Should you use Godot 3.3 - Godot review is it good for beginners?

  • Опубліковано 26 вер 2024


  • @GameDevJourney
    @GameDevJourney 3 роки тому +3

    This was a very interesting video, thank you for being so honest as this really helps people to make an informed decision.

    • @FeniksGaming
      @FeniksGaming  3 роки тому +1

      Thanks glad I could help I think there is no point in lying Godot is great engine but not without faults I enjoy it and use it but I can see why someone may not. There is no need in taking it personally everyone should use what they feel will work for them best.

  • @MastermindAtWork
    @MastermindAtWork 3 роки тому +2

    4:04 I low-key felt that. My video criticizing my experience with Godot was mainly disliked. In both my error and just stuff I just genuinely didn't like.

    • @FeniksGaming
      @FeniksGaming  3 роки тому +3

      Sorry you experienced this. Some people build their whole identity around being Godot user and any criticism of it is treated as criticism of them. It's not very constructive.

    • @TackerTacker
      @TackerTacker 3 роки тому +1

      I saw that video when you released it and left a very unbiased comment telling you to only switch from Unity to Godot if you have good reason for it, and you received a ton of helpful comments from other people as well all trying to help you. I just watched your follow up video and in it you say yourself right at the beginning that you got a ton of helpful constructive feedback. Yes your like/dislike ratio is almost 50/50, but you can't tell me it wasn't your plan from the start to make this a controversial video, a video with the first word in the title being [RANT] and that starts of with "Alright, what am I mad about today?!". Sorry but in this case I have a really hard time to see where you were treated unfairly by the Godot community.

    • @MastermindAtWork
      @MastermindAtWork 3 роки тому +1

      @@TackerTacker Yeah, the intro in retrospective made it feel like I intentionally caused trouble and take responsibility in that.However, I pointed mainly more or less the usability aspect that I personally pointed out from my perspective and the way I just didn't like GDScript that and got screwed over cause of that. Even basic stuff like audio doesn't work when it needed to even looping is turned off.

  • @AndrisGameDev
    @AndrisGameDev 3 роки тому +1

    It was a really insightful video, thank you! And actually, it just made my decision to not using it even stronger, it is just really not for me. But let alone the core team stuff would frighten me away. You've got that like!

    • @FeniksGaming
      @FeniksGaming  3 роки тому +2

      Thanks for the comment nice to see you here again :)
      Godot definitely isn't for everyone. I think it's important to be honest with people so they understand what that take on. I enjoy engine and can put up with quirks that development of it is for a time being but I absolutely understand everyone else who can't.
      Luckily we have enough engines on the market for everyone to pick what works for them the best. It's just a tool in developers toolbox it everyone should work with what they are comfortable with in my opinion.

    • @AndrisGameDev
      @AndrisGameDev 3 роки тому +1

      @@FeniksGaming Of course! We are all different, so more options are always good! :)

  • @searuxianstudios9200
    @searuxianstudios9200 3 роки тому

    people who jack off Godot are idiots. I personally am just getting into game development, I've experimented with other engines and I just didn't like them as someone whos a beginner and really likes Godot's scenes and nodes system; however that's me.
    While I think things like RPG maker are fucking awful and will highly recommend people not use them, in the end all people should care about is the final game and its playability and performance. While it's always cool to see games were made in Godot, it's perfectly understandable why many devs don't use it; other engines just have more things a dev may need.
    Godot simply isn't as far as something like unity, while i think 4.0 I think is gonna really help it bridge the gap, espeically it comes to things on a graphical level , lighting being something I am especially looking forward too as some of the 2d lighting stuff looks really cool, and as someone who wants to make a game that has lots of really beitful lights in a 2d scape, that cast shaddows, that have an atmospher, and that done kill game performance, its really exiting to see how that plays outl; but that's still in development.
    while the game I am working towards making, and i still have alot to learn, is something I want to make in godot, that's because I like the scripting language, the way the scenes and nodes system works, especially in relative to how I wanted to setup my dev pipeline and game systems from there initial concept, and just generally have a good feel when using and learning and programming in the engine so far, and from everything ive seen IT SUITS MY NEED PERFECTLY, WITH 4.0 ONLY SEEKING TO ENHANCE THINGS.
    However let it be said I have already, in my very short time in the engine, found my own personal flaws, and due to my sheer lack of knowledge do not know how to add or change the things i would want to add/change. While the flaws I have may seem stupid to some probarly, they are just little things that annoy me. the fact that custom/advanced exports for example are such a bitch and half to make, when all i want is a searchable dropdown menu so i can make a scene that can easily have its values set from another scene (for example, having a door and having a searchable dropdown as an exported variable to detrmine where that door goes is somthing id love to be able to do, but done belive is possible right now)
    reguradless, so far for me Godot engine is really brilliant, again i cant get over how great it is so far; however there's a reason people use UE4 and Unreal- they have more money behind them so there kept current with the latest shit faster, they have been there longer and godot hasnt been as viable up until more recently, and most importantly they do better support 3D to my knowledge. Godot started out for 2d games and had 3d added, while 4.0 and Vulkan support will probarly make that better if not straight out completly bridge that gap, theres not only no guarentee but even if it does its never going to be of the same level as whatever has large ammounts of money behind it, becuase it takes longer to develop. Again, for making games on a game-dev end this is fine, but if where talking competing UE4 and Unity still pull ahead.
    I do genuinely belive that due to that plus the engines simplicity with its ability to also have the much needed complexity, that it could be "unity killer" for smaller projects, or for teams who want to develop for it. The reason I belive this, is that's its starting to feel more and more like its at a point where a lot of smaller projects would simply be easier to make in godot, and without fees would be worth doing so. Again this may not end up happening, all I can say is i am confident that by the time i finish my project (and ive barely just started learning so it will be a while) ill have enough knowledge adn experiance in the engine to really take advantage of it, as I can see it has so much un-tapped potential, and again its scenes and nodes system is just somthing i am inlove with if not straight out addicted to lol.
    Im exited for the future of this engine, and exited to see where it takes me in my own learning aswell as development of my own passion project game.
    this video is good.
    no downvote here.
    as for the linux master race thing, while I do belive linux is a bette operating system, i also use windows right now because honestly its just easier. I want to swich my system over to arch eventually npt ebcause im some eletist, but because I genuinly get better performance on an arch install running something like i3 gaps, a desktop enviroment that when i was able to use it i really enjoyed and had a much better time getting work done on my computer while also enjoying my computer. combind this with the ammount you can customize linux, i really do like arch from what i have used. however arch, and linux in general, is ficle and unforgiving at times, and the reason im not on my arch isntall right now is i just dont have the time or patience to learn how to fix the audio issue I have that is purly caused due to my laptop (alienware 17r2) having a propretary audio card. while i can fix this by buying an external audio ard its not somthing i really want to do right now, and even if i did, while i like the idea of being able to configure arch and linux in general to a verry granular level, its an all day if not all weekend task that I really dont have the time for right now.
    People who look down on windowes & mac users are assholes. arch purists who jack off over arch are stupid. in the end its about the needs of the user. if my arch install didnt have audio issues, id be on arch instead of windows right now because i personally enjoy it more than i do windows, as once a linux install is set up and configured to be usable at a basic level you can set other things up and configure them as you go. But considering i cant even relax and watch youtube or some netflix after a long shift at work when i just want to relax and not spend the next hour trying to get my audio system to work, arch linux is not viable atleast until i fix this problem. Again though, i cannot stress how much i belive this is a personal preference, and while id love more people using linux, id love to see more support for propretary hardware such as mine, its just not the reality. If you cant hoenstly ask your grandmother or mother of father or somone of that sterotypical computer illitercy to use it and know they wont heave probelms, then dont demand others who have lives to use it.
    While i fully RECCOMEND people CONSIDER linux, and by extend arch linux or other distributuions like mint or manjaro, i by no means look down on them, not only because im currently stuck on windowsa myself but I understand just not wanting to deal with it. Not everyone has the desire to fully configure a system. many want that plug and play system. and thats perfectly ok.
    though as soon as i do get around to fixing my arch, either it by buying an external audio card or fixing some broken configs or compleatly removing all sound 'drivers' from my isntall and reinstalling and configuring from ground up (i think the issues on asla, and pulse and alsa arnt working properly, audio does somtimes work on it but its too inconsistant and 100% a software problem as this isnt an issue on windows install ever), as soon as its working to the point i can use my computers basic functions that I use daily, (all of which are installed on the arch install, just completly broken by audio issues, most things i do require audio, everything from chilling with the bois in a discord to watching this verry youtube video) im moving over to arch becuase i just enjoy it more than windows.
    sorry, the soft mention to that retardation of those idiots who call people sheep for not using arch bothered me, i am somone who dosnt like microsfot or windows, but i understand money and there nessesty. I dont think people who dont use arch or and linux are sheep, only sheep if they do so without question (for example, im fully aware of the data windows steals, i simply dont care, my reasons for wanting to swich over to arch are purly performance adn personal prefence as i like being able to configure things, and arch setup right would challange me to learn more about linux aswell as programming to increase my systems personal value, but also just be more enjoyable based on the long periods of times i have used linux (mint back then) in the past aswell as when it WAS working in this system for the short ammout of time it was)
    the open source community is great somtimes, but the blind hatrid of money is astounding, and while they claim to be oh so knowledgemle, too many of them dont know jack shit about how the world really work, and how the people who use the things they hate think.
    I unironically spent more time typing all this than watching the video. i dont care. i enjoyed doing so, and so it was worth the time and effort :D
    anyway, have a wonderful day and thanks for the good vid
    enjoy this comment i typed in notepad with no spell correct because my browser was being laggy and glitchy and shit

    • @FeniksGaming
      @FeniksGaming  3 роки тому

      Thanks a lot for the comment that was a lot of typing :) I agree on your rants about software at the end of a day everyone has their personal needs with both engines for making games and software they use for day to day work. There is no reason why I should use software that isn't working for MY needs. We see a lot of people recomeing others software that is not suitable for their needs just because they personally like it.

    • @searuxianstudios9200
      @searuxianstudios9200 3 роки тому

      @@FeniksGaming well recommending things is fine, its more the straight out eliteism and not offering any real solutions to certain problems which anoys me. Actually the only reason I got into arch originally, and even want to use it once I have the time to fix the audio issues (issues that is very specific to me, mind you), is because someone I know not only recommended arch to me, told me who he thought I should use it, and even showed me how I could use it in a way that didn't effect my daily usage, but was willing to put in the time and effort to help me set it up and learn how to use it. While I could have done it myself, im not a stranger to linux, It wasn't worth the effort and time wasted of screwing it up as arch is hard to install if you haven't done it before, but instead of just saying "just read the wiki brp", dude actually stayed up till like 2-3am helping me get it installed.
      People need to convince aswell as recommend, and learn to back off when they need to and not cross the line between convincing and being a dick. If someone has a reason to not use the OS or the software you recommend, either find a solution to the reason, give a stronger LOGICAL argument, or just back off and agree that you both like different things.
      sorry again for the rant, but again recommending shit is something I do a lot actually, its less the recommending and more the being a dick about it and trying to force people to do shit and saying there lesser than you or some shit for not following your advice, even when you have legitimate reasoning not to that they didn't adress
      can ya tell ive delt a lot with this shit in the past? not so much with software belive it or not but with people and advice and recommendations in general.

  • @rosergio7227
    @rosergio7227 3 роки тому +1

    For me... The "scene" thing is confusing, specialy in the fact that I came from working on Game maker and the elegant "object" and "room" concepts...
    I still struggle with the definitions...

  • @CatSlinky
    @CatSlinky 3 роки тому +1

    Supposedly, community driven, yet has 1,100 open pull requests open since 2017, etc. etc. Fucking yikes. No thanks.

  • @NycroLP
    @NycroLP 3 роки тому +2

    Damn, you were kinda brutal when it comes to the core team.

    • @FeniksGaming
      @FeniksGaming  3 роки тому +7

      I tried to be honest. Core team are amazing very experienced developers but for project of this scale to work they need to transition to being amazing team leaders. Reduz have spend last year and a half rewriting engine for 4.0 which is great but I can't help to wonder how much faster it would go if he spend last year and a half managing a team of volunteers doing that. People would appreciate the guidance from experienced developer and could use it in a future. Amazing developer doesn't scale with a project, amazing leader does

    • @NycroLP
      @NycroLP 3 роки тому +2

      @@FeniksGaming But didn't Reduz say a little while ago that he will tansition to managing the project after he's done with Vulkan? It might be a little bit late but better now than never.

    • @FeniksGaming
      @FeniksGaming  3 роки тому +4

      I hope he does. I can't talk about future I can only comment on what the state of the engine is right now not what it can be as we simply don't know :)