The potential applications of this are fantastic; as examples, use it for a light gun rail shooter, and you could actually wave those stupid NPC's out of the way so you don't shoot them on accident, or you could use it in any number of games to allow your character complex motor control for hands-on puzzle solving. Seeing things like this gives me a lot of hope for the future of gaming.
@VocaloidKikaito It is MMD, the first person view comes from those HMD glasses at 0:45 HMD (Head Mounted Display) glasses were plugged into the computer and used to give the first person view in MMD. Notice how from 0:45 to 1:15 when he moves the glasses the view on the screen changes too.
@modelno10024 pulling a virtual trigger or dropping a virtual box can be picked up by the kinect without the need for any controller. VR has been trying to solve the locomotion thing for a while though, AFAIK the best thing atm is various styles of omnidirectional treadmills.
Seriously, the creator of it isn't only a genius, he's a god for me! *_* It's the awsomest awsomeness I've ever seen! :-D Can't stop wondering about that!
Great stuff. This is my dream. All this manga stuff is weird for me..but people, new virtual worlds are goign to be explored in this way in the next years. I'll love it.
This technology have awesome potential. I where there in the late 90s VR hype and tested some VR game demos, it was a fantastic experience even when graphics sucked. With todays advances and Kinect this would be great for games. =)
Very very cool And, uh, guys...he probably used Miku because she's royalty-free. She's part of a song creation game where she sings whatever you compose. Otherwise he would have had to design his own character, and he may not have been able to do that very well.
now all we need is a headset that puts the screen in our characters perspective with a mic for talking and auto talk mouth movement and we are all set to have ourselves virtual reality.
@bigdragon Thing to remember is that the 'mods' aren't hardware modifications (well the VR is but meh) but just software: they are , to do a hack job of an explanation, making drivers and programs based on what the kinect can do. The 360 could dissapear tomorrow and that won't do anything to slow down this stuff. Btw, the 'slutty girl' is a well known character in Japanese circles. The outfit is tame by anime standards and all she does is sing (and kick ass sometimes).
That's pretty impressive. Is the kinect capable of this on its own (assuming it's able to run the software and you have the eye mounted screens connected to the 360) or does it have to be modified?
2:30 今度はヘディングに挑戦 飛んでくる球を最後までしっかり見れるので 予想外にもこれが一番簡単で楽しいです。 本物のヘディングに近い感触が味わえました I head ball. It’s the most enjoyable and easiest against my expectation because I can see flying ball surely. I can enjoy similar to real heading. 3:03 VR環境なのでモデルの横に廻り込んだり、 物理挙動と干渉したりもできます Because this is virtual reality, I can go around to side of the model and influence physical motions.
@TheMasutaProject Now we need multiplayer and sensory transmission, a roller panel, and then just program it. Besides that, it's just streamlining so it can run on a average or somewhat-better-than-average computer, unless I'm forgetting something.
0:47 今回はこのVR920というHMDを使います 地磁気センサーで回転角度が取得できます。 I use this VR920 HMD. Internal geomagnetic sensors can get rotation angles. 0:59 取得した角度情報をカメラと連動させて モデルの頭部に固定することで、 CGの世界に入り込むことができます I can get into virtual reality to connect the angles’ information with the camera, and fix head of the model, 1:29 自分の手足の動きがそのまま反映されます Moves of my arms and legs reflect directly.
@TriforoDawn Actually, do please explain. Ideally, for movement in a virtual realm would you rather walk like you normally do in every day life and have kinect track that movement as walking, or would you rather do the immitation walk where you lift one leg after the other placing your feet at the exact same spot you lifted it from? Atleast this would give you mobillity within the virtual realm unless you want "wave arms to the side" to move foward like that Jedi kinect preview.
I’ve translated Japanese subtitles to English. 0:00 今回はKinectとHMDを組み合わせた、 バーチャルリアリティ環境を作ってみました I’ve made virtual reality environment which combines Kinect with HMD (head-mounted display). 0:12 入力した関節情報をモデルに割り当てて、 リアルタイムでモーションを反映してします。 I assign information of joints to the model. My motions reflect in real time. 0:30 物理エンジンBulletに対応しているため、 髪の毛やボールと干渉できます Because this is capable of Bullet, physics engine, I can interfere to hair and ball.
5:16 今回のデモはこれで終わらせていただきますが、 Kinectの可能性はまだまだ広がりそうですよね 次にどんなことができるようになるのか楽しみです 今後の発展に期待したいですね This demonstration is over. I suppose possibility of Kinect is expanding. I’m looking forward to what we can do next and its development. 5:33 それではご試聴ありがとうございました Thank you for watching this video. If there are mistranslations, please point out them. I need your corrections.
@Yggdrasill4 No, Kinect tracks actual movement. You'd just be running in place if you tried that. I was thinking that there should be a giant arena with the physical collision of the world being actual objects in real life so you can properly interact with them. Actually, I've thought a lot about this, but I suppose I'd be boring you if I explained it all.
How is the movement in this? Seeing as one has a limited movement space in real life, how would that translate in trying to run or walk a large area in the virtual space?
Inctredible work from this guy,and I like Hatsune Miku too...perhaps not this much but still, oh the things Kinect will do when people finally start making good games for it. And Anyway, I like gimicks, Pong was a gimick, it was also fun. So there haters. Except for Sony...who suck ;)
@232mumboy no, she is an avatar for a voice synthesis program called vocaloid. get your facts straight. She can be both if an author of a song decides for her to be that in a song, but that doesent change what she actually factaully is.
@MasterKurow You're right man, I mean when I randomly reference years-old memes I should really consider the true feelings of the people involved I'm sure he's moved on and stuff and so should I thanks for the wake-up call.
so what game is this? Is the software to enable this to work with kinect available? I would BUY a kinect just to be able to do things like this! already have the video glasses. I wonder if this can be made to work with second life?
2 RGB cameras mounted to the HMD for imposing a translucent overlay over live video paired with geo tracking and multiple users within a network and that is the darknet from Daemon and Freedom™. Who do I need to contact to work on THAT product demo?
yaaaaa awosome work bro finally some 1 who grabbed the missing link in vertual and in neer time augmented reality...which is kinect man i couldn't believe my eye when i saw this plz plz try making another vid with the AR920 vuzix released recently i'm DAM SURE there will be huge applications for this like gaming in the real world with augmented real graphics with real time depth DAMN COOOOOL !!!
You can look down and see your own body! That's really nothing to be excited about, but looking down and seeing nothing would break the immersion this sort of thing would otherwise introduce. Also, in those parts where the ball's flying at you, it'd be sorta hard to resist the urge to dive out of the way. 3:09, I just had the worst idea ever. Or the best. Can't tell at the moment.
Hey guys, what virtual world did he use to control miku with? I dont think thats mmd ... wait if its on mmd how did he view it like first person mode??
@TheLimeyLord OOOhhh i see. Well looking forward to a game based around this. Even better with the body hitter vest on (it lets you feel where and how hard "non-lethally" you are being hit for a realistic experience).
4:14 MMDのモーション再生に準拠してるので、 人型以外のモデルにも適用できます Because this is capable of Miku Miku Dance, no human model can be applied to it. 4:55 今度はビルの上に移動してみました CGだと分かっていてもちょっと怖いです I’ve moved to on a building. It’s a little scaring even though I know it’s computer graphics.
DA hell? lol how did u make that first person thingy where YOU'RE actually MIKU... O.o and is that glasses 0:51? I know about kinect but I don't know that u could actually view yourself as a virual character... i hope they make video games like this someday where you could see what the in-game character see.. a new and more convincing 'FIRST PERSON' genre games :D
may i ask what program are u using for the 3d miku world? I know that you are using kinect and the VR glasses, but what 3d world are u using that your controlling yourself as miku?
@zimtower You still would need a kinect in front of you, which complicates things. Have you played in front of one of those? It just irritates me how I want to move a little bit and the character seems to have a seizure
I think this was my first time seeing Virtual Reality back in the day. Incredible to think how far we've come already.
To another awesome 10 years!
The potential applications of this are fantastic; as examples, use it for a light gun rail shooter, and you could actually wave those stupid NPC's out of the way so you don't shoot them on accident, or you could use it in any number of games to allow your character complex motor control for hands-on puzzle solving. Seeing things like this gives me a lot of hope for the future of gaming.
@VocaloidKikaito It is MMD, the first person view comes from those HMD glasses at 0:45 HMD (Head Mounted Display) glasses were plugged into the computer and used to give the first person view in MMD. Notice how from 0:45 to 1:15 when he moves the glasses the view on the screen changes too.
@modelno10024 pulling a virtual trigger or dropping a virtual box can be picked up by the kinect without the need for any controller.
VR has been trying to solve the locomotion thing for a while though, AFAIK the best thing atm is various styles of omnidirectional treadmills.
The combination of four Kinect sensors and a VR visor could result in a fully 3D and interactive environment...
Holy shit.
Seriously, the creator of it isn't only a genius, he's a god for me! *_*
It's the awsomest awsomeness I've ever seen! :-D Can't stop wondering about that!
My god, FINALLY! Virtual Reality! Now the world of VR Troopers can become a reality.
Great stuff. This is my dream. All this manga stuff is weird for me..but people, new virtual worlds are goign to be explored in this way in the next years. I'll love it.
This technology have awesome potential. I where there in the late 90s VR hype and tested some VR game demos, it was a fantastic experience even when graphics sucked. With todays advances and Kinect this would be great for games. =)
Amazing! I hope this sort of technology can be perfected in the near future.
Very very cool
And, uh, guys...he probably used Miku because she's royalty-free. She's part of a song creation game where she sings whatever you compose. Otherwise he would have had to design his own character, and he may not have been able to do that very well.
That was pretty dam cool. And the fact he used miku was epic. Although hairleg thing was creepy
I love it :) I can't believe I get courses on my study on how to make this. I will drive the professors crazy with Miku :D
real time mocap? WIT PHYSICKS? wow, this is pretty great. oh, and the whole virtual reality thing too. WOAH THE END WTF?
now all we need is a headset that puts the screen in our characters perspective with a mic for talking and auto talk mouth movement and we are all set to have ourselves virtual reality.
you're right, such glorious technology should be used for minigames, not wasted on petty things!
With the power of underground techies, we can achieve anything
@Bisected8 The Kinect is unmodified. But it's USB connector is simply connected to a PC, not an Xbox.
Very cool.
Can't wait until this is implemented in video games.
Thing to remember is that the 'mods' aren't hardware modifications (well the VR is but meh) but just software: they are , to do a hack job of an explanation, making drivers and programs based on what the kinect can do.
The 360 could dissapear tomorrow and that won't do anything to slow down this stuff.
Btw, the 'slutty girl' is a well known character in Japanese circles. The outfit is tame by anime standards and all she does is sing (and kick ass sometimes).
wow this guy has reinvented Virtual Reality...i sure game developers use this guys techniques when they make their future games.
@VincentNeko HMD = Head Mounted Display
It is in reference to the VR glasses.
That would be a very cool way of interacting on the internet
Desmond Bradford the future is now
Multiple songs. I recognized Fukkireta (off vocals) in there, don't know others from the top of my head.
That's pretty impressive. Is the kinect capable of this on its own (assuming it's able to run the software and you have the eye mounted screens connected to the 360) or does it have to be modified?
The next step in gaming.
real time mocap? WIT PHYSICKS? wow, this is pretty great. oh, and the whole virtual reality thing too.
If the idea of little anime girls disturbs you just think of how this will be when it is incorporated into episode 3
im Speechless... thats amazing!
This is the future of gaming
That would be cool if they had a game with motion recognition like this and they turned it into some sort of MMO.
I head ball.
It’s the most enjoyable and easiest against my expectation because I can see flying ball surely. I can enjoy similar to real heading.
Because this is virtual reality, I can go around to side of the model and influence physical motions.
@warlockboyburns .... wow that's a good question. I wonder if the Kinect could enable head tracking VR on non-tracked VR headsets.
i'd love to just try this on
like in just a hour, it seems to be so fun!
So the movie _Disclosure_ was 20-30 years ahead of its time (referring to the VR portions of the movie).
@TheMasutaProject Now we need multiplayer and sensory transmission, a roller panel, and then just program it. Besides that, it's just streamlining so it can run on a average or somewhat-better-than-average computer, unless I'm forgetting something.
Now all we need now is that multidirectional treadmill I saw on youtube a long time ago.
Man, the Pokemon thing would have been a lot cooler if we'd had THIS for an interface!
I look forward to the next mmd cup.
I use this VR920 HMD.
Internal geomagnetic sensors can get rotation angles.
I can get into virtual reality to connect the angles’ information with the camera, and fix head of the model,
Moves of my arms and legs reflect directly.
this shit was practically the precursor of vrchat
Imagine everybody as different vocaloids and a mic that would turn out voice into that of the vocaloid’s or utau
imagine what playing the game like GTA4 would be like, damn that'd be awesome
@TriforoDawn Actually, do please explain. Ideally, for movement in a virtual realm would you rather walk like you normally do in every day life and have kinect track that movement as walking, or would you rather do the immitation walk where you lift one leg after the other placing your feet at the exact same spot you lifted it from? Atleast this would give you mobillity within the virtual realm unless you want "wave arms to the side" to move foward like that Jedi kinect preview.
Absolutely amazing. I've see a lot of kinect hacks but this takes the prize.
The use a special program called VMD reducer. Helps smooth out kinect motions
@MrEdes7 Miku as the virtual pilot for flight simulator. Keep everybody happy at once.
I’ve translated Japanese subtitles to English.
I’ve made virtual reality environment which combines Kinect with HMD (head-mounted display).
I assign information of joints to the model. My motions reflect in real time.
Because this is capable of Bullet, physics engine, I can interfere to hair and ball.
@TheBeyBladeNation Oh, I wish! The problem is you wouldn't be able to make Faith move because you'd be moving in one place...unless it's on rails.
I hope this man has survived the earthquake! What a genius!
@DrMuganda Thank you for worrying. I'm fine. The earthquake still continues, but we do our best.
I have to admit, the implications of this is pretty cool.
One step closer to a .hack MMO
THAT FUCKING SONG. Thank god it has no lyrics this time.
Good luck with this proyect man.
Dammit cracked, it's 3am and i'm still reading articles.
This demonstration is over.
I suppose possibility of Kinect is expanding.
I’m looking forward to what we can do next and its development.
Thank you for watching this video.
If there are mistranslations, please point out them. I need your corrections.
And with that kind of technology, your first idea was to be a Vocaloid.
Whatever floats your boat, champ. >>
It's when you're Miku that you suddenly have the ability to kick a giant glass ball through a wall without breaking either XP
@Yggdrasill4 No, Kinect tracks actual movement. You'd just be running in place if you tried that. I was thinking that there should be a giant arena with the physical collision of the world being actual objects in real life so you can properly interact with them. Actually, I've thought a lot about this, but I suppose I'd be boring you if I explained it all.
How is the movement in this? Seeing as one has a limited movement space in real life, how would that translate in trying to run or walk a large area in the virtual space?
Inctredible work from this guy,and I like Hatsune Miku too...perhaps not this much but still, oh the things Kinect will do when people finally start making good games for it.
And Anyway, I like gimicks, Pong was a gimick, it was also fun. So there haters.
Except for Sony...who suck ;)
You, sir, are now an OFFICIAL god.
All that's missing now is the haptics. Of courseif there were haptics, that fall would have killed us!
she is an avatar for a voice synthesis program called vocaloid. get your facts straight.
She can be both if an author of a song decides for her to be that in a song,
but that doesent change what she actually factaully is.
You're right man, I mean when I randomly reference years-old memes I should really consider the true feelings of the people involved I'm sure he's moved on and stuff and so should I thanks for the wake-up call.
You, sir, are now the official founder of .hack\\Reality.
so what game is this? Is the software to enable this to work with kinect available? I would BUY a kinect just to be able to do things like this! already have the video glasses.
I wonder if this can be made to work with second life?
@Zarbon66 it sure was a start.
now we're taking it to a whole nutha level
Far too many men commenting in this thread at getting way too excited about the prospect of being able to VR as a young girl.
@FazzyPlaxProductions Or some very good connections in the corporate world...
I hope we're all able to do this soon.
2 RGB cameras mounted to the HMD for imposing a translucent overlay over live video paired with geo tracking and multiple users within a network and that is the darknet from Daemon and Freedom™. Who do I need to contact to work on THAT product demo?
@TheSupaFlex Its actually on the way. Uses the Kinect too.
I need this.
You've just made, an amazing thing. ;A;
Well, Japan is one of the, if not the most advanced technological country. So what did you expect?
omg cant wait for a perfect virtuly reilty im playing as luigi! just hope there is more stuff 2 do
@FazzyPlaxProductions That's when you upgrade to a motion-capture chamber. Man, I want this stuff so bad...
yaaaaa awosome work bro finally some 1 who grabbed the missing link in vertual and in neer time augmented reality...which is kinect man i couldn't believe my eye when i saw this plz plz try making another vid with the AR920 vuzix released recently i'm DAM SURE there will be huge applications for this like gaming in the real world with augmented real graphics with real time depth DAMN COOOOOL !!!
miku hatsune is like the fucking singing anime pop star. she's like the equivalent of a celebrity in japan.
You can look down and see your own body!
That's really nothing to be excited about, but looking down and seeing nothing would break the immersion this sort of thing would otherwise introduce.
Also, in those parts where the ball's flying at you, it'd be sorta hard to resist the urge to dive out of the way.
3:09, I just had the worst idea ever. Or the best. Can't tell at the moment.
Hey guys, what virtual world did he use to control miku with? I dont think thats mmd ... wait if its on mmd how did he view it like first person mode??
That thing with the hair legs is vaguely terrifying
@TheLimeyLord OOOhhh i see. Well looking forward to a game based around this. Even better with the body hitter vest on (it lets you feel where and how hard "non-lethally" you are being hit for a realistic experience).
Because this is capable of Miku Miku Dance, no human model can be applied to it.
I’ve moved to on a building. It’s a little scaring even though I know it’s computer graphics.
Give that man a raise!
... ooh, my favorite. :O
DA hell? lol how did u make that first person thingy where YOU'RE actually MIKU...
O.o and is that glasses 0:51? I know about kinect but I don't know that u could actually view yourself as a virual character... i hope they make video games like this someday where you could see what the in-game character see.. a new and more convincing 'FIRST PERSON' genre games :D
Whatsup with that music! Besides that, great vid!
@Nao790 be tough! I will always support Japan!
Kinect + HMD + 360 degree treadmill = Virtual Reality.
Can you make a HUD like in Metroid Prime? With associated data linking to how much ammo you have on your weapon, etc...?
may i ask what program are u using for the 3d miku world? I know that you are using kinect and the VR glasses, but what 3d world are u using that your controlling yourself as miku?
3:42 - Ladies and gentlemen, I give you, Japan.
@TheMasutaProject Wasn't THE WORLD played with a controller and a headset?
Great job man! Greetings from Italy.
the future of gaming coming 2013
How did they make the motion so smooth?
You have made games epic, if people played a RP server on a game like Garrysmod, there would be no more attempts needed
You still would need a kinect in front of you, which complicates things. Have you played in front of one of those? It just irritates me how I want to move a little bit and the character seems to have a seizure
the future of WoW