Japan's policy against christian missionaries is one of the wisest historical moves it ever made. Japanese leadership managed to recognize the threat that so many others elsewhere failed to, and so shielded Japan from the sorts of disastrous cultural imperialism and sociopolitical conquest and degredation that wreaked havoc through much of the rest of Asia. The Tokyo we know and love today is only the way it is because of this
Japan's policy against christian missionaries is one of the wisest historical moves it ever made. Japanese leadership managed to recognize the threat that so many others elsewhere failed to, and so shielded Japan from the sorts of disastrous cultural imperialism and sociopolitical conquest and degredation that wreaked havoc through much of the rest of Asia. The Tokyo we know and love today is only the way it is because of this
Whoever deny me before men, I will also deny him before my father which is in heaven
- Matthew 10:33