How to Keep Spinning Components Straight and Steady - Kevin Caron

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @RickRabjohn
    @RickRabjohn 9 років тому +1

    Part of my bucket list is to make a kinetic wind sculpture for my backyard but could not visualize how to mount it for spinning - nice sculpture and thanks for sharing!!!!

  • @pidgeiam4979
    @pidgeiam4979 9 років тому +3

    Please post a finished vid of the new piece. Copper looks pretty cool in my opinion and I'm sure I'm not alone wanting to see the finished product. Keeper up Kevin I like and learn a bunch from you. Thanks again.

  • @dennistatu6172
    @dennistatu6172 9 років тому +1

    Your ingenuity is astounding Kevin and I hear Mary's camera work is quite fine.

    • @KevincaronSculpture
      @KevincaronSculpture  9 років тому

      +Dennis Tatu Hi Dennis!! I do have a lot of fun with my job! We always have fun filming.. You guys never get to see the goings on in the background.... (and you never will!)

  • @stevefritsch3543
    @stevefritsch3543 3 роки тому +1

    Great stuff Kevin. Just getting into kinetic sculpture. Can't believe how costly the stainless steel thrust bearings are. Thanks for the instructional videos.

  • @theonlybuzz1969
    @theonlybuzz1969 5 років тому +1

    Still loving the artwork that You are making Kevin and not forgetting the easily identifiable voice of mrs Caron, one day I would love to hear Mary say “Hey Philip what’d you doing ?” So I can make it into a ringtone,

    • @KevincaronSculpture
      @KevincaronSculpture  5 років тому +1

      I will add that to the list for the next filming!!!

    • @theonlybuzz1969
      @theonlybuzz1969 5 років тому

      Kevin Caron, Artist I'd really like that Kevin, may you and your family have a great weekend. Phil

  • @lydiafife8716
    @lydiafife8716 6 років тому +1

    Thank you so much, Kevin! Enjoyed the video and look forward to watching more!

    • @KevincaronSculpture
      @KevincaronSculpture  6 років тому +1

      Every Wednesday morning we post.
      Don't forget to check out my website also.

  • @donnaer
    @donnaer 2 роки тому +1

    Thanks so much Kevin!

  • @L.O.R.D.Y
    @L.O.R.D.Y 9 років тому +1

    ( Hay Kevin what you doing ) amazing video Kevin watching your movies give me so many ideas amazing thank you for your time and thank Mrs Kevin to take care...

    • @srkhansrkhan1431
      @srkhansrkhan1431 4 роки тому

      ډير ښه معلومات دې راسره شريک يوجهان مننه کوم

  • @dahveed284
    @dahveed284 9 років тому

    Thanks so much for this video. Every time my wife sees some of those windblown kinetic sculptures for sale in Santa Fe, I tell her, "I could make us one of those..." and now I can. Or at least some sort of kinetic yard thingy representing one man's struggle against something...
    Separating the bearings by several inches will increase the strength and reduce the movement due to bearing slop and shaft flex even more.

    • @KevincaronSculpture
      @KevincaronSculpture  9 років тому +1

      +dahveed284 True, but it makes it harder to stick it all in the little space..

  • @fxm5715
    @fxm5715 9 років тому

    Very cool, Kevin. Did you use some variety of thrust bearings? If not, you might consider swapping some in. It's not something most people think about, but the perpendicular pressure on radial bearings will otherwise degrade them pretty quickly.

    • @KevincaronSculpture
      @KevincaronSculpture  9 років тому

      +FXM Always something to keep in mind.. If this was a motor driven piece or wind driven I would look for heavier bearings but it's an indoor piece so should not be a problem.. Thanks for the tip!

  • @VisorBlue
    @VisorBlue 9 років тому

    Nice piece Kevin!

  • @lydiafife8716
    @lydiafife8716 6 років тому +1

    I haven't watched many of your videos but have you ever used a motorized "spinner" for any sculptures?

  • @LowellGreen63
    @LowellGreen63 4 роки тому +1

    Kevin, did you consider motorizing this sculpture instead of just the bearings?

    • @KevincaronSculpture
      @KevincaronSculpture  4 роки тому

      Have just started looking at motors and such. Got a lot to learn before I can make the leap.

    • @LowellGreen63
      @LowellGreen63 4 роки тому

      @@KevincaronSculpture Will probably add a new dimension to your already wonderful sculptures...Can't wait to see them...

  • @billw26
    @billw26 6 років тому +1

    Really like that sculpture. What’s the name? Thanks.

  • @ytkealoha
    @ytkealoha 7 років тому +1

    Kevin: do you not longer use this method? You've moved on to thrust bearings? Can you do a thrust bearing video like this one? A+++ many thanks for this one (as every one).

    • @KevincaronSculpture
      @KevincaronSculpture  7 років тому

      Still use these as well. I did one video on thrust bearings so far. Search for thrust bearings on my site.

    • @KevincaronSculpture
      @KevincaronSculpture  7 років тому

      Look here,

  • @unclefrankonap1953
    @unclefrankonap1953 9 років тому

    you do beautiful work honestly enjoy your channel. thank you and your lady.

  • @stickwelding247
    @stickwelding247 9 років тому

    Hello , Kevin can you make video on different types of metal ex: dom tube ,square tube ,plate,sheet,pipes, expanded metal explain each type and when it's best to use in sculptures

    • @KevincaronSculpture
      @KevincaronSculpture  9 років тому

      +Stickwelding 247 Will give it some thought..... Thanks for the request..

  • @ccswelding1599
    @ccswelding1599 9 років тому +1

    maybe do a video on different finishes, like is your rust patina "real" or applied? etc.

  • @DFWKen
    @DFWKen 9 років тому +1

    Might think about a rain shield on the shaft between the art piece and the pedestal like manufacturers put on air condition outside unit condenser fan motors. I think that it would make a nice decorative top to cover the open hole in the top of the pedestal. Or maybe this is an indoor piece. I really like the art piece. Natural patina will be nice. Shiny copper would probably be too difficult to maintain. And thank you for showing works in progress. I have mechanical abilities, but missed the artistic gene.

  • @АлексейКозубов-в6у
    @АлексейКозубов-в6у 4 роки тому +1

    Спасибо и лайк удачи и здоровья

  • @stickwelding247
    @stickwelding247 9 років тому

    can you make vid r Onondaga different types of metal ex: dom tube ,square tube ,plate,sheet,pipes, expanded metal explain each type and when it's best to use in sculptures

  • @CharlesStruble
    @CharlesStruble 9 років тому

    Excellent info guys! Thanks!

  • @gamergirl6189
    @gamergirl6189 4 роки тому +1

    Which bearing you used for this sculpture ???

    • @KevincaronSculpture
      @KevincaronSculpture  4 роки тому

      Please read the description at the beginning of the video. I used 2 flange bearings in this sculpture. You can use any make as long as they fit for what you are doing. I got these at Granger I think.

  • @MrGunPilot
    @MrGunPilot 9 років тому

    Man! The art is in getting to do what you enjoy for a living. On this piece, what/why does it need to spin? Will the shaft be motorized? Maybe I missed something in the discussion; regardless it's cool, thanks for sharing.

    • @KevincaronSculpture
      @KevincaronSculpture  9 років тому

      +GunPilot No motor for now.. Just a hand spun piece.. It needs to spin so you can see the different views easier... And I have never done one like this that spins so what the heck!!

    @FISHBREATHH 9 років тому

    Kevin, I like to see what you are working on. Works in progress. what will the finish on the copper be?? let it get its natural patina or ??? Thanks for the vid.

    • @KevincaronSculpture
      @KevincaronSculpture  9 років тому

      +FISHBREATHH I was planning on shinning it and clear coated over the top..

  • @SDCustoms
    @SDCustoms 9 років тому

    Good tip, Kevin!

  • @Daniel-yk6mm
    @Daniel-yk6mm 9 років тому

    Where do you get your art from does it just came to you or do you look for it when you are out and about ?

    • @KevincaronSculpture
      @KevincaronSculpture  9 років тому +1

      +Daniel Spencer I do have a very overactive imagination! Most of the time it just comes to me as a finished piece. Just have to deconstruc it and figure out how to make it.. Course, alcohol has a lot to do with it also!

  • @charlesdyer2376
    @charlesdyer2376 9 років тому +2

    I hope that was for a demo cause the bolts should come in from the top case the nut falls off ya don't lose the bolt, an it stays in the hole ,also lock washer an lock tite. (.I was payin attention.)

    • @KevincaronSculpture
      @KevincaronSculpture  9 років тому

      +Charles Dyer Great eyes!! Just this was just to put it together and figure out what I need to do..

  • @ronaldhays5554
    @ronaldhays5554 9 років тому

    Kev, install you bolt with the heads on top that way if the nuts come loose they will fall off but the bolts will still be there hopefully not wobbling to much and protect your nice looking piece of art. Old aircraft mechanic kicking in!

    • @KevincaronSculpture
      @KevincaronSculpture  9 років тому

      +Ronald Hays Thank you,,, When it is finished it will be bolts from the top with nylock nuts to make sure nothing will come loose...

  • @Mrjoelaguirre
    @Mrjoelaguirre 9 років тому +1

    Hello! your channel excellente

  • @grahamblackmore6169
    @grahamblackmore6169 9 років тому

    why not just 'beefup' the strut supporting the bearing?

  • @DENicholsAutoBravado
    @DENicholsAutoBravado 9 років тому

    Trying to get your bearings? Hey, do you need a compass and map? Is that a homonym spelled the same or different. We love puns in this household.

  • @sharpeyedwatcher9724
    @sharpeyedwatcher9724 5 років тому +1

    It's called self aligning not "slop".

  • @robertcoyle1532
    @robertcoyle1532 9 років тому

    I'll throw in with DFWKen... buff it up a bit then flame it to get a rainbow effect and clear coat it. here is a link to sculpture i made that is powered by the sun