Friends of mine were tryng to eliminate their bananas from their yard in Texas, so I took a rhisome home in a grocery bag and planted in a pot like the one you have. That was almost 15 years go. My banana plant has fruited a couple times. - You cut it down and the rhisome will send up a new plant immediately. Bananas are really a wonderful thing to grow. And props on doing this indoors!
I’ve got these growing in my yard. We’re in Kentucky in the US and it gets negative 0 in the winter for weeks, but in the heat of the summer they come right back. We don’t fertilize and they still shoot up to over 20 feet. It’s absolutely crazy. But the main thing is hiding the roots from frost. We will be moving to Albuquerque NM and they’ll be going inside so I’m glad I found this video.
Excellent Video, Central New York zone 5a. here. Fell in love growing bananas outside and wintering inside at 50 deg F in storage till spring. Great Job
I've seen a banana plant flower while it was literally laying down in the garage with no soil of course it didn't finish the fruit but it's still pushed out the heart
Holy banana, that's a monster! Growing a dwarf banana myself called a rubin banana (musa rubinea) and it is 2 years old, about 3 feet tall and had 5 pups in total so far!
i love banana plants .... I have just bought one and the lady at the plant store said "good luck" lol your plant is beautiful... I want to keep mine indoor as well and I also have low ceilings lol......
I'm really in the plants just like u. I have all kinds of awesome plants. I picked up a banana tree two months ago. Can't wait to c if it gets as big as yours 😁
I just bought two dwarf cavendish. I had no idea they would get that big. I guess i wont be bringing them in and out of bad i would suggest cutting a hole in floor and lowering it but i guess thats drastic measures. Good luck.take care.
My house has I think 18 ft tall ceiling in the living/dining room for whatever reason but I bought a Nana pup 4 months ago so it should overwinter perfectly in my house! I have plenty of natural light in some spots. I'm in zone 6 and am able to put it outside in May and bring it inside end of September and I also just recently convinced my husband into building an underground greenhouse so that's our next spring project I'm so excited! I have dwarf Cavendish variety but want to buy 3 more dwarf varieties too🙈
Wow beautiful plant. I wish mine would of stayed like this for indoors. I had a few musa banana plants that I grew from seeds years back. Started them indoor and took them outside. Some by the pool some by the house. I was new at caring for plants back then... But I manage to do well with them. The only thing with some of mine, I had to cut them down for the winter as I live in a colder climate. I kept 2 indoor but lost all leaves do to spidermites . I posted them on my channel. Just never added anymore videos. Now seen your video makes me want to grow them again. I love the look , small and everything about them. :)
I learned that using 4 to 6 LED spotlights (above 7W each) hanging from the ceiling works well too, at least if you don't have it in direct sunlight. Each time the plant grows I raise the lights accordingly. If the plant gets (too) big I add more spotlights accordingly to the spread of the leafs. Cheers.
Wow that is a beautiful banana plant! I can’t believe you grew that in your home. I have 3 banana plants now, 2 bigger ones and one baby I got from the mother plant.
I have thoroughly enjoyed watching, and picking up on your information (how to) on your beautiful banana tree:) You mentioned about how you now grow "stupid stuff"...What you do and grow is absolutely amazing and I think a lot of women and men alike would love the gift (touch) to grow beautiful plants/trees/etc like you have done so beautifully...Don't tell my hubby, BUT I would hope some day he would be more into horticulture and growing our own food like you do! by the way that is a compliment hahaha! Thank you Chris for sharing your wisdom and knowledge, every little bit helps those of us who are just at the beginning of our growing journey! Emily
Have you kept it in the same pot the whole time? wondering when or if I need to repot mine at any time. Its currently about a meter high in a large pot.
I know! I think we both have the same experience with "dwarfs" haha. There has to be something smaller than this. Not sure I'm going to re-build the roof just for the banana. Saw you just uploaded a new video. Do you feature the papaya? Can't wait to watch this episode next week on vacation woth a fresh cup of coffee. I have a papaya doing well also. Looks like a male. Starting a few more seeds to see if I can get a male and a female growing at the same time here just as an experiment. Never seen that indoors. Much love, Christopher.
There's normal, dwarf, semidwarf, and super dwarf banana varieties. Dwarf can peak at 15' (to the top of the leaves) semi dwarf is about 12 foot to the top etc
The laugh at 1:32🤣 that's a laugh where you know you took something too far! Amazing Banana plant! I'm growing one indoor right now. How's the plant doing?
Thank you for the practical advise! Obviously your doing something right! What can you do with the pups? We are new living in Central Florida Zone and because we really are new learning about growing our Banana plant... we have kept it indoors because we love how beautiful it is and we have beautiful lighting. He has made friends with our experimental pineapple plant ❤️
I grew my banana tree outside, it would get too much sunlight, so the leaves would wither slowly. Not to mention the parasites that would eat at the tree. I brought it indoors, and the leaves were very green and healthy. Though I brought in unwelcomed guests at the same time lol. I wouldn't recommend taking it outside. Just to give that part of my advice. I did end up having to giving the tree away before it made any bananas because we had to move. I'll be able to grow one for more than 2 years where I'm at now, so I'm going to grow another one. I had a 27" wide Pot and it held the tree very well with plenty of space to grow. Oh, and I lived in Central FL when I grew the first one lol. Dade City. Now I'm by Treasure Coast, Port St. Lucie.
so happy to found you on youtube! i’m from singapore living in Norway, i feel somehow connect with you and our passion over plants! thanks for sharing and the plant tips! growing indoor banana my self, so i need all the tips! i wish my banana tree will grow as big as yours!!!!!
Thinking of planting a banana tree for food purposes...however I live in an apartment in Florida. I would put it on my porch but it seems to cost more money than fruit I'd be able to produce. Right now finances are very tight. But this it is definitely on my wish list. One of these days the Lord will bless me abundantly.
Hi Chris! I have a Musa Basjoo about the size of yours that completely makes my living room. I just noticed that it's growing a flower. I have took two pupps and they are happy in separate pots, but far from being tree sized. I'd like to know if is there a possibility to keep your plant alive after flowering? I love this plant so much, and really don't want to just watch it die,or cut it down after it's bearing fruit.
Hi Dora, Unfortunately once banana plant bears it is no longer viable, that's why it keeps putting out replacement pups/ shoots. I wish i could get mine to your stage. congratulation
@@myrnajames1460 Hi Myrna! :) Thank you for your response. I have read up on it so I was convinced it will die. And yes, no matter what I did it wasn't growing a new leaf and the oldest leaves one after the other died, slowly. So after loosing 70% of the leaves, I was moving house and it was heart wrenching to cut the plant down,I have literally cried. But I got two pupps, looking fabulous. I just wish I knew how short lived they were in their prime. Mine was 8 feet tall and made the space. I've learned my lesson,and will definitely get a Bird of paradise or a travellers palm next,as they live for decades, it's just painful to lose such majestic and beautiful plant that you cared for so much.
Make sure you prune yours if you want fruit. Only needs 4 or less leaves on top. The energy it’s saving from keeping those leaves alive will be put toward producing fruit and allow your tree to grow faster.
Did it flower/fruit? A dry week every now and then might have tricked the plant into i got on how to get more blooms on flowering vines + a smaller pot/ cheap soil. Even planting in ground with plant still in small pot
I thought the grow of my banana tree indoor was getting out of control but now I see I’m not there yet 🤣 Mine is almost a year old, but it’s not supposed to grow more than 1,30m it’s really a short one. Nobody believes I can get bananas of it, but I think there are some Flowers coming out. I have the pink banana and I’m growing it in Germany
I was just given a massive banana tree, the largest leaves were more than half my hight. Sad thing is all but three leaves got seriously damaged during transport. I had to remove most of the leaves😢 The lady told me if cut down close to the soil it would grow back. My question is we are in June, should I wait till winter? Or can you do this anytime of the year.
Hi, I have two bananas indoor and one of them dryed. Should I take it out or I should leave it and wait for new ones because root is not dead, I guess, it still very hard to pull it out? Hope you understand the question cause english is my sec language. Thank you
hello Chris, found your video yesterday and totally enjoyed it. I live in Sicily Italy where you can find banana plants almost in everyone's backyard, however, they are not as cured and beautiful as yours. Now, I understand that yours grew indoors and so it was protected from the intense summer hot winds and scorching sun that we have here on the island. yesterday it hit 41 degrees centigrade 🥵 . My point is this, I purchased a banana plant yesterday and its about 1 meter in height and it is my intention to grow a tree similar to yours. I understand that daily watering is mandatory as well as regular fertilizing. As I have noticed when the leaves grow old and fall off, does the part that remains on the stem get shaved off? Many here just let them grow and never remove the dry stems that remain on the main stem. Yours seems clean, so I assume you "cut" off the dry leave stems as the plant grows older? Hopefully you didn't cut back the plant as you proposed in the video....take care and saluti dalla Sicilia.
Hello Chris what species of musa is it? and I got to say what i beautiful musa, that organic Bio and you care makes it look like some jungle grown speciment :D
A very fun presentation to watch. And what a wonderful plant. I plant crazy stuff too. Just brought everything inside for the winter. I think I will try to grow my banana plants inside rather than keeping them dormant. Most of my other plants are from seed. Jacaranda, sapote, papaya, carambola, cherimoya, gold medal cassia. The have done pretty well inside through the Kansas City winters with just the south window light. Once again, loved the long conversation. Would love to trade images if you are interested.
I have a Banana Plant in the Door too, now I know why the leaf dying, I don't give it enough water, it is almost touching the 8 feet sealing, I Bought today Compost with Worm Castings and Peat Moses, I hope it will do good, maybe I will give it a wider pout. here in Alberta close to Edmonton Canada. I wouldn't cut it at the Boden halfway up, maybe I'm wrong.
It really does not seem to care. I have a heater/air conditioner in the room also that blows some, but not anything that makes the leaves move. As long as i control watering and humidity I don’t seem to have any problem with any of my plants. 🙂
Christopher Brandsdal ok thanks. I’ve got a 6ft musa basjoo. A baby ensete murielli and a musa sikkimensis red tiger. I wrap the musa basjoo up over winter as it’s fine to do so. But the ensete will need to come inside. I can’t decide if I should cut off the leaves, drain the water out and wrap up in a cool garage over winter or pot it up and keep it in a spare bedroom that stays at around 20 degrees Celsius. I’m just concerned about the soil becoming stale and going mouldy and getting mildew.
Hey Christopher have u tryed a super dwarf bananas I think it would be something u would like more then that monster lol. I have 15 kinds of bananas I am way up north in Canada trying to grow bananas. Maybe some day lol. I would like to see some more up dates on the bananas if u could. Thanks for the videos.
Can you possibly give me lighting info? I can't find the link you mentioned. I have one that is about a foot tall now in a 1 gallon bucket. Will be transplanting soon and although I have lighting indoors for my numerous plants I dont think any of it is enough for the banana. Thank you! Great video! Good info
Hey Chris, I have 5 dwarf bananas and a Musa Basjoo, how do I use the fertilizer you recommend? I am about to buy some. Do you just put a few drops in the water? And do you use it once a month or once a week? Thank you for all the help, I’m new to growing bananas and I now have 6 total..
That is awesome! U made my day with this monster :) I've already bought a small one Cavendish Dwarf and I will try make it so big as yours. Please let me know Chris what kind of ground do you use in this case?
I bought a banana plant today, and was scrolling through looking for care videos, came across this and now I’m terrified!! 😂
I also bought one today so can you give an update?
Lol...hopefully it's a dwarf variety. I have three banana plants - they are fun to grow.
Friends of mine were tryng to eliminate their bananas from their yard in Texas, so I took a rhisome home in a grocery bag and planted in a pot like the one you have. That was almost 15 years go. My banana plant has fruited a couple times. - You cut it down and the rhisome will send up a new plant immediately. Bananas are really a wonderful thing to grow. And props on doing this indoors!
How I envy you! :-D I have to stick with indoor here in Norway.
I had a buddy that had a banana plant in his yard that was humongous! It was epic but we ended up cutting it down
Also in Texas
How big is the container
I’ve got these growing in my yard. We’re in Kentucky in the US and it gets negative 0 in the winter for weeks, but in the heat of the summer they come right back. We don’t fertilize and they still shoot up to over 20 feet. It’s absolutely crazy. But the main thing is hiding the roots from frost. We will be moving to Albuquerque NM and they’ll be going inside so I’m glad I found this video.
Louisville Kentucky USDA zone: 7a-7b
Albuquerque New Mexico: USDA zone 7b
That's one perfect specimen of musa especially for indoors im so jealous. Its sooooooooo friggin perfect wow
Thank you for making this video. All the other videos that I could find centered around the dwarf banana tree. Very informative!!
Glad it was helpful!
Whoa Chris, that plant is a monster! Only you are crazy enough to grow something this crazy indoors lol. Good work my friend1
Not only him...😂
"It's not cheap, but nothing I do is cheap." 😂 every plant person understands this
Beautiful.Look like a artificial banana tree.Thank you for sharing.
I am using the same fertilizer! I use it for all my indoor plants and they just grow like crazy! I love it!!
What is the name of the fertilizer, thank you
@@dianneantonio7385 in case you haven't found out, he is using bio grow from bio buzz
thailand here the population here find this very funnie a bananatree in your room
''its not for look its for eat''
Excellent Video, Central New York zone 5a. here. Fell in love growing bananas outside and wintering inside at 50 deg F in storage till spring. Great Job
Awesome, David! Thanks. :-)
Omg that's is so big👍 we use the leaves for cooking too and making deserts wow
I've seen a banana plant flower while it was literally laying down in the garage with no soil of course it didn't finish the fruit but it's still pushed out the heart
You can harvest the leaves and sell it for cooking purposes
Yup, great for coocking!
Whp would you even sell it to..
@@killerluuk any asian supermarket / any asian who cooks malaysian/singaporean etc dishes.
I loved, that you hugged the tree 🌳
that's a beautiful plant man!
Thanks! :-)
Holy banana, that's a monster!
Growing a dwarf banana myself called a rubin banana (musa rubinea) and it is 2 years old, about 3 feet tall and had 5 pups in total so far!
Awesome! Send me a picture! Would love to see it. :-)
i love banana plants .... I have just bought one and the lady at the plant store said "good luck" lol your plant is beautiful... I want to keep mine indoor as well and I also have low ceilings lol......
See my latest video where I talk about the room height. 😉
I'm really in the plants just like u. I have all kinds of awesome plants. I picked up a banana tree two months ago. Can't wait to c if it gets as big as yours 😁
Hi thanks to your videos I bought a banana tree hopefully it will grow like yours one day !!!
I just bought two dwarf cavendish. I had no idea they would get that big. I guess i wont be bringing them in and out of bad i would suggest cutting a hole in floor and lowering it but i guess thats drastic measures. Good luck.take care.
I lived in a 11 feet ceiling loft , I think it might work better growing taller plants
My house has I think 18 ft tall ceiling in the living/dining room for whatever reason but I bought a Nana pup 4 months ago so it should overwinter perfectly in my house! I have plenty of natural light in some spots. I'm in zone 6 and am able to put it outside in May and bring it inside end of September and I also just recently convinced my husband into building an underground greenhouse so that's our next spring project I'm so excited! I have dwarf Cavendish variety but want to buy 3 more dwarf varieties too🙈
Wow beautiful plant. I wish mine would of stayed like this for indoors. I had a few musa banana plants that I grew from seeds years back. Started them indoor and took them outside. Some by the pool some by the house. I was new at caring for plants back then... But I manage to do well with them. The only thing with some of mine, I had to cut them down for the winter as I live in a colder climate. I kept 2 indoor but lost all leaves do to spidermites . I posted them on my channel. Just never added anymore videos. Now seen your video makes me want to grow them again. I love the look , small and everything about them. :)
Awesome! Will see if I can find your video. :-)
I learned that using 4 to 6 LED spotlights (above 7W each) hanging from the ceiling works well too, at least if you don't have it in direct sunlight. Each time the plant grows I raise the lights accordingly. If the plant gets (too) big I add more spotlights accordingly to the spread of the leafs.
Great tips!
Wow that is a beautiful banana plant! I can’t believe you grew that in your home. I have 3 banana plants now, 2 bigger ones and one baby I got from the mother plant.
A very beautiful banana tree ! You did an excellent job, Christ !
Hey Christopher, any luck getting this plant to fruit this season?
your laugh is infectious i have laughed along with you lol
Let's laugh together!
How do you cut it when it reaches the ceiling .? I am asking cos I am going to get a Banana 🍌 plant
You are going to like this hahah!
Wonderful.I always loved banana plants.Look beautiful anyway.
watching this in 2020 haha the plant looks fabulous :) I am curious whether it gave you fruits ?
Hahaha!........SLAP! There's a fly in here XD
“I’m just winging it” same 😅 omg what have I done.. I didn’t realize.. 👀
I have thoroughly enjoyed watching, and picking up on your information (how to) on your beautiful banana tree:) You mentioned about how you now grow "stupid stuff"...What you do and grow is absolutely amazing and I think a lot of women and men alike would love the gift (touch) to grow beautiful plants/trees/etc like you have done so beautifully...Don't tell my hubby, BUT I would hope some day he would be more into horticulture and growing our own food like you do! by the way that is a compliment hahaha! Thank you Chris for sharing your wisdom and knowledge, every little bit helps those of us who are just at the beginning of our growing journey!
Have you kept it in the same pot the whole time? wondering when or if I need to repot mine at any time. Its currently about a meter high in a large pot.
This one was in the same pot from a very young stage. I tend to place them in large pots early. They grow so much faster then.
Woh. That's makes me want to get one to try. 😃 Thanks for sharing!
You should!
This is giving me ideas lol I have a 20 foot ceiling in my living room
You got me to buy the fertilizer! I'm going to be applying it to my outdoor bananas this year. Thanks for the video!
Amazing! Do you get any fruit?
👍🏼 nicely done. How many L or Gallon is the container?
That's a dwarf??? Holy cow
I know! I think we both have the same experience with "dwarfs" haha. There has to be something smaller than this. Not sure I'm going to re-build the roof just for the banana. Saw you just uploaded a new video. Do you feature the papaya? Can't wait to watch this episode next week on vacation woth a fresh cup of coffee. I have a papaya doing well also. Looks like a male. Starting a few more seeds to see if I can get a male and a female growing at the same time here just as an experiment. Never seen that indoors. Much love, Christopher.
There's normal, dwarf, semidwarf, and super dwarf banana varieties. Dwarf can peak at 15' (to the top of the leaves) semi dwarf is about 12 foot to the top etc
Some bananas get 40 ft. Wish they would grow in the mountains!
The laugh at 1:32🤣 that's a laugh where you know you took something too far! Amazing Banana plant! I'm growing one indoor right now. How's the plant doing?
Nice tree! How big is your container?
Thank you for the practical advise! Obviously your doing something right! What can you do with the pups? We are new living in Central Florida Zone and because we really are new learning about growing our Banana plant... we have kept it indoors because we love how beautiful it is and we have beautiful lighting. He has made friends with our experimental pineapple plant ❤️
I grew my banana tree outside, it would get too much sunlight, so the leaves would wither slowly. Not to mention the parasites that would eat at the tree. I brought it indoors, and the leaves were very green and healthy. Though I brought in unwelcomed guests at the same time lol. I wouldn't recommend taking it outside. Just to give that part of my advice. I did end up having to giving the tree away before it made any bananas because we had to move. I'll be able to grow one for more than 2 years where I'm at now, so I'm going to grow another one. I had a 27" wide Pot and it held the tree very well with plenty of space to grow. Oh, and I lived in Central FL when I grew the first one lol. Dade City. Now I'm by Treasure Coast, Port St. Lucie.
what kind of soil do you use for your banana plant?
Beautiful !!! You Mentioned you used a little bit of fertilizer every day when you watered. About how much every day do you put in?
so happy to found you on youtube! i’m from singapore living in Norway, i feel somehow connect with you and our passion over plants! thanks for sharing and the plant tips! growing indoor banana my self, so i need all the tips! i wish my banana tree will grow as big as yours!!!!!
Awesome! So fun to meet likeminded norwegians!
@@ChristopherBrandsdal Norwegians? She said she's form Singapore.
Thinking of planting a banana tree for food purposes...however I live in an apartment in Florida. I would put it on my porch but it seems to cost more money than fruit I'd be able to produce. Right now finances are very tight. But this it is definitely on my wish list. One of these days the Lord will bless me abundantly.
As long as you don't need grow lights ,and you can fertilize with homemade compost, it should be close to free! :-)
Mine are Musa Bajoos. I built a 12 ft high greenhouse style roof over my front porch. My plants now are around 3 ft. tall. One is about 5 ft.
Hi Chris! I have a Musa Basjoo about the size of yours that completely makes my living room. I just noticed that it's growing a flower. I have took two pupps and they are happy in separate pots, but far from being tree sized. I'd like to know if is there a possibility to keep your plant alive after flowering? I love this plant so much, and really don't want to just watch it die,or cut it down after it's bearing fruit.
Hi Dora, Unfortunately once banana plant bears it is no longer viable, that's why it keeps putting out replacement pups/ shoots. I wish i could get mine to your stage. congratulation
@@myrnajames1460 Hi Myrna! :) Thank you for your response. I have read up on it so I was convinced it will die. And yes, no matter what I did it wasn't growing a new leaf and the oldest leaves one after the other died, slowly. So after loosing 70% of the leaves, I was moving house and it was heart wrenching to cut the plant down,I have literally cried. But I got two pupps, looking fabulous. I just wish I knew how short lived they were in their prime. Mine was 8 feet tall and made the space. I've learned my lesson,and will definitely get a Bird of paradise or a travellers palm next,as they live for decades, it's just painful to lose such majestic and beautiful plant that you cared for so much.
Beautiful! My banana plant is only 3 feet. I hope mine reaches the same size as yours.
Make sure you prune yours if you want fruit. Only needs 4 or less leaves on top. The energy it’s saving from keeping those leaves alive will be put toward producing fruit and allow your tree to grow faster.
This video made me laugh out loud. Dude!
same :DDD
Did it flower/fruit? A dry week every now and then might have tricked the plant into i got on how to get more blooms on flowering vines + a smaller pot/ cheap soil. Even planting in ground with plant still in small pot
I thought the grow of my banana tree indoor was getting out of control but now I see I’m not there yet 🤣
Mine is almost a year old, but it’s not supposed to grow more than 1,30m it’s really a short one. Nobody believes I can get bananas of it, but I think there are some Flowers coming out. I have the pink banana and I’m growing it in Germany
Damn this plant, just wow. Im growing one of myself now.. i hope to get biggie aswell 😇
I love it ,it’s gorgeous
Thanks, Ann! :-)
Absolutely Beautiful plant. 😘👌🏾
Har du prøvd å bruke banan blad istedet for aluminium folie når du griller kjøtt?
Absolutely amazing! I’m starting my banana plant journey in Pennsylvania. Your plant inspires me! Lol 😂
Awesome! More to come in the future
I love to plant banana indoor, I love banana leaf.
I was just given a massive banana tree, the largest leaves were more than half my hight.
Sad thing is all but three leaves got seriously damaged during transport. I had to remove most of the leaves😢
The lady told me if cut down close to the soil it would grow back.
My question is we are in June, should I wait till winter? Or can you do this anytime of the year.
Thank you! 😊
Hi, I have two bananas indoor and one of them dryed. Should I take it out or I should leave it and wait for new ones because root is not dead, I guess, it still very hard to pull it out? Hope you understand the question cause english is my sec language. Thank you
If you use bigger pots you don't have to water as often. I use fabric pots from Amazon that are like 40 gallon.
Yeah I should get a bigger pot.
Is that a musa Acuminata?
Hei Christoffer hvor kjøpte du den bananplanten og potta? Den var sykt kul🙂🙂☀️☀️ sykt høy
Hei! Jeg kjøpte både potta og planten på plantasjen. Tror ikke de har samme bananplante der lenger. Men kan enkelt bestilles på nett.
The ripping of the leafs is not a problem, the plant can stand that. In nature the leaves rip too, else the plant would fall over with strong winds.
hello Chris, found your video yesterday and totally enjoyed it. I live in Sicily Italy where you can find banana plants almost in everyone's backyard, however, they are not as cured and beautiful as yours. Now, I understand that yours grew indoors and so it was protected from the intense summer hot winds and scorching sun that we have here on the island. yesterday it hit 41 degrees centigrade 🥵 . My point is this, I purchased a banana plant yesterday and its about 1 meter in height and it is my intention to grow a tree similar to yours. I understand that daily watering is mandatory as well as regular fertilizing. As I have noticed when the leaves grow old and fall off, does the part that remains on the stem get shaved off? Many here just let them grow and never remove the dry stems that remain on the main stem. Yours seems clean, so I assume you "cut" off the dry leave stems as the plant grows older? Hopefully you didn't cut back the plant as you proposed in the video....take care and saluti dalla Sicilia.
which soil you used for this beautiful banana plant?
Hello Chris what species of musa is it? and I got to say what i beautiful musa, that organic Bio and you care makes it look like some jungle grown speciment :D
Musa Cavendish
A very fun presentation to watch. And what a wonderful plant. I plant crazy stuff too. Just brought everything inside for the winter. I think I will try to grow my banana plants inside rather than keeping them dormant. Most of my other plants are from seed. Jacaranda, sapote, papaya, carambola, cherimoya, gold medal cassia. The have done pretty well inside through the Kansas City winters with just the south window light. Once again, loved the long conversation. Would love to trade images if you are interested.
Awesome! You grow some fantastic varieties there! :-D
I have a Banana Plant in the Door too, now I know why the leaf dying, I don't give it enough water, it is almost touching the 8 feet sealing, I Bought today Compost with Worm Castings and Peat Moses, I hope it will do good, maybe I will give it a wider pout. here in Alberta close to Edmonton Canada. I wouldn't cut it at the Boden halfway up, maybe I'm wrong.
Can I ask what's the approximate size of the plastic pot you used?
I do this too! Well, I grow outdoors during summer, and indoors in the winter. Where are you from? Wisconsin USA here.
Don’t you have to have fans on it so it’s got some air running through the leaves and soil so it doesn’t go damp?
Not a problem here. I control the humidity in the room
Christopher Brandsdal but don’t you still have to have some kind of air flow?
It really does not seem to care. I have a heater/air conditioner in the room also that blows some, but not anything that makes the leaves move. As long as i control watering and humidity I don’t seem to have any problem with any of my plants. 🙂
Christopher Brandsdal ok thanks. I’ve got a 6ft musa basjoo. A baby ensete murielli and a musa sikkimensis red tiger. I wrap the musa basjoo up over winter as it’s fine to do so. But the ensete will need to come inside. I can’t decide if I should cut off the leaves, drain the water out and wrap up in a cool garage over winter or pot it up and keep it in a spare bedroom that stays at around 20 degrees Celsius. I’m just concerned about the soil becoming stale and going mouldy and getting mildew.
Will it produce fruits indoor 🎉😅
I bought a dwarf cavendish banana as well. I now realize I might have to raise my roof. :O
Hahaha, yes you do!
Hey Christopher have u tryed a super dwarf bananas I think it would be something u would like more then that monster lol. I have 15 kinds of bananas I am way up north in Canada trying to grow bananas. Maybe some day lol. I would like to see some more up dates on the bananas if u could. Thanks for the videos.
Maurice Keith ..hi..where abouts are you in Canada..I am in northern BC ..I am looking for banana plants..
Hi Sir, how much ML of water does it need per feeding? I have a 2ft tree in a pot that's half the size of yours..
I grow in Canada, take it outside in late may, bigger pot, will flower and fruit
so this video was made 5 years ago.. what happened to the banana plant? I have a half grown Cavendish banana right now.
Bonjour, magnifique bananier, quel dosage de bio grow utilisez-vous ?
D'avance merci
Bonne journée
very good video! Whats the last song at the end? It's not "Logik Lee - All There Is". Can't find anywhere...
4-5 Liters a day! how tall is your dwarf cavendish? thx
It's gone now, but a new one is on the way.
How much bio-grow did you add to the water
how come there are no pups around the mother plant?
They sometimes go without pups. When I cut it down it shot up several pups. The one I have now have sooo many that I might need to remove some.
Thank you this was very helpful, I hope that we will meet again.
How long does it take for the banana seeds to germinate? I never let the soil dry out
That little pot must mean you fertilize like crazy. Why not a bigger one?
Good morning ,do you know where can i fine any plant of Blue Java for to buy for export to Brasil.?
O u didn't touch down on what kind of soil u used. Did u use just potting soil and compost?
Amazing tree! How many ml per L of the bio grow are you using?
Oh, I just throw in a dash. No measuring here. I just make sure to use enough. The banana grows better with every drop I put in. :-)
Is it a basjoo?
Can you possibly give me lighting info? I can't find the link you mentioned. I have one that is about a foot tall now in a 1 gallon bucket. Will be transplanting soon and although I have lighting indoors for my numerous plants I dont think any of it is enough for the banana. Thank you! Great video! Good info
Make sure you watch my latest video. I'm covering lighting better there. :-)
Hey Chris, I have 5 dwarf bananas and a Musa Basjoo, how do I use the fertilizer you recommend? I am about to buy some. Do you just put a few drops in the water? And do you use it once a month or once a week? Thank you for all the help, I’m new to growing bananas and I now have 6 total..
That is awesome! U made my day with this monster :) I've already bought a small one Cavendish Dwarf and I will try make it so big as yours. Please let me know Chris what kind of ground do you use in this case?
I use a coco coir and compost with bonemeal and vermiculite. :-)
Rabbit poop, banana peels make my plants huge! The rabbits love the leaves so it’s a win:win good luck
time to chop and drop - great plant
Are you breeding Carolina reaper and scorpion Trinidad moruga pepper ? please reply me
No, sorry I don't.
Noen mulighet for å få bananer på det treet?