my favorite was when they were singing the acoustic version of the theme during the bathtub scene, that scene is so much cuter to me knowing it's their voices singing in the background.
They sang most of the OST's for the series, the one with a cute guitar loop and tune was Becky's solo, English title translation is The Same Page/Feel The Same, the one wherein they shared a kiss on Khun Sam's birthday is Freen's solo, English title is Order from the Heart, she also has another ballad solo entitled Whisper, and recently released was the bossa nova version of this song, I hope you get to listen to all of those because I've been addicted to the OST's of this series.
a match made in MUSICAL HEAVEN! I know Becky has been singing for quite a while and has a beautiful voice; Freen is insecure about her singing but also has an amazing, and unique voice (and Becky is always very encouraging - cuteee). Nam also sings wonderfully - and here I am like, are all these women multi-talented? My goodness! Seriously, you need to listen to all the songs! You'll fall even more in love! Plus, the songs are released to say something about how the character is feeling at that moment, so the lyrics are always really meaningful and significant to the episode, like a window to their soul! They also are posted right after the episode is.
In that video they sing live and the lyrics of the song are beautiful, you have to see it, it's called AT MY WORST, it's so worth it, I promise!!!!. Hi from México ❤️
Thank you for all your reactions videos you do! You really are one of the best reactions channels out here, especially for the Gap series 🥰 I can't wait to see what's next for you! And our girls really are cute, aren't they? This video was just pure sweetness and serotonin! ❤
First off Tara, I love the energy and excitement that comes across in your videos!! Thank you for making the time to share your reactions. Some of the songs are now on Spotify I just checked and found them. Search for "Freen Sarocha" and "Becky Rebecca" and you'll find some of the songs. I edited my original answer coz Becky said early last month they were only available on UA-cam but she couldn't confirm they were available elsewhere online except to say a compilation of all the songs for Gap The Series cld be released at a later date and might be available on other platforms besides UA-cam. Freen actually sang more songs for the show then Becky. Besides the 2 versions of Pink Theory they sung together, this one you just reacted to and the newly release acoustic bossa version from last Saturday's episode: [ Official Audio ] ทฤษฎีรักนี้สีชมพู Pink Theory (Bossa Ver.) - FreenBecky Ost.ทฤษฎีสีชมพู GAP The series Freen's other 2 songs for the show (below). Whisper was released first much earlier on and Orders from the Heart (I used Google translate to translate the name from Thai) was released I believe during episode 5. Freen was asked about it in a recent interview where they talked about the new song. Until she started singing the songs that I've shared here, she had never sang/performed as a singer before. She was asked about this in the same interview where she answered questions about the 2nd song she sung, Orders from the Heart. She talked about how she was very nervous to sing for Gap The Series and had to take a lot of direction from the music producers in the studio because she was inexperienced as a singer. [ Official Audio ] Whisper - Freen Sarocha Ost.ทฤษฎีสีชมพู GAP The series [ Official Audio ] คำสั่งจากหัวใจ Orders from the Heart - Freen Sarocha Ost.ทฤษฎีสีชมพู GAP The series This is Becky's song for the show: [ Official Audio ] คิดเหมือนกัน Think-Feel The Same - Becky Rebecca Ost.ทฤษฎีสีชมพู GAP The series Idol Factory has a full playlist on their UA-cam channel of all the songs released for the show and they add every new song that comes out into that list - So I put this list in a reply to you when you did the reaction video to 'FreenBeck Moments I Think About A Lot Part 2'. These are some of their live performances for promoting Gap The Series. Gap The Series Premier Event - Freen (Whisper) + Becky (คิดเหมือนกัน - Think/Feel the same) (I love Freen's performance of Whisper from this event. She sounded very good) Thought I'd throw this one in for some fun - Freen was seen dancing to Becky singing at Gap The Series Premier Event on the sidelines, something she's been recorded doing at other promotion events. Freen came on and sung Whisper first then Becky came on and sang Think/Feel the Same their songs from the show. These 3 live performances are very recent from Dec 2022: [Fancam KAZZ Event] Whisper OST (From Gap The Series) - Freen Sarocha [Fancam KAZZ Event] คิดเหมือนกัน Think/Feel the same(From Gap The Series) - Becky Armstrong [Fancam Kazz Event] Pink Theory OST (From Gap The Series) - Freen Sarocha + Becky Armstrong These are other recorded covers they have done together previously and some of the live performances of these songs: Recorded เอาปากกามาวง - Bell Warisara【Cover by FreenBecky】 กดติดตาม WhatChaRaWaLee【Cover by FreenBecky】 Live Performances: Freen Becky Cover Songs - Bell Warisara + WhatChaRaWaLee (LIVE FANCAM) FreenBecky Cover - At My Worst (LIVE FANCAM) If you're interested to check it out, this one is sung by P'Nam (who plays Jim) and the biggest FreenBecky shipper. [ Official Audio ] อย่าจบกันแบบนี้ Don't End It Like This - Nam Orntara Ost.ทฤษฎีสีชมพู GAP The series
I can't stop listening to this song myself. The acoustic version is also just chef's kiss, I'm hoping we get another MV or live performance for that one. Oh, the one in opening credit for GAP the series is not performed by FreenBeck, it's by PiXXie, I think--it's written on the ending credit. The songs are on Spotify, at least so far the first four songs, Freen's "Whisper", Becky's "Feeling The Same", Pinpin's "Because of You", and FreenBeck's "Love Theory". I personally am waiting for Freen's second song and Love Theory accoustic ver. on spotify. Tara is officially in the FreenBeck fanclub huh
They have 4 songs on Spotify for the ost atm, 1 sang by Becky, 1 by freen and then this song. Freen did another song in the show too but it’s not on Spotify yet. Most of the songs in the important moments on the show are sang by them tho
Your pausing is so cute! And they harmonize so well. The acoustic "bossa nova" version of this that just came out is amazing! Both of them are fantastic singers, but since you simp for Freen (I get you, girl), I believe you'll love her songs a whole lot 💖 One is Whisper, the other, I'm not sure of the name, is also beautiful and she says "I'm your boss" multiple times haha. It's what she sings on their lip balm kiss in episode 5, I believe. But I'm going by memory so don't quote me on that. Some of the songs, including Pink Theory, are already on Spotify. You can find all the released songs on Idol Factory's channel, though! I believe they will be 12 in total by the end of the series. Not just sang by Becky and Freen, though. Nam also sang a beautiful one that caused us a lot of heartbreak during episode 6 (and maybe 7).
My fav live performances from FreenBeck: Whisper by Freen | Think/Feel the Same by Becky Circle it Out/Give Me a Pen | Candy (cover) At My Worst (cover) note: all are fancams
OH MY GOODNESS YES YES YES!! I actually just saw this yesterday and I went crazy (THIS WAS TOO CUTE) I loved every part of this it is so wholesome and the song is such a bop! Dude at 2:08 I was actually not expecting this even in here they're super cute, at 3:31 WHY ARE THEY DOING THIS TO US- they are making us panic, at 3:53 dude same I was like umm what when I first saw that scene (I'm not ready for this heart break), at 4:18 the way that they are icing the cake together- I am dead, at 5:55 you're lucky that they didn't show the full scene (I've seen bits and pieces from videos of them and man IT'S SO CUTE), at 6:13 this is just too much for me to handle, at 6:30 THEY ARE KILLING US WITH THE CUTENESS, and at 6:57 SORRY I LIED THAT'S TOO MUCH SO CUTE!! I legit was just panicking the entire time- anyways I can't wait for more Content from you and I hope that you are doing well and staying safe and healthy Tara! P.S. If you ever need any good Videos I could totally help you out if you need it, also I actually thought that they were switching from Sam and Mon then to Freen and Becky so I thought that they were themselves in the pink outfits, etc. But I could be wrong- also I love how it was extremely Gay and then they're just like "Lets make it Gayer, put Rainbows everywhere!" I mean I'm not complaining! 😆
I’m really amazed that you were able to finish the whole mv, when I watched it I almost did not finish it. They’re too cute for my heart😂 I recommend you to watch becky’s cover, it’s on her youtube account you can just search “Rebecca Armstrong” she also said she’s planning on uploading covers again
Yes, There are 5 songs from the series in Spotify and Apple Music, I have them in a playlist. There is the main theme, other song that sing Becky alone, another that sing Freen alone, the romantic song called Because Of You by the man who sing it and the song that Mon sing to Sam in her birthday called Melted by the original singer.
They almost sang most of the ost of the series, you should listen to their individual songs like “whisper” by freen and the latest one, the bossa version of this song, such a great one❤️❤️
I really love your reactions. 😊 no need to apologize because we all did the same😂 The songs are on spotify. I am so happy to see other people obsessed with them❤ love them so much. They light my day😊😊😊
Hey Tara i really love your reaction and also if you want more spoilers of the series you can react on the trailers of the Gap there is so many kisses in there just sayin'
I used to think that only jenlisa would make me crazy, suddenly freenbeck came, they are just like jenlisa too, freen grew up in thailand then becky grew up in new zealand, lisa grew up in thailand jennie grew up in new zealand, im so obsessed with them and I love it 💗
Love your reaction as always, so far only 4 songs has been release in Spotify and Apple Music, you should be able to search "Gap The Series" and I think the OST will come up on the result. I am waiting for the other newly release one which is on Idol Factory channel to be release as well, especially the bossa nova rendition of "Theory of Pink" song, it was so beautifully made and the harmonization of Freen's and Becky's voice was good. Most of their OST from the series both of them are the one singing or the other one I think Nam (playing Jim in the series) was the one singing. Looking forward for more Freen and Becky content from you.
Becky is the one who has more experience about singing, since it is always her passion. She has her own youtube channel as well that she does cover, but she plans to release more. Freen wasn't feeling so confident about her singing skill before, but she improved a lot. You can check spotify on the GAP OST. My favorite song that they covered is this one: And you can try reacting to this set of Freenbeck moment too: Feel free to check it out :)
There is also a song called whisper by freen she did acatually sing inn a stage here in the link👉 It is the bgm song in first episode of gap series at the end of the episode.
YES their version is on spotify, also freen's song whisper and becky's song think alike you can find some of their live performances on this channel
Omg thank you for all these reactions!! I actually don't mind you pausing bc tbh I would too lmao. Also! the 'spoiler' scenes are included in the series' official trailer that came out a few months ago if you haven't already seen it!
All the scenes of the series that appear in the MV also appear in the official trailer or in the first eps haha so it's not "spoiler" haha you should react to more videos of them but from other accounts, they have many very funny and cute moments. Currently all the songs of the series are on spotify and the songs are all sung by Becky and Freen for now, except 2 that one is sung by Nam (Jim) and another Pinpin that I don't know who is honestly lol Can you react to their interviews in madan? They are very funny, you can also react to Sam & Mon's interview, it is funny because Freen must contain her laughter when playing Sam
I also love the acoustic version(the bathtub scene ep7) because there’s also parts where they sing individually
my favorite was when they were singing the acoustic version of the theme during the bathtub scene, that scene is so much cuter to me knowing it's their voices singing in the background.
Yeah. The bossa version.
Me too.
Tara I love your reactions. Thank you for spoiling us with a lot of GAP/Freenbecky content ❤️
They sang most of the OST's for the series, the one with a cute guitar loop and tune was Becky's solo, English title translation is The Same Page/Feel The Same, the one wherein they shared a kiss on Khun Sam's birthday is Freen's solo, English title is Order from the Heart, she also has another ballad solo entitled Whisper, and recently released was the bossa nova version of this song, I hope you get to listen to all of those because I've been addicted to the OST's of this series.
It's Mon and Sam in the video, but their cutesy behaviour is completely Freen and Becky. Look at these girls giving us cavities 😂
Yes I need to get doctor’s appointment to check for diabetes as well 😂
You are so strong for getting through the entire video 😩
The video is CUTE AF
The struggle was real. 😭
@@taradactylreacts i feel you haha
I love your reactions please react to more FreenBecky moments
a match made in MUSICAL HEAVEN! I know Becky has been singing for quite a while and has a beautiful voice; Freen is insecure about her singing but also has an amazing, and unique voice (and Becky is always very encouraging - cuteee). Nam also sings wonderfully - and here I am like, are all these women multi-talented? My goodness! Seriously, you need to listen to all the songs! You'll fall even more in love! Plus, the songs are released to say something about how the character is feeling at that moment, so the lyrics are always really meaningful and significant to the episode, like a window to their soul! They also are posted right after the episode is.
Обожаю ваши реакции, будем ждать субботы) и вашей реакции на freenbecky моменты🧸🦋
In that video they sing live and the lyrics of the song are beautiful, you have to see it, it's called AT MY WORST, it's so worth it, I promise!!!!. Hi from México ❤️
At My Worst is my fav too, here is the link for Tara
They’re so cute but you’re cute too 🫶🏼💗 (don’t mind me, your reactions make me happy)
Your reaction is so amazing and cutest ..I Can't handle ...thanks alot dear
I love 💕 ur reactions 😍
Yes you can download them on Spotify.
It's their Version.
We need part 3 of freenBecky moments
I feel you! my hands kept moving just like yours. FB are too cute. Cant help but keeping pausing because we cant handle their cuteness😳
Wow Nice Reaction Thank you
And So Share This .
So Sweet and Cute Freen and Becky .
Awww cutest!!! I likee swwweett freenbecky 😍❤️
Whisper-Freen, my fav song for sleep😴🤍
Both of them so cute and full of love.
Thank you for all your reactions videos you do! You really are one of the best reactions channels out here, especially for the Gap series 🥰 I can't wait to see what's next for you!
And our girls really are cute, aren't they? This video was just pure sweetness and serotonin! ❤
The full trailer of Gaptheseries is intense that you wont be able to breath🤣
I really love your reaction 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
I was not expecting u to react to this but wen I saw it I was literally like "wow"
First off Tara, I love the energy and excitement that comes across in your videos!! Thank you for making the time to share your reactions.
Some of the songs are now on Spotify I just checked and found them. Search for "Freen Sarocha" and "Becky Rebecca" and you'll find some of the songs. I edited my original answer coz Becky said early last month they were only available on UA-cam but she couldn't confirm they were available elsewhere online except to say a compilation of all the songs for Gap The Series cld be released at a later date and might be available on other platforms besides UA-cam.
Freen actually sang more songs for the show then Becky. Besides the 2 versions of Pink Theory they sung together, this one you just reacted to and the newly release acoustic bossa version from last Saturday's episode:
[ Official Audio ] ทฤษฎีรักนี้สีชมพู Pink Theory (Bossa Ver.) - FreenBecky Ost.ทฤษฎีสีชมพู GAP The series
Freen's other 2 songs for the show (below). Whisper was released first much earlier on and Orders from the Heart (I used Google translate to translate the name from Thai) was released I believe during episode 5. Freen was asked about it in a recent interview where they talked about the new song. Until she started singing the songs that I've shared here, she had never sang/performed as a singer before. She was asked about this in the same interview where she answered questions about the 2nd song she sung, Orders from the Heart. She talked about how she was very nervous to sing for Gap The Series and had to take a lot of direction from the music producers in the studio because she was inexperienced as a singer.
[ Official Audio ] Whisper - Freen Sarocha Ost.ทฤษฎีสีชมพู GAP The series
[ Official Audio ] คำสั่งจากหัวใจ Orders from the Heart - Freen Sarocha Ost.ทฤษฎีสีชมพู GAP The series
This is Becky's song for the show:
[ Official Audio ] คิดเหมือนกัน Think-Feel The Same - Becky Rebecca Ost.ทฤษฎีสีชมพู GAP The series
Idol Factory has a full playlist on their UA-cam channel of all the songs released for the show and they add every new song that comes out into that list -
So I put this list in a reply to you when you did the reaction video to 'FreenBeck Moments I Think About A Lot Part 2'. These are some of their live performances for promoting Gap The Series.
Gap The Series Premier Event - Freen (Whisper) + Becky (คิดเหมือนกัน - Think/Feel the same)
(I love Freen's performance of Whisper from this event. She sounded very good)
Thought I'd throw this one in for some fun -
Freen was seen dancing to Becky singing at Gap The Series Premier Event on the sidelines, something she's been recorded doing at other promotion events. Freen came on and sung Whisper first then Becky came on and sang Think/Feel the Same their songs from the show.
These 3 live performances are very recent from Dec 2022:
[Fancam KAZZ Event] Whisper OST (From Gap The Series) - Freen Sarocha
[Fancam KAZZ Event] คิดเหมือนกัน Think/Feel the same(From Gap The Series) - Becky Armstrong
[Fancam Kazz Event] Pink Theory OST (From Gap The Series) - Freen Sarocha + Becky Armstrong
These are other recorded covers they have done together previously and some of the live performances of these songs:
เอาปากกามาวง - Bell Warisara【Cover by FreenBecky】
กดติดตาม WhatChaRaWaLee【Cover by FreenBecky】
Live Performances:
Freen Becky Cover Songs - Bell Warisara + WhatChaRaWaLee (LIVE FANCAM)
FreenBecky Cover - At My Worst (LIVE FANCAM)
If you're interested to check it out, this one is sung by P'Nam (who plays Jim) and the biggest FreenBecky shipper.
[ Official Audio ] อย่าจบกันแบบนี้ Don't End It Like This - Nam Orntara Ost.ทฤษฎีสีชมพู GAP The series
🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 all the best hits
@@steviekixxyou Yes they are all great songs. Freen and Becky sounded really good.
Have you watched the series official trailer? Lots of spoilers there too.
And a Freenbecky live performance that I love is them singing At My Worst.
this is my favorite too, i love that song.
É tão fácil ficar obcecado por elas 🥰
felt so identified with you when I saw the video for the first time... it's literally a pink World
Aww thank you...🥰 actually did the video ... thank you so much for accepting my request. I am glad🤩
Haven't you watched the whole trailer, all of this scenes are there in it & some more too😍😍😍
Hahaha Tara enjoying the rabbit hole FreenBeck ? 🤭🤣 i enjoyed your reaction..
I can't stop listening to this song myself. The acoustic version is also just chef's kiss, I'm hoping we get another MV or live performance for that one.
Oh, the one in opening credit for GAP the series is not performed by FreenBeck, it's by PiXXie, I think--it's written on the ending credit. The songs are on Spotify, at least so far the first four songs, Freen's "Whisper", Becky's "Feeling The Same", Pinpin's "Because of You", and FreenBeck's "Love Theory". I personally am waiting for Freen's second song and Love Theory accoustic ver. on spotify.
Tara is officially in the FreenBeck fanclub huh
They have 4 songs on Spotify for the ost atm, 1 sang by Becky, 1 by freen and then this song. Freen did another song in the show too but it’s not on Spotify yet. Most of the songs in the important moments on the show are sang by them tho
The final song of episode seven episode, is this song but in acoustic, and is the cutest thing ever. I love it
Your pausing is so cute! And they harmonize so well. The acoustic "bossa nova" version of this that just came out is amazing! Both of them are fantastic singers, but since you simp for Freen (I get you, girl), I believe you'll love her songs a whole lot 💖 One is Whisper, the other, I'm not sure of the name, is also beautiful and she says "I'm your boss" multiple times haha. It's what she sings on their lip balm kiss in episode 5, I believe. But I'm going by memory so don't quote me on that. Some of the songs, including Pink Theory, are already on Spotify. You can find all the released songs on Idol Factory's channel, though! I believe they will be 12 in total by the end of the series. Not just sang by Becky and Freen, though. Nam also sang a beautiful one that caused us a lot of heartbreak during episode 6 (and maybe 7).
“I’m your boss”->Order from the heart
I love this song~
Freen so cute~~~🥰
@@小跟班-g5u that’s it!!! Order from the 💕 thank you!!!
@@AnaFox You're welcome~😊
Yes true.. Its song realese Spotify 😊😊
Some scenes are still to be shown.
It's on spotify!!!! As well as their own SOLO SONGS for GAP The Series. Freen's solo is THE WHISPER
Yeeeees, most of the ost are sang by them. You can see it in the official UA-cam of idol factory.
The only reaction channel i watch from GAP The series. Is the best.
Thank you so much for all the reactions🫠🥰
thank youu Tara for the reaction! keep doing reaction to FreenBecky ok!!
My fav live performances from FreenBeck:
Whisper by Freen | Think/Feel the Same by Becky
Circle it Out/Give Me a Pen | Candy (cover)
At My Worst (cover)
note: all are fancams
OH MY GOODNESS YES YES YES!! I actually just saw this yesterday and I went crazy (THIS WAS TOO CUTE) I loved every part of this it is so wholesome and the song is such a bop! Dude at 2:08 I was actually not expecting this even in here they're super cute, at 3:31 WHY ARE THEY DOING THIS TO US- they are making us panic, at 3:53 dude same I was like umm what when I first saw that scene (I'm not ready for this heart break), at 4:18 the way that they are icing the cake together- I am dead, at 5:55 you're lucky that they didn't show the full scene (I've seen bits and pieces from videos of them and man IT'S SO CUTE), at 6:13 this is just too much for me to handle, at 6:30 THEY ARE KILLING US WITH THE CUTENESS, and at 6:57 SORRY I LIED THAT'S TOO MUCH SO CUTE!! I legit was just panicking the entire time- anyways I can't wait for more Content from you and I hope that you are doing well and staying safe and healthy Tara!
P.S. If you ever need any good Videos I could totally help you out if you need it, also I actually thought that they were switching from Sam and Mon then to Freen and Becky so I thought that they were themselves in the pink outfits, etc. But I could be wrong- also I love how it was extremely Gay and then they're just like "Lets make it Gayer, put Rainbows everywhere!" I mean I'm not complaining! 😆
always love your react vids tara!
I’m really amazed that you were able to finish the whole mv, when I watched it I almost did not finish it. They’re too cute for my heart😂
I recommend you to watch becky’s cover, it’s on her youtube account you can just search “Rebecca Armstrong” she also said she’s planning on uploading covers again
Not me wishing for Saturday everyday
Loving the reactions lately keep it up❤❤
👍i like your reaction🤗🤗🤗💓💓💓
Try to find ‘At my worst’ Freenbecky version, I think you will like it.
Yes, There are 5 songs from the series in Spotify and Apple Music, I have them in a playlist. There is the main theme, other song that sing Becky alone, another that sing Freen alone, the romantic song called Because Of You by the man who sing it and the song that Mon sing to Sam in her birthday called Melted by the original singer.
They almost sang most of the ost of the series, you should listen to their individual songs like “whisper” by freen and the latest one, the bossa version of this song, such a great one❤️❤️
I really love your reactions. 😊 no need to apologize because we all did the same😂
The songs are on spotify. I am so happy to see other people obsessed with them❤ love them so much. They light my day😊😊😊
Hey Tara i really love your reaction and also if you want more spoilers of the series you can react on the trailers of the Gap there is so many kisses in there just sayin'
I used to think that only jenlisa would make me crazy, suddenly freenbeck came, they are just like jenlisa too, freen grew up in thailand then becky grew up in new zealand, lisa grew up in thailand jennie grew up in new zealand, im so obsessed with them and I love it 💗
They sing a lot of solos sound tracka in the show, they're all in IDOL FACTORY UA-cam channel. They are not on Spotify, unfortunately.
Amazing 😂😂😂 No one in my family understands my level of death while watching this show. Your reactions give me life 💀🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Your reactions are so cuuuuute! 💗 Some of their OSTs are available on Spotify already. 🤗
Tara watch their reaction video per episode, it's available on idol factory yt channel and also their IG live video they're soo cute 😍
Love your reaction as always, so far only 4 songs has been release in Spotify and Apple Music, you should be able to search "Gap The Series" and I think the OST will come up on the result. I am waiting for the other newly release one which is on Idol Factory channel to be release as well, especially the bossa nova rendition of "Theory of Pink" song, it was so beautifully made and the harmonization of Freen's and Becky's voice was good. Most of their OST from the series both of them are the one singing or the other one I think Nam (playing Jim in the series) was the one singing. Looking forward for more Freen and Becky content from you.
This song is in Spotify
ep8 pls!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can you react them singing? They have so many songs and cover songs performances,I hope you could do it,I love your reactions 💖
I kinda hope you'll react to the official trailer of Gap. Idk if you're interested since we are in ep. 7 already. Just maybe
Becky is the one who has more experience about singing, since it is always her passion. She has her own youtube channel as well that she does cover, but she plans to release more. Freen wasn't feeling so confident about her singing skill before, but she improved a lot.
You can check spotify on the GAP OST.
My favorite song that they covered is this one:
And you can try reacting to this set of Freenbeck moment too:
Feel free to check it out :)
Bossa version is my fav but I can’t listen to it in my country 😢
oh im pretty sure you haven't watched the official trailer yet? the spoiler that you've seen here is there, there's a lot more scenes
Freen also performed her OST Whisper live on Tpop stage.
Becky also has a solo and Freen has two solo songs for the OST. The lyric videos are all on idolfactory official UA-cam channel
There is also a song called whisper by freen she did acatually sing inn a stage here in the link👉 It is the bgm song in first episode of gap series at the end of the episode.
Thank you for reacting. I loved it as always.
Great, hope can have more reaction to their live performance
YES their version is on spotify, also freen's song whisper and becky's song think alike
you can find some of their live performances on this channel
Subtitle Indonesia please,,cause i like your Chanel,😁,,
Omg thank you for all these reactions!! I actually don't mind you pausing bc tbh I would too lmao. Also! the 'spoiler' scenes are included in the series' official trailer that came out a few months ago if you haven't already seen it!
All the scenes of the series that appear in the MV also appear in the official trailer or in the first eps haha so it's not "spoiler" haha you should react to more videos of them but from other accounts, they have many very funny and cute moments.
Currently all the songs of the series are on spotify and the songs are all sung by Becky and Freen for now, except 2 that one is sung by Nam (Jim) and another Pinpin that I don't know who is honestly lol
Can you react to their interviews in madan? They are very funny, you can also react to Sam & Mon's interview, it is funny because Freen must contain her laughter when playing Sam
I also love the acoustic version(the bathtub scene ep7) because there’s also parts where they sing individually
Why not react to the trailer? 🤭 The recent one pls bc they changed a lot from the previous one. this tara. It's there reaction video of ep. 5. There reaction is kinda awkward 😂
I like how to gradually will all are more into this song ououou~. I also recommend u to see the "madan interviews/live"