Keynote Talk by Wayve at the LLVM-AD Workshop @ WACV 2024

  • Опубліковано 26 лют 2024
  • This video is the keynote talk given by Dr. Oleg Sinavski from Wayve for the Large Language and Vision Models for Autonomous Driving (LLVM-AD) workshop at WACV 2024. This workshop is co-organized by Purdue Digital Twin Lab, Tencent, and PediaMedAI.
    Title: Large Language and Vision Models for Autonomous Driving
    Bio: Dr. Oleg Sinavski is an experienced researcher, developer, and manager. He currently works on Multimodal Large Vision-Language Models and end-to-end self-driving at Wayve. Prior to this, he led R&D initiatives at Brain Corp. He played a crucial role in scaling up AI, robotics, and machine learning systems from scratch to thousands of deployed robots worldwide. He was instrumental in the company's growth from a few dozen to hundreds of researchers and developers. His research areas include Large Language Models, Reinforcement Learning, and Simulation.