Looks real shiny I quite like it, well although it's only just started it's first day of service, but sadly in the future that's when it'll start getting maybe a bit rusty and dirty.
Great catch .So it was it's first day. How many 520s does west L.A. have?Sounds great .I seen this truck at the repair shop a few weeks ago .Love how it slams .Enjoy this truck.
Plus why did you skip out that part at the part at 7:05? That was definitely worth the clip to watch, wait nah I bet something went wrong at that point so you edited it out
I love how you salm your garage cans
Love your videos lot bro really great 👍
Love it how it slams
I always wondered what truck was the first number of the 36k series.........
You hit 1k subs!!
@@GarbageTrucksofVenturaCountyCA wasn't it the volvos?
Looks real shiny I quite like it, well although it's only just started it's first day of service, but sadly in the future that's when it'll start getting maybe a bit rusty and dirty.
Nice Video Cool Truck
Great catch .So it was it's first day. How many 520s does west L.A. have?Sounds great .I seen this truck at the repair shop a few weeks ago .Love how it slams .Enjoy this truck.
Plus why did you skip out that part at the part at 7:05? That was definitely worth the clip to watch, wait nah I bet something went wrong at that point so you edited it out