Do it Again - by Elevation Worship - Violin Cover

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @catgarcia24
    @catgarcia24 4 роки тому +90

    My husband and I got married yesterday (3/16) and I walked down the aisle to this song. It was so beautiful and a moment I will cherish forever ❤️

  • @claudiaprieto5255
    @claudiaprieto5255 6 років тому +160

    It's so amazing to see how people are using their talents for the Glory and the Honor to God!! Keep doing what you're doing because you are definitely putting a smile on God's face😁💞

  • @candacewalker9982
    @candacewalker9982 6 років тому +65

    I'm already obsessed with the violin and then you use the violin to play worship songs!! Best ever! So beautiful that you would use your talent to give worship to the one who gave you that ability. What a beautiful way to honor our creator! Please upload more! I love instrumentals or worship songs! God bless you Sir!

    • @aurelia3494
      @aurelia3494 5 років тому

      It's heartbreaking to call this electrical thing a violin...
      Otherwise, I agree with you :)
      Would be even more beautiful with a real violin

  • @daniellerickel7521
    @daniellerickel7521 3 роки тому +2

    I just love violin Christian music ❤

  • @jaicortes2607
    @jaicortes2607 5 років тому +8

    One of my favorite songs and one of my favorite instruments! ❤😢🙌🏻

  • @pedrocarvallo1339
    @pedrocarvallo1339 3 роки тому +2

    I know my God! You will do it again!

  • @yanaignatovich6836
    @yanaignatovich6836 6 років тому +290

    Im gonna use this to walk down the aisle at my wedding.

  • @tashenaanderson9327
    @tashenaanderson9327 6 років тому +17

    This violin cover of Do it Again by Elevation Worship is so beautiful it made me cry God bless you Trent

  • @JoyceDudav
    @JoyceDudav 6 років тому +26

    AMEN! ❤ HALLELUJAH! ❤ Praise The Lord Jesus Christ! ❤ Hallowed be Thy name! ❤ Thank You Heavenly Father for Your everlasting and unconditional love! ❤

  • @mimahmeemee
    @mimahmeemee 6 років тому +130

    Please do “So will I” too by Hillsong!! 😊😊😊 thhis is amazing! God bless you more ❤️

    • @xorahmichelle9201
      @xorahmichelle9201 6 років тому +4

      That is a GREAT idea 😊

    • @leetsy
      @leetsy 6 років тому +2


    • @jaicortes2607
      @jaicortes2607 5 років тому +2

      Yesssssss!!!! ❤🙌🏻

    • @eliseocastro14
      @eliseocastro14 5 років тому

      @@leetsy COVER LIKE!

  • @janetshort3673
    @janetshort3673 6 років тому +8

    Love, love, love your version. Something special about the way your instrument sounds. We sing this at church fairly often so my mind hears the lyrics as you play. To God be the glory!

  • @AlyssonLS
    @AlyssonLS 6 років тому +38

    I felt the presence of God!!

    • @lillamoon6710
      @lillamoon6710 6 років тому

      I believe we should..if we're truly honoring God

  • @ofeliamartin5867
    @ofeliamartin5867 6 років тому +52

    Wow! You’re amazing! Such a beautiful God given gift. God bless you!

  • @Gokodavid
    @Gokodavid 6 років тому +30

    please never quite Christian violin covers....
    they bless we some MUCH!!!!
    God's surely blessing your work!
    keep up inspiring young Christians like us!!💝

  • @PaanoBaBro
    @PaanoBaBro 5 років тому +4

    this is what we will be doing in Heaven! just worship! forever with God!

  • @03kabrial
    @03kabrial 6 років тому +2

    My 7 yr old daughter is amazed by because she knows the songs!!!! You have a great talent!!! Can't wait for your next video!!

  • @teenablagojevic7137
    @teenablagojevic7137 5 років тому +2

    God is so proud of you, he gave you a talent and you did it to glorify Him.
    God bless you and your loved ones, never stop loving out Father xx

  • @MessyTessie
    @MessyTessie 6 років тому +3

    I listen to this on a regular basis, it is so beautiful!!

  • @jamesm5434
    @jamesm5434 4 роки тому +3

    Amazing brother.... how u used the waves of the sea as background sound, the ambient sound, the beat, the soul mending sound.... I humbly praise God for such gifts that He gave you, may you continually inspire violinist and musicians for Christ. God bless your life!

  • @rosariovargasflores5119
    @rosariovargasflores5119 4 роки тому +3

    ADORAR A DIOS CON SU INSTRUMENTO ! Lo mas grande que un musico puede lograr, y con el nos bendice a otros con su talento hasta lo mas alto.

  • @87kersten
    @87kersten 6 років тому +8

    I really love your rendition of this piece. I want to see and hear more of violin pieces. AWESOME work!

  • @darehco
    @darehco 5 років тому +2

    Simply Beautiful

  • @Freyaphoenix793
    @Freyaphoenix793 5 років тому +2

    Gorgeous! Praise God, beautiful worship to our King 🙌🏻 May He continue to bless you and pour His annointing into your music

  • @MM-iu8fk
    @MM-iu8fk 5 років тому +1

    Lill Closer to the Angels!😀 got to hear them once since that moment I know that I will not be bored just listening to the worship of Gods angels for eternity. Man u never want to get out of the Holy Spirit's presence!

  • @laurenrios9481
    @laurenrios9481 5 років тому +4

    Happy Easter to you all! God died and bleed for you and me! And he will continue to DO IT AGAIN! Thank you Jesus!

  • @cobus-johannvisser2643
    @cobus-johannvisser2643 5 років тому +2

    This phenomenal man! God has blessed you with an awesome gift. Thank you for this! Now I can pray and worship at the same time!!

  • @rosemiro9824
    @rosemiro9824 6 років тому +6

    Please, can you play more worship songs? They're so inspiring for everything and everyplace! They're beautiful! God bless you Trent! God bless us with your talent!

  • @brendabrown7864
    @brendabrown7864 4 роки тому +2

    Praise Jesus 🙏🏽 I’m talking violin lessons 🎻 Thank You Jesus wanted to since I was a little girl growing up. But I’m a Grandmother now, but don’t ever give up on your dream.Loving every minute of learning a lot of work but worth every second. Closet sound to a human voice touches deep into my soul 🕊 I want to play a lot worship music 🎶 first to Our Lord Jesus. He has given me the ability to learn🙏🏽🤎🎻🤎🕊🌹

  • @georgeradu2165
    @georgeradu2165 5 років тому +3

    You are wonderful, Trent! God bless you! Your covers are so clear and inspiring!

  • @sacerdoceroyal1484
    @sacerdoceroyal1484 4 роки тому

    with the sound of the waves behind him it s just beautiful! GOD IS GREAT

  • @TM-jl1yb
    @TM-jl1yb 5 років тому +1


  • @cassandrasutherland3917
    @cassandrasutherland3917 6 років тому +2

    Okay, wow. Just, wow. You absolutley HAVE to do more covers! Absolutley beautiful 😊

  • @teresamcguire8461
    @teresamcguire8461 6 років тому +4

    This was beautifully done God bless you. It reminded me a dear friend/roommate I haven't seen in a few years. She was an exceptional violinist and musician. Even though it's been a long time I miss her dearly.

  • @shennylorenty5652
    @shennylorenty5652 6 років тому +6

    Dios te bendiga y te siga usando como hasta el día de hoy 😊 eres un gran ejemplo y cada noche oigo tus cover son algo que conmueve lo corazón 💓 y pues excelente que has puesto en practica el don que Dios te ha regalado 👌 pues tocas con una pasión y un amor que Dios siga poniendo gracia sobre tus manos y todo tu cuerpo...! 💓👌
    Dios te bendiga! 😊❤

    • @vyckyllanes3574
      @vyckyllanes3574 8 місяців тому

      Hola.. que hermoso primera vez que escucho!!! wow!!

  • @buffievarga7567
    @buffievarga7567 6 років тому +2

    This is a breathtaking piece your a very gifted musician. I love it!!

  • @mbcrandell8647
    @mbcrandell8647 3 роки тому

    love the music! I've played violin for almost 60 years and I love a good song! Thank you for sharing this. God blesses those who listen. Wonderful song!

  • @paulgee7513
    @paulgee7513 6 років тому +1

    Beautiful. God be praised. Lift Him up in song! For He is worthy.

  • @deborahmubar
    @deborahmubar 6 років тому +3

    I can feel his presence in my room 🕊

  • @fbrennan9494
    @fbrennan9494 3 роки тому

    Amazing, beautiful and so worshipful! Thank you for using the talent God gave you for His Glory!! Your blessing many!

  • @bellaglu6472
    @bellaglu6472 5 років тому +2

    AMAZING..........So beautiful.

  • @LFS1998
    @LFS1998 7 місяців тому

    Wow, What a beautiful violin music. Thank You

  • @overdrive4279
    @overdrive4279 6 років тому +2

    I have played this before, and I absolutely love your rendition! ❤️❤️❤️so passionate! From one violinist to another, amazing job! And thanks for the inspiration! 🕶🎻👏

  • @goldytazar
    @goldytazar 4 роки тому

    I love your style of playing violin. It's elevanting worship t our God. Amen.

  • @myfirsttabletsetup4713
    @myfirsttabletsetup4713 4 роки тому

    I can honestly say its the best most talented ever, violin playing i have ever heard. It will only get better as long as you give God the glory for the talent you allow Him to flow through. God bless you.

  • @tanyaaguayo849
    @tanyaaguayo849 5 років тому

    Hermosa interpretación. Motiva a mi espíritu adorar al Rey de Reyes. Gracias por compartir tu talento. Soy de Guatemala Centro América. Bendiciones.

  • @lilyesteves1261
    @lilyesteves1261 6 років тому +4

    Amo o jeito que ele vai acrescentando os detalhes. 😊😌

  • @Jonny4384
    @Jonny4384 4 роки тому

    I enjoyed that, especially the sounds from the plucking!

  • @samuca2193
    @samuca2193 6 років тому +13

    Just amazing..😍
    The best covers ever!

  • @nomondea1988
    @nomondea1988 5 років тому +1

    Please do more violin covers. This is absolutely brilliant.

  • @graceupongrace763
    @graceupongrace763 2 роки тому +1

    Beautiful and perfect for a wedding. ♥️♥️

  • @KevinDugay
    @KevinDugay 6 років тому +2

    This is beautiful. God has blessed you. Thank you so much for your violin covers!

  • @anacastrejon5582
    @anacastrejon5582 5 років тому +5

    Muros rodeando estoy
    Pensé que caerían hoy
    Mas nunca me has fallado Dios
    La espera terminará
    Sé que has vencido ya
    Nunca me has fallado Dios
    En Ti confiaré
    Tu promesa sigue en pie
    Tú eres fiel
    Confiado andaré
    En tus manos estaré
    Siempre has sido fiel
    [Verso 2]
    La noche acabará
    Tu Palabra se cumplirá
    Mi corazón te alabará
    Cristo, Mi Salvador
    Cúbreme con tu amor
    Mi corazón te alabará
    En Ti confiaré
    Tu promesa sigue en pie
    Tú eres fiel
    Confiado andaré
    En tus manos estaré
    Siempre has sido fiel
    En Ti confiaré
    Tu promesa sigue en pie
    Tú eres fiel
    Confiado andaré
    En tus manos estaré
    Siempre has sido fiel

  • @evelinzepeda5993
    @evelinzepeda5993 4 роки тому +2

    Wonderful talent 👍👍👍🙉🙉🙉👍👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

  • @gi27n69
    @gi27n69 6 років тому +2

    So beautiful!! 😍😍🤗🤗 Made my day!!🙌🏻 Thanks for doing it!! 👍🏻

  • @moonminholisa6140
    @moonminholisa6140 6 років тому +3

    I could feel the anointing. You sir have a gift. Stay healthy and God bless 🖤

  • @ciudadtv905
    @ciudadtv905 5 років тому +2


    • @eliseocastro14
      @eliseocastro14 5 років тому


  • @jamac52467
    @jamac52467 5 років тому

    What a gift God has given you I am blessed to hear the sounds of you play. You really put the song together well with just one instrument truly a gift... I will be waiting to hear what else you have for us

  • @brayangp
    @brayangp 6 років тому +3

    Esta demasiado HERMOSO!!

  • @ninafelix3649
    @ninafelix3649 5 років тому

    ooowww., no hay palabras para definir lo hermoso que se escucha el sonido del violin adorando a Dios ., bendiciones tocas super bien

  • @leena-godsmusicismylife7556
    @leena-godsmusicismylife7556 4 роки тому

    Love the way of your playing. Lord Jesus may bless you abundantly ❤️❤️❤️

  • @brendabrown7864
    @brendabrown7864 4 роки тому

    How absolutely Beautiful I always feel the presence of God in music 🎶 especially the violin 🎻 taking violin lessons 🎻 Love the violin closest sound to a human voice. Praise Jesus. He has given me the gift of learning. I wanted to learn as a little girl but I’m a Grandmother but I’m loving every minute of it. Can’t wait to play this beautiful song to our Saviour 🙏🏽 Your beautiful playing touches deep into my soul 🕊🤎🎻🤎

  • @yicelaqdeo233
    @yicelaqdeo233 6 років тому +5

    Que apasionante...... Quiero aprender a tocar este instrumento para Dios

  • @ciudadtv905
    @ciudadtv905 5 років тому

    It Is Fabulous, Without Words, The Peace That Generates To Listen To Your Interpretation Is Unexplicable, You Are Congratulated, Sos A Genius

  • @josedomingomoranescobar3788
    @josedomingomoranescobar3788 5 років тому +3

    Brother this sounds so good! congrats and thanks for share your talent with us, regards from Guatemala =).

  • @AnaMorales-uf1nd
    @AnaMorales-uf1nd 5 років тому

    thank you! it struly gives us the incredible experience to enter directly to the glory of God

  • @elkescheibelhut1209
    @elkescheibelhut1209 3 роки тому

    Love Jesus
    Be blessed from Germany

  • @daniellerickel970
    @daniellerickel970 3 роки тому

    So Amazing violin brother a Gift from God .

  • @creativetips97
    @creativetips97 4 роки тому +1

    Wow! Love ❤️ it. 😀🔥👍🏾🎉

  • @gloriaaltamirano8978
    @gloriaaltamirano8978 Рік тому +1

    Gracias y muchas bendiciones para y tu familia

  • @straubrey9480
    @straubrey9480 5 років тому

    I loved the intro, felt like peace struck me instantly

  • @Redmi-gi9nl
    @Redmi-gi9nl 4 роки тому

    Wow!!! You blend it really well... Just amazing ... Lovely cover❤

  • @sandrorlm
    @sandrorlm 6 років тому +1

    Wonderful music, Trent! Please, can you post more videos? God bless you!

  • @nathanaustin6901
    @nathanaustin6901 6 років тому +2

    Wow Bro you are mad talented! Please don't stop uploading

  • @karika8557
    @karika8557 5 років тому +1

    simply beautiful! May God continuing using you to bless many more souls.💙 like you did with mine today.

  • @cristiancamilocruzmontana3710
    @cristiancamilocruzmontana3710 5 років тому

    Hermoso...Gracias Señor Jesus

  • @ryanbrueckner6895
    @ryanbrueckner6895 6 років тому +1

    This is beautiful, Trent. Would love to hear some more instrumentals like this. Blessings!

  • @anniepierce7055
    @anniepierce7055 4 роки тому

    Thank you for this - I like how you use the whole bow. Thank you. Please do more.

  • @gloriajames1807
    @gloriajames1807 6 років тому +1

    Wonderful .keep it up and keep playing for God

  • @spaansplusinamersfoort3603
    @spaansplusinamersfoort3603 4 роки тому

    Thnks to record a beatyfull song. You are amazing -.-.....

  • @abiyageorge5099
    @abiyageorge5099 6 років тому +1

    Well played ❤️ loved this cover. God bless you.. love from India 🇮🇳

  • @derlymoreno2394
    @derlymoreno2394 6 років тому

    Waoo the best instrumentals cover I listened. Greetings from Bogotá, Colombia. I bless you.

  • @naturodriguez8890
    @naturodriguez8890 6 років тому

    Beautiful..... And the sea behind, perfect

  • @beulaho
    @beulaho 6 років тому +1

    Thank you for sharing your gift for the glory of God! I just watched your Reckless Love cover, and now this one - which is ever more beautiful 😍 I'm so blessed by your music ministry! ❤️

  • @miguelangelhernandezolarte6165
    @miguelangelhernandezolarte6165 6 років тому +9

    so amazing! God bless you brother 😀😀😀😀😀👏👏👏👏

  • @Micah7-8
    @Micah7-8 5 років тому +1

    OH MAN! Trent is available to purchase. I absolutely love this instrumental version???

  • @deborasilva7960
    @deborasilva7960 5 років тому +3

    Lindo muito lindo cada vez q escuto impossível não me emocionar!!!!

    • @eliseocastro14
      @eliseocastro14 5 років тому +1


  • @m.sargent-smith8832
    @m.sargent-smith8832 4 роки тому

    This is beautiful, sonshine, yo mama be proud!!

  • @calancrt
    @calancrt 6 років тому +1

    You are a genius! This is so impressive from one of our worship songs and live seeing how Elevation Worship is effecting people in so many different ways. Thanks for doing this! #elevationworship #stevenfurtick #elevationchurch

  • @mariagamezmartinez702
    @mariagamezmartinez702 6 років тому +1

    Wow.. beautiful your music than you make for GOD..!!! GOD bless your life..🙏🙏❤️

  • @annakinsey4993
    @annakinsey4993 6 років тому

    Beautiful thank you for playing worship !

  • @NotyamamasDollHOUSE
    @NotyamamasDollHOUSE 5 років тому

    Such a beautiful violin cover of this song!

  • @leetsy
    @leetsy 6 років тому +4

    That's was lit! Do more covers please!! ♥🕇

  • @alexsandrodesouzasantos3941
    @alexsandrodesouzasantos3941 6 років тому +1

    ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!! Thank you for sharing this!!

  • @music4dayzzz664
    @music4dayzzz664 6 років тому

    So relaxing and beautiful Trent. God bless you bro much love to u man 💯👌

  • @mitzi81758
    @mitzi81758 3 роки тому

    I am on my fifth or sixth video of you and I just saw you for the first time tonight you're simply just amazing to watch!! I'm sure your daughter is so proud of you is your daughter also taking up musical instruments? She would have a fine fine teacher!
    Btw, I love watching having so much fun with this!

  • @nicolemcneil2812
    @nicolemcneil2812 6 років тому +1

    Absolutely beautiful!!

  • @jessicadunham9472
    @jessicadunham9472 6 років тому +1

    Keep making music❤️❤️❤️Beautiful sound/passion!

  • @cudahy30
    @cudahy30 5 років тому +2

    I love your music art work. God is good. You have the gift from God brother. I listen to this song everyday on my way to work...
    I would love if you can do - Dariann Gonzales "Tu"
    It's in Spanish Christian song - this song took place on my oldest sister's burial last couple months and it just brings joy and peace and great memories of my sister. It would be such a huge blessing if you're able to come through with this song. Thanks in advance. God bless you and your family.😇

  • @clay7952
    @clay7952 6 років тому +1

    this is soooooo beautiful. God bless you

  • @ansovinga5850
    @ansovinga5850 6 років тому

    Un ange a loué dieu avec son plus bel instrument waouh !!!! ❤quel son merveilleux ❤god bless you ❤❤congratulation ❤