After being bit by a rattlesnake, a man tells his story

  • Опубліковано 27 лют 2019
  • Jim Watkins tells the story of his rattlesnake encounter while recovering in the hospital.


  • @dagobertodelamorena6896
    @dagobertodelamorena6896 Рік тому +39

    This man is too nonchalant. He’s lucky to be alive.

  • @chriscarter9264
    @chriscarter9264 2 роки тому +84

    This man has a voice for radio, oh ... glad he's okay too.

  • @dsafety6213
    @dsafety6213 Рік тому +78

    The fact he chose the option to wait it out without going to hospital is mind boggling.

    • @timthompson8297
      @timthompson8297 Рік тому +9

      Another word comes to my mind.

    • @twovirginiacats3753
      @twovirginiacats3753 Рік тому +1

      Exactly. I read somewhere that only about 1 out of 7 snake bites is venomous. The smaller the snake the more likely to have a poisonous bite. Frankly I wouldn't want to take a chance!

    • @jas0609
      @jas0609 Рік тому +7

      Was thinking the same thing. If get bit, you need to go to hospital ASAP whether or not you feel symptoms.

    • @twovirginiacats3753
      @twovirginiacats3753 Рік тому +8

      @@jas0609 I read about a guy a few years ago that got bit and didn't get ill immediately. He got very ill overnight and did not make it to the hospital in time. So, if you get bit just go!

    • @jonjones6749
      @jonjones6749 Рік тому +7

      I grew up in the Mojave desert in California and I was bit by a mojave green rattlesnake when I was 13. If you get bit by a Rattlesnake Go to the Hospital right away. I cant believe this guy didn't do that, I know this sounds rude but ''Stupid is what Stupid does''

  • @mikeshafer3059
    @mikeshafer3059 2 роки тому +42

    People need to know just how serious this situation is

  • @pierrebarbeau6397
    @pierrebarbeau6397 Рік тому +17

    I was bitten on the foot by a rattler in 1998, walked 2 blocks back to the house. The pain was almost instantaneous, swelling extended up to my hip, went to the ER and was treated with 32 vials of antivenom, was in the ICU for a couple days and it was 2 months before I went back to work. These critters are no joke but it was my fault for walking at night without a flashlight in Az

  • @CraigArndt
    @CraigArndt 2 роки тому +35

    Amazing that he'd be bit by a rattlesnake, know he was bit and then argue not just about going to a hospital but which one he'd prefer. Glad he made it.

  • @Thelongs760
    @Thelongs760 Рік тому +14

    Sounds like a needed a good ol piece of humble pie

  • @mbrintle6619
    @mbrintle6619 2 роки тому +43

    In times of emergencies, it serves little purpose to argue with the folks who are experts in the emergency at hand.

    • @donhudson3252
      @donhudson3252 2 місяці тому +3

      Especially when you call them.

    @TERRYBIGGENDEN Рік тому +16

    I am Australian. You never evr take any snake bite less than fully seriously. You did well to recover-that was a very o long delay. best wishes. :-)

    • @alanlinnell6817
      @alanlinnell6817 Рік тому +4

      You guys must be tough with so many bad snakes around. Respect from Kansas.

    • @blackie8306
      @blackie8306 11 місяців тому +3

      @@alanlinnell6817 Thanks Kansas, but if we do get bitten, we're no tougher than anyone else.

  • @aurieamoore5823
    @aurieamoore5823 Рік тому +27

    As both a mountain biker and a reptile lover (specifically snakes).
    I can sympathize with this man 100%. What a BEAST to be mountain biking at that age, let alone mountain biking after a RATTLER BITE on a fixie no less!
    He's really, really lucky that the effects were so delayed in his case specifically. That's not usually the case. He's especially lucky that was so because he's right. He did a lot of dumb stuff following the bite.
    So, for educational purposes, if you get bit by any venomous (or suspected venomous) snake, here's what to do:
    1) Call for help. If you have friends with you, have them help you because there's a couple of things you are going to want to accomplish initially.
    You are going to need to get in contact with 911 ASAP. (Poison control works too, no harm in calling both.) Get a picture of the snake if at all possible, but do not pursue it in any way to accomplish this task. If a picture is not possible, try to recount the physical characteristics of the snake to your help. Or memorize it. Hopefully, you will be able to tell it to the emergency response team before the venom impacts your ability to do so. If writing it down is an option then do so. Potentially during or after step 2.
    Step 2: GET TF TO A HOSPITAL ASAP. This one is a little bit more tricky because, like with this man, some bites occur when encroaching on their native habitat, and the last thing you want to do is participate in any rigorous exercise. Get back to civilization as quickly as possible while avoiding raising your heart rate. If this is not possible, this is a good reason why a little preparation in advance can go a long way. Wilderness SOS devices like those commonly sold in recreational stores are invaluable in circumstances like these. In extreme cases, a helicopter may need to be dispatched to retrieve you. So, if you don't have an SOS device, let's hope you have service. Otherwise, your chances of survival if you do have to climb down a mountain or traverse miles of bush will go down exponentially. Try to notify whatever hospital you are going to long in advance.
    Step 3: If you are able to make it to your car or when emergency response picks you up, you're going to want to meditate. Focus your breathing, and try to slow your heart rate. The more you can calm yourself, the more time you will have. You may want to present any pictures or notes to your paramedics team/friends. Communicate any allergies to medications and/or major health issues you have if you can, as well as your blood type if you know it, as this will help the doctors at the hospital when you arrive. Hopefully, someone is competent enough to gather all of this information for you and advocate for you when you get to the hospital because depending on the bite, you might not be able to speak anymore.
    At that point, your life is out of your hands. The doctors will fight to reverse the effects of the venom with different medications, while antivenin is being secured. That stuff costs a lot, so let's hope your health insurance is awesome. Otherwise, R.I.P. to your financial standing, this will probably be the worst thing to happen to you even if you survive relatively healthy and with all appendages intact.

    • @aurieamoore5823
      @aurieamoore5823 Рік тому +10

      Facts about venomous snake bites:
      #1) Many who experience envenomation can taste it when it happens. It tastes kind of coppery, metallic. Not everyone who gets bit does taste it, but that happens sometimes. Especially with heavier injection loads.
      #2) There are many different types of rattlesnake and each one has different venom. Each of those venoms have their own mix of cytotoxins, hemotoxins, neurotoxins, etc. That attack your nervous system, eat your flesh, coagulate your blood to the consistency of mayonnaise, break down your blood at the cellular level, attack your nervous system, and do all sorts of other not awesome things to your body.
      Knowing which rattlesnake bit you can therefore help professionals treat you properly, the first time.
      #3) Sometimes venomous snakes do something called 'dry bites' where they bite but do not envenomate. You're very lucky if this happens to you, but even if you suspect you've had a dry bite, you should treat it like a fully loaded envenomation regardless. There is no way to confirm a dry bite other than you not being dead days later.
      #4) Not all venomous snakes are life threatening! In fact, there are quite a few more venomous snakes out there that are not medically significant, or are only mildly medically significant that you think. The vast majority of those individuals (if not all of them) are rear fanged venomous snakes. That's right! That means they have fangs in the back of their mouths rather than the front. Many of these animals are even commonly kept pets around the world. Two of the most famous being the hognose snake and the garter snake. My favorite rear fanged venomous snake (although more medically significant than a garter snake, but still not near fatal) is the mangrove snake! I have been blessed with the opportunity to handle some of them and now I want one. They are one of the most strikingly (no pun intended) beautiful snakes in my opinion.
      #5) Lastly and most importantly, snakes in general are passive animals. They are not aggressive by nature. But we people are big and scary and we take over their natural habitats forcing them into closer proximity to us. They are defensive animals. No snake will bite you for no good reason. The best way to not get bit by a snake is to leave it alone. They are nature's pacifists, that are not afraid to tell you when you are not respecting their space. The moment you make yourself not a threat, is the moment you have nothing to worry about. And venom is precious to snakes. It's not supposed to be for defense. It is an important part of their natural digestion of their prey. They need the venom to break down their food as they eat it. All venom is, is modified saliva. The more they waste on you, the less they have to eat with. The majority of snake bites happen on the hands face or legs, by people not focusing on their surroundings or under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Let that sink in. And always remember, snakes are an invaluable part of our ecosystems. It's hard being a noodle with a head in a world of crazy hairless monkeys who hate you. Be kind, and leave them alone. 😊

    • @aurieamoore5823
      @aurieamoore5823 Рік тому

      Venomous snake myths:
      1) They do not chase you. They run towards cover. If you are standing between them and cover, they will try to pass you. So, if you ever feel like you are being chased, switch directions. I promise you will see that snake blow right past you.
      2) Snake bite kits don't work. They're bogus and a waste of money.
      3) They're aggressive. False. Not a single snake species known to man is proven to be aggressive. And this has been proven:
      On January 20th 1980, Neelim Kumar Khaire, (28) a respected Indian herpetologist stayed in a glass enclosure for 72 hours with 72 various highly venomous snakes. He completed his stay with the snakes, totally unharmed, and currently holds a Guinness world record for his display, intended to prove a point. He is not the only one to have attempted it and lived to tell the tale either.
      4) you should tourniquet a limb bitten by a snake. A tourniquet cannot be applied fast enough to prevent venom spread, most people don't do them correctly nor tight enough, and it usually just increases the chances of a limb removal without significantly lowering the danger of the venom.

    • @GiveMeaFuckingBreakDude
      @GiveMeaFuckingBreakDude Рік тому


  • @Ryan-jx4vh
    @Ryan-jx4vh 3 роки тому +25

    Glad they talked him into going in before it got too serious. 🙏

  • @kenjohnson4423
    @kenjohnson4423 Рік тому +13

    Not sure if you understand how powerful this aged man is, a one speed mountain bike is for extremely fit riders. He is a very serious fella. He probably ate the snake as well for fun.

  • @arthurbrumagem3844
    @arthurbrumagem3844 2 роки тому +16

    Guy lives in an area where snakes are common and apparently has no clue about the dangers of a “ bite “.

  • @paulbrungardt9823
    @paulbrungardt9823 2 роки тому +53

    A Texas Rattle snake bit my Mother in Law...Poor snake convulsed for 15
    minutes before dying. I feel guilty for putting that poor snake in her
    pillow case

  • @kellysimon91
    @kellysimon91 7 місяців тому +3

    Oh my goodness!!
    Glad he finally listened. I know that oftentimes snakes will do an initial dry bite but with him crashing into its bush, it would have felt as if it were being attacked and lash out with full venom.
    Lucky guy!

  • @richardlahan7068
    @richardlahan7068 2 роки тому +10

    Wow. I think that if I were in that situation, I'd be on the way to the ER as soon as I got to the vehicle.

  • @sixstanger00
    @sixstanger00 Рік тому +6

    A fellow mountain biker. But dude...really? You KNEW you got bit by a snake out in the desert and you weren't sure about a hospital visit? I know us MTB'ers are a bit loopy, but come on...

  • @oldtimerf7602
    @oldtimerf7602 2 роки тому +15

    Typical. Bitten by a rattler, gonna just go home. Not a time to play doctor.

  • @Irelandrbi
    @Irelandrbi Рік тому +3

    Thanks for sharing your story. Did you know type of Rattlesnake? Arizona has several. How did the rest of treatment go?

  • @markrichards6863
    @markrichards6863 Рік тому +8

    I walked around on a broken leg for two days before I got it looked at, and I work in a hospital. I can empathize with his thought process. Plus, pain tolerance varies from person to person.

    • @ericbryant-dz8mj
      @ericbryant-dz8mj 9 місяців тому +1

      Why would you do that? It's not about pain, I had a friend that done that with a brother foot and they had to cut it off

    • @markrichards6863
      @markrichards6863 9 місяців тому +1

      @@ericbryant-dz8mj I guess I was in denial. I convinced myself it would get better. And to be honest, it was a hairline fracture. They just stuck a boot on it and I was walking on it any how. The time I tore my calf muscle was a lot more painful than that. The hematoma went from the back of my knee to my heel. The swelling from that was awful.

    • @thecapone45
      @thecapone45 9 місяців тому +2

      @@ericbryant-dz8mj​​⁠yeah I agree with OP. I’ve been in similar situations where I’m stubborn and I won’t go to the hospital. Had an injury where I hit my eye and it bled. Just washed it out and though I was in pain, I just figured it would get better and left it alone. It did get better and I was personally glad I didn’t go to the hospital because it would have been a waste of money. I got fine on my own. Been that way most of my life.

  • @echospaw899
    @echospaw899 2 роки тому +9

    Well, I'm a little relieved that I'm in good company where stubbornness is concerned. My stubborn stupidity nearly cost me my life once in a different situation. Caution is better taken into consideration than throwing caution to the wind. 😊

    • @gabe-po9yi
      @gabe-po9yi 2 роки тому +1

      @Echos Paw I can relate. I don’t want it to have happened, because I don’t want to deal with it, so I’ll downplay or try to ignore. Glad you made it okay.

  • @gabe-po9yi
    @gabe-po9yi 2 роки тому +10

    Kudos to his friend for thinking to call Poison Control. I didn’t know they did all that - info on hospitals, call ahead. Impressive. At the very least, they saved him a lengthy and very, very costly hospital stay.

    • @yamahakid450f
      @yamahakid450f Рік тому +2

      Anti venom is usually around 100k after you get all the vials needed for the particular bite and reaction you sustained... who knows how long in the ICU. He's looking at a cool 1/4 million without insurance

    • @bulldog7196
      @bulldog7196 Рік тому +1

      @@yamahakid450f$20 per month for 1,000 years. No problem.

  • @randmayfield5695
    @randmayfield5695 2 роки тому +12

    Growing up I used to poo-poo rattlesnake bites all the time because there was very little shared information that that a person could get hold of. Poison control? What's that? Call 911....didn't exist. I worked on a trail crew in Idaho for two years and encountering 3 or 4 a day was business as usual. Yet there were areas that had super high concentrations of snakes that our crew of four would be pulled off of until snow fell in the area. Where I live now in southern Arizona out on the edge of the Santa Rita mountains there are five species. Diamondback, Mohave, Sidewinder, and two species of timber rattlers all live around me. I take it very seriously so I watch the ground where ever I go. Yesterday I was brushing out a dead patch of prickly pear cactus and found a small Mojave rattler coiled in a depression under a cactus pad. No rattling, it just used its 'first defense' camouflage and total stillness. I covered it back up and moved to a different area.

    • @shervinghannadian9651
      @shervinghannadian9651 Рік тому

      Should i be worried hunting in tucson august/sep?

    • @randmayfield5695
      @randmayfield5695 Рік тому +3

      @@shervinghannadian9651 I would definitely wear snake chaps or boots. Because we've had such a wet summer snake encounters are way up. It's going to be excellent guail and dove hunting. If you hunt with a dog, that's another consideration which might warrant snake avoidance traing. Good luck.

    • @shervinghannadian9651
      @shervinghannadian9651 Рік тому

      @@randmayfield5695 thanks a bunch I appreciate it! Will be hunting for deer with a bow!

    • @edwinthompson6510
      @edwinthompson6510 Рік тому +4

      @@shervinghannadian9651 i live in Southern Arizona have a ranch on the desert edge ,,, rattler country
      from spring to fall October November,,,, wear snake leg guards ,,,, beware always look where you step dogs need anti venom jabs,,,, Tucson not too bad,,,,,, i am 30 miles south of Tombstone,,,been bitten twice by diamondbacks,,,,
      my Apache wranglers treated my bites before hospital,,,, saved my life they did,,,,,,,, Ed

    • @timtorkelson7201
      @timtorkelson7201 Рік тому

      Of all Rattlesnakes the Mojave has the nastiest venom.

  • @redbird1824
    @redbird1824 Рік тому +11

    I rode a bicycle everywhere as a kid. No way any of us would clip our feet onto a pedal. We didn't wear helmets ether. We were experts at falling and rolling. When I learned to ride a unicycle my father told me the first step was to learn how to fall off.He was right. Now I am 67 and can still ride a unicycle.

  • @GrasslandsG81
    @GrasslandsG81 Рік тому +2

    I'd like a follow up. Did he have a heart attack or stroke when he received the hospital bill🤔?

  • @jamesb.9155
    @jamesb.9155 9 днів тому

    After being 'bitten' by a Rattlesnake . . . ouch ! Always call 911 and get to a hospital!

  • @green8718
    @green8718 2 роки тому +5

    I used to have clip-in pedals on my mountain bike, but after not being able to clip-out fast enough when I started to fall a few times, I switched to flat pedals. I still use clip-in pedals on my road bike, but the flat pedals are much better on the mountain bike.

  • @rascal0175
    @rascal0175 2 роки тому +3

    Rattlesnake venom is part of the snake’s digestive process. As venom circulates in the body that process continues. There is no benefit to being subjected to the digestive process that I am aware of. Medical treatment is the best option.

  • @dizzle123able
    @dizzle123able 8 місяців тому +1

    I went two weeks with 2 broken ribs. I did not know they were broken. I thought I was just sore from the fall. When I got in the bed one night and flipped around , one of the ribs were poking into my insides. That’s what it felt like anyway lol. Went to the ER, they confirmed it. I was like you stupid stubborn SOB LOL

  • @yvonne2965
    @yvonne2965 2 роки тому +4

    Wow, this guys seems smart but he sure didn’t use his brain on this one

  • @laurajames9855
    @laurajames9855 2 роки тому

    Glad you’re ok

  • @mbmochinski
    @mbmochinski 2 роки тому +9

    SMH. Not very bright to debate the need for emergency treatment. How has he survived in this world up to this point?

  • @clinthowe7629
    @clinthowe7629 14 днів тому

    Apache wash? is that the one west of Cave Creek, off of 24th street between it and 32nd street, North of Carefree highway?

  • @dalemiller5893
    @dalemiller5893 8 місяців тому +2

    What a goose 😮

  • @itsyreverafter
    @itsyreverafter 2 роки тому +6

    Ahh man, he had to ride himself out? You're trying not to elevate your heart rate after a bite or move much.

    • @jqnshanero8531
      @jqnshanero8531 2 роки тому +2

      Yea everyone I see get bit say not to even get excited lol

    • @yvonne2965
      @yvonne2965 2 роки тому

      He was half an hour ride in so that was probably the only good choice he made .. he would have been waiting there for at least an hour or two for help otherwise.. but I do understand that you are not supposed to move much after a snake bite

  • @b.justiceforall9544
    @b.justiceforall9544 Рік тому +2

    Always best to error on side of caution and get medically checked out when it comes to any bites out in the wild except maybe bug bites. Only a fool chooses to wait and see as it more often than not may turn out to be a to bad to late story.

  • @armedprophet3321
    @armedprophet3321 2 роки тому +11

    This guy obviously is not too smart. He doesn’t even know what poison control is for ! 😖

  • @timthompson8297
    @timthompson8297 Рік тому +1

    He’s not as smart as he sounded at first.

  • @r.f.richardsonjr5691
    @r.f.richardsonjr5691 10 місяців тому +1

    Bites from venomous snakes is nothing to screw around with. Always assume the bite injected venom into your body and seek medical attention immediately.

  • @airborneinfantry23
    @airborneinfantry23 2 роки тому +3

    Tis but a scratch

  • @danielonn2002
    @danielonn2002 Рік тому

    Time is Tissue

  • @jacobcarolan1172
    @jacobcarolan1172 Місяць тому

    I knew when he said he was riding a single speed mountain bike that he is hardcore.

  • @Cazgirl-hq4hi
    @Cazgirl-hq4hi 9 днів тому

    This man too stubborn and blase about it..some people think or don’t they are mortal ,and a dangerous snake bite might dispatch u quick or abit slower,but can dispatch u..he’s lucky to be alive acting so nonchalant .

  • @nobbytang
    @nobbytang 2 роки тому +1

    It obviously helps when you are as switched on and smart as this guy …

  • @cibonthesaint8903
    @cibonthesaint8903 11 місяців тому +3

    Tell you why you have to go to the emergency room after you’ve gotten bit by a rattlesnake? Do you have a GED?

  • @dannyrichards-nb9sh
    @dannyrichards-nb9sh Рік тому


  • @pjnix5618
    @pjnix5618 2 місяці тому

    This guy is so frustrating….Ugh ! Just freaking go to the hospital!!

  • @swimlaps1
    @swimlaps1 Рік тому +1

    Why boots were/are worn in TX, etc....even when hot out. He is lucky.

  • @davidkellymitchell4747
    @davidkellymitchell4747 7 місяців тому

    "No! You don't understand. You need to go NOW!"

  • @Chilidog335
    @Chilidog335 Рік тому +2

    Best thing for any rattlesnake is a blast of shot from a 12 gauge shotgun.

    • @GrasslandsG81
      @GrasslandsG81 Рік тому

      I do all of my mountain biking with my shotgun drawn and ready!!!

  • @terb5804
    @terb5804 Рік тому +1

    So the real solution is. If you old, don't ride a single speed bike!! If you could have geared down you would have probably never fallen in the first place, and also if you were using Shimano pedals with SH56 Multi Directional Release SPD Cleats you can always get out during panic situations..Hope you fully recovered!!

      @BIKENESS Рік тому

      He seems a little cocky to me

  • @guitarest452452
    @guitarest452452 3 роки тому +4

    I'd panic lol

  • @larryzeno7133
    @larryzeno7133 2 роки тому +4

    I was bit too…

  • @ehsanhuq4605
    @ehsanhuq4605 2 місяці тому

    Intially, he was thinking like an idiot

  • @lisasunshine773
    @lisasunshine773 11 місяців тому

    Denial is powerful.

  • @Starfish2145
    @Starfish2145 7 місяців тому

    The first thing you should’ve done was called 911 🤦‍♀️

  • @davidlyons8278
    @davidlyons8278 Рік тому +1

    Damn… hope your doing fine now…. You could have died from that bite…..

  • @dorothyhatcher4714
    @dorothyhatcher4714 2 роки тому +1

    This man is despicable. Is there anything he doesn’t know.?

  • @yamahakid450f
    @yamahakid450f Рік тому +1

    Normal timber or diamond back rattlers are bad news... sidewinders are a whole nother ballgame

  • @freeagent8225
    @freeagent8225 Рік тому

    Seeing him in hospital I'm glad I don't smoke.

  • @mikegamerguy4776
    @mikegamerguy4776 Рік тому +1

    Venom is tricky tricky. Sometimes it takes a while to get rolling and then you are in for a real bad ride. Take all envenomations seriously. If you go get checked out and they say just hydrate and monitor it, you'll feel like you wasted your time. But consider what would happen if EMS had to be called and no one knew you got bit or what you got bit by, and you can't communicate bc you're stroking out or having some other rare reaction. If someone told me they got bit by a rattlesnake I would probably think to myself, "Well, you probably deserved it." I guess from the rattlesnake's perspective he deserved it. But I can't say that I agree with the snake on this one. That's lottery bad luck. What are the odds of picking a random bush on a trail and finding a rattlesnake in it? I can only wonder.

  • @venessaabrams8687
    @venessaabrams8687 2 роки тому +1

    Bet he always thinks he's the smartest guy in the room!😅😂🤣. He will probably argue with St. Peter when he gets to the pearly gates or with Satan in the pits of hell! Glad he's 👍!

  • @Mo-LoveMeForever
    @Mo-LoveMeForever 3 місяці тому

    Why do so many doctors say not to extract any venom yourself?

  • @leechjim8023
    @leechjim8023 8 місяців тому

    I thought only kid's bikes were one speed.

  • @acebrandon3522
    @acebrandon3522 11 місяців тому +1

    Stupidity knows NO BOUNDS in this, man... Musta have the corner on that market.

  • @kk6aw
    @kk6aw 2 місяці тому

    The one thing you can’t count on but is a fact, the bite could have been dry. They do not always inject on things to big to eat.

  • @ronrobertson59
    @ronrobertson59 2 роки тому +2

    How common are dry bits because I been rattlesnake bit twice once in 1986 in Myakka Florida and again in my yard in 2022 both dry bites.

    • @jimmyonus5478
      @jimmyonus5478 2 роки тому +7

      Ron Robertson you should go purchase a lottery ticket.

  • @robertrobert7924
    @robertrobert7924 2 роки тому +2

    Did you think you were Superman ?

  • @patstokes7040
    @patstokes7040 Рік тому +1

    Why would he even think he could put it off? Maybe some of the poison shook up some of those brain cells.

  • @charliemcelwain8874
    @charliemcelwain8874 3 місяці тому

    I got bit by a rattlesnake was like a red hot poker hit me in the lag just about nock me down lost my breath twice coming off the mountain went to doctor Mcgee gave me a shot of some thing and said come back if you need me I will be here all night night leg was puffy and that was it now I belong to the rattlesnake club

  • @johnanderson1245
    @johnanderson1245 9 місяців тому

    He shouldn’t be so reluctant to heed medical advice.

  • @fixitright9709
    @fixitright9709 Рік тому

    Well where is the story at? He just described the first 30 minutes or so that I experienced last Sunday at 6:45 PM, rattlesnake bite to my foot, there's a whole lot more to the story than that people, didn't describe that at least 8% have serious reactions to the anti-venom and I just luckily i was one of 8%! That was actually the worst part, the doctor actually thought I had a dry bite, he actually question whether I was even bit? Even though he could see the two fang marks, after about one hour and passed my foot became the size of my calf and he said yup we need anti venom, if you get bit go straight to the ER. And be prepared for a reaction to the anti-Venom, But your doctor will have a fix for that.

    @BIKENESS Рік тому

    I go to a close lake and not far walk from my car and still afraid of snakes 😳

  • @updownstate
    @updownstate 2 роки тому

    Banner is the best!

  • @yamahakid450f
    @yamahakid450f Рік тому +1

    Snake must of not Injected much. Gave more of a dry bite (any on its fangs is going to be an issue) or it used up a lot on a meal recently... cause it doesn't take hours for the effects and it normally takes many vials of anti venom, especially for a sidewinder which is not an ordinary rattlesnake.

      @BIKENESS Рік тому

      Snake was probably old too 🤣

  • @DarthTwilight
    @DarthTwilight 10 місяців тому

    Huh.... Well, I certainly don't recommend taking your bite protocols from this guy.

  • @brucemackenzie4952
    @brucemackenzie4952 Рік тому

    Obviously a smart well spoken man but not wise.

  • @jimmyculp8756
    @jimmyculp8756 2 роки тому

    I'm 63, when I was ten years old I was on my fathers farm. I was sitting on the hood of a volts wagon bug. I sled off the hood and found myself staddling a 4 foot 12 rattlers and button rattle snake! Thank goodness it was late fall . or I would have been dead?

    • @AGTtactical
      @AGTtactical 2 роки тому +2

      Hey genius...volts wagon?

  • @solarpony
    @solarpony 2 роки тому

    This man's story is a cautionary tale the stupid men (who don't listen) all over the world.

  • @jameswilson313
    @jameswilson313 Рік тому +1

    This guy sure talked a lot to say basically nothing.

  • @mac11daddy6
    @mac11daddy6 Рік тому +2

    Experienced snake handler and owner of 21 years. Rattlesnake venom has different potency depending on locality. Western Diamondbacks and Mojave Desert are the most lethal. A Timber Rattler is not gonna have same potency as an Eastern Diamondback or a Cane.

  • @mikeryan6277
    @mikeryan6277 Рік тому

    So is Paul Harvey going to tell the rest of the story.

    @BIKENESS Рік тому

    This guy talks like he thinks he's invincible

  • @soundreign2319
    @soundreign2319 9 місяців тому

    He’s trying to play it cool, but shaking deep down inside or else he still wouldn’t have gone to the hospital.

  • @clinthowe7629
    @clinthowe7629 14 днів тому

    at least you admit you behaved stupidly. 😊

  • @Amarillobymorning777
    @Amarillobymorning777 Рік тому

    Snake venom was fighting an arrogant spirit.

  • @Sushi2735
    @Sushi2735 Рік тому

    Him jerkin around with Poison Control and plating coy, makes me think he was enjoying the ATTENTION,!

  • @sisterfrankenstein9836
    @sisterfrankenstein9836 4 місяці тому

    Never kill Gods creatures. All lives matter!

  • @johnlorenz4190
    @johnlorenz4190 11 місяців тому

    The moral of the story, don't ride bikes.

  • @user-ov6ny3uc3l
    @user-ov6ny3uc3l Місяць тому


  • @surferdude800
    @surferdude800 Рік тому

    He's lucky it was pretty much a dry bite

  • @alastairgreen2077
    @alastairgreen2077 Місяць тому

    Bitten, not bit.

  • @katiewoods6709
    @katiewoods6709 3 роки тому +2

    Are you 👌

  • @terryhattaway9168
    @terryhattaway9168 2 роки тому

    I might be crazy but why bike out?

  • @MB031
    @MB031 Рік тому +1

    He got dry bite, otherwise he would faint on spot withing few minutes.. he didn't get full dose or even no venom..I don't buy his story.

  • @jameskim2007
    @jameskim2007 Рік тому

    Best case scenario? You flesh rots off. Worst case? You die….

  • @jakemarlow8998
    @jakemarlow8998 Рік тому +2

    I could immediately tell this was going to end badly when he said he was riding on a trail with a single-gear bike. That showed me he was not a good decision-maker ... which proved to be correct. This is something a Millennial or Gen-Zer would do. He was probably riding with a selfie-stick too.

  • @johncase2408
    @johncase2408 Рік тому

    Was it a western, mojave, black tailed, speckled, side winder?

  • @User39.
    @User39. Рік тому +1

    Wouldn't have happened if he didn't have those stupid clip on bike shoes...or a silly one gear bike...bicyclist do the dumbest things sometimes....dude You're not a Pro competing for something....glad your Ok

  • @bammersmith5993
    @bammersmith5993 2 роки тому +3

    A good snake is a dead snake as far as a poisonous snake.