No shield commandist run || NVZRR

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @notificatinHero
    @notificatinHero 16 годин тому +2

    0:14 - HERO (30)

  • @Пугер
    @Пугер 7 годин тому

    bro is becoming best at gencom, i mean hes already the best but he is becoming better, good video too

  • @fardman9517
    @fardman9517 6 годин тому

    Truly the strongest...

  • @Bloxxerz-qv2dk
    @Bloxxerz-qv2dk 17 годин тому +1

    using the elite soldier trumpet to stun enemy heavies is such a power move, you should be promoted to Commandist III....

    • @Goku-g1c8z
      @Goku-g1c8z 13 годин тому

      Commandist III isn't enough he should be promoted straight to commandist IIIII

    • @namename4396
      @namename4396 3 години тому

      nuh uh, there's no commandist IIII... only noob king... get this dude a crown !1!1

  • @wrath9283
    @wrath9283 18 годин тому

    This is a new level of commanding sheesh

  • @enzz0_00
    @enzz0_00 2 години тому

    you should do no healers lieutenant run

  • @Exxustar
    @Exxustar 15 годин тому

    You almost did commandist hitless run...

  • @IAroomba
    @IAroomba 3 години тому

    it was you who made my ping die when i got close?!?????
    i will NEVER forgive you for this………..

  • @danielcarelse6116
    @danielcarelse6116 19 годин тому

    this is so commandingsterdist

  • @birdales
    @birdales 19 годин тому

    If my team had any braincells and actually got me adrenaline it wouldve been over 💔

    • @coolguy34343
      @coolguy34343  13 годин тому

      @@birdales I think I should go recon instead of medic while there is a gencom...

  • @Ihavenoideatonamethischannel
    @Ihavenoideatonamethischannel 18 годин тому

    next generalist no shield

  • @TheAlmightyGream
    @TheAlmightyGream 13 годин тому

    This doesn’t count as a no shield run
    That starting forcefield counts as shield

    • @coolguy34343
      @coolguy34343  13 годин тому

      @@TheAlmightyGream You're right... I cheated...