Saw this a few years ago Andy. I'd just splashed out a massive 30 quid on a pair of bite alarms and remote. Its the roller type and they've got me carp to 20Lb. I didn't tell the fish how cheap they were and they wouldn't have given a damn anyway :-) For 500 quid I want a car not a bloomin' buzzer :-) Slight exageration maybe but I'm sure you get my meaning. May your monofill always be under stress lol :-)
Hi DJ, these days I have 2 bite alarm that cost me about £16 each without remote because I'm not night fishing at the moment (roller type) and I don't think I've caught any less fish due to using cheap alarms. My defence for owning a set of delkims is that I bought those over 20 years ago when I used to do lots of night fishing and cheap alarms from China hadn't arrived yet. As for "May your mono always be stretched" I don't think it's got any stretch left as I bought it about the same time as the alarms 😂👍 take care DJ 😎
Excellent and informative review
Thank you Paul, I tried to be unbiased and just give the facts. Tight lines for your next trip out 👍
Saw this a few years ago Andy. I'd just splashed out a massive 30 quid on a pair of bite alarms and remote. Its the roller type and they've got me carp to 20Lb. I didn't tell the fish how cheap they were and they wouldn't have given a damn anyway :-) For 500 quid I want a car not a bloomin' buzzer :-) Slight exageration maybe but I'm sure you get my meaning. May your monofill always be under stress lol :-)
Hi DJ, these days I have 2 bite alarm that cost me about £16 each without remote because I'm not night fishing at the moment (roller type) and I don't think I've caught any less fish due to using cheap alarms. My defence for owning a set of delkims is that I bought those over 20 years ago when I used to do lots of night fishing and cheap alarms from China hadn't arrived yet.
As for "May your mono always be stretched" I don't think it's got any stretch left as I bought it about the same time as the alarms 😂👍 take care DJ 😎