Thanks so much mate! Could never complete the shield jump after days of trying and only just found out about this today and took me less then 10 tries 🙏
I'll add my RNG setup to the mix because some machines skip the cutscene so fast on PC that your space bar input to skip also triggers as a jump, which messes up the setup for some difficulties. For Legendary, I personally press space to skip the cutscene and jump with the same input, land after loading in, melee the air, and then walk forward with no other inputs until the door opens. Thank you for the video, this was the best one out of all the ones I found!
Thanks for the updated tutorial! I managed to do it twice in a row. I don't know how often it can happen but I once killed the grunt so fast that the flood hadn't even came into view and got a checkpoint. If you manage to get that check point on an occurrence that you get a reviver you can try as many times as you want without repeating the RNG manip. Cheers!
If anyone is having trouble with this on pc (Legendary) and can’t get it to work try holding forward, melee and jump then let go of jump before you hit the ground and then keep holding the other two until the grunt spawns
Note for Xbox users: The latest patch seems to have messed with the inputs you are required to hold to get a reviver. (PC was not affected. The inputs are still the same for PC.) These are the new inputs for getting a reviver on Xbox: Easy: Forward + Melee + Jump Normal: Forward + Melee + Jump Heroic: Forward + Jump Legendary: Forward
Ever since the update, I have not gotten this method to work. Any of the other manip tutorials I have found haven't seemed to work for me either. Any suggestions?
@@JacobC1253 If the button combos I've posted here won't work, the best thing I can suggest is trying to find working button combos yourself. Try holding different buttons in combination with forward, and see if any of them result in a reviver consistently spawning for you.
@@JacobC1253 You can’t have 120hz enabled in your Xbox settings if you want this glitch to consistently work; you’ll know if this is the issue because you’ll take fire damage while you’re in the corner where the glitch is performed. Once I change it to 60hz it was constantly working every single time for me after that.
For people who need help getting last checkpoint on Xbox: As soon as you hit restart, hold the small right button. Do not spam. This is very inconsistent What helps with me is putting my thumb on a and pointer on the smaller button, and just rock it between the two Hope it helps
This was definitely the best guide i found. Worked after a few tries on LASO on PC, once i figured my positioning out. The flood was also 100% reviver with the first setup here, just switching out last checkpoint with save and quit. Thanks!
Thanks for this dude! This is so much easier than the shield bump. After some trial and error on Xbox on Legendary, I finally figured out getting the reviving Flood to spawn consistently. My fastest time so far is 2:14 but I want to try and get sub 2:00.
I recently got back to MCC speedrunning for the 3-4 achievements I got left. I saw this technique in one of Frogarchist videos, but I wanted to actually learn it. Thanks a lot, I got a sub 3 minute run, which should help a lot.
ABSOLUTE LEGEND!!! I wasted the better part of two hours tonight trying to do the "Keyes Bump" which I've known about for years but haven't been able to master. Went through the comments and someone mentioned the "Flood Bump" was way easier. Had no idea it existed. Found your first clip and then accidentally saw this one down the side - an updated version. Wasn't able to make Bruno a "reviver". Time consuming always restarting the mission, but you need to, to get the best time. Did it on Legendary, and Bruno was a pain in the a**. He didn't revive a third of the time and when I was lucky, instead of phasing through the wall where I should, I ended up falling into the abyss! After I smashed the Captain's face in, I tripped the door open and then ran back up into the corner and waited for the enemies to wipe each other out. Flood always survived but there was few enough for me to do a runner. It was too hard for me otherwise, and worth the extra minute or so. Managed to get my run down to 04:57. I will do better though! Thanks for the shortcut. Love your work, splee!
Here's a tip if you're having trouble bringing the menu up immediately following the Restart: Immediately once you hit Yes on "Restart mission?", you can hold the Escape key rather than try and time your press perfectly. (Also, as OP states in the comments, try setting your framerate to 60FPS and turning v-sync on) but yeah, this still works as of the April 11 update
Just tried this trick! Very helpful! Definitely saved lots and lots and lots of pain haha! Just gotta remember the setup for every time I play now! Thank you so much!
excellent. i was just this last night and almost got it the first time, but then i couldnt figure out why the flood wasnt reviving for my other attempts.
It seems that framerate is also important here. 60 FPS is giving me a very consistent reviver spawn. If the framerate is unlocked then I don't get a reviver spawn with the inputs mentioned. Thanks for the tutorial, this trick is very consistent and helpful with the MCC weekly challenges
Does anyone know if this is fixed as of April 2024? I’m on xbox on mcc and i can get the reviver consistently, but when i actually pull off the trick instead of phasing me through the wall i just spawn below it and fall out of the map to my death, what do i do?
I just tested on Xbox Series X and my experience was completely different: Easy: forward, or forward + jump Normal: forward + jump Heroic: forward, or forward + melee Legendary: forward + melee Tested this multiple times.
Yes dude omg i went through 2 hours of hell then did it first try with this comment. Just to clarify heres what I did. While holding up on the dpad click yes on last check point press jump only 1 time as soon as I spawn never let go of forward. Hope this helps. Also had my fov maxed out dont know if that matters.
@@JordanBuilds3D I just used the joystick I never failed a single time because of unintentional joystick movement. But maybe this depends on the controller.
I like the 3 minute Keyes speedrun but the damn plasma shield trick to clip you into the ceiling takes ages to master. But once you get it you're basically free to go for the record hehe
Tried this for a whole 2 hours and it just doesn't work. Not only does the reviver not spawn but after I kill the grunt it runs over to the other grunts not noticing me at all.
I found what works for me to get the "Last Checkpoint" menu to come up after hitting restart while playing on Xbox is to somewhat button mash the start button right after hitting 'a' for the restart. It's either a timing thing or a number of presses thing bc I hit start twice after hitting 'a' and it works every time. Either way, well done video. Normally these types of jumps are very hard for the average player, but I was able to get it down right away. Thanks.
@@splee5556 I'm retrying this to get it down to show a friend and either I'm not doing it right this time around or it somehow got patched on Xbox.. I'm doing everything the exact way you are say on Legendary and I never get the reviver..
@@splee5556 hmm, I'm struggling to get it to work constantly.. and when I do the bump itself isn't as repeatable as it was. Either that or I'm screwing it up, which is definitely plausible.
Great guide! - I found that i kept failing as i was walking into the wall continuously when standing on the flood, you need to be touching but not continuously pushing forward, also that i needed to limit framerate to 60 and turn on vsync as well
FINALLY....for me he either died or didnt revive at all...UNTIL i simple hit "restart" and QUICKLY hit esc...took me 3 resets and BOOM, saved me from by far my least favorite mission in the game lol
Seems there was an update that changed things a bit. On PC for legendary I had to forward + melee + jump to guarantee the flood, but that only worked with the max set to 60 fps with vsync on.
For anyone stuck here's how I got it to work for me: On Heroic, run straight to flood form, shoot to get his attention, run back to wall spot, jump over, line up with the second line, then shoot a fully charged plasma into his stomach. Worked 4 times in a row for me.
If he's not going down from a charged shot, he's not a reviver. Make sure you're doing the setup to spawn him as a reviver correctly. I would try doing a few test runs to make sure he's spawning as a reviver consistently. (I.e. do the setup to spawn him as a reviver; but don't lure him to the bump spot. Just down him immediately to see if he's a reviver or not.)
@@TopHatPenguin The required inputs have changed with the later patches. So, unfortunately some of the ones listed in this video are no longer accurate.
If you skip the cutscene on the very first frame possible while holding forward and nothing else, you will get a guaranteed reviver as well. It can be tricky to pull off. If you're playing with mouse and keyboard, you'll also want to start the mission in new graphics, since the game tends to carry your spacebar input into the game, causing you to jump on classic graphics for whatever reason.
I've watch this at least 5 times to make sure I'm doing it right. There must be something different about my PC setup because this does not work to get revivers consistently.
Ok I think I found my consistent method for a reviver on Series X Legendary. It's still holding forward BUT letting the cutscene play out entirely after hitting restart, no checkpoint loading. Makes Chief move more leftward than in the middle but hey it works.
Bugged. He just doesn't go down from one overcharged plasma-pistol shot on Normal difficulty. When I *do* kill him, he still doesn't revive. In the perfect storm where he goes down and *is* a reviver, he either gets pushed back too far that I can't stand on his torso -or- he just revives somewhere else. I saw him straight up just disappear out from under me and teleport 3 feet to the left in order to revive. This is absolute BS and doesn't work for me. MCC PC btw
Not sure what I'm doing wrong. I'm setting it up exactly how the video says to. I'm playing on normal difficulty, I have all the graphics settings reset to default, making sure Vsync is on and FPS is on 60, I start the mission, skip the beginning cutscene, restart, immediately push esc and revert to last check point, as soon as I push yes I hold down the space bar and W to run and jump forward, making sure not to push any other keys or to move the mouse, as soon as the grunt appears I shoot and kill him, draw the flood to me and lure him to the back, when it's against me I crouch jump over it, line myself up, overcharge the plasma pistol and shoot it in the middle of it's infection form face and it doesn't go down. I've been trying to do this for an hour and the same thing happens every time with the exception of once where I got too excited that it finally worked and I rushed getting overtop of the infection form and I ended up positioning myself wrong and it didn't launch me into the wall. After that one time it hasn't happened again. Any help would be appreciated.
Try hold W and space before confirming the checkpoint revert. (You can confirm the revert with the mouse or by pressing enter.) Also try doing a few test runs on the flood before doing an actual attempt. As soon as you see him, hit him with a charged plasma pistol burst and make sure he's a reviver. Then restart and try again. Once you've got him consistently being a reviver, then go for an actual attempt.
@@splee5556 I ended up just foregoing the setup completely and would just restart the mission until I got a reviver. Then if it didn’t launch me into the wall I would just revert to last checkpoint and I would keep the reviver until I got it. Thanks anyway.
Legendary 2:10 So the steps for legendary are: Launch the missions Press escape Press "Last Checkpoint" Press Forward + Melee Press yes Keep holding Forward + Melee until you see the grunt This doesn't work for me. Edit: Holding Melee + Forward makes this work sometimes
It should work consistently. Make sure you're not pressing anything else until you see the grunt. Even accidentally changing the direction you're looking could mess it up.
Im on legendary trying to do this and I do the forward and melee every time and every time it is a non reviver. I have my vsync off and at unlimited frames and Ive tried it with 60 frames and vsync on and still it doesnt work. Is there anything else I can do to make this work?
There's another method where you can just skip the cutscene on the first frame possible while only holding forward; it can be tricky to pull it off though. You'll also have to start the game on anniversary graphics. On classic graphics it tends to carry your space input into the game starting and makes you jump on the first frame which messes up the seed for the reviver.
I feel as though I'm going crazy. I'm definitely on a seed, but it's consistently NOT a reviver. Does framerate limit/Vsync play a role at all? It doesn't seem to matter the difficulty or setup. If I do a reset -> reload checkpoint and buffer my inputs, I consistently get a non-reviver.
Wow... damn, no idea what's wrong with my PC/settings, but I finally found a setup that works 100% every time. Same setup for the frame rule; restart mission, pause fast enough to get Last Checkpoint. For the setup on Normal, buffer W + Fire and don't touch the mouse (had to bind a key for it). Wastes a magazine, but for a consistent setup, 100% worth it.
After some testing, it seems like the culprit might be a combo of V-Sync off + unlimited FPS. With V-Sync on + unlimited FPS, the setups remained consistent. With V-Sync + 60 FPS, the setups remained consistent. With V-Sync off + unlimited FPS, the setup became inconsistent. It would work sometimes and not others. I noticed with V-Sync off + unlimited FPS, the game would sometimes stutter for a tick or two after reverting to checkpoint. This seems to be what's throwing off the seed.
@@splee5556 hm, weird. I wasn't able to get any inconsistencies in my results, but I was definitely playing Vsync Off + Unlimited FPS. I'd briefly tried messing around with it on, but wasn't getting the intended results, so I went back to my default graphics and started searching for other seed solutions when I found the one above. I wonder if maybe there's something strange going on because of something I have installed or running. Maybe FreeSync is doing something to the engine clock.
Coming back after some time, I've set some fun run times I'm happy with, but oddly enough, I have totally different setups for every difficulty. I guess there's just something weird about how my copy initializes. Maybe it's hardware related, who knows. Basically though, your setup to get on a frame rule worked wonders, and I was able to find out each of my own setups for each difficulty through some poking around until I found a combo that worked. Thanks a ton!
When i shoot it it keeps falling more to the right, to the point i cant stand on the head like you, also i noticed when i kill it i get a checkpoint reached whereas you do not. am i doing something wrong?
How it falls depends on where you shoot it. If it fully dies, you'll get a checkpoint. If it's a reviver, you won't get a checkpoint because it's not actually dead.
@@splee5556 alright, I'll try this out. It's peculiar, because before season 8 came out, I had no issues, I actually utilized it to get goat roped, it just seemed to have stop working. Great tutorial nonetheless.
Unfortunately this no longer works. The latest MCC update broke this. I haven’t tried the other difficulties other than Legendary, but I’m assuming it’s broken for all difficulties now. I had been running Keyes and Assault on the Control Room on Legendary every week to work towards season points for level completion. Also, I noticed that being back in the corner where the fire is, you take damage from the fire now.
This setup does NOT give consistently respawning flood. I managed to sort of master the restart and loading last checkpoint thing. Punching and running upon load... and I still got pure randomness. Also the way the flood falls seems totally random. I don't know what's different about my game, though...
If you're getting random results, that means your inputs are not consistent. The results will always be the same if your inputs are consistent, regardless of whether you're getting a reviver or not. The way the flood falls is based on where you shoot him. There will always be a little variance in how he falls; but it should still be consistent enough to perform the bump every time.
I've been able to fairly consistently get a reviver, but when I'm in position I have yet to be able to go through the wall when it revives. PC with vsync and 60fps on heroic.
Make sure you're not pressing anything other than the required inputs. Even changing the direction you're looking can mess it up. Also make sure you're using the d-pad to move forward since the sticks are analog and will make it pretty much impossible to move completely straight.
I am not sure if this works for me because, a year after this was posted, I cannot seem to knock down the flood with an overcharge shot, maybe a 1/4 chance. Perhaps trying with the rifle will be better.
@@TkillAS17 Ah. I'm not sure what the inputs are for the current patch on Xbox. You might have to play around with different input combos to find one that works.
@@splee5556 it works just painfully takes a while I haven't passed through but but he does push me. It's really hard to do it on 360. heroic I kept trying over and over it didn't matter so I just went on with it like normal
If he's not going down in one charged shot, it means he's not a reviver. Make sure you're getting the setup for spawning a reviver correctly. If you're on PC you might also have to turn V-sync on and set the framerate to 60 FPS.
WHY ISN'T THIS WORKING!? I press restart, the very next frame I press last checkpoint while holding forward and melee (I'm on legendary pc) and don't hold my mouse AT ALL until the grunt is totally in frame
Yes it works for LASO; however, the setup for getting a reviver is different since you can't revert to checkpoint on LASO. If you skip the cutscene on the very first frame possibly and only hold forward until you see the grunt, the flood form should be a reviver. You'll also have to use the AR to down him since you won't have the plasma pistol. If he's a reviver, he should go down in less than one full clip from the AR. If he takes a full clip without going down, he won't be a reviver.
Make sure you're holding the required inputs and not pressing anything else until you see the grunt. Even accidentally changing the direction you're looking can mess it up.
Yes. You can't use the last checkpoint trick used here though. If you skip the cutscene on the first frame possible and hold forward, you should get a reviver. After that, perform the bump the same way you see in this video, but using the assault rifle. If he goes down in less than a full clip, he'll be a reviver. If he takes a full clip and is still standing, he's not a reviver.
I have tried 207 times, pixel perfect and it does not work no matter what I try. I have tried 4 different guides now and it is never a reviver form no matter what, I have tried closing and opening the game again and I've even reinstalled the game. It is never a reviver, even when I just restart and try the normal way without the loading trick, it is never a 50% chance it is 0% no matter what I try.
The inputs to get a consistent reviver have changed as of a couple patches ago. Try holding different button combos until you find one that gets a reviver to spawn. If you just press buttons randomly, there's still about a 25% chance to get a reviver.
Wow instead of getting my self through the wall I got the flood through the wall. Great
That’s what happened to me. I can’t find out how to get myself through the wall
same but i got through too,
This setup is so much easier and more consistent for me than any other I've tried, thanks a lot
No problem!
Thanks so much mate! Could never complete the shield jump after days of trying and only just found out about this today and took me less then 10 tries 🙏
No problem! Glad it helped!
Took me a few tries, so I can't say I can do this trick consistently, but this is still far and away the best guide I've seen for this level.
Glad it helped!
I'll add my RNG setup to the mix because some machines skip the cutscene so fast on PC that your space bar input to skip also triggers as a jump, which messes up the setup for some difficulties. For Legendary, I personally press space to skip the cutscene and jump with the same input, land after loading in, melee the air, and then walk forward with no other inputs until the door opens.
Thank you for the video, this was the best one out of all the ones I found!
You know the tutorial is good when it only takes a couple of tries to pull off this kind of trick.
Thanks fam!
Glad it helped!
got a 2:18 thanks to u 3 years later and now ii have 70 mins to complete the maw for goat roped. Youre the best!
best guide ever. every other guide was in bad quality, or didn't show the correct line up. got it first try with this guide so thank you!!!!
Thanks for the updated tutorial! I managed to do it twice in a row.
I don't know how often it can happen but I once killed the grunt so fast that the flood hadn't even came into view and got a checkpoint.
If you manage to get that check point on an occurrence that you get a reviver you can try as many times as you want without repeating the RNG manip.
Hilarious thing tho, if you fail to kill one of the flood you get to watch it gun down the chief during the cutscene.
You won’t believe the amount of times I’ve heard ThE CoVeNaNt NeTWoRk is IN ABSOLUTE FUCKING CHAOS HELP ME
If anyone is having trouble with this on pc (Legendary) and can’t get it to work try holding forward, melee and jump then let go of jump before you hit the ground and then keep holding the other two until the grunt spawns
yep, the other methods were not working for me on legendary (PC) but this set up did the trick! Thanks!
U are my saviour sir!!!
Thank you for this guide! Helped me a lot during my LASO playthrough
Just got a 2:20 on legendary on my first attempt! Thanks so much for this great guide :D
Glad it helped!
Note for Xbox users: The latest patch seems to have messed with the inputs you are required to hold to get a reviver. (PC was not affected. The inputs are still the same for PC.) These are the new inputs for getting a reviver on Xbox:
Easy: Forward + Melee + Jump
Normal: Forward + Melee + Jump
Heroic: Forward + Jump
Legendary: Forward
Ever since the update, I have not gotten this method to work. Any of the other manip tutorials I have found haven't seemed to work for me either. Any suggestions?
@@JacobC1253 If the button combos I've posted here won't work, the best thing I can suggest is trying to find working button combos yourself. Try holding different buttons in combination with forward, and see if any of them result in a reviver consistently spawning for you.
@@JacobC1253 You can’t have 120hz enabled in your Xbox settings if you want this glitch to consistently work; you’ll know if this is the issue because you’ll take fire damage while you’re in the corner where the glitch is performed. Once I change it to 60hz it was constantly working every single time for me after that.
I have a question, we need to do the trick "restart mission and last cheekpoint " ? We really need this trick to have a reviver ?
@@michelegrimaudo9252 It's the easiest way to consistently start on the same frame to manipulate that game's RNG.
For people who need help getting last checkpoint on Xbox:
As soon as you hit restart, hold the small right button.
Do not spam. This is very inconsistent
What helps with me is putting my thumb on a and pointer on the smaller button, and just rock it between the two
Hope it helps
This worked immediately and consistently, thank you so much
For those who might have problems with putting the flood down, try shooting it a few times without overcharging your pistol, it worked for me.
This was definitely the best guide i found. Worked after a few tries on LASO on PC, once i figured my positioning out. The flood was also 100% reviver with the first setup here, just switching out last checkpoint with save and quit. Thanks!
Glad it helped!
I did this and got the Tying Up Loose Ends achievement in about 5 minutes. Great guide!
Awesome! Glad it helped!
Thanks for this dude! This is so much easier than the shield bump. After some trial and error on Xbox on Legendary, I finally figured out getting the reviving Flood to spawn consistently. My fastest time so far is 2:14 but I want to try and get sub 2:00.
Awesome! Glad it helped. Good luck on sub 2!
great tutorial, much easier than other methods. got my goatroped achievement finally. thankyou
Glad it helped!
I recently got back to MCC speedrunning for the 3-4 achievements I got left. I saw this technique in one of Frogarchist videos, but I wanted to actually learn it. Thanks a lot, I got a sub 3 minute run, which should help a lot.
Such a good video worked on the first try... everybody else's vids were too confusing and never worked thanks 🙏
Glad it helped!
Was on loads of tutorials, did it first time with yours on LASO. Cheers.
Never thought I would get this to work but I did, thanks for your helpful video. Sharing to my Facebook.
Glad it helped!
Thank you so much. Managed to do it first time using this trick
Glad it helped!
Dude, you're a life saver. Thanks.
Fuck the shield bump, all my homies use the flood bump.
Glad it helped! The flood bump is both easier and faster than the shield bump. So it's better all around!
ABSOLUTE LEGEND!!! I wasted the better part of two hours tonight trying to do the "Keyes Bump" which I've known about for years but haven't been able to master. Went through the comments and someone mentioned the "Flood Bump" was way easier. Had no idea it existed. Found your first clip and then accidentally saw this one down the side - an updated version. Wasn't able to make Bruno a "reviver". Time consuming always restarting the mission, but you need to, to get the best time. Did it on Legendary, and Bruno was a pain in the a**. He didn't revive a third of the time and when I was lucky, instead of phasing through the wall where I should, I ended up falling into the abyss! After I smashed the Captain's face in, I tripped the door open and then ran back up into the corner and waited for the enemies to wipe each other out. Flood always survived but there was few enough for me to do a runner. It was too hard for me otherwise, and worth the extra minute or so. Managed to get my run down to 04:57. I will do better though! Thanks for the shortcut. Love your work, splee!
Awesome! Glad it helped!
Here's a tip if you're having trouble bringing the menu up immediately following the Restart: Immediately once you hit Yes on "Restart mission?", you can hold the Escape key rather than try and time your press perfectly. (Also, as OP states in the comments, try setting your framerate to 60FPS and turning v-sync on) but yeah, this still works as of the April 11 update
Just tried this trick! Very helpful! Definitely saved lots and lots and lots of pain haha! Just gotta remember the setup for every time I play now! Thank you so much!
Glad it helped!
actually works thx for keyes in 2 33 and goat roped ur the best guide for keyes bump lol
Can confirm the V sync on 60 fps thing works for guaranteeing a reviver. Thanks for this. Took a couple tries but i got it. :)
Good to have someone else confirm it! Glad it helped!
Also confirming that V sync on 60 fps got a reviver as of 9/4/2021
Honestly this is ALOT better than how Garish taught the flood bump imo
I just tried to keep it as easy as possible.
Mateee i sat here for over an hour then found your video got it first try lol thanks alot
No problem!
Great video man! Was able to do it consistently on Xbox!
Awesome! Glad it helped!
This is the easy trick that most people often use to complete this mission on LASO, Fun Fact.
Thank you so much for your help! Your video was very clear and easy to understand
Glad it helped!
excellent. i was just this last night and almost got it the first time, but then i couldnt figure out why the flood wasnt reviving for my other attempts.
Thank you, I couldn't get the reviver everytime but I was able to glitch through the wall eventually
Glad it helped!
I just tried it on PC (MCC) and it worked on my first try! Thanks, Splee!
No problem!
I saw the comments of everyone saying it worked first time and knowing damn well nothing ever works for me I knew it wouldn’t work
ik im 3 years late but its consistent u js fcked up
It seems that framerate is also important here.
60 FPS is giving me a very consistent reviver spawn.
If the framerate is unlocked then I don't get a reviver spawn with the inputs mentioned.
Thanks for the tutorial, this trick is very consistent and helpful with the MCC weekly challenges
It seems that a combination of v-sync and framerate settings can impact it.
Glad it helped!
Thank you man! Now I can do speedruns!
Don't hit escape as soon as you click on "Yes", do it as soon as the cutscene starts (black screen).
why do I find you everywhere
@@mrtx01 I'm always looking for new ways to procrastinate.
Did it first try with this guide, thanks so much!
Glad it helped!
Worked first time on legendary on Xbox!! Thanks a lot man 🔥
Glad it helped!
Does anyone know if this is fixed as of April 2024? I’m on xbox on mcc and i can get the reviver consistently, but when i actually pull off the trick instead of phasing me through the wall i just spawn below it and fall out of the map to my death, what do i do?
It still works. If you're not getting bumped through the wall, either your setup or your positioning is off.
Thanks for the really detailed guide 😄
No problem!
All those ASMR satisfying mouse clicks
The benefit of having a mic that sits on your desk. Lol
why does it keep falling over in a spot where I cant stand above the infection form to glitch through? Every single time its out of reach
Either your positioning is off, or you're shooting it in the wrong spot.
worked 1st try, you earnt a sub, well done
Glad it helped! Thanks for subscribing!
I just tested on Xbox Series X and my experience was completely different:
Easy: forward, or forward + jump
Normal: forward + jump
Heroic: forward, or forward + melee
Legendary: forward + melee
Tested this multiple times.
This should be pinned, the inputs are different for Series X. Thanks for sharing this, helped me out!
@@ggssun1670 Glad I could help
Yes dude omg i went through 2 hours of hell then did it first try with this comment. Just to clarify heres what I did. While holding up on the dpad click yes on last check point press jump only 1 time as soon as I spawn never let go of forward. Hope this helps. Also had my fov maxed out dont know if that matters.
@@JordanBuilds3D I just used the joystick I never failed a single time because of unintentional joystick movement. But maybe this depends on the controller.
I like the 3 minute Keyes speedrun but the damn plasma shield trick to clip you into the ceiling takes ages to master. But once you get it you're basically free to go for the record hehe
The shield bump is definitely tricky. Fortunately, the flood bump came along and is both easier and faster.
Tried this for a whole 2 hours and it just doesn't work. Not only does the reviver not spawn but after I kill the grunt it runs over to the other grunts not noticing me at all.
The required inputs for getting a reviver have changed on newer patches.
@@splee5556 So what is the new input for Legendary? I tried all the mentoned onces.
I found what works for me to get the "Last Checkpoint" menu to come up after hitting restart while playing on Xbox is to somewhat button mash the start button right after hitting 'a' for the restart. It's either a timing thing or a number of presses thing bc I hit start twice after hitting 'a' and it works every time.
Either way, well done video. Normally these types of jumps are very hard for the average player, but I was able to get it down right away. Thanks.
Glad it helped!
@@splee5556 I'm retrying this to get it down to show a friend and either I'm not doing it right this time around or it somehow got patched on Xbox.. I'm doing everything the exact way you are say on Legendary and I never get the reviver..
@@zmoclov21 Seems that they did mess with the Xbox inputs in the latest patch. I pinned a comment on this video with new input combos for Xbox.
@@splee5556 oh great, thank you. I'll give them a try tonight!
@@splee5556 hmm, I'm struggling to get it to work constantly.. and when I do the bump itself isn't as repeatable as it was. Either that or I'm screwing it up, which is definitely plausible.
Great guide! - I found that i kept failing as i was walking into the wall continuously when standing on the flood, you need to be touching but not continuously pushing forward, also that i needed to limit framerate to 60 and turn on vsync as well
Glad it helped!
FINALLY....for me he either died or didnt revive at all...UNTIL i simple hit "restart" and QUICKLY hit esc...took me 3 resets and BOOM, saved me from by far my least favorite mission in the game lol
Thank you so much :D made my night
No problem!
Seems there was an update that changed things a bit. On PC for legendary I had to forward + melee + jump to guarantee the flood, but that only worked with the max set to 60 fps with vsync on.
Just wanted to verify the new Xbox inputs for legendary are the same as the PC ones.
I had to go a little bit left of the 2nd line indicator, very good tutorial though!
Glad it helped!
First time and worked perfect thanks bruh
Glad it helped!
For anyone stuck here's how I got it to work for me: On Heroic, run straight to flood form, shoot to get his attention, run back to wall spot, jump over, line up with the second line, then shoot a fully charged plasma into his stomach. Worked 4 times in a row for me.
How did you get into a CE game with your friend? I got an error saying connection interrupted.
Might have to mess with your network settings if it won't let you connect. It wouldn't let me connect with a static IP for whatever reason.
Hey, so I have a fully charged plasma shot, but he won’t die once, even though I shoot him right where you said
If he's not going down from a charged shot, he's not a reviver. Make sure you're doing the setup to spawn him as a reviver correctly. I would try doing a few test runs to make sure he's spawning as a reviver consistently. (I.e. do the setup to spawn him as a reviver; but don't lure him to the bump spot. Just down him immediately to see if he's a reviver or not.)
I found that on legendary jumping, running, and punching works a lot more consistently I have no idea why
@@TopHatPenguin The required inputs have changed with the later patches. So, unfortunately some of the ones listed in this video are no longer accurate.
You are a king
Thanks you helped me a lot!!!
Glad it helped!
Great video and lineup works consistently! Just one question, is there a way to get a guaranteed reviver on LASO where you cant go to last checkpoint?
If you skip the cutscene on the very first frame possible while holding forward and nothing else, you will get a guaranteed reviver as well. It can be tricky to pull off. If you're playing with mouse and keyboard, you'll also want to start the mission in new graphics, since the game tends to carry your spacebar input into the game, causing you to jump on classic graphics for whatever reason.
@@splee5556 Thank you! I got a reviver first try using that method
@@mrwizard1281 No problem!
I haven’t yet tried on LASO, but I assume using the AR is no different than the Plasma Pistol?
To get a reviver, it does'nt made a difference what you do. Its just RNJesus if you get a reviver or not
Halo's pseudo-RNG is calculated through the player's inputs. So repeating the same inputs on the same frames will give the same result every time.
Thank you so much works just great 👍
Glad it helped!
wow, it works! Thanks you for the tutorial.
No problem!
I've watch this at least 5 times to make sure I'm doing it right. There must be something different about my PC setup because this does not work to get revivers consistently.
Try setting your framerate to 60FPS and turning v-sync on. Quite a few people have reported success by changing those settings.
Ok I think I found my consistent method for a reviver on Series X Legendary.
It's still holding forward BUT letting the cutscene play out entirely after hitting restart, no checkpoint loading. Makes Chief move more leftward than in the middle but hey it works.
Awesome, I just got a legendary run time of 2:25. Thank you so much!
Glad it helped!
Thanks man, great tutorial.
Glad it helped!
Bugged. He just doesn't go down from one overcharged plasma-pistol shot on Normal difficulty. When I *do* kill him, he still doesn't revive. In the perfect storm where he goes down and *is* a reviver, he either gets pushed back too far that I can't stand on his torso -or- he just revives somewhere else. I saw him straight up just disappear out from under me and teleport 3 feet to the left in order to revive. This is absolute BS and doesn't work for me. MCC PC btw
Nice, this method worked for me the first time!
Awesome! Glad it helped!
Not sure what I'm doing wrong. I'm setting it up exactly how the video says to. I'm playing on normal difficulty, I have all the graphics settings reset to default, making sure Vsync is on and FPS is on 60, I start the mission, skip the beginning cutscene, restart, immediately push esc and revert to last check point, as soon as I push yes I hold down the space bar and W to run and jump forward, making sure not to push any other keys or to move the mouse, as soon as the grunt appears I shoot and kill him, draw the flood to me and lure him to the back, when it's against me I crouch jump over it, line myself up, overcharge the plasma pistol and shoot it in the middle of it's infection form face and it doesn't go down. I've been trying to do this for an hour and the same thing happens every time with the exception of once where I got too excited that it finally worked and I rushed getting overtop of the infection form and I ended up positioning myself wrong and it didn't launch me into the wall. After that one time it hasn't happened again. Any help would be appreciated.
Try hold W and space before confirming the checkpoint revert. (You can confirm the revert with the mouse or by pressing enter.)
Also try doing a few test runs on the flood before doing an actual attempt. As soon as you see him, hit him with a charged plasma pistol burst and make sure he's a reviver. Then restart and try again. Once you've got him consistently being a reviver, then go for an actual attempt.
@@splee5556 I ended up just foregoing the setup completely and would just restart the mission until I got a reviver. Then if it didn’t launch me into the wall I would just revert to last checkpoint and I would keep the reviver until I got it. Thanks anyway.
Legendary 2:10
So the steps for legendary are:
Launch the missions
Press escape
Press "Last Checkpoint"
Press Forward + Melee
Press yes
Keep holding Forward + Melee until you see the grunt
This doesn't work for me.
Edit: Holding Melee + Forward makes this work sometimes
It should work consistently. Make sure you're not pressing anything else until you see the grunt. Even accidentally changing the direction you're looking could mess it up.
not really working. the flood is not falling down, glitch trough the map, not the wall or nothing. it doesnt work every time
Make sure that you have 60hz selected in your Xbox settings if you’re trying to get this glitch to work
Im on legendary trying to do this and I do the forward and melee every time and every time it is a non reviver. I have my vsync off and at unlimited frames and Ive tried it with 60 frames and vsync on and still it doesnt work. Is there anything else I can do to make this work?
There's another method where you can just skip the cutscene on the first frame possible while only holding forward; it can be tricky to pull it off though. You'll also have to start the game on anniversary graphics. On classic graphics it tends to carry your space input into the game starting and makes you jump on the first frame which messes up the seed for the reviver.
I feel as though I'm going crazy. I'm definitely on a seed, but it's consistently NOT a reviver.
Does framerate limit/Vsync play a role at all? It doesn't seem to matter the difficulty or setup. If I do a reset -> reload checkpoint and buffer my inputs, I consistently get a non-reviver.
Wow... damn, no idea what's wrong with my PC/settings, but I finally found a setup that works 100% every time.
Same setup for the frame rule; restart mission, pause fast enough to get Last Checkpoint. For the setup on Normal, buffer W + Fire and don't touch the mouse (had to bind a key for it).
Wastes a magazine, but for a consistent setup, 100% worth it.
After some testing, it seems like the culprit might be a combo of V-Sync off + unlimited FPS.
With V-Sync on + unlimited FPS, the setups remained consistent. With V-Sync + 60 FPS, the setups remained consistent. With V-Sync off + unlimited FPS, the setup became inconsistent. It would work sometimes and not others.
I noticed with V-Sync off + unlimited FPS, the game would sometimes stutter for a tick or two after reverting to checkpoint. This seems to be what's throwing off the seed.
@@splee5556 hm, weird. I wasn't able to get any inconsistencies in my results, but I was definitely playing Vsync Off + Unlimited FPS. I'd briefly tried messing around with it on, but wasn't getting the intended results, so I went back to my default graphics and started searching for other seed solutions when I found the one above.
I wonder if maybe there's something strange going on because of something I have installed or running. Maybe FreeSync is doing something to the engine clock.
Coming back after some time, I've set some fun run times I'm happy with, but oddly enough, I have totally different setups for every difficulty. I guess there's just something weird about how my copy initializes. Maybe it's hardware related, who knows.
Basically though, your setup to get on a frame rule worked wonders, and I was able to find out each of my own setups for each difficulty through some poking around until I found a combo that worked. Thanks a ton!
@@CrunchyMaggots Strange that the setups are different; but glad it helped in any case!
When i shoot it it keeps falling more to the right, to the point i cant stand on the head like you, also i noticed when i kill it i get a checkpoint reached whereas you do not. am i doing something wrong?
How it falls depends on where you shoot it.
If it fully dies, you'll get a checkpoint. If it's a reviver, you won't get a checkpoint because it's not actually dead.
Hey, this isn't working for me anymore. Forward and jump on normal does not always make a revivy boy spawn
Try setting your framerate to 60 FPS and enabling V-Sync if it's disabled. A few people have reported those settings made it work for them.
@@splee5556 alright, I'll try this out. It's peculiar, because before season 8 came out, I had no issues, I actually utilized it to get goat roped, it just seemed to have stop working. Great tutorial nonetheless.
@@splee5556 This worked, thanks for the help bro.
@@alexschweiger8544 Good to hear it worked!
@@splee5556 Your Xbox method doesn't work anymore.
Thank you it worked first time
No problem!
The restart into last checkpoint trick does not work on xbox, the line was the 3rd line not the second. i give up.
It does work on Xbox. I tested it myself prior to making this video. The timing on it is harder to get right than it is on PC though.
Unfortunately this no longer works. The latest MCC update broke this. I haven’t tried the other difficulties other than Legendary, but I’m assuming it’s broken for all difficulties now.
I had been running Keyes and Assault on the Control Room on Legendary every week to work towards season points for level completion. Also, I noticed that being back in the corner where the fire is, you take damage from the fire now.
I checked the setups on all four difficulties on PC and they're still working for me, even after the update. Are you on Xbox?
This setup does NOT give consistently respawning flood. I managed to sort of master the restart and loading last checkpoint thing. Punching and running upon load... and I still got pure randomness. Also the way the flood falls seems totally random. I don't know what's different about my game, though...
If you're getting random results, that means your inputs are not consistent. The results will always be the same if your inputs are consistent, regardless of whether you're getting a reviver or not.
The way the flood falls is based on where you shoot him. There will always be a little variance in how he falls; but it should still be consistent enough to perform the bump every time.
I've been able to fairly consistently get a reviver, but when I'm in position I have yet to be able to go through the wall when it revives. PC with vsync and 60fps on heroic.
Just needed to be slightly more over the flood apparently. Finally got it. Thanks for the tutorial!!
@@mcknighty11 Good to hear you got it working!
On heroic on Xbox One I am restarting and inputting correctly but it is consistently not a reviver, anything I am doing wrong?
Make sure you're not pressing anything other than the required inputs. Even changing the direction you're looking can mess it up. Also make sure you're using the d-pad to move forward since the sticks are analog and will make it pretty much impossible to move completely straight.
Wtf is a reviver?
I am not sure if this works for me because, a year after this was posted, I cannot seem to knock down the flood with an overcharge shot, maybe a 1/4 chance. Perhaps trying with the rifle will be better.
The inputs required to get a reviver have changed in the latest patches. Are you on PC or Xbox?
@@splee5556 xbox, im trying it now
@@TkillAS17 Ah. I'm not sure what the inputs are for the current patch on Xbox. You might have to play around with different input combos to find one that works.
@@splee5556 Did the inputs for PC change aswell? I have the same problem on PC and never get a reviver.
@@gregorstein8412 The latest update changed the inputs for PC as well, yes.
Ok with what about Halo CE Anniversary 360 version?
I don't have the 360 version; so no idea if these reviver setups will work or not. The actual bump setup should be the same though.
@@splee5556 it works just painfully takes a while I haven't passed through but but he does push me. It's really hard to do it on 360. heroic I kept trying over and over it didn't matter so I just went on with it like normal
Is there a reason why the flood on legendary mcc doesnt go down after 1 full charge shot from the plasma
If he's not going down in one charged shot, it means he's not a reviver. Make sure you're getting the setup for spawning a reviver correctly. If you're on PC you might also have to turn V-sync on and set the framerate to 60 FPS.
WHY ISN'T THIS WORKING!? I press restart, the very next frame I press last checkpoint while holding forward and melee (I'm on legendary pc) and don't hold my mouse AT ALL until the grunt is totally in frame
Are you holding melee until you see the grunt spawn? Both forward and melee need to be held to that point.
@@splee5556 I figured it out! I was pressing esc a frame too late I think. Ended up getting 3:11 (including mid-cutscene)
@@sutterismine Good to hear it ended up working for you!
thanks, i'm going to try this tomorrow to get keys legendary done quick and painless. could this work for LASo as well?
Yes it works for LASO; however, the setup for getting a reviver is different since you can't revert to checkpoint on LASO. If you skip the cutscene on the very first frame possibly and only hold forward until you see the grunt, the flood form should be a reviver.
You'll also have to use the AR to down him since you won't have the plasma pistol. If he's a reviver, he should go down in less than one full clip from the AR. If he takes a full clip without going down, he won't be a reviver.
@@splee5556 great info there.thank you!
@@gnarleypunkroker5 No problem! Hope it helps!
I followed exactly as you said and never gets a reviver
Make sure you're holding the required inputs and not pressing anything else until you see the grunt. Even accidentally changing the direction you're looking can mess it up.
@@splee5556 my hand wasn’t even on my mouse when I did and I still couldn’t get a reviver
Is this possible on LASO where you don't spawn with a PP?
Yes. You can't use the last checkpoint trick used here though. If you skip the cutscene on the first frame possible and hold forward, you should get a reviver. After that, perform the bump the same way you see in this video, but using the assault rifle. If he goes down in less than a full clip, he'll be a reviver. If he takes a full clip and is still standing, he's not a reviver.
@@splee5556 Woah thanks for the quick response! Wasn't expecting one so soon on a 2 year old video! Will be using this in my LASO playthru
I have tried 207 times, pixel perfect and it does not work no matter what I try. I have tried 4 different guides now and it is never a reviver form no matter what, I have tried closing and opening the game again and I've even reinstalled the game. It is never a reviver, even when I just restart and try the normal way without the loading trick, it is never a 50% chance it is 0% no matter what I try.
The inputs to get a consistent reviver have changed as of a couple patches ago. Try holding different button combos until you find one that gets a reviver to spawn. If you just press buttons randomly, there's still about a 25% chance to get a reviver.
@@splee5556 will try this, thanks
@@ItIsInFactMe Did you ever find a button combo that works? I've been pulling my hair out for two hours now, lol