How to install steering wheel control module

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @irvingpacheco-ke3ex
    @irvingpacheco-ke3ex 7 місяців тому +2

    Nice video, there’s another way to make work the controls and is a cheapest way with a 3.5mm jack, i made it with my Mazda a year ago and still working. Thanks for your videos.

    • @JunkyardJunkie
      @JunkyardJunkie  6 місяців тому

      Nice that would make a good video. Thanks for watching!

  • @wesleykoo
    @wesleykoo 3 місяці тому +1

    Thanks for the video. I also have a CX7. Two questions, I bought a Metra Electronics 40-HD10 Factory Antenna Cable and connected the grey factory connector to the new Jensen Radio Receiver, was this not needed? Also, when I turned on ignition, the PAC unit gives me RAPID flashing green continuously, any idea what this means? Does it mean there is some bad connection somewhere?

    • @JunkyardJunkie
      @JunkyardJunkie  3 місяці тому +1

      I would read the instructions with your pac module. I’m not sure what model you got or anything. You can also call pac themselves they are super helpful. Hope this helps. Thanks for watching!

  • @Jacob-ww3ww
    @Jacob-ww3ww Рік тому +1

    Will the module allow you to set 2 buttons to single function? For example, hold button A and press button B to volume up

    • @JunkyardJunkie
      @JunkyardJunkie  Рік тому +1

      That’s a excellent question. Honestly I’ve never tried it. But, I’m guessing if it gives a resistance value different from all the others it would work. I really have to try this next time. Also though you can program two different settings to one button. One can be a long press/hold and one can be a short press. Thanks for the question. Thanks for watching!

  • @powercordz
    @powercordz 10 місяців тому +1

    Hi following your mustang steering wheel video! Do I put in my 07 mustang or do I do a 13 since that’s the steering wheel I’m converting to? Also msg’d you on fb is there a better way to contact you for questions?

    • @JunkyardJunkie
      @JunkyardJunkie  10 місяців тому

      Hey I’ll check my messages in just a minute sorry just really busy. But on the Mustang since it is not for that vehicle you have to go off the wires in the manual for the pac module. So you’ll see white is analog 1 input and white and black is analog 2 input. So I connected the yellow wire to the white wire (analog 1 input), and purple to the white and black )analog 2 input). Hope this helps. Thanks for watching!

  • @danmillado926
    @danmillado926 10 місяців тому +1

    What is the pink wire for again I didn't get that

    • @JunkyardJunkie
      @JunkyardJunkie  10 місяців тому

      The pink wire is attached to the Bluetooth module. As for what it does I don’t know I didn’t check. You want to just follow the instructions pac gives you. They took the hard part out of all this by figuring what wires we need to use. Hope this helps. Thanks for watching!

  • @JoseGarcia-qm4eu
    @JoseGarcia-qm4eu 11 місяців тому +1

    Can this work if my car never came with steering wheel controls? I have an 07 Dodge Charger rt

    • @JunkyardJunkie
      @JunkyardJunkie  11 місяців тому

      Yes check out my radio install video. I added steering wheel controls to a car that never had them. But I had to run wires from the buttons to the module. Hope this helps. Thanks for watching!

  • @Unknown-e5g3r
    @Unknown-e5g3r 9 місяців тому

    So for the mustang I’m supposed to hook up the purple steering wheel wire to a ground?

    • @JunkyardJunkie
      @JunkyardJunkie  9 місяців тому

      No here watch this video
      This is me installing the radio you connect the yellow wire to ether the white wire or the white wire with black stripe and then purple goes to the other one. Hope this helps. Thanks for watching!

  • @AndresGomez-xr3ux
    @AndresGomez-xr3ux Рік тому +1

    what do I do if the head unit I have on my car is not listed on the pac website?

    • @JunkyardJunkie
      @JunkyardJunkie  Рік тому

      I would contact them directly. They are super friendly and knowledgeable on what you’ll need. Hope this helps. Thanks for watching!

  • @matthewe4394
    @matthewe4394 2 роки тому

    𝐩яⓞ𝓂𝓞Ş𝐦 🙋