World of Warships - Showoff!

  • Опубліковано 28 гру 2024


  • @mattevans4377
    @mattevans4377 4 роки тому +816

    Did anyone notice the friendly carrier at the end dropped torps in a crossfire manner, so even if the enemy carrier had avoided the Harazake's torps, they would have been hit by the carrier torps. Of course, the guns got their first, but that friendly carrier showed that they did in fact have a brain.

    • @Maddog3060
      @Maddog3060 4 роки тому +88

      Careful there, that's heresy; don't you know carrier drivers are only to be hated irrationally and never be given a good word?

    • @mjxw
      @mjxw 4 роки тому +45

      His Weser played really well. You could see at the end too he was actively closing the distance so that even if Aetem died, the CV would have won the match either with planes or secondaries.

    • @kysz1
      @kysz1 4 роки тому +9

      Or it may be simply becaus Harekaze was torping from the front of enemy carrier. Friendly CV did not necessarily go for intentinal crossdrop - he simply approached enemy CV from broadside, as you usually do

    • @fierykilljoy5921
      @fierykilljoy5921 4 роки тому +5

      @@Maddog3060 your thinking of artillery drivers in world of tanks unlike arties it takes real skill to run a carrier.

    • @lordderpington8021
      @lordderpington8021 4 роки тому +8

      @@fierykilljoy5921 Carriers are more like playing chess. It is boring as sin and you can ruin some people's games outright. But there is a level of skill involved. Less martial more intellectual. Unlike arta

  • @maxkennedy8075
    @maxkennedy8075 4 роки тому +490

    I’m imagining Yamamoto Commanding a ship crewed entirely by anime schoolgirls
    And absolutely kicking ass in it

    • @1mol831
      @1mol831 4 роки тому +13

      And having his time with the schoolgirls

    • @1mol831
      @1mol831 4 роки тому +5

      I usually look for ways to kill Japanese DD as I think they are OP in my opinion. So far I found my midway and shockaKu doing well against them

    • @TheGeoCheese
      @TheGeoCheese 4 роки тому +9

      1 Mol they’re not op almost everyone wants the Japanese DDs buffed in some way or another.

    • @clefsan
      @clefsan 4 роки тому +26

      and the funny thing is, the HSF Harekaze has a mascot cat on board which is named Isoroku :D

    • @ScottKenny1978
      @ScottKenny1978 4 роки тому +28

      Anime schoolgirls are the most elite crew possible.

  • @kurumi394
    @kurumi394 4 роки тому +448

    This is a very good performance for like half a dozen high schoolers reloading the guns and torpedoes, maintaining the boilers, and driving the ship I must say

  • @jl2225
    @jl2225 4 роки тому +432

    Jingles NOT calling someone Dave? My goodness the world is ending...

    • @ainsleyhariott4353
      @ainsleyhariott4353 4 роки тому +11

      2020 just can't get worse

    • @hubristicmystic
      @hubristicmystic 4 роки тому +4

      @ainsley hariott Careful what you say ..... TRUMP 2020!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

    • @Prestiged_peck
      @Prestiged_peck 4 роки тому +2

      @@hubristicmystic if you're not from america you have no right to our opinion on our politics. If you're from the u.s. you should probably be in bed unless you work at 6 on the east coast or you're working a night shift. And honestly do you really think 4 more years of trump would be worse than 4 more years of biden? If you go by the democratic point of view he hasn't done anything at all worth noting, and if you go by the Republican point of view he's doing a damn good job. (But seriously he's getting shit about not having shut the nation down earlier from the same people who told him he shouldn't shut it down at all back in February and march. He's got a plan put down to fix the immigration system that he's been quietly implementing in the background. Yes there's stupid shit going on at the southern border, but he's trying to stop it and fix the issues. If he gets re-elected he's gonna fix the healthcare system what little more it needs fixing (basically forcing the insurance companies to drop their rates.

    • @GhostsOfSparta
      @GhostsOfSparta 4 роки тому

      Could've called him Atom... j 😁

    • @SmokeJam
      @SmokeJam 4 роки тому +2

      @@Prestiged_peck Well as you Americans always think of yourself being the entire relevant world, we Europeans are allowed to have an opinion on your politics. The real question is, do our opinions matter :D And that we can answer with a healthy "Nope"^^ I just sit here reading/watching the shitshow american medias are creating since the joke of a debate and eating my popcorn. It is amusing to say the least. Well I hope the moderator get's fired though and is not hosting the next debate as he is clearly democratic and not neutral as he should be. You can see that in the interview he did after some campaign evening in god knows where, I forgot. Was just funny how he was literally fuming and the interviewer just gave him all the shits about how bad he did his job at the debate :D

  • @Aetam
    @Aetam 4 роки тому +281

    Thanks for featuring my replay!
    The smoke at 8:55 was meant to be between the cleveland and the enemy. So not necessarily for him to be in it just behind it. Of course that only works till the carrier shows up.

    • @zorion4076
      @zorion4076 4 роки тому +26

      Thanks for submitting this epic game! Sounds like Jingles thoroughly enjoyed it, too lol

    • @andygray9285
      @andygray9285 4 роки тому +8

      Good game well done.

    • @dariograbar4965
      @dariograbar4965 4 роки тому +1

      is it Mate or Matea

    • @aden1466
      @aden1466 4 роки тому +4

      Aetam like your channel as well, good job mate!

    • @Vimeous
      @Vimeous 4 роки тому +3

      Nicely done @Aetam

  • @michaelasbury7121
    @michaelasbury7121 4 роки тому +43

    "NINE KILLS!? NI-"
    "Well, that's just vulgar!"

  • @juncheok8579
    @juncheok8579 4 роки тому +140

    Starting at ~4:30 jingles begins to sound like a sports caster

    • @siliquaesid703
      @siliquaesid703 4 роки тому

      Murray Walker 🤪🤪

    • @Industrialitis
      @Industrialitis 4 роки тому

      He has done some esports casting with Quickybaby in the past and you could definitely hear a change in his style ever since.

  • @JessWLStuart
    @JessWLStuart 4 роки тому +44

    Me as old man talking to kids - "I was there, when Jingles didn't call someone Dave!" Awestruck kids - "Ooh!"

  • @L963-h9r
    @L963-h9r 4 роки тому +99

    the Harakaze fighting against Graf Spee, I'm sure I saw that somewhere before

    • @miguicabalquinto1236
      @miguicabalquinto1236 4 роки тому +3

      me too, i forgot where

    • @lanchester101
      @lanchester101 4 роки тому +3

      Make that 3 of us

    • @Tushie_2112
      @Tushie_2112 4 роки тому +3

      Make that 4 of us😂

    • @ibnu9969
      @ibnu9969 4 роки тому

      how can I obtain a harekaze?

    • @yuudachichan4674
      @yuudachichan4674 4 роки тому +7

      @@ibnu9969 you could buy it during the high school fleet collab. IMO it is just slightly overpowered as it’s essentially 3/4 of an Akizuki but it’s the stealthiest high tier ship in the game

  • @Forestmarko
    @Forestmarko 4 роки тому +73

    Blue Mermaids approve of this gameplay !

    • @glenmcgillivray4707
      @glenmcgillivray4707 4 роки тому

      Why did I misread that as Blue Barmaids initially?
      Now I have visions of Loroi in barmaid aprons.

    • @Forestmarko
      @Forestmarko 4 роки тому +2

      @@glenmcgillivray4707 waifu Barmaids on the ship ?
      this has to happen ! :D

    • @glenmcgillivray4707
      @glenmcgillivray4707 4 роки тому

      @@Forestmarko Loroi. Alien blue space elves. See The Outsider

  • @276tank
    @276tank 4 роки тому +26

    Aetam has one of the most chilled out twitch channel for ships.

  • @gonotgone1
    @gonotgone1 4 роки тому +100

    I love how you keep getting muddled between Devonshire and Dorsetshire, you only live next door in Hampshire for goodness sake, still easily done when excited and you get to teach our American cousins how to pronounce the Shires correctly

    • @SaltyFrenchFries
      @SaltyFrenchFries 4 роки тому +3

      Hah yeah ,we all love jingles for his crapness

    • @words5numbers908
      @words5numbers908 4 роки тому +2

      Roanoke. Also as an American I can’t pronounce most English names so Jingles has helped a fair bit.

    • @jonathanlibby2671
      @jonathanlibby2671 4 роки тому +3

      The colonies appreciates this service lol

    • @thisisabsolutelystup
      @thisisabsolutelystup 4 роки тому +1

      Hampshire is only next to Dorset(shire) 🙃

    • @gonotgone1
      @gonotgone1 4 роки тому

      Yeh true only Dorset is next door, at least he didn't call it the Wiltshire.

  • @hanab3941
    @hanab3941 4 роки тому +14

    I just want to say Jingles, I appreciate the effort you put into the voice lines for your captain in World of Warships.
    Unlike some of the other event captains, the voice lines have good variety, are well enunciated and actually fit the tone of the battles.
    As a bonus, some of them are hilarious. "There's a slim chance we might actually win this". Genius.
    Thanks for all that you do, I'll enjoy having you along as I grind out the RN cruiser line.
    Once you have 19 points i'm sticking you right back on HMS Warspite.

  • @TheCow2face
    @TheCow2face 4 роки тому +40

    I like how we can hear Rita in the background :D

    • @wubuck79
      @wubuck79 4 роки тому +4

      I thought I heard her the other day in the background, too. Glad to know I wasn’t imagining things.

    • @SmokeJam
      @SmokeJam 4 роки тому +3

      Yup I was happy too, just missing Akizukis comments on the show but welp I guess it was too straight forward and Jingles didn't really mess up this time

    • @michaelthompson8504
      @michaelthompson8504 4 роки тому +2

      At this point I think he fails the edits on purpose

  • @EnDSchultz1
    @EnDSchultz1 4 роки тому +23

    Every time I see a new Jingles video, I can't help but wonder if I'm finally going to be featured... as some loser on the enemy team getting mocked for eating a face full of torps.

  • @KossuVissy69
    @KossuVissy69 4 роки тому +34

    4:17 This is the domination... looks to me like standard battle but hey who's counting

    • @NotAJollyPotato
      @NotAJollyPotato 4 роки тому +13

      I thought he said This 'Isnt domination'

    • @KossuVissy69
      @KossuVissy69 4 роки тому +31

      @@NotAJollyPotato Oops... did I just Jingle ;)

  • @pokesmotdnots8614
    @pokesmotdnots8614 4 роки тому +1

    Dam I have been watching for around 8 years of jingles and have to say one of the best I have seen

  • @mastex5575
    @mastex5575 4 роки тому +54

    Jingles: bloody austrians taking our kills... Me as a german thinking: that can be viewed very poorly... but anyway it's jingles we're talking about so what did i expect...

    • @pauldrive7243
      @pauldrive7243 4 роки тому +1

      Dont mention it I think Jingles got away with it! But just Dont Mention the.....

    • @burnstick1380
      @burnstick1380 4 роки тому +3

      well where are just gonna blame germany, i mean it worked so far

  • @DJAvren
    @DJAvren 4 роки тому +52

    I can call Yamamoto what I like? Since it's High School Fleet, it's gonna be Yamamoto Senpai!!!!

    • @fuynnywhaka101
      @fuynnywhaka101 4 роки тому +4

      isnt he also the ships cat in the Show?

    • @snowykaze
      @snowykaze 4 роки тому +1

      Francis Lavelle yes lol

    • @FolgoreCZ
      @FolgoreCZ 4 роки тому +7

      Interesting fact, his birth name was actually Isoroku Takano. He was later adopted by Yamamoto family based on an old tradition, because the Yamamoto family lacked an heir.

  • @tombernecky4946
    @tombernecky4946 4 роки тому +2

    Well played, Aetam. Thanks Jingles, my two favorite CCs in one video.

  • @davidford85
    @davidford85 4 роки тому +3

    16:39 Dorsetshire? Thought I had misheard for a moment then 😂.
    Interestingly there was actually a HMS Dorsetshire and she was a sister ship to the Devonshire, though technically the Dorsetshire is a Norfolk sub-class of the County Class, whereas the Devonshire is a London sub-class.
    I wasn't even aware that Dorset used to be Dorsetshire..... 😂

  • @fipsvonfipsenstein6704
    @fipsvonfipsenstein6704 4 роки тому +4

    First time, I actually can hear Rita in the background. I'm glad you mentioned that last week.

  • @benstricker8555
    @benstricker8555 4 роки тому +4

    Dont apologize for getting caught up in the moment! I love every facet of your commentary

  • @tombernecky4946
    @tombernecky4946 3 роки тому

    With my monitor not working I happily get to like this again by phone, and Aetam certainly deserved this one. That carrier helped a great deal too. And Jingles cracked me up even more than usual. Many thanks to both of you.

  • @theamazinggoldfish8713
    @theamazinggoldfish8713 4 роки тому +1

    Wow 😳 !!! What a great match and expertly played destroyer....WOW...🏹🤠👍💘

  • @SmokeJam
    @SmokeJam 4 роки тому +3

    19:20 9 kills, that is just "Wolgar"! I did know that in former times there were men towing ships up the Wolga, but I didn't know it takes 9 kills to become the river... *badum tss* Yes yes, sorry, I'm working an extra shift in the saltmines.

  • @Dr-InkBlot
    @Dr-InkBlot 4 роки тому

    Love your WoW videos, especially love the Mighty Jingles Captain and all the randomly amusing voice lines

  • @DarthPeachy
    @DarthPeachy 4 роки тому

    Aetam is a great guy good player and very entertaining. I came to warships for Jingles i stay for Aetam so this video was a natural communion of the two for me 😁

  • @never9rown
    @never9rown 4 роки тому +2

    I know it's quite some time already, but i must tell you, that new intro is awesome, 100 times better then previous :)

  • @matthewbartley2746
    @matthewbartley2746 4 роки тому

    Jingles, your content has become my regular viewing on UA-cam. It even got me to play Warships. I'm a dirty Console Player so I'm stuck with World of Warships Legends but. I always enjoy the stuff you put out.

  • @thomasbernecky2078
    @thomasbernecky2078 4 роки тому +1

    C'mon you Beauty! Ahem. LOL. Excellent game Aetam, see you on stream. This is still one my favorite (sorry, favourite) videos, so again, thanks, Jingles and very well played Aetam.

  • @AsifLiaquat
    @AsifLiaquat 4 роки тому

    Such a beautiful match. I was grinning ear to ear & started clapping when the match ended.

  • @TheBiggerrich
    @TheBiggerrich 4 роки тому +1

    Never change Jingles 🤣

  • @Gailim
    @Gailim 4 роки тому

    ACTUALLY JINGLES, the 5 inch american guns on the Harekaze can also be found on the Montana, as they were originally designed to serve as secondaries for that class. when the Montanas were cancelled they repurposed them for the midways.
    later in the 50's several classes of postwar japanese destroyers used them as their primary armament

  • @jarlstervik2924
    @jarlstervik2924 4 роки тому +1

    An absolutely amazing effort by an amazingly good player.

  • @TheRCScotsman
    @TheRCScotsman 4 роки тому +1

    "Here's a Dorsetshire, which is a Devonshire, as well as a Dorsetshire, but actually a Devonshire."
    -Sort of Jingles, 2020.

  • @Tclans
    @Tclans 4 роки тому

    Very enjoyable and quite spectacular match to watch 👍

  • @The-Dom
    @The-Dom 4 роки тому +1

    The Talin's radar is so short (15s) that by the time the cleveland would be spotted in smoke and guns turned towards him the radar would be down.

  • @mrjockt
    @mrjockt 4 роки тому +1

    Actually Jingles (posh, or is that condescending, voice mode activated) the 5” guns fitted to Japanese destroyers after W.W.II were the SAME guns originally fitted to the Midway class carriers, when the Midways were modernised the 5” guns were removed and given to Japan to equip their destroyers.

  • @scubasteve2169
    @scubasteve2169 3 роки тому

    Jingles...I love how you always act as if you've never seen these replays before and comment as we watch. I'm a US sub sailor and love these replays, I can't play due to budgetary issues...well..that and it's a little difficult to download on my IBToo-broke-to-own-a-computer desktop. Low memory I guess. 🤣🤣 can't wait for subs to make an apperance!! Hoping they figure out a way to add 688's. Love your channel jingles!!

  • @thepavl
    @thepavl 4 роки тому

    Jingles jinxed every torp salvo with his "They are looking good!" attitude

  • @yuripetersen2821
    @yuripetersen2821 3 роки тому

    I'm about to get a dog and currently looking to to avoid over thinking the processes. and jingles you are one to help! i don't mean this in a negative light but I enjoy you destressing voice and enjoyable content.

  • @mnamnam6061
    @mnamnam6061 4 роки тому

    Wow, worth watching. Thx for this replay, I did enjoy it :)

  • @zfilez
    @zfilez 4 роки тому +5

    What A Salty Div Mate Aetam had..... xD

    • @Vimeous
      @Vimeous 4 роки тому

      Scoundrel he is

    • @zfilez
      @zfilez 4 роки тому +1

      @@Vimeous im always salty but we realy had some bad luck with teammates but i always trust my Clanmates to live up the expectations!

  • @RedXlV
    @RedXlV 4 роки тому +5

    10:55 Cleveland has 127mm belt armor, actually.

    • @hubristicmystic
      @hubristicmystic 4 роки тому +3

      actually, JINGLES

    • @Hevlikn
      @Hevlikn 4 роки тому +2

      The Cleveland has ARMOUR?

    • @chaosengine4597
      @chaosengine4597 4 роки тому

      fake news

    • @satannstuff
      @satannstuff 4 роки тому +1

      Stay angled in a Cleveland to use the belt armor >>> shots fall straight through the deck and you eat citadels anyway.

    • @owlsayssouth
      @owlsayssouth 4 роки тому

      Cleveland just has to wiggle those hips to throw off the enemy cruise missiles target locks.

  • @YoMamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    @YoMamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 4 роки тому +29

    aaayyeee saw this just released

  • @deadjester
    @deadjester 3 роки тому

    came back to watch that again. Fun game to watch.

  • @ComradeBread
    @ComradeBread 4 роки тому +1

    Played so well that 9 kills looked effortless

  • @XLHeavyD999
    @XLHeavyD999 4 роки тому +1

    Aetem always have great video's, love his channel.

  • @Kompoism
    @Kompoism 4 роки тому

    What a game! Well played Aetam!

  • @theknightofdoom260
    @theknightofdoom260 4 роки тому +1

    Cheets for these jingles. Im livibg in s hammock at the back of a care home to keep all safe so i can't play. 2nd best thing is watching your videos in a hammock raining.... Blooming covid :(.

  • @gustavobuenovittorino474
    @gustavobuenovittorino474 4 роки тому

    A nasty display of power and skill by Dave.

  • @Paveway-chan
    @Paveway-chan 4 роки тому +9

    Hi, Jingles! How was that French sandwich you were gonna make yesterday after Mingles with Jingles?

  • @nicazer
    @nicazer 4 роки тому

    i love my yugumo. It's truly an awesome torp boat with the 5.4 detection. I wish I had this...

  • @Guinness65ify
    @Guinness65ify 2 роки тому

    Hilarious. Your commentary was brilliant.

  • @hurricanehubbs9459
    @hurricanehubbs9459 4 роки тому

    What Jingles didn't mention is that the second wind skill also gives a 50% increase to rate of fire, which can be seen once the kraken was obtained and made a MAJOR difference in how aggressively he was able to play, an amazingly powerful perk

  • @nosoundstocks3540
    @nosoundstocks3540 4 роки тому +2

    Fantastic match!
    Unrelated: I've started reading Neptune's Inferno. Fantastic read so far. I'd been familiar with the Battle of Savo Island, but to get more first hand accounting, was humbling.
    Have you read The Admirals: Nimitz, Halsey, Leahy, and King-- by Walter Borneman??

    • @nobodysman143
      @nobodysman143 4 роки тому +1

      I actually have a hardback copy of that book, and its quite interesting. A recommended read from me is 'The Splendid and the Vile' by Erik Larson on Winston Churchill during WWII.

    • @Fitzwalrus06
      @Fitzwalrus06 4 роки тому +1

      Halsey's memoirs, "Admiral Halsey's Story", is also a great fun read. 👍

  • @mikeharner3977
    @mikeharner3977 4 роки тому

    Jingles: Tirpitz is within 2 kilometers, so he can't fire his guns anymore.
    Tirpitz: 2.2km away

  • @B1GCORE
    @B1GCORE 4 роки тому +3

    I see Haifuri in the thumbnail

  • @Scubasteveguy
    @Scubasteveguy 4 роки тому

    What a battle, really enjoyed that one

  • @Restilia_ch
    @Restilia_ch 4 роки тому

    Proud owner of a Harekaze, it's amusing how often people forget that, yes it's Japanese and has the torps to prove it, it can also maul your face off with those 100mm guns. Really the only downside to it is the low health compared to other T8 gunboat DDs.

  • @adamchapman7097
    @adamchapman7097 4 роки тому +1

    Getting a few funny looks from my classmates who’re wondering...
    “Why’s thing bloke pumping his fist for a little boat?”

  • @57thorns
    @57thorns 4 роки тому

    15:21 A fast moving ship is not that much harder to hit than a slow moving ship if is moves in a straight line at constant speed.

  • @siliquaesid703
    @siliquaesid703 4 роки тому

    I have played with this guy and he's bloody good!

  • @Scarheart76
    @Scarheart76 4 роки тому

    Good match. Very well played!

  • @Zorglub1966
    @Zorglub1966 4 роки тому +2

    The béchamel sauce is not mandatory with croque-monsieur, add more cheese! EDIT : if you can afford it, choose Appenzeller or Beaufort, but i'm sure old cheddar could do the trick

  • @Slaktrax
    @Slaktrax 4 роки тому

    Nice video, keep them coming Jingles. :)

  • @nekomakhea9440
    @nekomakhea9440 4 роки тому

    That's some Battle Of Samar level destroyer action

  • @abercrombieblovs2042
    @abercrombieblovs2042 4 роки тому +1

    'Damn Austrians'...
    Oh, Jingles.

  • @VaticDart
    @VaticDart 4 роки тому

    Appreciate the help with reinforcing the continued underestimation of my Ashitaka. ;)
    (Pssst, you don’t play it like a BB...)

  • @joypops1
    @joypops1 4 роки тому

    I enjoyed this way too much.

  • @westonscheer1532
    @westonscheer1532 4 роки тому +1

    I still haven’t figured out how to play as the red team.

  • @EmptyLunchBox818
    @EmptyLunchBox818 4 роки тому

    That one came down to the fuckin wire. I was sitting on the edge of my seat for the last few minutes lol.

  • @Demonetised_
    @Demonetised_ 4 роки тому

    I watched the anime last night and then Jingles releases a video on the Harekaze. Coincidence? I think Jingles has gained The power to read minds while in the Royal navy

  • @FredRated1967
    @FredRated1967 4 роки тому

    I have the Harakaze. It's quite a fun ship and is training the captain for my tier 5 Japanese destroyer.

  • @Pienimusta
    @Pienimusta 4 роки тому +1

    Akizuki background noise got replaced by Rita? Not sure if I agree with this change.

  • @Jules_Diplopia
    @Jules_Diplopia 4 роки тому

    Awesome.... nice work.

  • @jamesnicholson3658
    @jamesnicholson3658 4 роки тому

    games like that make me wish I could compliment players outside of a game

  • @geordiegunboat
    @geordiegunboat 4 роки тому

    Ah yes no sleep = catching a jingles video

    @ELCADAROSA 4 роки тому +1

    If Aetam had shutoff his AA guns a minute or two earlier, it might of been possible to elude the CV for a while.
    In the meantime ... I kept waiting for Jingles to shout,"SCOOOORRRREEEE!!!"

  • @glensullivan5737
    @glensullivan5737 4 роки тому

    And he got him!! Not at all biased?!! Thanks Jingles and of course Aetam, that deserves a Pilsner!!! And Hello to Whisky and Sabrina in the Aetam camp

  • @rocksnot952
    @rocksnot952 4 роки тому

    Awwww...It has a kitty on the pilothouse.

  • @nicoredje
    @nicoredje 4 роки тому

    Now I want a admiral graf spee with wilhelmina braunschweig ingenohl friedeburg as commander.

  • @chrisharte4280
    @chrisharte4280 4 роки тому

    I was totally expecting Akizuki to pop up out of nowhere and interrupt Jingles.

  • @jack1701e
    @jack1701e 4 роки тому

    That was exciting!
    I should play World of Warships again...

  • @taskforcewolf1416
    @taskforcewolf1416 4 роки тому +7

    Hey Jingles, would you ever consider doing a playthrough of the Mass Effect series for Casual Saturday, or just normal videos?

    • @jorgeguanche5327
      @jorgeguanche5327 4 роки тому

      Is toó long....90 hours of game played by jingles....pheeew....btw l still remember the ending...fck EA!!!!

  • @SoulNommer
    @SoulNommer 4 роки тому +1

    Not to take anything away from that performance there, but the Harekaze was in very little danger whatsoever against the Weser at the end of the battle. Weser does very little damage to destroyers since she has AP rockets and bombs, and if you're a DD getting hit by CV torps then there's not much going on between your ears.

    • @DevilWarshipper
      @DevilWarshipper 4 роки тому

      Except German CV torps are damn fast and can catch you out (not the Weser’s especially), and the secondaries would have melted him in 10 seconds if the CV could have safely got broadside on. Really the CV should have canned the planes when Arran went behind the island and gone direct control to secondary him to death. Still would have lost to the friendly full health CV though.

  • @vanvan-oc4nj
    @vanvan-oc4nj 4 роки тому

    Bloody good battle...!!!

  • @tpaktop2_1na
    @tpaktop2_1na 4 роки тому

    That Sir was a good match! GG

  • @ShinobeSan
    @ShinobeSan 4 роки тому

    I love that ship so much with its cat camo^^

  • @michaelsndergaard2912
    @michaelsndergaard2912 4 роки тому

    well i was holding my breath at the end there

  • @treycorbin1828
    @treycorbin1828 2 роки тому

    Gotta love how Jingles called that last cruiser a Dorsetshire, when im fairly certain Dorsetshire is not in the game, or at least it wasn't at the time of this battle

  • @felwinter5528
    @felwinter5528 4 роки тому

    At 4:25 do I hear the mighty rita in the background?

  • @WWXspartan058
    @WWXspartan058 4 роки тому

    The Dorsetshire, oh jingles

  • @m1k300003
    @m1k300003 4 роки тому

    There's a 'DORSET'SHIRE around here somewhere! HAHA

  • @Thecrownswill
    @Thecrownswill 3 роки тому

    Its been so long since I've heard of the Ashitaka that I forgot about it.

  • @MaIContent
    @MaIContent 4 роки тому

    must admit... that was impressive

  • @oskarkilo9033
    @oskarkilo9033 4 роки тому

    Austria - former Naval nation. Something sticked, even there are no way near the Mediterranean Sea now! ;-)

  • @spacialsonic7779
    @spacialsonic7779 4 роки тому

    Pois DDs with yamamoto kraken, Yamamoto says: "Kraken-DREADNOUGHT"

  • @DDayJayke
    @DDayJayke 4 роки тому

    I have the HSF Graf Spee. And it is alright. I took the captain and put her on my Tirpitz though.