Anything in Australia is scarier than anything ive seen in a elder scrolls game, i mean skyrim spiders where cute compared to finding a huntsman on your face.
Dude, I just keep finding out about stuff that was in the last elder scrolls games. And I'm baffled as to why Bethesda removed them to replace them with... meh.
Personally I would love to explore Argonian culture and lore in the next Elder Scrolls. If not that then at least have more fleshed out culture-y bits.
I might look like a fool when es6 finally gets a detail-drop but here goes I'm almost certain we won't ever see a pure elsweyr/black marsh elder scrolls game. Elder scrolls has become massively mainstream after skyrim got released, and bethesda has only accelerated their catering to mainstream players as the years have gone by I believe alot of the players in that mainstream playerbase would be put off by the alien feel of elsweyr or black marsh.
Alien, dark, mysterious and less known area of Tamriel. Infinite possibilities for creativeness for developer perspective. As player perspective that means more to discover and that is what TES is about. This can provide a new and unique game for TES series. Market is too saturated in these years with medievalish settings but I believe fantasy genre lovers need more unique products anymore. Argonia is the best setting as an answer with lots of unique mechanics and great in-game story/quest possibilities.
Maybe due to a would-be crisis within Argonia, and the scale of the threat that is faced there, the Imperials have decided to release their prisoners to help in their efforts, being a "Help us fight the threat we face or die", only for their plans to be foiled by a skirmish by an Argonian tribe, leaving you having to run away, left to now have to find your way around the swamp to find Stormhold, mentioned to you by a dying soldier saying that it is one of the few locations against the main political power of Argonia. Then again, that is just one thought.
Franky Split We've yet to see Bethesda really utilize water. Daggerfall had some good ideas for dungeons when it came to water but imagine what they could do now. Then imagine actual underwater combat and the secrets that could be in abyss! Lol
Best thing Bethesda can do for Elder Scrolls 6 is make a new engine for it, they have been using the same one since Oblivion and it's starting to show it's age/limitations with fallout 4.
Clumsy Turtle8 - actually they are using it since 2002 with Morrowind. No shitting here. Creation Engine or what ever they call it is a seriously improved Gamebryo Engine. There is code in Skyrim/FO4 that was already in Morrowind (a small clue is the item system - add item 00000F -> money. Since Morrowind. Also they have the same bugs since Morrowind. Bethesda is horrendous when it comes to engines. Skyrim... okay. It was a last gen release after all. But FO4? 2016 AAA game that looked like some mediocre 2012 crap but guzzled computing power like Crisis 4. But this time they have to do something new. I really hope they don't just rename Gamebryo the fourth time and patch some new stuff into it. For actually increasing what they could offer on the "meh" consoles they have to build a new low level engine completely dedicated to a DX12/Vulkan level code to bypass the enormous CPU bottleneck these 8 core (6-7 available) low power and very (!) outdated Jaguar CPU cores at ~Ghz can offer.
You realize that moders will get used to a new engin if given the tools. The current engin is old and struggling to support the weight of the games it's being used to run.
Even then, as long as you can visit a shrine within 3 days of contracting vampirism you’ll be fine Also, you can always enchant your way out of disease or just be a werewolf lol
I’ve always thought I would be cool to find a group of Argonians in an Oblivion plane somewhere that got trapped when the gates closed. Maybe as a survival group or even a colony.
Argonians are badass, they looked at a root worm and said "You know what? I could probably travel around inside that thing's stomach." And they can see an Oblivion gate open and go "Fuck you, we're taking your realm over instead!"
I can imagine a gate opening and Daedra setting up camp and shit thinking no one's around and then the argonians are all sitting around a hist tree and the tree's like "Ok, they're heavily guarded on the south, but they only have a couple guards north."
man, i fucking LOVE that lore story 'bout the argonians getting jacked-the-fuck up on hist sap and shitting all over Dagon's fat dick until he had to clean it off.. buuuuuuut...they did get precognitive help/steroids from talking trees in order to do it, so don't go underestimating the Dunmer; if they put em in chains once, they can do it again
I wouldn't mind this, but they best not skimp on magic like Skyrim. The College was the least magical place in the game. You want something grand and amazing, not bland and boring.
Since the College of Winterhold was a college I was hoping it would teach you spells and how to use them as optional side fun; however, the only experience close to this was the Lesser Ward lesson you interrupted at the start. Why couldn't there me more stuff like that? Like once you reach a certain level in a school of magic you could go talk to the corresponding professor and they could teach you a spell and how to use it (at the cost of some gold for tuition)
Imagine if they added a large chunk of the ocean as part of ES 6 map on top of Argonia. Argonians are known for their ability to breath underwater, so wouldn't it be awesome if they added an underwater city? It could also allow for awesome random sea monster encounters.
I think Valenwood is best location for TES-6 cause in ESO it has piece of Summerset Isle architecture on west,Elsweyr architecture on east and even Imperial architecture on north.
Srithor While I think that it is a good looking place, there is one problem: The entire province of Valenwood is accessible in ESO. I think that would add more creative restrictions.
What the heck.. now I'm feeling like playing as an argonian now. Imagine tropical lizard warriors running through the marsh, chasing their enemies with...hmm Spears? We need more weapons dude.. how about javelins? I would love throwing those in game..
I would love to use a flail you know the weapon with a handle that has a chain connected to it and has a ball at the end sometimes with spikes. I would love to swing and spin it around like a badass.
The reasons why they call hardcore mode in isn't the being sleepy, thirsty, hungry. The real big reasons why it's hardcore is because the followers do not know how to use antivenom. RIP
I think this is a good opportunity for Bethesda to introduce some Survival elements to the Elder Scrolls series btw, you know with the harsh environment of Argonia and such.
I was thinking exactly the same. As well as adding some water physics that could have fantastic applications... wading through different depth water effecting combat - seeking higher ground, fast flowing water able to sweep the legs out from enemies, flooding/draining dungeons to access different areas (Tomb Raider style) I really hope this is the setting for the next game!
Regarding the threat/catastrophe: How about a sickness spreading among the Hist, or a Daedric Prince trying to corrupt them. It would explain the hostile state of Blackmarsh, both political and environmental. Deadra who would fit the description would involve, but not limit to, Mephala, Peryte and Vaermina.
Why not have the major threat be related to Sithis? It'd also be interesting if the Dark Brotherhood was involved with the main story if that was the case.
Now as an Avid Monster Hunter, I want craft-able material rewards from monsters. Say take the lightning sacks from the lizards and craft a sword with a passive lightning enchantment or maybe something along the lines of gold pine resin from DS. I think monster crafted arms and armor really add depth to the game as the weapons mean something as it was YOU who not only possessed the skill to kill the beast but all the skill to turn the beasts power into your own.
Monster Hunter doesn't need Skyrim mechanics to draw away from it's combat. Comparing Skyrim's combat to Monster Hunter's is like comparing bad hamburger to filet mignon. Monster Hunter knows what it does best: Amazing combat mechanics. It streamlines everything to that point.
Yeah, that's what I mean. The game already has a minor tracking component in it, it doesn't need an open world. The game has interest curve already with the differing way the town and the hunting grounds work, and also has an interest curve within the fight by using rage and exhaustion mechanics for the monsters. Essentially: MH doesn't need an open world. It wouldn't benefit from it, especially because that would make it really really difficult to tell where a player is along progression, which is incredibly important in MH and it's why the urgent quests exist and are often harder than the things you're going to be fighting immediately after the urgent. Having an open world would make the game seem unfair, when say, you explored a random place only to be jumped by a Rajang while you're in the starter gear. Not fun, imo. MH is very well designed through and through, and I think that has a big deal to do with why it's been gaining a lot of popularity in the west recently.
I would love to see Elder Scrolls 6 in Black March. I would really look forward to see the Hist Tree being highly worshipped, i would love to have a option to be a shadow scale for the Dark Brother hood, i would love to see tons of restoration mages and alchemist highly needed because of Black Death. But most of all, because I am a Tribunal Worshipping Dunmer, slavers. I would mostly look forward to being a Dunmer slave owner.
The next elder scrolls game will be set in either the 4th era or later. What happend in the 4th era? the argonians invaded and brutalised morrowind, mostly the south including the capital, suck it
Totally love this. Been quite the advocate for either Black Marsh or Elsweyr. Argonia would be a pretty cool environment for some Druid and Shaman/Witchcraft action. The entangling vines and haunted mists would play really well there. Camouflage could be a heavy element also, plants and animals alike that hide in plain sight until it's too late. Also a hidden "Yoda on Dagobah" Easter egg would be fun :-P
Easy you were captured by pirates off the coast of black marsh, a newly formed argonian military seizes their ship and mistakes you for a crew member and takes you you the center, a catastrophe of some kind occurs and you're released from your bonds to save the day, in the process you are inflicted with a grave wound/disease etc, in a desperate effort to save you you're given a draught of hist sap making you resistant to the harsh elements of black marsh.
HMan Gaming The prisoner start gives the player the opportunity to create their own backstory. If it was anything different, it would hinder backstories and character developement. The prisoner gives players a new start, a new life. It's not going anywhere, Bethesda will continue using it because it's the best way to start.
The Argonians were such good warriors that when invaded by deadra they fought back and began to conquer the Deadric realm. They had to close their gates to keep them from overtaking them
in ESO I'm in a guild called Make Argonia Great Again.(Yes, that's MAGA for short) Everyone criticized it because "That's not what Argonians even call their homeland". I guess those people were wrong? Ha! Take that internet know it alls!
why the hell would black mar- I mean _Argonia_ of all places be where masses of people seek refuge? why not a province actually in the empire or at the very least that isnt an inhospitable marshland? and if we are saying the empire is gone, and the thalmor are the new empire, then think about when tiber septim conquered tamriel. He did the same thing, taking all provinces by force (except morrowind but ignore that) and was there a mass evacuation then? no. Valenwood/Elsweyr/Both/Maybe Alinor too ftw
People would go to Argonia because it's where the Thalmor are least influential. Think of it like this too. Let's say the Hist trees want balance in Tamriel. They would have the Argonians drink the sap and become super humans again. This then allows then to utterly crush the Thalmor. Of course, Lore-wise, you are right, There'd be no mass evacuation, but people would go to Argonia because quite simply it's the safest place in terms of being free from Thalmor control. Of course, that's what I'm thinking.
Robbie Wallace yes, yes, yes. I've had this very same idea for at least 2 years now! Bring back the An-Xileel as a freedom fighter group, or you could join the Dominion and conquer Black Marsh.
Gurky Cecilia. No that would be terrible. You would lock out so many playstyles and roleplay options with that because making one thing completely useless is in turn making another thing the only viable thing to use. Maybe it would weigh you down and be a little bit slower but should still be useable.
Argonians were always my favorite specifically because I could drown most enemies, if I’d picked a fight I couldn’t handle. In Oblivion, even the dremora would try to swim after you and drowned. It also made for wonderful underwater exploration with no concerns or needs for the right potion or enchantment. So I completely agree to ask for water combat systems again. I think larger, Oblivion-Style variations in races would be great as well. The fun of human or elven characters would be how the player adapts those skills to be successful in Black Marsh. It will be really easy to make argonians the obvious and advantageous choice. But there’s no reason a master of alteration couldn’t thrive in such an environment (with all the water breathing spells and such), or a khajiit -like cats - climbing trees to get similar effects. The REAL value here would be the obvious opportunity to make a revolutionary PvE. Black Marsh in lore is the ultimate in Man vs Nature in Tamriel, and it would be a LOT of fun to have that reflected. To have a game where *I* have to get better and fit my chosen stats, not just bulk up the character stats till it’s not fun. If each race had something small - like tree climbing for Khajiit and Wood Elves, or rapid spell casting for Altmer and Bretons (such as slow fall while falling, or water breathing while drowning), athletic jumpable or parkour moments for Redguard and Dunmer to get through the swamps, or breaking/smashing obstacles in the environment after a true Orc/Nord fashion, etc. That’s so small a thing that can make the PvE SO much more fun for us. Instead of Elder Scrolls and Fallout being almost exactly the same game in terms of gameplay. If the enemies level, and there is no Dark Souls style effort... and my challenge is conquering the environment they build, then let that be a real challenge.
6:00 those are actually Daedroth just to clarify. Sea Drakes are different then the image shown, though you described the Sea Drake admirably; but I just want everyone to know that this isn't a Sea Drake, it's a Daedroth
Dude I don't care if it takes dat long, I'm so excited, just think how good Skyrim was, imagine how perfect this new game could be w/ a new engine, graph, customizations, the map size, the culture, the architecture, the armors, the weapons, the enemys, the combat mechanics, new spells, dude I just can't wait! xD
1. Argonian Underwater Towns, with underwater homes in lakes. Even a full hidden secret City of Argonians. Including player homes options. 2. Back story for the origins of the Argonians, and their original culture. 3. Hard Core Mode: Eat / Drink / Sleep required. Disease & serious crippling wounds require Temple / healer. 4. True Hard Core: Running auto saving. Death requires creating a new Character. 5. Tons of Easter Eggs. The reason people still hold interest in Skyrim so many years later... still more to find. 6. Comedy / Humor Quests: not everything has to be grim! 7. Lots & Lots of Voice Actors, so the NPCs, new creature, and even hidden lost swamp dragons don't all sound the same. 8. Full support for mods, and no more - Slaughterfish deaths! (because the 'new' HUGE monsters ate all the slaughterfish.) 9. Sunken forbidden haunted cities. Sunken ships and gold ! 10. Canopy Levels: 1. Underwater 2. Water level islands 3. DARK Tropical Rain Forest level 4. Mid level some light, forest creatures and towns 5. High level - tree tops, with Bright sunlight above and a sea of the tree tops and leaves below. 11. The HIST are sentient, aware trees with the oldest culture of all. The HIST of course are dedicated to protecting the Tropical Forests and swamps of the Black Marsh. 12. Time frame: Perhaps the Uprising of the Argonians and fighting for freedom. 13. Side quests side quests side quests. You should be able to enjoy playing the game for months, even without doing the 'main quest'. 14. No repeats of previous Daedric princes. Some new powerful ones who have their own plane / dimension of all water - the balance opposite of the fire covered planes of oblivion. 15. Finding the ancient hidden ruins of the original 'Perfect Master' - who's defeat caused the fall of the old civilizations (ruined abandoned temples). A quest would have the player character enter the temple and go inside the Perfect Master's Crystal, to defeat him within his own created Realm.
I think it would be a very interesting place to go to and i would love to see there mer-elves there over all i like this video, though one thing i think you guys forgot to bring up is the Factions, you know the gropes or guilds you join, the Shadow Scale's are gone so they will need a new group to replace them or even try to replace the Dark Brotherhood. not sure how the other three normal factions would go since i partly doubt that the Fighters Guild would be rooted deeply in Blackmarsh (maybe the Black-wood Company's return), the Mages Guild has been split, though the thieves group should be fine. Personally i would love to see Spears being added in as a type of weapon and maybe one of the few that really works underwater, heck i would probably enjoy a new faction that has alot to do with underwater area's.
I think a great opening would be a war of some sort, you start the game as a prisoner (as always) and while being escorted towards the north a group of Argonians ambush the escort to free you under the order of the Hist. Making it apparent that the Hist have some kind of plan for you or you are vital to stop a cataclysm (again as ever).
RedSauce Bethesda PLEASE… PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD KEEP THE SILENT PROTAGONIST! When ever the Sole Surviver tried to sound tough he/she sounded on the verg of tears. And the lips looked so weird.
Gods no, I would hope it would take a more Morrowind inspired approach: Prisoner yes, but copying Skyrim's rescued from the cart? Leaves a lot to be desired In Morrowind you were initially released to get caught up in a scheme with the emperor to invoke prophecy. Get me wrapped up in the Hist, absolutely, but give us something less naive than "the trees think you're special"
Make us question the actions and twists in the tale, expose us to several contradicting points of view about Argonia, The Hist, and the governments. I want to truly experience what it means to be Argonian
I think a good idea is, in TES6, the thalmor won the 2nd Great War and have total control over all provinces except black marsh. So as a last stand, many races from the other provinces are coming to black marsh for refuge and a rebellion is being built in black marsh against the thalmor. High light of the main quest, we use umbriel to raid the summerset isles
Know who’d take the most interest in a race that predisposed to be subservient and defeated a large number of Daedra? Other Daedra. They closed the gate on their side, so that doesn’t mean it was destroyed. Now the Question is, which Daedra don’t like Mehrunes Dagon and have the most to gain from lobotomizing trees?
Peryite has the most to gain. He's regarded as the weakest daedra and is all about sickness and disease, so it would make sense. He uses disease to weaken the hist thus gaining some kind of leverage over the argonians to make them do his bidding in an attempt to spread a horrendous plague across all tamriel to prove to the other daedra that he's just as powerful as the rest of them.
I think Blackmarsh would be the best place for elder scrolls 6 because it's so marsh like there would be so many new plants and alchemy and the new armour, just think LEVIATHAN SCAIL Mask or Helmet and i like the idea of ancient under water city's with loads of spirits that attack you but what about an under water city that HAD NORMAL ARGIONAINS LIVING THEIR, it could be in the middle of a lake out on the coast... actually it could be a MOVING UNDER WATER CICTY. Seriously thought WE NEED BETTER GUILDS their could be a hist worshipping guild or a pirate or swashbucklers guild their still need to be a fighting guild a magic guild and a thief guild and maybe just maybe in the assassins guild you could find the the argionain guy in the dark brother hood HuH HUH .
It's a better idea than doing a elder scrolls elswyr. I don't know how to make one for the kajhit. Although they got the moon sugar and make the skooma. Can't forget the skooma.
I think this would be an amazing setting for the Elder Scrolls 6. I would love to visit more of the Aylied Ruins we saw in Oblivion. I also think that another thing that could be used as a reason for interest in Blackmarsh/Argonia is possibly some lost magic from one of the extinct or thought to be extinct cultures in Blackmarch/Argonia and definitely rare and powerful alchemical ingredients that can only be found there. Maybe something newly discovered by the Imperial alchemists.......I think that there are alot of potential story or plot lines available and it would be a facinating destination for a new Elder Scrolls game.
The hist remind me of the trees from the book The Speaker for the Dead in the Enders Game series, trees being able to speak to each other through their network.
This is where I think the Elder Scrolls games should be set: Elder Scrolls VI - Hammerfell & High Rock Elder Scrolls VII - Summerset Isles & Valenwood Elder Scrolls VII - Argonia but still have a massive map instead of two regions
I would LOVE to see this as the next elder scrolls game! I was very skeptical, but the story and mystery surrounding the Hist sounds so cool! The swamps and dangerous new monsters look very impressive. I would like to see some basic water-based travel other than swimming, specifically boats. Canoes could be made and driven through the vast rivers and oceans of Black Marsh.
I just want an Elder Scrolls in Akavir, it would give them a chance to bring in some new races (Ka Po' Tun, Akaviri, Tsaesci, Kamal, and Tang Mo) plus they would be able to keep dragons
It just totally screwed over the existing lore and like added in stupendous world of warcraft armour, just to cash in on the mmo players :/ -Although, I suppose that cash-grab will help fund their next game, so i really shouldn't complain lol . . . That is unless they release an ESO 2 ( o _o)
Gunter the penguin Reminds me that I hope they don't stick to the ESO argonian design in the next game, especially if it is Argonia. Their design in ESO is atrociously ugly and unmarketable.
I really want to see a full game set in Black Marsh some day. I know it's probably not easy to market a game set in a country of lizard people, but swamp settings and civilisations of reptilian beastmen really, really appeals to me. It's even weirder than Morrowind. Could be fantastic.
sounds like an opportunity for an actually good war campaign (unlike in a certain northern elder Scrolls based game) where the player gets to make decisions and side with like one of 5 factions. it would be cool if there were situations where sparing a thalmor diplomat means being able to form an alliance with them but detaching yourself from the hist and where freeing a group of Imperial soldiers from a city you just invaded means imperials will have more men and will be prepared for your attack in a later battle. also it could be that some deadra or other ancient evil is feeding of the death, scheming violence etc to rise again and the hist in trying to stop it are misinterpreted as being the source of the evil leading to a player choice that most will make the time they play it to incapacitate the hist in some way and make the situation worse. just an idea that sounds cool to me. I would really enjoy a elder Scrolls VI argonia and it's a good chance to really show off those next gen graphics that fallout 4 didn't really give.
Oh and I'm an argonian and I went to the dragon born dlc, I felt so guilty when I learned of what argonians did to the dunmer, but even worse I found out from the citizens of raven rock.
I could even imagine the concept of the 'deep ones' coming back. You know, the deadra like people who live underground in a cave that sadly was fallen in and unelectable.
You mentioned shadow scales, correct me if I'm wrong but aren't they argonian's born under the shadow sign who're taken at birth to be trained by the dark brotherhood. I like lore bits like that, and if the bring back more rich role play than maybe that could be a quest line unique to players who pick the shadow sign (assuming they bring back the good character creation mechanics).
My top 3 TES races are: 1. Orcs 2. Argonians 3. High Elves *Argonians just recently made the list because of the recent TES titles(older games made them feel weak). The only reason Orcs are #1 is because they were the first race I ever played.
It should only have 1 DLC, called: The Sea of Dreams DLC. It would unlock pirate based quests, Navy battles, the ability to have your own pirate ship, with a crew you can choose, the ability to dive DEEP in the ocean, with proper sea monsters, maybe make weresharks a part of it, plus unlocking all 3 islands.
Nicholas Snyder I think that would be hilarious! He could comment it like: "How did Maiq got here? No one knows, not even Maiq" or "Maiq was told that this place was too deadly for us, yet we both stand here"
mechial Numbraro To be fair to Bethesda, they're like guardian angels compared to fucking Valve. *head twitches whilst muttering the number 3 under my breath*
You've got me really interested in an ES6:Argonia now... But I do still want to see Elsweyr; Khajiit are probably my favorite race, though Argonians are definitely a close second.
Jjsh24 well the title states TES 6 argonia and we get 35 minutes of Argonian towns, creatures, environment, lore and dungeon potential... so what more do you want?? it is really the opposite of clickbait and if you haven't noticed, TES 6 isn't out yet so when we talk about things that haven't been announced, it's called "speculation"!
Ireally would love to see this. Just for the new creatures if nothing else, I mean other than dragons in Skyrim there aren't enough massive, intimidating creatures in Elder Scrolls games
ZenodudeMC considering that they lived on the coast, it isn't too unreasonable to believe that the fox ppl took to there boats and went to one of the 3 islands off the coast of argonia.
There's also always the possibility of an invasion of Tamerial by Akivir. Given that Black Marsh is on the coast that faces the mysterious continent, they would be the first target. It would also be a good excuse to explore mainland morrowind in DLC.
Honestly I like the idea of this. Black Marsh. Perfect for me because I love playing as an Argonian, and now playing in the native lands of my favorite species. And every playthrough after playthrough with this species. You have no clue how happy I'd be. It'll be more intriguing than TESO. And likely worth your money
valenwood is a better idea in my opinion. if they do "Argonia" I won't be mad though. it could be great if Bethesda add a parkour mechanic to elder scrolls 6. if it's valenwood or argonia, it would still be cool as an elder scrolls game though.
More than likely, regardless of the location, the gameplay and game mechanics will be great. I want better writing and more interesting quests/characters GODDAMNIT! The companions you could get in Skyrim were a fucking joke and the dialogue was usually stale and awkward, Fix dat shit.
jellyjiggler15 Looking at Fallout 4 and comparing its RPG elements to RPG elements of NV, i am scared that Bethesda will fuck up TES6. Bethesda will create big and interesting world in TES6 for sure. But now Bethesda become something like Ubisoft (hype hype and only hype), bethesda said that Fallout 4 will be the best RPG they ever created, and they lied, New Vegas is much more rich in RPG elements (its first RPG and then shooter, and F4 is first shooter and then RPG), factions and NPCs are muuuch more interesting and diverse, there is much more options in creating hero (in Fallout 4 hero is build by bethesda, you can only change cosmetics), there is less options in builds you can create and choose (in NV every S.P.E.C.I.A.L, is much more important), dialogues are much better, there are real consequences of your choices. Fallout 4 feels more like FarCry than Fallout game. This is one of the reason why i fear that bethesda will make H&S instead of RPG from TES6
26adex Yeah F4 was very disheartening but I still want to have hope. We cannot just blame the studio though, we all ate that shit up. New Vegas was a fantastic RPG and would have been even better if obsidian would have had more time but Bethesda seems to be caring less and less about making rpgs and the direction Bethesda is going in is unfortunate.
What about if there was a separate skill for underwater combat / swimming. And argonians were masters of underwater combat and swimming I have a special ability where they can freely move walk breathe and fight underwater.
Elder scrolls 6 Australia
We definitely need more open world games set in Australia. And not just Mad Max. :P
Anything in Australia is scarier than anything ive seen in a elder scrolls game, i mean skyrim spiders where cute compared to finding a huntsman on your face.
Elder Scrolls 6 Austria
Harrison Colborne-Veel Fuck you are so right. them huntsman spiders are the worst when they surprise you
If we are getting Blackmarsh we need them to bring back spears and throwing weapons.
Chrymzon polish the spear *wink
Spears should return period.
plenty of time my sweet, plenty of time.
i have those in skyrim with a mod. absolutely awesome stuff.
Dude, I just keep finding out about stuff that was in the last elder scrolls games. And I'm baffled as to why Bethesda removed them to replace them with... meh.
Personally I would love to explore Argonian culture and lore in the next Elder Scrolls. If not that then at least have more fleshed out culture-y bits.
And the fleshing out of Blackmarsh's other, absent natives, the Lilmothiit.
I truly do hope it is in Black Marsh it would probably have a Morrowind feel to it as well. A place that is deathly but beautiful in a unique way.
Dynamite Kitty and like in morrowind new players shouldn't go to center of the map. I would love TES Argonia+ argonians are very harizmatic creatures.
I might look like a fool when es6 finally gets a detail-drop but here goes
I'm almost certain we won't ever see a pure elsweyr/black marsh elder scrolls game.
Elder scrolls has become massively mainstream after skyrim got released, and bethesda has only accelerated their catering to mainstream players as the years have gone by
I believe alot of the players in that mainstream playerbase would be put off by the alien feel of elsweyr or black marsh.
@@northboundw5248 What's your pick then? I'm tied between High Rock and Hammerfell
@@bradleycoates6297 Probably high rock but hammerfell is a very plausible choice as well
Alien, dark, mysterious and less known area of Tamriel. Infinite possibilities for creativeness for developer perspective. As player perspective that means more to discover and that is what TES is about. This can provide a new and unique game for TES series. Market is too saturated in these years with medievalish settings but I believe fantasy genre lovers need more unique products anymore. Argonia is the best setting as an answer with lots of unique mechanics and great in-game story/quest possibilities.
I completely agree I would love to see argonia as a setting for TES 6
and they stuck it in Hammerfell
Now the only thing left is to ask why the empire imprisoned the player this time.
Andrew Chapman - I think you know the answer.... sweet-rolls!
Bystander in a skooma bust
Andrew Chapman he stole a sweet role
Maybe due to a would-be crisis within Argonia, and the scale of the threat that is faced there, the Imperials have decided to release their prisoners to help in their efforts, being a "Help us fight the threat we face or die", only for their plans to be foiled by a skirmish by an Argonian tribe, leaving you having to run away, left to now have to find your way around the swamp to find Stormhold, mentioned to you by a dying soldier saying that it is one of the few locations against the main political power of Argonia.
Then again, that is just one thought.
Why stick with the empire?
Alteration magic would be amazing in this game, all kinds of water breathing, water walking, and disease cure/resist spells
Franky Split
We've yet to see Bethesda really utilize water. Daggerfall had some good ideas for dungeons when it came to water but imagine what they could do now. Then imagine actual underwater combat and the secrets that could be in abyss! Lol
I mean... i've swam here and there and you occasionally find one or two chests around...
Franky Split I think the latter two you mentioned would belong in restoration.
resist spells is kind of like all the stoneflesh and ebonyflesh spells in the alteration tree but yeah cure disease would be in restoration
Franky Split or be a argonian
Best thing Bethesda can do for Elder Scrolls 6 is make a new engine for it, they have been using the same one since Oblivion and it's starting to show it's age/limitations with fallout 4.
Clumsy Turtle8 they are actually it's the reason they said we would have to wait years before we hear of elder scrolls 6
Clumsy Turtle8 - actually they are using it since 2002 with Morrowind. No shitting here. Creation Engine or what ever they call it is a seriously improved Gamebryo Engine. There is code in Skyrim/FO4 that was already in Morrowind (a small clue is the item system - add item 00000F -> money. Since Morrowind. Also they have the same bugs since Morrowind. Bethesda is horrendous when it comes to engines. Skyrim... okay. It was a last gen release after all. But FO4? 2016 AAA game that looked like some mediocre 2012 crap but guzzled computing power like Crisis 4.
But this time they have to do something new. I really hope they don't just rename Gamebryo the fourth time and patch some new stuff into it.
For actually increasing what they could offer on the "meh" consoles they have to build a new low level engine completely dedicated to a DX12/Vulkan level code to bypass the enormous CPU bottleneck these 8 core (6-7 available) low power and very (!) outdated Jaguar CPU cores at ~Ghz can offer.
*cough *cough *AngryJoe* *cough
no oliver. they aren't horrendous. the engine they use. give players unlimited chances to create mods. that keep games alive.
You realize that moders will get used to a new engin if given the tools. The current engin is old and struggling to support the weight of the games it's being used to run.
"I've never consumed a cure disease potion"
I mean... If you don't want to become a vampire they're pretty helpful
Even then, as long as you can visit a shrine within 3 days of contracting vampirism you’ll be fine
Also, you can always enchant your way out of disease or just be a werewolf lol
Being Argonian you are 50% immune to diseases just get another 50%. I loved playing as an Argonian in Skyrim.
@@WolfDPain argonians are disgusting
@@paladinmaguireofbos3347 I dont play them but they cool fuck you talking about
I’ve always thought I would be cool to find a group of Argonians in an Oblivion plane somewhere that got trapped when the gates closed. Maybe as a survival group or even a colony.
you had me at the dinosaurs.
Sup peeps! Sorry this took so long but holy crap did *Argonia* have some deep stuff that needed unraveling and explaining! Be sure to leave all of your thoughts for *The Elder Scroll 6 Argonia* in the comments down below!
*Time stamps for specific topics!:*
01:15 - Can Non-Argonians Survive? YES
04:15 - Disease, Flu, Sickness, Illness
05:10 - Poisonous Encounters
05:22 - Voriplasm
05:31 - Creatures Of Blackmarsh
06:01 - Sea Drakes
06:08 - Fleshflies
06:11 - Hackwings
06:18 - Swamp Leviathans
06:41 - Wamasu
06:59 - Rootworms / Underground Express
07:35 - Geography & Flora Of Blackmarsh
08:57 - Archon
09:15 - Lilmoth
09:50 - Helstrom
10:02 - Gideon
10:26 - Blackrose
10:39 - Stormhold
10:54 - Thorn
11:38 - Argonian / Saxhleel
12:07 - Naga
12:29 - Hist
13:07 - Ayleid
13:26 - Cantemiric Velothi
13:43 - Kothringi
14:12 - Orma
14:32 - Lilmothiit
15:10 - Werelion & Werecrocodile
16:04 - Underwater Exploration
16:55 - Underwater Combat
17:56 - Argonia's Coast & Ship Systems
18:21 - Getting NPCs To Blackmarsh
19:00 - Marketing Argonia To A Western Market
20:48 - Crisis / Catalyst for Blackmarsh
21:33 - Argonia & The Hist During Oblivion
22:12 - Thalmor & An-Xileel Destroy Dunmer & Morrowind
23:51 - Argonia No Longer Part Of The Empire
24:09 - Umbriel & The Genocide At Lilmoth
25:04 - Setting For TES6 Argonia
26:39 - Crisis In Argonia?
28:37 - Maormer / Sea Elves
29:03 - Sload
29:49 - DLC Potential
30:04 - Argonian Culture & Society
30:40 - Overview
Camelworks there is a typo in the discretion
Camelworks best race = bosmer
Camelworks I hope they dont make it in black marsh but Id think itd be a good dlc idea
Camelworks what about the shadow scales!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rusty B pretty sure they were pretty much wiped out, didn't the shadow scale said that?
Argonians are badass, they looked at a root worm and said "You know what? I could probably travel around inside that thing's stomach."
And they can see an Oblivion gate open and go "Fuck you, we're taking your realm over instead!"
I can imagine a gate opening and Daedra setting up camp and shit thinking no one's around and then the argonians are all sitting around a hist tree and the tree's like "Ok, they're heavily guarded on the south, but they only have a couple guards north."
man, i fucking LOVE that lore story 'bout the argonians getting jacked-the-fuck up on hist sap and shitting all over Dagon's fat dick until he had to clean it off..
buuuuuuut...they did get precognitive help/steroids from talking trees in order to do it, so don't go underestimating the Dunmer; if they put em in chains once, they can do it again
Nyghtking lol
and THIS, ladies and Gents, is why I play Argonian.
Argonians are op
YEAAwhat what?
Make TES great again
I wouldn't mind this, but they best not skimp on magic like Skyrim. The College was the least magical place in the game. You want something grand and amazing, not bland and boring.
Gurky Cecilia. God damn it that giant marble part broke me
Magic in elder scrolls as a whole is boring in my opinion
Since the College of Winterhold was a college I was hoping it would teach you spells and how to use them as optional side fun; however, the only experience close to this was the Lesser Ward lesson you interrupted at the start. Why couldn't there me more stuff like that? Like once you reach a certain level in a school of magic you could go talk to the corresponding professor and they could teach you a spell and how to use it (at the cost of some gold for tuition)
Appreciate those longer videos. Perfect for my late night homework sessions.
Thanks for putting so much effort behind your videos.
Imagine if they added a large chunk of the ocean as part of ES 6 map on top of Argonia. Argonians are known for their ability to breath underwater, so wouldn't it be awesome if they added an underwater city? It could also allow for awesome random sea monster encounters.
Then learn alteration magic ;)
x3tc1 or some kind of amulet that allows you to breathe under water 😉
being a an Argonian fan I would love for this to happen
I am always an Argonian and I never pick anything else #ArgonianLyfe
ArikianWarrior *laughs in khajiit*
same b4 pc cbbe lmao
ArikianWarrior #dunmerlyfe
So true man
If this is the next Elder scrolls game never will I leave my console again this making me extremely exited.
Me too
But.... Are there WERE-Mosquitoes?
FUCKYOURSELF GOOGLE where does your hatred of google come from? i once had an xbox gt called FKMICROSOFT
wouldnt they just be vampires instead?
What about Were-Gators or Were-Toads?
hopfully we lizards get to bully the nords now! your on our lands now
The khajit will join in
Huh? It was the dark elves that bullied you more than anyone... someone probably didnt play morrowind...
+Guitarbro221 not many ppl did
Tiny rick I highly recommend that you do. It'll help you stop dying in a vat in the garage ;)
+Mellow Rage Thats racist! Thinking all Nords are like the stormcloaks!
I think Valenwood is best location for TES-6 cause in ESO it has piece of Summerset Isle architecture on west,Elsweyr architecture on east and even Imperial architecture on north.
ANO NIM I love how the tree scale makes you feel like an ant going through the grass, Valenwood is my favorite map so far
Srithor While I think that it is a good looking place, there is one problem: The entire province of Valenwood is accessible in ESO. I think that would add more creative restrictions.
Given that Valenwood would take place some thousand years after ESO, I'm inclined to disagree.
ANO NIM I would say valenwood or summerset would be great areas if the game is set not long after Skyrim
pabbylink but the high elfs wouldn't let other races in the summerset Isles at all
I hope we can role-play as: "the lusty argonian"
That sounds disgusting. I don't like argonians. They bring bad memories to me. They remind me of the snakes that tried killing me.
What the heck.. now I'm feeling like playing as an argonian now. Imagine tropical lizard warriors running through the marsh, chasing their enemies with...hmm Spears? We need more weapons dude.. how about javelins? I would love throwing those in game..
We used to have spears.....then Todd Howard took them away at tes 4
I would love to use a flail you know the weapon with a handle that has a chain connected to it and has a ball at the end sometimes with spikes. I would love to swing and spin it around like a badass.
I am actually going to try and contact Bethesda and share this video and my own thoughts and comments regarding an argonia elder scrolls game.
Gadamlu Ok, I mean if you've got that kind of pull please do.
Gadamlu its been 3 months , how did it go ?
4 Already
6 and going on
He got abducted by Todd Howard for suggesting to make a game that isn't a skyrim port
TF2addict veronica is unconscious
I freaking hate those damn things
Paden Conner ikr, I tried to kill one with my anti-material rifle(bad idea) and it killed me in 4 shots
The reasons why they call hardcore mode in isn't the being sleepy, thirsty, hungry.
The real big reasons why it's hardcore is because the followers do not know how to use antivenom. RIP
TF2addict beedrill
I think this is a good opportunity for Bethesda to introduce some Survival elements to the Elder Scrolls series btw, you know with the harsh environment of Argonia and such.
PeanutAnd JessySmith like the frostfall mod?
I was thinking exactly the same. As well as adding some water physics that could have fantastic applications... wading through different depth water effecting combat - seeking higher ground, fast flowing water able to sweep the legs out from enemies, flooding/draining dungeons to access different areas (Tomb Raider style)
I really hope this is the setting for the next game!
DLC idea: since we only saw Vvardenfell in TES III, we could see some other parts of Morrowind, specifically parts that closely border Argonia.
Regarding the threat/catastrophe: How about a sickness spreading among the Hist, or a Daedric Prince trying to corrupt them. It would explain the hostile state of Blackmarsh, both political and environmental. Deadra who would fit the description would involve, but not limit to, Mephala, Peryte and Vaermina.
Not a bad idea, but I think Daedra are bit overused as a threat.
Why not have the major threat be related to Sithis? It'd also be interesting if the Dark Brotherhood was involved with the main story if that was the case.
Now as an Avid Monster Hunter, I want craft-able material rewards from monsters. Say take the lightning sacks from the lizards and craft a sword with a passive lightning enchantment or maybe something along the lines of gold pine resin from DS.
I think monster crafted arms and armor really add depth to the game as the weapons mean something as it was YOU who not only possessed the skill to kill the beast but all the skill to turn the beasts power into your own.
Maybe these beasts powers could be like this games version of dragon shouts.
Fuck it, just mod skyrim in to MonsterHunter.
Monster Hunter doesn't need Skyrim mechanics to draw away from it's combat. Comparing Skyrim's combat to Monster Hunter's is like comparing bad hamburger to filet mignon.
Monster Hunter knows what it does best: Amazing combat mechanics. It streamlines everything to that point.
I meant it the other way around. MH combat mechanics plus open world of skyrim. You could actually track the monsters, to hunt them.
Yeah, that's what I mean. The game already has a minor tracking component in it, it doesn't need an open world. The game has interest curve already with the differing way the town and the hunting grounds work, and also has an interest curve within the fight by using rage and exhaustion mechanics for the monsters.
Essentially: MH doesn't need an open world. It wouldn't benefit from it, especially because that would make it really really difficult to tell where a player is along progression, which is incredibly important in MH and it's why the urgent quests exist and are often harder than the things you're going to be fighting immediately after the urgent.
Having an open world would make the game seem unfair, when say, you explored a random place only to be jumped by a Rajang while you're in the starter gear.
Not fun, imo. MH is very well designed through and through, and I think that has a big deal to do with why it's been gaining a lot of popularity in the west recently.
this would be such a welcome change to the 'medieval european' setting. maybe even bring back some of the foreign and alien feeling that morrowind had
Argonia could be great. Would bring back that nice bizarre flavor Morrowind had.
High Fantasy is where Elder Scrolls THRIVES.
I would love to see Elder Scrolls 6 in Black March. I would really look forward to see the Hist Tree being highly worshipped, i would love to have a option to be a shadow scale for the Dark Brother hood, i would love to see tons of restoration mages and alchemist highly needed because of Black Death. But most of all, because I am a Tribunal Worshipping Dunmer, slavers. I would mostly look forward to being a Dunmer slave owner.
I doubt the option of being a slave owner would be available due to the fact that people would call it racist by comparing it to the black slave trade
Also, you'd have to be born a Shadowscale, you can't exactly become one if you are notban Argonian born in a certain time of the year.
The next elder scrolls game will be set in either the 4th era or later. What happend in the 4th era? the argonians invaded and brutalised morrowind, mostly the south including the capital, suck it
Westley Robinson
@@lestat305 ha take that those grey skin bastards
3 Ideas for DLC:
1st: War with the Thalmor
2nd: Explore Umbriel, you could even find Mere-Glim
3rd: Akaviri Invasion
I feel like an Akaviri Invasion should be a game by itself. I would be a shame to finally show races from Akavir in a DLC.
Nice Infernal City reference
Or have it all in game XD
Jk that wouldn't work );
It's been a long time since I read Infernal City and Lord of Souls but isn't Umbriel destroyed? I may just be imagining things.
Umbriel went the way of Chernobyl.
All the argonian sub species like naga are not different species, they just have taken different effects of the sap.
leetlebob via some have wings which if u could choose the type of hist sap u ingest as a hatchling if argonian u could potentially fly
Totally love this. Been quite the advocate for either Black Marsh or Elsweyr. Argonia would be a pretty cool environment for some Druid and Shaman/Witchcraft action. The entangling vines and haunted mists would play really well there. Camouflage could be a heavy element also, plants and animals alike that hide in plain sight until it's too late. Also a hidden "Yoda on Dagobah" Easter egg would be fun :-P
Easy you were captured by pirates off the coast of black marsh, a newly formed argonian military seizes their ship and mistakes you for a crew member and takes you you the center, a catastrophe of some kind occurs and you're released from your bonds to save the day, in the process you are inflicted with a grave wound/disease etc, in a desperate effort to save you you're given a draught of hist sap making you resistant to the harsh elements of black marsh.
No, just... no
First off, I'm sick of all these 'prisoner gets rescued by a highly unlikely thing to happen' stories
HMan Gaming i mean im pretty sure in EVERY elder scrolls game youve been a prisoner,gotta keep in tradition
HMan Gaming The prisoner start gives the player the opportunity to create their own backstory. If it was anything different, it would hinder backstories and character developement. The prisoner gives players a new start, a new life. It's not going anywhere, Bethesda will continue using it because it's the best way to start.
Player could be the crew of a merchant ship that gets attacked by a sea monster, washes up on the shores of Black Marsh?
I'm ready to channel my inner indiana jones.
Outrunning rolling boulders
Being afraid of snakes
The Argonians were such good warriors that when invaded by deadra they fought back and began to conquer the Deadric realm. They had to close their gates to keep them from overtaking them
in ESO I'm in a guild called Make Argonia Great Again.(Yes, that's MAGA for short) Everyone criticized it because "That's not what Argonians even call their homeland". I guess those people were wrong? Ha! Take that internet know it alls!
PeanutAnd JessySmith , Haha NICE!!
The Thalmor could have conquered most of Tamriel, pushing refugees into Argonia.
Robbie Wallace Good point!
Which is when they show the Altmer the reason why the Argonians forced Dagon to close his own gates in Argonia
why the hell would black mar- I mean _Argonia_ of all places be where masses of people seek refuge? why not a province actually in the empire or at the very least that isnt an inhospitable marshland? and if we are saying the empire is gone, and the thalmor are the new empire, then think about when tiber septim conquered tamriel. He did the same thing, taking all provinces by force (except morrowind but ignore that) and was there a mass evacuation then? no.
Valenwood/Elsweyr/Both/Maybe Alinor too ftw
People would go to Argonia because it's where the Thalmor are least influential. Think of it like this too. Let's say the Hist trees want balance in Tamriel. They would have the Argonians drink the sap and become super humans again. This then allows then to utterly crush the Thalmor. Of course, Lore-wise, you are right, There'd be no mass evacuation, but people would go to Argonia because quite simply it's the
safest place in terms of being free from Thalmor control.
Of course, that's what I'm thinking.
Robbie Wallace yes, yes, yes. I've had this very same idea for at least 2 years now! Bring back the An-Xileel as a freedom fighter group, or you could join the Dominion and conquer Black Marsh.
If they did do this they finally have to do underwater combat. I'm down
Gurky Cecilia.
No that would be terrible. You would lock out so many playstyles and roleplay options with that because making one thing completely useless is in turn making another thing the only viable thing to use. Maybe it would weigh you down and be a little bit slower but should still be useable.
Have underwater gear, so I don't have to rely on potions and a specific race.
Argonians were always my favorite specifically because I could drown most enemies, if I’d picked a fight I couldn’t handle. In Oblivion, even the dremora would try to swim after you and drowned. It also made for wonderful underwater exploration with no concerns or needs for the right potion or enchantment. So I completely agree to ask for water combat systems again.
I think larger, Oblivion-Style variations in races would be great as well. The fun of human or elven characters would be how the player adapts those skills to be successful in Black Marsh. It will be really easy to make argonians the obvious and advantageous choice. But there’s no reason a master of alteration couldn’t thrive in such an environment (with all the water breathing spells and such), or a khajiit -like cats - climbing trees to get similar effects.
The REAL value here would be the obvious opportunity to make a revolutionary PvE. Black Marsh in lore is the ultimate in Man vs Nature in Tamriel, and it would be a LOT of fun to have that reflected. To have a game where *I* have to get better and fit my chosen stats, not just bulk up the character stats till it’s not fun. If each race had something small - like tree climbing for Khajiit and Wood Elves, or rapid spell casting for Altmer and Bretons (such as slow fall while falling, or water breathing while drowning), athletic jumpable or parkour moments for Redguard and Dunmer to get through the swamps, or breaking/smashing obstacles in the environment after a true Orc/Nord fashion, etc. That’s so small a thing that can make the PvE SO much more fun for us. Instead of Elder Scrolls and Fallout being almost exactly the same game in terms of gameplay. If the enemies level, and there is no Dark Souls style effort... and my challenge is conquering the environment they build, then let that be a real challenge.
6:00 those are actually Daedroth just to clarify. Sea Drakes are different then the image shown, though you described the Sea Drake admirably; but I just want everyone to know that this isn't a Sea Drake, it's a Daedroth
For some of the life in Argonia, I recommend you look back to the Carboniferous period for some badass inspiration.
Dude here it's like 3:00 am I was about to go to sleep but I just can't sleep, i'm hyped AF!
Xilios Bécquer holy shiz it barely turned 3 a.m here lol
well it is coming in 5 more years so...
I wouldn't say 5 but yeah, still got to wait. it'll probably come out around 2020 or hopefully less.
yes it's soo painful
Dude I don't care if it takes dat long, I'm so excited, just think how good Skyrim was, imagine how perfect this new game could be w/ a new engine, graph, customizations, the map size, the culture, the architecture, the armors, the weapons, the enemys, the combat mechanics, new spells, dude I just can't wait! xD
2:40 Skywind concept art :D
Do you think your mod teams could ever make Argonia? ;)
this all reminds me of your amazing stuff.
Rebelzize Damn, you are everywhere!
My little brother worked on making Skywind for a while :)
Rebelzize 👏keep up the good work
1. Argonian Underwater Towns, with underwater homes in lakes. Even a full hidden secret City of Argonians. Including player homes options.
2. Back story for the origins of the Argonians, and their original culture.
3. Hard Core Mode: Eat / Drink / Sleep required. Disease & serious crippling wounds require Temple / healer.
4. True Hard Core: Running auto saving. Death requires creating a new Character.
5. Tons of Easter Eggs. The reason people still hold interest in Skyrim so many years later... still more to find.
6. Comedy / Humor Quests: not everything has to be grim!
7. Lots & Lots of Voice Actors, so the NPCs, new creature, and even hidden lost swamp dragons don't all sound the same.
8. Full support for mods, and no more - Slaughterfish deaths! (because the 'new' HUGE monsters ate all the slaughterfish.)
9. Sunken forbidden haunted cities. Sunken ships and gold !
10. Canopy Levels:
1. Underwater
2. Water level islands
3. DARK Tropical Rain Forest level
4. Mid level some light, forest creatures and towns
5. High level - tree tops, with Bright sunlight above and a sea of the tree tops and leaves below.
11. The HIST are sentient, aware trees with the oldest culture of all. The HIST of course are dedicated to protecting the Tropical Forests and swamps of the Black Marsh.
12. Time frame: Perhaps the Uprising of the Argonians and fighting for freedom.
13. Side quests side quests side quests. You should be able to enjoy playing the game for months, even without doing the 'main quest'.
14. No repeats of previous Daedric princes. Some new powerful ones who have their own plane / dimension of all water - the balance opposite of the fire covered planes of oblivion.
15. Finding the ancient hidden ruins of the original 'Perfect Master' - who's defeat caused the fall of the old civilizations (ruined abandoned temples). A quest would have the player character enter the temple and go inside the Perfect Master's Crystal, to defeat him within his own created Realm.
I think it would be a very interesting place to go to and i would love to see there mer-elves there over all i like this video, though one thing i think you guys forgot to bring up is the Factions, you know the gropes or guilds you join, the Shadow Scale's are gone so they will need a new group to replace them or even try to replace the Dark Brotherhood.
not sure how the other three normal factions would go since i partly doubt that the Fighters Guild would be rooted deeply in Blackmarsh (maybe the Black-wood Company's return), the Mages Guild has been split, though the thieves group should be fine.
Personally i would love to see Spears being added in as a type of weapon and maybe one of the few that really works underwater, heck i would probably enjoy a new faction that has alot to do with underwater area's.
I would still prefer Hammerfell or High Rock. Although, you have increased my interest in uncovering the secrets of Black Marsh.
Argonian master race
They cool too
Nord master race
Kah-jeet master race
Nord master race!!!
I think a great opening would be a war of some sort, you start the game as a prisoner (as always) and while being escorted towards the north a group of Argonians ambush the escort to free you under the order of the Hist. Making it apparent that the Hist have some kind of plan for you or you are vital to stop a cataclysm (again as ever).
RedSauce stop argonian AIDS from ravaging the local imperials
RedSauce Bethesda PLEASE… PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD KEEP THE SILENT PROTAGONIST! When ever the Sole Surviver tried to sound tough he/she sounded on the verg of tears. And the lips looked so weird.
WABBAJACK! You weren’t expecting that one now were you?
Gods no, I would hope it would take a more Morrowind inspired approach:
Prisoner yes, but copying Skyrim's rescued from the cart? Leaves a lot to be desired
In Morrowind you were initially released to get caught up in a scheme with the emperor to invoke prophecy. Get me wrapped up in the Hist, absolutely, but give us something less naive than "the trees think you're special"
Make us question the actions and twists in the tale, expose us to several contradicting points of view about Argonia, The Hist, and the governments. I want to truly experience what it means to be Argonian
I think a good idea is, in TES6, the thalmor won the 2nd Great War and have total control over all provinces except black marsh. So as a last stand, many races from the other provinces are coming to black marsh for refuge and a rebellion is being built in black marsh against the thalmor. High light of the main quest, we use umbriel to raid the summerset isles
Know who’d take the most interest in a race that predisposed to be subservient and defeated a large number of Daedra? Other Daedra. They closed the gate on their side, so that doesn’t mean it was destroyed.
Now the Question is, which Daedra don’t like Mehrunes Dagon and have the most to gain from lobotomizing trees?
Peryite has the most to gain. He's regarded as the weakest daedra and is all about sickness and disease, so it would make sense. He uses disease to weaken the hist thus gaining some kind of leverage over the argonians to make them do his bidding in an attempt to spread a horrendous plague across all tamriel to prove to the other daedra that he's just as powerful as the rest of them.
I think Blackmarsh would be the best place for elder scrolls 6 because it's so marsh like there would be so many new plants and alchemy and the new armour, just think LEVIATHAN SCAIL Mask or Helmet and i like the idea of ancient under water city's with loads of spirits that attack you but what about an under water city that HAD NORMAL ARGIONAINS LIVING THEIR, it could be in the middle of a lake out on the coast... actually it could be a MOVING UNDER WATER CICTY. Seriously thought WE NEED BETTER GUILDS their could be a hist worshipping guild or a pirate or swashbucklers guild their still need to be a fighting guild a magic guild and a thief guild and maybe just maybe in the assassins guild you could find the the argionain guy in the dark brother hood HuH HUH .
It's a better idea than doing a elder scrolls elswyr. I don't know how to make one for the kajhit. Although they got the moon sugar and make the skooma. Can't forget the skooma.
I think this would be an amazing setting for the Elder Scrolls 6. I would love to visit more of the Aylied Ruins we saw in Oblivion. I also think that another thing that could be used as a reason for interest in Blackmarsh/Argonia is possibly some lost magic from one of the extinct or thought to be extinct cultures in Blackmarch/Argonia and definitely rare and powerful alchemical ingredients that can only be found there. Maybe something newly discovered by the Imperial alchemists.......I think that there are alot of potential story or plot lines available and it would be a facinating destination for a new Elder Scrolls game.
7 years later, And I wold just like to play it once before I die. Just 2 more years.
I hope it has a shivering isles feel to it! With a pretty sky and glowing mushrooms and all that♡
The hist remind me of the trees from the book The Speaker for the Dead in the Enders Game series, trees being able to speak to each other through their network.
This is where I think the Elder Scrolls games should be set:
Elder Scrolls VI - Hammerfell & High Rock
Elder Scrolls VII - Summerset Isles & Valenwood
Elder Scrolls VII - Argonia but still have a massive map instead of two regions
I would LOVE to see this as the next elder scrolls game! I was very skeptical, but the story and mystery surrounding the Hist sounds so cool! The swamps and dangerous new monsters look very impressive. I would like to see some basic water-based travel other than swimming, specifically boats. Canoes could be made and driven through the vast rivers and oceans of Black Marsh.
Canoes would be cool
I just miss the beast legs.
Mehrunes Dagon be like "oh shit fam, close those portals!"
what lore did skyrim break?
none,cause skyrim barely used it...
bethesda focused more on creating a complex and deep combat system instead of being 100% true to the lore
Holy shit that was brutal ahahah!
Skyrim is described as a frozen wasteland from top to bottom, with only the Reach and the Rift being able to sustain crops
Skullcrusher430 maybe they're at the end of an ice age? or maybe Nords exaggerate everything to keep foreigners out
I just want an Elder Scrolls in Akavir, it would give them a chance to bring in some new races (Ka Po' Tun, Akaviri, Tsaesci, Kamal, and Tang Mo) plus they would be able to keep dragons
What if bethesda end TES series and start a new one in the same universe on Akavir?
That would be amazing
end TES. no sir!
Tallzed wouldn't they be able to keep dragons anyway? I'm sure several got out of skyrim.
I am sure the dragonborn killed most of them
Am I the only one who still wishes Elder Scrolls Online never happened? ( . _ .)
no its trash and only desperate fan boys play it
It just totally screwed over the existing lore and like added in stupendous world of warcraft armour, just to cash in on the mmo players :/ -Although, I suppose that cash-grab will help fund their next game, so i really shouldn't complain lol . . . That is unless they release an ESO 2 ( o _o)
Gunter the penguin Reminds me that I hope they don't stick to the ESO argonian design in the next game, especially if it is Argonia. Their design in ESO is atrociously ugly and unmarketable.
Yeah! Dont you think the Argonians in ESO looked like the Yee dinosaur?? x'D
It has cool dreughs & other monsters tho.
The thalmor attempting to infect and kill the hist would be a cool crisis
I really want to see a full game set in Black Marsh some day. I know it's probably not easy to market a game set in a country of lizard people, but swamp settings and civilisations of reptilian beastmen really, really appeals to me. It's even weirder than Morrowind. Could be fantastic.
sounds like an opportunity for an actually good war campaign (unlike in a certain northern elder Scrolls based game) where the player gets to make decisions and side with like one of 5 factions. it would be cool if there were situations where sparing a thalmor diplomat means being able to form an alliance with them but detaching yourself from the hist and where freeing a group of Imperial soldiers from a city you just invaded means imperials will have more men and will be prepared for your attack in a later battle. also it could be that some deadra or other ancient evil is feeding of the death, scheming violence etc to rise again and the hist in trying to stop it are misinterpreted as being the source of the evil leading to a player choice that most will make the time they play it to incapacitate the hist in some way and make the situation worse. just an idea that sounds cool to me. I would really enjoy a elder Scrolls VI argonia and it's a good chance to really show off those next gen graphics that fallout 4 didn't really give.
Oh and I'm an argonian and I went to the dragon born dlc, I felt so guilty when I learned of what argonians did to the dunmer, but even worse I found out from the citizens of raven rock.
They had it coming
Play morrowind then, most npc argonians are slaves or victims of racism lol
I could even imagine the concept of the 'deep ones' coming back. You know, the deadra like people who live underground in a cave that sadly was fallen in and unelectable.
Bloode Eye Those guys where probably Sloads though, no proof they where daedra
You mentioned shadow scales, correct me if I'm wrong but aren't they argonian's born under the shadow sign who're taken at birth to be trained by the dark brotherhood. I like lore bits like that, and if the bring back more rich role play than maybe that could be a quest line unique to players who pick the shadow sign (assuming they bring back the good character creation mechanics).
Perfect for Elder Scrolls 7. The post-human machine mind will love exploring the homeland of the argonian race.
My top 3 TES races are:
1. Orcs
2. Argonians
3. High Elves
*Argonians just recently made the list because of the recent TES titles(older games made them feel weak).
The only reason Orcs are #1 is because they were the first race I ever played.
doctor 144 #dunmer master race . Slave pleb
Can you talk about Hammerfell next?
Arkadio PL he already did
Im sure he didnt? Can you please show me the link?
wait a minute i cant find it anywhere and thats weird
a wolf/ or fox race would be great along with the descendents of argonian and elven races
Airen Browning OwO so much porn is gonna be made
Airen Browning In lore there was a fox like race but they were killed off.
You mean "Lilmothiit" and some are possibly alive.
Airen Browning a frog race!
It should only have 1 DLC, called: The Sea of Dreams DLC. It would unlock pirate based quests, Navy battles, the ability to have your own pirate ship, with a crew you can choose, the ability to dive DEEP in the ocean, with proper sea monsters, maybe make weresharks a part of it, plus unlocking all 3 islands.
So Assassin’s creed black flag in TES
It would be perfect! Mystery,Adventure,Argonians,The Hist and Umbriel!
I just wanna see miaq the liar
lets hope we dont find him in the middle of the uninhabitable places
Nicholas Snyder I think that would be hilarious! He could comment it like: "How did Maiq got here? No one knows, not even Maiq" or "Maiq was told that this place was too deadly for us, yet we both stand here"
This is amazing camel! you should work for Bethesda. ;)
That's stupid because, Bethesda would actually make there fans happy for once...
... and they can't have that.
mechial Numbraro Oh yeah dude because everyone hates Fallout and TES
mechial Numbraro To be fair to Bethesda, they're like guardian angels compared to fucking Valve. *head twitches whilst muttering the number 3 under my breath*
Not trying to be that guy, but you kept you saying poison and poisonous. But most of the times you'd say it you really meant venomous.
Chase Powell, if you eat it... then it's poisonous. lol
Charles Chaney yeah. But if it like bites, scratches, or stings you to get its venom into you its venomous.
No shit, I didn't argue that. Wow
Chase Powell Never be ashamed to be 'that guy'
You've got me really interested in an ES6:Argonia now... But I do still want to see Elsweyr; Khajiit are probably my favorite race, though Argonians are definitely a close second.
I think a pirate faction or something similar would be cool. maybe replacing the thieves guild where you could have your own ship and crew
Argonia was the best part of ESO i played. Id love it to be TES VI
"Hello my name is Camel Butt..." - CamelWorks 2017
Well... I'm hyped as fuck 😄
Aati Gumer hyped for what? click bait video with info that isn't even lore centric... all just speculation....
Jjsh24 Just that
Jjsh24 well the title states TES 6 argonia and we get 35 minutes of Argonian towns, creatures, environment, lore and dungeon potential... so what more do you want?? it is really the opposite of clickbait
and if you haven't noticed, TES 6 isn't out yet so when we talk about things that haven't been announced, it's called "speculation"!
its his opinion
Ireally would love to see this. Just for the new creatures if nothing else, I mean other than dragons in Skyrim there aren't enough massive, intimidating creatures in Elder Scrolls games
As an argonian main this won’t be a problem for me
It'd be awesome if you and Zaric teamed up for a lore video ! Fuck, I precummed
I imagine Zaric may be hard to work with
Gordon Weintraub
He said there's a big possibility he'll be working an ES tabletop series with FudgeMuppet
bring in the akaviri invasion of the of the fractured tamriel!!!!
The fox people race needs to show up!!(ironically I forget there name lol)
The fox people were said to have been killed of. I think they lived in Blackmarsh, but a diesease killed everything that wasn't reptilian.
ZenodudeMC considering that they lived on the coast, it isn't too unreasonable to believe that the fox ppl took to there boats and went to one of the 3 islands off the coast of argonia.
There's also always the possibility of an invasion of Tamerial by Akivir. Given that Black Marsh is on the coast that faces the mysterious continent, they would be the first target. It would also be a good excuse to explore mainland morrowind in DLC.
Honestly I like the idea of this. Black Marsh. Perfect for me because I love playing as an Argonian, and now playing in the native lands of my favorite species. And every playthrough after playthrough with this species. You have no clue how happy I'd be. It'll be more intriguing than TESO. And likely worth your money
.....should be out soon.
valenwood is a better idea in my opinion. if they do "Argonia" I won't be mad though. it could be great if Bethesda add a parkour mechanic to elder scrolls 6. if it's valenwood or argonia, it would still be cool as an elder scrolls game though.
That's a good idea, but it would only be immersive if there were prerequisite stats like agility , endurance and/or speed
Franky Split true that
I want Argonia, but I think we're getting Hammerfell or High Rock.
gun powder could be good in hammerfell if they do hammerfell...
More than likely, regardless of the location, the gameplay and game mechanics will be great. I want better writing and more interesting quests/characters GODDAMNIT! The companions you could get in Skyrim were a fucking joke and the dialogue was usually stale and awkward, Fix dat shit.
jellyjiggler15 Looking at Fallout 4 and comparing its RPG elements to RPG elements of NV, i am scared that Bethesda will fuck up TES6. Bethesda will create big and interesting world in TES6 for sure. But now Bethesda become something like Ubisoft (hype hype and only hype), bethesda said that Fallout 4 will be the best RPG they ever created, and they lied, New Vegas is much more rich in RPG elements (its first RPG and then shooter, and F4 is first shooter and then RPG), factions and NPCs are muuuch more interesting and diverse, there is much more options in creating hero (in Fallout 4 hero is build by bethesda, you can only change cosmetics), there is less options in builds you can create and choose (in NV every S.P.E.C.I.A.L, is much more important), dialogues are much better, there are real consequences of your choices. Fallout 4 feels more like FarCry than Fallout game. This is one of the reason why i fear that bethesda will make H&S instead of RPG from TES6
26adex Yeah F4 was very disheartening but I still want to have hope. We cannot just blame the studio though, we all ate that shit up. New Vegas was a fantastic RPG and would have been even better if obsidian would have had more time but Bethesda seems to be caring less and less about making rpgs and the direction Bethesda is going in is unfortunate.
26adex to be fair fallouts main rpg problems are rooted in it's voiced protagonist
They were better than oblivious fighters guild at least
Evan Diaz And it's terrible "skill" system
What about if there was a separate skill for underwater combat / swimming. And argonians were masters of underwater combat and swimming I have a special ability where they can freely move walk breathe and fight underwater.
"My name is camelbutt, more importantly" I've been loving this channel since I found it yesterday, but that missed pause made me chuckle.