Outhentic - Ogreyalo Yasno Slantse / Аутентик - Огреяло Ясно Слънце - Live @ Sofia Live Club

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024
  • Outhentic (Zhivko Vasilev Trio) Live at Sofia Live Club presenting their new album - YesToday. The song is called "Ogreyalo Yasno Slantse" and was arranged by Zhivko Vasilev and Outhentic. The Album was recorded in Sofia, Bulgaria and mixed and mastered in Salzburg, Austria by Svilen Angelov
    Here's a link to the whole album:
    Outhentic's Official Web Site:
    / vasilevzhivko
    “Outhentic” is an ethno-jazz formation, founded in 2012 and originally known as Zhivko Vasilev Trio. It is established by the band front man - Zhivko (kaval, piano) with the participation of Rayna Vasileva (vocals) and Viktor Dzhorgov (guitar).
    “YesToday” is the debut album of the band. The authentic folklore in it, connected to the past and the history of the Bulgarian people, is melodiously interweaved with the relevant to the culture of our times jazz, funk and pop elements. It is exactly the innovativeness shown in each of the songs that gives the idea of the name of the album - let’s say “yes” to this “bridge”, thrown between “yesterday” and “today”, let’s keep abreast of the time, preserving our connection to the tradition and the folklore.
    "Outhentic" е етно-джаз формация, създадена през 2012 година и първоначално позната с името Живко Василев Трио. Основава я фронтменът на бандата - Живко (кавал, пиано), с участието на Райна Василева (вокал) и Виктор Джоргов (китара).
    "YesToday" е дебютният албум на групата. В него автентичният фолклор, свързан с миналото и историята на българския народ, звучно се преплита с актуалните за културата на нашето време джаз, фънк и поп елементи. Именно новаторството, изразено във всяка една от песните, поражда идеята за името на албума - да кажем "да" на този своеобразен "мост" между "вчера" и "днес", да бъдем в крак с времето, запазвайки връзката си с традицията и фолклора.
    Zhivko Vasilev heils from the city of Smolyan, in the heart of the Rhodopi mountains in Southern Bulgaria. He inherited his love of music from his father and began his early training on the kaval at the renowned NUI Dobri Hristov music school in Varna. He then proceded to graduate in kaval performance from the Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski". In addition to leading his own trio, Zhivko has toured all around the world and has collaborated with many musicians from such as: Max Moya, Xuxa Levi, Juan Garcia Herreros, Roberto Quintero, Hector Martignon, Christiane Karam.