2 Color Italian Cast On for Brioche and Double Knitting AKA Invisible Cast On

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @ThePinkBinks
    @ThePinkBinks 3 роки тому +3

    Man I’ve been looking for this video for ages after I lost the link. It taught me ambidextrous knitting as well as brioche. I needed a reminder.

  • @jdbuder
    @jdbuder 2 роки тому +1

    I just found you. I have not knitted in years. I used to watch christy hill which I love. You explained this so well. Ty

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  2 роки тому

      You are very welcome, JD! I happy you found me! ❤️

  • @Monty-in-gumboots
    @Monty-in-gumboots Рік тому

    Hi Suzanne, this has been wonderfully helpful. I have watched many videos over the last few days to try and learn 2 colour brioche and always ended up with a complete dog's breakfast. Your videos have just clicked with me and I now have a recognisable 2 colour brioche swatch! Thank you for your tuition \ demonstrations here on youtube. With this under my belt and the help from some wonderful knitters on Ravelry I will soon have the skills to complete a brioche rug I photographed a few years ago while on a holiday overseas.

  • @MinhNguyen-pg6mr
    @MinhNguyen-pg6mr 4 роки тому +4

    This's the best video I have found.Thank you Suzanne

  • @redjewel5579
    @redjewel5579 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you. Finally something that looks like Brioche. Not perfect. Stitches are too loose, but two-sided with opposite rows. I subscribed and gave a thumbs up. You assisted me to the goal. Best wishes. Thanks a million.

  • @nancyhuber5082
    @nancyhuber5082 2 роки тому +1

    This is so enlightening. Your instructions make everything easy to follow. I’m so impressed with your teaching.

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  2 роки тому

      Thank you so much, Nancy, that's a lovely thing to say! ❤️

  • @elliesettle6296
    @elliesettle6296 2 роки тому +1

    Your tutorial on Italian bind off was excellent. Very clear and concise. Thanks so much. I am teaching myself Brioche knitting and this bind off is absolutely essential to know and understand.

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  2 роки тому

      Glad it was helpful, Ellie! Thanks so much for watching, and good for you to expand your horizons into Brioche knitting! 😊

  • @patd.3368
    @patd.3368 4 роки тому +1

    I am new to brioche and after many books and videos and many trial samples...I found your video and it suddenly snapped things into place. I like the precision of you thinking and your easiness with the process....thank you so much!!!

  • @tangledthreadworks
    @tangledthreadworks 3 роки тому +1

    "I know this is a long video but it's worth it" - Sooo true! I have struggled with brioche for years and am just now getting the hang of it through some Zoom classes. No one mentioned how to cast on for this, thanks so much. I might not have needed so many classes if I had seen your video first! Big thumbs up!

  • @joanneyoung1081
    @joanneyoung1081 4 роки тому +2

    Thank you, Suzanne. I got it by practicing a few times and listening to you and watching. Yeah!

  • @bayleyvos849
    @bayleyvos849 Рік тому +1

    Hi Suzanne... can you show (or tell) how this italian cast-on can be adjusted for knitting in the round... without egde stiches... thank you for the amazing video!

  • @a.jamshidnouraie4246
    @a.jamshidnouraie4246 4 роки тому +2

    I am finding 2-color brioche to be pretty difficult. I am still learning it. This is, by far, the best video I have found. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  4 роки тому

      You are so welcome! Have you subscribed to my channel yet? If not, that is the best way to thank me. Happy knitting.

  • @emmouse4462
    @emmouse4462 6 років тому +8

    I wish I could click on the "thumbs up" about ten times. There is a knitter who is kind of famous for brioche knitting with books and online classes and I spent a day going through one of the classes with two of the books beside me and didn't get as comfortable with it as I did just watching this simple explanation. I have just learned the very similar tubular caston from another of your videos. Thanks!

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  6 років тому

      That is very cool. Thank you for the feedback. Happy knitting.

  • @renedees2199
    @renedees2199 6 років тому +4

    This is the best tutorial for an Italian cast on I’ve come across yet! Your instructions are so clear and easy to follow. Thanks for sharing!!

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  6 років тому

      Thank you Rene, I hope you have chosen to subscribe to my channel. Happy knitting.

    • @bdarci
      @bdarci 4 роки тому

      I agree. Suzanne's videos are so clear. She is my go-to for techniques.

  • @gailaltschwager7377
    @gailaltschwager7377 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you, Suzanne! ❤️

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  2 роки тому +1

      You are so welcome, Gail! ❤️

  • @DanielWSonntag
    @DanielWSonntag 4 роки тому +2

    Thank you! Gotta try this today to make my friend a 2color brioche hat. Love your clear and thorough explanations!

  • @Sierralan1
    @Sierralan1 2 роки тому +1

    This is fantastic shared to my Facebook. Thanks Suzanne.

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  2 роки тому

      That's wonderful, MB, thanks for sharing!! 😊

  • @denisepettit8534
    @denisepettit8534 6 років тому +4

    THANK YOU , THANK YOU , THANK YOU, I agree with Colleen Cannon, You are an Angel! You are a fantastic teacher and I appreciate how you answer all my questions as though you read my mind!

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  6 років тому +2

      Thank you so much! Happy knitting.

  • @hettestrikk
    @hettestrikk 4 роки тому +1

    Tank you so much! Very helpful video 😘 Love from Norway 🇧🇻

  • @SofieMZF
    @SofieMZF 4 роки тому +1

    Thank You a lot for the interesting video. I make this brioche with pleasure. Greetings from Poland.

  • @FaerieFenergles
    @FaerieFenergles 6 років тому +1

    Thank you soooooo much ... I couldn't get the Italian 2 colour cast on before with anyone else's tutorial ... yours was a brilliant tutorial!!!
    Also thank you for showing the English method as well as the continental - I'm an English knitter trying to grapple with continental.

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  6 років тому

      You are very welcome. Be sure to subscribe to my channel if you haven't already and share my videos with your social media groups. Thank you and happy knitting.

  • @meravarbel8600
    @meravarbel8600 5 років тому +1

    thank you for an excellent video! after brioching with you for two-three times, i can do it by myself now, and it's so good i can come back to this tutorial whenever i'm not sure.. the way you give knowledge - it's inspiring! thank you!

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  5 років тому

      You are very welcome Merav Arbel! Happy knitting.

  • @fredrikberggren8510
    @fredrikberggren8510 5 років тому +1

    Omg i love your videos, I have been knitting for years but it’s not until recently I’ve started to really explore all the different techniques and styles and your videos have been soooo helpful. THANK YOU

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  5 років тому

      You are very welcome Fredrik Berggren! Happy knitting.

  • @marthamaldonado9263
    @marthamaldonado9263 5 років тому

    You are a very good teacher. Thank you.

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  5 років тому

      You are very welcome Martha Maldonado! Happy knitting.

  • @dbmoriarty1
    @dbmoriarty1 3 роки тому +1

    Thank you so much for this clear and thorough

  • @sandiefletcher3792
    @sandiefletcher3792 4 роки тому +1

    O. Thank goodness for this. You're totally right it's very zen. Great instructions

  • @ezellvuosto3685
    @ezellvuosto3685 6 років тому +2

    Thank you for showing it in the throwing method.

  • @이은주-t9s2x
    @이은주-t9s2x 6 років тому

    The Most perfect 2color brioche vidio instruction I've serched for.
    Thank U for your wonderful work.💌

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  6 років тому

      You are so kind. Thank you and happy knitting.

  • @d3viousme588
    @d3viousme588 6 років тому +1

    i was going in circles, i bought the book with a curious mind......couldn't understand a single thing....thank you thank you so much, helping out in a disaster situation.......i failed 68 times, watched your video twice, and its just perfect .........

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  6 років тому

      Oh, I am so glad to be of help. It can seem daunting. Happy knitting.

  • @colleencannon7035
    @colleencannon7035 6 років тому +5

    Thank you so very much. Believe I can do the edges now and make them pretty. You are an Angel.

  • @annetteduguay1279
    @annetteduguay1279 6 років тому

    I have never tried Brioche before. I can see that it will be confusing at first but I agree that it will soon become zen-like. Thanks, I really like your videos. Always so easy to follow.

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  6 років тому

      Thank you! Be sure to subscribe to my channel for future video updates. I am doing two more on brioche this week. Happy knitting.

  • @mayjohnson1716
    @mayjohnson1716 5 років тому

    This tutorial is very easy to follow. Thank you so much.

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  5 років тому

      You are very welcome May Johnson! Happy knitting.

  • @jeanisrael2732
    @jeanisrael2732 6 років тому

    Thank you Suzanne you make this so much easier then trying to read a pattern. I love your videos. I'm so very appreciative. ❤

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  6 років тому

      You are very welcome. Thank you and happy knitting.

  • @sunshinemelanina1046
    @sunshinemelanina1046 6 років тому +1

    Thank you for an explicitly video.

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  6 років тому

      You are very welcome. Happy knitting.

  • @pjenkins8206
    @pjenkins8206 6 років тому +1

    Absolutely the best video on the subject. Thank you.

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  6 років тому

      Thank you so much! Thank you! I hope you have chosen to subscribe to my channel and that you will share my videos on your social media groups such as FB, Ravelry, Pinterest, Reddit, etc. Happy knitting, Suzanne.

  • @jdknits6796
    @jdknits6796 6 років тому +2

    another great video Mrs. Suzanne 💜💜

  • @marypfeffer997
    @marypfeffer997 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you; this was a good refresher for me

  • @redredwine1277
    @redredwine1277 4 роки тому +1

    You're still the best, Thanks again🌸🌼🌹

  • @whitneyherriage908
    @whitneyherriage908 2 роки тому +1

    This is a great video. You go at just the right pace, for me at least! I have a question about brioche in the round. Does it matter if you cast on an even or odd number of stitches to join in the round? Thanks!

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  2 роки тому

      you will need an even number of stitches

  • @redredwine1277
    @redredwine1277 4 роки тому +1

    Thanks again🌸🌼🌹

  • @redredwine1277
    @redredwine1277 4 роки тому +1

    Very pretty, Thanks! 🌹

  • @redredwine1277
    @redredwine1277 6 років тому

    Brilliant🎀 I'm always learning something new in your video. Thanks again 🌹

  • @babadeedee214
    @babadeedee214 5 років тому

    Soo glad I found you! You’re an excellent teacher. First time I really clicked w the Brioche stitch. Thank you! 🙏🏻 Also, yI subscribed & thumbs up’👍🏻 but gotta go now...I’ve got some serious catching up to do.😉👏🏻👏🏻Happy knitting!

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  5 років тому

      You are very welcome Debbie Swanson! Happy knitting.

  • @笑顔のひまわり-z5f
    @笑顔のひまわり-z5f 5 років тому


    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  5 років тому

      Thank you 笑顔のひまわり! Happy knitting.

  • @meganswanson4510
    @meganswanson4510 5 років тому

    Best video on the subject! Thank you so much. Subscribed and joined your Ravelry group 😊

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  5 років тому

      Thank you Megan Swanson! Happy knitting.

  • @esraakamel5142
    @esraakamel5142 4 роки тому +1

    Than you very much.. 🇪🇬 💕💕

  • @clearwater7000
    @clearwater7000 11 місяців тому

    Thank you!❤

  • @TheSuzberry
    @TheSuzberry 5 років тому

    I’m delighted to find this. I’ve knit several two-color brioche projects but have had a terrible time getting started.

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  5 років тому

      Perfect! Happy knitting Suzanne!

  • @michelleforbes7520
    @michelleforbes7520 6 років тому +3

    Hi Suzanne. Ask usual brilliant. Question : do you have a video showing the invisible Italian two colour cast on in the round? I am attempting a double knitted cowl in thd round. I would appreciate any advice. Michelle UK

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  6 років тому +2

      I do not have that video up yet, but it is now on my todo list. Thank you! Please share my videos on your social media. Happy knitting.

  • @danalear8562
    @danalear8562 2 роки тому +1

    Do you have any tips for keeping the sts oriented correctly for the cast on and first row in the round?

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  2 роки тому +1

      Very carefully follow the video as you knit and you should be good to go. You may want to slow speed as you go.

  • @katplat
    @katplat 6 років тому +1

    Thank you so much for this tutorial! Your videos are brilliant!
    I too would be interested in how to cast on the two-color brioche and join in the round.
    Or is it possible to CO in the round straight away?
    I'd love to knit my next socks in two-color brioche for the cuffs.

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  6 років тому

      I will work on that video this week. If you have subscribed to my channel, you should get a notification when the video is available. Than you and happy knitting.

  • @cmaur811
    @cmaur811 4 роки тому

    New cast on for me.. thank you

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  4 роки тому

      You are very welcome Carol Mauriello! Happy knitting.

  • @latitude1904
    @latitude1904 2 роки тому

    Should we cast on with a larger needles than what we will use to work? I tried this and mine was not as stretchy as it should have been - and I'm not a tight knitter

  • @jeannette8474
    @jeannette8474 3 роки тому

    Thank you so much for this video...I´m going to knit a shawl in brioche...and I don't know how I Begin it??...sorry, I only speak Spanish and I try with English ...

  • @TheSuzberry
    @TheSuzberry 6 років тому +1

    With the cast on, am I correct in saying that the color on your thumb will be a purl stitch and the color on the forefinger will be in the knit position?

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  6 років тому

      If you are looking at it from the cast on point of view yes. If you turn the work to work the first pass, it will reverse. Great question. Happy knitting.

  • @gracekam6476
    @gracekam6476 3 роки тому +1

    I want to do a 2 colour Brioche in a round. Is this a good cast on?

  • @LibellulaGlass
    @LibellulaGlass 6 років тому +1

    Thank you.

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  6 років тому

      Thank you. Please subscribe if you haven't already, and share with your social media friends! Happy knitting.

  • @cke5986
    @cke5986 6 років тому +1

    hi, I really like your videos! I've come across brioche knitting recently. I want to do two projects using this lovely stitch. I'd just like to ask, how do you manage to make the edge so pretty? I've tried out your video exactly, but my edge stitches are always uneven.

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  6 років тому

      It just takes practice. I have a video on uneven edge stitches (not in brioche but will apply) - and how to fix them - ua-cam.com/video/Te4vdS4ri9M/v-deo.html

    • @cke5986
      @cke5986 6 років тому +1

      Knitting with Suzanne Bryan thank you so much! I'll try those techniques out to see which helps.

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  6 років тому

      Wonderful. Then come back and let me know if any of these helped you. I have a group on Ravelry too - you could join if you want - Knitting with Suzanne Bryan - www.ravelry.com/groups/knitting-with-suzanne-bryan.

  • @TheSuzberry
    @TheSuzberry 6 років тому

    I’ve never understood how to manage the edge. Thanks.

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  6 років тому

      You are welcome. Happy knitting.

  • @WandaLaLoggia
    @WandaLaLoggia 6 років тому +2

    It would be nice to have a video using thrown over method by itself. Having both methods is confusing.

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  6 років тому +1

      Sorry, I will add that to my todo list. Hugs and Happy knitting.

  • @meirylyra6354
    @meirylyra6354 5 років тому +1

    Obrigado amei 🥰🥰🥰🥰🙏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

  • @TeresaNTaylor
    @TeresaNTaylor 6 років тому

    Do Eye-talians come from Eye-tally? Great video. I’ve always hated brioche (both the knitting and the bread). I might actually learn to like the knitting after this. I’ll never like the bread, though. Never thought I’d actually dislike bread, but there’s always a first. 😁

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  6 років тому

      I know, that is my accent coming out! My relatives are from Missouri and they do say things differently there. Brioche is addicting. Watch out! Happy knitting.

  • @simonewhyte2312
    @simonewhyte2312 6 років тому

    Can you please show me how to use it to make a hat

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  6 років тому

      Great idea. Adding to my video to do list. Thank you! Be sure to subscribe to my channel so that you will be notified when the video comes out.

  • @sheenakopko956
    @sheenakopko956 4 роки тому +1


  • @meirylyra6354
    @meirylyra6354 5 років тому

    Encantada 🥰🥰🥰🥰👏👏👏👏👏👏🙏👏👏👏👏👏👏😘😘😘😘😘

  • @vicentacastillo363
    @vicentacastillo363 8 місяців тому


  • @ruby07241
    @ruby07241 5 років тому

    I don't understand when you say you don't slip on the edge but it seems you do.

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  5 років тому

      The slipped stitch in this case is the slip one yarnover stitch. Not a standard slipped edge stitch. Happy Knitting.

  • @leavesongrass
    @leavesongrass 4 роки тому

    Expert method but words confused things. Brioche is confusing enough. Need different words for the cast on part. For the final movement for each color you go under one yarn and over the other but you used the SAME words. Perhaps write out a script?

  • @nortonvilledrive3279
    @nortonvilledrive3279 4 роки тому +1

    The highest insult is calling an Italian and E-tal- eh- yanthe word is not pronounced eye-tal-eian the i is pronounced as a e and the e is pronounced as a i as in the name Maria how do you pronounce the I as a “I” ? No you probably say e as in Marea the i is a e.....Maria Shriver is Isn’t Mar-iA her name is Marea!

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  4 роки тому

      Thank you so much. I have a severe hearing impairment and wear hearing aids which do not bring a persons hearing back to normal. I definitely have a problem hearing the differences between short and long vowels. I appreciate your pointing out the errors of my speech.

    • @nortonvilledrive3279
      @nortonvilledrive3279 4 роки тому

      @@SuzanneBryan you are welcome. It’s insulting but this does happen also A-rab is often mispronounced

  • @francaperotti5934
    @francaperotti5934 6 років тому

    I love your way of teaching but this isn't the Italian cast on.

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  6 років тому +1

      Can you give me a link to Italian Cast On?

    • @francaperotti5934
      @francaperotti5934 6 років тому

      Knitting with Suzanne Bryan if i find one i will

    • @francaperotti5934
      @francaperotti5934 6 років тому


    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  6 років тому +1

      Have you found an example yet? It does not have to be a video. If I am doing it wrong, I would like to learn the right way.

    • @francaperotti5934
      @francaperotti5934 6 років тому

      Knitting with Suzanne Bryan the above is the only one i found

  • @jillminick7252
    @jillminick7252 10 місяців тому

    Thank you 💕