Elle that is true. Chanel does not maintenance any bag that is 5 years or older. It's ridiculous to think that a handbag with a hefty price tag will need repair shortly after purchase. I think the change in maintenance policy was Chanel's way of discouraging people from buying second hand handbags. And by the way, all handbags must be accompanied by their receipt regardless of how old they are. They will no longer look it up in their database. But I think this change of policy is also inadvertently driving old faithfuls into the arms of Dior and Hermes who have timeless policies. I would suggest shipping your handbag to the Leather Surgeons for a revamp. Many people swear by them. Take pics of your bag and email them to Jeremy and he will get back to you with a plan and cost without having to leave your home. If you go this route definitely record before and after videos. I'm sure many of your subscribers will love to hear about the experience. You have a great collection. And just the right amount.
I'm Brit and a huge mulberry fan. I use a liner inmost of my mulberry bags, you can now buy cores fir the hardware that are quite cheap , and you really should get some collonil products for your lily- coloured shoe cream and wax leather will take out all the scuffs and also waterproof it. My oxblood lily looks brand new because I use a felt liner , collonil mahogany shoe cream and wax leather or collonil carbon pro spray .
I think you're just sooooo pretty and have the classiest taste. You're not trying to be trendy or flashy at all and you are quite humble and practical!!!
I'm OCD over strap ends that stick out also. I use a clear hair tie to hold them down and because it's clear no one sees it 👍🏻. You could also make an extra loop out of a similar colored leather piece or even use an over the counter adhesive that won't ruin the bag and will come off when you're done with it. I hope these suggestions help!
Elle, ever since you rolled the YSL out I have been stalking it. You're right, it is expensive but I also believe it's justifiable as it can be worn most days to work and even on the weekends. I would also get a lot of use out of it but its a commitment I just can't make yet, but stand by ;) !! On the Gucci Soho, my tab doesn't stick out like that but if it were me, I would put an elastic on it until it flattened out. The Celine is not my fav because they all smoosh out and flop !! I've never understood those wings, the robot face and the lack of strap compared to all that is out there however I appreciate that others do. The color is nice and neutral. That large Mulberry is a great shape, but thanks for steering me away on the hardware. I currently have issues with my LVs (can't go in the rain with the vachetta, and the azur is very fragile for stains). For Chanel I've had the Chanel Double Flap with SHW and lambskin and I likely wouldn't get it again for the price vs wear. It does scuff on the inside and it sort of lost it's rectangle shape and fell slightly forward within a year. I did use it a lot (who wouldn't) but for the moola, my gosh...I just can't again, however I am considering the Reissue now, I am really loving the shape, the crinkled calf skin look, and the androgynous edgy vibe with the hardware. I think this one may take me longer in life than the YSL College bag. But again, stand by, not literally, but I could never afford both the YSL and the Chanel, even second hand, so it will be a long story for me to reach my decision. Thanks for the fun, informative vid, as always. Love that green Chanel. C
Hi Elle, I have a solution for the strap. Try to get a very tiny rubber elastic for your hair. Unhook the belt and introduce the elastic in the side where the piece of leather is hanging. Hook it again and use the elastic to hold the part of the strap that is lifted. I did this with one of my handbags and it keeps the strap in place.
Andrea Velez Giraldo That is a clever solution. I wish I had thought of that. I had a similar situation and had a shoe leather cobbler make a leather ring for my purse. Leather artisans don't come cheap. It could take them 15 minutes but they still charge you their minimum wage 😳. I'm going to record your suggestion in my permanent memory chip. Thanks a bunch.
I got my very first Chanel bag around 14-15 and my mom told me to stuff it with newspaper and I've been stuffing my high-end bags with old newspaper ever since.
Beautiful bags for a beautiful girl. I am shocked you don't have a LV Alma. They're so lady like and beautiful. What do you think will be your next handbag purchase? Wishing you a great day !
looove your collection:) !!! regarding the mulberry lily, the easy scuffing is due to the fact that yours is in the oak leather, which is untreated raw leather and therefore shows scratches and such more so than other leathers and colours. I have a few mulberry bags and so far no problems with the at all. Although I agree with you on the hardware, it's not the most durable :) Contact mulberry and ask the about your lily, I think they have a conditioner which might help! have a great day! xx
As such a smart professional woman, thoughts on insuring your bag collection? I have great renters insurance but I always worry about theft or damage with my collection!
The Leather Surgeons would be perfect to fix your bag! They have a great reputation and work on Chanel's regularly. I've also heard that Chanel sends pieces out to them for spa treatment/repairs; I'm not sure how true that is, but definitely check them out! Beautiful collection ❤️
This is very informative! My favorite handbag is my LV piano cabas, it's quite old and discontinued and got it on a resale site for a low price but it's great!
Lovely bags! you always put a lot of effort into your videos. would love to see an slg collection! do you have any none high end bags? like tory burch michael kors etc.?
if i had a GST i would sleep with it i swear this is one i want with a capital W i will be able to scratch the classic medium flapbag of my list next week though which is also really wanted
I think Gucci is discontinuing the SOHO disco bag and replacing it with their GG Marmont line. I snatched the red one after watching your unboxing video and now I am loving it.
this question is completely unrelated to this video but I'm visiting Vancouver and i live in the states and was wondering if there were any places you would recommend to visit and if there are any brands that are only available in Canada. Thank you in advance and you have a beautiful collection.
This is so not related to this video but I wanted to let you know that I went and got some DW candles from Marshalls after seeing then in your fall apartment tour video and I am in LOVE!!! They smell just amazing...😍😍
Despite the wear and tear of your Celine mini luggage, would you still recommend this bag and consider it as "good value for money"? Could the slouchyness be due to the smooth leather, as opposed to drummed leather? I've been loving your recent videos lately (your boots collection and Nouvelle pearl series!). Can't wait for your Vlogmas videos :)
+Elle Florence Thanks for your opinion :) I'm looking forward to your holiday videos and seeing how you pair your pearls with all the festive outfits!!
But I’m not a particularly huge Chanel bag fan tbh. I know that’s controversial but it’s just what I like. I love Valentino Garavani Rockstud bags much more, for example 😉 I just treated myself with a Rockstud tote and I’m obsessed with it 😍
Do you regret the GST? I've been following your videos since somewhere between the GST and the WOC unboxing so I know it was your first but it just never seemed to get as much love as the rest...
I don't have any lamb leather bags but I have owned Chanel SLGs in lamb and they have been such a pain. I had a wallet that scuffed so badly, took it to Chanel to have it repaired and it scuffed again very badly (corners, glazing and scratches) over a matter of weeks. So I think for SLGs my advice would be stay away. I have heard a lot though that bags are better like you say x
I am always happily amazed at how much abuse my higher end bags have stood up to being shoved under airline seats, etc. So, well loved not yet the worse for wear. worth it.
Great video, but that's not true about having a Chanel bag repaired. I bought a vintage medium classic flap in lambskin and took it to my local boutique to have it sent to the "spa". It came back in a few months looking amazing, and they gave me no problems about the fact that it was not purchased in a boutique! The policy may vary depending on each Chanel boutique, but it is not a hard and fast rule.
deedeeworksitout you’re very lucky. Coz I once sent my vintage chanel bag which i own(not bought preloved) and they also said chanel doesnt spa bags more than 5 years old.
great luxury designer handbags , i got mine from amazon.uk , just search Raking briefcase, you will find it, so portable and easy to take it along and also nice for laptop/tablet/ipad etc belongings.
if you think a phantom is big on 5ft4 wel than you have obviously not seen what i saw in a tv show a louis vuitton Neverfull biggest size on a little woman ( dwarf syndrome)
+Maricela Torres perhaps not in the traditional sense, but some handbags do retain their value very well. The credit card aspect depends on whether or not you pay it off on time.
No, not really. I have bought several Chanel, Celine, LV, Pradas and others, when I resold on eBay I didn't get my money back. I got some back but not all, on some of the handbags I didn't even get half back, many factors go into that, I get it. To call accessories investments is misleading.
Luv1234 I agree with you. Their not ugly, but I never understood some people's obsession over them. Their plain. The only designer bag i think is amazing is the mulberry Alexa satchel 😊
'You shouldn't be scared of lambskin', yeah nothing scary except that it's a murdered baby animal that vain humans feels proud to parade around. Grow a heart people.
Elle that is true. Chanel does not maintenance any bag that is 5 years or older. It's ridiculous to think that a handbag with a hefty price tag will need repair shortly after purchase. I think the change in maintenance policy was Chanel's way of discouraging people from buying second hand handbags. And by the way, all handbags must be accompanied by their receipt regardless of how old they are. They will no longer look it up in their database. But I think this change of policy is also inadvertently driving old faithfuls into the arms of Dior and Hermes who have timeless policies. I would suggest shipping your handbag to the Leather Surgeons for a revamp. Many people swear by them. Take pics of your bag and email them to Jeremy and he will get back to you with a plan and cost without having to leave your home. If you go this route definitely record before and after videos. I'm sure many of your subscribers will love to hear about the experience.
You have a great collection. And just the right amount.
EddaElid ,
I'm Brit and a huge mulberry fan. I use a liner inmost of my mulberry bags, you can now buy cores fir the hardware that are quite cheap , and you really should get some collonil products for your lily- coloured shoe cream and wax leather will take out all the scuffs and also waterproof it. My oxblood lily looks brand new because I use a felt liner , collonil mahogany shoe cream and wax leather or collonil carbon pro spray .
I think you're just sooooo pretty and have the classiest taste. You're not trying to be trendy or flashy at all and you are quite humble and practical!!!
I'm OCD over strap ends that stick out also. I use a clear hair tie to hold them down and because it's clear no one sees it 👍🏻. You could also make an extra loop out of a similar colored leather piece or even use an over the counter adhesive that won't ruin the bag and will come off when you're done with it. I hope these suggestions help!
Elle, ever since you rolled the YSL out I have been stalking it. You're right, it is expensive but I also believe it's justifiable as it can be worn most days to work and even on the weekends. I would also get a lot of use out of it but its a commitment I just can't make yet, but stand by ;) !! On the Gucci Soho, my tab doesn't stick out like that but if it were me, I would put an elastic on it until it flattened out. The Celine is not my fav because they all smoosh out and flop !! I've never understood those wings, the robot face and the lack of strap compared to all that is out there however I appreciate that others do. The color is nice and neutral. That large Mulberry is a great shape, but thanks for steering me away on the hardware. I currently have issues with my LVs (can't go in the rain with the vachetta, and the azur is very fragile for stains). For Chanel I've had the Chanel Double Flap with SHW and lambskin and I likely wouldn't get it again for the price vs wear. It does scuff on the inside and it sort of lost it's rectangle shape and fell slightly forward within a year. I did use it a lot (who wouldn't) but for the moola, my gosh...I just can't again, however I am considering the Reissue now, I am really loving the shape, the crinkled calf skin look, and the androgynous edgy vibe with the hardware. I think this one may take me longer in life than the YSL College bag. But again, stand by, not literally, but I could never afford both the YSL and the Chanel, even second hand, so it will be a long story for me to reach my decision. Thanks for the fun, informative vid, as always. Love that green Chanel. C
Hi Elle, I have a solution for the strap. Try to get a very tiny rubber elastic for your hair. Unhook the belt and introduce the elastic in the side where the piece of leather is hanging. Hook it again and use the elastic to hold the part of the strap that is lifted. I did this with one of my handbags and it keeps the strap in place.
Andrea Velez Giraldo That is a clever solution. I wish I had thought of that. I had a similar situation and had a shoe leather cobbler make a leather ring for my purse. Leather artisans don't come cheap. It could take them 15 minutes but they still charge you their minimum wage 😳. I'm going to record your suggestion in my permanent memory chip. Thanks a bunch.
Your welcome. You can try to find it in a color that matches your bag or buy the clear ones.
Seeing your Galliera made me fall back in love with mine, beautiful!
I got the Gucci soho in black 2 weeks ago and the straps are not stiff at all!
Hi Elle, so Leather Surgeon's in New York are well known for replating Chanel and reconditioning. They are very reputable. love your chanel
I absolutely love that green Chanel. Question: Do you pre-treat your bags with rain repellent or anything?
+sajero2 no, I only do that with my shoes :)
Good to know, thanks.
Hi Elle, please make an updated designer handbag collection video! =)
I got my very first Chanel bag around 14-15 and my mom told me to stuff it with newspaper and I've been stuffing my high-end bags with old newspaper ever since.
Beautiful bags for a beautiful girl. I am shocked you don't have a LV Alma. They're so lady like and beautiful. What do you think will be your next handbag purchase? Wishing you a great day !
You can send it to Leather Surgeons. That's where Chanel sends their bags.
I love your collection! I bought the preloved black Bayswater off eBay but I’m seriously thinking about getting the brand new Oak NVT one… 😏😊😅
Great collection! That green Chanel bag though! 😍
I just got the givenchy Antigona, it's amazing.
u look really royal for real
I live for your videos elle.
looove your collection:) !!! regarding the mulberry lily, the easy scuffing is due to the fact that yours is in the oak leather, which is untreated raw leather and therefore shows scratches and such more so than other leathers and colours. I have a few mulberry bags and so far no problems with the at all. Although I agree with you on the hardware, it's not the most durable :) Contact mulberry and ask the about your lily, I think they have a conditioner which might help! have a great day! xx
Hey Elle, can you make an updated handbag Collection video? This one is over a year ago. Thanks! Love you 😍
Love your bags!!!You have a lovely collection. I have a LV signature bag very similar to yours and really love it too.
As such a smart professional woman, thoughts on insuring your bag collection? I have great renters insurance but I always worry about theft or damage with my collection!
+charmer6611 I got extra coverage for the expensive ones :)
The Leather Surgeons would be perfect to fix your bag! They have a great reputation and work on Chanel's regularly. I've also heard that Chanel sends pieces out to them for spa treatment/repairs; I'm not sure how true that is, but definitely check them out! Beautiful collection ❤️
This is very informative! My favorite handbag is my LV piano cabas, it's quite old and discontinued and got it on a resale site for a low price but it's great!
Love all your handbags! especially the Boy bag :-)
I would love to see video of how you handwash your sweaters and scarves. TIA
Such a beautiful collection that you have! Great video as always.
Hi Elle, you have the perfect dark chocolate brown hair. Do u dye it or is it all natural? If you do dye it, I would love a tutorial.
Lovely bags! you always put a lot of effort into your videos. would love to see an slg collection! do you have any none high end bags? like tory burch michael kors etc.?
if i had a GST i would sleep with it i swear this is one i want with a capital W i will be able to scratch the classic medium flapbag of my list next week though which is also really wanted
You have a lovely handbag collection, Elle!
Even I have an LV Galliera PM and immensely enjoy wearing it.
I think Gucci is discontinuing the SOHO disco bag and replacing it with their GG Marmont line. I snatched the red one after watching your unboxing video and now I am loving it.
+Ran Wei nooo! That's terrible as I think both lines have great features
Great video..I just bought the soho disco as well and I love it. Seriously considering getting one in black before they discontinue the line:((
That mulberry Lilly is magnificent. So pretty, too bad about the hardware :(
Tell me please about ysl college bag please. Are you happy with the length of the chain-strap? Is it comfortable for every day life?
Looove your collection! I also want to get navy blue boy bag. Was it difficult to find one?
Love your bags!!! Would you consider a Simons haul?
Bath is fabulous for shopping!
Loved this video! Perfect to watch while arranging my closet 👏 I really like how you've added a couple of trendier/current bags to your collection.
this question is completely unrelated to this video but I'm visiting Vancouver and i live in the states and was wondering if there were any places you would recommend to visit and if there are any brands that are only available in Canada. Thank you in advance and you have a beautiful collection.
I love your hair like this! You look great ☺️. Love your collection xoxo
This is so not related to this video but I wanted to let you know that I went and got some DW candles from Marshalls after seeing then in your fall apartment tour video and I am in LOVE!!! They smell just amazing...😍😍
Such a classic collection! I recently bought the Galliera after watching your video and absolutely love it :)
Use a tiny clear pony elastic for the strap issue on the Gucci ;)
Really enjoyed this video! So useful to hear about the wear aspect. Thanks Elle:)
Gorgeous collection!! Love all the variety. :)
loop a rubber band around the leather strap that is stray and give it time to form into a smoother shape
Great Video. Excellent Luxury Designer Handbag Collection👜👝💼 Thanks for sharing
Despite the wear and tear of your Celine mini luggage, would you still recommend this bag and consider it as "good value for money"? Could the slouchyness be due to the smooth leather, as opposed to drummed leather? I've been loving your recent videos lately (your boots collection and Nouvelle pearl series!). Can't wait for your Vlogmas videos :)
+dinosauhr yes, I've worn it a ton and I think it is good quality, if not as resilient as other bags. It actually is the drummed version :)
+Elle Florence Thanks for your opinion :) I'm looking forward to your holiday videos and seeing how you pair your pearls with all the festive outfits!!
I love your handbag collection!
The outro is sooooooo darn cute!!! U can never unlike videos that have animals in it💟💟💟
I love your makeup. What brand and color is your lipstick?
Great video Elle
+sparklinggrey3 only a couple of scuffs, I tend to use it more for travel than everyday :)
Forgot to say ..fab collection of bags x
Updated bag collection please 😊
But I’m not a particularly huge Chanel bag fan tbh. I know that’s controversial but it’s just what I like. I love Valentino Garavani Rockstud bags much more, for example 😉 I just treated myself with a Rockstud tote and I’m obsessed with it 😍
I like your watch. Can you tell me what brand it it? Thanks
Do you regret the GST? I've been following your videos since somewhere between the GST and the WOC unboxing so I know it was your first but it just never seemed to get as much love as the rest...
+Betsy Chai no, I love having it but cost per wear it was more extravagant than the rest if that makes sense :)
Love your vintage Chanel it's like aged fine wine.
great collection
Great video I really liked hearing the wear and tear on your designer handbags, sorry to see how out of shape that lovely Celine bag is.
you have such a gorgeous collection 😍😍😍
I don't have any lamb leather bags but I have owned Chanel SLGs in lamb and they have been such a pain. I had a wallet that scuffed so badly, took it to Chanel to have it repaired and it scuffed again very badly (corners, glazing and scratches) over a matter of weeks. So I think for SLGs my advice would be stay away. I have heard a lot though that bags are better like you say x
Sabine Squared I thought I might find you here. See what you have done to me 😉
Boardroom Beauty hello and welcome to Elle's channel LOL
I'm such a fan of all your videos! Such a classy beautiful lady!
You mentioned you went to uni in england - which one? :)
I love the first bag I have one
Lovely collection! Your videos are addicting! :))
Love,love,loved this video 😍😍😍
I came across your channel and a new subbie here and on insta. Love your videos!
Do you regret buying any of the handbags? Also what is the name of the Chanel handbag @ 15:33 ? Thank you!
person n it's the CHANEL Vintage Lambskin Vertical Quilt Jumbo Flap bag
I am always happily amazed at how much abuse my higher end bags have stood up to being shoved under airline seats, etc. So, well loved not yet the worse for wear. worth it.
what do you use for your eyebrow?
Thank you for this video! I'm no longer afraid of lambskin.
Great video - very informative
where did you resell your Celine?
Another great video 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Great video, but that's not true about having a Chanel bag repaired. I bought a vintage medium classic flap in lambskin and took it to my local boutique to have it sent to the "spa". It came back in a few months looking amazing, and they gave me no problems about the fact that it was not purchased in a boutique! The policy may vary depending on each Chanel boutique, but it is not a hard and fast rule.
deedeeworksitout you’re very lucky. Coz I once sent my vintage chanel bag which i own(not bought preloved) and they also said chanel doesnt spa bags more than 5 years old.
Leather surgeons repairs Chanel bags (Chanel sends bags there for repair). Lots of info on purse forum :)
Where is your dress from?
love your channel! :)
Hey I'm in Canada also and I am curious what website do you buy your pre-loved bags from? Thanks for the help! Great video!
what camera do you use?
Leather Surgeons they are chanel bag experts. Look them up on their website they are amazing!
zujeilisantos they're the best!
Have you looked at leathersurgeons for repair? They do ship back internationally x
what's your lipstick here? :)
+Barbara Magallona check the info bar :)
great luxury designer handbags , i got mine from amazon.uk , just search Raking briefcase, you will find it, so portable and easy to take it along and also nice for laptop/tablet/ipad etc belongings.
Btw I have had success getting repairs directly from Chanel for items I bought preloved. Keep trying ;-)
I think you must take good care of your lambskin. I stopped buying lambskin because as a busy mom things do tend to get scuffed a bit more.
if you think a phantom is big on 5ft4 wel than you have obviously not seen what i saw in a tv show a louis vuitton Neverfull biggest size on a little woman ( dwarf syndrome)
You're so beautiful
Handbags are not investments, once the money leaves your account it's gone. Worse if it's financed in a credit card.
+Maricela Torres perhaps not in the traditional sense, but some handbags do retain their value very well. The credit card aspect depends on whether or not you pay it off on time.
No, not really. I have bought several Chanel, Celine, LV, Pradas and others, when I resold on eBay I didn't get my money back. I got some back but not all, on some of the handbags I didn't even get half back, many factors go into that, I get it. To call accessories investments is misleading.
Most designer bags are so hideous. I have the itch to spend my money but they are so ugly I can't seem to part with my money. So sad.
Luv1234 I agree with you. Their not ugly, but I never understood some people's obsession over them. Their plain. The only designer bag i think is amazing is the mulberry Alexa satchel 😊
'You shouldn't be scared of lambskin', yeah nothing scary except that it's a murdered baby animal that vain humans feels proud to parade around. Grow a heart people.