiting lecturer in Public University, Senior Consultant of the State Hospital and most popular Gastroenterologist among Indonesian Patient who visit my city to gain treatment. Another act blind person.
A U based on merit only as an entry criteria will be considered as a threat to the Malay power in this racially divided country. As long as we still have a race based policy in our constitution and politics, you can dream on till eternity that it can become a reality.
mula dah perangai kia su DAP…satu satu nak rampas hak orang Melayu!!!
Orang melayu boleh la
how about org asli and other bumis ethnic in sarawak/sabah that is unfortunate?? if not because of uitm for the bumis how are they supposed to get in ipta?? have u considered that?? hello??
This is not just about Malay..this is about the indigenous people as well..a lot of them still unfortunate compared to the people that live in the city which is not indigenous to this land..their ancestor is the original people of the land?why cant they have their special right on this country? As long as they didnt take the freedom of other race it shouldnt be an issue..
Aku setuju dengan pandangan KJ,bak kata pemimpin china ( tak kira Kuching itu hitam atau putih yang penting boleh menangkap tikus)
Kau silap. Itu peribahasa untuk binatang..😂😂😂 tapi kalau untuk bangsa tak bole diguna pakai..
Saya suka filosofi kamu
@@deandean0570 orang ikut nabi dia okut xina kafir😃😃
Hanya kat Malaysia perkara yg asalnya tak berkaitan langsung dgn kaum, iaitu kekurangan pakar doktor, boleh bergolek sampai jadi isu kaum. Kita ni lebih gemar main isu kaum drpd menyelamatkan nyawa.
kerana kaum lain xmahu mngakui hak bumiputra...pendatang pun mahu mngaku ini tanah mereka...ini tanah melayu..mesti lah org2 melayu bumi pertahan kan..kerana pemimpin melayu sendiri sudah xleh dipercayai....buka 1 minta 2..dpt 2mahu 4 5 ...bkn xtahu perangai manusia...ini bukan soal kaum..tetapi soal hak...
@@dinkk4127dh panjang lebar org explain xda kena mengena dgn isu hak bumiputera. Masih bengap
Xpayah nk bengapkan org...uitm utk bumi..knape nk buka utk bkn bumi...bile dh buka akan ada alasan utk trus dibuka..keturunan akan dtg menuntut lagi dan lagi...cukup la dh bg betis nk paha...bongok
@@dinkk4127thank you for showing you support Apartheid 👍👏
@@stormspirit7171 uitm hanya utk bumiputera. Noktah!!! Takkan tu pun tak paham? Bengap.
Yang hairan Uitm boleh buka kepada pelajar luar negara tapi tak boleh buka kepada pelajar non bumi. By the way I'm Bumiputera. Tapi saya tak suka ketidakadilan berlaku.
kau bkn bumi xpyh mngaku bumi...
Prove it@@anamikataran6900
eh eh diaorang non bumi kan ada banyak uni ko budak kecik tau apa? tau lukis entah apa apa., sedangkan nak kerja sekarang majority kena cakap mandarin preference non jgn kacau uitm lah 😡
To both KS speaker. Sebernar saya tidak ingin ungkit hal ni lagi. But once a Pandora box is open. It will relate to alot of thing. Jangan cakap srjkc & srjkt lagi adalah punca rakyat kita tidak bersatu. Sebenarnya adalah korang punca negara ni tidak dapat bersatu. Ask us to abolish our own edu. But you not willing to open the education sector to all race. 😢😢😢😢
Tapi mmg betul pun. SJK mmg punca Malaysia x bersatu pun. Ye saya setuju NEP mmg x bagus, patut kita buang je. Tapi kalau nk buang NEP, SJK pun kena buang jugak. Saya sokong. Saya ada kawan yg x pernah ade classmate Cina sepanjang membesar. Die benci Cina tapi bila dah bekerja bergaul dgn orang Cina dia yg kata sebenarnye ok je, manusia ni ade beza sini sikit situ sikit tapi pusing2 blk manusia ni sama je. Tu sbb kita kena campur kan anak2 kita masuk satu sekolah. Jgn diasing asingkan. Bila diasingkan dorang x bergaul sesama kaum lain, ini la result dia.
buang je SJKC dan SJKT, mengarut... di Thailand, cina yang menetap turun temurun di sana semua dah jadi BANGSA THAI... semua satu sekolah yang sama dengan orang asal Thailand.... kenapa di Malaysia, cina masih jadi cina??... sepatutnya cina di Malaysia ni bersatu dengan orang melayu.. apa lah susah sangat nak bersatu??.... ego tak habis-habis org cina malaysia ni..
That's the reason. ahahaha
keep saying the vernacular schools issue but vernacular schools never stop enroll other races.
Other races who are enrolled in Srjkc are not the issue. The issue is Srjkc Chinese students are cina Bukit enhanced....only know chinesey stuff from food to language to music to neighbourhood to media to work...spik Malay oso kenot, spik english like good good only
@@JunLYeap ...sekolah SK biasa pun LANGSUNG TAK halang juga bangsa dan kaum lain masuk sekolah SK biasa, tapi cina dan india tak mahu... dia nak juga masuk SJK.... sebab apa? sebab dia tak nak bergaul dengan orang Melayu... ego, sombong, tak nak bersatu ... itu lah masalahnya...
tak pernah dengar ke orang Cina atau orang India yang bersekolah di SK biasa? tak pernah dengar? kamu ni orang Malaysia ke tak ni?
This I totally agreed with KJ. The country is short of expertise and some fools is taking advantage of this situation to politizie it
Why short, because gaji kecik kerja hospital gov.. student medic bertahun di hantar ke luar negara.. mana pegi.. lepas tuh salah uitm sbb tak open kepada non bumi.. pundekk..
These indian students study in unrecognise universities want to use uitm as backdoor.
You are so right.
For those non bumi, please consider moving your skills else where. In Malaysia, the majority population will not appreciate your effort in the future so at least find a place where your future is more secure and safe for yourself and your family. No point arguing, racial segregation have been happening all along and by the history of the Malaysian economy vs the neighbours I think there’s no doubt that Malaysia is dropping in performance and going backwards in culture.
Agreed. Stop China, India Brain Drain. Please help your people first. You will be appreciated back in india.
I don’t know how to react when I found out the university accept international student, accept native student but not the minority of Malaysia citizen who are born here study here
Chinese refugees must move on or go back china. 50000 years civilisation ma.
Going to University did not make them smarter. Something that do not even need to be debated if they are thinking it is beneficial to the country. Why did they study medicine in the first place? Is it not for helping those who are sick? Total respect to KJ. On the other hand Akmal said'Jangan ganggu UiTM' this guy is not even fit to serve the country
Well said, Khairy 👏👏👏
Uitm utk bumi saja...tapi org asing boleh belajar pula...aish
Cakap uitm utk B40, tapi pihak UITM pula yg akui T20 pelajar lebih 20%
Skrg nak open buat sementara demi negara pun nak bantah, IPTA yg funded guna duit tax payer, tapi IPTA dan pelajar yg dibantu oleh duit awam pula tak mahu bantu masyarakat yg funded IPTA ni.
Knpa KJ tak terus terang hentam PN sebab mereka yg timbulkan benda ni jadi isu politik? Oh ya.. KJ ni pun antara proksi kuat Muhyidin dan Hisamudin Husien hehe
Tunggu lah bila semua yang best lari ke negara2 lain, otak tak pandai pusing pun. Dah lah kekurangan doktor2 🤦
At the end, doktor2 pelatih ni bila dah habis course nanti akan serve jgk pada org2 melayu jgk, what if doktor non-bumi ni decide taknak serve pd org melayu satu hari nnti, sbb dlu dioarg pernah di-reject sbb bkn alasan non-bumi
AM HAPPY THAT MOST Malays are wearing their thinking caps and intelligent reading glasses.
Allahu Akbar 😅
Mengapa tak daftar di sekolah perubatan di UM , UPM atau UKM ... jadi isu kemaskan non- bumi ke UiTM tak timbul ..
Perkara mudah mengapa nak disulitkan ...
Ada banyak lagi Universiti di Malaysia yang terbuka kepada umum dalam ilmu perubatan ... Mengapa nak tumpu ke UiTM
betul...U lain ada...sana boleh ambik non bumi
Isu simple. Lambat settle jadi chronic issue.
Isu besarnya. Kita nak jadikan malaysian malaysia. Org melayu x fhm ke? Mari sokong kami. Bagi kami hak. Asyik2 hak melayu jer...
Kami x cukup betis. Nak peha.
😊😂 👍👍👍
Dah 66 tahun merdeka negara masih tak maju. Tau tak apa sebabnya?
@@luks24452 sbb ada kau pendatang yg mahu mnguasai tanah melayu..memandang rendah tuan tanah...xmahu blajar budaya setempat..suruh belajar jawi 4muka surat pun macam mahu hukum mati....tiba2 persoalkan hak tuan tanah...lupa diri...faham x???nampak xsombong rasa diri hebat..negara maju tp dikuasai pendatang apa guna..bongok
Betul tu sbb tu 10 org perdana menteri melayu yg top 10 paling kaya banyak cina. Hahaha
indeed, there are too many stupid politicians in Malaysia. Non-bumi are not even interested to join UiTM. what's UiMT, university ranking berapa ???
Really?then why the non-bumi media interested to heat up the issue? Why bother comment?you might not but others do..both side of polictics are taking advantages to heat up this issue..
@@SyaqirShaary UiTM is for those who are less competitive, Shield them out from tough competition outside. let it be it. Smarter people don't go in.
@@jhtam6768 Stop china brain drain. Smart chinese must go home help chinese ma
@jhtam6768 FYI its UITM..produce high quality Engineers..Architects and so on with best multi race intelligent Lecturers ..ranking is NOT an issue here, perhaps you should move to New Zealand while watching the Indonesia Tobacco story.. so mangkuk and like a "katak bawah tempurung"
Just curious,I don't follow this issue closely but I mean why must UITM? if it decides not to accept then why don't they give this responsibility to other local universities where this will not become an issue... This is not the UITM's fault at the first place..
Comment betul dan kuat👍🕺
This i agreed with him this time. Perkara yang simple ini jadi rumit. Main issue is the MMC now... road block yang jadikan masalah ini.
Mmc jaga kualiti. Deggree tk ditauliah buang saja. Students penipu.
Buka aje dah dan yang terbaik sepatut boleh bantu perubatan pendidikan agar negara maju kehadapan. Kalau tajaan swasta, tak apelah. Tapi ni sumbangan duit rakyat dan cukai hasil semua kaum. Tapi uitm hanya bagi bumi. Apalak minda gila mundur dan terus mundur...
Spot on KJ! Its embrassing how a simple issue has been blown away. Its those people 'up there' who is not doing their job.
KJ was the best umno youth leader..very pragmatic leader most of the time...the current one very emotional cry baby.
itu la mslh nya...untung dekat kamu smua bagus...langgar hak org lain pun kamu xkisah...
@@dinkk4127nk tunggu pesakit melayu mati dulu baru nak bertindak ke 😂😂
@@dinkk4127 kau tau kah ada pelajar antarabangsa bukan warganegara study d uitm?
@@Nick-t5x jadi apa masalahnya Nick? Suka hati itm lah. China ada beribu univeristi..
Hohoho pkr sdh panggil mari...kj..knp tk nak join pkrr?
Sabah Dan sarawak mungkin bukan org Malaysia dalam hati melayu...... Balik2 komen uitm milk org melayu Islam....... Sedarla org sabah Dan sarawak....
U orang apa? Tak payah mau petik Sabah Sarawak maaa
Kau pergi belajar dulu, apa maksud UITM untuk bumiputera! itu termasuk sabah sarawak la bodoh..masalah sekarang ni isu non bumiputera seperti banglades nepal myanmar pakistan nak masuk belajar kat UITM..kau faham ke tidak???
@@taxisroticanai542 org Asal Sabah bos, bumiputra sabah.....kau Jangan maaa2 sana.......rasis tahap dewa
Khas untuk bumiputra Saja?yg pelajar overseas tu bumiputra ke?..lgpun INI Masalah education and we need our own specialist.. malaysiaan.. please open your minds..think positive
Stop china brain drain. China need specialists..
I have moved to Singapore back in 2018. Now I am a proud PR there. What I can say is Singapore gives me more opportunity to shine and make my dreams come true.
Says while lives in a tiny flat that even if you buy is still owned by the gov, and can't afford a car, which even if you can afford is oh yeah also owned by the gov, l0l
IJM boleh buka kepada University lain yang tidak ada isu kaum, misalan UKM, UM, UPM, dan lain lain.
Masalahnya uni tu takde kepakaran bidang tu. Hanya UiTM sahaja yg menawarkan kepakaran tersebut
Mudah..pakar diutm tu boleh dilantik interim dipark ke universiti lain..mudah..uitm for bumi and not non bumi..menteri dan puak yg pertikai stupid bullshit go to hell
@@ReefearEapear sebenarnya masalahnya ialah University di UK yang ada perjanjian dengan UITM tu sudah ditamatkan kelayakannya. Sepatutnya UITM juga batalkan perjanjian dengan University tersebut. Apakah penyebab pembatalan sepatutnya dikaji sebelum mereka boleh di terima ke dalam UITM. Dan UM dan UKM sepatutnya juga ada khusus tersebut, tapi mereka tidak mahu menerima graduan dari University UK tersebut sebagai specialist. Maka persoalan sekarang adalah kelayakan pengiktirafan ijazah University UK tersebut, tetapi segolongan ahli politik menjadikan isu ni isu bangsa adalah sangat menyedihkan. Lagi-lagi pun pelajar University UITM pula tidak boleh berpikir baik baik masalah ini, pula main dengan isu bangsa, adakah sekian hari doktor doktor dari UITM hanya boleh ubati pesakit bumiputra.
Pikir lah betul betul, mengapa Malaysia yang paling kuat di rantau ini masa 60 dan 70an, dengan berbagai sumba semulajadi, boleh dikalah teruk oleh negara negara jiran. Ahli politik yang mainkan sentimen perkauman sepatutnya ditolak terus demi masa depan kita semua.
Oleh kerana UM adalah Universiti yang agak lama, saya sgt harap UM mula tawarkan kursus ini mengikut meritoksrasi. Boleh kekalkan UITM utk pelajar yg sempit pemikiran nya. KJ thank God for your intelligence, wisdom n bravery for speaking up. We need more open minded leaders like you. Keep it up!
@@ReefearEapear nasiblah..China 50000 tamadun takkan takde kepakaran? Tak Melayu je yg pandai?
Senang saja, suruh doctor yg nak masuk ke msia balik ni.. pergi singapore saja. Sana buka pintu besar besaran terima bakat besar ni. Good bye malaysia
Yes goodbye to bad rubbish.Stay there dont come bk.We have our own best Muslim doctors.
@@nurhanaibrahim162 ya, lepas tu baru tulis report tak cukup doktor pakar di malaysia. Guna gaji tinggi ambil doktor negara luar yg lahir di malaysia. Okla tu, byk ahli politik , t20 pun guna pakar luar negara je. Terbaik la, majula malaysia.
Fuhhhh, banyak syok Singapore farming talent dr Malaysia. Malaysia's greatest export is talented non bumis. Non bumi layak diterima kerja di Spura sbb non bumi faham meritocracy. Bumi memang terciduk lah kalau bab merit.
@@nurhanaibrahim162Looks like you don't really care about the fact that Malaysia severely lacks specialist surgeons of this area. You only care about your special rights, and you're so worried about losing it. KJ already said that ís not the issue. If you can't contribute to the solution, that means you're part of the problem.
@@wai-sunchia6190 Yes call us whatever you want.U guys and KJ are the problem.Okay lack of specialists u can go bk to UK or US or Singapore or other private 7niv in Msia.Whats the problem.Of course we care for our rights as dominant people we are suppressed more and more by this DAP PH all for non Malays rascist secular tyrant govt.If you dont care for yr people which I doubt that's u.
Yes why are u afraid go to those countries and other univ.Why UITM in particular ..Ask Tambry yr HE Minister traitor to ask UM to do special deal for u guys.
We dont non Muslim specialists or Malay traitors.We need God fearing specialists physicians to tk care of rakyat w devotion and competence .Not more doctors specialist all out to kill rakyat for more money.
If KJ can maintain his integrity when back in government, he shall be PM of Malaysia
KJ cepatlah masuk semula dalam kabinet jadi menteri. Menteri yg ada now semua x boleh harap, tak bijak dan tak ada perancangan nak buat apa.
u nak ambik booster ke balik😂😂😂
Xpyh balik kerja kt msia lah. Khidmat terus lah di Edinburgh scotland atau mana2 negara yg iktiraf.
Whether we all like it or not, non-bumis already part of this nation called Malaysia. Many non-bumis has contributed in many areas bringing the name of Malaysia to the stage of this world. For example, Lee Chong Wei in badminton. We all need to now accept each other and start move forward as a society as one nation. We need to stop all these seriously!.
how to stop all these? tell me..
Itu macam u suruh dap tutuplah sikolah vernakular..jangan cakap break sejaa😂😂😂🤣🤣👎👎
Sebab kena belajar hakikat sejarah ler.. dah perlembangan macam Tu kena utamakan bumi putera kena terima hakikat. Berhenti persoalkan.
@@mohdnajib-eh5gy ..betul ...sebab Malaysia tak menindas sesiapa pun... semua orang boleh berjaya dan kaya di Malaysia... cuma kau perlu usaha je, dan kau kaya... bangla pun ramai dh yg kaya di Malaysia ni..
@@gengorangmudakaya3282 Yee betul.
Terbaik KJ. Jelas sekali. Tolong buka minda buka hati buka telinga dan buka mata. Jangan jadi katak di bawah tempurong. Faham dulu issue ini jangan terus bantah.
Totally agree with you. You have brought more clarity to the issue which has been blown out of context.
Bila negara kekurangan pakar pakar perubatan , yang rugi dan terkesan adalah rakyat rakyat jelata
Harap kalau nak demo jangan demo di kampus sahaja tapi pergi demo di wad sakit jantung dimana kesan kekurangan doktor nak masuk U ni lebih dirasai
Tuggu UM buat .Saya suka sebab UM libatkan semua kaum .
Well said brother, U are true leader, we miss U, I always told my Malay friend U are the best candidate for PM based on ur leadership.Hope to meet U one day
yaa bagus bila mnguntungkan kamu dan kaum2 pendatang..mula buka 1 lps tu minta 2 lps tu??malaysian malaysia itu mahu...cukup lah raykat mnguasai UM...xperlu raykat di uitm
politician should facilitate everything that is good for country. not adding trouble into it.
I don't know what to say at this point. We have an immediate issue that concerns everyone that needs to be solved. Guys, time to earn your pay.
Having more heart surgeons in the country, something which will also benefit the Malays is a threat to the Malays.
Till this day after 60 plus years of independence....still debating about race and religion... in Malaysia, obviously life takes a second place when it comes to race and religion...that's why Malaysia still lags behind other nations... always back to race and religion...not merit
Dapat uitm tapi x masuk. Uni utk yg lemah keputusan.
Masaalah UITM adalah pihak yg bertanggongjawab tidak mahu ambik
tanggongjawab kerana takut di kritik oleh segolongan pihak. Pelajar2 berbaju hitam tidak sepatutnya melibatkan diri pelajar2 wajar tumpukan pengajaran biar pihak UITM dan menteri2 menyelesaikan masaalah.
Tak perlu salahkan UITM. Dasar yg lama dipersetujui demi keharmonian kaum dan keseimbangan kemajuan ekonomi antara kaum. Di saat isu3r yg panas, tak wajar pertikaikan dulu dasar2 berkaitan bumiputra. Kerajaan kena pilih alternatif lain dulu. Party2 dan dan pelbagai kaum yg menang jadi kerajaan sekarang perlu humble dgn kuasa, cara bertindak, cara bersuara, cara bawa perubahan, reformasi. In Syaa Allah kita akan lebih baik dan damai. Tidak semestinya semua yg lama itu buruk, lapuk. Kita masih negara yg termaju, membangun di kalangan negara2 yg dijajah di dunia 60,70 years ago. Meaning kerajaan sebelum ini juga berjaya walaupun it could be better. 3,4 tahun bukanlah kayu ukur kejayaan negara.😅
1) Dasar UiTM untuk bumiputra, so just respect. Jgn disentuh, itu sensitive.
2) Isu kekurangan pelatih. Wahai pemimpin. Dah bertahun hantar student pergi luar negara belajar medic, why still kekurangan lagi. Itu persoalan.
3) Isu toleransi jgn di ambil pakai, walaupun itu sementara katanya, takut di kemudian hari di minta minta lagi. Kalau dibagi betis nak peha pulak.
4) As bumi, we defend our right. For those non bumi, why korg dengan lancang mengatakan student2 uitm takde kualiti. Siap mencadangkan supaya Company2 blacklisted student uitm. Itu provoke.
Hahaha..provoke konon....dasar malas dan jenis insecure
We need to teach our children should love all... people need to stop separating our children from a young the real world there are many races, we need to teach our children to mix
kalau tiba masa untuk mati, terima je la..geng kayangan yg mampu boleh je pergi seberang laut, banyak Dr Malaysia kat sana.
Education ministry and Health ministry,pls get it done quickly.
- hujah paling tepat!
When mahathir set up matriculations, nobody dares to complain.. double standards, double agent and double the stupidity
Bingo KJ, DG health, MMC dan Minister of Health and Minister of Higher Learning - get it done. Do not prolong the issue. Makan gaji buta ka?
Well.said KJ. I hope other understanding same as u.
Pada saya from your explaination saya berpendapat mmc is bulying uitm. Kat sekolah kita anti buli. Here they are bulying uitm. We hate kaki buli Temporary openning to me is evidence of bulying. Ask all malaysians, we want pakar or we want mmc politics. Please minister (although you are not doctor) take necessary action, you have power over mmc.
You are right KJ.
Think smart and global👍👍👍💪💪💪
I 100% agree yr point Tuan KJ . Kenapa dlm soal medical pun ada rasis 😅
Saya sebagai pelajar uitm shah alam, sumpah saya malu dengan kepimpinan mpp uitm
I'm shock by the news, I didn't know this will happen in Malaysia? From what I know no universities in Malaysia has practised single ethnic group registration, I'm not sure bila masa UiTM has made bumiputera only demand? This is an open discrimination at all levels! For the record, Maju Institute of Educational Development (MIED), Tafe College in Seremban and the Asian Institute of Medicine, Science and Technology or AIMST University in Bedong, Kedah with the initiation of the late Dato Samy Velu were founded on Malaysian Indians' donations. I remembered Dato Samy literally begged each Indian house-hold to support this course which we did. The contributions were meant for deprived Indians (victims of quota system), and yet we Indians were gracious enough to open the doors to all Malaysia students up till now.
well said kj..
Some nasty dump turn the Solution to safe lives into racist issues, but, the biggest joke is international student are allowed, I wonder are they non Muslim?
If you are so honourable, please tell the government, we don't want money from non Malays tax to be spent on all the exclusive set up
Anyway, focus on solution, please,
Semakin kurang yakin anda, semakin anda mahukan "keistimewaan". Semakin kurang keberanian anda, semakin anda takut kehilangan "keistimewaan" anda. Sedar-sedar faham dan faham apa kepentingan awam masyarakat! Tidakkah memalukan untuk menjadi rasis dan beragama sepanjang hari?
越是缺乏自信,越是希望得到“特权”。越是缺乏勇气,越是害怕失去“特权”。清醒的明白,了解,什么是社会公共利益吧!一天到晚种族主义,宗教主义,不羞耻吗?The less confident you are, the more you want “privileges”. The less courage you have, the more you fear losing your “privilege.” Soberly understand and understand what is the public interest of society! Isn’t it shameful to be racist and religious all day long?
Mana pergi bengong yang komen “Mula buka bagi masuk sikit, lepas tu buka terus.” hari tu?
Dah tiba masa Malaysia melangkah ke hadapan. Tinggalkan politik perkauman. Buka UiTM dan Mara untuk semua. Tutup sekolah vernakular. Haramkan bahasa Cina/Tamil sebagai bahasa perantara di sekolah. Buka sekolah integrasi dengan jadual dwisesi. Sesi pagi, pelajar belajar subjek teras yang wajib dipelajari semua pelajar. Sesi petang, pelajar belajar subjek elektif seperti mandarin, tamil, agama etc. Bukan susah sangat pon.
Simplified explanation of this issue ‘bodoh’ :
Program kardiotorasik UITM tu bukan program paralel. Program paralel kardiotorasik tu dah dibuka lama dah. Bukan di bawah universiti ni. Memang dah ada graduan multiracial pun.
Tapi, orang yang buka program kardiotorasik UITM ni baru balik Malaysia dan dibawa masuk ke UITM sebab itu sahaja universiti yang terima individu muflis untuk bekerja. Kenapa muflis? Ini melibatkan isu universiti perubatan Allianze yang bangkrap beberapa tahun lalu mengakibatkan ramai pelajar dan staf terkesan.
Individu ni tidak sefahaman dengan ramai geng kardiotorasik dan dia nak buka program dia sendiri yang dikatakan ada akredetasi dari MQA. Jadi dia dan beberapa individu dikenali trio UITM pun buka program master dan phd pembedahan kardiotorasik di UITM. Tapi baru ambil satu intake pelajar. Paling awal pun, 2026 atau 2028 baru ada graduan. Itupun diragui samada betul-betul berkualiti atau tak. Mungkin boleh audit proses pengambilan pelajar kot.
Bila dia buka program master, mereka nak jatuhkan program paralel kardiotorasik dan kemukakan alasan program paralel adalah haram atau tidak diiktiraf (rujuk kenyataan dalam CodeBlue). Tapi mereka ada masalah untuk jadikan program ini sebagai sebuah program nasional kerana dasar UITM tak kan ambil pelajar bukan bumiputera. Kenyataan seorang penggerak program kepakaran kardiotorasik ini bercanggah dengan hasrat universiti dan kenyataan umum dikeluarkan bahawa tiada perbincangan dijalankan untuk buka slot kepada bukan bumiputera. Jadi, siapa sebenarnya yang menipu dalam bab ni?
Jadi alasan bahawa tidak ada program untuk menambah pakar bedah kardiotorasik di Malaysia adalah salah dan cubaan memanipulasi keadaan. Ada komplot jahat untuk hapuskan program ni dengan guna alasan program paralel haram dan tak diiktiraf. Syukur ia telah dijawab oleh Menteri Kesihatan, College of Surgeons Academy of Medicine Malaysia dan British High Commisioner.
Oleh itu, Akta Perubatan perlu dipinda bagi membenamkan agenda jahat orang yang nak hapuskan program paralel dan membolehkan pakar bedah kardiotorasik laluan paralel didaftar di bawah National Specialist Register.
Credit: FB Dr Muhamad Na’im Abd Razak
@@nevergonnagiveyouup1596 ᴄᴏᴘʏ ᴘᴀsᴛᴇ ᴊᴇʀ ᴋᴇ ᴋᴀᴜ ʀᴇᴛɪ ? ᴘᴛᴜᴛ ʟᴀ ʙɪɴɢᴀɪ..
@@insomnia--- illegal?
Sokong KJ....❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Doa terbaik utk rakyat Malaysia
Nak jadi Pakar Penyelamat Nyawa pun susah
Hanya di Malaysia isu kemasukan ke university tertakluk kepada syarat kaum dan kuota, negara sedang mengalami masalah kekurangan doctor, menteri kesihatan haruslah mengambil lebih serius tentang isu keselamatan kesihatan umum.
Cikgu nak non bumi, tapi student x boleh bagus la tu.. ni academic bukan politic
Tuan KJ.
You have wisely point out the Stupidity of mind set. The country is facing shortage of specialist in heart and lung surgeons.For the sake of Rakyat Malaysia life depend on this specialist.
Well said Tuan KJ.
Apala nak jadi. Katanya perkara ini dah lama berlarutan. Tak boleh ke buat kat universiti2 lain. Atau orang2 kaya Malaysia terutama cina, buka IPTS khas untuk program ini dan yang berkaitan degannya?
100% Agree👍🇲🇾
Kj pun keing juga
pakar2 jantung oversea yg nak berkhidmat ke malaysia pun terkandas nak masuk UITM tak diterima..di sabah hanya sorang pakar jantung je..mengakibat 1 orang pesakit mati baru2 ini kerna menunggu giliran sorang doktor selesai menjalani pembedahan.
Ya betul, asyik pergi Serdang jauhlah. Selayang, Sg Buloh, KL pun tak ada pakar jantung
We need young leaders to lead this country & not the corrupted leaders who will destroys
Not leaders from uitm. More corruption will it be.
Tuan KJ...this issue is good for politics. You should know well from experience that this is the traditional way to secure the support of "THE MAJORITY". Giving them the impression that the minority is taking away with their special rights.....Which we don't want or ever needed!!! The minorities have always worked things out on our own and never stole anything from The Majority. Why can't they see that they are being tricked into believing something that does not exist!!! For those who think the Non Bumis are attacking you, wake up coz you've got a threat called "B&R". These people are going to roll over you. They are the real threat!!!
Dulu semasa Umno perintah MRSM boleh pula beri ruang kemasukan pelajar bangsa Cina dan india masuk ke dalam MRSM.
Mane waibee yang satu tu ?, ade reply dari die lepas nih ?
Benda ini tdk perlu d bahas dan tdk perlu d debate lagi oleh mana mana pihak... Say NO saja sudah... Sbb nya Ada bnyk university lain d dalam Malaysia, boleh saja pilih... Kenapa perlu kacau Hak Bumiputra d Malaysia. Just say NO.. finished.
Isu Pelatih keSihatan sekadar nak tumpang Premis je kan MSU pun boleh buat tumpangan Sementara tetapi Isu yang lebih menarik adalah Pelajar bukan Bumiputra Sabah Sarawak diBoikot daripada menDaftar walaupun Institusi tersebut menggunakan Dana Rakyat pelbagai Bangsa🤔🤔🤔
Well said!!!
Sebab itu jika kerja company Type C dia tengok kita belajar dekat UITM mereka macam tak respect je..syukur aku boleh cakap Mandarin mereka lebih hormat kita ..
C 😂😂😂
Kenape x kerja je kat company type M? Tak nak bmf ke?😂 kito jaga kito, no? 😂😂😂😂
Sorry, bukan jer type C tu tak respect UITM, banyak juga MNC tak ambil graduan UITM. Ramai org tak mahir Inggeris lagipun tak kuat kerja.
type c??then you are type m....
Well said KJ. The level of stupidity is astounding. Reminds me a story I came across when young. Once upon a time, two people set out to find the silliest people in the forest. They came across a house and heard wailing. Upon entering, they saw a woman, her husband and her daughter crying. Their gaze was fixed upon an axe lodged in the ceiling. When asked why they were crying, the woman replied-"We are scared that one day that axe is going to fall on our daughter or grand kids and cause them harm." And they continued crying.
end of the day, if 1 course also make such a big issue of non bumi, then no one should speak anymore of closing vernicular schools since the objective of sjkc is promoting better education for all. So long as there are quota nonsense in education, then the vernicular school discussion is a non topic.
Suatu yg melibatkan nyawa, setiap saat menunggu menyebabkan nyawa seseorang Dan masih debat utk perkara ini. We need open minded person like KJ who knows his responsibilities
Pigi taja tempat lain lahhh..apasal uitm..banyak U lain lagi lahh
Buat ler kat university lain kan boleh..dah tahu rakyat tak mahu ia akan jadi kebiasan pulak...uitm tetap utk bumiputera full stop..banyak je option lain..come lah kj...
Inilah contoh cemerlang apabila perkara kecil diperbesarkan demi nak menang politik. Akmal Saleh sekali lagi menyerlah.
Well said.
Totally agree with KJ on this issue
Benda ni (kekurangan pakar jantung & paru²) bukan isu baru. Dah lama dah.. Jangkamasa menunggu di IJN pun memang lama untuk pembedahan sebab kurang pakar. Dia dulu masa jadi Menteri Kesihatan, apa dia buat? Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi, buat apa sebelum ni?
Sama laa tu dulu pun kj perbodohkan rakyat pasal vaksin.
Sama seperti isu doktor kontrak. Macam susah nak selesaikan isu2 ini. Masing2 dgn alasan itu lah, ini lah. Mungkin masing2 nak jaga periuk nasi masing2. Ada juga yg ingin ambil kesempatan. Begini lah budaya kita daripada pemimpin hingga ke rakyat jelata. Rasanya tiada penawar bagi merawat budaya ini. Negara kita pun dah jauh ketinggalan dlm semua aspek. Lol.