GOPI GITA: Guruji canta no final das cerimónias de inauguração do 1º Templo BM do Canadá, em Toronto

  • Опубліковано 13 жов 2024
  • Paramahamsa Vishwananda canta na inauguração do 1º Templo da Bhakti Marga no Canadá, dedicado a Srimati Radha Rani e às suas 8 Sakhis, 4 de Setembro de 2022, Toronto.
    Editado do vídeo ao vivo do canal Paramahamsa Sri Swami Vishwananda, link:
    • Srimati Radharani Temp...
    (Sri) Gopi Gita
    (from Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 10, Chapter 31 Verses 1-19)
    Gopya Ucuh
    Jayati Te ‘Dhikam - Janmanā Vrajah - Shrayata Indirā - Shashvad Atra Hi,
    Dayita Drshyatām - Dikshu Tāvakās - Tvayi Dhrtāsavas - Tvām Vicinvate [1]
    The Gopis say, “O Beloved, Your birth has made the land of Vraja glorious beyond
    compare, and thus Mahā Lakshmi, the Goddess of fortune, resides here always. It is
    only for Your sake that we, Your devoted servants, keep living. In all directions, we have
    been searching for You. Please, show Yourself to us.” [1]
    Sharad Udāshaye - Sādhu Jāta Sat - Sarasijodara - Sri Mushā Drshā,
    Surata Nātha Te - Shulka Dāsikā - Vara Da Nighnato - Neha Kim Vadhah [2]
    O Lord of love, the beauty of Your loving glance excels the purest lotus perfectly grown
    in a pond during the autumn season. O bestower of blessings, You are killing us, Your
    unpaid servants, who have given ourselves to You freely, with Your amorous glances. Is
    not this considered murder? [2]
    Visha Jalāpyayād - Vyāla Rākshasād - Varsha Mārutād - Vaidyutānalāt,
    Vrsha Mayātmajād - Vishvato Bhayād - Rshabha Te Vayam - Rakshitā Muhuh [3]
    O crest-jewel among men, You have repeatedly saved us from the grips of death, and
    from so many terrifying demons of this world. You have saved us from Kaliya who had
    poisoned Yamuna’s water, and from the python Aghasura. You have lifted Govardhana
    and saved us from the great deluge caused by the enraged Indra, from the whirlwind
    demon Trinavarta, from the thunderbolt of Indra, from the fierce forest fire, from
    Aristhasura, the bull demon, and from Vyomasura, the son of Maya. Why do You kill us
    now? [3]
    Na Khalu Gopikā - Nandano Bhavān - Akhila Dehinām - Antarātma Drk,
    Vikhanasārthito - Vishva Guptaye - Sakha Udeyivān - Sātvatām Kule [4]
    O friend, surely You are not only the son of Yashoda. You are the indwelling witness in
    the hearts of all embodied living entities, the Supersoul. Lord Brahma prayed for You to
    come to protect the universe, and so You manifested Yourself in the Satvata dynasty. [4]
    Bhajan Index 81
    Viracitābhayam - Vrshni Dhoorya Te - Caranam Iyushām - Samsrter Bhayāt,
    Kara Saroruham - Kānta Kāma Dam - Shirasi Dhehi Nah - Sri Kara Graham [5]
    O crest-jewel of the Vrishni clan, Your hand is like a lotus, which holds the hand of Mahā
    Lakshmi, the Goddess of fortune. Your hand grants fearlessness to those who
    surrender to Your Lotus Feet out of fear of material existence. O lover, please place
    Your wish fulfilling lotus hand on our heads. [5]
    Vraja Janārti Han - Vira Yoshitām - Nija Jana Smaya - Dhvamsana Smita,
    Bhaja Sakhe Bhavat - Kinkarih Sma No - Jalaruhānanam - Cāru Darshaya [6]
    O You who destroys the misery of the residents of Vraja, O greatest of heroes, Your
    smile destroys the false pride of the ones who are devoted to You. Please accept us as
    Your maidservants, fulfil our desire and show us Your beautiful lotus face. [6]
    Pranata Dehinām - Pāpa Karshanam - Trna Carānugam - Sri Niketanam,
    Phani Phanārpitam - Te Padāmbujam - Krnu Kuceshu Nah - Krndhi Hrc Chayam
    Your Lotus Feet destroys all the past sins of all embodied souls who bow to them.
    Those Feet walk behind the cows and are the eternal abode of Mahā Lakshmi. You have
    also put those Lotus Feet on the hoods of the great serpent Kaliya. Please place Your
    Lotus Feet upon our breasts and eliminate the suffering caused by the lust in our
    hearts. [7]
    Madhurayā Girā - Valgu Vākyayā - Budha Manojnayā - Pushkarekshana,
    Vidhi Karir Imā - Vira Muhyatir - Adhara Sidhunā - Pyāyayasva Nah [8]
    O lotus-eyed one, we are bewildered by Your sweet voice and enchanting words, which
    attract the minds of wise and learned ones. O dear hero, we are Your maidservants.
    Please, revive us with the nectar of Your lips. [8]
    Tava Kathāmrtam - Tapta Jivanam - Kavibhir Iditam - Kalmashāpaham,
    Shravana Mangalam - Srimad Atatam - Bhuvi Grnanti Ye - Bhoori Dā Janāh [9]
    The nectar of Your words and the descriptions of Your pastimes are the life and soul of
    those afflicted by the miseries of this material world. These narrations, transmitted by
    Enlightened sages, dispel the ignorance of one’s sinful life, and bestow auspiciousness
    upon whoever hears them. These narrations are spread all over the world and are filled
    with spiritual power. Certainly, the ones who chant and proclaim the message of
    Supreme Lord are most magnanimous. [9]
    Prahasitam Priya - Prema Vikshanam - Viharanam Ca Te - Dhyāna Mangalam,
    Rahasi Samvido - Yā Hrdi Sprshah - Kuhaka No Manah - Kshobhayanti Hi [10]
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