A bit of an unnecessary discussion, honestly. This whole question of what Maker game we want and how it should be done will be obsolete anyways, as soon as Nintendo finally releases “Maker Maker“, so we can just make our own Maker games.
Definitely a Kirby maker, the interaction between copy abilities and setpieces would lead to great creative moments, such as alternative paths that you need certain abilities to access, and different abilities being effective against certain bosses (like Mega Man) puzzles having different solutions based on your ability, or even levels where you can't have copy abilities. I think it would be really fun and user-friendly.
I feel as though this is also the most likely one that will come out, since I feel as though kirby is much more of a combat-ish game than the other big franchises, making it easier to develop.
I get that people with little to no knowledge about level design wont really know how to build enjoyable dungeons and whatnot, but you can make the same argument for super mario maker. That being said, it is harder to make a dungeon than to make a mario level, but my point still stands
Agreed. Same with a Metroid maker, if people don’t know how to do things or if it is to much they can just continue trying out little things until they have a level that would be fun to play.
Why make a Mario level with fun platforming and a unique theme, when you could just spam random enemies all over the screen and give the player a super star?
@@mastermeep4294 With Metroid games, the thing that makes those games incredibly enjoyable is the large world to explore and areas to go back to when you have more gear, which there in lies a full game. With Mario, it speaks for itself, and for Zelda, you can focus on a specific dungeon, develop the theme for it, and still have a good time. Even with poorly designed dungeons, if there's a system where the player is forced to complete the level and there were checksums to prevent softlocking, it'd still be at the absolute worst, a mildly annoying time, like the worst levels in Mario Maker. Take Super Metroid for example. You defeat Spore Spawn for Supers, kill Kraid with Supers aiding you and obtain Power Bombs, get the Speed Booster to reach Krokomire, get Grapple to go over to the wrecked ship. This is linear, but what I've left out is all the inbetween stuff. In between all of this, you can get additional health, additional ammo, hell even something like the Spring Ball is completely optional. This is what makes a Metroidvania fun: not just the individual areas you're exploring, but also the additional stuff you're allowed to explore. With the Maker series, it aims to expand on individual aspects of a game, not an entire game itself. Metroidvanias and Metroid there in of itself, strive off of an interconnected world. Zelda can become fun with backtracking, but is also just as enjoyable inside the dungeons. Metroid is fun in the areas you explore at the time, but the real fun comes in having to explore other areas. Or at least this is how I feel, many others may not and that's acceptable. But I do believe a Zelda maker is much more likely to happen than a Metroid maker just because of all the components behind it. I didn't even touch on some of the more technical aspects such as how Metroid gear makes you move much quick around a map and so that'd be much more data to comprehend, or how just a grid might not work well for a Metroid maker, but harping on those feels like a waste of time. I agree that there'll always be bad designers, but some games just aren't fitted for their own makers either.
There already is a community made one, you just have to mod the game to get it. The devs have also said that they would like to add a level editor but I think that there isn't much chance of that now that Farewell is out.
as a newbie celeste modder/map maker working on a first map, it’d be nice to get an official level creator for celeste unlike the confusing and laggy ahorn fan editor aaaaaaaaaa
Technically my favourite franchise already has a 'maker'. The Perpetual Testing Initiative for Portal 2 is spectacular, and yeah, some puzzles suck, and the use of voice lines is limited, it's still a good place to develop mind-breaking puzzle chambers.
@@astracrits4633 I was looking at that, but I could not make heads or tails as how to write in it, and I could not find even two decent guides to piece together how to use it properly 😔
CAPAE Yeah. The thing was retranslated a while back, so now the guides make even LESS sense. The creator wasn’t a native English speaker, so it’s kind of understandable, though. I’ll still use FEBuilder, though, since it has a ton of other patches built into it (you can apply ASM stuff like Arch’s Skill System to your game with FEBuilder.) Mapmaking is also a lot easier once you know what you’re doing.
It would be cool if Zelda Maker had both an overworld tool and a dungeon tool. So like people can make individual dungeons, but for those who wanna put in the extra work they can make an overworld. It would be cool if you could get other's dungeons to put into your overworld, if that is what you mainly wanted to design. Makiing it all cohesive would be hard though :p
A Mario Kart Maker could be fairly simple but also incredibly fun. Draw a basic layout on two flat planes (a path can slope up to the top layer or down to the bottom layer to allow for paths to cross each other), with parallel tracks on the same layer snapping to each other to allow a double-wide track to split into branching paths, twist and contour it to your heart's content to make it more interesting, then add railings, off-road sections, power-ups, boosts, anti-gravity sections, and decorations.
Thinking a bit outside the box with this but... A Spelunky maker. Something that lets the player design the premade "blocks" from the 4x4 grid of each level.
A Mario party editor is something that would be really cool, however there are a lot of issues if you think deeply about it. Re-using old minigames games would be good but alot of them would have to be cut out or given new controls. Making your own minigames would be a confusing thing to do, would Nintendo let us piece Paris together, like a maze with boos that chace you or something where you attack foes with a button mash required device. Would you explicitly state what game your map is in, would you be only able to get giant books and pinball pieces if you choose the Mario party ds style, would all the games be included or just some, would costumes be able to be added, who could be playable. If Nintendo could figure all these things out then a Mario part maker would probably be considered. Or a Mario and Luigi maker, both are cool
Wario Ware D.I.Y. allowed you to create your own micro-games. That was already complex for a kids game. Creating your own minigames - just cant happen.
There IS one, unofficially, of course. From my experience it's slow, clunky, and very user-unfriendly. But, you can do these. Personally not my cup-o-tea maker, but let me know if you want a link.
I could imagine the troll levels from Mario maker taking on a whole new kinda hell for Sonic. But yeah you could make it in the styles of 1, 2, CD, and 3&K, with 3D Blast acting like 3D world’s unique mode in SMM2.
I think level design in Sonic games is a little more complicated. I mean, it could be done, but it'd end up with very linear levels as opposed to the classic "top path, middle path and low path" structure.
Zelda Maker and Pikmin Maker would be my preferred ones! Mario Kart Maker would be cool too, though it sounds like it would be hard. Mario Party Maker is my pipe dream.
I would like a Pokemon Maker where you build a city/town/route in the style of one of the pokemon generations with building options such as: -Gyms (choose a theme, layout, and types of Pokemon) -Houses (put some npcs to talk to and have one of them give you an item) -Pokemon Labs (assign any of the gen 1-8 professors to the lab and determine the starters they hand out) -Pokemon Centers/Pokemarts (you can heal your pokemon, buy important items, and switch which pokemon are on your team) -Evil Team Headquarters/Any Important Story Location (provides the option to give your pokemon town/city/route a story) -Grass Patches/Caves/Lakes (Depending on which generation you pick for a route, they contain different pokemon) -Trainers (will chalenge you to a pokemon battle if they see you) -Pokemon Professors (will give you a starter pokemon and some pokeballs upon playing the town/city/route you made) -Gym Leaders (act as a final boss inside a city)
I would looove a Zelda maker. I'm not really a platformer kinda girl, but I love adventure games with lots of puzzles, especially when the combat itself feels kinda like a puzzle in its own right. I'd love to see something like that in the future, but I think a possible good way to ease a large amount of the community into it would be to start with a sequel to Link's Awakening with a more expanded upon dungeon designer, with it being aimed to fix a lot of the issues of the current one, add a few more features, but still being more of a side thing you can do instead of a heavy focus on the actual game, so they can see where they can go from there. Then the third one could either be another sequel with further expansion to the tools, or if they're feeling confident enough with all that they've learned from the previous two games, they could then create the Zelda Maker.
something like a pokemon maker would be cool. you design your own gym challenges and set the pokemon up to your liking and have people try and beat the gym in a fast enough time
I think a Pokemon Maker could work--It just requires the right focus. You could make a PokeMon Gym/Frontier Maker. Those are highlights of those games, they're self-contained, generally not terribly long, and can have a range of challenge. Until recently they were grid-based. It's an easy to market framing device, making your own Gym. And people seemed to enjoy it in ORAS.
I think a kirby maker would be excellent. With the various copy abilities and unique enemies and levels it could spawn. But really I would be excited because of the potential with bosses! Imagine, a tower like boss room with obstacles everywhere, enemies constantly being thrown in, while Marx is center stage as the boss in the room! Imagine how fun that would be?
I'd LOVE to see a Mario Kart Maker. They tried it a *little* bit with the Nintendo Labo motorcycle Toy-Con, but I think it could be expanded upon. We could pick a theme and location, place down straighaways, and cures and loops and glide ramps, and add in item boxes and such! Perhaps even allow us to create battle courses? It'd be a bit of a stretch, but I think it's definitely doable...
For a Zelda Maker I think a 'Link Between Worlds' style is a MUST, specifically with the wall painting power. That's an EXCELLENT puzzle and framing device.
Although this idea may be too complicated to turn into a game, I still think it would be amazing if it was possible: Mario Kart Maker, you can put separate track pieces together(like "right turn", "straight", etc.) And then add different layers rather than sub-areas by adding hills and such and then after the roads are fully complete you can add item boxes, hazards, boosters, coins, ramps and stuff like that. I think the downfall would be the themes of the courses. The buildings or other decorations would be really difficult to automatically generate considering the endless possibilities of road combinations.
Honestly a 3D level designer for Mario would be neat. Just make it more like 3D Land and World where it's all blocks and slopes. I have a basic idea of what it'd look like and should probably make a mockup sometime
There really should be a sequel to WarioWare DIY. Although I don't create microgames in it like I did years ago, I sometimes try porting songs to it that I make outside of the game. DIY is so unique. It isn't just "play premade games", and I like that. If there was a sequel, I think it'd need a bigger object limit, more music channels, more complex scripting, and multiple palettes, like Animal Crossing's pattern editor.
Good argument. i do have some of the things i feel they should keep, however. 1: A grid-based room system (with larger rooms possible) simply, at the start of a build you could select a room and make it however you want, such as theme, tiles, etc. you could then exit that room and tap another one, or add and tap a room exit or door to go to the tile that door would lead. 2: room mods yes. these look both fun and add a bit of spice to what could otherwise be a bad or boring filler room on the designers part, or could also just be there for a bit of fun.
Personally, I'd love to see a Pokemon Maker. It would be designed to create small gauntlets of wild encounters and trainer battles. The chosen generation would determine the selection of creatures available and the mechanics that apply to battling. Each "level" would need to be self-contained, so stats and leveling would need to be streamlined. I feel like there's a lot of potential for fun challenges based on strict player constraints, besides just self-imposed restrictions in the core games.
My main question is how do you ensure that a PKMN or FE maker level are beatable? What if I require the play to use inaccurate attacks and force them to dodge accurate attacks or deal with ridiculous crit chances in order to beat the level? Some levels that are “possible” would not be particularly fun because they exploit the game’s mechanics.
@@justas423 Start with a gym creator, expand out to the surrounding city, then interconnect and redo a few times. Then add dialog and scripted events to piece it all together.
@@justas423 Probably like 'make map/general shape, add starting town, add pokemon league, add 8 gyms' and then build around that. The gyms would automatically scale to the level you're at/if you go to gym C before gym B gym C will be weaker than B etc. and function as the Xth gym you visit'
Zelda maker, definitely! I would like rooms we could edit, preferably some choice in size. They could get around issues by making sure we were able to clear it by visiting all rooms before uploading (much like how we have to clear from each checkpoint in MM). A world editor on top to link our dungeons together would be great of course, but I’d be fine if that showed up in a sequel later on
Well, I always thought it would be dope to have a Pokemon RPG maker, where you could create your own areas, connect them to each other, add NPCs, maybe even some form of a progressing plot, determine what pokemon will spawn in that area etc... But sadly I don't think it would make a good game, as the editor would have to be really complex, and most people propably wouldn't make good use of it. Also it would take a really long time to create levels (or maybe even full games) and to play them. So while I really want something like this to happen one day, I think I'll just stick to ROM hacks for now.
You would basically only be able to make full games. It would essentially be Nintendo's RPG Maker. The fans would also certainly do a much better job than Gamefreak in regards to story and challenge. Finally give them a legal outlet for their hacks.
Mario Kart Maker, we do have Lego Stunt Rally which basically split the area into blocks or maybe like a RCT way of placing tracks. Hey would be cool to have mission maps too! I could see this happening since there are quite a few games that let you make racetracks already! We haven't had a dedicated Mario Kart for switch yet (MK8D being a port of Wii U's MK8 and all its DLC with a few changes + better battle maps). So many styles they could use from all past games too.
While it may seem impossible, a Pokemon maker would be awesome. And I have an idea on how it could work. There is already a sort-of Pokemon game maker, which is a hack device that let's you edit downloaded Roms, specially Gen 3 and lower. Maybe you can choose your game style, which can include Gens 1-5 top-down Sprite styles, have every single pokemon and gimic available, and able to design towns, cities, routes, set which pokemon appear, set dialogue to certain characters, etc.
Honestly, while I'm open to any Maker game, I think a lot would be very unlikely for one reason or another. DK maker sounds really neat, but for the reasons you state in the video, it seems a lot less likely. Organic levels and easy-to-use maker games don't seem to be things that would mesh well. Plus, I feel like it could potentially require more work to be done to make it happen, but Mario is just more popular than DK so it probably wouldn't do nearly as well. People ALSO mention 3D Mario Makers a ton. And while I like that idea, I feel like you get way to real game designy in that. Plus it definitely wouldn't be intuitive to use. Even with similar controls to something like Minecraft, I still think it would be difficult to make a single level. Plus, that would possibly be only for 3D Land/World-esque levels. Galaxy/Odyssey/64/Sunshine-esque levels would be tremendously difficult to not only create as a user but also make a maker tool as a developer. I do honestly think the Zelda dungeon maker is easily the most likely. It would be harder to use than Mario Maker 1 and 2, but I still think it could be easy enough and provide a very different experience than Mario.
Pokemon Gym Maker could be nice, provided people wouldn't have filled those with lvl 100 legendaries or full of Audinos, Alomomolas or other exp bombs. I think that technically it could've been done within a game, because it would've been kinda similar to designing your secret base (but with puzzle elements like switches, moving platforms or teleport tiles instead of furniture).
Id really like an FE maker, partially because its already a thing in the rom hacking community, mostly because I think that it could be greatly improved upon, cause FEBuilderGBA is better than hex editing, but can still be better.
I think that for me at least, there should be a developer mode which gives you access to things like gravity ,acceleration, deceleration, speed, jump height etc etc. I also would like a Mario Paint style music editor.
There’s a free Mega Man Maker you can get on your computer that someone made. You can place any and all power-ups from every Mega Man game, create huge levels, and choose how the screen scrolls and stuff. You can also put bosses or just a thing to collect to finish your level. It’s pretty cool.
There are some of my ideas for a Zelda dungeon maker: 1.- Choose how many hearts the player must have. 2.- Tell to the player which items are available in the dungeon, make a dungeon publishable JUST if all the chests are able to get. 3.- Chance of start with certain key items like the bow. 4.- Minish Cap as an obviously style option.
@@fraz0r820 My point with that part of number 2 is to not to make illusions in the player if him/her thinks that is possible to get certain chest but is technically imposible to get, that is why I find it important, that would bother the player and would make the creator to think it more.
You are the first person to parse out the exact issues with Link's Awakening' dungeon maker. I found myself building them in the exact same way as you. Treasures along a path.
I would love to see a metroid maker - I think it's doable but I'm sure the size of each file would be larger than a Mario maker level. I wonder if level size is a big issue for these other kind of games?
The Oracle games and Links awakening have the same visuals. It would make more sense to do: Nes, Snes, GBC and Minish Cap Zelda themes. With a bonus one being Link between Worlds
Well, there is a sorta easy way to work with those stairs...... make the code similar to the doors in SMM. Make the stairs a peaceable object instead of something that is apart of a room, once you place one set, the second set they link to shows up immediately and must be placed/re-located to wherever you want those stairs to go.
Honest to god showing Mario party made me realize a Mario party maker would be amazing! Sure it’s not necessarily that simple but if they take a Mario party 4 approach where the spaces are above the map you’d be good. They could add specific gimmicks for happening spaces and hazards allowing you to choose what you’d want them to do. Not only that but it would open the flood gates and fix an issue I had with super Mario party being lack of board as well as making those boards more interesting
Im down for a Zelda maker, *IF* we can create whole games, and not just a single dungeon. Also, i would be sooo hyped for the Minish Cap tileset adn bosses.
i'd be down for making single dungeons at a time if there was like, a ridiculous amount of items and customization. just massive dungeons with shops in them and all kinds of traps and monsters to play around with
The meat of most Zelda games are the dungeons. The Overworld mostly exists to get you from one dungeon to the next. So a Zelda Dungeon Designer game makes a ton of sense, and doesn't require them to create an entire game design kit.
@@NoeLPZC The only problem with zelda classic is that you are "limited" to zelda 1 style level of graphics, So no link to the past or minish cap in the sense of having a higher graphic output.
@@NoeLPZC Funny thing: There was a less known, fully fledged ALttP Zelda Maker for the Nintendo DS Homebrew. With scripts etc. I never found it for PC, but i lost a lot of time in it :D
I think there'd be something to having various level editors for sharing online within various games. -A course editor for Mario Golf -Level maker for Captain Toad -Stage creator for Super Monkey Ball
A Zelda Maker that let you use existing rooms a la Dampe's Chamber Dungeons but also customize them or create a room from scratch would probably be enough to make a Zelda Maker feasible.
era 1. World map creator to string levels together. You could draw paths and different kinds of levels. This would work even better if you could make secret exits, or end a level by getting an item, or hitting a switch. 2. All parts are available in all styles. For example, you could use the super leaf in mario world, yoshi in mario 1, etc. Not only would it be really cool to see power ups that only appeared once be adapted to other games, it would also remove the limitation that every part has to have a similar equivalent in another style. For instance, new powerups cant be added with the current design philosophy because mario 1 and world have less powerups than mario 3 and u. Anyway those are my ideas for smm3
The only reason there is a SMM2 is because it needed to be revived from the Wii U to the Switch, so a SMM3 doesn't make sense to be made. I'm pretty sure from now on NIntendo would just update SMM2.
Some sort of Fire Emblem maker would be incredibly neat, and could be filled with easter-eggs and references while still being easy to pick up and play.
Oh Naga no... The problem is that each player's creation would take several hours of playtime to clear, and it'd lead to easy softlocks, like if you don't train your archers, and then have to deal with a map where there are a lot of tanky fliers, or high-res mages behind impassable terrain bombarding your units who are on a one or two tile wide bridge. Same thing with unit deaths, if permadeath is enabled, players can get screwed over ten hours into a run and have to restart from the beginning, and if not, many people would consider the game too casual for them. And if you were just making single maps, there's the problem of what stats the units you use have, among others. Like, how do you determine a starting level for your units (and the enemies)? Too low, and the game is just black and white, saying "my axe unit can win this fight, my axe can't fight this guy", because a single point in a given stat makes a huge difference. Too high, and then stat variation (growth rates from prior levels) is a pain to deal with, and you don't have a good feel for the characters and how they work, so it's hard to know who to use. How do level ups work? Do they happen? Or is EXP just not a thing? Weapons. There's no gold management to buy new ones between levels, because there's only one level. So you'd start with a fixed selection of weapons to use throughout the map. As such, it wouldn't be too hard for the maker of the level design it so that, to clear it, you need to use exactly enough hits to break every weapon on the last hit on the boss, and so if you engage in ONE combat that isn't in the optimal route, it's game over. Unless weapon durability isn't a thing, in which case, a good number of people will get mad that they can't play with that. And the mechanics change a lot between FE games. Some have different effects for the weapon triangle, some have magic have its own triangle (FE9, for instance). Some have magic cost HP (Valentia) while others have tomes (most), and still others have fixed usages and no slots taken (FE3H). Movement ranges vary between games for the same unit types. Heck, bow and magic ranges vary too. And how do you deal with Crits? RNGesus levels will be plentiful and aggravate players to no end.
@@CaTastrophy427 I think Mario Maker's design addresses just about all of your concerns, and the others could be easily avoided, or wouldn't matter too much. For example, Mario Maker has level sharing online where stages are grouped into categories based on difficulty, if it has a softlock, people will dislike it generally, and it gets removed from the public eye. Ever since MM1 released there have been innumerable requests for some sort of whole-world maker where you could share sets of levels with perhaps secret exits etc.. Regardless, everything has to be cleared to be able to be uploaded to the servers, and in endless mode you can skip maps at a cost (perhaps gold, or units, but just about anything is on the table). I could even see a Fire Emblem version allowing people to mix and match which units they bring into maps, and maybe something of Mario Maker's endless challenge where you challenge a maps of similar difficulty until all your units die. Mario Maker also, while having some differences between game styles, so each generally has certain differences, but many of the same mechanics. Perhaps the FE3 style still has single-role RNG, no weapon triangle and all of the brutal Kaga features, and FE9 style has double role RNG, and the weapon triangle, but leveling up weapon ranks, available classes etc. are all static between game styles. Regardless I think likes/dislikes, and some sort of clear-rate to determine difficulty would balance out over time, making sure good, well designed maps are always available, and you don't find a Thracia 776 level in your set of easy, Sacred Stones maps. Another idea is to have along side clear conditions if a stage is impossible without fliers or something of the sort they can specify, and players who aren't bringing fliers along won't get that stage in endless mode or won't be able to play a map set including it. Perhaps even it will give you an allied flier who can't get EXP just for that map to use in case you didn't have one. Everything would be a challenge if you consider the difficulties without potential solutions, but I think the difficulties in making a Fire Emblem Maker style game would be surmountable given enough time and effort from skilled creators.
On a slightly tangential note, with Dampe's Dungeon Making, with the stairwells, they just connect to the closest ones. So if you want your stairs to connect properly, just makes sure the ones you want to connect are the closest to each other.
Pokemon Snap maker Take the pokemon you've caught throughout the Pokemon series. Place them along a track that you could design as you do in rollercoaster tycoon, then let people on the internet take pictures of your pokemon. I don't think there could be any greater reward than receiving cute pictures of the pokemon you've had since you were a kid.
Actually a good idea! although instead of pokemon you've caught, maybe an unlocking system? Or maybe both, if you've played a pokemon game before, then you can port your caught 'mons over rather than having to unlock them. Also could be the only way to get shinys.
@Joshua Suh They did - years ago in browser... It wasn't the best. Besides, Sega did something else - they allowed ROM hacks on Steam, allowing more creativity than they could provide themselves.
I'd love a Mario Kart maker, I think It'd probably work like the F-Zero track system. Features I'd like are: -Track Triggers -tile based track editing -Skybox swapping -custom item box items -music settings -placing of items and ramps -maybe multiple themes, but that would be difficult to implement smoothly -lap settings -level settings (such as speed, drifts, maybe a race line to aid npc ai) (obviously hard to make, but could be neat)
I don't see why anything more than the most rudimentary AI would be necessary. As in Mario Maker, I would expect a Zelda Maker to require the creator to beat the dungeon before publishing. The sort of AI I'd like to see is one that warns that a dungeon may have a soft lock or other low level concern, and prevents the player from uploading levels with high level concerns like inaccessible rooms or bosses that can't be beaten with available items.
I think for a Zelda maker, an elegant solution to softlocks caused by having a specific key path could be to have a rewind function. So for example, you have 2 locked doors but one key. One door leads to the boss, the other leads to another small key and the boss key. In a normal Zelda game you would just get softlocked if you went towards the boss, but with the rewind, you would just rewind back to before you entered the door. It would allow decent levels that weren't softlocked proof to not completely suck for the player.
As someone who used to be a reasonable active member of the Super Metroid hacking community, there are many many romhacks made using only the basic assets of Super Metroid that are still absolutely stellar experiences that I think stand up well alongside the original game. So I definitely think a Metroid Maker could do some really creative things, especially if they introduced new powers and the like to experiment with.
The real question is: If they made a Zelda Maker, where would it go in the timeline? Would the Link we play as in our dungeons be a returning Link or a new one?
Hear me out. I think a Fire Emblem maker could actually be pretty dope; The games are tile based with enemy placements, so building maps/missions would be pretty easy. You could then modify the maps with certain mission objectives, team compositions, or handicaps. Perhaps you could even swap between different styles, The oldschool games and the more modern era of the games. I think people could get really creative and make a ton of puzzle esq maps, with the only massive flaw being that the games are filled with RNG, so perhaps you would have to beat the map with critical hits disabled before uploading.
There's SRPG Studio which is basically FE Maker. Problem is that the appeal for many is growing units throughout a campaign. Which presents the same problem as making an entire interconnected map for Metroid Maker, it's way too much work for a beginning dev. The FE romhacking scenes has plenty of aspiring devs that say they want to create an entire game with loads of classes, characters, and maps, but they never even get close to finishing because it's a lot of work.
This was a fun video, thanks UA-cam suggestion algorithm! I'd like to see... I dunno, a "Big Boss Maker". I'd set it up as a platformer, and then it teaches you how to design really satisfying encounters. Ideally you'd choose between a long range character inspired by Treasure, a mid-range Castlevania-type, or a fast melee character, set their health and abilities and stuff like that, and go to town. Is it a duel to the death with a little guy like you, or are you fighting a giant robot that takes up several screens and has to be torn down piece by gimmicky piece? Mario Maker bosses are really cool, so let them loose on a thing that facilitates making cool bosses.
well, a donkey kong has issues, as stated in this video. it would take much more work tha mario maker since 3d models are used and the levels will be hard to create with a grid-based format. i would love a dk maker though
@@Kopogtias The big issue would be licensing. Yes, there are plenty of game engines for all kinds of games (you could use GameMaker to replicate almost any NES game), but if you release something that uses Nintendo's assets, it would only last a day or two before you get a cease and desist from Nintendo. Nintendo is pretty well known for shutting down fan projects that contain their IP. In order to make something that uses NES game assets (especially Nintendo's own titles), you'd need something officially sanctioned.
Really wish there want footage of the later dungeons. Guess I’ll have to watch the rest of this after I finish the game. Great vid so far though. Can’t wait to come back to it!
I think how they use the items in tri-force heroes is a good way for a dungeon maker, and have indeed room locked if you need a certian item, and/or multible ways to solve a room
Overall, an ok video, but there were 2 major issues: 1) No mention of Zelda Classic or Open Zelda. No discussion of a "Zelda Maker" is complete without looking at the fan ones that exist and considering what they bring to the table. 2) Zelda isn't just about Dungeons. The video completely focused on how to make the dungeon-building experience better w/o even touching on the need for creating an overworld or NPCs. Given that final quip at the end about Mario Maker not having a map editor, it seems like a feature you should have covered in this video.
A bit of an unnecessary discussion, honestly. This whole question of what Maker game we want and how it should be done will be obsolete anyways, as soon as Nintendo finally releases “Maker Maker“, so we can just make our own Maker games.
We call that Unity
What happens if you use Maker Maker to make Maker Maker?
@@MaraudingManiac Harvard wants to know your location
@@FlatlandsSurvivor No, Godot :-)
@@MaraudingManiac Then it's a Maker Maker Maker
They should call it Legend of Zelda: Dungeon Designer
I like that!
Happy home designer but it’s not happy
Never heard of it!
Damn I was gonna say links dungeon maker
Definitely a Kirby maker, the interaction between copy abilities and setpieces would lead to great creative moments, such as alternative paths that you need certain abilities to access, and different abilities being effective against certain bosses (like Mega Man) puzzles having different solutions based on your ability, or even levels where you can't have copy abilities. I think it would be really fun and user-friendly.
Awesomeguy 2.0 I agree, but what I would want out of it most is a boss editor, because bosses are my favorite part of the games.
I feel as though this is also the most likely one that will come out, since I feel as though kirby is much more of a combat-ish game than the other big franchises, making it easier to develop.
I’m surprised neither Canvas Curse nor Rainbow Curse had any creative mode.
Nintendo maker
Imagine puzzle levels in a crystal shards theme
They need an official Mario Kart Maker. That would be extremely awesome.
AJ The Wright Gamer
derpy dave
if it had slightly lesser graphics i think it might work
@@RacingSnails64 The graphics aren't a problem. But the track design itself is.
Like Mod Nation Racers basically
@ if it's done like roler coaster tycoon it shouldn be that hard to lay down stages
I get that people with little to no knowledge about level design wont really know how to build enjoyable dungeons and whatnot, but you can make the same argument for super mario maker. That being said, it is harder to make a dungeon than to make a mario level, but my point still stands
Agreed. Same with a Metroid maker, if people don’t know how to do things or if it is to much they can just continue trying out little things until they have a level that would be fun to play.
Why make a Mario level with fun platforming and a unique theme, when you could just spam random enemies all over the screen and give the player a super star?
@@mastermeep4294 With Metroid games, the thing that makes those games incredibly enjoyable is the large world to explore and areas to go back to when you have more gear, which there in lies a full game. With Mario, it speaks for itself, and for Zelda, you can focus on a specific dungeon, develop the theme for it, and still have a good time. Even with poorly designed dungeons, if there's a system where the player is forced to complete the level and there were checksums to prevent softlocking, it'd still be at the absolute worst, a mildly annoying time, like the worst levels in Mario Maker.
Take Super Metroid for example. You defeat Spore Spawn for Supers, kill Kraid with Supers aiding you and obtain Power Bombs, get the Speed Booster to reach Krokomire, get Grapple to go over to the wrecked ship. This is linear, but what I've left out is all the inbetween stuff. In between all of this, you can get additional health, additional ammo, hell even something like the Spring Ball is completely optional. This is what makes a Metroidvania fun: not just the individual areas you're exploring, but also the additional stuff you're allowed to explore. With the Maker series, it aims to expand on individual aspects of a game, not an entire game itself. Metroidvanias and Metroid there in of itself, strive off of an interconnected world. Zelda can become fun with backtracking, but is also just as enjoyable inside the dungeons. Metroid is fun in the areas you explore at the time, but the real fun comes in having to explore other areas.
Or at least this is how I feel, many others may not and that's acceptable. But I do believe a Zelda maker is much more likely to happen than a Metroid maker just because of all the components behind it. I didn't even touch on some of the more technical aspects such as how Metroid gear makes you move much quick around a map and so that'd be much more data to comprehend, or how just a grid might not work well for a Metroid maker, but harping on those feels like a waste of time. I agree that there'll always be bad designers, but some games just aren't fitted for their own makers either.
@@theflamingchariziken2341 1 million cats paws and screams too, for good effect
@@Betterthanever-m2i accurate
This isn’t a Nintendo exclusive but I think a Celeste lever maker would be really cool
There already is a community made one, you just have to mod the game to get it. The devs have also said that they would like to add a level editor but I think that there isn't much chance of that now that Farewell is out.
as a newbie celeste modder/map maker working on a first map, it’d be nice to get an official level creator for celeste unlike the confusing and laggy ahorn fan editor aaaaaaaaaa
@@Melecie Hey! I'm making a top-down runner with built in level editor, if you're interested in trying out :)
Ahmed Azzaher proof or no click
Baba is you maker sounds hard for both new level creators and devs but it sounds so awesome in theory
Technically my favourite franchise already has a 'maker'. The Perpetual Testing Initiative for Portal 2 is spectacular, and yeah, some puzzles suck, and the use of voice lines is limited, it's still a good place to develop mind-breaking puzzle chambers.
1) Mario Party
2) Fire Emblem
3) Pokemon
We have dedicated modders make stories for 2 and 3 already.
The first two I could see being made but how would you do the last one?
@@justas423 Probably in a Game Boy or Game Boy Advance style.
FEBuilder is a thing if you really wanna make an FE hack.
Only problem is the somewhat awkward English translation.
@@astracrits4633 I was looking at that, but I could not make heads or tails as how to write in it, and I could not find even two decent guides to piece together how to use it properly 😔
CAPAE Yeah. The thing was retranslated a while back, so now the guides make even LESS sense.
The creator wasn’t a native English speaker, so it’s kind of understandable, though.
I’ll still use FEBuilder, though, since it has a ton of other patches built into it (you can apply ASM stuff like Arch’s Skill System to your game with FEBuilder.) Mapmaking is also a lot easier once you know what you’re doing.
It would be cool if Zelda Maker had both an overworld tool and a dungeon tool. So like people can make individual dungeons, but for those who wanna put in the extra work they can make an overworld. It would be cool if you could get other's dungeons to put into your overworld, if that is what you mainly wanted to design. Makiing it all cohesive would be hard though :p
Zelda 2 Maker when?
every where i go i see his face
A Mario Kart Maker could be fairly simple but also incredibly fun. Draw a basic layout on two flat planes (a path can slope up to the top layer or down to the bottom layer to allow for paths to cross each other), with parallel tracks on the same layer snapping to each other to allow a double-wide track to split into branching paths, twist and contour it to your heart's content to make it more interesting, then add railings, off-road sections, power-ups, boosts, anti-gravity sections, and decorations.
Thinking a bit outside the box with this but... A Spelunky maker. Something that lets the player design the premade "blocks" from the 4x4 grid of each level.
A Mario party editor is something that would be really cool, however there are a lot of issues if you think deeply about it. Re-using old minigames games would be good but alot of them would have to be cut out or given new controls. Making your own minigames would be a confusing thing to do, would Nintendo let us piece Paris together, like a maze with boos that chace you or something where you attack foes with a button mash required device. Would you explicitly state what game your map is in, would you be only able to get giant books and pinball pieces if you choose the Mario party ds style, would all the games be included or just some, would costumes be able to be added, who could be playable. If Nintendo could figure all these things out then a Mario part maker would probably be considered.
Or a Mario and Luigi maker, both are cool
Sounds like you would like PartyPlanner64...
I think this would work perfectly as a thing to do in a main series Mario party
Wario Ware D.I.Y. allowed you to create your own micro-games.
That was already complex for a kids game.
Creating your own minigames - just cant happen.
how about paper mario maker
Not Nintendo, but Sonic Maker would be something. Imagine making all the loops, slopes, and what not!?
There IS one, unofficially, of course. From my experience it's slow, clunky, and very user-unfriendly. But, you can do these. Personally not my cup-o-tea maker, but let me know if you want a link.
Iirc there's a really good fangame coming called Sonic Studio that's doing just that
@@blueberrimuffin6682 Link is for Zelda Maker, we want a Sonic for Sonic maker. ;P
I could imagine the troll levels from Mario maker taking on a whole new kinda hell for Sonic. But yeah you could make it in the styles of 1, 2, CD, and 3&K, with 3D Blast acting like 3D world’s unique mode in SMM2.
I think level design in Sonic games is a little more complicated.
I mean, it could be done, but it'd end up with very linear levels as opposed to the classic "top path, middle path and low path" structure.
Zelda Maker and Pikmin Maker would be my preferred ones! Mario Kart Maker would be cool too, though it sounds like it would be hard. Mario Party Maker is my pipe dream.
A fanmade Pikmin level/asset creator already exists, it's called Pikifen!
Here's a link: www.pikminfanon.com/Pikifen
Mario Kart Maker wouldn't be that hard, ModNation Racers was basically already that and it came out almost 10 years ago.
Mario party maker sounds like it would be amazing as a meda game
Pretty sure its called partyplanner64.
Hey Snoman. I'm making a Zelda - esque dungeon maker called Adventure Maker. It's a bit rough now, but it's getting a big upgrade soon!
Could you show a screenshot or two once you're done?
Yes please keep us informed
Please reply once u have upgraded it and make a video on it
I'll guess I'll tag in my interest as well.
I would like a Pokemon Maker where you build a city/town/route in the style of one of the pokemon generations with building options such as:
-Gyms (choose a theme, layout, and types of Pokemon)
-Houses (put some npcs to talk to and have one of them give you an item)
-Pokemon Labs (assign any of the gen 1-8 professors to the lab and determine the starters they hand out)
-Pokemon Centers/Pokemarts (you can heal your pokemon, buy important items, and switch which pokemon are on your team)
-Evil Team Headquarters/Any Important Story Location (provides the option to give your pokemon town/city/route a story)
-Grass Patches/Caves/Lakes (Depending on which generation you pick for a route, they contain different pokemon)
-Trainers (will chalenge you to a pokemon battle if they see you)
-Pokemon Professors (will give you a starter pokemon and some pokeballs upon playing the town/city/route you made)
-Gym Leaders (act as a final boss inside a city)
I would looove a Zelda maker. I'm not really a platformer kinda girl, but I love adventure games with lots of puzzles, especially when the combat itself feels kinda like a puzzle in its own right. I'd love to see something like that in the future, but I think a possible good way to ease a large amount of the community into it would be to start with a sequel to Link's Awakening with a more expanded upon dungeon designer, with it being aimed to fix a lot of the issues of the current one, add a few more features, but still being more of a side thing you can do instead of a heavy focus on the actual game, so they can see where they can go from there. Then the third one could either be another sequel with further expansion to the tools, or if they're feeling confident enough with all that they've learned from the previous two games, they could then create the Zelda Maker.
I think puzzle games are sooooo boring and typicaly drawn out
Also hate zelda lol
@@krisshaw9464 To each their own.
@@divinkitty9452 for sure
I love zelda
something like a pokemon maker would be cool. you design your own gym challenges and set the pokemon up to your liking and have people try and beat the gym in a fast enough time
I think a Pokemon Maker could work--It just requires the right focus. You could make a PokeMon Gym/Frontier Maker.
Those are highlights of those games, they're self-contained, generally not terribly long, and can have a range of challenge. Until recently they were grid-based. It's an easy to market framing device, making your own Gym. And people seemed to enjoy it in ORAS.
I think a kirby maker would be excellent. With the various copy abilities and unique enemies and levels it could spawn. But really I would be excited because of the potential with bosses! Imagine, a tower like boss room with obstacles everywhere, enemies constantly being thrown in, while Marx is center stage as the boss in the room! Imagine how fun that would be?
F-Zero, the possibility to build your own tracks would be enough to sell the game as something new
It existed on N64DD.
@@renakunisaki And GBA.
@@fishactivation5087 But to be able to easily share them with other players would make it even greater.
I'd LOVE to see a Mario Kart Maker. They tried it a *little* bit with the Nintendo Labo motorcycle Toy-Con, but I think it could be expanded upon. We could pick a theme and location, place down straighaways, and cures and loops and glide ramps, and add in item boxes and such! Perhaps even allow us to create battle courses? It'd be a bit of a stretch, but I think it's definitely doable...
If they plan on sticking with Mario, imagine a Super Mario maker to create levels for 3D platforming
That or bring back F-Zero with a Race track maker
Huge agree to both (especially the latter!)
I don't think a 3d Mario Majer would work. Making 3D levels is a LOT harder than making 2D ones.
aaa1e2r3 ironically the 64DD Expansion Pack for F-Zero X included a track maker.
@@Blood-PawWerewolf If F-Zero Making works, they could probably do the same thing (and add obstacles and scenery) for a basic Mario Kart Maker.
If they don't 3d with Mario maker they would probably only include one style but include all the aspects of the 3d games + 2d Mario maker
I love level editor games.
It's almost like playing with legos as a kid - build random stuff, and marvel at the results!
For a Zelda Maker I think a 'Link Between Worlds' style is a MUST, specifically with the wall painting power. That's an EXCELLENT puzzle and framing device.
Although this idea may be too complicated to turn into a game, I still think it would be amazing if it was possible: Mario Kart Maker, you can put separate track pieces together(like "right turn", "straight", etc.) And then add different layers rather than sub-areas by adding hills and such and then after the roads are fully complete you can add item boxes, hazards, boosters, coins, ramps and stuff like that. I think the downfall would be the themes of the courses. The buildings or other decorations would be really difficult to automatically generate considering the endless possibilities of road combinations.
The stairs linking to each other aren’t quite random, they will always link the two together that are closest, then repeat.
That is so random and I hate it
Snoman Gaming ok....?
Honestly a 3D level designer for Mario would be neat. Just make it more like 3D Land and World where it's all blocks and slopes. I have a basic idea of what it'd look like and should probably make a mockup sometime
I would say WarioWare Maker, exept WarioWare D.I.Y. is already a thing. Maybe there could be a sequel to that game?
There really should be a sequel to WarioWare DIY. Although I don't create microgames in it like I did years ago, I sometimes try porting songs to it that I make outside of the game.
DIY is so unique. It isn't just "play premade games", and I like that. If there was a sequel, I think it'd need a bigger object limit, more music channels, more complex scripting, and multiple palettes, like Animal Crossing's pattern editor.
i agree
WarioWare DIY 2 on the Switch (and maybe the PC) would beat ACNH out of the water
Good argument. i do have some of the things i feel they should keep, however.
1: A grid-based room system (with larger rooms possible)
simply, at the start of a build you could select a room and make it however you want, such as theme, tiles, etc. you could then exit that room and tap another one, or add and tap a room exit or door to go to the tile that door would lead.
2: room mods
yes. these look both fun and add a bit of spice to what could otherwise be a bad or boring filler room on the designers part, or could also just be there for a bit of fun.
Personally, I'd love to see a Pokemon Maker. It would be designed to create small gauntlets of wild encounters and trainer battles. The chosen generation would determine the selection of creatures available and the mechanics that apply to battling. Each "level" would need to be self-contained, so stats and leveling would need to be streamlined. I feel like there's a lot of potential for fun challenges based on strict player constraints, besides just self-imposed restrictions in the core games.
Thank you for acknowledging how future games would or wouldn't be put together, not just what they could let you make.
As far as nintendo goes, the obvious choices in terms of easy development are Fire Emblem and Pokemon.
Just made a comment about having Mario Party maps, Fire Emblem, and Pokemon since people have been modding FE and PKMN for years now.
My main question is how do you ensure that a PKMN or FE maker level are beatable? What if I require the play to use inaccurate attacks and force them to dodge accurate attacks or deal with ridiculous crit chances in order to beat the level? Some levels that are “possible” would not be particularly fun because they exploit the game’s mechanics.
How would the Pokemon one work?
@@justas423 Start with a gym creator, expand out to the surrounding city, then interconnect and redo a few times. Then add dialog and scripted events to piece it all together.
@@justas423 Probably like 'make map/general shape, add starting town, add pokemon league, add 8 gyms' and then build around that. The gyms would automatically scale to the level you're at/if you go to gym C before gym B gym C will be weaker than B etc. and function as the Xth gym you visit'
Zelda maker, definitely! I would like rooms we could edit, preferably some choice in size. They could get around issues by making sure we were able to clear it by visiting all rooms before uploading (much like how we have to clear from each checkpoint in MM). A world editor on top to link our dungeons together would be great of course, but I’d be fine if that showed up in a sequel later on
Well, I always thought it would be dope to have a Pokemon RPG maker, where you could create your own areas, connect them to each other, add NPCs, maybe even some form of a progressing plot, determine what pokemon will spawn in that area etc... But sadly I don't think it would make a good game, as the editor would have to be really complex, and most people propably wouldn't make good use of it. Also it would take a really long time to create levels (or maybe even full games) and to play them. So while I really want something like this to happen one day, I think I'll just stick to ROM hacks for now.
You would basically only be able to make full games. It would essentially be Nintendo's RPG Maker.
The fans would also certainly do a much better job than Gamefreak in regards to story and challenge. Finally give them a legal outlet for their hacks.
Mario Kart Maker, we do have Lego Stunt Rally which basically split the area into blocks or maybe like a RCT way of placing tracks. Hey would be cool to have mission maps too! I could see this happening since there are quite a few games that let you make racetracks already! We haven't had a dedicated Mario Kart for switch yet (MK8D being a port of Wii U's MK8 and all its DLC with a few changes + better battle maps). So many styles they could use from all past games too.
If they made a Donkey Kong Country Maker I would be very happy!
While it may seem impossible, a Pokemon maker would be awesome. And I have an idea on how it could work.
There is already a sort-of Pokemon game maker, which is a hack device that let's you edit downloaded Roms, specially Gen 3 and lower. Maybe you can choose your game style, which can include Gens 1-5 top-down Sprite styles, have every single pokemon and gimic available, and able to design towns, cities, routes, set which pokemon appear, set dialogue to certain characters, etc.
Honestly, while I'm open to any Maker game, I think a lot would be very unlikely for one reason or another.
DK maker sounds really neat, but for the reasons you state in the video, it seems a lot less likely. Organic levels and easy-to-use maker games don't seem to be things that would mesh well. Plus, I feel like it could potentially require more work to be done to make it happen, but Mario is just more popular than DK so it probably wouldn't do nearly as well.
People ALSO mention 3D Mario Makers a ton. And while I like that idea, I feel like you get way to real game designy in that. Plus it definitely wouldn't be intuitive to use. Even with similar controls to something like Minecraft, I still think it would be difficult to make a single level. Plus, that would possibly be only for 3D Land/World-esque levels. Galaxy/Odyssey/64/Sunshine-esque levels would be tremendously difficult to not only create as a user but also make a maker tool as a developer.
I do honestly think the Zelda dungeon maker is easily the most likely. It would be harder to use than Mario Maker 1 and 2, but I still think it could be easy enough and provide a very different experience than Mario.
Pokemon Gym Maker could be nice, provided people wouldn't have filled those with lvl 100 legendaries or full of Audinos, Alomomolas or other exp bombs. I think that technically it could've been done within a game, because it would've been kinda similar to designing your secret base (but with puzzle elements like switches, moving platforms or teleport tiles instead of furniture).
Id really like an FE maker, partially because its already a thing in the rom hacking community, mostly because I think that it could be greatly improved upon, cause FEBuilderGBA is better than hex editing, but can still be better.
A game where you make a Pokemon region, design route patterns, towns, cities and NPC teams sounds sick.
I think that for me at least, there should be a developer mode which gives you access to things like gravity ,acceleration, deceleration, speed, jump height etc etc. I also would like a Mario Paint style music editor.
Not too long ago there was an unofficial Mega Man Maker for PC that was pretty good, dunno if it's still around or if it was taken down somehow.
Still around as far as I know.
still updating with content from mega man 1-9, with 10/11 stuff coming in the next version
There’s a free Mega Man Maker you can get on your computer that someone made.
You can place any and all power-ups from every Mega Man game, create huge levels, and choose how the screen scrolls and stuff. You can also put bosses or just a thing to collect to finish your level. It’s pretty cool.
There are some of my ideas for a Zelda dungeon maker:
1.- Choose how many hearts the player must have.
2.- Tell to the player which items are available in the dungeon, make a dungeon publishable JUST if all the chests are able to get.
3.- Chance of start with certain key items like the bow.
4.- Minish Cap as an obviously style option.
For number 2, don't make it publishable just like that, do what mario maker does:
You need to clear it yourself to publish it
@@fraz0r820 My point with that part of number 2 is to not to make illusions in the player if him/her thinks that is possible to get certain chest but is technically imposible to get, that is why I find it important, that would bother the player and would make the creator to think it more.
I would enjoy a F-Zero Maker, so that you can design your own tracks. (Plus it wouldn't be too much work for Nintendo)
I would love a Mario Kart maker, but rather just a new feature in the next big mario kart game... when it actually comes out
You are the first person to parse out the exact issues with Link's Awakening' dungeon maker. I found myself building them in the exact same way as you. Treasures along a path.
I would love to see a metroid maker - I think it's doable but I'm sure the size of each file would be larger than a Mario maker level. I wonder if level size is a big issue for these other kind of games?
I really doubt it.
A Kirby Maker doesn't sound too bad. Also, a Sonic Maker would be nice and could have a ton of themes!
Possible themes for a Zelda Maker
Zelda NES
Links Awakening switch
And for a special themes
Link between worlds
Minish Cap
The Oracle games and Links awakening have the same visuals. It would make more sense to do: Nes, Snes, GBC and Minish Cap Zelda themes. With a bonus one being Link between Worlds
Special one should be the breath of the wild tech demo
No Minish Cap, no like.
Rinky Dink I’m talking Switch awakening not GB awakening
Awesome Smalls it’s similar graphics to NES but it’d still be cool 😂
Here's my idea for a title
"The Legend of Zelda: Dungeon Designer"
Comment before watching the video: DKC maker!
Edit: called it
Well, there is a sorta easy way to work with those stairs...... make the code similar to the doors in SMM. Make the stairs a peaceable object instead of something that is apart of a room, once you place one set, the second set they link to shows up immediately and must be placed/re-located to wherever you want those stairs to go.
Where's my Deadly Premonition maker
but... but why? The game is perfect as is!
Honest to god showing Mario party made me realize a Mario party maker would be amazing! Sure it’s not necessarily that simple but if they take a Mario party 4 approach where the spaces are above the map you’d be good. They could add specific gimmicks for happening spaces and hazards allowing you to choose what you’d want them to do. Not only that but it would open the flood gates and fix an issue I had with super Mario party being lack of board as well as making those boards more interesting
I wish Capcom made a Megaman maker... oh well, that’s what fan works are for ^^
Yeah… Good thing Mega Man Maker exists, even if it is fan-made:
They planned to make one in the year 2011, but cancelled for unknown reason. And megaman powered up had one too
i need a megaman x style in that game tho (and or its own maker game)
Not a nintendo game, but a celeste level editor would be super cool. The platforming is so fun and diverse that a level editor would work perfectly.
Im down for a Zelda maker, *IF* we can create whole games, and not just a single dungeon.
Also, i would be sooo hyped for the Minish Cap tileset adn bosses.
i'd be down for making single dungeons at a time if there was like, a ridiculous amount of items and customization. just massive dungeons with shops in them and all kinds of traps and monsters to play around with
The meat of most Zelda games are the dungeons. The Overworld mostly exists to get you from one dungeon to the next.
So a Zelda Dungeon Designer game makes a ton of sense, and doesn't require them to create an entire game design kit.
Check out "Zelda Classic". It's a fully-realised Zelda maker that's been around for years.
@@NoeLPZC The only problem with zelda classic is that you are "limited" to zelda 1 style level of graphics, So no link to the past or minish cap in the sense of having a higher graphic output.
@@NoeLPZC Funny thing: There was a less known, fully fledged ALttP Zelda Maker for the Nintendo DS Homebrew. With scripts etc.
I never found it for PC, but i lost a lot of time in it :D
I think there'd be something to having various level editors for sharing online within various games.
-A course editor for Mario Golf
-Level maker for Captain Toad
-Stage creator for Super Monkey Ball
Rhythm Heaven Maker with a song editor would be incredible !
A Zelda Maker that let you use existing rooms a la Dampe's Chamber Dungeons but also customize them or create a room from scratch would probably be enough to make a Zelda Maker feasible.
I already have a wish list for Mario Maker 3 with other level makers
AlphaDevil2018 lay down some smm3 ideas for me
@@thetragedyofcommons new music, new games styles for Mario, top down 2d Zelda Maker, and a Kirby maker
1. World map creator to string levels together. You could draw paths and different kinds of levels. This would work even better if you could make secret exits, or end a level by getting an item, or hitting a switch.
2. All parts are available in all styles. For example, you could use the super leaf in mario world, yoshi in mario 1, etc. Not only would it be really cool to see power ups that only appeared once be adapted to other games, it would also remove the limitation that every part has to have a similar equivalent in another style. For instance, new powerups cant be added with the current design philosophy because mario 1 and world have less powerups than mario 3 and u.
Anyway those are my ideas for smm3
@@Tom-jw7ii yes
The only reason there is a SMM2 is because it needed to be revived from the Wii U to the Switch, so a SMM3 doesn't make sense to be made. I'm pretty sure from now on NIntendo would just update SMM2.
Some sort of Fire Emblem maker would be incredibly neat, and could be filled with easter-eggs and references while still being easy to pick up and play.
Oh Naga no... The problem is that each player's creation would take several hours of playtime to clear, and it'd lead to easy softlocks, like if you don't train your archers, and then have to deal with a map where there are a lot of tanky fliers, or high-res mages behind impassable terrain bombarding your units who are on a one or two tile wide bridge. Same thing with unit deaths, if permadeath is enabled, players can get screwed over ten hours into a run and have to restart from the beginning, and if not, many people would consider the game too casual for them.
And if you were just making single maps, there's the problem of what stats the units you use have, among others.
Like, how do you determine a starting level for your units (and the enemies)? Too low, and the game is just black and white, saying "my axe unit can win this fight, my axe can't fight this guy", because a single point in a given stat makes a huge difference. Too high, and then stat variation (growth rates from prior levels) is a pain to deal with, and you don't have a good feel for the characters and how they work, so it's hard to know who to use.
How do level ups work? Do they happen? Or is EXP just not a thing?
Weapons. There's no gold management to buy new ones between levels, because there's only one level. So you'd start with a fixed selection of weapons to use throughout the map. As such, it wouldn't be too hard for the maker of the level design it so that, to clear it, you need to use exactly enough hits to break every weapon on the last hit on the boss, and so if you engage in ONE combat that isn't in the optimal route, it's game over. Unless weapon durability isn't a thing, in which case, a good number of people will get mad that they can't play with that.
And the mechanics change a lot between FE games. Some have different effects for the weapon triangle, some have magic have its own triangle (FE9, for instance). Some have magic cost HP (Valentia) while others have tomes (most), and still others have fixed usages and no slots taken (FE3H). Movement ranges vary between games for the same unit types. Heck, bow and magic ranges vary too.
And how do you deal with Crits? RNGesus levels will be plentiful and aggravate players to no end.
@@CaTastrophy427 I think Mario Maker's design addresses just about all of your concerns, and the others could be easily avoided, or wouldn't matter too much.
For example, Mario Maker has level sharing online where stages are grouped into categories based on difficulty, if it has a softlock, people will dislike it generally, and it gets removed from the public eye. Ever since MM1 released there have been innumerable requests for some sort of whole-world maker where you could share sets of levels with perhaps secret exits etc.. Regardless, everything has to be cleared to be able to be uploaded to the servers, and in endless mode you can skip maps at a cost (perhaps gold, or units, but just about anything is on the table). I could even see a Fire Emblem version allowing people to mix and match which units they bring into maps, and maybe something of Mario Maker's endless challenge where you challenge a maps of similar difficulty until all your units die.
Mario Maker also, while having some differences between game styles, so each generally has certain differences, but many of the same mechanics. Perhaps the FE3 style still has single-role RNG, no weapon triangle and all of the brutal Kaga features, and FE9 style has double role RNG, and the weapon triangle, but leveling up weapon ranks, available classes etc. are all static between game styles.
Regardless I think likes/dislikes, and some sort of clear-rate to determine difficulty would balance out over time, making sure good, well designed maps are always available, and you don't find a Thracia 776 level in your set of easy, Sacred Stones maps. Another idea is to have along side clear conditions if a stage is impossible without fliers or something of the sort they can specify, and players who aren't bringing fliers along won't get that stage in endless mode or won't be able to play a map set including it. Perhaps even it will give you an allied flier who can't get EXP just for that map to use in case you didn't have one.
Everything would be a challenge if you consider the difficulties without potential solutions, but I think the difficulties in making a Fire Emblem Maker style game would be surmountable given enough time and effort from skilled creators.
They would all be dominated by Panga, like Mario Maker 1 and 2
Are you sure about that?
Oh hi Chris, haven't seen you in a while. How are you?
oh god damn it you again. is youtube putting your comments at the top for no reason or is it just coincidence?
also whos panga
and every comment section would be dominated by you
On a slightly tangential note, with Dampe's Dungeon Making, with the stairwells, they just connect to the closest ones. So if you want your stairs to connect properly, just makes sure the ones you want to connect are the closest to each other.
Pokemon Snap maker
Take the pokemon you've caught throughout the Pokemon series. Place them along a track that you could design as you do in rollercoaster tycoon, then let people on the internet take pictures of your pokemon.
I don't think there could be any greater reward than receiving cute pictures of the pokemon you've had since you were a kid.
Or someone being a jerk and throwing an apple at it's head. This idea is really cute though, and is something I would have gone nuts for as a kid!
Actually a good idea! although instead of pokemon you've caught, maybe an unlocking system? Or maybe both, if you've played a pokemon game before, then you can port your caught 'mons over rather than having to unlock them. Also could be the only way to get shinys.
Huzzah! I have successfully infiltrated this video
A Sonic Maker seems to be one of the most, prospectively tangible out of the bunch-what, with it contrasting with Mario, and being a platformer.
@Joshua Suh They did - years ago in browser... It wasn't the best.
Besides, Sega did something else - they allowed ROM hacks on Steam, allowing more creativity than they could provide themselves.
I'd love a Mario Kart maker, I think It'd probably work like the F-Zero track system. Features I'd like are:
-Track Triggers
-tile based track editing
-Skybox swapping
-custom item box items
-music settings
-placing of items and ramps
-maybe multiple themes, but that would be difficult to implement smoothly
-lap settings
-level settings (such as speed, drifts, maybe a race line to aid npc ai)
(obviously hard to make, but could be neat)
Gonna be really hard. Changing track design with HD Visuals is not an easy task
It might not happen 3d world has a cart and mario maker 1
@@FraserSouris Using a system like Planet Coaster to build a track seems doable.
I don't see why anything more than the most rudimentary AI would be necessary. As in Mario Maker, I would expect a Zelda Maker to require the creator to beat the dungeon before publishing.
The sort of AI I'd like to see is one that warns that a dungeon may have a soft lock or other low level concern, and prevents the player from uploading levels with high level concerns like inaccessible rooms or bosses that can't be beaten with available items.
They would Have like 1,000 Gold mines, that's what!
I think for a Zelda maker, an elegant solution to softlocks caused by having a specific key path could be to have a rewind function. So for example, you have 2 locked doors but one key. One door leads to the boss, the other leads to another small key and the boss key. In a normal Zelda game you would just get softlocked if you went towards the boss, but with the rewind, you would just rewind back to before you entered the door. It would allow decent levels that weren't softlocked proof to not completely suck for the player.
Box Maker 2, When?
As someone who used to be a reasonable active member of the Super Metroid hacking community, there are many many romhacks made using only the basic assets of Super Metroid that are still absolutely stellar experiences that I think stand up well alongside the original game. So I definitely think a Metroid Maker could do some really creative things, especially if they introduced new powers and the like to experiment with.
The idea for the original Zelda was actually a dungeon maker, they ditched it due to memory limitations.
So you're telling me zelda maker was an idea before zelda itself?
Punch Out Maker: Make your own Punch Out stages and choose which boss you fight
I'd love to see a Zelda Maker. I'd buy it in a heart beat!
Loving your videos, I especially liked the clicker game analysis and skits! Keep it up
Thanks so much, that means a lot:)
@@snomangaming I agree, I have been watching for years and it's been insane having him improve
Not a nintendo game, but I really want a Celeste maker, that would work really well as a maker game
Here's the awesome thing - hopefully OTHER games will pick up the slack, like Wargroove, etc. I would LOOOOVE a Celeste Maker!
kirby games have the perfect amount of simplicity and complexity to make level creation easy and deep at the same time
The real question is: If they made a Zelda Maker, where would it go in the timeline? Would the Link we play as in our dungeons be a returning Link or a new one?
乃ㄖ丨 probably will be a non cannon game
Big Yoshi • 696 years ago but what if it WAS canon in the timeline?
@@mastermeep4294 You'd play as the sheikah building trials for a potential hero.
乃ㄖ丨 it would be a traing then
Well by that logic than where would Mario Maker be on the timeline when people do timeline videos?
Hear me out. I think a Fire Emblem maker could actually be pretty dope; The games are tile based with enemy placements, so building maps/missions would be pretty easy. You could then modify the maps with certain mission objectives, team compositions, or handicaps.
Perhaps you could even swap between different styles, The oldschool games and the more modern era of the games. I think people could get really creative and make a ton of puzzle esq maps, with the only massive flaw being that the games are filled with RNG, so perhaps you would have to beat the map with critical hits disabled before uploading.
There's SRPG Studio which is basically FE Maker. Problem is that the appeal for many is growing units throughout a campaign. Which presents the same problem as making an entire interconnected map for Metroid Maker, it's way too much work for a beginning dev.
The FE romhacking scenes has plenty of aspiring devs that say they want to create an entire game with loads of classes, characters, and maps, but they never even get close to finishing because it's a lot of work.
Exactly what I was thinking about!
I want the ability to make Mario party levels! Any won else?
That sounds fun and painful (especially if it has multiplayer)
@@justas423, I mean regular Mario Party is painful. Is it not
This was a fun video, thanks UA-cam suggestion algorithm! I'd like to see... I dunno, a "Big Boss Maker". I'd set it up as a platformer, and then it teaches you how to design really satisfying encounters. Ideally you'd choose between a long range character inspired by Treasure, a mid-range Castlevania-type, or a fast melee character, set their health and abilities and stuff like that, and go to town. Is it a duel to the death with a little guy like you, or are you fighting a giant robot that takes up several screens and has to be torn down piece by gimmicky piece? Mario Maker bosses are really cool, so let them loose on a thing that facilitates making cool bosses.
I just want a Donkey Kong Country Maker! Nintendo just doesn’t want money
well, a donkey kong has issues, as stated in this video. it would take much more work tha mario maker since 3d models are used and the levels will be hard to create with a grid-based format. i would love a dk maker though
not nintindo but sonic maker would be cool and the pipes half pipes and more curvy things could be pre built and ready to be ploped down in a level
I think that a pokemon maker game would be really interesting. It would be like a more user-friendly version of RPG Maker.
Shaelyn Green lets not forget that is also the invitation to make it rating T to AO RATING for older fans
What about how a binding of isaac maker will go or a spelunky maker
They need an nes game that allows you to make any type of game useing all nes games sprites weapons etc
well... you could learn unreal engine or unity
@@Kopogtias The big issue would be licensing. Yes, there are plenty of game engines for all kinds of games (you could use GameMaker to replicate almost any NES game), but if you release something that uses Nintendo's assets, it would only last a day or two before you get a cease and desist from Nintendo. Nintendo is pretty well known for shutting down fan projects that contain their IP. In order to make something that uses NES game assets (especially Nintendo's own titles), you'd need something officially sanctioned.
Really wish there want footage of the later dungeons. Guess I’ll have to watch the rest of this after I finish the game. Great vid so far though. Can’t wait to come back to it!
The 1 dislike is the person who hates mario maker invisible blocks
I think how they use the items in tri-force heroes is a good way for a dungeon maker, and have indeed room locked if you need a certian item, and/or multible ways to solve a room
Overall, an ok video, but there were 2 major issues:
1) No mention of Zelda Classic or Open Zelda. No discussion of a "Zelda Maker" is complete without looking at the fan ones that exist and considering what they bring to the table.
2) Zelda isn't just about Dungeons. The video completely focused on how to make the dungeon-building experience better w/o even touching on the need for creating an overworld or NPCs. Given that final quip at the end about Mario Maker not having a map editor, it seems like a feature you should have covered in this video.
Zelda maker has always been a dream of mine ever since Mario makes came out. There would be so many possibilities for awesome bosses
Check out Zelda Classic: www.purezc.net
A Mario Party map maker is my dream maker