What an EXCELLENT mother she is!! She wanted to brood that little one so badly that she even started to make a "nest scrape" to make her brooding as comfortable as she can for it. Then she did her level best to get some food in it's crop!!! Yes, a VERY GOOD mother!!
She gave a lot of attention to the little guy. What a wonderful mother bird she is? His growing up to a mature bird today has been a great love and effort from his lovely mother.
What an EXCELLENT mother she is!! She wanted to brood that little one so badly that she even started to make a "nest scrape" to make her brooding as comfortable as she can for it. Then she did her level best to get some food in it's crop!!! Yes, a VERY GOOD mother!!
Such a caring mother
チビちゃん あまり足元フラフラしなくなりましたね❣
She gave a lot of attention to the little guy. What a wonderful mother bird she is? His growing up to a mature bird today has been a great love and effort from his lovely mother.
Usa no KOREA ok !
It's a calm afternoon, and the family is together, feeling heartwarming.
The music is also very gentle and soothing.
I hope this is healing for you🍀
I hope this is healing for you🍀
꼬맹이까지 잘 챙기는 어미가 너무 대견합니다
보통 약한 자식은 먹이감으로 쓰던데 잘크는 모습 꼭 보고싶네요 지금은 다 컸을 듯합니다^^
Que madre tan cariñosa, gracias a como es su mamá ese polluelo bebes crecerá fuerte y sano. Saludó desde Argentina 🇦🇷 💚
У малыша начали проявляться крыльевые и хвостовые крупные перья,это видемо указывает на то что он просто маленький ,а не поздно рождённый..
우리 아기 용감하게 자라가요!
13:10 발에 달린 인식표를 먹어도 되나요 ???? 걱정됩니다.
Usually exhaled as pellets
エサちょっとずつしかあげないんだな もう少し大きなエサあげればいいのに😮
Вот это мать!!!! Аист бы убил своего птенца за то, что он меньше других....
Moms forf